World High Scores (Potential Fiction)

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Stuart Garside

6. jul. 2010, 12.22.4206.07.2010
til CardioTrainer Users

I have been doing my exercise but I have notes some users having
extraordinary bouts of impressive walking.

Overall ranking for Position 1 + 2 are a example of this I believe

Position 1. "user14549" miles 6123.6 (last exercise Mar 25 - 2041.2
Position 2. "Anonymous" miles 1868.8 (last exercise May 31 - 1868.8

Seems reasonable to me to think it would be fiction to walk more than
say 200 miles in 1 day but I feel 500 + miles should be vetted before
being accepted.

WorkSmart Labs Support

7. jul. 2010, 11.07.3607.07.2010
Hi Stuart,

Yes, it looks like these users are gaming the system and with these huge distances. We don't have an automatic way to police the High Scores list, so it's just a matter of us keeping an eye on the list and taking care of problems as they come up. We would love to have a way to control these problems automatically, we just haven't had the chance to work on this yet. My apologies for the trouble in the meantime, and don't let it discourage you!

All the best,
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8. jul. 2010, 10.13.0208.07.2010
til CardioTrainer Users
I agree. I noticed this too.
Maybe the speed should be validated against the activity.
Walking at 35 mph would imply someone is sitting in a car.
I should think any walking activity over 10 mph is probably suspect.

Rodger Rego

8. jul. 2010, 10.38.3008.07.2010

That is a good idea.  Validate the activity through the speed recorded.


It seems so ridiculous to cheat a simple World Wide Score ladder, which is intended to be an incentive for people to exercise and get healthy.

I just cannot understand what they intend on gaining by recording an exercise while in a moving car.  Just doesnt make sense to me...

My 2 Cents,

2010/7/8 Teban <>


8. jul. 2010, 10.54.2108.07.2010
It could be any number of reasons:
teens fooling around
bug in their version of the app or their phone
accidentally left it on after exercise

I doubt these particular instances are people trying to "cheat" since the numbers are so way way off. Cheaters are likely to post Olympic type records. :-)

Stuart Garside

16. jul. 2010, 04.33.1616.07.2010
til CardioTrainer Users
Hi Teban/All,

I think walking 10+ mph
Running 20+ mph (added)
Cycling 35+ mph

are all good type figures.

I may also be a good feature to have the "world scores" show as a
webpage and then we could have a "report suspect", somebody can check
or a sql query can be run against the user and the offending user may
have the offending tracks removed (measured against a average time and
obviously they could still have some valid tracks), there are obvious
reasons why the GPS/pedometer may record incorrectly and this is may
not be the users fault but the score is still incorrect

Thanks for the feedback would be nice to get something in to remove
dodgy entries and show to your mates (outside your mobile network and
facebook). Personally I hate the facebook/move bot bits but otherwise
I am a loyal user :)
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