Castalia Simulator

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Welcome to the Castalia forum! 
Here you can find users of the Castalia simulator asking and answering Castalia related questions. 
The latest source code, manual, and installation guide is found on Github:
I would like to eventually move the forum to be part of
You can post your questions there using the tag: omnet++  . Give a link to the question in this forum too. I will be much more likely to answer a question if I see it's on stackoverflow. If there is enough activity and good quality questions and answers on stackoverflow, we will be able to even define our own tag: castalia. 
When posting to make sure you follow their rules for good questions, and also follow all the suggestions I have below.

We do not discuss general questions on research, on IT skills, on programming. 
There are other forums on the Internet  for these topics.

Before posting here you should study the manual carefully. 
It's fine if you have a question about the manual, you can ask it here. But asking questions that their answer is obviously in the manual, sends a signal to all other users that you do not want to put the effort of learning Castalia.

You have read the manual and you still have a question. These are the steps you have to follow:
  1. Before asking, make sure this question has not been asked already by other people. So search the forum with multiple keywords/keyphrases. If there are relevant questions  and answers that do not fully cover you, make sure you provide links to them in your question and explain why they do not cover you.
  2. Make sure you try to solve the problem yourself, and describe in your question the things you have tried and where you are stuck.
  3. Be clear and specific so that others can understand you. Start by choosing a appropriate title.Examples of bad titles: "Please help",  "Installation problems", "LEACH". Examples of good titles: "What is the purpose of the extendTimer in TMAC", "Why does the channel behave deterministic with SN.wirelessChannel.sigma = 5", "Behaviour of static variables across repetitions".  Really put some thought behind how you express your question. People will not bother much with vague questions.