In some cases, Fusion Sequence cannot be used in
C++0x range-based for (available on GCC 4.6 Pre-Release).
For example, this code
#include <vector>
#include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
typedef boost::fusion::vector<int, int> sequence;
for (auto x : std::vector<sequence>()) {}
return 0;
does not compile.
The C++0x range-based for
for (auto x : std::vector<sequence>()) {}
is equivalent to
auto&& rng = std::vector<sequence>();
for (
auto it_begin = begin(rng),
it_end = end(rng);
it_begin != it_end;
) {}
Note that rng has std and boost::fusion as its associated namespaces
and the unqualified begin/end function call triggers ADL.
The reason for the compiler errors is that the call to begin/end
is ambiguous between std::begin/end and boost::fusion::begin/end.
(Also boost::fusion::begin/end tries to instanciate
result_of::begin/end::<std::vector<sequence> >
which leads to a compiler error.)
These compiler errors can be avoided by using SFINAE
(lazy_enable_if with "is_sequence" metafunction)
to boost::fusion::begin/end:
// <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/begin.hpp>
template <typename Sequence>
inline typename
, typename result_of::begin<Sequence>
>::type const
begin(Sequence& seq)
return result_of::begin<Sequence>::call(seq);
I attached a patch (against trunk) and a test case.
The test case does not compile before applying the patch,
but compiles fine after applying the patch.
Joel and Christopher, what do you think about this change?
Your patch makes perfect sense to me.
BTW., Mathias Gaunard created a ticket for this issue a while ago. He
also proposed disabling fusion::begin/fusion::end via SFINAE.
Unsubscribe & other changes:
>> I attached a patch (against trunk) and a test case.
>> The test case does not compile before applying the patch,
>> but compiles fine after applying the patch.
>> Joel and Christopher, what do you think about this change?
>> Regards,
>> Michel
> Your patch makes perfect sense to me.
> BTW., Mathias Gaunard created a ticket for this issue a while ago. He
> also proposed disabling fusion::begin/fusion::end via SFINAE.
Makes perfect sense. Feel free to commit the patch.
Joel de Guzman
Unfortunately this still leaves us with ADL ambiguity in some cases:
That boost::fusion::begin/end could be found via ADL in range-based for
loops is a bit worrying, and, as mentioned in the ticket, SFINAE'ing out
boost::fusion::begin/end for only Boost.Fusion sequences is only a
partial solution, as it doesn't help for structures having both range
and Boost.Fusion interfaces.
I don't know if I fully understand the problem, and I don't know if the
following is a viable solution or what all the implications are (yes,
that's a lot of qualifications), but maybe we could put the Boost.Fusion
data structures (and anything else that would cause boost::fusion to be
included in the set of "associated namespaces" when using ADL for
unqualified begin/end) into another namespace, and bring them into the
boost::fusion namespace with using declarations. Then maybe
boost::fusion::begin/end wouldn't be found via ADL, but one would still
refer to them as boost::fusion::vector, etc. E.g., the following
compiles on MSVC9:
namespace fusion_data_structures
struct X { };
} // namespace fusion_data_structures
namespace fusion
template< class T > void f(T) { }
using fusion_data_structures::X;
} // namespace fusion
template< class T > void f(T) { }
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fusion::X x; f(x);
return 0;
The fusion_data_structures namespace would be an implementation-detail,
never to be referred to outside of the Boost.Fusion library.
Just a thought,
- Jeff
Thanks Christopher for your commitment.
Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. wrote:
> SFINAE'ing out
> boost::fusion::begin/end for only Boost.Fusion sequences is only a partial
> solution, as it doesn't help for structures having both range and
> Boost.Fusion interfaces.
True. SFINAE'ing out is only a partial solution.
Better solutions would be:
A. (almost the same as Jeffrey's suggestion)
If boost::fusion::begin/end doesn't need to be found via ADL,
then use ADL barrier technique to fusion::begin/end
(i.e. defining begin/end in another namespace and pull its name
in namespace fusion by using directive/declaration).
If boost::begin/end doesn't need to be found via ADL,
then use ADL barrier technique to boost::begin/end.
Define begin/end in namespace boost for all containers and ranges
which live in namespace boost (boost::array, boost::iterator_range,
boost::unordered_map, etc.).
For example, define begin/end for boost::array in namespace boost.
Since this is very tedious work, it would be better to define some
BOOST_DEFINE_BEGIN_END macro for boilerplate code generation.
Solutions B and C are, again, only a partial solution, since this only solves
ambiguity call problems in namespace boost;
the same thing can happen in another namespace.
Solution A might break existing codes that relies on ADL to find
Assuming any code in the Boost libraries does not rely on
ADL for boost::fusion::begin/end, how about defining switch macro
and making a user to choose whether A is applied or not?
Oooops, I made a mistake!
Definitely, solution B is not a choice.
It diables Boost-interfaced range from using in range-based for.
So let's forget about solution B.
A is the only viable option, AFAIK.
Joel de Guzman
Oops, again. Solution B is not a choice, but the reason is wrong.
B does not solve the problem, because there are still ambiguity
between std::begin/end and boost::fusion::begin/end.
Sorry for the noise.
Let me throw another possibility into the mix. This problem - a possible
ambiguity between fusion::begin and std::begin/boost::begin is uncommon.
In fact, only adapted boost::array's and std::array's are both fusion
sequences and ranges. To get ADL kicking in we'd actually need an array
of one of the inbuilt fusion container...
We could disable fusion::begin/fusion::end for those few types that may
collide via a new fusion extension metafunction.
namespace boost{namespace fusion
namespace extension
{template<typename>struct disable_begin_end_impl;}
namespace result_of
{template<typename>struct begin;};
template <typename Seq>
typename lazy_enable_if<
, mpl::not_<extension::disable_begin_end_impl<
typename traits::tag_of<Seq>::type
, result_of::begin<Seq>
begin(Seq&& seq);
That way we'd just cripple the fusion interface for adapted arrays and
probably a minority of user-defined fusion sequences.
Ultimately, to make such types full-blown fusion sequences again, we
could offer a new (meta-)function, for example
fusion::pack/fusion::result_of::pack, which takes such a 'reduced'
fusion sequence and returns an implementation-specific object/type that
encapsulates the passed sequence and offers a full-blown fusion
interface. To do so, that wrapper forwards its fusion implementation to
the implementation of the underlying type - but always returns
mpl::false_ for extension::disable_begin_end_impl.
It's not pretty - but this approach does not break much and we'd keep
ADL, even for fusion::begin/fusion::end, in most cases.
Do I make sense?
I would like to see a situation where finding boost::fusion::begin/end
via ADL is actually useful (i.e., couldn't be replaced by explicit
qualification). Until then, I believe preventing
boost::fusion::begin/end (and, possibly, boost::begin/end) from being
found via ADL is a better solution; further, it explicitly discourages
any future code from relying on ADL (assuming that relying on ADL
*should* be discouraged).
- Jeff
On 12/21/2010 12:29 PM, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. wrote:
> I would like to see a situation where finding boost::fusion::begin/end
> via ADL is actually useful (i.e., couldn't be replaced by explicit
> qualification). Until then, I believe preventing
> boost::fusion::begin/end (and, possibly, boost::begin/end) from being
> found via ADL is a better solution; further, it explicitly discourages
> any future code from relying on ADL (assuming that relying on ADL
> *should* be discouraged).
ADL for Fusion may be convenient in some cases,
but it should never be necessary because fusion::begin/end
are not the customization points.
In Christ,
Steven Watanabe
Such as I/O and comparisons?
BTW, I'm curious to know which is better in this case:
- Define Fusion sequences in an ADL-barrier namespace. For the functions
that need to be found via ADL, also define them in that namespace.
- Define Fusion's begin/end (and other functions that should NOT be found
via ADL) in an ADL barrier namespace.
> > ADL for Fusion may be convenient in some cases,
> Such as I/O and comparisons?
> BTW, I'm curious to know which is better in this case:
> - Define Fusion sequences in an ADL-barrier namespace. For the functions
> that need to be found via ADL, also define them in that namespace.
> or
> - Define Fusion's begin/end (and other functions that should NOT be found
> via ADL) in an ADL barrier namespace.
I think that putting the functions into a barrier namespace allows us to
continue using ADL for other functions. For this reason I prefer protecting
the functions. This is what I shall do for Boost.Range begin/end.
> Regards,
> Michel
> Regards,
Neil Groves