Setting up Clipperz on Ubuntu 9.03 Need Help

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Ravi S

da leggere,
15 set 2009, 01:43:5115/09/09
a Clipperz
Hi All

I have set up the clipperz on ubuntu 9.03 when i try adding a new
user to clipperz
i get this message

"invalid regular expression flag v" please help i don know which
packages need to be installed i just followed the installation guide
given for RHEL5.03


Giulio Cesare Solaroli

da leggere,
18 set 2009, 10:53:4918/09/09
a, Clipperz
Hello Ravi,

sorry for the long delay before answering; I was hoping someone on
this group could help you, as at the moment I am very busy, and I have
not much experience with ubuntu and the RHEL5.03 instructions provided

When/where are you seeing the "invalid regular expression flag v" error?

Is it a problem while trying to install/configure/use the Clipperz
community edition application?


Giulio Cesare


da leggere,
30 set 2009, 09:58:4930/09/09
a Clipperz
I get this same error in ubuntu 9.04 when using clipperz ce.
This error is received after clicking on
"don't have an account?create one "
Then, after entering username, password and verification password as
well as checking the two checkboxes, I press register,
and receive a popup with the text "sending credentials", shortly after
which, this is replaced by
"invalid regular expression flag v"

Apache Logs show the following errors:
[Wed Sep 30 06:52:48 2009] [error] [client] File does
not exist: /var/www/clipperz/images/default/gradient-bg.gif, referer:
[Wed Sep 30 06:52:48 2009] [error] [client] File does
not exist: /var/www/clipperz/images/default/layout, referer: http://xxx/clipperz/
[Wed Sep 30 06:55:03 2009] [error] [client] PHP
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in /var/www/clipperz/php/objects/class.database.php on
line 70, referer: http://xxx/clipperz/

Any Ideas?

On Sep 18, 7:53 am, Giulio Cesare Solaroli <>
> Hello Ravi,
> sorry for the long delay before answering; I was hoping someone on
> this group could help you, as at the moment I am very busy, and I have
> not much experience with ubuntu and the RHEL5.03 instructions provided
> here.
> When/where are you seeing the "invalid regular expression flag v" error?
> Is it a problem while trying to install/configure/use the Clipperz
> community edition application?
> Regards,
> Giulio Cesare


da leggere,
2 ott 2009, 11:01:3002/10/09
a Clipperz
I found a solution to the above problem. I dug deeper and found that
the MySQL tables were empty, and realized that I missed a step. I
opened the POG script (/clipperz/php/setup/index.php) and chose to
recreate tables and initialize data + "Pog me up", and my earlier
problems vanished.

On Sep 18, 7:53 am, Giulio Cesare Solaroli <>
> Hello Ravi,
> sorry for the long delay before answering; I was hoping someone on
> this group could help you, as at the moment I am very busy, and I have
> not much experience with ubuntu and the RHEL5.03 instructions provided
> here.
> When/where are you seeing the "invalid regular expression flag v" error?
> Is it a problem while trying to install/configure/use the Clipperz
> community edition application?
> Regards,
> Giulio Cesare
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