Hyde Park Calling 2007

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25.06.2007, 08:20:1325.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Got to Hyde Park at 4.00 and in doing so missed McQueen who I really
wanted to see. Still there's always next time I suppose. When we
finally got through the gates we went straight to the Pepsi Stage tent
to catch Black Stone Cherry blaze thier way through thier half hour
set to a packed tent. They went down really well and the band seemed
to be really enjoying it too. Played a cover of Jimi Hendrix Voodoo
Chile as a encore and said they would be back really soon. UK Tour
perhaps ? I hope so as I thought they were great. After that I met up
with Muttley, Kat and Griz which was nice. I also felt incredibly
short next to them due to the fact they are over 6 foot. You will see
what I mean they they upload the photo on the site. We then saw The
Answer on the main stage who although were fantastic (as usual) were
hampered by poor sound. At least where we was standing anyway. For
such a big festival as Hyde Park calling the sound system was not too
good. There was just 1 sound rig either side of the stage which really
should have been 2 either side.The Pepsi tent was the place to be as
we saw Fast Eddie Clark's band Fastway with Toby Jepson on vocals.
Although I have never heard of any of Fastway's stuff before I really
enjoyed them. Toby Jepson was on great form. His voice really suited
the music and seemed Comfortable with the material that been given to
him. Will have to check out some more on Fastway.I heard good things
about Rose Hill Drive and they didnt dissapoint either. I can see why
Roger Daltery rates them so highly. They sounded really tight on
stage, they reminded me of Cream. Played a cracking cover of Black
Sabbath's Fairies Wear Boots. In the April 2007 issue of Rolling Stone
Magazine, Rose Hill Drive was named one of the "10 New Artists to
Watch" in 2007. I just had to buy thier album at the merchandise stall
( as well as Thunder Laughing On Judgement Day which I picked up for
£4.99. Bargain !) At this time it was pissing down and by the time Joe
Satriani came on the tent was heaving with people just coming in to
keep dry. You got the feeling that if it was a hot summers day then
would have Satriani have packed out the tent. I dont think so somehow.
Never the less it was a great set by Satch and played a lot of stuff
from his 1987 album Surfing with the Alien. It was great to hear
Flying in a Blue Dream. We then made our way to the main stage to
catch headliners Aerosmith and as you would expect they put on an
entertaining and charismatic show though sadly because of the poor
sound set up the sound was up & down through most of thier set but
other than that they were good.
Set List
Love In An Elevator
Same Old Song & Dance
Eat The RIch
I Dont Want To Miss A Thing
Baby Please Dont Go
Seasons Of Wither
Dream On
Livin' On The Edge
Stop Messin Around
Sweet Emotion
Draw The Line

Walk This Way

A good day all in all met some interesting people,saw some great bands
and had a laugh and I didnt spend that much which was a bonus too.
Downpoints 1. Pissing down with rain and getting soaked and muddy. 2.
There was just one lager avalible on draught at the bar which was a
Danish beer called Tuborg which apparently translates in English as
'Cat's Piss'. Roll On Chepstow !


25.06.2007, 10:05:3025.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers

Couldn't agree more with most of Jamie's comments however I will give
you the benefit of my observations on the band's I managed to catch:

McQueen - first band on in the Pepsi tent. I missed the first song
cos we were still in the queue at the main gate. When I got in there,
they were great but the sound was all wrong - the drums were so loud
that you could barely hear the guitar in the mix. Mind you, it did
highlight what a great drummer Hayley Kramer is.

Black Stone Cherry - Band of the day for me, bar none. Absolutely top
notch performance, they had the whole tent jumping. I fervently hope
that they will come and do a UK tour in the near future cos I would
love to see them again. You could see how much they were loving it as
well. PS their drummer's got a mental barnet.

It was at this point that Kat, Jamie, Muttley and myself met up (plus
associated friends) for a beer or two. Oh, and I seem to have managed
to give Jamie a complex about his height - sorry mate!!

The Answer - watched them at the main stage with Jamie and Muttley,
and their friends James and Don. They put on a good show and I can
see Jamie's point about the sound but I think the stage was too big
for them. It sounds odd but I don't think they're quite big enough or
have the power to be on the main stage at a festival. If they'd
played the Pepsi tent I think their set would have been a
barnstormer. See the photo section for a picture of myself, Jamie and
Muttley near the main stage when The Answer were playing.

Fastway - like Jamie I was enormously impressed as I've never heard
any of their material before. It's good to see that Toby Jepson has
still got great vocal ability as well.

I didn't watch Rose Hill Drive as my group went to get food and do the
merchandising thing before Joe Satriani came on. While we were
scoffing we could hear Jet on the main stage and, even though I'm not
really a fan of theirs, they did sound pretty good live.

Joe Satriani - I've never listened to any of his stuff in the past and
yesterday confirmed that I never will. He's a phenomenally talented
guy but it's just not my cuppa tea thanks. The overriding impression
that I was left with after his set was "look at me, aren't I
fabulous?" - mind you I suppose most rock stars have an element of
that anyway.

Aerosmith - Jamie, thanks for posting the setlist you've saved me the
bother. If I'm brutally honest, I was very disappointed with them but
that may be because I've seen them before and at Wembley in 1999 they
were sensational. I don't think Steven Tyler's voice was quite there
last night and Joe Perry didn't look especially comfortable either. I
thought the choice of songs in the set list was poor in places - I
love Seasons of Wither and Dream On but playing them back to back was
too much, and Joe Perry's jamming on Draw the Line crossed the line
into self-indulgent pap. The other thing that annoyed me was that
they came on nearly 20 minutes late, and as a result the encore was
cut to one track because the police wanted them finished by 10:30.
The other thing was the atmosphere - from my point of view it wasn't
brilliant and the band seemed oblivious to that fact, although Walk
This Way with DMC (Run wasn't there for some reason) did whip up the
crowd at the end. I feel desparately sorry for anyone seeing the band
for the first time last night because a) I know they can play a lot
better and b) it may well be the last time they visit this country. I
think they are past their best now and would have to think twice
before making the effort and financial commitment to see them again.
It pains me to slate them like this because they are probably my
favourite band ever, but there you go.

Overall, it wasn't a bad day:
Highlights - Black Stone Cherry's performance and meeting up with
members of this group. The latter has made me even more determined to
try and set up some sort of weekend meet. How does Nottingham sound?

Lowlights - Aerosmith's disappointing performance and some of the
organisation was poor - whose bright idea was it try and squeeze
80,000 people through one main gate at the start of the day?

On a final note, over a few beers in the hotel bar last night we got
chatting to a couple who had been to see Bon Jovi at the O2 arena.
Apparently they kicked arse and played 3 encores.



25.06.2007, 11:07:2725.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Hello All

Just got back after a bloody long drive in time to pick up the kids!!

Firstly, just wanted to say how nice it was to see you all, although
due to being with a group of friends who were concerned about me going
off with strange men from the net I wasn't able to do much more than
say hello. If this meet is to be organised, I am well up for it. You
all looked pretty normal!! :-)

These are the bands I saw at HPC:

McQueen - sadly we only caught the last couple of songs of the set but
was impressed with the music, the sound wasn't great but could have
been worse

Black Stone Cherry - Can only echo what Griz has said above. Their
enthusiasm was infectious and they played a great 30 minute or so set.
I will definitely try and catch them again if I can and I have ordered
the album online today. Great stuff.

The Answer - I wasn't too impressed the last time I saw this band but
maybe they were having an off day becuase I thought they were really
good. I agree the stage was maybe a little big for them but they will
grow into it. I already own "Rise" so will not be investing in the
reissue but I had 3 mates with me all planning to get a copy after
Sunday's performance.

This is where we part ways as I have watched different stuff to the
others......next band I saw was the end of Jet - who were DIRE.

Then Chris Cornell who was awesome. He played a great mix of
Audioslave, Soundgarden and new solo stuff, including my favourite
Audioslave track "The Original Fire". He even brought his 2 lovely
kids out to say hello and had us sing happy Birthday to his guitarist
(Pete). There was considerably more audience interaction during his
set than with Aerosmith's and he went down really well from where I
was standing which, admittedly, seemed to be in a large group of
Soundgarden fans,

Finally, Aerosmith came on about 15 minutes late and despite what Griz
said, it was my first time seeing them and I thought it was great if a
little shorter than I would have liked. And they have so many good
songs that they could have fit in and dispensed with some of the self
indulgent solos. But overall very good with Dream On being the
highlight for me. My friend Carol cried during Don't want to miss a
thing but I preffered the older stuff overall.

So, a fab weekend in all. Met some lovely people and all the rumours
about London being unfriendly are a pile of poo. We spoke to many
friendly souls throughout the day. Thanks especially to the tall man
who took photos with my friend;s digital camera (she is 4 foot 11 so
have fat chance of shooting anything of consequence) and to the 3 Iron
maiden fans who kept us entertained on the tube home. Low points -
well the weather, obviously......the queues to get in......and the
queues to get out.


> > 'Cat's Piss'. Roll On Chepstow !- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


25.06.2007, 12:04:2825.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Hey everyone,

Glad everyone seemed to have a good day overall, I myself thought it
was a great day out, despite the obvious weather issues.

Now onto the bands I saw:

Micki Free: Nobody seemed to care, and his schtick was a wee bit
corny, but the band were tight and played some decent bluesy rock,
including covers of Voodoo Chile (which would be blown out of the
water by BSC's) and Rock n Roll. Plus the appearance of Jean Beauvoir
was nice.

Black Stone Cherry: I'm agreeing with everyone else, they kicked arse!
My brother isn't quite so into the heavier end of the rock spectrum
and I think he was a bit reluctant to start with but he was more than
won over by the end. Great set, loved every minute. Can only say I
feel sorry for those having to listen from the queue outside. (What
kind of stupid idea is it to have a queing system for a stage? Just
have the sides open wider and then people can still at least get some
kind of view, surely? It seems to work with the smaller stages at

The Answer: I was actually having a bit of a scoff during their set
but it seemed good and from where I was sitting the crowd seemed into
it. Which is more than can be said for...

Jet: I'm with Kat on this one, I watched Jet from beginning to near
the end and much as I enjoy their first album, I thought they were not
good live. I'm not sure if it's that they're not suited to such a
large stage or what but they seemed oblivious to the audience and the
front man was all over the place, just seemed fairly disinterested, in
my opinion. Quite disappointed!

Rose Hill Drive: Really enjoyed this lot, I'd been told that I had to
see them. Came in during Fairies... and loved it, even from the very
side of the tent. Managed to work my way in towards the centre though,
as fools kept leaving, presumably for Cornell, but I'll let them off
as it helped me out! Great set, much enjoyed. Then headed back to main
stage for

Chris Cornell: Really enjoyed the set, though slightly hampered by two
crackheads in front of us who seemed intent on aggravating everyone
around them, and hitting on anything that moved! Regardless, blocking
them out, I really enjoyed the set, Cornell's a class act with a great
band, and they all seemed to be enjoying the gig.

Aerosmith: Well, this was my first time seeing the boys and I can't
say I was disappointed. Obviously would hav loved for them to come on
a bit earlier, maybe that way there would have been room for Toys,
Last Child (and Dude would have made my bro's day - I think he loves
Mrs Doubtfire a little too much!). But either way, I thoroughly
enjoyed it, and at least where I was standing the atmosphere was
great. I'd definitely see them again (if the opportunity were to

Oh, and regarding the beer situation, I'm actually a real ale man so
was disappointed that I only discovered the London Pride stall after
I'd decided to stop drinking, but I actually didn't mind Turbo G and
thought it made a nice change from f***ing Carling!


Greg (Owner)

25.06.2007, 20:49:0425.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
good to hear u all had a good time.
personally i spent sunday walking round soho and the surrounding area
b4 heading down to brixton to watch maiden at the academy.

as much as i like aerosmith and will probably now never get to see
them play live, seeing maiden 'up close and personal' again is hard to
beat...they truely are the best band in the world

anyway, ill make another thread regarding maiden and the other gigs
ive been to recently...altho not now as im getting tired!


26.06.2007, 03:16:5226.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Hey guys this thread has been a great read. Thanks for all your time
with the ole fingers on the keyboards.
So Black Stone Cherry seem to be the in band then .... OK, I'll look
out for them.
I was suprised to see a few of you say that you had heard little or no
Fastway. Can I recommend you check out their early stuff which was
pretty good. I have 4 or 5 of their albums, 2 are a bit dodgy so be
warned. I will research whats what and let you know.
Great read and its nice to know that some of us contributers are
meeting up. Even with body guards :)
(which is quite sensible actually)


26.06.2007, 05:35:3526.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Without physically checking my collection. I think I have got 5
Fastway CD's. The 3 good ones are:
Waiting For The Roar
All Fired Up

in that order as I recall.
I have two other albums which are fairly forgettable, well, I have
forgotten them anyway :)

Stuart Corker

26.06.2007, 05:54:4426.06.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com

The other two are Bad Bad Girls and On Target that were basically Eddie, Lea
Hart on vocals and session men - you were right to forget them. I had too
until I started thinking about it after Sunday. They were never the same
after Dave King went. The proper line-up also did the soundtrack to the
movie Trick or Treat which is good too.


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Johnny Sparks

26.06.2007, 09:32:0726.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers

Trick Or Treat was great album - as you say Muttley, soundtrack to a
cheesy late 80s horror film. The film was about a rock star who came
back from the grave, and had Ozzy and Gene Simmons in cameo
appearances - Gene as a DJ and Ozzy as an anti-rock preacher IIRC.

On Jun 26, 10:54 am, Stuart Corker <StuartCor...@Gateshead.Gov.UK>

Billy Robinson

26.06.2007, 10:21:2026.06.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
Do any of yous remember, Fright Night soundtrack by Autograph, superb band

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Johnny Sparks" <john....@bbc.co.uk>

Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 06:32:07
To:"classic rock magazine readers" <classic-rock...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Hyde Park Calling 2007[Scanned]
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Greg (Owner)

26.06.2007, 11:11:0726.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
i picked up trick or treat on dvd last yr...its hilarious!

> > *******************************************************- Hide quoted text -


26.06.2007, 11:13:4126.06.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
Yes I remember this. I actually have it on DVD so I'll dig it out to refresh my memory. I think the film starred Roddy Mcdowall. I've also have a DVD of a film called Demons which features Motley Crue, Saxon and Accept. It a bit gory though as I remember.

Billy Robinson

26.06.2007, 11:14:5026.06.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
Its a class movie, u are correct with Roddy innit

Let your email find you with BlackBerry® from Vodafone

-----Original Message-----
From: <Jacqui...@aol.com>

Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:13:41
Subject: Re: Hyde Park Calling 2007[Scanned]

Yes I remember this. I actually have it on DVD so I'll dig it out to refresh my memory. I think the film starred Roddy Mcdowall. I've also have a DVD of a film called Demons which features Motley Crue, Saxon and Accept. It a bit gory though as I remember.
In a message dated 26/06/2007 15:24:11 GMT Daylight Time, brob...@cglogistics.ie writes:

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Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of C+G Logistics Group.
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Stuart Corker

26.06.2007, 11:28:4426.06.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
Finally recovered from a marathon journey home yesterday, so it's my turn to
pitch in.

Overall, I thought it was very well organized. We arrived a little later
than everyone else, due to having had a convivial pint with Wendy Richard -
but that's another story. Anyway, arriving a bit later the queue was free
flowing and we breezed through in a couple of minutes. The same afterwards
really, we headed up to the back of the arena and we were out of the site
and Hyde Park itself within about ten minutes. And if neither of these were
enough, the guys directing you into the toilets were worth the price of
admission alone. They did sterling work in the face of adversity and should
be applauded.

Once we were in, we had about 30 seconds to spare before we joined Black
Stone Cherry, and what seemed like everyone else in Hyde Park, in a
sweltering hot Pepsi tent (hence my ruined hairstyle in the photograph).
The sound was pretty ropy but BSC went at it with real style and verve to
make it one of highlights of the day. They went down an absolute storm and
should head back over here asap - with a new sound man in tow. And we saw
Pat Cash watching them.

Frantic texting and calling meant we got to meet up after BSC - even if
Jamie & Griz can't follow the simplest of directions when Kat can, heh heh.
One beer later, we were getting on like a house on fire and watching The
Answer. I've never seen what the fuss was about this lot and nothing I saw
changed this - they weren't bad but just nothing special.

Sadly saying our goodbyes to Griz & Jamie, we headed off to see Fastway who
were excellent. I never liked Little Angels but Toby Jepson's voice does
suit Fastway well, and hopefully they might make a proper go of a comeback.

While we were in the tent for Fastway it had started belting down so of
course we took this opportunity to have a wander round the stalls rather
than stopping in the dry. I was rewarded by finding a cheap copy of Pure
Rock Fury by Clutch. Caught a few minutes of Rose Hill Drive knocking out
Fairies Wear Boots and they seemd good, but my pal John wanted to see Chris
Cornell so it was off to the main stage for a soaking.

Cornell seemed in good voice and I quite enjoyed some of it but I always
thought he was in the wrong place on the bill and it was especially true
given the weather. It needed someone fun to liven the spirits in the worst
of the weather and CC's not the man. My overriding memory of his set was
the almost overbearing desire to shout 'cheer up, you miserable ******' at

Anyhow, the main event. We managed to get ourselves into a decent central
position where we could see the whole stage, and the rain stopped just on
cue. Was the Aerosmith set too short? - yes. Was what we got any good? -
Oh yes! I couldn't agree with Griz less about the performance - soup to
nuts they were dazzling. This was the eighth time I'd seen them and this
was in the top three. The sit down acoustic bit was great, Dream On was
superb and Draw The Line was the best thing they played (as usual). Steven
Tyler proved again that he's out on his own in the front man stakes these
days and Joe Perry may well be the coolest man alive.

Minor gripes were a bit of a problem with the sound on a couple of songs and
I would have booted Jaded for something else. Other than that I thought it
was well worth the money.

The poor selection of t-shirts, and the various looks of disdain for the
luminous bike jacket I had tied round my waste during the dry afternoon.

High point:
Meeting the folks, and the smug feeling of self-satisfaction I had when
other people looked on enviously as I zipped myself in to my luminous, but
waterproof, jacket as the heavens opened.

AC/DC for HPC 2008 - let's start the campaign and I'll see you there!


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26.06.2007, 12:06:2926.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Maybe I'm wrong then and I'm the exception rather than the rule!!
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Aerosmith were bad but they could
have been a lot better. The main reason I was a bit disappointed was
(as I said earlier) because of the choice of songs. I agree with
Muttley about Jaded and they could have got rid of either Seasons of
Wither or Dream On (preferably the former), and Baby Please Don't Go
as well as far as I was concerned.

For my money, the band just didn't do enough of their classics.
Anyway, who's for a weekend meet?


PS I'm a real ale man as well HP and I didn't even find the London
Pride stall!! Bugger!


26.06.2007, 14:43:0726.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
> PS I'm a real ale man as well HP and I didn't even find the London
> Pride stall!! Bugger!

It was at the back tucked into a corner between the horrific looking
ride and the Hard Rock doohickey; as I say, I found it too late -
didn't want toilet breaks ruining the main event!



27.06.2007, 03:00:2927.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Still great reading guys.
Interesting on the different views at the same gig. Makes a lot of our
previous threads and discussions seem all worthwhile as we all have
different opinioins on gigs and albums.

Great stuff guys.

I'm up for a weekend meet somewhere, kids football permitting. I'm not
too keen on out door festivals mind. Oh, I'm with the real ale group.
Off to Norfolk this weekend for lots of Woodforde's Wherry :)

NLT Demon- Living In The Shadows, which is great.

The Diva

27.06.2007, 03:44:3627.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
I'm up for a meet, as I'm sure Mr Diva would be too.

Bring on the Nethergate Umble!!!!

Diva x x x

PS: Enjoyed reading this thread - it sounds much better organised
than last year's Foo Fighters in Hyde Park (86,000 people and about 8
PPS: We also got very wet and soggy at Donington Park.


27.06.2007, 07:39:0027.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
> Bring on the Nethergate Umble!!!!
Bleurgh! My beer tastes are pretty wide reaching but I draw the line
at beers containing ingredients better suited to a lamb dansak! Mine's
an Old Growler please, you can keep your coriander ridden Umble...
Different strokes for different folks I suppose, which segues slightly
into my next question:

Way off topic but how exactly does the new Bon Jovi album get 7/10 and
the Wilburys a measly 5? There's no accounting for taste I suppose.



27.06.2007, 08:00:2427.06.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
Bon Jovi also scored higher than the Scorpions excellent Humanity album which only received 6/10. I guess there must be a closet Line Dancer working in the CR office.

The Diva

27.06.2007, 08:26:1527.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
HP - can't do 'old growler' - way too dark and heavy for my delicate
palate! Like a nice pint of Summer Lightnin' tho!

Taste/ratings - purely subjective to the person giving the marks.
Imagine if we all liked the same music, ate the same food ... eugh!

Billy Robinson

27.06.2007, 09:10:2027.06.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
Hiya folks

Just received debut album fae UXL.
Big gutsy sound fae a bunch of lads who deserve tae be huge,very high calibre debut.

Let your email find you with BlackBerry® from Vodafone

-----Original Message-----
From: <Jacqui...@aol.com>

Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 08:00:24
Subject: Re: Hyde Park Calling 2007[Scanned]

Bon Jovi also scored higher than the Scorpions excellent Humanity album which only received 6/10. I guess there must be a closet Line Dancer working in the CR office.
In a message dated 27/06/2007 12:39:14 GMT Daylight Time, holyp...@hotmail.com writes:


27.06.2007, 15:13:4927.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Black Stone Cherry CD has arrived! Am listening to it now....very good
so far. If anybody would like a copy (for research only of course you
will then all buy your own right?) I am happy to oblige. Email me



> Registered in Ireland - number 205692.- Hide quoted text -


27.06.2007, 16:55:1427.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Check out the Rose Hill Drive album when you can. I bought it at the
merchandise stall at Hyde Park after seeing them. Well worth £9.99.
You should have seen them instead of Jet.


27.06.2007, 17:03:3327.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
I saw them supporting Roadstar and The Answer last year....very good.
haven't got the album though. If it had been my choice we would have
been watching but my mates insisted on a picnic instead before Chris
cornell. Gary is diabetic so he eats at specific times so we had to do
that which was a shame. Only saw the end of Jet...thank God. I will
check out the album when I get paid! Am almost bankrupt after the
weekend and subsequent purchases!



28.06.2007, 02:32:2928.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Sounds like we've got beer tastes in common, HP. I too am a fan of
dark malty ales, stout and porter. Favourites include Old Growler,
Mauldon's Blackadder and a winter ale brewed in Acle, Norfolk, called
Tipple's Cracker. Always popular at the Norwich beer festival in the



29.06.2007, 10:00:2429.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
I do love the dark beers, Orkney Dark Island is a current fave, but my
tastes are fairly far reaching. I like the very light just as much as
the very dark, so long as there's something to it; e.g. I love the
Summer Lightning (great choice Diva!) and the Winter Lightning, both
lovely drops! Anyway, I'll stop prattling on about beer now.

NLT The Hold Steady - everything I've got, in preparation for their
gig at Shep's Bush Monday night, can't wait!


29.06.2007, 11:26:0929.06.07
an classic rock magazine readers
There's always time to prattle on about beer!!


> > G- Hide quoted text -


02.07.2007, 01:59:2902.07.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Hi Kat,

Could I go on the researchers list please ?

Many thanks



02.07.2007, 04:16:3702.07.07
an classic rock magazine readers
Nae bother, will send to your work address as usual?


02.07.2007, 07:57:0302.07.07
an classic rock magazine readers
will send to your work address as usual? Yessss please :)

Rob Jackson

04.07.2007, 12:14:3404.07.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
Ah, Gene Simmons movie career. Runaway with Tom Selleck - a classic!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Johnny Sparks" <john....@bbc.co.uk>
To: "classic rock magazine readers"

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Hyde Park Calling 2007


Rob Jackson

04.07.2007, 12:21:3104.07.07
an classic-rock...@googlegroups.com
I'm up for a meet, especially if it is in Nottingham as that's nice and
close for me.

I did think of you at Donnington Diva as I watched the Moto GP in the dry
warmth of my living room!

Off to Silverstone on Saturday for F1 qualifying courtesy of some corporate
hospitality tickets. Taking Sam, my 7 year old, if he doesn't explode with
excitement first!


----- Original Message -----
From: "The Diva" <tur...@26kingsbury.fsnet.co.uk>
To: "classic rock magazine readers"
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Hyde Park Calling 2007


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