import time import sys try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: import cdecimal as decimal except ImportError: import decimal NODECIMAL = decimal.Decimal(1) try: import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: import elementtree.ElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET try: import elementtree.ElementInclude as ETI except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementInclude as ETI try: import json as simplejson except ImportError: import simplejson try: from collections import OrderedDict except: from .bots_ordereddict import OrderedDict #python2.6 from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ #bots-modules import botslib import botsglobal import message import grammar import node from botsconfig import * def outmessage_init(**ta_info): ''' dispatch function class Outmessage or subclass ta_info: needed is editype, messagetype, filename, charset, merge ''' try: classtocall = globals()[ta_info['editype']] except KeyError: raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'Unknown editype for outgoing message: %(editype)s'),ta_info) return classtocall(ta_info) class Outmessage(message.Message): ''' abstract class; represents a outgoing edi message. subclassing is necessary for the editype (csv, edi, x12, etc) A tree of nodes is build form the mpaths received from put()or putloop(). tree starts at self.root. Put() recieves mpaths from mappingscript The next algorithm is used to 'map' a mpath into the tree: For each part of a mpath: search node in 'current' level of tree If part already as a node: recursively search node-children If part not as a node: append new node to tree; recursively append next parts to tree After the mappingscript is finished, the resulting tree is converted to self.lex_records. These lex_records are written to file. ''' def __init__(self,ta_info): super(Outmessage,self).__init__(ta_info) self.root = node.Node(record={}) #message tree; build via put()-interface in mappingscript. Initialise with empty dict def messagegrammarread(self,typeofgrammarfile='grammars'): ''' read grammar for a message/envelope. (try to) read the topartner dependent grammar syntax. ''' super(Outmessage,self).messagegrammarread(typeofgrammarfile) #read partner-syntax. Use this to always overrule values in self.ta_info if self.ta_info.get('frompartner'): try: partnersyntax = grammar.grammarread(self.ta_info['editype'],self.ta_info['frompartner'],typeofgrammarfile='partners') self.ta_info.update(partnersyntax.syntax) #partner syntax overrules! except botslib.BotsImportError: pass #No partner specific syntax found (is not an error). if self.ta_info.get('topartner'): try: partnersyntax = grammar.grammarread(self.ta_info['editype'],self.ta_info['topartner'],typeofgrammarfile='partners') self.ta_info.update(partnersyntax.syntax) #partner syntax overrules! except botslib.BotsImportError: pass #No partner specific syntax found (is not an error). def writeall(self): ''' writeall is called for writing all 'real' outmessage objects; but not for envelopes. writeall is call from transform.translate() ''' self.messagegrammarread() self.checkmessage(self.root,self.defmessage) self.checkforerrorlist() self.nrmessagewritten = 0 if self.root.record: #root record contains information; write whole tree in one time self.multiplewrite = False self._initwrite() self._write(self.root) self.nrmessagewritten = 1 self.ta_info['nrmessages'] = self.nrmessagewritten self._closewrite() elif not self.root.children: raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'No outgoing message')) #then there is nothing to write... else: self.multiplewrite = True self._initwrite() for childnode in self.root.children: self._write(childnode) self.nrmessagewritten += 1 #'write back' the number of messages. Tricky thing here is that sometimes such a structure is indeed one message: eg csv without BOTS iD. #in general: when only one type of record in recorddefs (mind: for xml this is not useful) no not writeback the count as nrofmessages #for now: always write back unless csv of fixed. if not isinstance(self,(csv,fixed)): self.ta_info['nrmessages'] = self.nrmessagewritten self._closewrite() def _initwrite(self): botsglobal.logger.debug(u'Start writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) self._outstream = botslib.opendata(self.ta_info['filename'],'wb',charset=self.ta_info['charset'],errors=self.ta_info['checkcharsetout']) def _closewrite(self): botsglobal.logger.debug(u'End writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) self._outstream.close() def _write(self,node_instance): ''' the write method for most classes. tree is serialised to lex_records; lex_records are written to file. Classses that write using other libraries (xml, json, template, db) use specific write methods. ''' self.tree2records(node_instance) value = self.record2string(self.lex_records) wrap_length = int(self.ta_info.get('wrap_length', 0)) if wrap_length: try: for i in range(0,len(value),wrap_length): #split in fixed lengths self._outstream.write(value[i:i+wrap_length] + '\r\n') except UnicodeError as msg: content = botslib.get_relevant_text_for_UnicodeError(msg) raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'[F50]: Characters not in character-set "%(char)s": %(content)s'), {'char':self.ta_info['charset'],'content':content}) else: try: self._outstream.write(value) except UnicodeError as msg: content = botslib.get_relevant_text_for_UnicodeError(msg) raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'[F50]: Characters not in character-set "%(char)s": %(content)s'), {'char':self.ta_info['charset'],'content':content}) def tree2records(self,node_instance): self.lex_records = [] #tree of nodes is flattened to these lex_records self._tree2recordscore(node_instance,self.defmessage.structure[0]) def _tree2recordscore(self,node_instance,structure): ''' Write tree of nodes to flat lex_records. The nodes are already sorted ''' self._tree2recordfields(node_instance.record,structure) #write node->lex_record for childnode in node_instance.children: botsid_childnode = childnode.record['BOTSID'].strip() #speed up: use local var botsidnr_childnode = childnode.record['BOTSIDnr'] #speed up: use local var for structure_record in structure[LEVEL]: #for structure_record of this level in grammar if botsid_childnode == structure_record[ID] and botsidnr_childnode == structure_record[BOTSIDNR]: #check if is is the right node self._tree2recordscore(childnode,structure_record) #use rest of index in deeper level break #childnode was found and used; break to go to next child node def _tree2recordfields(self,noderecord,structure_record): ''' from noderecord->lex_record; use structure_record as guide. complex because is is used for: editypes that have compression rules (edifact), var editypes without compression, fixed protocols ''' lex_record = [] #the record build; list (=record) of dicts (=fields). recordbuffer = [] for field_definition in structure_record[FIELDS]: #loop all fields in grammar-definition if field_definition[ISFIELD]: #if field (no composite) if field_definition[MAXREPEAT] == 1: #if non-repeating field_has_data = False if field_definition[ID] in noderecord and noderecord[field_definition[ID]]: #field exists in outgoing message and has data field_has_data = True recordbuffer.append({VALUE:noderecord[field_definition[ID]],SFIELD:0,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:field_definition[FORMAT]}) elif self.ta_info['stripfield_sep']: #no data and field not needed: write new empty field to recordbuffer; recordbuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:0,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:field_definition[FORMAT]}) else: #no data but field is needed: initialise empty field. For eg fixed and csv: all fields have to be present field_has_data = True value = self._initfield(field_definition) recordbuffer.append({VALUE:value,SFIELD:0,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:field_definition[FORMAT]}) if field_has_data: lex_record += recordbuffer #write recordbuffer to lex_record recordbuffer = [] #clear recordbuffer else: #repeating field field_has_data = False if field_definition[ID] in noderecord: #field exists in outgoing message type_of_field = 0 #first field in repeat is marked as a field (not as repeat). fieldbuffer = [] #buffer for this repeating field. for field in noderecord[field_definition[ID]]: if field: field_has_data = True fieldbuffer.append({VALUE:field,SFIELD:type_of_field,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:field_definition[FORMAT]}) recordbuffer += fieldbuffer fieldbuffer = [] else: fieldbuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:type_of_field,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:field_definition[FORMAT]}) type_of_field = 2 #mark rest of repeats as repeat. if field_has_data: lex_record += recordbuffer #write recordbuffer to lex_record recordbuffer = [] #clear recordbuffer else: recordbuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:0,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:field_definition[FORMAT]}) else: #if composite if field_definition[MAXREPEAT] == 1: #if non-repeating field_has_data = False type_of_field = 0 #first subfield in composite is marked as a field (not a subfield). fieldbuffer = [] #buffer for this composite. for grammarsubfield in field_definition[SUBFIELDS]: #loop subfields if grammarsubfield[ID] in noderecord and noderecord[grammarsubfield[ID]]: #field exists in outgoing message and has data field_has_data = True fieldbuffer.append({VALUE:noderecord[grammarsubfield[ID]],SFIELD:type_of_field}) #append field recordbuffer += fieldbuffer fieldbuffer = [] else: fieldbuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:type_of_field}) #append new empty to buffer; type_of_field = 1 if field_has_data: lex_record += recordbuffer #write recordbuffer to lex_record recordbuffer = [] #clear recordbuffer else: #composite has no data: write empty field recordbuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:0}) else: #repeating composite #receive list, including empty members field_has_data = False if field_definition[ID] in noderecord: #field exists in outgoing message type_of_field = 0 #first subfield in composite is marked as a field (not a subfield). fieldbuffer = [] #buffer for this composite. for comp_dict in noderecord[field_definition[ID]]: composite_has_data = False #comp_dict can be empty compositebuffer = [] #buffer for this composite. if comp_dict: for grammarsubfield in field_definition[SUBFIELDS]: #loop subfields if grammarsubfield[ID] in comp_dict and comp_dict[grammarsubfield[ID]]: #field exists in outgoing message and has data composite_has_data = True compositebuffer.append({VALUE:comp_dict[grammarsubfield[ID]],SFIELD:type_of_field,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:grammarsubfield[FORMAT]}) fieldbuffer += compositebuffer compositebuffer = [] else: compositebuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:type_of_field,FORMATFROMGRAMMAR:grammarsubfield[FORMAT]}) type_of_field = 1 if composite_has_data: field_has_data = True recordbuffer += fieldbuffer fieldbuffer = [] else: fieldbuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:type_of_field}) type_of_field = 2 if field_has_data: lex_record += recordbuffer #write recordbuffer to lex_record recordbuffer = [] #clear recordbuffer else: #no data: write placeholder to recordbuffer; recordbuffer.append({VALUE:'',SFIELD:0}) self.lex_records.append(lex_record) def _formatfield(self,value, field_definition,structure_record,node_instance): ''' Input: value (as a string) and field definition. Some parameters of self.syntax are used, eg decimaal Format is checked and converted (if needed). return the formatted value ''' if field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'A': if isinstance(self,fixed): #check length fields in variable records if field_definition[FORMAT] == 'AR': #if field format is alfanumeric right aligned value = value.rjust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) else: value = value.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) #add spaces (left, because A-field is right aligned) if len(value) > field_definition[LENGTH]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F20]: Record "%(record)s" field "%(field)s" too big (max %(max)s): "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'max':field_definition[LENGTH]}) if len(value) < field_definition[MINLENGTH]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F21]: Record "%(record)s" field "%(field)s" too small (min %(min)s): "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'min':field_definition[MINLENGTH]}) elif field_definition[BFORMAT] in 'DT': lenght = len(value) if field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'D': try: if lenght == 6: time.strptime(value,'%y%m%d') elif lenght == 8: time.strptime(value,'%Y%m%d') else: raise ValueError(u'To be catched') except ValueError: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F22]: Record "%(record)s" date field "%(field)s" not a valid date: "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value}) if lenght > field_definition[LENGTH]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F31]: Record "%(record)s" date field "%(field)s" too big (max %(max)s): "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'max':field_definition[LENGTH]}) if lenght < field_definition[MINLENGTH]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F32]: Record "%(record)s" date field "%(field)s" too small (min %(min)s): "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'min':field_definition[MINLENGTH]}) else: #if field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'T': try: if lenght == 4: time.strptime(value,'%H%M') elif lenght == 6: time.strptime(value,'%H%M%S') else: raise ValueError(u'To be catched') except ValueError: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F23]: Record "%(record)s" time field "%(field)s" not a valid time: "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value}) if lenght > field_definition[LENGTH]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F33]: Record "%(record)s" time field "%(field)s" too big (max %(max)s): "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'max':field_definition[LENGTH]}) if lenght < field_definition[MINLENGTH]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F34]: Record "%(record)s" time field "%(field)s" too small (min %(min)s): "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'min':field_definition[MINLENGTH]}) else: #numerics if value[0] == '-': minussign = '-' absvalue = value[1:] else: minussign = '' absvalue = value digits,decimalsign,decimals = absvalue.partition('.') if not digits and not decimals:# and decimalsign: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F24]: Record "%(record)s" field "%(field)s" numerical format not valid: "%(content)s".\n')% {'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH])}) if not digits: digits = '0' lengthcorrection = 0 #for some formats (if self.ta_info['lengthnumericbare']=True; eg edifact) length is calculated without decimal sing and/or minus sign. if field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'R': #floating point: use all decimals received if self.ta_info['lengthnumericbare']: if minussign: lengthcorrection += 1 if decimalsign: lengthcorrection += 1 try: value = unicode(decimal.Decimal(minussign + digits + decimalsign + decimals).quantize(decimal.Decimal(10) ** -len(decimals))) except: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F25]: Record "%(record)s" field "%(field)s" numerical format not valid: "%(content)s".\n')% {'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH])}) if field_definition[FORMAT] == 'RL': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = value.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH] + lengthcorrection) elif field_definition[FORMAT] == 'RR': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = value.rjust(field_definition[MINLENGTH] + lengthcorrection) else: value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH] + lengthcorrection) value = value.replace('.',self.ta_info['decimaal'],1) #replace '.' by required decimal sep. elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'N': #fixed decimals; round if self.ta_info['lengthnumericbare']: if minussign: lengthcorrection += 1 if field_definition[DECIMALS]: lengthcorrection += 1 try: value = unicode(decimal.Decimal(minussign + digits + decimalsign + decimals).quantize(decimal.Decimal(10) ** -field_definition[DECIMALS])) except: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F26]: Record "%(record)s" field "%(field)s" numerical format not valid: "%(content)s".\n')% {'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH])}) if field_definition[FORMAT] == 'NL': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = value.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH] + lengthcorrection) elif field_definition[FORMAT] == 'NR': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = value.rjust(field_definition[MINLENGTH] + lengthcorrection) else: value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH] + lengthcorrection) value = value.replace('.',self.ta_info['decimaal'],1) #replace '.' by required decimal sep. elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'I': #implicit decimals if self.ta_info['lengthnumericbare']: if minussign: lengthcorrection += 1 try: dec_value = decimal.Decimal(minussign + digits + decimalsign + decimals) * 10**field_definition[DECIMALS] value = unicode(dec_value.quantize(NODECIMAL )) except: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F27]: Record "%(record)s" field "%(field)s" numerical format not valid: "%(content)s".\n')% {'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value,'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH])}) value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH] + lengthcorrection) if len(value)-lengthcorrection > field_definition[LENGTH]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F28]: Record "%(record)s" field "%(field)s" too big: "%(content)s".\n')% {'record':self.mpathformat(structure_record[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID],'content':value}) return value def _initfield(self,field_definition): ''' for some editypes like fixed fields without date have specific initalisation. this is controlled by the 'stripfield_sep' parameter in grammar. ''' if field_definition[BFORMAT] in 'ADT': value = '' else: #numerics value = '0' if field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'R': #floating point: use all decimals received value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH] ) elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'N': #fixed decimals; round value = unicode(decimal.Decimal(value).quantize(decimal.Decimal(10) ** -field_definition[DECIMALS])) value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) value = value.replace('.',self.ta_info['decimaal'],1) #replace '.' by required decimal sep. elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'I': #implicit decimals dec_value = decimal.Decimal(value) * 10**field_definition[DECIMALS] value = unicode(dec_value.quantize(NODECIMAL )) value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) return value def record2string(self,lex_records): ''' write lex_records to a file. using the right editype (edifact, x12, etc) and charset. write (all fields of) each record using the right separators, escape etc ''' sfield_sep = self.ta_info['sfield_sep'] if self.ta_info['record_tag_sep']: record_tag_sep = self.ta_info['record_tag_sep'] else: record_tag_sep = self.ta_info['field_sep'] field_sep = self.ta_info['field_sep'] quote_char = self.ta_info['quote_char'] escape = self.ta_info['escape'] record_sep = self.ta_info['record_sep'] + self.ta_info['add_crlfafterrecord_sep'] forcequote = self.ta_info['forcequote'] escapechars = self._getescapechars() noBOTSID = self.ta_info.get('noBOTSID',False) rep_sep = self.ta_info['reserve'] lijst = [] for lex_record in lex_records: if noBOTSID: #for csv/fixed: do not write BOTSID so remove it del lex_record[0] fieldcount = 0 mode_quote = False value = u'' #to collect the formatted record-string. for field in lex_record: #loop all fields in lex_record if not field[SFIELD]: #is a field: if fieldcount == 0: #do nothing because first field in lex_record is not preceded by a separator fieldcount = 1 elif fieldcount == 1: value += record_tag_sep fieldcount = 2 else: value += field_sep elif field[SFIELD] == 1: #is a subfield: value += sfield_sep else: #repeat value += rep_sep if quote_char: #quote char only used for csv start_to__quote = False if forcequote == 2: if field[FORMATFROMGRAMMAR] in ['AN','A','AR']: start_to__quote = True elif forcequote: #always quote; this catches values 1, '1', '0' start_to__quote = True else: if field_sep in field[VALUE] or quote_char in field[VALUE] or record_sep in field[VALUE]: start_to__quote = True if start_to__quote: value += quote_char mode_quote = True for char in field[VALUE]: #use escape (edifact, tradacom). For x12 is warned if content contains separator if char in escapechars: if isinstance(self,x12): if self.ta_info['replacechar']: char = self.ta_info['replacechar'] else: raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'[F51]: Character "%(char)s" is used as separator in this x12 file, so it can not be used in content. Field: "%(content)s".'), {'char':char,'content':field[VALUE]}) else: value +=escape elif mode_quote and char == quote_char: value += quote_char value += char if mode_quote: value += quote_char mode_quote = False value += record_sep lijst.append(value) return ''.join(lijst) def _getescapechars(self): return '' class fixed(Outmessage): def _initfield(self,field_definition): if field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'A': if field_definition[FORMAT] == 'AR': #if field format is alfanumeric right aligned value = ''.rjust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) else: value = ''.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) #add spaces (left, because A-field is right aligned) elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'D': value = ''.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) #add spaces elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'T': value = ''.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) #add spaces else: #numerics if field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'R': #floating point: use all decimals received if field_definition[FORMAT] == 'RL': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = '0'.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH] ) elif field_definition[FORMAT] == 'RR': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = '0'.rjust(field_definition[MINLENGTH] ) else: value = '0'.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH] ) elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'N': #fixed decimals; round value = unicode(decimal.Decimal('0').quantize(decimal.Decimal(10) ** -field_definition[DECIMALS])) if field_definition[FORMAT] == 'NL': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = value.ljust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) elif field_definition[FORMAT] == 'NR': #if field format is numeric right aligned value = value.rjust(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) else: value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) value = value.replace('.',self.ta_info['decimaal'],1) #replace '.' by required decimal sep. elif field_definition[BFORMAT] == 'I': #implicit decimals dec_value = decimal.Decimal('0') * 10**field_definition[DECIMALS] value = unicode(dec_value.quantize(NODECIMAL )) value = value.zfill(field_definition[MINLENGTH]) return value class idoc(fixed): def __init__(self,ta_info): super(idoc,self).__init__(ta_info) self.recordnumber = 0 #segment counter. For sequential recordnumbering in records. def _canonicaltree(self,node_instance,structure): self.headerrecordnumber = self.recordnumber super(idoc,self)._canonicaltree(node_instance,structure) def _canonicalfields(self,node_instance,record_definition): if self.ta_info['automaticcount']: node_instance.record.update({'MANDT':self.ta_info['MANDT'],'DOCNUM':self.ta_info['DOCNUM'],'SEGNUM':unicode(self.recordnumber),'PSGNUM':unicode(self.headerrecordnumber),'HLEVEL':unicode(len(record_definition[MPATH]))}) else: node_instance.record.update({'MANDT':self.ta_info['MANDT'],'DOCNUM':self.ta_info['DOCNUM']}) super(idoc,self)._canonicalfields(node_instance,record_definition) self.recordnumber += 1 #tricky. EDI_DC is not counted, so I count after writing. class var(Outmessage): pass class csv(var): def _getescapechars(self): return self.ta_info['escape'] class edifact(var): def _getescapechars(self): terug = self.ta_info['record_sep']+self.ta_info['field_sep']+self.ta_info['sfield_sep']+self.ta_info['escape'] if self.ta_info['version'] >= '4': terug += self.ta_info['reserve'] return terug class tradacoms(var): def _getescapechars(self): terug = self.ta_info['record_sep']+self.ta_info['field_sep']+self.ta_info['sfield_sep']+self.ta_info['escape']+self.ta_info['record_tag_sep'] return terug def writeall(self): ''' writeall is called for writing all 'real' outmessage objects; but not for enveloping. writeall is call from transform.translate() ''' self.nrmessagewritten = 0 if not self.root.children: raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'No outgoing message')) #then there is nothing to write... messagetype = self.ta_info['messagetype'] for tradacomsmessage in self.root.getloop({'BOTSID':'STX'},{'BOTSID':'MHD'}): self.ta_info['messagetype'] = tradacomsmessage.get({'BOTSID':'MHD','TYPE.01':None}) + tradacomsmessage.get({'BOTSID':'MHD','TYPE.02':None}) self.messagegrammarread() if not self.nrmessagewritten: self._initwrite() self.checkmessage(tradacomsmessage,self.defmessage) self.checkforerrorlist() self._write(tradacomsmessage) self.nrmessagewritten += 1 self.ta_info['messagetype'] = messagetype self._closewrite() self.ta_info['nrmessages'] = self.nrmessagewritten class x12(var): def _getescapechars(self): terug = self.ta_info['record_sep']+self.ta_info['field_sep']+self.ta_info['sfield_sep'] if self.ta_info['version'] >= '00403': terug += self.ta_info['reserve'] return terug class xml(Outmessage): ''' Some problems with right xml prolog, standalone, DOCTYPE, processing instructons: Different ET versions give different results. Things work OK for python 2.7 celementtree in 2.7 is version 1.0.6, but different implementation in 2.6?? For python <2.7: do not generate standalone, DOCTYPE, processing instructions for encoding !=utf-8,ascii OR if elementtree package is installed (version 1.3.0 or bigger) ''' def _write(self,node_instance): ''' write normal XML messages (no envelope)''' xmltree = ET.ElementTree(self._node2xml(node_instance)) root = xmltree.getroot() self._xmlcorewrite(xmltree,root) def envelopewrite(self,node_instance): ''' write envelope for XML messages''' self._initwrite() self.checkmessage(node_instance,self.defmessage) self.checkforerrorlist() xmltree = ET.ElementTree(self._node2xml(node_instance)) root = xmltree.getroot() ETI.include(root) self._xmlcorewrite(xmltree,root) self._closewrite() def _xmlcorewrite(self,xmltree,root): if sys.version_info[1] >= 7 and self.ta_info['namespace_prefixes']: # Register any namespace prefixes specified in syntax for eachns in self.ta_info['namespace_prefixes']: ET.register_namespace(eachns[0], eachns[1]) #xml prolog: always use.********************************* #standalone, DOCTYPE, processing instructions: only possible in python >= 2.7 or if encoding is utf-8/ascii if sys.version_info[1] >= 7 or self.ta_info['charset'] in ['us-ascii','utf-8'] or ET.VERSION >= '1.3.0': if self.ta_info['indented']: indentstring = '\n' else: indentstring = '' if self.ta_info['standalone']: standalonestring = 'standalone="%s" '%(self.ta_info['standalone']) else: standalonestring = '' processing_instruction = ET.ProcessingInstruction('xml', 'version="%s" encoding="%s" %s'%(self.ta_info['version'],self.ta_info['charset'], standalonestring)) self._outstream.write(ET.tostring(processing_instruction) + indentstring) #do not use encoding here. gives double xml prolog; possibly because ET.ElementTree.write i used again by write() #doctype /DTD ************************************** if self.ta_info['DOCTYPE']: self._outstream.write(''%(self.ta_info['DOCTYPE']) + indentstring) #processing instructions (other than prolog) ************ if self.ta_info['processing_instructions']: for eachpi in self.ta_info['processing_instructions']: processing_instruction = ET.ProcessingInstruction(eachpi[0], eachpi[1]) self._outstream.write(ET.tostring(processing_instruction) + indentstring) #do not use encoding here. gives double xml prolog; possibly because ET.ElementTree.write i used again by write() #indent the xml elements if self.ta_info['indented']: botslib.indent_xml(root) #write tree to file; this is differnt for different python/elementtree versions if sys.version_info[1] < 7 and ET.VERSION < '1.3.0': xmltree.write(self._outstream,encoding=self.ta_info['charset']) else: xmltree.write(self._outstream,encoding=self.ta_info['charset'],xml_declaration=False) def _node2xml(self,node_instance): ''' recursive method. ''' newnode = self._node2xmlfields(node_instance.record) for childnode in node_instance.children: newnode.append(self._node2xml(childnode)) return newnode def _node2xmlfields(self,noderecord): ''' write record as xml-record-entity plus xml-field-entities within the xml-record-entity. output is sorted according to grammar, attributes alfabetically. ''' #***generate the xml-record-entity*************************** recordtag = noderecord['BOTSID'] del noderecord['BOTSID'] del noderecord['BOTSIDnr'] #pick out the attributes for the xml-record-entity (if fieldnames start with attribute-marker these are xml-attribute for the xml-'record'; store these in attributedict) keyattributemarker = recordtag + self.ta_info['attributemarker'] #attributemarker is a marker in the fieldname used to find out if field is an attribute of either record or field attributedict = {} for key,value in noderecord.items(): if key.startswith(keyattributemarker): attributedict[key[len(keyattributemarker):]] = value del noderecord[key] xmlrecord = ET.Element(recordtag,attributedict) #make the xml-record-entity #add the content/text xml-record-entity (in BOTSCONTENT) if 'BOTSCONTENT' in noderecord: xmlrecord.text = noderecord['BOTSCONTENT'] del noderecord['BOTSCONTENT'] #***generate the xml-field-entities within the xml-record-entity*************************** for field_def in self.defmessage.recorddefs[recordtag]: #loop over remaining fields in 'record': write these as subelements if self.ta_info['attributemarker'] in field_def[ID][1:-1]: #skip fields that are marked as xml attributes continue text = noderecord.get(field_def[ID],None) keyattributemarker = field_def[ID] + self.ta_info['attributemarker'] attributedict = {} for key,value in noderecord.items(): if key.startswith(keyattributemarker): attributedict[key[len(keyattributemarker):]] = value del noderecord[key] if text is not None or attributedict: ET.SubElement(xmlrecord, field_def[ID],attributedict).text=text #add xml element to xml record #~ del noderecord[field_def[ID]] #remove xml entity tag return xmlrecord def _initwrite(self): botsglobal.logger.debug(u'Start writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) self._outstream = botslib.opendata(self.ta_info['filename'],"wb") class xmlnocheck(xml): def _node2xmlfields(self,noderecord): ''' write record as xml-record-entity plus xml-field-entities within the xml-record-entity. output is sorted alfabetically, attributes alfabetically. Empty xml-entities comes as last. ''' if 'BOTSID' not in noderecord: raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'[X52]: No field "BOTSID" in xml-output in: "%(record)s"'),{'record':noderecord}) #***generate the xml-record-entity*************************** recordtag = noderecord['BOTSID'] del noderecord['BOTSID'] #remove 'record' tag if 'BOTSIDnr' in noderecord: #BOTSIDnr does never go to the output; only internally used del noderecord['BOTSIDnr'] #first generate the xml-'record' attributemarker = self.ta_info['attributemarker'] keyattributemarker = recordtag + attributemarker attributedict = {} for key,value in noderecord.items(): #find the attributes for the xml-record, put these in attributedict if key.startswith(keyattributemarker): attributedict[key[len(keyattributemarker):]] = value del noderecord[key] xmlrecord = ET.Element(recordtag,attributedict) #make the xml ET node if 'BOTSCONTENT' in noderecord: xmlrecord.text = noderecord['BOTSCONTENT'] del noderecord['BOTSCONTENT'] #***generate the xml-field-entities within the xml-record-entity*************************** for key in sorted(noderecord.keys()): if key not in noderecord or attributemarker in key[1:-1]: #if field not in outmessage: skip continue keyattributemarker = key + attributemarker attributedict = {} for key2,value2 in noderecord.items(): if key2.startswith(keyattributemarker): attributedict[key2[len(keyattributemarker):]] = value2 del noderecord[key2] ET.SubElement(xmlrecord, key,attributedict).text=noderecord[key] #add xml element to xml record del noderecord[key] #remove xml entity tag #***problem: empty xml-fields-entities with attribute are not written************************* if noderecord: fielddict = {} for key,value in noderecord.iteritems(): field,nep,attribute = key.partition(attributemarker) if not field in fielddict: fielddict[field] = {} fielddict[field][attribute] = value for key,attributedict in fielddict.iteritems(): ET.SubElement(xmlrecord, key,attributedict).text=None #add xml element to xml record return xmlrecord class json(Outmessage): def _initwrite(self): super(json,self)._initwrite() if self.multiplewrite: self._outstream.write(u'[') def _write(self,node_instance): ''' convert node tree to appropriate python object. python objects are written to json by simplejson. ''' if self.nrmessagewritten: self._outstream.write(u',') jsonobject = {node_instance.record['BOTSID']:self._node2json(node_instance)} if self.ta_info['indented']: indent = 2 else: indent = None simplejson.dump(jsonobject, self._outstream, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=False, check_circular=False, indent=indent) def _closewrite(self): if self.multiplewrite: self._outstream.write(u']') super(json,self)._closewrite() def _node2json(self,node_instance): ''' recursive method. ''' #newjsonobject is the json object assembled in the function. newjsonobject = node_instance.record.copy() #init newjsonobject with record fields from node for childnode in node_instance.children: #fill newjsonobject with the lex_records from childnodes. key = childnode.record['BOTSID'] if childnode.linpos_info == 'OK': newjsonobject[key] = self._node2json(childnode) else: if key in newjsonobject: newjsonobject[key].append(self._node2json(childnode)) else: newjsonobject[key] = [self._node2json(childnode)] del newjsonobject['BOTSID'] del newjsonobject['BOTSIDnr'] return newjsonobject def _canonicaltree(self,node_instance,structure): ''' some specific handling: if max one occurence of record: not as a list, but as a record. ''' super(json, self)._canonicaltree(node_instance,structure) #verify as usual self.correct_max_one_occurence(node_instance,structure) def correct_max_one_occurence(self,node_instance,structure): if node_instance.structure is None: node_instance.structure = structure if LEVEL in structure: for record_definition in structure[LEVEL]: #for every record_definition (in grammar) of this level for childnode in node_instance.children: #for every node in mpathtree; SPEED: delete nodes from list when found #~ #print 'xxxxxxxxxx',record_definition[ID] if childnode.record['BOTSID'] != record_definition[ID] or childnode.record['BOTSIDnr'] != record_definition[BOTSIDNR]: #if it is not the right NODE": continue if record_definition[MAX] == 1: print 'yes',record_definition[ID] childnode.linpos_info = 'OK' self.correct_max_one_occurence(childnode,record_definition) #use rest of index in deeper level #~ def _canonicalfields(self,node_instance,record_definition): #~ ''' subclassed method; sorts using OrderedDict #~ For all fields: check M/C, format. #~ Fields are sorted according to grammar. #~ Fields are never added. #~ ''' #~ noderecord = node_instance.record #~ new_noderecord = OrderedDict() #~ for field_definition in record_definition[FIELDS]: #loop over fields in grammar #~ value = noderecord.get(field_definition[ID]) #~ if not value: #~ if field_definition[MANDATORY]: #~ self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F02]%(linpos)s: Record "%(mpath)s" field "%(field)s" is mandatory.\n')% #~ {'linpos':node_instance.linpos(),'mpath':self.mpathformat(record_definition[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID]}) #~ if value is None: #None-values are not used #~ continue #~ new_noderecord[field_definition[ID]] = self._formatfield(value,field_definition,record_definition,node_instance) #~ node_instance.record = new_noderecord def _canonicalfields(self,node_instance,record_definition): ''' For all fields: check M/C, format. Fields are not sorted (a dict can not be sorted). Fields are never added. ''' noderecord = node_instance.record new_noderecord = OrderedDict() for field_definition in record_definition[FIELDS]: #loop over fields in grammar if field_definition[ISFIELD]: #if field (no composite) if field_definition[MAXREPEAT] == 1: #if non-repeating value = noderecord.get(field_definition[ID]) if not value: if field_definition[MANDATORY]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F02]%(linpos)s: Record "%(mpath)s" field "%(field)s" is mandatory.\n')% {'linpos':node_instance.linpos(),'mpath':self.mpathformat(record_definition[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID]}) continue new_noderecord[field_definition[ID]] = self._formatfield(value,field_definition,record_definition,node_instance) else: #repeating field; #a list of values; values can be empty or None; at least one field should have value, else dropped valuelist = noderecord.get(field_definition[ID]) if valuelist is None: #empty lists are already catched in node.put() if field_definition[MANDATORY]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F41]%(linpos)s: Record "%(mpath)s" repeating field "%(field)s" is mandatory.\n')% {'linpos':node_instance.linpos(),'mpath':self.mpathformat(record_definition[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID]}) continue if not isinstance(valuelist,list): raise botslib.MappingFormatError(_(u'Repeating field: must be a list: put(%(valuelist)s)'),{'mpath':valuelist}) if len(valuelist) > field_definition[MAXREPEAT]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F42]%(linpos)s: Record "%(mpath)s" repeating field "%(field)s" occurs %(occurs)s times, max is %(max)s.\n')% {'linpos':node_instance.linpos(),'mpath':self.mpathformat(record_definition[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID], 'occurs':len(valuelist),'max':field_definition[MAXREPEAT]}) newlist = [] repeating_field_has_data = False for value in valuelist: if value is None: value = '' else: value = unicode(value).strip() if value: repeating_field_has_data = True newlist.append(self._formatfield(value,field_definition,record_definition,node_instance)) if not repeating_field_has_data: if field_definition[MANDATORY]: self.add2errorlist(_(u'[F43]%(linpos)s: Record "%(mpath)s" repeating field "%(field)s" is mandatory.\n')% {'linpos':node_instance.linpos(),'mpath':self.mpathformat(record_definition[MPATH]),'field':field_definition[ID]}) del noderecord[field_definition[ID]] continue new_noderecord[field_definition[ID]] = newlist new_noderecord['BOTSIDnr'] = node_instance.record['BOTSIDnr'] node_instance.record = new_noderecord class jsonnocheck(json): pass class templatehtml(Outmessage): ''' uses Genshi library for templating. Genshi is very similar to Kid, and is the fork/follow-up of Kid. Kid is not being developed further; in time Kid will not be in repositories etc. Templates for Genshi are like Kid templates. Changes: - other namespace: xmlns:py="" instead of xmlns:py="" - enveloping is different: instead of
2 modes: 1. use, a class that can contain any python object (older way of working) 2. use structure, recordedefs, write node tree. This is more like normal way of working; output is checked etc. the procided template can handle msot things, change only css of envelope. ''' class TemplateData(object): pass def __init__(self,ta_info): try: self.template = botslib.botsbaseimport('genshi.template') except ImportError: raise ImportError(_(u'Dependency failure: editype "templatehtml" requires python library "genshi".')) super(templatehtml,self).__init__(ta_info) = templatehtml.TemplateData() can be used by mappingscript as container for content def _write(self,node_instance): templatefile = botslib.abspath(self.__class__.__name__,self.ta_info['template']) try: botsglobal.logger.debug(u'Start writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) loader = self.template.TemplateLoader(auto_reload=False) tmpl = loader.load(templatefile) except: txt = botslib.txtexc() raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'While templating "%(editype)s.%(messagetype)s", error:\n%(txt)s'), {'editype':self.ta_info['editype'],'messagetype':self.ta_info['messagetype'],'txt':txt}) try: filehandler = botslib.opendata(self.ta_info['filename'],'wb') if self.ta_info['has_structure']: #new way of working if self.ta_info['print_as_row']: node_instance.collectlines(self.ta_info['print_as_row']) stream = tmpl.generate(node=node_instance) else: stream = tmpl.generate( stream.render(method='xhtml',encoding=self.ta_info['charset'],out=filehandler) except: txt = botslib.txtexc() raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'While templating "%(editype)s.%(messagetype)s", error:\n%(txt)s'), {'editype':self.ta_info['editype'],'messagetype':self.ta_info['messagetype'],'txt':txt}) botsglobal.logger.debug(_(u'End writing to file "%(filename)s".'),self.ta_info) def writeall(self): if not self.root.record: self.root.record = {'BOTSID':'dummy'} #dummy, is not used but needed for writeall of base class super(templatehtml,self).writeall() class db(Outmessage): ''' For database connector. out.root is pickled, and saved. ''' def __init__(self,ta_info): super(db,self).__init__(ta_info) self.root = None #make root None; root is not a Node-object anyway; None can easy be tested when writing. def writeall(self): if self.root is None: raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'No outgoing message')) #then there is nothing to write... botsglobal.logger.debug(u'Start writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) self._outstream = botslib.opendata(self.ta_info['filename'],'wb') pickle.dump(self.root,self._outstream) self._outstream.close() botsglobal.logger.debug(u'End writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) self.ta_info['envelope'] = 'db' self.ta_info['merge'] = False class raw(Outmessage): ''' out.root is just saved. ''' def __init__(self,ta_info): super(raw,self).__init__(ta_info) self.root = None #make root None; root is not a Node-object anyway; None can easy be tested when writing. def writeall(self): if self.root is None: raise botslib.OutMessageError(_(u'No outgoing message')) #then there is nothing to write... botsglobal.logger.debug(u'Start writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) self._outstream = botslib.opendata(self.ta_info['filename'],'wb') self._outstream.write(self.root) self._outstream.close() botsglobal.logger.debug(u'End writing to file "%(filename)s".',self.ta_info) self.ta_info['envelope'] = 'raw' self.ta_info['merge'] = False