Resolving component without registering it in container

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2008. máj. 27. 8:13:472008. 05. 27.
– Castle Project Users
Consider the following code:
public class MyClass {
public MyClass(IService1 s1, IService2 s2, ...) {

What is the easiest way to create MyClass using WindsorContainer
without adding it to the container?

Ken Egozi

2008. máj. 27. 8:30:332008. 05. 27.
var my = new MyClass(IoC.Resolve<IService1>(), IoC.Resolve<IService2>, ...);
Ken Egozi.


2008. máj. 27. 8:48:442008. 05. 27.
– Castle Project Users
Sorry, I should have said that I thought about this solution.
However, it does not benefit from having container.
What I really want is to use container constructor resolution, etc,
but for class that is not registered.

Something like var my = container.Create<MyClass>();

On 27 май, 15:30, "Ken Egozi" <> wrote:
> var my = new MyClass(IoC.Resolve<IService1>(), IoC.Resolve<IService2>, ...);

Andre Loker

2008. máj. 27. 9:01:532008. 05. 27.

> Sorry, I should have said that I thought about this solution.
> However, it does not benefit from having container.
> What I really want is to use container constructor resolution, etc,
> but for class that is not registered.
> Something like var my = container.Create<MyClass>();
Is there any why you cannot register the component at the container? If
you define "Transient" as the life style any call to resolve would
create a new instance of MyClass, just as in your code example.
var my = container.Resolve<MyClass>();



2008. máj. 27. 9:09:202008. 05. 27.
– Castle Project Users
I do not want to put in the container, since it depends on other data
that makes sense only within a certain scope.
It will work inside a container, if I provide the data via
additionalArguments or other means.
But it fells like a container pollution -- putting in a class that no
other class should depend on and that can be resolved only within a
certain circumstances.

Ayende Rahien

2008. máj. 27. 10:19:462008. 05. 27.
This came up several times. We had a solution that wasn't satisfactory, auto registering in the container.
I think we need to have a solution for that.

One question, how are we going to handle caching of reflection information?

2008/5/27 ashmind <>:


2008. máj. 27. 10:30:302008. 05. 27.
– Castle Project Users
For my specific case, performance is unimportant.

I think the reflection data can be cached by resolved Type, but I am
not sure what criteria are for choosing caching solution.
It may be possible to overload straightforward Type-based caching by
continuosly resolving different variants of the same generic.

On 27 май, 17:19, "Ayende Rahien" <> wrote:
> This came up several times. We had a solution that wasn't satisfactory, auto
> registering in the container.
> I think we need to have a solution for that.
> One question, how are we going to handle caching of reflection information?
> 2008/5/27 ashmind <>:


2008. máj. 28. 9:27:582008. 05. 28.
– Castle Project Users
Simplest and slowest solution in case anybody needs it:
public static class MicroKernelExtensions {
public static T Create<T>(this IKernel kernel) {
return (T)kernel.Create(typeof(T));

public static object Create(this IKernel kernel, Type classType) {
var childKernel = new DefaultKernel { Parent = kernel };
childKernel.AddComponent(classType.Name, classType,

return childKernel.Resolve(classType);

This is ugly and *very* slow, 20 secs for 100000 Create vs 3 secs for
100000 Resolve for pre-registered component.
It is possible to add caching, and basic {Type => IKernel} caching
improves performance to be nearly equal to Resolve.

Since performance is not important for my case, and caching will
require good locking mechanism, I will use the above solution for now.

Ayende Rahien

2008. máj. 28. 9:37:352008. 05. 28.
This is also not valid when you are creating an item that requires dependencies from the container.

2008/5/28 ashmind <>:

Ayende Rahien

2008. máj. 28. 9:38:222008. 05. 28.
I think that the best solution would be to create a new container for all of those, and link it as a child container to the root container.
That will allow resolving dependencies form the container.

2008/5/28 Ayende Rahien <>:


2008. máj. 28. 12:35:552008. 05. 28.
– Castle Project Users
> This is also not valid when you are creating an item that requires
> dependencies from the container.

Actually, I think, { Parent = kernel } solves this.

> I think that the best solution would be to create a new container for all of
> those, and link it as a child container to the root container.

The single child container would be more performant, but components
will be able to depend on each other.
So, I think, if performance is less important, child container per
Create is better.

On May 28, 5:37 pm, "Ayende Rahien" <> wrote:
> This is also not valid when you are creating an item that requires
> dependencies from the container.
> 2008/5/28 ashmind <>:
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