# Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer # Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # http://ceres-solver.org/ # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: keir@google.com (Keir Mierle) # alexs.mac@gmail.com (Alex Stewart) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11) if (POLICY CMP0074) # Added in CMake 3.12 # FindTBB.cmake uses TBB_ROOT in a way that is historical, but also compliant # with CMP0074 so suppress the legacy compatibility warning and allow its use. cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW) endif() # On macOS, add the Homebrew prefix (with appropriate suffixes) to the # respective HINTS directories (after any user-specified locations). This # handles Homebrew installations into non-standard locations (not /usr/local). # We do not use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for this as given the search ordering of # find_xxx(), doing so would override any user-specified HINTS locations with # the Homebrew version if it exists. if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") find_program(HOMEBREW_EXECUTABLE brew) mark_as_advanced(FORCE HOMEBREW_EXECUTABLE) if (HOMEBREW_EXECUTABLE) # Detected a Homebrew install, query for its install prefix. execute_process(COMMAND ${HOMEBREW_EXECUTABLE} --prefix OUTPUT_VARIABLE HOMEBREW_INSTALL_PREFIX OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message(STATUS "Detected Homebrew with install prefix: " "${HOMEBREW_INSTALL_PREFIX}, adding to CMake search paths.") list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${HOMEBREW_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif() endif() project(Ceres C CXX) # NOTE: The following CMake variables must be applied consistently to all # targets in project to avoid visibility warnings by placing the variables at # the project top. # Always build position-independent code (PIC), even when building Ceres as a # static library so that shared libraries can link against it, not just # executables (PIC does not apply on Windows). Global variable can be overridden # by the user whereas target properties can be not. set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # Set the default symbol visibility to hidden to unify the behavior among # the various compilers and to get smaller binaries set(CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) set(CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) set(CMAKE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN ON) # NOTE: The 'generic' CMake variables CMAKE_[SOURCE/BINARY]_DIR should not be # used. Always use the project-specific variants (generated by CMake): # _[SOURCE/BINARY]_DIR, e.g. # Ceres_SOURCE_DIR (note, *not* CERES_SOURCE_DIR) instead, as these will # always point to the correct directories for the Ceres project, even if # it is nested inside another source tree, whereas the 'generic' # CMake variables refer to the *first* project() declaration, i.e. the # top-level project, not Ceres, if Ceres is nested. # Make CMake aware of the cmake folder for local FindXXX scripts, # append rather than set in case the user has passed their own # additional paths via -D. list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") include(AddCompileFlagsIfSupported) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) include(CheckLibraryExists) include(GNUInstallDirs) include(UpdateCacheVariable) check_cxx_compiler_flag(/bigobj HAVE_BIGOBJ) check_library_exists(m pow "" HAVE_LIBM) # Xcode 11.0-1 with macOS 10.15 (Catalina) broke alignment. include(DetectBrokenStackCheckMacOSXcodePairing) detect_broken_stack_check_macos_xcode_pairing() # Set up the git hook to make Gerrit Change-Id: lines in commit messages. include(AddGerritCommitHook) add_gerrit_commit_hook(${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR} ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/bin) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/lib) set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/lib) # Set postfixes for generated libraries based on buildtype. set(CMAKE_RELEASE_POSTFIX "") set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "-debug") # Read the Ceres version from the source, such that we only ever have a single # definition of the Ceres version. include(ReadCeresVersionFromSource) read_ceres_version_from_source(${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}) enable_testing() include(CMakeDependentOption) include(PrettyPrintCMakeList) option(MINIGLOG "Use a stripped down version of glog." OFF) option(GFLAGS "Enable Google Flags." ON) option(SUITESPARSE "Enable SuiteSparse." ON) if (APPLE) option(ACCELERATESPARSE "Enable use of sparse solvers in Apple's Accelerate framework." ON) option(ENABLE_BITCODE "Enable bitcode for iOS builds (disables inline optimizations for Eigen)." OFF) endif() # We can't have an option called 'CUDA' since that is a reserved word -- a # language definition. option(USE_CUDA "Enable use of CUDA linear algebra solvers." ON) option(LAPACK "Enable use of LAPACK directly within Ceres." ON) # Template specializations for the Schur complement based solvers. If # compile time, binary size or compiler performance is an issue, you # may consider disabling this. option(SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS "Enable fixed-size schur specializations." ON) option(CUSTOM_BLAS "Use handcoded BLAS routines (usually faster) instead of Eigen." ON) # Enable the use of Eigen as a sparse linear algebra library for # solving the nonlinear least squares problems. option(EIGENSPARSE "Enable Eigen as a sparse linear algebra library." ON) cmake_dependent_option(EIGENMETIS "Enable Eigen METIS support." ON EIGENSPARSE OFF) option(EXPORT_BUILD_DIR "Export build directory using CMake (enables external use without install)." OFF) option(BUILD_TESTING "Enable tests" ON) option(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build User's Guide (html)" OFF) option(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build examples" ON) option(BUILD_BENCHMARKS "Build Ceres benchmarking suite" ON) option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build Ceres as a shared library." OFF) option(PROVIDE_UNINSTALL_TARGET "Add a custom target to ease removal of installed targets" ON) set(SANITIZERS "" CACHE STRING "Semicolon-separated list of sanitizers to use (e.g address, memory, thread)") include(EnableSanitizer) enable_sanitizer(${SANITIZERS}) if (ANDROID) option(ANDROID_STRIP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS "Strip debug symbols from Android builds (reduces file sizes)" ON) endif() if (MSVC) # TODO Not needed starting CMake 3.15 which provides CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY option(MSVC_USE_STATIC_CRT "MS Visual Studio: Use static C-Run Time Library in place of shared." OFF) endif() # IOS is defined iff using the iOS.cmake CMake toolchain to build a static # library for iOS. if (IOS) message(STATUS "Building Ceres for iOS platform: ${IOS_PLATFORM}") # Ceres requires at least iOS 7.0+. if (IOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET VERSION_LESS 7.0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported iOS version: ${IOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}, Ceres " "requires at least iOS version 7.0") endif() update_cache_variable(MINIGLOG ON) message(STATUS "Building for iOS: Forcing use of miniglog instead of glog.") # Apple claims that the BLAS call dsyrk_ is a private API, and will not allow # you to submit to the Apple Store if the symbol is present. update_cache_variable(LAPACK OFF) message(STATUS "Building for iOS: SuiteSparse, LAPACK, gflags " "are not available.") update_cache_variable(BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF) message(STATUS "Building for iOS: Will not build examples.") endif (IOS) unset(CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS) # Eigen. # Eigen delivers Eigen3Config.cmake since v3.3.3 find_package(Eigen3 3.3 REQUIRED) if (Eigen3_FOUND) message("-- Found Eigen version ${Eigen3_VERSION}: ${Eigen3_DIR}") if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "^(aarch64.*|AARCH64.*)" AND Eigen3_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.3.4) # As per issue #289: https://github.com/ceres-solver/ceres-solver/issues/289 # the bundle_adjustment_test will fail for Eigen < 3.3.4 on aarch64. message(FATAL_ERROR "-- Ceres requires Eigen version >= 3.3.4 on aarch64. " "Detected version of Eigen is: ${Eigen3_VERSION}.") endif() if (EIGENSPARSE) message("-- Enabling use of Eigen as a sparse linear algebra library.") list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_USE_EIGEN_SPARSE) else (EIGENSPARSE) message("-- Disabling use of Eigen as a sparse linear algebra library.") message(" This does not affect the covariance estimation algorithm ") message(" which can still use the EIGEN_SPARSE_QR algorithm.") add_definitions(-DEIGEN_MPL2_ONLY) endif (EIGENSPARSE) endif (Eigen3_FOUND) if (USE_CUDA) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.17) # On older versions of CMake (20.04 default is 3.16) FindCUDAToolkit was # not available, but FindCUDA was deprecated. To avoid special-case handling # elsewhere, emulate the effects of FindCUDAToolkit locally in terms of the # expected CMake imported targets and defined variables. This can be removed # from as soon as the min CMake version is >= 3.17. find_package(CUDA QUIET) if (CUDA_FOUND) message("-- Found CUDA version ${CUDA_VERSION} installed in: " "${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR} via legacy (< 3.17) CMake module. " "Using the legacy CMake module means that any installation of " "Ceres will require that the CUDA libraries be installed in a " "location included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.") enable_language(CUDA) macro(DECLARE_IMPORTED_CUDA_TARGET COMPONENT) add_library(CUDA::${COMPONENT} INTERFACE IMPORTED) target_include_directories( CUDA::${COMPONENT} INTERFACE ${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries( CUDA::${COMPONENT} INTERFACE ${CUDA_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY} ${ARGN}) endmacro() declare_imported_cuda_target(cublas) declare_imported_cuda_target(cusolver) declare_imported_cuda_target(cusparse) declare_imported_cuda_target(cudart ${CUDA_LIBRARIES}) set(CUDAToolkit_BIN_DIR ${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR}/bin) else (CUDA_FOUND) message("-- Did not find CUDA, disabling CUDA support.") update_cache_variable(USE_CUDA OFF) endif (CUDA_FOUND) else (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.17) find_package(CUDAToolkit QUIET) if (CUDAToolkit_FOUND) message("-- Found CUDA version ${CUDAToolkit_VERSION} installed in: " "${CUDAToolkit_TARGET_DIR}") set(CUDAToolkit_DEPENDENCY "find_dependency(CUDAToolkit ${CUDAToolkit_VERSION})") enable_language(CUDA) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.18") # Support Maxwell, Pascal, Volta, Turing, and Ampere GPUs. set(CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES "50;60;70;80") message("-- Setting CUDA Architecture to ${CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES}") endif() list(APPEND CERES_CUDA_LIBRARIES CUDA::cublas CUDA::cudart CUDA::cusolver CUDA::cusparse) else (CUDAToolkit_FOUND) message("-- Did not find CUDA, disabling CUDA support.") update_cache_variable(USE_CUDA OFF) endif (CUDAToolkit_FOUND) endif (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.17) endif (USE_CUDA) if (NOT USE_CUDA) message("-- Building without CUDA.") list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_CUDA) endif (NOT USE_CUDA) if (LAPACK) find_package(LAPACK QUIET) if (LAPACK_FOUND) message("-- Found LAPACK library: ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES}") else (LAPACK_FOUND) message("-- Did not find LAPACK library, disabling LAPACK support.") update_cache_variable(LAPACK OFF) list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_LAPACK) endif (LAPACK_FOUND) else (LAPACK) message("-- Building without LAPACK.") list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_LAPACK) endif (LAPACK) # Set the install path for the installed CeresConfig.cmake configuration file # relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. set(RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/Ceres) if (SUITESPARSE) # By default, if SuiteSparse and all dependencies are found, Ceres is # built with SuiteSparse support. # Check for SuiteSparse and dependencies. find_package(SuiteSparse 4.5.6 COMPONENTS CHOLMOD SPQR OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Partition) if (SuiteSparse_FOUND) set(SuiteSparse_DEPENDENCY "find_dependency(SuiteSparse ${SuiteSparse_VERSION})") # By default, if all of SuiteSparse's dependencies are found, Ceres is # built with SuiteSparse support. message("-- Found SuiteSparse ${SuiteSparse_VERSION}, " "building with SuiteSparse.") if (SuiteSparse_NO_CMAKE OR NOT SuiteSparse_DIR) install(FILES ${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindSuiteSparse.cmake ${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindMETIS.cmake DESTINATION ${RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) endif (SuiteSparse_NO_CMAKE OR NOT SuiteSparse_DIR) else (SuiteSparse_FOUND) # Disable use of SuiteSparse if it cannot be found and continue. message("-- Did not find all SuiteSparse dependencies, disabling " "SuiteSparse support.") update_cache_variable(SUITESPARSE OFF) list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) endif (SuiteSparse_FOUND) else (SUITESPARSE) message("-- Building without SuiteSparse.") list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) endif (SUITESPARSE) if (NOT SuiteSparse_Partition_FOUND) list (APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_CHOLMOD_PARTITION) endif (NOT SuiteSparse_Partition_FOUND) if (EIGENMETIS) find_package (METIS) if (METIS_FOUND) # Since METIS is a private dependency of Ceres, it requires access to the # link-only METIS::METIS target to avoid undefined linker errors in projects # relying on Ceres. We do not actually need to propagate anything besides # the link libraries (such as include directories.) set(METIS_DEPENDENCY "find_dependency(METIS ${METIS_VERSION})") # METIS find module must be installed unless a package config is being used. if (NOT METIS_DIR) install(FILES ${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindMETIS.cmake DESTINATION ${RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) endif (NOT METIS_DIR) else (METIS_FOUND) message("-- Did not find METIS, disabling Eigen METIS support.") update_cache_variable(EIGENMETIS OFF) list (APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_EIGEN_METIS) endif (METIS_FOUND) else (EIGENMETIS) message("-- Building without Eigen METIS support.") list (APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_EIGEN_METIS) endif (EIGENMETIS) if (ACCELERATESPARSE) find_package(AccelerateSparse) if (AccelerateSparse_FOUND) message("-- Found Apple's Accelerate framework with sparse solvers, " "building with Accelerate sparse support.") else() message("-- Failed to find Apple's Accelerate framework with sparse solvers, " "building without Accelerate sparse support.") update_cache_variable(ACCELERATESPARSE OFF) list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_ACCELERATE_SPARSE) endif() else() message("-- Building without Apple's Accelerate sparse support.") list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_ACCELERATE_SPARSE) mark_as_advanced(FORCE AccelerateSparse_INCLUDE_DIR AccelerateSparse_LIBRARY) endif() # Ensure that the user understands they have disabled all sparse libraries. if (NOT SUITESPARSE AND NOT EIGENSPARSE AND NOT ACCELERATESPARSE) message(" ===============================================================") message(" Compiling without any sparse library: SuiteSparse, ") message(" EigenSparse & Apple's Accelerate are all disabled or unavailable. ") message(" No sparse linear solvers (SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY & SPARSE_SCHUR)") message(" will be available when Ceres is used.") message(" ===============================================================") endif() # ANDROID define is set by the Android CMake toolchain file. if (ANDROID) message(" ================================================================") if (ANDROID_STRIP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS) # Strip debug information unconditionally to avoid +200MB library file sizes. set( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -s" ) set( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -s" ) message(" Stripping debug information from Android build of Ceres library ") message(" to avoid +200MB library files.") else() message(" Warning: not stripping debug information from Android build of ") message(" Ceres library. This will result in a large (+200MB) library.") endif() message("") message(" You can control whether debug information is stripped via the ") message(" ANDROID_STRIP_DEBUG_SYMBOLS CMake option when configuring Ceres.") message(" ================================================================") endif() # GFlags. if (GFLAGS) # Don't search with REQUIRED as we can continue without gflags. find_package(gflags 2.2.0) if (gflags_FOUND) if (TARGET gflags) message("-- Found Google Flags (gflags) version ${gflags_VERSION}: ${gflags_DIR}") else() message("-- Detected version of gflags: ${gflags_VERSION} does not define " "expected gflags CMake target which should be exported by gflags 2.2+. " "Building without gflags.") update_cache_variable(GFLAGS OFF) endif() else (gflags_FOUND) message("-- Did not find Google Flags (gflags), Building without gflags.") update_cache_variable(GFLAGS OFF) endif (gflags_FOUND) endif() if (NOT GFLAGS) message("-- Use of gflags disabled - no tests or tools will be built!") endif() # MiniGLog. if (MINIGLOG) message("-- Compiling minimal glog substitute into Ceres.") set(GLOG_INCLUDE_DIRS internal/ceres/miniglog) set(MINIGLOG_MAX_LOG_LEVEL 2 CACHE STRING "The maximum message severity level to be logged") add_definitions("-DMAX_LOG_LEVEL=${MINIGLOG_MAX_LOG_LEVEL}") message("-- Using minimal glog substitute (include): ${GLOG_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message("-- Max log level for minimal glog substitute: ${MINIGLOG_MAX_LOG_LEVEL}") # Mark as advanced (remove from default GUI view) the glog search # variables in case user disables MINIGLOG, FindGlog did not find it, so # made search variables visible in GUI for user to set, but then user enables # MINIGLOG instead of setting them. mark_as_advanced(FORCE GLOG_INCLUDE_DIR GLOG_LIBRARY) else (MINIGLOG) unset(MINIGLOG_MAX_LOG_LEVEL CACHE) # Don't search with REQUIRED so that configuration continues if not found and # we can output an error messages explaining MINIGLOG option. find_package(Glog) if (NOT GLOG_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find Google Log (glog). Please set either: " "glog_DIR (newer CMake built versions of glog) or GLOG_INCLUDE_DIR & " "GLOG_LIBRARY or enable MINIGLOG option to use minimal glog " "implementation.") endif(NOT GLOG_FOUND) # By default, assume gflags was found, updating the message if it was not. set(GLOG_GFLAGS_DEPENDENCY_MESSAGE " Assuming glog was built with gflags support as gflags was found. " "This will make gflags a public dependency of Ceres.") if (NOT gflags_FOUND) set(GLOG_GFLAGS_DEPENDENCY_MESSAGE " Assuming glog was NOT built with gflags support as gflags was " "not found. If glog was built with gflags, please set the " "gflags search locations such that it can be found by Ceres. " "Otherwise, Ceres may fail to link due to missing gflags symbols.") endif(NOT gflags_FOUND) message("-- Found Google Log (glog)." ${GLOG_GFLAGS_DEPENDENCY_MESSAGE}) endif (MINIGLOG) if (NOT SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS) list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_RESTRICT_SCHUR_SPECIALIZATION) message("-- Disabling Schur specializations (faster compiles)") endif (NOT SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS) if (NOT CUSTOM_BLAS) list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_NO_CUSTOM_BLAS) message("-- Disabling custom blas") endif (NOT CUSTOM_BLAS) if (BUILD_BENCHMARKS) # Version 1.3 was first to provide import targets find_package(benchmark 1.3 QUIET) if (benchmark_FOUND) message("-- Found Google benchmark library. Building Ceres benchmarks.") else() message("-- Failed to find Google benchmark library, disabling build of benchmarks.") update_cache_variable(BUILD_BENCHMARKS OFF) endif() mark_as_advanced(benchmark_DIR) endif() # TODO Report features using the FeatureSummary CMake module if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) message("-- Building Ceres as a shared library.") else (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) message("-- Building Ceres as a static library.") endif (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # Change the default build type from Debug to Release, while still # supporting overriding the build type. # # The CACHE STRING logic here and elsewhere is needed to force CMake # to pay attention to the value of these variables. if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message("-- No build type specified; defaulting to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) else (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") message("\n=================================================================================") message("\n-- Build type: Debug. Performance will be terrible!") message("-- Add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to the CMake command line to get an optimized build.") message("\n=================================================================================") endif (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") endif (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if (MINGW) # MinGW produces code that segfaults when performing matrix multiplications # in Eigen when compiled with -O3 (see [1]), as such force the use of -O2 # which works. # # [1] http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=556 message("-- MinGW detected, forcing -O2 instead of -O3 in Release for Eigen due " "to a MinGW bug: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=556") string(REPLACE "-O3" "-O2" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") update_cache_variable(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}") endif (MINGW) # After the tweaks for the compile settings, disable some warnings on MSVC. # Disable signed/unsigned int conversion warnings. add_compile_options($<$:/wd4018>) add_compile_options($<$:/wd4267>) # Disable warning about using struct/class for the same symbol. add_compile_options($<$:/wd4099>) # Disable warning about the insecurity of using "std::copy". add_compile_options($<$:/wd4996>) # Disable performance warning about int-to-bool conversion. add_compile_options($<$:/wd4800>) # Disable performance warning about fopen insecurity. add_compile_options($<$:/wd4996>) # Disable warning about int64 to int32 conversion. Disabling # this warning may not be correct; needs investigation. # TODO(keir): Investigate these warnings in more detail. add_compile_options($<$:/wd4244>) # It's not possible to use STL types in DLL interfaces in a portable and # reliable way. However, that's what happens with Google Log and Google Flags # on Windows. MSVC gets upset about this and throws warnings that we can't do # much about. The real solution is to link static versions of Google Log and # Google Test, but that seems tricky on Windows. So, disable the warning. add_compile_options($<$:/wd4251>) # Add bigobj flag otherwise the build would fail due to large object files # probably resulting from generated headers (like the fixed-size schur # specializations). add_compile_options($<$:/bigobj>) if (MSVC) # On MSVC, math constants are not included in or unless # _USE_MATH_DEFINES is defined [1]. As we use M_PI in the examples, ensure # that _USE_MATH_DEFINES is defined before the first inclusion of . # # [1] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4hwaceh6.aspx add_definitions("-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES") # Google Flags doesn't have their DLL import/export stuff set up correctly, # which results in linker warnings. This is irrelevant for Ceres, so ignore # the warnings. set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /ignore:4049") # Update the C/CXX flags for MSVC to use either the static or shared # C-Run Time (CRT) library based on the user option: MSVC_USE_STATIC_CRT. list(APPEND C_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) foreach(FLAG_VAR ${C_CXX_FLAGS}) if (MSVC_USE_STATIC_CRT) # Use static CRT. if (${FLAG_VAR} MATCHES "/MD") string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${FLAG_VAR} "${${FLAG_VAR}}") endif (${FLAG_VAR} MATCHES "/MD") else (MSVC_USE_STATIC_CRT) # Use shared, not static, CRT. if (${FLAG_VAR} MATCHES "/MT") string(REGEX REPLACE "/MT" "/MD" ${FLAG_VAR} "${${FLAG_VAR}}") endif (${FLAG_VAR} MATCHES "/MT") endif (MSVC_USE_STATIC_CRT) endforeach() # Tuple sizes of 10 are used by Gtest. add_definitions("-D_VARIADIC_MAX=10") include(CheckIfUnderscorePrefixedBesselFunctionsExist) check_if_underscore_prefixed_bessel_functions_exist( HAVE_UNDERSCORE_PREFIXED_BESSEL_FUNCTIONS) if (HAVE_UNDERSCORE_PREFIXED_BESSEL_FUNCTIONS) list(APPEND CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS CERES_MSVC_USE_UNDERSCORE_PREFIXED_BESSEL_FUNCTIONS) endif() endif (MSVC) if (UNIX) # Flags which we add to GCC to make it more picky about stuff # we do care about, add_cxx_compiler_flag_if_supported(CERES_STRICT_CXX_FLAGS -Wmissing-declarations) # Flags which we add to GCC to silence lots of annoying false-positives. add_cxx_compiler_flag_if_supported(CERES_STRICT_CXX_FLAGS -Wno-unknown-pragmas) add_cxx_compiler_flag_if_supported(CERES_STRICT_CXX_FLAGS -Wno-sign-compare) add_cxx_compiler_flag_if_supported(CERES_STRICT_CXX_FLAGS -Wno-unused-parameter) add_cxx_compiler_flag_if_supported(CERES_STRICT_CXX_FLAGS -Wno-missing-field-initializers) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CERES_STRICT_CXX_FLAGS}") endif (UNIX) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") # Matches Clang & AppleClang. # Optimize for Eigen OR enable bitcode; you cannot do both since bitcode is an # intermediate representation. if (ENABLE_BITCODE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fembed-bitcode") else () # Use a larger inlining threshold for Clang, since it hobbles Eigen, # resulting in an unreasonably slow version of the blas routines. The # -Qunused-arguments is needed because CMake passes the inline # threshold to the linker and clang complains about it and dies. set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Qunused-arguments -mllvm -inline-threshold=600") endif () # Older versions of Clang (<= 2.9) do not support the 'return-type-c-linkage' # option, so check for its presence before adding it to the default flags set. check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wno-return-type-c-linkage" HAVE_RETURN_TYPE_C_LINKAGE) if (HAVE_RETURN_TYPE_C_LINKAGE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-return-type-c-linkage") endif(HAVE_RETURN_TYPE_C_LINKAGE) endif () if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.12) # Disable the definition of min/max macros within the project if (WIN32) add_definitions (-DNOMINMAX) endif (WIN32) else (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.12) add_compile_definitions($<$:NOMINMAX>) endif (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.12) # Configure the Ceres config.h compile options header using the current # compile options and put the configured header into the Ceres build # directory. Note that the ceres/internal subdir in /config where # the configured config.h is placed is important, because Ceres will be # built against this configured header, it needs to have the same relative # include path as it would if it were in the source tree (or installed). list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS) include(CreateCeresConfig) create_ceres_config("${CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS}" ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/ceres/internal) add_subdirectory(internal/ceres) if (BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) find_package(Sphinx) if (NOT SPHINX_FOUND) message("-- Failed to find Sphinx and/or its dependencies, disabling build of documentation.") update_cache_variable(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION OFF) else() # Generate the User's Guide (html). # The corresponding target is ceres_docs, but is included in ALL. message("-- Build the HTML documentation.") add_subdirectory(docs) endif() endif (BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) if (BUILD_EXAMPLES) message("-- Build the examples.") add_subdirectory(examples) else (BUILD_EXAMPLES) message("-- Do not build any example.") endif (BUILD_EXAMPLES) # Setup installation of Ceres public headers. file(GLOB CERES_HDRS ${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ceres/*.h) install(FILES ${CERES_HDRS} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/ceres) file(GLOB CERES_PUBLIC_INTERNAL_HDRS ${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ceres/internal/*.h) install(FILES ${CERES_PUBLIC_INTERNAL_HDRS} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/ceres/internal) # Also setup installation of Ceres config.h configured with the current # build options and export.h into the installed headers directory. install(DIRECTORY ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) if (MINIGLOG) # Install miniglog header if being used as logging #includes appear in # installed public Ceres headers. install(FILES ${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/internal/ceres/miniglog/glog/logging.h DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/ceres/internal/miniglog/glog) endif (MINIGLOG) # Ceres supports two mechanisms by which it can be detected & imported into # client code which uses CMake via find_package(Ceres): # # 1) Installation (e.g. to /usr/local), using CMake's install() function. # # 2) (Optional) Export of the current build directory into the local CMake # package registry, using CMake's export() function. This allows use of # Ceres from other projects without requiring installation. # # In both cases, we need to generate a configured CeresConfig.cmake which # includes additional autogenerated files which in concert create an imported # target for Ceres in a client project when find_package(Ceres) is invoked. # The key distinctions are where this file is located, and whether client code # references installed copies of the compiled Ceres headers/libraries, # (option #1: installation), or the originals in the source/build directories # (option #2: export of build directory). # # NOTE: If Ceres is both exported and installed, provided that the installation # path is present in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH when find_package(Ceres) is called, # the installed version is preferred. # Build the list of Ceres components for CeresConfig.cmake from the current set # of compile options. include(CeresCompileOptionsToComponents) ceres_compile_options_to_components("${CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS}" CERES_COMPILED_COMPONENTS) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) # Create a CeresConfigVersion.cmake file containing the version information, # used by both export() & install(). write_basic_package_version_file("${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfigVersion.cmake" VERSION ${CERES_VERSION} COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion) # Install method #1: Put Ceres in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: /usr/local or equivalent. # This "exports" for installation all targets which have been put into the # export set "CeresExport". This generates a CeresTargets.cmake file which, # when read in by a client project as part of find_package(Ceres) creates # imported library targets for Ceres (with dependency relations) which can be # used in target_link_libraries() calls in the client project to use Ceres. install(EXPORT CeresExport NAMESPACE Ceres:: DESTINATION ${RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} FILE CeresTargets.cmake) # Save the relative path from the installed CeresConfig.cmake file to the # install prefix. We do not save an absolute path in case the installed package # is subsequently relocated after installation (on Windows). file(RELATIVE_PATH INSTALL_ROOT_REL_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) # Configure a CeresConfig.cmake file for an installed version of Ceres from the # template, reflecting the current build options. # # NOTE: The -install suffix is necessary to distinguish the install version from # the exported version, which must be named CeresConfig.cmake in # Ceres_BINARY_DIR to be detected. The suffix is removed when # it is installed. set(SETUP_CERES_CONFIG_FOR_INSTALLATION TRUE) configure_file("${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/CeresConfig.cmake.in" "${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfig-install.cmake" @ONLY) # Install the configuration files into the same directory as the autogenerated # CeresTargets.cmake file. We include the find_package() scripts for libraries # whose headers are included in the public API of Ceres and should thus be # present in CERES_INCLUDE_DIRS. install(FILES "${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfig-install.cmake" RENAME CeresConfig.cmake DESTINATION ${RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) install(FILES "${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfigVersion.cmake" DESTINATION ${RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) if (GLOG_FOUND AND NOT FOUND_INSTALLED_GLOG_CMAKE_CONFIGURATION) # Version of glog detected was not built with CMake, install our glog module # file to enable detection in CeresConfig. install(FILES "${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindGlog.cmake" DESTINATION ${RELATIVE_CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) endif() if (PROVIDE_UNINSTALL_TARGET) # Create an uninstall target to remove all installed files. configure_file("${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake.in" "${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake" @ONLY) add_custom_target(uninstall COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake) endif() # Install method #2: Put Ceres build into local CMake registry. # # Optionally export the Ceres build directory into the local CMake package # registry (~/.cmake/packages on *nix & OS X). This allows the detection & # use of Ceres without requiring that it be installed. if (EXPORT_BUILD_DIR) message("-- Export Ceres build directory to local CMake package registry.") # Save the relative path from the build directory to the source directory. file(RELATIVE_PATH INSTALL_ROOT_REL_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR} ${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}) # Analogously to install(EXPORT ...), export the Ceres target from the build # directory as a package called Ceres into the local CMake package registry. export(TARGETS ceres NAMESPACE Ceres:: FILE ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/CeresTargets.cmake) export(PACKAGE ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) # Configure a CeresConfig.cmake file for the export of the Ceres build # directory from the template, reflecting the current build options. set(SETUP_CERES_CONFIG_FOR_INSTALLATION FALSE) configure_file("${Ceres_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/CeresConfig.cmake.in" "${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfig.cmake" @ONLY) endif (EXPORT_BUILD_DIR)