Dear group, Thank you for me participating in this group. Short proposal round. My name is Job Geheniau. 54 years old. I started with astrophotography, but since 1.5 years I have become an avid radio astro amateur. Started receiving meteor scattering with a 4 element Yagi on the 2 meter 143 Mhz (Graves) and later also a 6 meter 50 Mhz 4 element Yagi for Dourbes / Brams. Also built a QFH antenna for weather photos (NOAA and MeteorM2 satellite) and ISS SSTV. And last year the purchase of an RF ham design 1.5 meter radio dish with two mini circuit lna's and a bandpass filter. The whole dish has been put on a rotor. Connected with an rtlsdr or an airspy mini. The dish was placed in my parents' shed because there was too much RFI in The Hague. This means that everything is operated remotely. The computer and routers can also be controlled remotely. The software I am using is Virgo soft , rewritten by me in Python and SDR #. Also PsTRotator and Excel. Since a week I have been experimenting with a 1.25 meter satellite dish on the 12 Ghz KU band. With the 1.5 meter I have achieved many fine results. Northern Hemnishpere sky survey. The Galactic plane and high speed clouds. Some photos attached. I hope to get a lot of information and advice in this group to learn but also to share new results. I will also explain some of the results that I have reeds later. I have had a lot of help from Eduard Mol, Michiel of course, Andries Boone, Simon Bijlsma and many others. Job Geheniau, The Hague jobgeheniau@ So attached a small impression: [image: 1.jpg][image: 2.jpg][image: 3.jpg][image: 5.jpg][image: 6.jpg][image: 7.jpg][image: 8.jpg][image: 9.jpg][image: 10.jpg][image: 11.jpg][image: 12.jpg][image: 13.jpg]