Good eye: one the problems I had when I was working on that syntax was the mutable/immutable barrier. For the time being I've simply disallowed casts where that's an issue, which means the example I provided is terrible. :)
What should /really/ happen is COW, but that's actually more complicated that it seems at first blush, for memory allocation and GC reasons: when a write happens on the mutable object, we have to not only copy, but create a reference for the old memory with the correct lifespan for the immutable objects' references.
As for newed vs. newless constructor functions: the syntax was chosen because it was easy, resembles C++ casts, and unlikely to get overloaded by the CommonJS-wg. :)
It also takes different arguments than the constructor, does not require the ability to construct a half-initialized object, and does not require native objects to be "friendly" across the module boundary. Having a .toWhatever() method, unfortunately, has at least one of those problems.
Here's is some real-world test code using that syntax, rather than the random ramblings I normally post ;) :
#! /usr/bin/gsr -ddzz
const ffi = require("gffi");
const opendir = new ffi.CFunction(ffi.pointer, "opendir", ffi.pointer);
const readdir = new ffi.CFunction(ffi.pointer, "readdir", ffi.pointer);
const stat = new ffi.CFunction(, "stat", ffi.pointer, ffi.pointer);
var dirp;
var dent;
var sb = new ffi.MutableStruct("struct stat");
var filename;
dirp ="/etc");
if (!dirp)
throw("can't open dir");
while (dent =
dent = ffi.MutableStruct(dent, "struct dirent");
filename = "/etc/" + dent.d_name.asString(-1);
if (, sb) != 0)
print("can't stat " + filename + ", errno=" + ffi.errno);
print(filename + " is " + sb.st_size + " bytes long");
In this case, returns a Memory() instance (the C function returns a pointer).
Memory instances are ByteThings (ByteThing is what I call things like ByteString which are cast-compatible). In the first line of the while loop, we cast that Memory instance into a MutableStruct with the struct layout and JS object properties of a struct dirent.
I'm not tied to the syntax, but the capability is really useful -- and actually absolutely necessary in this example.