
Fiber optic patch cord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A fiber optic patch cord is a fiber optic cable capped at either end with connectors that allow it to be rapidly and conveniently connected to CATV, an optical switch or other telecommunication equipment. Its thick layer of protection is used to connect the optical transmitter, receiver, and the terminal box. This is known as "interconnect-style cabling""
design - How can one manage thousands of IF...THEN...ELSE rules? - Programmers Stack Exchange
" 175 down vote favorite 124 I am considering building an application, which, at its core, would consist of thousands of if...then...else statements. The purpose of the application is to be able to predict how cows move around in any landscape. They are affected by things like the sun, wind, food source, sudden events etc. How can such an application be managed? I imagine that after a few hundred IF-statements, it would be as good as unpredictable how the program would react and debugging what lead to a certain reaction would mean that one would have to traverse the whole IF-statement tree every time. I have read a bit about rules engines, but I do not see how they would get around this complexity."
HTML dd tag
networking - Find Printers with Nmap - Server Fault
Nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits.
Open Geospatial Consortium | OGC
Open design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Open design is the development of physical products, machines and systems through use of publicly shared design information. Open design involves the making of both free and open-source software (FOSS) as well as open-source hardware. The process is generally facilitated by the Internet and often performed without monetary compensation. The goals and philosophy are identical to that of the open-source movement, but are implemented for the development of physical products rather than software.[5] Open design is a form of co-creation, where the final product is designed by the users, rather than an external stakeholder such as a private company."
Open-source hardware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Open-source hardware (OSH) consists of physical artifacts of technology designed and offered by the open design movement. Both free and open-source software (FOSS) as well as open-source hardware is created by this open-source culture movement and applies a like concept to a variety of components. It is sometimes, thus, referred to as FOSH (free and open source hardware). The term usually means that information about the hardware is easily discerned so that others can make it - coupling it closely to the maker movement.[1] Hardware design (i.e. mechanical drawings, schematics, bills of material, PCB layout data, HDL source code and integrated circuit layout data), in addition to the software that drives the hardware, are all released under free/libre terms. The original sharer gains feedback and potentially improvements on the design from the FOSH community. There is now significant evidence that such sharing creates enormous economic value.[2] Since the rise of reconfigurable programmable logic devices, sharing of logic designs has been a form of open-source hardware. Instead of the schematics, hardware description language (HDL) code is shared. HDL descriptions are commonly used to set up system-on-a-chip systems either in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) or directly in application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) designs. HDL modules, when distributed, are called semiconductor intellectual property cores, or IP cores."
Open Hardware Repository
Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network - Why? We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication. No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer serving it. No hosting costs: Sites are served by visitors. Impossible to shut down: It's nowhere because it's everywhere. Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if your internet is unavailable.
Stack Exchange's Monitoring System
"A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET websites"
Leveraged buyout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A leveraged buyout (LBO) is a transaction when a company or single asset (e.g., a real estate property) is purchased with a combination of equity and significant amounts of borrowed money, structured in such a way that the target's cash flows or assets are used as the collateral (or "leverage") to secure and repay the borrowed money. Since the debt (be it senior or mezzanine) has a lower cost of capital (until bankruptcy risk reaches a level threatening to the lender[s]) than the equity, the returns on the equity increase as the amount of borrowed money does until the perfect capital structure is reached. As a result, the debt effectively serves as a lever to increase returns-on-investment. The term LBO is usually employed when a financial sponsor acquires a company. However, many corporate transactions are partially funded by bank debt, thus effectively also representing an LBO. LBOs can have many different forms such as management buyout (MBO), management buy-in (MBI), secondary buyout and tertiary buyout, among others, and can occur in growth situations, restructuring situations, and insolvencies. LBOs mostly occur in private companies, but can also be employed with public companies (in a so-called PtP transaction – Public to Private). As financial sponsors increase their returns by employing a very high leverage (i.e., a high ratio of debt to equity), they have an incentive to employ as much debt as possible to finance an acquisition. This has, in many cases, led to situations, in which companies were "over-leveraged", meaning that they did not generate sufficient cash flows to service their debt, which in turn led to insolvency or to debt-to-equity swaps in which the equity owners lose control over the business and the debt providers assume the equity."
Rollover (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In foreign exchange trading (FX), a rollover is the action taking place at end of day, where all open positions with value date equals SPOT, will be rolled over to the next business day. This happens since in FX trading the trader doesn't want to actually buy the traded currencies but to continue to trade until position is closed. For example, on Monday all position with value date of Wednesday (in case of T+1) will be rolled over and the value date will be updated for Thursday. Position with value date of Friday will be updated with value date of next Monday. Trading platforms offer rollovers but the process involves a rollover interest fee which is calculated according to the difference between the interest rates of the traded currencies. If the interest rate on the trader's long position is higher than the rate on the short position, the trader receives the interest. If the interest rate on the trader's short position is higher than the rate on the long position, then the trader pays the interest. For weekends and holidays, the rollover is multiplied by the number of days of rollover."
Luca Pacioli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (sometimes Paccioli or Paciolo; c. 1447–1517) was an Italian mathematician, Franciscan friar, collaborator with Leonardo da Vinci, and the seminal contributor to the field now known as accounting. He is referred to as "The Father of Accounting and Bookkeeping" and he was the first person to publish a work on double-entry system of book-keeping.[3] He was also called Luca di Borgo after his birthplace, Borgo Sansepolcro, Tuscany."
Xiph.Org Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Xiph.Org Foundation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Foundation Fish xiph org.png Founded 1994 Founder Christopher Montgomery Type 501(c)(3) Location Somerville, Massachusetts, United States Area served Worldwide Products Free multimedia formats, libraries, and streaming software Key people Christopher Montgomery, Jack Moffitt, Ralph Giles (Theora), Jean-Marc Valin (Speex, CELT, Opus),[1] Josh Coalson (FLAC), Michael Smith, Timothy B. Terriberry[2][3][4][5] Website Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit organization[6] that produces free multimedia formats and software tools. It focuses on the Ogg family of formats, and the most successful one has been Vorbis, an open and freely licensed audio format and codec designed to compete with the patented MP3 and AAC. As of 2013, the current development work is focusing on Daala, an open and patent-free video format and codec designed to compete with the patented High Efficiency Video Coding and VP9. In addition to its in-house development work, the Foundation has also brought several already-existing but complementary free software projects under its aegis, most of which have a separate, active group of developers. These include Speex, an audio codec designed for speech, and FLAC, a lossless audio codec. The Xiph.Org Foundation has criticized Microsoft and the RIAA for their lack of openness.[7] They state that if companies like Microsoft owned patents on the Internet, then other companies would try to compete, and "The Net, as designed by warring corporate entities, would be a battleground of incompatible and expensive 'standards' had it actually survived at all." They also condemn the RIAA for their support of projects such as Secure Digital Music Initiative. In 2008, the Free Software Foundation listed the Xiph.Org projects as High Priority Free Software Projects.[8] Contents 1 History 2 Xiph.Org Foundation projects 3 References 4 External links History Chris Montgomery, creator of the Ogg container format, founded the Xiphophorus company and later the Xiph.Org Foundation.[9] The first work that became the Ogg media projects started in 1994.[10] The name "Xiph" abbreviates the original organizational name, "Xiphophorus", named after the common swordtail fish, Xiphophorus hellerii.[11] The name "Xiphophorus company" was used until 2002,[12][13][14] when it was renamed to Xiph.Org Foundation.[15] In 1999, the Xiphophorus company defined itself on its website as "a distributed group of Free and Open Source programmers working to protect the foundations of Internet multimedia from domination by self-serving corporate interests."[16] In 2002, the Xiph.Org Foundation defined itself on its website as "a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests."[15] In March 2003, the Xiph.Org Foundation was recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization,[17] which means that U.S. citizens can deduct donations made to Xiph.Org from their taxes."
"The Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. Our purpose is to support and develop free, open protocols and software to serve the public, developer and business markets."
Privoxy - Home Page
"Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks. Privoxy is Free Software and licensed under the GNU GPLv2. Privoxy is an associated project of Software in the Public Interest (SPI)."
Apktool - A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Записки о разработке ПО: Возможности повышения скорости разработки на примере одного приложения
"Возможности повышения скорости разработки на примере одного приложения Я хочу рассказать о своём небольшом приложении, предназначенном для серьёзного увеличения производительности труда, историю создания и его основных возможностях. Несколько лет назад пришлось резко сменить работу: после почти 10ти лет разработки на С++ и WinApi разных, больших и не очень, но очень интересных проектов, пришлось перейти в крупную компанию и заняться разработкой сайтов на .Net. Для меня это была довольно резкая смена, поскольку пришлось всё начать практически с нуля. Проблема увеличении производительности труда была очень актуальной для меня на старой работе, в силу того что проекты были очень тяжёлые и хронически не хватало времени, поэтому даже небольшие оптимизации и автоматизации давали большой эффект. Постепенно я стал улучшать свою производительность и на новом месте за счёт разнообразных вспомогательных приложений. Ну не люблю я делать по 10 раз одно и то же, если это всё можно легко автоматизировать, к тому же это позволяло лучше понять новую платформу и набраться опыта. "
TBox - tool to make developer's life easier. - Home
Wings 3D | A Polygon Modeler
"Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use."
LMMS • Home
Welcome to the QGIS project!
"A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System " Create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD (Android coming soon)
Fossil: Home
"Fossil is a simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management system with these advanced features: "
Solfege - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
"When you study music on high school, college, music conservatory, you usually have to do ear training. Some of the exercises, like sight singing, is easy to do alone. But often you have to be at least two people, one making questions, the other answering."
"NuGet package build system and Visual Studio project templates "
Гудков, Дмитрий Геннадьевич — Википедия
"Дми́трий Генна́дьевич Гудко́в (19 января 1980 года, Коломна, Московская область) — российский политик и общественный деятель, независимый депутат Государственной думы шестого созыва, избранный по спискам партии Справедливая Россия, но позднее исключенный из партии. Сын Геннадия Гудкова. Женат. Имеет 3 детей. Содержание 1 Образование 2 Работа 3 Политическая деятельность 3.1 Работа в Государственной Думе 3.2 Участие в протестах 2011—2013 3.3 Исключение из партии «Справедливая Россия» 3.4 Расследование участия российских солдат в конфликте на Украине 4 Проекты 4.1 "Золотые крендели" 4.2 Фонд поддержки свободных СМИ 4.3 Вернем выборы мэра 5 Семейный бизнес 6 Критика 6.1 Поездка в США 7 Семья 8 Фильмография 9 Примечания 10 Ссылки Образование В 1996 году окончил московскую гимназию № 625[2] с физико-математическими и гуманитарными классами. В 2001 году окончил факультет журналистики МГУ. Получил второе высшее образование, окончив факультет мировой экономики Дипломатической академии МИД России. Работа Во время учёбы в университете возглавлял центр общественных связей компании «Оскордъ», а также редакцию газеты Security, специализировавшейся на вопросах безопасности. В 2001 создал один из крупнейших общественно-политических еженедельников Подмосковья «Региональные вести»."
Обама назвал главный ИТ-проект США «катастрофой» |
"Президент США Барак Обама признал провал главного ИТ-проекта в период своего правления — государственного сайта и платформы Об этом он заявил в интервью журналу Fast Company, соообщает CNews."
Топ-10 стран по числу выпускников-инженеров |
"Россия занимает первое место в мире по числу выпускников инженерных специальностей. "
Открытые данные Беларуси
MetaBrainz Foundation
"The MetaBrainz Foundation is a non-profit that believes in free, open access to data. It has been set up to build community maintained databases and make them available in the public domain or under Creative Commons licenses. Our data is mostly gathered by volunteers and verified by peer review to ensure it is consistent and correct. All non-commercial use of this data is free, but commercial users are asked to support us in order to help fund the project. We encourage all data users to contribute to the data gathering process so that our data can be as comprehensive as possible. "
Welcome to AcoustID! | AcoustID
"AcoustID is an open source project that aims to create a free database of audio fingerprints with mapping to the MusicBrainz metadata database and provide a web service for audio file identification using this database. The content of the database is all submitted by users. You can contribute by downloading our submission tool and letting it to analyze your music collection. It will submit fingerprints along with some metadata necessary to identify the songs to the AcoustID database."
gdipp - Customizable Windows text renderers - Google Project Hosting
"The gdipp (codename) project is a replacement of the Windows text render, which brings to you the effect of text like Mac OS and Linux distributions. It is easy to use with ignorable overhead, and it is fully customizable. "
Launchy: The Open Source Keystroke Launcher
PSPP - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
"GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a Free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS, and appears very similar to it with a few exceptions."
QLC+ by Massimo Callegari
Terminals - Home
DATA - Don't Sing feat. Benny Sings (official video) - YouTube
WebAssembly: A Universal Binary and Text Format for the Web
"Mozilla, Google, Microsoft and Apple have decided to develop a binary format for the web. Called WebAssembly, this format could be a compilation target for any programming language, enabling applications to run in the browser or other agents. A couple of years ago, we discussed here on InfoQ the merits of a universal bytecode for the web (see Debate: Do We Need a Universal Web Bytecode?), outlining the difficulties in creating one. The main problem mentioned was the disagreement between the major browser makers: Mozilla was pushing asm.js, Google was behind PNaCl, Apple was working on FLTJIT, while Microsoft were not showing interest in any of them. But that has changed. All four major browser vendors have agreed on creating WebAssembly or WASM/wasm, a binary format for the web. Some call this a bytecode, but wasm is not a bytecode in the traditional sense, as Brendan Eich noted: “And WebAssembly is indeed a compressed AST encoding, not a stack bytecode. Shhh, don't tell anyone. You can still call it bytecode if you like.”"
FlightGear Flight Simulator | sophisticated, professional, open-source
"Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope."
StarUML download |
"StarUML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. The goal is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as RationalRose, Together and so on"
Icinga | Open Source Monitoring
Home - Open Invention Network
OASIS | Advancing open standards for the information society
Camlistore is a set of open source formats, protocols, and software for modeling, storing, searching, sharing and synchronizing data in the post-PC era. Data may be files or objects, tweets or 5TB videos, and you can access it via a phone, browser or FUSE filesystem. Camlistore (Content-Addressable Multi-Layer Indexed Storage) is under active development.
Brad Fitzpatrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Brad Fitzpatrick Bradfitz-sunglasses.jpg Brad Fitzpatrick Born February 5, 1980 (age 35) Iowa, United States Occupation Programmer Bradley Joseph "Brad" Fitzpatrick (born February 5, 1980 in Iowa), is an American programmer. He is best known as the creator of LiveJournal and is the author of a variety of free software projects such as memcached, OpenID and Camlistore. Born in Iowa, Fitzpatrick grew up in Beaverton, Oregon and majored in computer science at the University of Washington in Seattle. LiveJournal eventually became a full-time job and then a company, which he called Danga Interactive. In January 2005, Fitzpatrick sold Danga to Six Apart, for an undisclosed sum of cash and stock.[1] He was named chief architect of Six Apart.[2] He left Six Apart in August 2007 and joined the LiveJournal Advisory Board in 2008.[3] He now works for Google,[4] as Staff Engineer and is now part of the Go programming language team.[5] June 2014, the UW CSE in Seattle awarded Brad for Early Career Achievement.[6]"
"The RPC_C_OPT_COOKIE_AUTH_DESCRIPTOR structure contains a cookie that is inserted into the header of RPC/HTTP traffic. This cookie can be used for authentication or for load balancing. When used for authentication, RPC_S_COOKIE_AUTH_FAILED is returned from an RPC call if cookie authentication fails. There are no specific error messages when used for load balancing."
RpcBindingSetOption function (Windows)
"The RpcBindingSetOption function enables client applications to specify message-queuing options on a binding handle. Syntax C++ RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcBindingSetOption( RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding, unsigned long Option, unsigned long OptionValue ); Parameters hBinding Server binding to modify. Option Binding property to modify. For a list of binding options and their possible values, see Binding Option Constants. See Remarks for information on the RPC Call time-out feature. OptionValue New value for the binding property. See Remarks. Return value Value Meaning RPC_S_OK The call succeeded. RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT The function is not supported for either the operating system or the transport. Note that calling RpcBindingSetOption on binding handles that use any protocol sequence other than ncacn_* will fail and return this value. Note For a list of valid error codes, see RPC Return Values. Remarks RPC client processes use RpcBindingSetOption to control the delivery quality-of-service, call logging, and call lifetimes. Changing the binding-handle properties will affect all remote calls until the properties are changed by another call to RpcBindingSetOption. You can also call RpcBindingSetAuthInfo to set security options for the binding handle. Windows XP: RPC Call Timeout feature: Calling the RpcBindingSetOption function with Option set to RPC_C_OPT_CALL_TIMEOUT and OptionValue set to the time-out value (in milliseconds) enables developers to set an RPC-server time-out that prevents a thread from becoming captive to an unresponsive RPC server. This feature saves developers from explicitly canceling a call to an unresponsive RPC server. The timer monitoring for time-out is reset by the RPC client upon receipt of each packet. If the time-out expires without receiving a packet from the server, the RPC client returns RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED. Note that the RPC server may still eventually execute a call, even though the client will discard the response. Set OptionValue to INFINITE or zero for an infinite time-out. Do not change this option from another thread while a call is in progress. Do not attempt to retry a canceled call; doing so increases the burden on the already unresponsive server. The RPC call time-out feature is only useful for connection-oriented, synchronous RPC calls, such as those made on ncacn_* protocol sequences. For datagram, asynchronous, or local RPC calls, this option is ignored by the RPC run-time. The RPC call time-out feature is useful in many situations, such as user interface updates that would otherwise wait for the busy RPC server to respond (leaving the user watching an hourglass), or when many RPC servers can service a request, thereby enabling clients to more quickly identify and bypass unresponsive servers."
Binding Option Constants (Windows)
"Applications set the binding option constants to control how the RPC run-time library processes remote procedure calls. The following table lists each binding property, and the relevant constant values for the binding properties."
Datalog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Datalog is a truly declarative logic programming language that syntactically is a subset of Prolog. It is often used as a query language for deductive databases. In recent years, Datalog has found new application in data integration, information extraction, networking, program analysis, security, and cloud computing.[1] Its origins date back to the beginning of logic programming, but it became prominent as a separate area around 1977 when Hervé Gallaire and Jack Minker organized a workshop on logic and databases.[2] David Maier is credited with coining the term Datalog.[3] Contents 1 Features, limitations and extensions 2 Example 3 Systems implementing Datalog 3.1 Free software/Open source 3.2 Non-free software 4 See also 5 References 6 Bibliography 7 Further reading Features, limitations and extensions Unlike in Prolog, statements of a Datalog program can be stated in any order. Furthermore, Datalog queries on finite sets are guaranteed to terminate, so Datalog does not have Prolog's cut operator. This makes Datalog a truly declarative language. In contrast to Prolog, Datalog disallows complex terms as arguments of predicates, e.g., p (1, 2) is admissible but not p (f (1), 2), imposes certain stratification restrictions on the use of negation and recursion, requires that every variable that appears in the head of a clause also appears in a nonarithmetic positive (i.e. not negated) literal in the body of the clause, requires that every variable appearing in a negative literal in the body of a clause also appears in some positive literal in the body of the clause[4] Query evaluation with Datalog is based on first order logic, and is thus sound and complete. However, Datalog is not Turing complete, and is thus used as a domain-specific language that can take advantage of efficient algorithms developed for query resolution. Indeed, various methods have been proposed to efficiently perform queries, e.g., the Magic Sets algorithm,[5] tabled logic programming[6] or SLG resolution.[7] Some widely used database systems include ideas and algorithms developed for Datalog. For example, the SQL:1999 standard includes recursive queries, and the Magic Sets algorithm (initially developed for the faster evaluation of Datalog queries) is implemented in IBM's DB2.[8] Moreover, Datalog engines are behind specialised database systems such as Intellidimension's database for the semantic web.[citation needed] Several extensions have been made to Datalog, e.g., to support aggregate functions, to allow object-oriented programming, or to allow disjunctions as heads of clauses. These extensions have significant impacts on the definition of Datalog's semantics and on the implementation of a corresponding Datalog interpreter."
An Official Google Drive for Linux is Here, Sort Of — Maybe This Is All We’ll Ever Get
"Google introduced Google Drive on April 24, 2012 and promised Linux support “coming soon.” That was nearly two and a half years ago. There’s now a somewhat “official” Google Drive client for Linux, but it’s probably not what you want. Google has continued to affirm that they’re “still working on it” for the last few years. Google does use Linux internally, so it’s no surprise there’s a solution created by a Google Drive developer."
garnet's sanctum | my neighbor totoro
JSONP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"JSONP or “JSON with padding” is a communication technique used in JavaScript programs running in web browsers to request data from a server in a different domain, something prohibited by typical web browsers because of the same-origin policy. JSONP takes advantage of the fact that browsers do not enforce the same-origin policy on Contents 1 How it works 2 Padding 3 Script element injection 4 Cross-domain requests using a proxy server 5 Security concerns 5.1 Untrusted third-party code 5.2 Callback name manipulation and Reflected File Download 5.3 Cross-site request forgery 5.4 Rosetta Flash 6 History 7 See also 8 References 9 External links How it works To see how this technique works, first consider a URL request that returns JSON data. A JavaScript program might request this URL via XMLHttpRequest, for example. Suppose the user ID of a person Foo is 1234. A browser requesting the URL, passing the ID of 1234, would receive data (usually dynamically generated) similar to: { "Name": "Foo", "Id": 1234, "Rank": 7 } Here, an HTML The browser will, in order, download the script file, evaluate its contents, interpret the raw JSON data as a block, and throw a syntax error. Even if the data were interpreted as a JavaScript object literal, it could not be accessed by JavaScript running in the browser, since without a variable assignment, object literals are inaccessible. In the JSONP usage pattern, the URL request pointed to by the src attribute in the In this example, the received payload would be: parseResponse({"Name": "Foo", "Id": 1234, "Rank": 7});"
Isomorphic JavaScript - The future of web app development
"Isomorphic JavaScript apps are JavaScript applications that can run both client-side and server-side. The backend and frontend share the same code."
Развитие Ребенка - YouTube
Introduction to RPC - Part 2 - CodeProject
Standard ECMA-262
Enabling and Disabling AutoRun (Windows)
"There are many situations where AutoRun may need to be temporarily or persistently disabled. For example, AutoRun might interfere with the operation of a running application and need to be disabled for the duration. The system provides several ways to disable AutoRun."
TechNet Registry Key to Disable UAC
"Easiest way to Disable Disable UAC ( User Acces Control ) is to modifying registry on the machine.You may use the attached reg file to Disable the UAC. Simply, double click the registry file and settings will be imported on the machine.Manual procedure to disable UAC is given bel"
Business models for open-source software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Open-source software is widely used for public and non-commercial applications. In addition, many independent software vendors (ISVs), value-added resellers (VARs), and hardware vendors (OEMs or ODMs) use open-source frameworks, modules, and libraries inside their proprietary, for-profit products and services. From the customer's perspective, the ability to use open-source technology under standard commercial terms and support is valuable. Customers are willing to pay for the legal protection (e.g., indemnification from intellectual property infringement), "commercial-grade QA", and professional support/training/consulting that are typical of commercial software built on top of the innovation and independence that comes with open source."
Create Simple Script to Show / Hide File Extensions in Windows - AskVG
Uniform Function Call Syntax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Uniform Function Call Syntax (UFCS) is a programming language feature in D that allows any function to be called on an object (as in Object-oriented programming) like the function is a method of its class.[1] UFCS is particularly useful when function calls are chained.[2]"
Об интеллекте (книга) - Википедия
"«Об интеллекте» (оригинальное название «On Intelligence») — научно-популярная книга Джеффа Хокинса, написанная в 2004 году, в соавторстве с Сандрой Блейксли. В 2007 книга издана на русском. В ней автор представляет свою теорию строения мозга, основанную на его знаниях в областях нейробиологии, психологии и кибернетики. Он доказывает, что вся «верхняя» работа мозга базируется на системе «память-предсказание» и системе «паттернов», из которых состоит наш мир, показывая это на примерах. В книге он пытается объяснить, почему попытки создания искусственного интеллекта до сих пор не увенчались успехом, считая, что за этим стоит не техническая, а принципиальная проблема. Кроме того книга поднимает некоторые морально-этические проблемы, а также показывает, что мы сами замедляем процесс познания наших мыслительных процессов, ожидая, что за этим стоит «некий волшебный соус»"
Иерархическая Временная Память: Концепции, Теория и Терминология
Внезапный диван леопардовой расцветки / Хабрахабр
школа красоты и здоровья "WellGo"
Ball grid array - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A ball grid array (BGA) is a type of surface-mount packaging (a chip carrier) used for integrated circuits. BGA packages are used to permanently mount devices such as microprocessors. A BGA can provide more interconnection pins than can be put on a dual in-line or flat package. The whole bottom surface of the device can be used, instead of just the perimeter. The leads are also on average shorter than with a perimeter-only type, leading to better performance at high speeds. Soldering of BGA devices requires precise control and is usually done by automated processes. BGA devices are not suitable for socket mounting."
Comparing Ivy Bridge vs. Sandy Bridge |
"It happens every year, almost like clockwork—literal and figurative: Intel implements one or the other part of its tick-tock development strategy, which guarantees processor innovation is an ongoing, rather than an intermittent, process. But whether any given year is the tick (a reduction in the production process) or the tock (a new microarchitecture), it can occasionally be difficult to know exactly what's changed, or what impact it will have on you. So if you've been wondering about the differences between Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge, respectively Intel's second- and third-generation Core processor technologies, here's a list of the most important differences—and similarities—between the two. "
Inspiron 15R Laptop Details | Dell
"Inspiron 15R Laptop"
Dell Laptop Parts | Dell Parts | Dell Laptop Repair | Dell Repair
Mobile PCI Express Module - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How to upgrade/install the wireless card in your laptop - YouTube
Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 WiFi Bluetooth Half Mini Card - Networking, Internet, Wireless Forum - Networking, Internet, Wireless - Dell Community
"Hi, I have a question, will Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 WiFi Bluetooth Half Mini Card work on my Dell Inspiron N5110 ? without having hardware compatibility issues.. Regards, Intel, WiFi, bluetooth PoorPoorFairFairAverageAverageGoodGoodExcellentExcellent Unlike 1 Reply cosmin.mirea Posted by cosmin.mirea on 10 Apr 2015 6:49 AM Verified Answer Verified by Dzmitry Lahoda Yes. I have installed on my dell n5110 and it works."
Move Mouse - Home
The Alter Ego Story (V2) - YouTube
Best Buy International: Select your Country - Best Buy
ACME Portable | The Most Powerful Portables on the Planet
"ACME Portable Machines, Inc. is an industry-leading manufacturing company that specializes in rugged portable computers. We pride ourselves in creating high-performance, unique computers that are customized specifically for your needs. From graphic-intensive applications to high-density storage servers, our computers are used in a number of industries, including digital media and broadcasting, test and measurement, and government and military."
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" The Online Industrial Exhibition"
Oxboard @ concours hippique 2015 - YouTube
Difference between swiss made movement and swiss made watch - YouTube
Eurocom Products
Rugged portable workstation, industrial panel PC with touch screen, POS, rack mount KVM console, industrial LCD monitor.
Mobile Servers, Portable Workstations, Compact Rack Systems | NextComputing
NoSleepHD - Home
Redemption value - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Redemption value is the price at which the issuing company may choose to repurchase a security before its maturity date.[1] A bond is purchased at a discount if its redemption value exceeds its purchase price. It is purchased at a premium if its purchase price exceeds its redemption value.[1]"
Par value - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Par value, in finance and accounting, means stated value or face value. From this come the expressions at par (at the par value), over par (over par value) and under par (under par value)."
MSI Rolls Out the WT Series Mobile Workstations | techPowerUp
"Killer NIC"
Killer NIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Killer NIC (Network Interface Card), from Killer Gaming, is designed to circumvent the Microsoft Windows TCP/IP stack, and handle processing on the card via a dedicated network processor. Most standard network cards are host based, and make use of the primary CPU. The manufacturer claims that the Killer NIC is capable of reducing network latency and lag. The card was first introduced in 2006."
MSI WT60 WT70 workstation - YouTube
Compile time dependency injection in Play 2.4 with macwire
C# Futures: Immutable Classes
"In the last of our C# Futures series, we look at proposal 159, which would add compiler support for immutable classes. While it has always been possible to create immutable types in C#, and C# 6 makes is even easier, there is currently no way to say “this class is immutable” and have the compiler verify the claim."
Play 2.4 Moves to Dependency Injection and Java 8
DirecTV Russian Guy Funny Commercial ("Opulence, I Has It") - YouTube
Auto-Mocking Unity Container Extension - Mike Valenty
The Craftsman Learns ... or Learning the Craft
"Pete Goodliffe provokes his listeners to keep learning over the course of their entire life, offering advice on how to approach learning, what is valuable and what can be ignored, how to deal with new things, having a healthy attitude towards learning, and how to feed one’s curiosity. "
Archon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Archon (Greek ἄρχων arkhon; pl. ἄρχοντες) is a Greek word that means "ruler" or "lord," frequently used as the title of a specific public office. It is the masculine present participle of the verb stem ἀρχ-, meaning "to rule," derived from the same root as monarch."
openHAB - empowering the smart home
Welcome to openHAB - a vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software for your home. Build your smart home in no time!
Kodi | Open Source Home Theatre Software
Dutch East India Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Dutch East India Company (Dutch: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC, "United East India Company") was a chartered company established in 1602, when the States General of the Netherlands granted it a 21-year monopoly to carry out trade activities in Asia. It is often considered to have been the first multinational corporation in the world [2] and it was the first company to issue stock.[3] It was a powerful company, possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison and execute convicts,[4] negotiate treaties, strike its own coins, and establish colonies.[5] Statistically, the VOC eclipsed all of its rivals in the Asia trade. Between 1602 and 1796 the VOC sent almost a million Europeans to work in the Asia trade on 4,785 ships, and netted for their efforts more than 2.5 million tons of Asian trade goods. By contrast, the rest of Europe combined sent only 882,412 people from 1500 to 1795, and the fleet of the English (later British) East India Company, the VOC's nearest competitor, was a distant second to its total traffic with 2,690 ships and a mere one-fifth the tonnage of goods carried by the VOC. The VOC enjoyed huge profits from its spice monopoly through most of the 17th century.[6] Having been set up in 1602, to profit from the Malukan spice trade, in 1619 the VOC established a capital in the port city of Jayakarta and changed the city name into Batavia (now Jakarta). Over the next two centuries the Company acquired additional ports as trading bases and safeguarded their interests by taking over surrounding territory.[7] It remained an important trading concern and paid an 18% annual dividend for almost 200 years.[8] Weighed down by corruption in the late 18th century, the Company went bankrupt and was formally dissolved in 1800,[8] its possessions and the debt being taken over by the government of the Dutch Batavian Republic. The VOC's territories became the Dutch East Indies and were expanded over the course of the 19th century to include the whole of the Indonesian archipelago, and in the 20th century would form the Republic of Indonesia."
Developing Provably-Correct Software Using Formal Methods
"Computer-checked models can be used to prove that core communications and state management in a software program are 100% logically correct. Such models can also be used to generate 100% correct source code. The usage of formal methods can reduce costs and time to market and help to deliver highly reliable software products."
Can Coq be used (easily) as a model checker? - Stack Overflow
Welcome! | The Coq Proof Assistant
Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
Markit – Financial Information Services
Messaging Application Programming Interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) is a messaging architecture and a Component Object Model based API for Microsoft Windows. MAPI allows client programs to become (e-mail) messaging-enabled, -aware, or -based by calling MAPI subsystem routines that interface with certain messaging servers. While MAPI is designed to be independent of the protocol, it is usually used with MAPI/RPC, the proprietary protocol that Microsoft Outlook uses to communicate with Microsoft Exchange. Simple MAPI is a subset of 12 functions which enable developers to add basic messaging functionality. Extended MAPI allows complete control over the messaging system on the client computer, creation and management of messages, management of the client mailbox, service providers, and so forth. Simple MAPI ships with Microsoft Windows as part of Outlook Express/Windows Mail while the full Extended MAPI ships with Office Outlook and Exchange. In addition to the Extended MAPI client interface, programming calls can be made indirectly through the Simple MAPI API client interface, through the Common Messaging Calls (CMC) API client interface, or by the object-based CDO Library interface. These three methods are easier to use and designed for less complex messaging-enabled and -aware applications. (Simple MAPI and CMC were removed from Exchange 2003.) MAPI was originally designed by Microsoft. The company founded its MS Mail team in 1987, but it was not until it acquired Consumers Software in 1991 to obtain Network Courier that it had a messaging product. Reworked, it was sold as MS PC Mail (or Microsoft Mail for PC Networking). The basic API to MS PC Mail was known as MAPI version 0 (or MAPI0). MAPI uses functions loosely based on the X.400 XAPIA standard. MAPI includes facilities to access message transports, message stores, and directories."
Rust Achieves Stability, Ready for Production Use
"As anticipated, the first stable release of the Rust programming language has been made. Rust describes itself as a language that “…combines low-level control over performance with high-level convenience and safety guarantees.” The big news about this official 1.0 release is that it represents a focus on stability so that those wanting to learn and use Rust can expect a solid foundation from which to build on."
WCF Extensibility - Carlos Figueira MSDN blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
WCF is Open Source
Contribute About Us About You Purpose Index Exclusive updates on: Facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in professional software development Login En | 中文 | 日本 | Fr | Br 1,163,938 Apr unique visitors Development Java .Net Cloud Mobile HTML5 JavaScript Ruby DSLs Python PHP API Featured in Development Interview with John Arthorne on the Orion Project Recorded at EclipseCon NA 2015, John Arthorne talks to Alex Blewitt about the Orion project, and how it can be used to create JavaScript based code as well as commit it to Git entirely within a web browser, as well as how Orion fits in with the newly created top level Cloud project. All in Development Architecture & Design Architecture Modeling Scalability/Performance DDD BDD AOP Patterns Security Cloud SOA Featured in Architecture & Design Portia Tung on Hope as the Driver for Change and Improvement Portia Tung works as an agile coach and shares some experience on making teams out of individuals and motivating those teams to follow a vision or reach a goal. One technique to reach a goal is to use hope as the combination of will-power and way-power. How much power do I have to follow my goals and how much creativity do I have to overcome any obstacles on my way? All in Architecture & Design Process & Practices Agile Leadership Collaboration Agile Techniques Methodologies Continuous Integration Lean/Kanban Featured in Process & Practices Q and A on The Scrum Culture Dominik Maximini researched the cultural aspects of organizations that are using Scrum. He published the findings of his research, together with principles for implementing Scrum and suggestions on how to apply these principles and a case study of a Scrum transformation, in the book The Scrum Culture. All in Process & Practices Operations & Infrastructure Hadoop Performance Big Data DevOps Cloud APM Virtualization NoSQL Featured in Operations & Infrastructure Mobile-First in Africa: How Mobile Phones are Changing Health Care in Africa This mobile explosion in Africa is having a far larger impact than merely connecting people, it is creating a very large, low-cost distributed sensor network that has the potential to completely transform global health care. This article will explore the fight against malaria, counterfeit drug detection, grade stock-out prevention, and health education. All in Operations & Infrastructure Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architecture BPM Business/IT Alignment Architecture Documentation IT Governance SOA Featured in Enterprise Architecture Q&A on the Book More Fearless Change The book More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen by Mary Lynn Manns and Linda Rising provides patterns that can be used to drive change in organizations in a sustainable way. It contains updated descriptions of the 48 patterns from the book Fearless Change and provides 15 new patterns. All in Enterprise Architecture New York 2015, Jun 08 - 12 San Francisco 2015, Nov 16 - 20 London 2016, Mar 07 - 11 Mobile HTML5 JavaScript APM .NET Java API Design Microservices All topics Performance You are here: InfoQ Homepage News WCF is Open Source WCF is Open Source by Jonathan Allen on May 20, 2015 | Discuss Share Share | Share on facebook Share on digg Share on dzone Share on twitter Share on reddit Share on delicious Share on email "Read later" "My Reading List" The .NET Foundation has just announced the release of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) as open source. WCF, originally offered in .NET 3.0, offers a high-level abstraction over cross-application communication. It supports one-way and two-way messages over HTTP, TCP, named pipes, and, with third-party extensions, any other message based wire format. WCF has a mixed reputation. While very easy to get started with, the learning curve has proven to be incredibly steep. This is in part due to questionable design decisions, but most it is just a lack of education. Microsoft did a very poor job of documenting WCF, and it wasn’t until Carlos Figueira’s 2011 blog series titled WCF Extensibility that we actually got a good tutorial on the framework’s advanced features. The open source version of WCF is composed of five libraries: ServiceModel.Primitives ServiceModel.Http ServiceModel.NetTcp ServiceModel.Duplex ServiceModel.Security Ron Cain, Project lead for WCF, writes, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2015 RC at the Build conference in April 2015, and it supports the ability to use WCF in both Universal Windows and ASP.NET 5 applications. The code used to build these WCF libraries used by VS 2015 RC was moved into this new GitHub repository, and the GitHub version will be the source used moving forward. By contributing to the WCF project you will be contributing directly to the WCF capabilities available to Universal Windows and ASP.NET 5 apps. Everything you need for basic one-way communication over HTTP or TCP is in place. Two-way communication, web sockets, and various security features such as SSL are still a work in
Embedding Images in Your Emails. The Facts.
"It’s nice to spice up your transactional emails with a few images from time to time. Even if it’s just a logo, you’ll find it helps to add a touch of legitimacy to what you’re sending out. However, there’s no one way to do this. Do you link out to the image on a CDN? Do you embed it and reference it via a CID tag? Maybe as a linked image? Which one should you choose? In this post, we’ll look at the options available and address a few pros and cons of using them, as well as how you would use them with SendGrid, so you can take a look at your needs, and your audience, and make up your own mind. Kicking us off? The mysterious CID."
БЕЛАВИА - Авиакомпания Республики Беларусь
Aeroexpress - Aeroexpress - Forgot that connection string? Get it here!
" help developers connect software to data. It's a straight to the point reference with connection strings"
Creating a simple setup
TypeIdentifierAttribute Class (System.Runtime.InteropServices)
"Provides support for type equivalence."
"AlphaFS is a .NET library providing more complete Win32 file system functionality to the .NET platform than the standard "
Windows Template Library
"Windows Template Library (WTL) is a C++ library for developing Windows applications and UI components. It extends ATL (Active Template Library) and provides a set of classes for controls, dialogs, frame windows, GDI objects, and more."
ConEmu - Handy Windows Terminal
"ConEmu-Maximus5 is a Windows console emulator with tabs, which presents multiple consoles and simple GUI applications as one customizable GUI window with various features. "
Far Manager Official Site : main
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. Far Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories; editing, copying and renaming files; and many other actions.
How to programmatically save each page or section of a document as a separate file
Vincent (Short Film) By Tim Burton/ Narrated:Vincent Price - YouTube
Download Office 2013 Help Files: Office Fluent User Interface Control Identifiers from Official Microsoft Download Center
"This download contains files for and information about each of the control IDs for built-in UI commands and menu items in all applications that use the Office 2013 Fluent UI. "
How to automate Microsoft Word to perform Mail Merge from Visual C#
"This article demonstrates how to automate Microsoft Word to create a mail-merged document by using Microsoft Visual C# 2005 or Microsoft Visual C# .NET. "
Microsoft Support
MailMerge Object (Word)
"Use the MailMerge property to return the MailMerge object. The MailMerge object is always available regardless of whether the mail merge operation has begun. Use the State property to determine the status of the mail merge operation. The following example executes a mail merge if the active document is a main document with an attached data source."
How To Use Mail Merge - YouTube
ASP.NET MVC Guidance | The ASP.NET Site
Microsoft Goes Universal with Astoria, Islandwood, Centennial and Westminster
" Microsoft Goes Universal with Astoria, Islandwood, Centennial and Westminster by Abel Avram on May 04, 2015 | Discuss Share Share | Share on facebook Share on digg Share on dzone Share on twitter Share on reddit Share on delicious Share on email "Read later" "My Reading List" In an attempt to bring Android, iOS, classic Windows and web applications on a single platform and make them available through the Windows Store, Microsoft has launched four projects, also knows as Universal Windows Platform Bridges, namely: Astoria, Islandwood, Centennial, and Westminster."
Running .NET on Linux and Mac OS X
Higher Kinded Polymorphism / Generics on Generics · Issue #2212 · dotnet/roslyn
The Josef Seibel Group
Free Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical Books, Lecture Notes and Tutorials
Ebooks | Resources | Syncfusion
Free Computer Books : IT, Programming and Computer Science
"Download Latest Free Computer Books This site lists free eBooks and online books related to programming, computer science, software engineering, web design, mobile app development, networking, databases, information technology, AI, graphics and computer hardware which are provided by publishers or authors on their websites legally. We do not host pirated books or we do not link to sites that host pirated books."
Higher-Kinded Types for C#
"If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time in Visual Studio cranking away at C# code. You follow the updates to the language with each release, learn the new things that are possible and how it can make your life easier. But you also investigate other languages in your free time and see what features other languages have that you may be missing out on. If you’re especially into the functional aspects of C#, and you look at Haskell or Scala in your free time, you may have seen the term “Higher-Kinded Types”. You may have read a definition or two, looked at a couple papers, maybe-kinda understood it, but not really seen how it applies to real-world problems."
F*: A Higher-Order Effectful Language Designed for Program Verification
"F* is a new higher order, effectful programming language (like ML) designed with program verification in mind. Its type system is based on a core that resembles System Fω (hence the name), but is extended with dependent types, refined monadic effects, refinement types, and higher kinds. Together, these features allow expressing precise and compact specifications for programs, including functional correctness properties. The F* type-checker aims to prove that programs meet their specifications using an automated theorem prover (usually Z3) behind the scenes to discharge proof obligations. Programs written in F* can be translated to OCaml, F#, or JavaScript for execution. "
Wi-Fi Direct - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Wi-Fi Direct, initially called Wi-Fi P2P, is a Wi-Fi standard enabling devices to easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point.[1] It is usable for everything from internet browsing to file transfer,[2][3] and to communicate with more than one device simultaneously at typical Wi-Fi speeds.[4] One advantage of Wi-Fi Direct is the ability to connect devices even if they are from different manufacturers. Only one of the Wi-Fi devices needs to be compliant with Wi-Fi Direct to establish a peer-to-peer connection that transfers data directly between them with greatly reduced setup.[citation needed] Wi-Fi Direct negotiates the link with a Wi-Fi Protected Setup system that assigns each device a limited wireless access point. The "pairing" of Wi-Fi Direct devices can be set up to require the proximity of a near field communication, a Bluetooth signal, or a button press on one or all the devices. Wi-Fi Direct may not only replace the need for routers, but may also replace the need of Bluetooth for applications that do not rely on low energy.[5]"
DevDB - Каталог мобильных устройств
ubuntu - How to use Wireless Network in Virtualbox? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Welcome Page | Open Virtual Platforms
GitLab Documentation
DjVuLibre: Open Source DjVu library and viewer
" DjVu is a web-centric format and software platform for distributing documents and images. DjVu can advantageously replace PDF, PS, TIFF, JPEG, and GIF for distributing scanned documents, digital documents, or high-resolution pictures. DjVu content downloads faster, displays and renders faster, looks nicer on a screen, and consume less client resources than competing formats. DjVu images display instantly and can be smoothly zoomed and panned with no lengthy re-rendering."
Ghostscript: Ghostscript
C# Futures: Nullability Tracking
"Probably the most common error type in .NET is the Null Reference Exception. The root cause of this error is C#’s inability to express the concept of non-nullable references, which in turn makes compiler-enforced null checking it too burdensome."
C# Futures: Tuples and Anonymous Structs
Rust Beyond 1.0: Where It Stands, Where It is Headed
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Как я работал в наркологии. Часть 4-я, заключительная.
"цы об бикс"
Как я работал в наркологии (3-я часть)
Как я работал в наркологии (2-я часть)
Как я работал в наркологии (1-я часть)
В Беларуси впервые оштрафовали пользователей "пиратской" Windows | 42.TUT.BY
"За использование нелицензионных версий Windows оштрафована группа компаний "Родная сторона". Такое решение принял суд Минского района, сообщает представительство Microsoft в Беларуси. Прецедент создан в Беларуси впервые."
"Skyperious is a Skype database viewer and merger, written in Python. You can open Skype SQLite databases and look at their contents: search across all messages and contacts browse chat history and export as HTML or spreadsheet, see chat statistics import contacts from a CSV file to your Skype contacts view any database table and and export their data change, add or delete data in any table execute direct SQL queries and synchronize messages in two Skype databases: keep chat history up-to-date on different computers, or restore missing messages from older files into the current one " | Unleash Your Router
"DD-WRT is a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The main emphasis lies on providing the easiest possible handling while at the same time supporting a great number of functionalities within the framework of the respective hardware platform used."
TP-LINK Форум • Просмотр темы - TL-MR3040 + ZTE MF 823 LTE
WPF vNext and NuGet
Home | D-Link
Welcome to TP-LINK
GCC 5.1 is Out
" The GNU Project has announced the release of GCC 5.1. The first major release of GCC 5 comes with many new features and improvements, including improved support for C++11/14, a new libstdc++ ABI, and a machine-code JIT embeddable library."
Hosting WPF UI cross-thread and cross-process - Diaries of a Software Plumber - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"AppDomains are the preferred means for isolating related managed components while still having the benefit of efficient in-process communication and relative ease of deployment/activation. The CLR Add-In framework along with FrameworkElementAdapters facilitate building UI consisting of pieces running in different AppDomains. Apart from the Add-In model abstractions, the basic interop interface is a native OS (“Win32”) window. While unfortunate for a composited UI framework like WPF, this is necessary because WPF cannot manage an element tree crossing an AppDomain boundary … and all previous UI frameworks for Windows use child windows as the basic building blocks. ;-) One benefit of having add-ins hosted in child windows, though, is that the “host” and “add-in” don’t need to be both built based on WPF. Here’s how WinForms can get involved too."
Issues · arpitkh96/AmazeFileManager
ConnectBot - Home
"ConnectBot is a secure shell client for the Android platform. Its ultimate goal is to create a secure connection through which you can use a shell on a remote machine and transfer files back and forth to your phone."
Арнольд призывает к революции в бодибилдинге - NEW 2015 (RUS Sportfaza) - YouTube
Виктора Прокопеню допрашивали девять часов без перерыва |
"У родных Виктора Прокопени изъяли паспорта, арестовали имущество, а самого предпринимателя поместили в камеру на 25 человек. TUT.BY стали известны некоторые подробности по делу известного предпринимателя. СИЗО №1 по улице Володарского в Минске. Фото: Юлия Дорошкевич, "Наша ніва"/nn.byСИЗО №1 по улице Володарского в Минске. Фото: Юлия Дорошкевич, "Наша ніва"/ Ранним утром 18 марта к Виктору Прокопене приехали два оперативных сотрудника «Управления К» МВД во главе со следователем по особо важным делам Главного следственного управления СК и предъявили постановление на обыск дома в связи с расследованием уголовного дела в отношении «неустановленного лица», которое, действуя в составе организованной преступной группы, в 2006-2008 годах, находясь в Беларуси, в том числе в г. п. Комарин, Гомеле и Минске, размещало в интернете сайты и рекламу без государственной регистрации, в результате чего получило доход в размере 650 тысяч долларов США. После этого Виктора пригласили в качестве свидетеля дать показания по вопросам, интересующим следствие."
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CGSecurity - Data recovery: TestDisk & PhotoRec
Welcome to The TCP/IP Guide!
"The TCP/IP Guide is a reference resource on the TCP/IP protocol suite that was designed to be not only comprehensive, but comprehensible. Organized using a logical, hierarchical structure, The TCP/IP Guide uses a personal, easy-going writing style that lets anyone understand the technologies that run the Internet. The Guide explains dozens of protocols and technologies in over 1,500 pages. It includes full coverage of PPP, ARP, IP, IPv6, IP NAT, IPSec, Mobile IP, ICMP, RIP, BGP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP, SNMP, FTP, SMTP, NNTP, HTTP, Telnet and much more."
Beej's Guide to Network Programming
Git Large File Storage Promises to Extend Git to Large Binary Files
"Git Large File Storage (LFS) is an open source Git extension aimed to better "integrate large binary files such as audio samples, datasets, graphics, and videos" into a Git workflow, says GitHub."
Firefox 37 Brings Native Playback of HTML5 Video
Преподавателя Гомельского госуниверситета нашли повешенной на лестничной площадке дома, где она жила
"Преподавателя Гомельского госуниверситета нашли повешенной на лестничной площадке дома, где она жила 98"
Information Theory , Inference, and Learning Algorithms
Introduction to Information Retrieval - irbookprint.pdf
"An Introduction to Information Retrieval"
Introduction to Information Retrieval
Истории из редакционной почты. "Указ о тунеядстве был как удар обухом. Не из-за денег - из-за обиды"
"В редакцию портала TUT.BY пришло письмо от нашего читателя из Брестской области под кратким названием "Биография одного тунеядца". Мужчина решил рассказать о своей жизни и том, как в один день оказался за "бортом жизни". "Государство почему-то все чаще пытается заглянуть в мой кошелек", - констатирует гражданин. В обмен на анонимность он решил поделиться некоторыми своими мыслями. Публикуем его письмо полностью."
Lean Documentation
"My amateur research has given me the insight that the three most important things for greater effectiveness and good quality are knowledge, knowledge and knowledge. Knowledge is best acquired through a dialog but a dialog is only efficient if it includes someone with knowledge. Unfortunately, there are situations when such a person is not around."
Жесткая правда прямо в лицо - "УКРАИНЫ БОЛЬШЕ НЕТ" - YouTube
Mono Adopts .NET Source Code
"A draft of the release notes for Mono 4.0 have been posted. Among other changes, they have started to adopt code from Microsoft’s CoreCLR project."
Тибетский взгляд на воспитание детей – Фитнес для мозга
"Тибетский взгляд на воспитание детей tibet Полезные навыки, помогающие вырастить полноценную и самодостаточную личность, уважающую своих родителей. Нам есть чему поучиться у этого мудрого народа. Основные правила тибетского воспитания: – Самое важное — никаких унижений и телесных наказаний. Единственная причина, по которой бьют детей – они не могут дать сдачи. – Первый период: до 5 лет. С ребенком нужно обращаться «как с царем». Запрещать ничего нельзя, только отвлекать. Если он делает что-то опасное, то сделать испуганное лицо и издать испуганный возглас. Ребенок такой язык понимает прекрасно. В это время закладываются активность, любознательность, интерес к жизни. Ребенок еще не способен выстраивать длинные логические цепочки. Например, он разбил дорогую вазу. Он не понимает, что для покупки такой вазы нужно много работать, заработать денег. Наказание он воспримет как подавление с позиции силы. Вы научите его не бить вазы, а подчиняться тому, кто сильнее. Оно Вам надо? – Второй период: с 5 до 10. В это время с ребенком нужно обращаться «как с рабом». Ставить перед ним задачи и требовать их выполнения. Можно наказывать за невыполнение (но не физически). В это время активно развивается интеллект. Ребенок должен научиться прогнозировать реакцию людей на его поступки, вызывать положительное отношение к себе и избегать проявления отрицательного. В это время не бойтесь нагружать ребенка знаниями. – Третий период: с 10 до 15. Как с ним обращаться? Как с равным. Не на равных, а именно «как с равным», так как Вы все равно имеете больше опыта и знаний. Советуйтесь с ним по всем важным вопросам, предоставляйте и поощряйте самостоятельность. Свою волю навязывайте в «бархатных перчатках» в процессе обсуждения, подсказками, советами. Если Вам что-то не нравится, то акцентируйте его внимание на негативных последствиях, избегая прямых запретов. В это время формируется самостоятельность и независимость мышления. – Последний период: с 15 лет. Относитесь к нему с уважением. Воспитывать ребенка уже поздно, и Вам остается только пожинать плоды своих трудов. Какие же последствия может вызвать несоблюдение этих правил? – Если подавлять ребенка до 5 лет, то Вы подавите его жизненную активность, интерес к жизни, интеллект. Приучите его бездумно и привычно подчиняться грубой силе. Сделаете из него легкую жертву для всякого рода негодяев. – Если Вы будете продолжать сюсюкать после 5, то ребенок вырастет инфантильным, неспособным к труду и вообще к духовным усилиям. – Если Вы будете опекать ребенка как маленького после 10, то он вырастет неуверенным, будет зависимым от более самостоятельных друзей, которые не всегда могут оказывать нужное влияние. – Если Вы не будете уважать ребенка после 15, то он Вам этого не простит и уйдет навсегда при первой возможности."
Samsung Galaxy S3 running Windows 8 Firmware !!! - YouTube
Фейлы качков, подборка фейлов с качками - YouTube
"A Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Invariant Pattern Recognition in the Visual Cortex Dileep George Department of Electrical Engineering Stanford University and Redwood Neuroscience Institute Menlo Park, CA 94305 E-mail: Jeff Hawkins Redwood Neuroscience Instiute Menlo Park, CA 94305 E-mail: Abstract — We describe a hierarchical model of invariant visual pattern recognition in the visual cortex. In this model, the knowledge of how patterns change when objects move is learned and encapsulated in terms of high probability sequences at each level of the hierarchy. Configuration of object parts is captured by the patterns of coincident high probability sequences. This knowledge is then encoded in a highly efficient Bayesian Network structure.The learning algorithm uses a temporal stability crite- rion to discover object concepts and movement patterns. We show that the architecture and algorithms are biologically plausible. The large scale architecture of the system matches the large scale organization of the cortex and the micro-circuits derived from the local computations match the anatomical data on cortical circuits. The system exhibits invariance across a wide variety of transformations and is robust in the presence of noise. Moreover, the model also offers alternative explanations for various known cortical phenomena."
Арпетол | CООО «Лекфарм»
"Арпетол БЕЗ РЕЦЕПТА Форма выпуска: Таблетки, покрытые оболочкой 50 мг и 100 мг Арпетол Арпетол Арпетол Арпетол Арпетол Описание Таблетки, покрытые оболочкой, белого цвета, с двояковыпуклой поверхностью. Состав Каждая таблетка содержит: арбидола гидрохлорид – 50 мг или 100 мг; вспомогательные вещества: повидон, целлюлоза микрокристаллическая, крахмал кукурузный модифицированный (Starch 1500), магния стеарат, аэросил, лактоза моногидрат, опадрай II белый (поливиниловый спирт, титана диоксид, полиэтиленгликоль, тальк). Показания к применению Лечение и профилактика гриппа и других острых респираторных инфекций (в т. ч. осложненных бронхитом и пневмонией); хронический бронхит, пневмония, рецидивирующая герпетическая инфекция (в комплексном лечении); для профилактики инфекционных осложнений и нормализации иммунного статуса в послеоперационном периоде. Фармакодинамика Противовирусное средство, оказывает иммуномодулирующее и противогриппозное действие, специфически подавляет вирусы типа А и В, тяжелого острого респираторного синдрома. Препятствует контакту и проникновению вирусов в клетку, подавляя слияние липидной оболочки вируса с клеточными мембранами. Обладает интерферониндуцирующим действием, стимулирует гуморальные и клеточные реакции иммунитета, фагоцитарную функцию макрофагов, повышает устойчивость организма к вирусным инфекциям. Снижает частоту развития осложнений, связанных с вирусной инфекцией, а также обострений хронических бактериальных заболеваний. Терапевтическая эффективность при вирусных инфекциях проявляется в снижении выраженности общей интоксикации и клинических явлений, сокращении продолжительности болезни. Относится к малотоксичным препаратам. Не оказывает какого-либо отрицательного воздействия на организм человека при пероральном применении в рекомендуемых дозах. Фармакокинетика Быстро абсорбируется и распределяется по органам и тканям. Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови при приеме в дозе 50 мг достигается через 1,2 ч, в дозе 100 мг – через 1,5 ч. Метаболизируется в печени. Период полувыведения равен 17-21 ч. Около 40% выводится в неизменном виде, в основном с желчью (38,9%) и в незначительном количестве почками (0,12%). В течение первых суток выводится 90% от введенной дозы. Показания к применению Профилактика и лечение у взрослых и детей: грипп, вызванный вирусами А и В, острые респираторные вирусные инфекции, тяжелый острый респираторный синдром (в том числе осложненные бронхитом, пневмонией); вторичные иммунодефицитные состояния; комплексная терапия хронического бронхита, пневмонии и рецидивирующей герпетической инфекции. Профилактика послеоперационных инфекционных осложнений и нормализация иммунного статуса. Комплексная терапия острых кишечных инфекций ротавирусной этиологии у детей старше 3 лет. Противопоказания Повышенная чувствительность к компонентам препарата, возраст до 3 лет. Способ применения и дозы Внутрь, до приема пищи. Разовая доза: детям от 3 до 6 лет - 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет - 100 мг, старше 12 лет и взрослым – 200 мг (2 таблетки по 100 мг или 4 таблетки по 50 мг). Для неспецифической профилактики При непосредственном контакте с больными гриппом и другими острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями: детям от 3 до 6 лет – по 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет – по 100 мг, старше 12 лет и взрослым – по 200 мг один раз в день в течение 10-14 дней. Для предупреждения обострений хронического бронхита, рецидива герпетической инфекции в период эпидемии гриппа и других острых респираторных вирусных инфекций: детям от 3 до 6 лет – по 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет – по 100 мг, старше 12 лет и взрослым – по 200 мг два раза в неделю в течение 3 недель. Для профилактики тяжелого острого респираторного синдрома (при контакте с больными): детям от 6 до 12 лет по100 мг, взрослым и детям старше 12 лет по 200 мг один раз в день (до еды), в течение 12-14 дней. Профилактика послеоперационных осложнений: детям от 3 до 6 лет – по 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет – по 100 мг, старше 12 лет и взрослым – по 200 мг за 2 суток до операции, затем на 2 и 5 сутки после операции. Для лечения Грипп, другие острые респираторные вирусные инфекции без осложнений: детям от 3 до 6 лет – по 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет – по 100 мг, старше 12 лет и взрослым – по 200 мг 4 раза в сутки (каждые 6 часов) в течение 5 суток. Грипп, другие острые респираторные вирусные инфекции с развитием осложнений (бронхит, пневмония и др.): детям от 3 до 6 лет – по 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет – по 100 мг, старше 12 лет и взрослым – по 200 мг 4 раза в сутки (каждые 6 часов) в течение 5 суток, затем разовую дозу 1 раз в неделю в течение 4 недель. Тяжелый острый респираторный синдром: детям старше 12 лет и взрослым – по 200 мг 2 раза в день в течение 8-10 суток. В комплексном лечении хронического бронхита, герпетической инфекции: детям от 3 до 6 лет - по 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет – по 100 мг, старше 12 лет и взрослым – по 200 мг 4 раза в сутки (каждые 6 часов) в течение 5-7 суток, затем разовую дозу 2 раза в неделю в течение 4 недель. Комплексная терапия острых кишечных инфекций ротавирусной этиологии у детей старше 3 лет: детям от 3 до 6 лет – по 50 мг, от 6 до 12 лет – по 100 мг, старше 12 лет – по 200 мг 4 раза в сутки (каждые 6 часов) в течение 5 суток. Взаимодействие с другими лекарственными препаратами При назначении с другими лекарственными средствами отрицательных эффектов отмечено не было. Особые указания Не проявляет центральной нейротропной активности и может применяться в медицинской практике в профилактических целях у практически здоровых лиц различных профессий, в т.ч. требующих повышенного внимания и координации движений (водители транспорта, операторы и т.д.). Файлы Скачать инструкцию Арпетол (pdf, 183 Кб) "
WebRTC - Democratization of Telecom Enabling New App Experiences
"The emergence of the open internet and the genesis of modern computing exemplify the capability of open technology to drive innovation and growth. The creation of HTTP as a protocol for computers to request and receive data from servers was perhaps one of the greatest inventions of all time. Unfortunately, asynchronous data flows and real-time communications was not in the minds of these innovators as this function was handled by telecommunications providers. For the most part, telecommunications providers have controlled the delivery of voice, video and messaging but to date new web standards are beginning to disrupt this traditional model."
[1503.04238] A Knapsack-Like Code Using Recurrence Sequence Representations
"We had recently shown that every positive integer can be represented uniquely using a recurrence sequence, when certain restrictions on the digit strings are satisfied. We present the details of how such representations can be used to build a knapsack-like public key cryptosystem. We also present new disguising methods, and provide arguments for the security of the code against known methods of attack. "
Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives
stract — The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different ex- planatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms imple- menting such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections be- tween representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning. Index Terms —Deep learning, representation learning, feature learning, unsupervised learning, Boltzmann Machine, autoencoder, neural nets
Шифрование в NQ Vault оказалось обычным XOR-ом, и это не самое плохое / Хабрахабр
"NQ Vault — довольно популярное (30 млн. пользователей) Android приложение (есть версия и для iOS), позволяющее зашифровать выбранные SMS, фотографии и видео на устройстве. Просмотреть зашифрованный контент можно через приложение, введя пароль. Приложение получило хорошие отзывы и обзоры в ведущих ИТ изданиях."
OAuth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"OAuth is an open standard for authorization. OAuth provides client applications a 'secure delegated access' to server resources on behalf of a resource owner. It specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials. Designed specifically to work with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), OAuth essentially allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server, with the approval of the resource owner, or end-user. The client then uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted by the resource server.[1] OAuth is commonly used as a way for web surfers to log into third party web sites using their Microsoft, Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts, without worrying about their access credentials being compromised.[2] OAuth is a service that is complementary to, and therefore distinct from, OpenID. OAuth is also distinct from OATH, which is a reference architecture for authentication, not a standard for authorization."
Introducing Dial-Up mode - YouTube
FrontPage - parasail
"ParaSail is a new parallel programming language designed to support the development of inherently safe and secure, highly parallel applications that can be mapped to multicore, manycore, heterogeneous, or distributed architectures. Javallel and Parython are versions of the ParaSail technology adapted for Java and Python. ParaSail LLVM-based Compiler With this version, we are making our first release of the ParaSail llvm-based compiler. Prior to this release, ParaSail was based on an interpreter for the ParaSail "virtual machine" (PSVM). With this release, we now have a translator from PSVM instructions to LLVM instructions, and from there to object code. The translator was written in ParaSail itself, by Justin Hendrick (Cornell 2016) during a summer 2014 internship in Boston. ParaSail Introduction ParaSail stands for Parallel Specification and Implementation Language. As implied by its full name, ParaSail is for both specifying and implementing parallel applications. As such, it includes high-level specification features, including parameterized modules with full separation of interface from implementation, pre- and postconditions for individual operations within a module, invariants that apply across all operations within a module, and constraints that apply to individual instances of a module. ParaSail provides support for both implicit and explicit parallelism. Every ParaSail expression is defined to have parallel evaluation semantics. That is, given a ParaSail expression like F(X) + G(Y), the language rules ensure that it is safe to evaluate F(X) and G(Y) in parallel. The compiler makes the decision based on complexity or other criteria whether a given computation should be created as a potentially parallel activity. An underlying scheduler then maps these potentially parallel activities to particular processing resources, by default using a work-stealing approach, which provides load balancing across processors while also providing good locality of reference and minimal cache contention. The primary approach to ensuring the safe parallelism is by simplification of the language, with the elimination of features that interfere with safe parallelization. In particular, ParaSail: eliminates global variables -- operations may only access variables passed as parameters; eliminates parameter aliasing -- two parameters passed to the same operation must not refer to the same object if either parameter is updateable within the operation; eliminates pointers -- optional and expandable objects and generalized indexing provides an approach that allows safe parallelization; eliminates run-time exception handling -- strong compile-time checking of preconditions and support for parallel event-handling provides a safer alternative; eliminates a global garbage-collected heap -- automatic storage management is provided using region-based storage management which provides immediate, automatic reclamation of storage with none of the global contention and disruption associated with a global garbage-collected heap; eliminates explicit threads, lock/unlock, or signal/wait -- parallel activities are identified automatically by the compiler, and language rules prevent data races between readers and writers of the same object, while explicitly concurrent objects can be used for safe synchronization when concurrent access from multiple readers and writers is required, without any need for explicit lock/unlock or signal/wait."
WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X
BOINC: compute for science
"BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like SETI@home,, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, and many others. After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like. You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have the permission of its owner. We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on science projects that require it. Learn more about VirtualBox."
Web cache - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A web cache (or HTTP cache) is an information technology for the temporary storage (caching) of web documents, such as HTML pages and images, to reduce bandwidth usage, server load, and perceived lag. A web cache system stores copies of documents passing through it; subsequent requests may be satisfied from the cache if certain conditions are met.[1] A web cache system can refer either to an appliance, or to a software. Contents 1 Systems 2 Cache control 3 Legal issues 4 Comparison of web caches 5 See also 6 Notes 7 Further reading 8 External links Systems Web caches can be used in various systems (as viewed from direction of delivery of web content): Forward position system (recipient or client side) A forward cache is a cache outside the webserver's network, e.g. on the client software's ISP or company network.[2] A network-aware forward cache is just like a forward cache but only caches heavily accessed items.[3] A client, such as a web browser, can store web content for reuse. For example, if the back button is pressed, the local cached version of a page may be displayed instead of a new request being sent to the web server. A web proxy sitting between the client and the server can evaluate HTTP headers and choose to store web content. Reverse position system (content provider or web-server side) A reverse cache sits in front of one or more Web servers and web applications, accelerating requests from the Internet,[4] reducing peak web server load. A content delivery network can retain copies of web content at various points throughout a network. A search engine may cache a website Google's cache link in its search results provides a way of retrieving information from websites that have recently gone down and a way of retrieving data more quickly than by clicking the direct link."
HTTP ETag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The ETag or entity tag is part of HTTP, the protocol for the World Wide Web. It is one of several mechanisms that HTTP provides for web cache validation, and which allows a client to make conditional requests. This allows caches to be more efficient, and saves bandwidth, as a web server does not need to send a full response if the content has not changed. ETags can also be used for optimistic concurrency control,[1] as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a resource from overwriting each other. An ETag is an opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL. If the resource content at that URL ever changes, a new and different ETag is assigned. Used in this manner ETags are similar to fingerprints, and they can be quickly compared to determine whether two versions of a resource are the same. Comparing ETags only makes sense with respect to one URL—ETags for resources obtained from different URLs may or may not be equal, so no meaning can be inferred from their comparison."
OpenCellID -  OpenCellID
Open Source GPS Tracking System - Traccar
"Openbmap Free wifi and cell tower database "
Open Data Kit
"Open Data Kit (ODK) is a free and open-source set of tools which help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions."
Apache CXF -- Index
"Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI."
Group: Software Development Council for Legal T... | The Hub
Считалочка - Учимся считать от 1 до 10 с песенкой. - YouTube
"Черника-МИК Состав на одну капсулу: содержит экстракта черники сухого стандартизованного 177 мг (в пересчете на антоцианидины - 44,25 мг); в упаковке: 20 капсул. Фармакотерапевтическая группа: Прочие препараты для лечения заболеваний глаз. Фармакологические свойства: Фармакологическая активность обусловлена комплексным действием компонентов сухого экстракта черники, основными из которых являются антоцианидины, относящиеся к биофлавоноидам. В сухом экстракте черники содержится 11 антоцианинов, которые состоят из основных 5 агликонов–антоцианидинов: дельфинидин, петунидин, пеонидин, мальвидин, цианидин. Антоцианидины обладают антиоксидантными, антиканцерогенными, противовоспалительными, десенсибилизирующими свойствами, подавляют гнилостные процессы в кишечнике, стимулируют репаративные процессы, обладают заживляющим, противоотечным, сосудоукрепляющим действием, препятствуют образованию тромбов, тормозят развитие диабетической ретинопатии и благотворно влияют на сетчатку глаз при диабете, подавляют патологические механизмы образования катаракты, способствуют уменьшению близорукости. Цианидин и мальвидин обладают цитотоксическим действием. Дельфинидин подавляет пролиферацию роста эндотелия сосудов, что играет важную роль в стабилизации атеросклероза и развитии раковых опухолей. Антоцианы восстанавливают α-токофероксильный радикал до α-токоферола. Антоцианидины способствуют регенерации светочувствительного пигмента сетчатки – родопсина; улучшают трофику сетчатки глаза, стимулируют ее микроциркуляцию; восстанавливают тканевые механизмы защиты сетчатки; укрепляют коллагеновый матрикс соединительной ткани; стимулируют синтез гликозаминогликана – компонента соединительной ткани, за счет чего делают капилляры сетчатки более прочными; стабилизируют фосфолипиды клеточных мембран; ингибируют перекисное окисление липидов, вызванное свободными радикалами. Таким образом, улучшается чувствительность сетчатки к различным уровням светового излучения и усиливается острота зрения при низкой освещенности. Антоцианидины – сильнейшие растительные полифенольные антиоксиданты, эффективно нейтрализуют свободные радикалы, прерывая негативные патогенетические связи в развитии около 100 заболеваний, в том числе и процессы свободно-радикального окисления тканей сетчатки глаза и хрусталика. Высокая антиоксидантная активность антоцианидинов черники обусловлена высокой непарной плотностью фенольных кислородных радикалов, производных антоцианинов. Вследствие выраженного антиоксидантного эффекта антоционозиды блокируют перекисное окисление липидов, которое является одним из звеньев патогенеза глаукомы. Уменьшают синтез и выброс в кровяное русло гистаминов, протеаз, простагландинов и лейкотриенов, что предотвращает возникновение воспалительных реакций в организме. Фармакокинетические исследования антоцианидинов показали, что данные вещества быстро и эффективно всасываются в желудке, поступают в печень в виде интактных и метаболизированных форм, распределяются в различных тканях. Выделение происходит с мочой и желчью. После разового приема концентрация антоцианидинов в плазме достигает максимума через 15 минут и затем быстро снижается в течение 2 ч. Несмотря на ограниченное желудочно-кишечное всасывание и низкую абсолютную биодоступность (1-2% от введенной дозы), максимальное значение в плазме (2-3 мкг/мл) после орального приема находится в диапазоне биологической активности для данных веществ. Показания к применению: Лекарственное средство Черника-МИК показано как средство неспецифической антиоксидантной терапии для профилактики и комплексного лечения: - близорукости; - диабетической ретинопатии; -гипертонической ретинопатии; - нарушений механизмов адаптации зрения к темноте как при ночном, так и при сумеречном зрении; - дистрофических заболеваний сетчатки; - катаракте; -окклюзии сосудов сетчатки; - зрительной астенопии (в том числе у детей с 7 лет). Черника-МИК применяется для профилактики ухудшения зрения при высокой зрительной нагрузке, работе с компьютером, для устранения признаков зрительного утомления, а также в комплексной восстановительной терапии при состояниях после оперативного вмешательства (ФРК, при отслоении сетчатки и др.). Способ применения: Назначают по 1 капсуле 1-3 раза в сутки. Курс применения - 7 - 21 день. Взаимодействие с другими лекарственными средствами: Не описано. Побочное действие: Возможны аллергические реакции. Противопоказания: Противопоказанием к применению лекарственного средства является повышенная чувствительность к его компонентам. Беременность и лактация. Адекватных и хорошо контролируемых клинических исследований безопасности и эффективности применения препарата в период беременности и лактации не проводилось. Влияние на возможность вождения автомобиля, работу с техникой: Не влияет. Срок годности: 2 года. Не использовать позже срока, указанного на упаковке. "
litigation legal definition of litigation
"Litigation An action brought in court to enforce a particular right. The act or process of bringing a lawsuit in and of itself; a judicial contest; any dispute. When a person begins a civil lawsuit, the person enters into a process called litigation. Under the various rules of Civil Procedure that govern actions in state and federal courts, litigation involves a series of steps that may lead to a court trial and ultimately a resolution of the matter. Before a lawsuit is filed, the person contemplating the lawsuit (called the plaintiff) typically demands that the person who caused the alleged injury (called the defendant) perform certain actions that will resolve the conflict. If the demand is refused or ignored, the plaintiff may start the lawsuit by serving copies of a summons and complaint on the defendant and filing the complaint with a civil trial court. The complaint must state the alleged injuries and attribute them to the defendant, and request money damages or equitable relief. If the service of the complaint on the defendant does not result in a settlement of the issues, the plaintiff must begin the discovery process. This involves sending to the defendant written questions (called interrogatories) that seek information involving the dispute at issue. The plaintiff may depose the defendant and others concerning the issues, with the deposition recorded by a court reporter. The plaintiff may also request copies of documents for review. Once litigation commences the defendant is also permitted to use discovery to learn more about the plaintiff's case. The discovery process may be conducted in a matter of weeks, or it may take years, depending on the complexity of the case and the level of cooperation between the parties. After discovery is completed, most courts require the parties to attend a settlement conference to determine if the case may be resolved before trial. If the parties are unable to reach a settlement, the litigation continues to trial. Near or on the day of trial, one or both parties often make settlement offers, in the hope of avoiding court proceedings (which are often costly and protracted). Litigation ends if a settlement is reached. If the parties are still unable to resolve their differences, a trial is held. At trial both sides are permitted to introduce relevant evidence that will help to prove to the jury or the court the truth of their positions. If the plaintiff makes a convincing case, the defendant may seek to settle the case immediately. On the other hand, if the plaintiff presents a weak case, the defendant may ask the court to dismiss the case. If the trial proceeds to a conclusion, either the jury or the judge (if a jury trial was waived) must decide which party prevails. If the defendant loses the lawsuit, the defendant may ask the court to throw out the jury verdict if the evidence did not warrant the decision, or the defendant may ask that the damages awarded to the plaintiff be reduced. The court has discretion to grant or refuse these kinds of requests. Once a final decision has been made at the trial court, the losing party may appeal the decision within a specified period of time. The federal courts and the states have intermediate courts of appeal that hear most civil appeals. The appellate court reviews the arguments of the parties on appeal and determines whether the trial court conducted the proceedings correctly. Once the appellate court issues a decision, usually in opinion form, the losing party may appeal to the state supreme court if the litigation occurred in a state court, or to the U.S. Supreme Court if the litigation occurred in a federal court. After the supreme court rules on the case, the decision is final. Once a decision is final, litigation ends. The prevailing party is then given the authority to collect damages or receive other remedies from the losing party. After the losing party provides the relief, that party is entitled to receive from the prevailing party a satisfaction of judgment, which is filed with the trial court. This document attests to the satisfaction of all court-imposed relief and signifies the end of the case."
Девушка пригласила бодибилдера в ресторан FULL - YouTube
Overview of types in F# | F# for fun and profit
"f you are coming from an object-oriented design background, one of the paradigm shifts involved in "thinking functionally" is to change how you think about types. A well designed object-oriented program will have a strong focus on behavior rather than data, so it will use a lot of polymorphism, either using "duck-typing" or explicit interfaces, and will try to avoid having explicit knowledge of the actual concrete classes being passed around. A well designed functional program, on the other hand, will have a strong focus on data types rather than behavior. F# puts much more emphasis on designing types correctly than an imperative language such as C#, and many of the examples in this series and later series will focus on creating and refining type definitions."
Signatures (F#)
"A signature file contains information about the public signatures of a set of F# program elements, such as types, namespaces, and modules. It can be used to specify the accessibility of these program elements. Remarks For each F# code file, you can have a signature file, which is a file that has the same name as the code file but with the extension .fsi instead of .fs. Signature files can also be added to the compilation command-line if you are using the command line directly. To distinguish between code files and signature files, code files are sometimes referred to as implementation files. In a project, the signature file should precede the associated code file. A signature file describes the namespaces, modules, types, and members in the corresponding implementation file. You use the information in a signature file to specify what parts of the code in the corresponding implementation file can be accessed from code outside the implementation file, and what parts are internal to the implementation file. The namespaces, modules, and types that are included in the signature file must be a subset of the namespaces, modules, and types that are included in the implementation file. With some exceptions noted later in this topic, those language elements that are not listed in the signature file are considered private to the implementation file. If no signature file is found in the project or command line, the default accessibility is used."
How to Use Microsoft.Web.Administration : The Official Microsoft IIS Site
"IIS 7.0 and above provide a comprehensive managed-code management application programming interface (API) that allows complete manipulation of the XML configuration files and convenience access to server objects. This document walks you through using the new management API to modify server configuration and administer server objects."
Application "/" does not exist : The Official Microsoft IIS Forums
"Marked as answer by dslaby on 04-25-2012 03:51 AM"
RANDOM.ORG - True Random Number Service
Subrosa - Encrypted messaging, calls and video chats
Tox: A New Kind of Instant Messaging
Gpg4win - Secure email and file encryption with GnuPG for Windows
Installing using DISM : The Official Microsoft IIS Forums
Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) (Windows)
"Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) Affected Platforms Clients - Windows Vista SP1 and later | Windows 7 Servers - Windows Server 2008 RTM and later | Windows Server 2008 R2 Description The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool replaces the pkgmgr, PEImg, and IntlConfg tools that are being retired in Windows 7. DISM provides a single centralized tool for performing all of the functions of these three tools in a more efficient and standardized way, eliminating the source of many of the frustrations experienced by current users of these tools. DISM includes a shim for Windows Vista SP1 and later, as well as for Windows Server 2008 RTM and later, that redirects pkgmgr calls from legacy applications running on Windows 7 to DISM. If the application is running on one of the supported operating systems, the shim routes the call to pkgmgr. No shims exist for legacy applications that call PEImg or IntlConfg. Usage DISM is transparent to pkgmgr end users on any of the supported platforms. However, if an application calls either PEImg or IntlConfg from Windows 7, the call will fail. Update any scripts that call pkgmgr, PEImg, or IntlConfg to call DISM instead. It is important to include the updating of pkgmgr scripts in this effort, since the shim that provides backward compatibility for pkgmgr will be removed in future versions of the Windows operating systems. Check to ensure that calls to DISM have replaced any calls to pkgmgr, PEImg, and IntlConfg, and that the operation executes successfully."
.htaccess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A .htaccess (hypertext access) file is a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers, that allows for decentralized management of web server configuration. They are placed inside the web tree, and are able to override a subset of the server's global configuration for the directory that they are in, and all sub-directories.[1] The original purpose of .htaccess—reflected in its name—was to allow per-directory access control by, for example, requiring a password to access the content. More commonly, however, the .htaccess files override many other configuration settings such as content type, character set, CGI handlers, etc."
Remove zombie websites from your IIS server « Mike Volodarsky's Blog Mike Volodarsky's Blog
"Zombie websites get created whenever the root application of a website is removed, orphaning the rest of the application content in your website."
Zero Day Initiative
"The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI), founded by TippingPoint, is a program for rewarding security researchers for responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities. "
MSBuild Joins GitHub, Paving Way for Non-Windows Build Systems
"The MSBuild tool used to build .NET applications has been released as an open source project on GitHub, joining Microsoft’s previously released .NET projects like corefx and coreclr. MSBuild is used by Visual Studio but MSBuild can also be used on machines that do not have Visual Studio installed. While there are existing non-Microsoft methods available for building applications, this release of MSBuild means that developers can begin to utilize one standard build system across all of their development platforms."
13 вещей, которые не делают морально сильные люди – Фитнес для мозга
"Наши мысли формируют действия, действия складываются в привычки, а привычки формируют характер. Таким образом мы в прямом смысле создаём себя сами. И вот 13 вещей, которые не делают морально сильные люди: 1. Они не тратят напрасно время, жалея себя Морально сильные люди не станут сидеть сложа руки, жалуясь на обстоятельства и распространяться по поводу того, как с ними неправильно поступили. Они берут на себя ответственность за свою роль в жизни и принимают тот факт, что жизнь не всегда легка или справедлива. Если ситуация произошла не из самых приятных, они вполне могут отреагировать фразой «Ну и ладно». 2. Они не теряют власть над собой Они не позволяют другим управлять ими, и не дают кому-то ещё власть над собой. Они понимают, что переживают ситуацию своими собственными эмоциями, и сами решают, как реагировать. Они осознают, что их сила – в умении управлять своими реакциями. 3. Они не бегут от перемен Морально сильные люди не пытаются избегать перемен. Вместо этого они приветствуют их и всегда наготове реагировать соответствующе. Их самый большой страх, если можно так выразиться – попасть в застой и потерять вкус жизни. Среда изменений проявляет в этих людях самые сильные черты. 4. Они не тратят энергию на то, чем не могут управлять Вы не услышите от морально сильного человека жалоб о потерянном багаже, пробках или о других людях, так как они понимают, что эти факторы не входят в зону их контроля. Вместо этого они сосредотачиваются на том, чем они могут управлять, а зачастую это – лишь их отношение к происходящему. И они умело пользуются этим. 5. Они не пытаются понравиться всем Есть люди, которые всегда пытаются понравиться всем. Есть люди, которые идут против всех и пытаются таким образом утвердить свою «силу». Ни один из этих способов не приемлем. Морально сильные люди признают, что они не должны нравиться всем и всё время. Они не боятся сказать «Нет» или возразить при необходимости. Они стремятся быть справедливыми, но уважают свое время и умеют вежливо отклонить просьбу другого. 6. Они не боятся идти на осознанный риск Они не берут на себя опрометчивые или глупые риски, но не боятся брать на себя риски обдуманные. Морально сильные люди взвешивают риск и выгоду прежде, чем принять важное решение, и тщательно собирают информацию о потенциальных потерях прежде, чем начать действовать. 7. Они не зацикливаются на прошлом Морально сильные люди не тратят напрасно время, думая о прошлом и о том, что всё могло бы быть по-другому. Они признают своё прошлое и выносят уроки из него. Однако они не переживают вновь и вновь неудачные моменты и не вспоминают дни былой славы. Вместо этого они живут настоящим и строят планы на будущее. 8. Они не совершают одни и те же ошибки несколько раз Мы все знаем, что такое глупость, да? Принятие одних и тех же решений с надеждой на то, что в этот раз выйдет лучше. Морально сильные люди берут на себя ответственность за своё поведение и учатся на своих ошибках. В результате они не повторяют ошибки много раз. Вместо этого они идут дальше и принимают лучшие решения в будущем. 9. Они не завидуют успехам других людей Морально сильные люди могут оценить и порадоваться успехам других людей в жизни. Это очень важно. Они не завидуют и не чувствуют себя обманутыми, когда другие превосходят их (но возьмут на заметку их опыт). Вместо этого они признают, что успех достигается тяжёлой работой, и они готовы упорно работать для достижения собственного успеха. 10. Они не сдаются после первой неудачи Каждое поражение – шанс сделать лучше. Даже лучшие предприниматели признают, что их ранние попытки вели к большому количеству неудач. Морально сильные люди готовы не опускать рук и продолжать пробовать, пока не добьются своего, если каждый такой провал продвигает их ближе к цели. 11. Они не боятся одиночества Морально сильные люди наслаждаются и даже ценят моменты, когда они могут побыть в одиночестве. Они не боятся быть наедине со своими мыслями, и используют это время для размышлений и планирования. Они не зависят все время от других людей и их настроений. Они могут быть счастливы с другими, но могут быть счастливы и в одиночку. 12. Они не думают, что весь мир должен им Морально сильные люди не чувствуют себя наделёнными правом на всё в этой жизни. Они не родились с осознанием того, что другие будут заботиться о них или что мир должен дать им что-то. Вместо этого они ищут возможности, основанные на собственных достоинствах и возможностях. 13. Они не ждут мгновенных результатов Работают ли они над улучшением состояния здоровья или открытием нового бизнеса, морально сильные люди не ждут мгновенных результатов. Они инвестируют свою энергию и время в определенных дозах и празднуют каждое достижение в своем деле. Они обладают «даром выдержки» и понимают, что качественные изменения требуют времени."
Нужен новый журнал
"ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКАЯ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИЯ Происхождение Становление Настоящее Будущее Цель Настоящая публикация имеет целью ознакомить общественность с идеями автора по новому гуманистическому периодическому изданию и найти доброжелателей в России и за рубежом, готовых его спонсировать, пока издание не станет самоокупаемым. Главные цели издания • Определить и сформулировать истинные причины катастрофического состояния человеческой цивилизации, которое проявляется в том, что тратятся колоссальные средства и ресурсы человечества на иррациональные цели при нищете и невежестве большинства людей, накапливаются и становятся все более неразрешимыми противоречия между социумами, увеличивая вероятность скатывания к неуправляемой катастрофе взаимоуничтожения. • Разработать радикальные, практически реализуемые, бескровные и несиловые методы выхода из этого состояния. • Стать гуманитарным барьером комплексу неадекватных фундаментальных представлений, которые продолжают определять практически все общественно значимые решения и отношение к происходящим событиям. • Дать стратегию развития человечества, направленную на обеспечение свободы от борьбы за выживание, интеллектуальное развитие, самореализацию, стабильность, распространение альтруизма и гуманизма. • Нарисовать как можно более реалистичную и оптимистичную картину цивилизации будущего – Интеллектуальной Цивилизации, к построению которой надо стремиться, своевременно предвидя и избегая трагичных встрясок на этом пути. Представляется, что вклад в осуществление этих целей - единственный способ разрешения «неразрешимых» противоречий, существующих ныне между социумами, предотвращения появления новых противоречий, бескровного выхода из цивилизационного кризиса и поиска реалистичных и непротиворечивых методов построения гармоничного общества на Земле. Пришло время, когда общим должно стать понимание, что для эффективности предпринимаемых шагов, к обществу нужно подходить, как к естественно-научному объекту, т.е. применять те же методы, критерии и оценки, которые давно стали общепризнанными в естественнонаучных исследованиях, и строить ЖЕЛАЕМУЮ систему отношений вопреки огромному количеству существующих реалий и порождаемых ими тенденций. Гуманитарные науки сыграли свою роль в самопознании человека как природного существа, вся жизнь которого в той или иной мере была подчинена инстинкту размножения и индивидуального физического выживания, и позволили сформулировать требования к желаемому обществу. Однако продолжающееся применение гуманитарных методов и отношение к желаемым изменениям как идеалистической утопии при реализации избыточных возможностей разума ни к чему, кроме консервации архаического состояния цивилизации и дальнейшего накопления неразрешимых противоречий, не приводит и не приведет, обрекая цивилизацию на бесперспективное будущее. Одним из примеров абсурдности складывающейся ситуации является одновременное существование разных мировоззрений, формально демонстрирующих терпимость к плюрализму мнений, а фактически приводящих только к накоплению противоречий между социумами и отдельными людьми. Т.е. нормальным считается существование нескольких разных «воззрений» на мир, представленный в единственном «экземпляре»!? Если бы в математике разные способы решения одного и того же уравнения давали разные ответы, зависящие от способа решения, то, кроме вывода, что, вероятно, все решения неверны, ничего бы не последовало. И отсутствие правильного метода решения не замещалось бы выдумками. А вот в «науках об обществе и человеке» считается правомерным одновременное и равноправное существование нескольких разных «ответов» одной задачи при очевидной неадекватности их всех. Другими словами, разные мировоззрения либо все надуманы, либо, может быть, справедливо лишь какое-то одно, и задача в том, чтобы, определив его, отбросить все остальные, добившись ясности и максимальной законченности этого единственного адекватного мировоззрения, или сформулировать и создать условия для его появления. Тогда для серьезного взаимонепонимания просто не стало бы объективной основы. Очевидно, что «создание условий» в реальном обществе достаточно сложно с точки зрения практической реализации, но эти сложности носят скорее технический, а не принципиальный характер. И одной из целей предлагаемого издания должно быть обсуждение бескровных и наименее травмирующих путей преодоления этих технических сложностей. Насколько известно, в мире нет издания, характеризующегося подобным подходом и ставящего такие цели. Существует ряд периодических изданий, отдельные публикации которых можно частично отнести только к «гуманитарному барьеру», но они крайне непоследовательны, неконкретны, академичны, подчас всеядны и поэтому их даже небольшие продвижения ими же и девальвируются."
Russell Foster: Why do we sleep? - YouTube
60 советов для успешной жизни от Робина Шарма
"Робин Шарма - писатель, один из самых известных специалистов по мотивации, лидерству и развитию личности. 1. Ежедневно занимайтесь спортом. 2. Серьёзно относитесь к чувству благодарности. 3. Повышайте своё мастерство в том, чем занимаетесь. 4. Ожидайте лучшего и будьте готовы к худшему. 5. Ведите дневник. 6. Прочитайте автобиографию Бенджамина Франклина. 7. Стройте планы на каждую неделю. 8. Знайте 5 самых больших приоритетов в вашей жизни. 9. Скажите «Нет» тому, что отвлекает ваше внимание. 10. Пейте много воды. 11. Улучшайте свои навыки каждый день. 12. Вам нужно иметь наставника. 13. Наймите тренера. 14. Вставайте в 5 утра каждый день. 15. Ешьте меньше еды. 16. Найдите для себя «героев». 17. Сами будьте «героем» для кого-то. 18. Улыбайтесь незнакомцам. 19. Будьте самым нравственным человеком, которого вы знаете. 20. Не соглашайтесь на меньшее, чем совершенство. 21. Начните получать удовольствие от своей жизни прямо сейчас. 22. Откладывайте 10% дохода каждый месяц. 23. Проводите немного времени в художественных галереях. 24. Гуляйте в лесу. 25. Напишите письмо благодарности тем, кто вам помог. 26. Простите тех, кто вас обидел. 27. Помните, что лидерство нужно для влияния и воздействия, а не для звания и наград. 28. Создайте незабываемые моменты с теми, кого вы любите. 29. Имейте 5 лучших друзей. 30. Станьте невероятно вежливы. 31. Перестаньте смотреть телевизор 32. А вообще, лучше продайте свой телевизор. 33. Ежедневно читайте. 34. Избегайте СМИ (средства массовой информации). 35. Будьте довольны тем, что имеете. 36. Следуйте за своими мечтами. 37. Будьте собой. 38. Будьте страстным. 39. Извиняйтесь, когда считаете, что это нужно. 40. Никогда не упускайте момент, чтобы отметить приятное событие. 41. Имейте представление о том, какой вы хотите видеть вашу жизнь. 42. Знайте ваши сильные стороны. 43. Сосредоточьте своё внимание на том что имеете, а не на том, чего вам не хватает. 44. Будьте настойчивым. 45. Не сдавайтесь. 46. Избавьтесь от беспорядка. 47. Используйте безупречные слова. 48. Больше путешествуйте. 49. Прочитайте книгу «Как мыслит человек?» Джеймс Аллена. 50. Почитайте ваших родителей. 51. Не слушайте «советчиков-водителей такси». 52. Будьте отличным членом команды. 53. Не тратьте энергию на критиков. 54. Проводите время в горах. 55. Знайте 5 ваших главных жизненных ценностей. 56. Переключитесь от «быть занятым» к «достигать результатов». 57. Создавайте и повторяйте. 58. Меньше говорите. Больше слушайте. 59. Будьте лучшим человеком, которого вы знаете. 60. Придайте значение вашей жизни."
Software Freedom Law Center
Pipelight in Launchpad
"Pipelight is a special browser plugin which allows one to use windows only plugins inside Linux browsers. We are currently focusing on Silverlight, Flash, Shockwave and the Unity Webplayer. "
The Linux Foundation Crowdfunding the commons
Goteo is a social network for crowdfunding and distributed collaboration (services, infrastructures, microtasks and other resources) for encouraging the independent development of creative and innovative initiatives that contribute to the common good, free knowledge, and open code.
The GNU Privacy Guard
"GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories."
Wau Holland Stiftung -- Home
сибирский спас - YouTube
Venture round - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Venture round is a type of funding round used for venture capital financing, by which startup companies obtain investment, generally from venture capitalists and other institutional investors. The availability of venture funding is among the primary stimuli for the development of new companies and technologies."
Dillo Web Browser :: Home Page
HttpResponse.TransmitFile Method (String) (System.Web)
"Writes the specified file directly to an HTTP response output stream, without buffering it in memory."
Peugeot 508 белорусской сборки оценили в 21 200 евро - Авто
"Столичный дилер Peugeot объявил сегодня о начале продаж седана 508 белорусской сборки. Это уже рестайлинговый автомобиль с новой «мордой». Цены на новинку начинаются от 21 200 евро. Формально Peugeot 508 относится к D-классу. Хотя многие выделяют сегмент D+, где выступают Toyota Camry, Nissan Teana, Skoda Superb, Renault Latitude и др. "
ARChon Runtime for Chrome
"Run Android Apps in Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows"
JavaScript Popup Boxes
"JavaScript has three kind of popup boxes: Alert box, Confirm box, and Prompt box."
HTML a target Attribute
dotScale 2013 - Shay Banon - Why we built ElasticSearch - YouTube
Слова которые удивили многих спортсменов Серей Бадюк мотивация - YouTube
Жители клубного дома на улице Хоружей хотят обнести свою территорию забором. Соседи из хрущевок против - Недвижимость
"Жильцы семиэтажного дома №48а на улице Веры Хоружей хотят поставить невысокий решетчатый забор вокруг дома. Свое решение они объясняют прежде всего тем, что окна первого этажа расположены очень низко, а это постоянно привлекает любопытствующие взоры. Ребятишки, прибегающие из соседних пятиэтажек на детскую площадку, зачастую останавливаются играть на въезде-выезде из подземного паркинга, что небезопасно. Собственники решили установить ограждение на расстоянии 4—5 м от фасада, чтобы доступ к зданию был только у жителей. Однако такое желание вызвало бурю негодования со стороны соседей, пишет агентство «Минск-Новости»."
В Гродно ребенок попал под машину, возвращаясь из школы домой - Авто
"Подъезжая, водитель видел на тротуаре компанию детей. Они стояли на месте, водитель не ожидал, что кто-то станет перебегать дорогу. Мальчика забрали в больницу."
Kaggle: The Home of Data Science
Telegram Desktop
CSS How to
"When a browser reads a style sheet, it will format the document according to the information in the style sheet. Three Ways to Insert CSS There are three ways of inserting a style sheet: External style sheet Internal style sheet Inline style"
Print to TIFF - CodeProject
"Introduction Personally I'm not a big fan of PDF. To me, it's not "open", it's big and usually you cannot edit it afterwards. More often we receive documents, like payrolls and bank notes, in those PDF files. For my administration, I recently made some effort to move from paper to computer. I want to use "open standards", like TIFF and HTML. PDF just doesn't fit. So I needed a way to convert PDF to TIFF. That's what this code does. Background I searched some time to find some code or tools to convert PDF to TIFF. Unfortunately I could only find commercial products. And I'm not sure that if I buy one, it does what I want. So I looked for ways to do it myself. There is, among others, a big difference between PDF and TIFF. A PDF document gets "rendered", whereas TIFF is just a bunch of pixels. This means that if you enlarge a page in a PDF viewer, it stays sharp. On the other hand a TIFF image has a limited resolution. Of course you can Alt PrintScreen on a PDF document, but you won't get a better resolution (number of pixels) than a big part of your device (monitor). I didn't find a way to let a PDF Viewer write on a Device Context larger then the Device Context of the physical screen. Luckily, Microsoft provided a Printer Driver sample, and more luckily, since some time you can download the Windows Driver Kit which includes the sample. Though the code runs in user mode, it IS a driver. So you need to build it with the Windows Driver Kit - Build Environment. Using a Printer Driver, the number of pixels can be very high. At least sufficient for printing on a normal page. Also, by changing the printer properties in the application, you can change the DPI, size and number of colors. And what's more: now you can convert almost anything to TIFF, as long as the application can print."
How to Install Android in VirtualBox
"Want to run Android on your PC? The Android-x86 Project has ported Android to the x86 platform from ARM. Android-x86 can be installed on netbooks with supported hardware, but you can also install Android in VirtualBox. Android can be run as just another virtual machine, like you would run a Windows or Linux virtual machine. This allows you to play with the Android interface and install apps in a full Android environment on your PC."
HTML Images
"In HTML, images are defined with the tag. The tag is empty, it contains attributes only, and does not have a closing tag. The src attribute defines the url (web address) of the image: some_text"
HTML Iframes
"An iframe is used to display a web page within a web page."
Онлайн-гипермаркет Продажа бытовой техники, электроники, товаров для дома по выгодным ценам в интернет-магазине.
Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86
"This is a project to port Android open source project to x86 platform, formerly known as "patch hosting for android x86 support". The original plan is to host different patches for android x86 support from open source community. A few months after we created the project, we found out that we could do much more than just hosting patches. So we decide to create our code base to provide support on different x86 platforms, and set up a git server to host it."
Patched Windows Machines Exposed to Stuxnet LNK Flaw All Along | Threatpost | The first stop for security news
"A five-year-old Microsoft patch for the .LNK vulnerability exploited by Stuxnet failed to properly protect Windows machines, leaving them exposed to exploits since 2010."
True Windows File System Access with AlphaFS 2.0
"A major limitation of the .NET framework is its inability to truly work with the Windows file system. Even seemingly basic operations such as working file paths longer than 260 characters long is beyond the capabilities of System.IO. This is where AlphaFS comes into play. AlphaFS is an open source library that is wraps the Win32 calls necessary to fully expose the Windows file system to .NET applications. Much of this functionality is exposed by classes that mirror the System.IO API, but with additional functionality. As an example, consider the Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo class. As you scroll through the list of methods, you’ll notice that many of them have [AlphaFS] in their description. This tag indicates that the method doesn’t exist in the System.IO.DirectoryInfo class. Examples include Compress, various CopyTo methods, recursive Delete, Encrypt, etc. Other features of AlphaFS include: Creating Hardlinks Accessing hidden volumes Enumeration of volumes Transactional file operations Support for NTFS Alternate Data Streams Accessing network resources (SMB/DFS) AlphaFS is available on NuGet and is offered under the MIT license."
(12) Thomas Tydal's answer to What are some things that programmers and computer scientists know, but most people don't? - Quora
"Digital content can never be moved, only copied. You can never watch or listen to anything on the internet without having it copied to your computer first. You cannot password protect a computer from someone who has physical access to it, only encryption works. When you empty the trashcan, the files are not deleted. When you format your hard drive, the files are not deleted. Murphy was right. Your desktop computer can run advanced programs for free that used to be available only to big companies for $100,000. Like Unix, virtual machines and SQL servers. The Cloud simply means someone else's computer. That Office documents are actually ZIP files."
Pentaho |
"Easy-to-Use business intelligence (BI) for all"
Naked objects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Naked objects is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Contents  [hide]  1 Definition 2 Benefits 3 Limitations 4 Software frameworks 5 Practical experience 6 Criticisms 7 Relationship to other ideas 8 References 9 See also Definition[edit] The naked objects pattern is defined by three principles: All business logic should be encapsulated onto the domain objects. This principle is not unique to naked objects: it is just a strong commitment to encapsulation. The user interface should be a direct representation of the domain objects, with all user actions explicitly consist in the creating or the retrieving of domain objects and/or invoking methods on those objects. This principle is also not unique to naked objects: it is just a specific interpretation of an object-oriented user interface (OOUI). The original idea in the naked objects pattern arises from the combination of these two which form the third principle: The user interface shall be 100% automatically created from the definition of the domain objects. This may be done using several different technologies, including source code generation; implementations of the naked objects pattern to date have favoured the technology of reflection. The naked objects pattern was first described formally in Richard Pawson's PhD thesis[1] which includes a thorough investigation of various antecedents and inspirations for the pattern including, for example, the Morphic user interface. Naked Objects is commonly contrasted with the model–view–controller pattern. However, the published version of Pawson's thesis (see References) contains a foreword by Trygve Reenskaug, who first formulated the model–view–controller pattern, suggesting that naked objects is closer to the original intent of model–view–controller (MVC) than many of the subsequent interpretations and implementations."
Introducing Behaviour-Driven Development
"When the desired outcome of a new project has been defined, Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) can help in overcoming the gap between the developer’s understanding of what needs to be built and the business’ understanding of the technical challenges caused by the requirements. The reason is improvement in communication between the two groups, Alistair Stead and Konstantin Kudryashov, both working for Inviqa, explains in their Beginner’s guide to BDD, targeting both business and technical professionals."
«Дело о вырезанных глазах»: репортаж из зала суда - Люди
"Вчера в Гомеле начался судебный процесс по делу двух гомельчан, под воздействием наркотиков лишивших своего приятеля глаз. Молодые люди обвиняются в умышленном причинении тяжких телесных повреждений, а также в незаконном обороте наркотических средств. На первом судебном заседании слово дали потерпевшему. Дмитрий рассказал подробности того злосчастного вечера. Об этом — в репортаже"
Hunspell: open source spell checking, stemming, morphological analysis and generation under GPL, LGPL or MPL licenses
"Hunspell is the spell checker "
AutoMapper and Working with Cross-Platform Assemblies
"With the creation of CoreCLR and the increasing popularity of Xamarin, it is becoming more and more important that .NET libraries are offered in a cross-platform fashion. Sometimes one can get away with using the PCL format, but more often than, cross-platform really means multiple platform builds."
Ксилин: инструкция по применению, состав, показания, противоказания и побочные действия —
"силин инструкция по применению Состав Описание Фармакологическое действие Фармакокинетика Показания к применению Противопоказания Беременность и период лактации Способ применения и дозы Побочное действие Передозировка Взаимодействие с другими лекарственными средствами Особенности применения Меры предосторожности Форма выпуска Условия хранения Срок годности Условия отпуска из аптек Состав I мл раствора содержит в качестве действующего вещества 0,5 мг или 1 мг ксилометазолина гидрохлорида. Вспомогательные вещества: бензиловый спирт, бензалкония хлорид, динатрия фосфат 12-водный, натрия дигидрофосфат дигидрат, натрия хлорид, сорбитола раствор некристаллизующийся, хлористоводородная кислота концентрированная, вода очищенная. Описание прозрачный или слегка опалесцирующий, бесцветный или желтоватый раствор. Фармакологическое действие Ксилометазолин является альфа-адреномиметиком неселективного действия. В низких концентрациях действует на а2-адренорецепторы, в высоких концентрациях оказывает действие на al-адренорецепторы. Обладает прямым действием на слизистую носа и используется местно в ЛОР практике с целью сокращения сосудов, ослабления воспалительных процессов и экссудации. Уменьшает или устраняет гиперемию и отек слизистой носа и облегчает носовое дыхание при ринитах. Действие препарата наступает в течение нескольких минут после применения и продолжается до 10 часов. Хорошо переносится даже пациентами с чувствительной слизистой оболочкой и не нарушает функцию реснитчатого эпителия. Фармакокинетика При местном применении препарат практически не всасывается, поэтому его концентрация в плазме крови очень мала и современными аналитическими методами не определяется."
H2 Database Engine
"Welcome to H2, the Java SQL database. The main features of H2 are: Very fast, open source, JDBC API Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases Browser based Console application Small footprint: around 1.5 MB jar file size"
SQL Workbench/J -  Home
"SQL Workbench/J is a free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL query tool. It is written in Java and should run on any operating system that provides a Java Runtime Environment."
WebDAV Resources
"This site is being produced for the WebDAV community as a central resource for documentation, specifications, software, mailing lists, and other useful items. What is WebDAV? Briefly: WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning". It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers."
WinSCP :: Free SFTP and FTP client for Windows
Interactive Vim tutorial
Guide to Agile Practices
Machine Learning for Programming
"Peter Norvig keynotes on using machine learning techniques to solve more general software problems, helping both the advanced programmer and the novice one"
GitLab acquires Gitorious to bolster its on premises code collaboration platform | GitLab
"As reported by the Next Web GitLab and Gitorious announce today they are joining forces in an effort to strengthen the development of GitLab’s open source Git management application and provide Gitorious customers with an enhanced user experience."
Freepats project
"Freepats is a project to create a free and open set of instrument patches, in any format, that can be used with softsynths. "
Кровосток - Биография - YouTube
OpenNews: Против VMware инициировано судебное разбирательство, связанное с нарушением лицензии GPL
"Правозащитная организация Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC), предоставляющая юридическую защиту свободным проектам, сообщила об инициировании в окружном суде Гамбурга (Германия) судебного разбирательства против компании VMware. Компания VMware обвиняется в нарушении условий лицензии GPLv2 при использовании кода ядра Linux и пакета BusyBox в продуктах VMware ESXi."
Gpg4win - Secure email and file encryption with GnuPG for Windows
Email green, secure, simple and ad-free - -
Lazarus Homepage
Free Pascal - Advanced open source Pascal compiler for Pascal and Object Pascal - Home Page
Test Driven .NET Development With FitNesse: Second Edition – Gojko Adzic
Timus Online Judge
"Timus Online Judge is the largest Russian archive of programming problems with automatic judging system. Problems are mostly collected from contests held at the Ural Federal University, Ural Championships, Ural ACM ICPC Subregional Contests, and Petrozavodsk Training Camps. To start solving problems, visit the guide. Timus Online Judge provides you an opportunity to participate in online versions of many contests held at the Ural Federal University on a regular basis. See the rules of online contests."
CorFlags.exe (CorFlags Conversion Tool)
"The CorFlags Conversion tool allows you to configure the CorFlags section of the header of a portable executable image."
Pledgie — Helping you help others.
"Pledgie is the premier service for fundraising online. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE USE PLEDGIE EVERYDAY TO RAISE MONEY FOR CAUSES THEY CARE ABOUT."
The FreeType Project
"FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts. It is written in C, designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable, and portable while capable of producing high-quality output (glyph images) of most vector and bitmap font formats. Some products that use FreeType for rendering fonts on screen or on paper, either exclusively or partially: GNU/Linux and other free Unix operating system derivates like FreeBSD or NetBSD iOS, Apple's mobile operating system for iPhones and iPads Android, Google's operating system for smartphones and tablet computers ChromeOS, Google's operating system for laptop computers Ghostscript, a PostScript interpreter used in many printers Counting the above products only, you get more than a billion devices that contain FreeType."
Engineering Students must watch this - YouTube
Real Extreme Programming - YouTube
Before You Comment, Try Reading the Whole Story
"Before You Comment, Try Reading the Whole Story Mar 2, 2015 2,269Views 145Likes 71CommentsShare on LinkedInShare on FacebookShare on Google PlusShare on Twitter Logical thinking tells us that everybody reads the actual article before posting a comment, right? Wrong! You would think so. However, every day I see people on social media who jump straight to the comment section, and start sounding off without even bothering to read the post. How can you tell they didn't read it? These commenters stick out like a sore thumb. They are the ones that ask questions that were clearly answered within the post. They go off on tangents based upon only the perception of the title and picture. Many times their comments contain very poor grammar, and invalid points lacking facts. Since these commenters lack an understanding of the subject, it is not uncommon that they become hostile right away. Have we reached a low point in our communications that people have become too lazy to actually read the information provided before they form their opinions? Has this become socially acceptable? Do people think they already know everything so they don't even need to bother reading the content? Here is a quote from a good friend of mine and fellow LinkedIn author, Milos Djukic, from his recent post, "Leadership and Successful Human Conversations." I highly recommend reading Milo's post for a very in depth analysis of human conversations via social media. His quote really summarizes this phenomenon: The moment when we start to believe that we are influential is at the same time the final moment for our own rigorous review, reconsideration and implementation of all necessary corrections. I think it is time for a reading intervention! A call to action for greater levels of social engagement to produce higher levels of understanding and learning. Maybe you heard about the April Fools' joke, National Public Radio (NPR), pulled on its followers last year? They produced a phony article with attached picture and published it on their website. The "article" was titled, "Why Doesn't America Read Anymore." When clicking on the link to the article readers were greeted by this message: Congratulations, genuine readers, and happy April Fools' Day! We sometimes get the sense that some people are commenting on NPR stories that they haven't actually read. If you are reading this, please like this post and do not comment on it. Then let's see what people have to say about this "story." Sure enough, many people jumped straight to the comment section and were firing off. Many of whom were quick to defend their own reading habits. The irony was brilliant! Here is one of the better comments that beautifully illustrates the point: This article is horrible. Americans DO read, it's disrespectful to intelligent americans to state as fact that america no longer reads. My daughter is second grade and her class is assigned at least one book a month to read. My wife is an avid reader and is even takes part in a weekly book club. As for myself, I read mainly ESPN and Sports Illustrated. America is a great and educated country, and one I am proud to live in. This is a classic sound off failure! Not only does the comment show a complete lack of understanding, it is very poorly written. I am not an editor. However, by a quick count, I found seven grammatical errors contained within a short post. If you are still confused about this. Try my suggested order of operations. 1) Read the article. 2) Hit like. 3) Post a comment. 4) Share the article across all your social media. 5) Click on follow. Okay, okay, numbers two through five are optional. However, should you want to Tweet about it. Please consider using the hashtag #ReadingIntervention or just click below. As always, thank you for reading my post! Like what you've been reading? Click here to get more! About the Author: John White is the LinkedIn group owner of Publishers & Bloggers, Director of Marketing Content at Social Business Strategies and CareerToolBox, a proud dad, MBA candidate, and contributor to Dice Tech News. Please visit my profile to connect with me on LinkedIn and on Twitter @juanblanco76 and @CareerToolboxUS. Share on LinkedInShare on FacebookShare on Google PlusShare on Twitter reading intervention human behavior social media Written by John White 67 posts Follow Featured In Social Media Follow Like+ 140 NewestOldestPopularAdd a comment71 comments CommentCancel Dzmitry Lahoda YOU I use tagging tool like Diigo to mark articles/stories with next tags: "have read" If I have read at least 80% of it. I feel good to link such texts into my own as arguments or suggest to read. "have read abstract" - good article/story has good title, good abstract like in scientific paper, good conclusions, most important things use outlined text (bold, highlighted, bigger size, header). I read these then use mentioned tag. This approach is check if it worth to read fully and potentially to suggest ащк reading but with less confidence. I feel that there is no need to read full article if it may be tagged "have read abstract". "Why Doesn't America Read Anymore." is bad name. It's statements is false. I OK not to read but give negative comment for this. I would not ever read such article. "America Read twice less since 1991" is OK. Anyway I have read this article because suffer from not reading "whole story" sometimes or at leas "abstract", but I do not comment then. Also I has bad grammar, but I hope machine learning will fix this. Actually I do some kind of new way of writing and reading which better suits modern world, but I am not aware of user friendly tool to do so."
"About Zinc is an experimental attempt to write an ARM stack that would be similar to CMSIS or mbed in capabilities but would show rust’s best safety features applied to embedded development. Zinc is mostly assembly-free and completely C-free at the moment. One of the goals of zinc is to figure out, how much of the usual RTOS stack is it possible to write in rust in a safe manner, while keeping the resource usage profile low enough (comparable to C/C++ code). Main features Zinc provides you with safe code in terms of rust code safety; accessing hardware directly is unsafe, but you can do that as well if you want. In addition to software safety, zinc provides hardware safety with Platform Tree specification; you define the hardware configuration right in the code in simple key-value DSL and compiler verifies that all hardware is configured properly; that also allows to optimize the code to much bigger extent than with conventional RTOSes."
NuGet - Home
NuGet Package Explorer - Home
Buildroot: making embedded Linux easy
"Buildroot Making Embedded Linux Easy Buildroot is a simple, efficient and easy-to-use tool to generate embedded Linux systems through cross-compilation."
StackShare - Discover and discuss the best dev tools and cloud infrastructure services
"New Relic "
version control - What's the difference between git-tf and git-tfs? - Stack Overflow
android-quill - Pen note-taking for Android (v3+) - Google Project Hosting
Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet , Quill and Myscript Stylus Demo - YouTube
Нереальности Epic ПРИКОЛЫ 2014 Epic FAIL Compilation #58 - YouTube
История про Олю и Колю, часть 1 - YouTube
Фермер-американец из Богучанского района стал звездой Интернета - YouTube
SOA Manifesto
"SOA Manifesto Service orientation is a paradigm that frames what you do. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a type of architecture that results from applying service orientation. We have been applying service orientation to help organizations consistently deliver sustainable business value, with increased agility and cost effectiveness, in line with changing business needs. Through our work we have come to prioritize: Business value over technical strategy Strategic goals over project-specific benefits Intrinsic interoperability over custom integration Shared services over specific-purpose implementations Flexibility over optimization Evolutionary refinement over pursuit of initial perfection That is, while we value the items on the right, we value the items on the left more."
spray | REST/HTTP for your Akka/Scala Actors
"spray is an open-source toolkit for building REST/HTTP-based integration layers on top of Scala and Akka. Being asynchronous, actor-based, fast, lightweight, modular and testable it's a great way to connect your Scala applications to the world."
A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining | The Ancient Art of the Numerati
"Before you is a tool for learning basic data mining techniques. Most data mining textbooks focus on providing a theoretical foundation for data mining, and as result, may seem notoriously difficult to understand. Don’t get me wrong, the information in those books is extremely important. However, if you are a programmer interested in learning a bit about data mining you might be interested in a beginner’s hands-on guide as a first step. That’s what this book provides. This guide follows a learn-by-doing approach. Instead of passively reading the book, I encourage you to work through the exercises and experiment with the Python code I provide. I hope you will be actively involved in trying out and programming data mining techniques. The textbook is laid out as a series of small steps that build on each other until, by the time you complete the book, you have laid the foundation for understanding data mining techniques. This book is available for download for free under a Creative Commons license (see link in footer). You are free to share the book, and remix it. Someday I may offer a paper copy, but the online version will always be free."
FIDO Alliance
Windows Holographic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Windows Holographic is an augmented reality computing platform by Microsoft that will be introduced in the Windows 10 operating system when it is released in 2015.[1][2] With Windows Holographic APIs, which are enabled in all versions of Windows 10 (including Windows 10 for phones and small tablets), augmented reality features can be readily implemented on any Windows universal app, across a wide range of Windows 10 devices.[3] Microsoft announced Windows Holographic at its "Windows 10: The Next Chapter" press event on January 21, 2015.[4] Contents  [hide]  1 Microsoft HoloLens 2 See also 3 Notes 4 References 5 External links Microsoft HoloLens[edit] It has been suggested that Holographic processing unit be merged into this article. (Discuss) Proposed since January 2015. The device for Windows Holographic, Microsoft HoloLens is a smart glasses unit that is a cordless, self-contained Windows 10 computer. It uses advanced sensors, a high-definition 3D optical head-mounted display, and spatial sound to allow for augmented reality applications, with a natural user interface that the user interacts with through gaze, voice, and hand gestures.[5][note 1] Codenamed "Project Baraboo," HoloLens had been in development for five years before its announcement in 2015, but was conceived earlier as the original pitch made in late 2007 for what would become the Kinect technology platform.[6][5] Applications showcased for Microsoft HoloLens include HoloStudio, a 3D modelling application which can produce output for 3D printers; Holobuilder, a demonstration inspired by the video game Minecraft; an implementation of the Skype telecommunications application; and OnSight, a software tool developed in collaboration with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).[7] OnSight integrates data from the Curiosity rover into a 3D simulation of the Martian environment, which scientists around the world can visualize, interact with, and collaborate in together using HoloLens devices. OnSight can be used in mission planning, with users able to program rover activities by looking at a target within the simulation, and using gestures to pull up and select menu commands.[8] JPL plans to deploy OnSight in Curiosity mission operations, using it to control rover activities by July 2015.[3] Among the sensor types used in HoloLens is an energy-efficient depth camera with a 120°×120° field of view.[6] Other capabilities provided by the sensors include head-tracking, video capture, and sound capture. In addition to a high-end CPU and GPU, HoloLens features a Holographic Processing Unit (HPU), a coprocessor which integrates data from the various sensors, and handles tasks such as spatial mapping, gesture recognition, and voice and speech recognition.[3][note 2] Microsoft expects HoloLens to be made available "in the Windows 10 timeframe" and priced for use in both the enterprise and consumer markets.[4]"
Lambda architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Lambda architecture is a data-processing architecture designed to handle massive quantities of data by taking advantage of both batch- and stream-processing methods. This approach to architecture attempts to balance latency, throughput, and fault-tolerance by using batch processing to provide comprehensive and accurate views of batch data, while simultaneously using real-time stream processing to provide views of online data. The two view outputs may be joined before presentation. The rise of lambda architecture is correlated with the growth of big data, real-time analytics, and the drive to mitigate the latencies of map-reduce.[1] Lambda architecture depends on a data model with an append-only, immutable data source that serves as a system of record.[2]:32 It is intended for ingesting and processing timestamped events that are appended to existing events rather than overwriting them. State is determined from the natural time-based ordering of the data."
"OpenStreetMap powers map data on hundreds of web sites, mobile apps, and hardware devices"
Open WLAN Map - free and open WLAN-based location services
Реклама скайпа - YouTube
Теория разбитых окон | Блог Айрата Галиуллина
"В 1980-х годах Нью-Йорк представлял собой адский ад. Там совершалось более 1 500 тяжких преступлений КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ. 6-7 убийств в сутки. Ночью по улицам ходить было опасно, а в метро рисковано ездить даже днем. Грабители и попрошайки в подземке были обычным делом. Грязные и сырые платформы едва освещались. В вагонах было холодно, под ногами валялся мусор, стены и потолок сплошь покрыты граффити. Вот что рассказывали о нью-йоркской подземке:"
Home | Aurelia
Feature Diagrams and Logics: There and Back Again Feature modeling is a notation and an approach for modeling commonality and variability in product fami- lies.
Model View ViewModel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Model View ViewModel (MVVM) is an architectural pattern for software development. MVVM is a variation of Martin Fowler's Presentation Model design pattern.[1][2] Like Fowler's Presentation Model, MVVM abstracts a view's state and behavior.[1] However, whereas the Presentation Model abstracts a view (i.e., creates a view model) in a manner that does not depend on a specific user-interface platform, MVVM was developed at Microsoft specifically to simplify event-driven programming of user interfaces—by exploiting features of Windows Presentation Foundation (their .NET graphics system) and Silverlight (WPF's Internet application derivative).[1] John Gossman, one of Microsoft's WPF and Silverlight architects, announced MVVM on his blog in 2005. MVVM and Presentation Model both derive from the model–view–controller pattern (MVC). MVVM facilitates a separation of the development of the graphical user interface (either as markup language or GUI code) from the development of the business logic or back-end logic (the data model). The view model of MVVM is a value converter;[3] this means that the view model is responsible for exposing the data objects from the model in such a way that the objects are easily managed and consumed. In this respect, the view model is more model than view, and handles most if not all of the view’s display logic.[3] The view model may also implement a mediator pattern, organising access to the backend logic around the set of use cases supported by the view. Model View ViewModel is also called model-view-binder, especially in implementations that don't involve the .NET platform. ZK (a web application framework written in Java) and KnockoutJS (a JavaScript library) use model-view-binder.[4][1][5]"
Home | Projectlibre
"ProjectLibre is the open source replacement of Microsoft Project."
Introducing Behaviour-Driven Development
Continuous Tests
"ContinuousTests is a continuous testing tool for the .Net and Mono platform. It helps you with the way you do TDD by taking care of all compiling and testing in the background to help you work more efficiently. It also figures out exactly which tests to run, based on the changes you just made. So, instead of running all tests, it will only run those affected by your changes."
"The project aims to create a feature-rich dictionary lookup program. The latest release is 1.0.1. You are welcome to look around, download the program, provide feedback, and join the cause."
GNU Aspell
"GNU Aspell is a Free and Open Source spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell. It can either be used as a library or as an independent spell checker. Its main feature is that it does a superior job of suggesting possible replacements for a misspelled word than just about any other spell checker out there for the English language. Unlike Ispell, Aspell can also easily check documents in UTF-8 without having to use a special dictionary. Aspell will also do its best to respect the current locale setting. Other advantages over Ispell include support for using multiple dictionaries at once and intelligently handling personal dictionaries when more than one Aspell process is open at once."
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ИСКУССТВЕННАЯ СЛЕЗА, раствор (капли глазные) - Продукция - РУП Белмедпрепараты
"ИСКУССТВЕННАЯ СЛЕЗА, раствор (капли глазные) Международное непатентованное название искусственная слеза и прочие нейтральные компоненты; Artificial tears and other indifferent preparations Синонимы Гипромелоза-П, Искусственная слеза Фармакотерапевтическая группа искусственные слезы и прочие индифферентные препараты. Состав каждая тюбик-капельница содержит: активное вещество: гипромеллоза – 3,0 мг, декстран 60 - 1,0 мг; Код АТХ: S01XA20. Фармакологическое действие Препарат для увлажнения роговицы. Искусственная слеза содержит декстран 60 и гипромеллозу (гидроксипропилметилцеллюлозу), которые в сочетании с естественной слезной жидкостью глаза повышают стабильность слезной пленки. Препарат восполняет дефицит слезной жидкости и улучшает увлажнение роговицы. После однократного закапывания действие препарата сохраняется в течение 90 мин."
VITA: Application Framework - Home
"VITA is a framework for creating data-connected .NET applications. It is a full-featured .NET ORM - and much more than ORM. Automatic schema management, full Linq implementation with query caching, support for CRUD stored procedures, modular application composition, transparent data cache implementation with Linq queries redirection, row-level authorization subsystem. Supports data models distributed over multiple databases. "
Firebird: The true open source database for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and more
Raspberry Pi 2 Brings More Power, Memory and Windows Support
"Today, the Raspberry Pi foundation announced the availability of Raspberry Pi 2, which is based on the popular Model B+ design."
Next-gen JavaScript Framework "Aurelia" Brings Adaptive Databinding Engine
"Rob Eisenberg, formerly of AngularJS, has released Aurelia: a next-generation JavaScript framework with a "a first of its kind 'adaptive' databinding engine.""
StackEdit – Editor
QUAI DE L'ILE Configurator Page - Vacheron Constantin
File Your Customer Complaints | Resolve Your Issue | Gripevine
"Gripevine amplifies your online voice and connects you directly with company decision makers to get your complaints heard and resolved, quickly. Use Gripevine to share your complaints with friends and followers and let companies know exactly what they need to do to keep your business"
Roslyn Quoter
Introducing BDD | Dan North & Associates
"I had a problem. While using and teaching agile practices like test-driven development (TDD) on projects in different environments, I kept coming across the same confusion and misunderstandings. Programmers wanted to know where to start, what to test and what not to test, how much to test in one go, what to call their tests, and how to understand why a test fails."
What’s in a Story? | Dan North & Associates
"Behaviour-driven development is an “outside-in” methodology. It starts at the outside by identifying business outcomes, and then drills down into the feature set that will achieve those outcomes. Each feature is captured as a “story”, which defines the scope of the feature along with its acceptance criteria. This article introduces the BDD approach to defining and identifying stories and their acceptance criteria."
DragonFlyBSD: DragonFly BSD
"DragonFly belongs to the same class of operating systems as other BSD-derived systems and Linux. It is based on the same UNIX ideals and APIs and shares ancestor code with other BSD operating systems. DragonFly provides an opportunity for the BSD base to grow in an entirely different direction from the one taken in the FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD series. DragonFly includes many useful features that differentiate it from other operating systems in the same class. The most prominent one is HAMMER, our modern high performance filesystem with built-in mirroring and historic access functionality. Virtual kernels provide the ability to run a full-blown kernel as a user process for the purpose of managing resources or for accelerated kernel development and debugging."
Oops! I added a project by mistake. How do I delete it? | Black Duck Open Hub Blog
"Every edit to Open Hub is recorded in the Edit History, and you can undo any change. From the main project page on Open Hub, click the Edit History link in the left sidebar. This will take you to the list of all edits made to this project. The very oldest edit to the project will be the “Project created” item. Click UNDO on this item to remove the project from Open Hub." Наука и техника: Шмели решили задачу коммивояжера опытным путем
"Ученые установили, что шмели добиваются оптимизации пути между фиксированными точками методом проб и ошибок. Работа опубликована в журнале PLoS Biology, кратко о ней пишет ScienceNow."
Silverlight Testing Automation Tool - Home
"StatLight is a tool developed for automating the setup, execution, and gathering results of Silverlight unit tests. StatLight helps to speed up the feedback cycles while practicing TDD/BDD/(insert your test style here) during Silverlight development."
Missing Silverlight Unit Tests in VS2012 | DirectSmile Developer-Blog
ZedGraph |
silverlight-selenium - Silverlight-selenium extends the Selenium RC clients for adding SilverLight Communication Capabilities - Google Project Hosting
"The silverlight-selenium libraries extend the Selenium RC clients, adding Silverlight communication capabilities to the Selenium RC tests."
"ConventionTests provides a simple API to build validation rules for creating convention validation tests."
Verifying Code by Using UI Automation
"Automated tests that drive your application through its user interface (UI) are known as coded UI tests (CUITs). These tests include functional testing of the UI controls. They let you verify that the whole application, including its user interface, is functioning correctly. Coded UI Tests are particularly useful where there is validation or other logic in the user interface, for example in a web page. They are also frequently used to automate an existing manual test."
DiffLib - Home
"A diff implementation class library for .NET 3.5 and 4.0 written in C#. This class library for.NET 3.5 and 4.0 does collection-based diff generation."
Conversation Patterns for Software Professionals. Part 3
"In the first two parts of the series Conversation Patterns for Software Professionals we focused on discovering business needs. You have learnt that behind each expected functionality there is a hidden need in the form of a problem to avoid or a benefit to gain. We also presented the methods to discover and specify these needs during sessions oriented at collecting User Stories. Next, we illustrated the pattern of exploring the needs based on the example of a team proposing alternative solutions. " - Свежая выпечка Bread&Butter
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Путин. Конференция. Скандальный вопрос Ксении Собчак 18.12.2014 - YouTube
Михаил Ходорковский: "Вы, а не Путин - источник власти, вы, а не нефть - благосостояние страны" - YouTube
Compare .NET Objects - Home
"Perform a deep compare of any two .NET objects using reflection. Shows the differences between the two objects. "
Microsoft Embraces GitHub for their .NET Compilers
Facebook Open Sources Modules for Faster Deep Learning on Torch
Computer Ergonomics Guide | Microsoft Hardware
"This guide is designed to help you be more comfortable and productive while using your computer. It may also help you reduce your risk of experiencing painful and disabling injuries or disorders described in the following Health Warning. It only takes a moment to read, but the benefits can be lasting."
AOT | Mono
"Ahead of Time Compilation or AOT is a feature of the Mono runtime code generator. The Mono code generator can operate in two modes: Just-in-Time compilation or JIT, and Ahead-of-Time compilation or AOT."
.NET Micro Framework
"In order to keep the footprint small, not every possible C# feature is supported by .NET Micro Framework. However, some require only small trick to make them working (no, generics are not the case). I thought it might come handy to write it all down at one place."
Xen - Community Help Wiki
"Xen is a type 1, bare-metal virtual machine monitor (or hypervisor), which provides the ability to run one or more operating system instances on the same physical machine. Xen, like other types of virtualization, is useful for many use cases such as server consolidation and isolation of production and development environments (e.g. corporate and personal environments on the same system). As of Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric), the default kernel included in Ubuntu can be used directly with the Xen hypervisor as the management (or control) domain (Dom0 or Domain0 in Xen terminology). The rest of this guide gives a basic overview of how to set up a basic Xen system and create simple guests. Our example uses LVM for virtual disks and network bridging for virtual network cards. It also assumes Xen 4.4 (the version available in 14.04) and the xend toolstack. It assumes a familiarity with general virtualization issues, as well as with the specific Xen terminology. Please see the Xen wiki for more information."
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re-mix - Home
ApiChange - Home
The Truth About The Sony Hack | North Korea Opposition to 'The Interview' Movie? - YouTube
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Accrual - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Accrual (accumulation) of something is, in finance, the adding together of interest or different investments over a period of time. It holds specific meanings in accounting, where it can refer to accounts on a balance sheet that represent liabilities and non-cash-based assets used in accrual-based accounting. These types of accounts include, among others, accounts payable, accounts receivable, goodwill, deferred tax liability and future interest expense.[1]"
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Design Decisions — Simple Injector 2 documentation
"The container is locked after the first call to resolve When an application makes its first call to GetInstance, GetAllIntances or Verify, the container locks itself to prevent any future changes being made by explicit registrations. This strictly separates the configuration of the container from its use and forces the user to configure the container in one single place. This design decision is inspired by the following two design principles: Push developers into best practices Fast by default In most situations it makes little sense to change the configuration once the application is running. This would make the application much more complex, whereas dependency injection as a pattern is meant to lower the total complexity of a system. By strictly separating the registration/startup phase from the phase where the application is in a running state, it is much easier to determine how the container will behave and it is much easier to verify the container’s configuration. The locking behavior of Simple Injector exists to protect the user from defining invalid and/or confusing combinations of registrations. Allowing the ability to alter the DI configuration while the application is running could easily cause strange, hard to debug, and hard to verify behavior. This may also mean the application has numerous hard references to the container and this is something we work hard to prevent. Attempting to alter the configuration when running a multi-threaded application would lead to very un-deterministic behavior, even if the container itself is thread-safe. Imagine the scenario where you want to replace some FileLogger component for a different implementation with the same ILogger interface. If there’s a different registration that directly or indirectly depends on this registration, replacing the ILogger might not work as you would expect. If the depending registration is registered as singleton, for example, the container should guarantee that only one instance will be created. When you are allowed to change the implementation of ILogger after a singleton instance already holds a reference to the “old” registered implementation the container has 2 choices - neither of which are correct: Return the cached instance of the registration that has a reference to the “wrong” ILogger. Create and cache a new instance of that registration and, in doing so, break the promise of the type being registered as a singleton and the guarantee that the container will always return the same instance. The description above is a simple to grasp example of dealing with the runtime replacement of services. But adding new registrations can also cause things to go wrong in unexpected ways. A simple example would be where the container has previously supplied the object graph with a default implementation resolved through unregistered type resolution. Problems with thread-safety can easily emerge when the user changes a registration during a web request. If the container allowed such registration changes during a request, other requests could directly be impacted by those changes (since in general there should only be one Container instance per AppDomain). Depending on things such as the lifestyle of the registration; the use of factories and how the object graph is structured, it could be a real possibility that another request gets both the old and the new registration. Take for instance a transient registration that is replaced with a different one. If this is done while an object graph for a different thread is being resolved while the service is injected into multiple points within the graph - the graph would contain different instance of that abstraction with different lifetimes at the same time in the same request - and this is bad. Since we consider it good practice to lock the container, we were able to greatly optimize performance of the container and adhere to the Fast by default principle. Do note that container lock-down still allows runtime registrations. A few common ways to add registrations to the container are: Resolving an unregistered concrete type from the container. The container will auto-register that type for you as transient registration. Using unregistered type resolution the container will be able to at a later time resolve new types. The Lifestyle.CreateProducer overloads can be called at any point in time to create new InstanceProducer instances that allow building new registrations."
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Net Neutrality (HBO) - YouTube
Silverlight Support Roadmap - WebApps - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Castle Project
"Build your .NET projects on a rock solid foundation"
Duplicate images finder - Home
AvalonEdit by icsharpcode
pMixins Code Generation Framework -
"A lightweight open source Mixin and AOP framework for C#"
PostSharp Alternatives – PostSharp
Implementing TeX's Algorithms: Looking Back at Thirty Years of Programming
1500' TV Tower - YouTube
"Helper framework for web testing providing easy to use API for managing WebServers, Browsers, Nuget and Azure resources at test runtime."
Tatoeba: Collecting example sentences
Moses - Main/HomePage
"Moses is a statistical machine translation system that allows you to automatically train translation models for any language pair. All you need is a collection of translated texts (parallel corpus). Once you have a trained model, an efficient search algorithm quickly finds the highest probability translation among the exponential number of choices."
Apertium | A free/open-source machine translation platform
Apertium is a free/open-source machine translation platform, initially aimed at related-language pairs but expanded to deal with more divergent language pairs (such as English-Catalan). The platform provides a language-independent machine translation engine tools to manage the linguistic data necessary to build a machine translation system for a given language pair and linguistic data for a growing number of language pairs. Apertium welcomes new developers: if you think you can improve the engine or the tools, or develop linguistic data for us, do not hesitate to contact us. This website is maintained by Apertium.
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ONLINE SCIENCE AND MATH TEXTBOOKS Page of NeuraLinksPlus by Prof. Mark Dubin
Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching - Mathematics Enhancement Programme
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Валютный налог обнулен с 8 января
"Налог на биржевые операции продержался в Беларуси с 20 декабря 2014-го года по 8 января 2015-го. Постановлением правительства № 5 от 6 января с 8 января ставка налога на биржевые операции по приобретению иностранной валюты на торгах Белорусской валютно-фондовой биржи установлена в размере ноль процентов. Текст документа опубликован на Национальном правовом портале. "
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"x264vfw is the VfW (Video for Windows) version of well known x264 encoder + ffh264 decoder (from FFmpeg/Libav project)."
An Overview of Feature-Oriented Software Development
Feature-oriented software development (FOSD) is a paradigm for the construction, customization, and synthesis of large-scale software systems. In this survey, we give an overview and a personal perspective on the roots of FOSD, connections to other software development paradigms, and recent developments in this field. Our aim is to point to connections between different lines of research and to identify open issues.
Osiris (Serverless Portal System) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Osiris Serverless Portal System (usually abbreviated as Osiris sps or Osiris) is a freeware program used to create web portals distributed via peer-to-peer networking (P2P) and autonomous from centralized servers. It is available for Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems. Unlike common tools used to publish information on the Internet, such as content management systems, Internet forums or blogs based on a centralized system, the data of an Osiris portal are shared (via P2P) between all its participants. Because all the contents necessary for navigation are replicated on every computer, the portal can be used without a central server. Thus, the portal is always accessible because it is immune to denial of service attacks, Internet service provider limitations (such as traffic shaping and censorship) and hardware failure. In this way, a web portal can be operated at very low costs and free from external control."
HabitRPG | Your Life The Role Playing Game
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SSDL: Simple Self-Testing Data Layer - CodeProject
NxBRE | Get NxBRE at
.NET Business Rule Engine NxBRE is the first (timely speaking) open-source rule engine for the .NET platform and a lightweight Business Rules Engine (aka Rule-Based Engine) that offers two different approaches: the Inference Engine, which is a forward-chaining (data driven) deduction engine and that supports concepts like Facts, Queries and Implications (as defined in RuleML Naf Datalog sub-language) and like Rule Priority, Mutual Exclusion and Precondition (as found in many commercial engines). It is designed in a way that encourages the separation of roles between the expert who designs the business rules and the programmer who binds them to the business objects. the Flow Engine, which uses XML as a way to control process flow for an application in an external entity. It is basically a wrapper on C#, as it offers all its flow control commands (if/then/else, while, foreach), plus a context of business objects and results. It is a port of JxBRE v1.7.1 (SourceForge Project from Sloan Seaman) to .NET's Visual C#. NxBRE 's interest lies first into its simplicity, second in the possibility of easily extending its features by delegating to custom code in the Flow Engine or by writing custom RuleBase adapters or Business Objects binders in the Inference Engine. NxBRE can be really useful for projects that have to deal with: complex business rules that can not be expressed into one uniform structured manner but require the possibility to have free logical expressions, changing business rules that force recompilation if the new rules must meet unexpected requirements. NxBRE is released under LGPL license in order to allow users to legally build commercial solutions that embed NxBRE. To run the unit tests, you will need NUnit 2.1. Developed on SharpDevelop.
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Rasterisation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Rasterisation (or rasterization) is the task of taking an image described in a vector graphics format (shapes) and converting it into a raster image (pixels or dots) for output on a video display or printer, or for storage in a bitmap file format. In normal usage, the term refers to the popular rendering algorithm for displaying three-dimensional shapes on a computer.[citation needed] Rasterisation is currently the most popular technique for producing real-time 3D computer graphics. Real-time applications need to respond immediately to user input, and generally need to produce frame rates of at least 30 frames per second to achieve smooth animation. Compared with other rendering techniques such as ray tracing, rasterisation is extremely fast. However, rasterization is simply the process of computing the mapping from scene geometry to pixels and does not prescribe a particular way to compute the color of those pixels. Shading, including programmable shading, may be based on physical light transport, or artistic intent."
"Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System (via both Xlib and XCB), Quartz, Win32, image buffers, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output. "
Некоторые паттерны реализации полиморфного поведения в C++, Дмитрий Леванов (Яндекс) — События Яндекса
NModel - Home
Bjarne Stroustrup: Advice for C++ Developers - YouTube
Bjarne Stroustrup: The 5 Programming Languages You Need to Know - YouTube
Bjarne Stroustrup: The 5 Programming Languages You Need to Know - YouTube
Bjarne Stroustrup: Why I Created C++ - YouTube
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8. А.Скляров: К вопросу о происхождении человека - YouTube
7. А.Скляров: "Божественные" предметы и их имитация - YouTube
2. Ю.Горлова: Результаты анализов микровкраплений - YouTube
1. Ю.Горлова: Методика лабораторных исследований археологических образцов - YouTube
Лаборатория альтернативной истории
"Земледелие - один из основных и важнейших элементов цивилизации как таковой. Это, по сути, - аксиома современного взгляда на нашу историю. Именно с освоением земледелия и переходом к сопутствующему ему оседлому образу жизни связано формирование того, что мы понимаем под терминами "общество" и "цивилизация". Там, где не было перехода к земледелию, не возникала и цивилизация. И даже наше современное промышленное и технологически развитое общество, как ни крути, немыслимо без сельского хозяйства, обеспечивающего питанием миллиарды людей."
Modelica and the Modelica Association — Modelica Association
"Modelica® is a non-proprietary, object-oriented, equation based language to conveniently model complex physical systems containing, e.g., mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic, thermal, control, electric power or process-oriented subcomponents"
"The latest version now uses an Iterator and Range pair, and provides a stream_range that makes backtracking much neater in the implementation, results in a 25% performance improvement compared to the pre-iterator version on non-backtracking parsers, and even more (40% improvement) on backtracking parsers. The combinator parser with stream iterator is now about twice the speed of the simple recursive descent parser, and the iterator interface can be used with the File-Vector which doubles the performance again (see "vector_expression.cpp" example)."
WPF StylesExplorer - Home
"Styles Explorer is project containing library for WPF baml decompilation and a tool to explorer baml resources."
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In-Memory Databases
"In-Memory Databases An SQLite database is normally stored in a single ordinary disk file. However, in certain circumstances, the database might be stored in memory."
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"SPI is a non-profit organization which was founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software. We encourage programmers to use the GNU General Public License or other licenses that allow free redistribution and use of software, and hardware developers to distribute documentation that will allow device drivers to be written for their product."
Qt 5.4 Released
"Lars Knoll, QT project chief maintainer, announced the release of Qt 5.4, offering many improvements in the area of web technologies, full support for Qt on Windows runtime, new features for graphics handling, and a new licensing model."
Document management system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A document management system (DMS) is a system (based on computer programs in the case of the management of digital documents) used to track and store documents. It is usually also capable of keeping track of the different versions modified by different users (history tracking). The term has some overlap with the concepts of content management systems. It is often viewed as a component of enterprise content management (ECM) systems and related to digital asset management, document imaging, workflow systems and records management systems."
C# Interface Versus Virtual Method Performance
"Are interface calls faster than virtual ones? If we use an interface, we implement that interface as a contract. If we use a base class, we declare virtual methods and then implement those methods on derived types."
В Белоруссии ввели 30-процентный налог на приобретение валюты :: Финансы :: РосБизнесКонсалтинг
"Власти Белоруссии обложили покупателей валюты особым 30-процентным сбором, который придется платить как юридическим, так и физическим лицам. Накануне президент Александр Лукашенко уверял, что в отличие от России его стране не угрожает девальвация национальной валюты. За последние два дня курс доллара в белорусских банках вырос примерно на 700 белорусских рублей"
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Symas Lightning MDB (aka Lightning Database, LMDB)
"Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) This page contains technical information about Symas's LMDB database library. LMDB is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store developed by Symas for the OpenLDAP Project. It uses memory-mapped files, so it has the read performance of a pure in-memory database while still offering the persistence of standard disk-based databases, and is only limited to the size of the virtual address space, (it is not limited to the size of physical RAM). Note: LMDB was originally called MDB, but was renamed to avoid confusion with other software associated with the name MDB"
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Intuitionistic Programming Language
"The intuitionistic programming language (IPL) is an open source programming language, combining a very high level of abstraction with compilation to efficient LLVM bytecode. Only a small fraction of the constant increase in computer capacity is turned into direct benefits for users. Large programs require a higher level of abstraction and more bookkeeping to remain modular, malleable, and maintainable. Indeed, large scale program development would be nearly impossible without innovations like type systems, automatic memory management, function objects, and separation of concerns provided by modules and classes. Still, conventional wisdom dictates that abstraction comes at a cost: not so with IPL, where first class functions, procedures, and objects are all compiled to efficient LLVM bytecode with zero abstraction cost. The semantics of IPL is based on intuitionistic type theory extended with a component model it compiles to LLVM bytecode using a novel algorithm based on term rewriting. The IPL compiler is very small: less than 10,000 lines of OCaml code. IPL provides zero abstraction penalty, a very high level of abstraction, excellent run time performance, strong static safety guarantees, predictable performance without GC pauses, support for verification and testing, and a composable effect system based on free monads. The combination of these features is made possible by an algorithm that eliminates high level constructs at compile time. The limitation implied by this algorithm is that mutable complex state has to be region based (global or local). IPL is currently in the early stages of development and there are many opportunities to make a large impact on its future direction and for further innovation in the space."
FIDO Alliance
The Mission of the FIDO Alliance is to change the nature of online authentication by: Developing technical specifications that define an open, scalable, interoperable set of mechanisms that reduce the reliance on passwords to authenticate users. Operating industry programs to help ensure successful worldwide adoption of the Specifications. Submitting mature technical Specification(s) to recognized standards development organization(s) for formal standardization.
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A tutorial on Principal Components Analysis
This tutorial is designed to give the reader an understanding of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). PCA is a useful statistical technique that has found application in fields such as face recognition and image compression, and is a common technique for finding patterns in data of high dimension. Before getting to a description of PCA, this tutorial first introduces mathematical concepts that will be used in PCA. It covers standard deviation, covariance, eigenvec- tors and eigenvalues. This background knowledge is meant to make the PCA section very straightforward, but can be skipped if the concepts are already familiar. There are examples all the way through this tutorial that are meant to illustrate the concepts being discussed. If further information is required, the mathematics textbook “Elementary Linear Algebra 5e” by Howard Anton, Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc, ISBN 0-471-85223-6 is a good source of information regardingthe mathematical back- ground.
" Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501(c)(3) worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software. Our mission is to make software security visible, so that individuals and organizations worldwide can make informed decisions about true software security risks."
Secret vs VP.Polar #1 - @CaspeRRR - Dota 2 The Summit 2 bo3 - YouTube
AppHarbor - .NET Cloud Platform as a Service
"This project monitors support for different features across multiple libraries. The goal is to encourage feature parity and better understanding of what is and should be available."
Influence Lead - Fundamentals for Personal and Professional Growth
Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
An Overview of Feature-Oriented Software Development
Effective date - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"An effective date or as of date is the date upon which something is considered to take effect. This may be different from the date upon which the event actually occurs or is recorded.[1][2]"
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Systems development life cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The systems development life cycle (SDLC), also referred to as the application development life-cycle, is a term used in systems engineering, information systems and software engineering to describe a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system.[1] The systems development life-cycle concept applies to a range of hardware and software configurations, as a system can be composed of hardware only, software only, or a combination of both.[2]"
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Iron Sky presents: Dance, Vladimir Putin! - YouTube
Услуги адвоката в Минске. Адвокат по уголовным, гражданским, семейным, хозяйственным и административным делам. < AdvokatAlliance
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Front Page - Free Software Foundation - working together for free software
Home of the Mozilla Project - Mozilla
I/O Completion Ports (Windows)
"I/O completion ports provide an efficient threading model for processing multiple asynchronous I/O requests on a multiprocessor system. When a process creates an I/O completion port, the system creates an associated queue object for requests whose sole purpose is to service these requests. Processes that handle many concurrent asynchronous I/O requests can do so more quickly and efficiently by using I/O completion ports in conjunction with a pre-allocated thread pool than by creating threads at the time they receive an I/O request. How I/O Completion Ports Work The CreateIoCompletionPort function creates an I/O completion port and associates one or more file handles with that port. When an asynchronous I/O operation on one of these file handles completes, an I/O completion packet is queued in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order to the associated I/O completion port. One powerful use for this mechanism is to combine the synchronization point for multiple file handles into a single object, although there are also other useful applications. Please note that while the packets are queued in FIFO order they may be dequeued in a different order."
Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O (Windows)
"There are two types of input/output (I/O) synchronization: synchronous I/O and asynchronous I/O. Asynchronous I/O is also referred to as overlapped I/O. In synchronous file I/O, a thread starts an I/O operation and immediately enters a wait state until the I/O request has completed. A thread performing asynchronous file I/O sends an I/O request to the kernel by calling an appropriate function. If the request is accepted by the kernel, the calling thread continues processing another job until the kernel signals to the thread that the I/O operation is complete. It then interrupts its current job and processes the data from the I/O operation as necessary. The two synchronization types are illustrated in the following figure. In situations where an I/O request is expected to take a large amount of time, such as a refresh or backup of a large database or a slow communications link, asynchronous I/O is generally a good way to optimize processing efficiency. However, for relatively fast I/O operations, the overhead of processing kernel I/O requests and kernel signals may make asynchronous I/O less beneficial, particularly if many fast I/O operations need to be made. In this case, synchronous I/O would be better. The mechanisms and implementation details of how to accomplish these tasks vary depending on the type of device handle that is used and the particular needs of the application. In other words, there are usually multiple ways to solve the problem."
c# - How is Non-Blocking IO implemented? - Stack Overflow
Log Jam - All Episodes - YouTube
А Невзоров: Путь атеиста - YouTube
Новости :: Российские проститутки повышают расценки, объясняя это обвалом рубля
"Подступающая экономическая рецессия и рост курса доллара и евро вызвали рост цен на самые разные товары и услуги, и в том числе спровоцировали повышение расценок проституток. Из регионов сообщают о намерении секс-тружениц привязать тарифы к доллару."
Tibetan Healing Sounds #1 -11 hours - Tibetan bowls for meditation, relaxation, calming, healing - YouTube
GNU social — a free federated social network
"GNU social is the largest decentralized social network on the web."
GNU social and GNU FM by e14n
"Social server with an ActivityStreams API"
Martin Fink HP Discover General Session Day 2 - YouTube
Linas VEPSTAS Home Page
Object Management Group
EAM-2201 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"EAM-2201 (4'-ethyl-AM-2201, 5"-fluoro-JWH-210) is a drug that presumably acts as a potent agonist for the cannabinoid receptors. It had never previously been reported in the scientific or patent literature, and was first identified by laboratories in Japan in July 2012 as an ingredient in synthetic cannabis smoking blends.[1] Like the closely related MAM-2201 which had been first reported around a year earlier, EAM-2201 thus appears to be another novel compound invented by designer drug suppliers specifically for recreational use. Structurally, EAM-2201 is a hybrid of two known cannabinoid compounds JWH-210 and AM-2201, both of which had previously been used as active ingredients in synthetic cannabis blends before being banned in many countries."
В Минском метро задержали неадекватного парня со спайсом -
"На станции Минского метрополитена «Октябрьская» задержан 17-летний минчанин, у которого при себе был пакетик с курительной смесью – четырьмя граммами особо опасного психотропа MBA (N)-CHM. Парень стоял у края платформы, пошатываясь, чем и привлек к себе внимание правоохранителей. РАСПЕЧАТАТЬ ОБСУДИТЬ VKONTAKTE FACEBOOK TWITTER MAIL.RU ODNOKLASSNIKI По словам задержанного, психотропы он никогда ранее не употреблял, а изъятый пакетик нашел на улице, решив употребить его содержимое из интереса, сообщили в ГУВД Мингорисполкома. Действиям минчанина дается правовая оценка. Как сообщал Телеграф, сотрудники УВД по охране Минского метрополитена на станции метро "Площадь Ленина" задержали 22-летнего минчанина, находящийся в состоянии сильного наркотического опьянения"
Минчане жалуются на навязчивый сервис по проверке компьютеров и интернета - Технологии
"Жители Минска столкнулись с крайне навязчивым предложением услуг, которые могут показаться абсолютно ненужными. По словам пользователя форума под ником Semuel., вечером ему на городской телефон позвонила девушка и сказала, что вскоре домой придет мастер для проверки интернета и компьютера «по специальной акции»."
RDF and microdata future - Stack Overflow
"An in-memory file system for Java 7+"
The von Neumann Architecture of Computer Systems
"Any discussion of computer architectures, of how computers and computer systems are organized, designed, and implemented, inevitably makes reference to the "von Neumann architecture" as a basis for comparison. And of course this is so, since virtually every electronic computer ever built has been rooted in this architecture. The name applied to it comes from John von Neumann, who as author of two papers in 1945 [Goldstine and von Neumann 1963, von Neumann 1981] and coauthor of a third paper in 1946 [Burks, et al. 1963] was the first to spell out the requirements for a general purpose electronic computer. The 1946 paper, written with Arthur W. Burks and Hermann H. Goldstine, was titled "Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument," and the ideas in it were to have a profound impact on the subsequent development of such machines."
HP's radical new Machine could start computing by 2016 - Good Gear Guide Australia
"Hewlett-Packard's efforts to usher in an entirely new computer architecture, one potentially much faster and simpler, may bear fruit by the end of 2016, when the company's lab expects to have the first prototype machine based on its design."
"A cross-browser, SQL-like, relational query engine built on top of IndexedDB."
CiviCRM | Open source constituent relationship management for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organizations.
Seven Samurai (1954) - IMDb
Announcing .NET 2015 - .NET as Open Source, .NET on Mac and Linux, and Visual Studio Community - Scott Hanselman
GNU Octave
Tools and utilities for Windows
Python extension for WinDbg - Home
Daft Punk - Around The World - YouTube
About - Steel Bank Common Lisp
"Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a high performance Common Lisp compiler. It is open source / free software, with a permissive license. In addition to the compiler and runtime system for ANSI Common Lisp, it provides an interactive environment including a debugger, a statistical profiler, a code coverage tool, and many other extensions."
lwIP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"lwIP (lightweight IP) is a widely used open source TCP/IP stack designed for embedded systems. lwIP was originally developed by Adam Dunkels at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science and is now developed and maintained by a world wide network of developers. lwIP is used by many manufacturers of embedded systems. Examples include Altera (in the Nios II operating system), Analog Devices (for the Blackfin DSP chip),[1] Xilinx,[2] Honeywell (for some of their FAA certified avionics systems) and Freescale Semiconductor (Ethernet Streaming SW for Automotive microcontrollers). The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce resource usage while still having a full-scale TCP.[3] This makes lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM."
Windows Preinstallation Environment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Windows Preinstallation Environment (also known as Windows PE and WinPE) is a lightweight version of Windows used for the deployment of PCs, workstations, and servers, or troubleshooting an operating system while it is offline. It is intended to replace MS-DOS boot disks and can be booted via USB flash drive, PXE, iPXE,[2] CD-ROM, or hard disk. Traditionally used by large corporations and OEMs (to preinstall Windows client operating systems on PCs during manufacturing), it is now widely available free of charge via the Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK)."
Adobe Generic Image Library: Main Page
Trine 2: Complete Story PS4 Launch Trailer - YouTube
Trine Gameplay Trailer #3, July 2009 (PSN, PC) - YouTube
"OxyPlot is a cross-platform plotting library for .NET. The code is licensed under the MIT license. This means that the library can be used in commercial applications, and modified as much as you want. The core library is a Portable Class Library which is shared between different user interface platforms. Custom controls are implemented for WPF, Windows 8, Windows Phone, Windows Forms, Silverlight, GTK#, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. OxyPlot can be tested online with the Silverlight example browser The documentation is located at The latest binaries can be found in the NuGet packages"
Open Hardware Monitor - Core temp, fan speed and voltages in a free software gadget
"The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer."
TLDRLegal - Software Licenses Explained in Plain English
"Software Licenses in Plain English Lookup popular software licenses summarized at-a-glance."
WinAudit - Home
"WinAudit is an inventory utility for Windows computers. It creates a comprehensive report on a machine's configuration, hardware and software. WinAudit is free, open source and can be used or distributed by anyone. IT experts in academia, government, industry as well as security conscious professionals in the armed services, defence contractors, electricity generators and police forces use WinAudit."
TestDisk - CGSecurity
MMA fighter War Machine beats adult-film actress Christy Mack in her Las Vegas home - YouTube
"Prig is a lightweight framework for test indirections in .NET Framework."
LibriVox | free public domain audiobooks
Western Philosophy : Bertrand Russell : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
The 3 Pillars of Personal Effectiveness
"his mini book is for everyone who is struggling with a high daily workload and often juggling with a lot of projects at once. Maybe the clear picture of what you are doing is missing leaving you stressed out with a constant feeling of being behind schedule? This sounds like a horror story but it has become the normal case for too many of us. The purpose of this mini book is to introduce you to the world of personal effectiveness and through simple steps help you get a better sense of importance, optimize your focus and improve your workflow in order to achieve more value. The tools used are primarily a combination of Personal Kanban and The Pomodoro Technique"
DOSBox |
"DOSBox emulates a full x86 pc with sound and DOS. Its main use is to run old DOS games on platforms which don't have DOS (Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Linux / FreeBSD / Mac OS X)"
Clipart - High Quality, Easy to Use, Free Support
Home · MPC-HC
"MPC-HC is an extremely light-weight, open source media player for Windows®. It supports all common video and audio file formats available for playback. We are 100% spyware free, there are no advertisements or toolbars."
"Open source audio and video processing tools Libav provides cross-platform tools and libraries to convert, manipulate and stream a wide range of multimedia formats and protocols."
The Roadmap for WPF - .NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"When we introduced WPF back in 2006 (.NET 3.0), the response was absolutely phenomenal. Enterprises, ISV’s, and Microsoft Partners have made the technology central to their business, building amazing vertical solutions and mission critical applications for their customers. This momentum carries forward to today – 10% of all newly created projects in Visual Studio 2013 over the past 60 days are WPF. WPF has amassed a passionate, vibrant, community that uses it to build data-centric desktop business applications on Windows. A recent example of this would be a new WPF application that was developed by our partners at InterKnowlogy. This application was recently used by CNN producers in the mid-term elections to upload, validate, and configure the data seen in the on-air election application. The election data is presented on CNN’s Magic Wall, which Microsoft’s Bing Pulse team helped to develop."
diStorm :: Powerful Disassembler Library For AMD64
"Powerful Disassembler Library For AMD64 diStorm [pronounced dee路storm] Definition: A lightweight, Easy-to-Use and Fast Disassembler/Decomposer Library for x86/AMD64. A Decomposer means that you get a binary structure that describes an instruction rather than textual representation."
The Yasm Modular Assembler Project
"Yasm is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler under the “new” BSD License (some portions are under other licenses, see COPYING for details). Yasm currently supports the x86 and AMD64 instruction sets, accepts NASM and GAS assembler syntaxes, outputs binary, ELF32, ELF64, 32 and 64-bit Mach-O, RDOFF2, COFF, Win32, and Win64 object formats, and generates source debugging information in STABS, DWARF 2, and CodeView 8 formats. Yasm can be easily integrated into Visual Studio 2005/2008 and 2010 for assembly of NASM or GAS syntax code into Win32 or Win64 object files."
ffdshow tryouts | Official Website
"ffdshow "
MP4Cam2AVI Easy Converter |
"MP4Cam2AVI is a MP4/MOV/M2TS to AVI repackaging tool for digital photo-video cameras, it makes their clips editable in VirtualDub, MovieMaker and other AVI editors. Also it can combine (join) multiple clips from camera into a single AVI movie, preserving audio/video sync. No video recompression (by default), no quality loss, fast operation (5-20x realtime). No installation needed - just download, unzip and run mp4cam2avi.exe."
RSA Animate -- Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us on Vimeo
RSA - Home
Javascript PC Emulator
Fabrice Bellard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Fabrice Bellard (French pronunciation: ​[faˈbʁis bɛˈlaʁ]) is a computer programmer who is best known as the creator of the FFmpeg and QEMU software projects. He has also developed a number of other programs, including the Tiny C Compiler. He was born in 1972 in Grenoble, France and went to school in Lycée Joffre (Montpellier), where, at age 17, he created the famous[1] executable compressor LZEXE. After studying at École Polytechnique, he went on to specialize at Télécom Paris in 1996. Fabrice Bellard's entries won the International Obfuscated C Code Contest twice:[2] In 2000, he won in the category "Most Specific Output"[3] for a program that implemented the modular Fast Fourier Transform and used it to compute the then biggest known prime number, 26972593−1;[4] and in 2001, he won in the category "Best Abuse of the Rules" for a tiny compiler (the source code being only 3 kB in size) of a strict subset of the C language for i386 Linux. The program itself is written in this language subset, i.e. it is self-hosting. He has since continued his work writing software. In 2004, he wrote the TinyCC Boot Loader, which can compile and boot a Linux kernel from source in less than 15 seconds.[5] In 2005, he designed a system that could act as an Analog or DVB-T Digital TV transmitter by directly generating a VHF signal from a standard PC and VGA card.[6] In 2011, he created a minimal PC emulator written in pure JavaScript. The emulated hardware consists of a 32-bit x86 compatible CPU, a 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller, a 8254 Programmable Interrupt Timer, and a 16450 UART.[7] In 2011 he won a Google–O'Reilly Open Source Award.[8]"
14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code - YouTube
CUDAfy.NET - Home
"CUDAfy .NET allows easy development of high performance GPGPU applications completely from the Microsoft .NET framework. It's developed in C#."
Online JavaScript beautifier
patterns & practices Acceptance Test Engineering Guidance - Home
Assessment Sensitivity Relative Truth and its Applications JOHN MACFARLANE
Assessment Sensitivity Relative Truth and its Applications JOHN MACFARLANE
John MacFarlane - Books
"This book is about how we might make sense of the idea that truth is relative, and how we might use this idea to give satisfying accounts of parts of our thought and talk that have resisted traditional methods of analysis. Although there is a substantial philosophical literature on relativism about truth, it has tended to focus on refutations of the doctrine, or refutations of these refutations, at the expense of saying clearly what the doctrine is. The aim here is to start by giving a clear account of what it is to be a relativist about truth, and then to use the view to give satisfying accounts of what we mean when we talk about what is tasty, what we know, what will happen, what might be the case, and what we ought to do. Oxford University Press has kindly allowed me to make a PDF version available here, so that the book, the product of research at a public university, can be as widely accessible as possible. If you make use of the PDF, please buy a copy of the book as well, to support OUP’s decision to let me do this."
John MacFarlane - Home
"In addition to the Department of Philosophy, I am a member of the Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science and a co-organizer of the Meaning Sciences Club and the Townsend Center Working Group in the History and Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Science. Most of my work is in the philosophy of logic and language. Other research interests include metaphysics and epistemology, the philosophy of mathematics, philosophical logic, the history of logic, Frege, Kant, ancient philosophy (particularly Aristotle), and fiddlosophy."
Китаец построил себе виллу на крыше высотки (новости) - YouTube
Cliffside Ocean Residence Dramatically Adapted to an Irregular Terrain: Tula House
"Tula house is an example of modern architecture blending in a harsh natural surroundings. This bold project was envisioned by Patkau Architects in British Columbia, Canada. Perched 44 feet above the Pacific Ocean on a remote island, it reflects the casual irregularity of the sites rock ledges, beach, and forest in both its geometric and spatial order: “The topography of the site is highly irregular; the prospects diverse. Moss covered basalt hills are interspersed among treed expanses and richly vegetated crevices, valleys and swales. The shoreline below the house is littered with the flotsam and jetsam of the ocean where logs and rocks have been tossed around by the tides and storms like a child’s game of pickup sticks.” The architects conclude that in this case, one site is actually many sites."
ReactOS 0.3.17 Released | ReactOS Project
Rust will be the language of the future | Christoph Burgdorf's Blog
"Rust will be the language of the future"
Why Go Is Not Good :: Will Yager
Virtual DOS machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Virtual DOS machine (VDM) is a technology that allows running 16-bit/32-bit DOS and 16-bit Windows programs on Intel 80386 or higher computers when there is already another operating system running and controlling the hardware."
Anker 7500mAh Extended Battery Combo for Samsung Galaxy S5 Review - YouTube
Свой возраст
Что такое доллар. Самое простое обьяснение из 15 пунктов. Н.Стариков
sparkleshare, owncloud, or seafile? : linux
LOGMAN (perfmon) | Windows CMD |
"LOGMAN.exe Manage Performance Monitor & performance logs from the command line."
5 Best Galaxy S5 Battery Cases
"When it comes to buying a case for your Samsung Galaxy S5 the options are almost unlimited. Every case manufacturer around seems to be offering an option for the popular flagship phone, but there are a few unique cases that can help you get better battery life while also protecting your new phone."
TYLT ENERGI Sliding Power Case for GS5 - YouTube
"ENERGI Sliding Power Case / for Galaxy S 5 The ENERGI Sliding Power Case features a removable 2800mAh battery sleeve, which adds just 3/8 inch (10mm) to the length of the Galaxy S 5. The ENERGI Sliding Power Case has the same battery capacity as the original battery in the Galaxy S5 phone, increasing your battery capacity by 100%. Slide on the Power Sleeve only when power is needed. Slide off to enjoy the streamlined new and improved inner case; a dual-layered co-molded TPU case providing real world protection, quality and feel, providing the best of both worlds; protection and all day power when you need it."
juice pack
"Powerful 3000 mAh battery case made for Samsung Galaxy S5. Full case protection and up to 100% extra battery to keep you connected and equipped for the day ahead."
Top 5 Best Samsung Galaxy S5 Battery Cases |
"The Samsung Galaxy S5 already has a ton of great power-saving features. But for some people, the battery life on the Samsung Galaxy S5 could stand to be extended even further. That’s why S5 battery cases are in such high demand. Here are some great battery pack cases for the S5 that will suit both your personal and business needs."
Rob Ashton - Freelance Developer
"I am an agile freelance developer who leads through example and by getting things done; I provide my services to a number of companies across Europe and India and have done for some time. A couple of years ago I took a break from full-time enterprise development and went travelling and working for free and when I got back started doing short term contracts around interesting pieces of work to help people I now pretty much work full time with a remote team doing Erlang and JS on a project that actually does something. I am always interested in talking about opportunities though so don't hesitate to e-mail me."
"Helping you select an MV* framework"
Now that the weasel Sinofsky is gone...
"Can Microsoft drop this HTML nonsense and pull its head out of its ass? Changed type Haixia Xie - MSFTMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator Thursday, November 15, 2012 5:47 AM discussion"
Windows Runtime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Windows Runtime, or WinRT, is a platform-homogeneous application architecture on the Windows 8 operating system. WinRT supports development in C++/CX (Component Extensions, a language based on C++) and the managed languages C# and VB.NET, as well as JavaScript and TypeScript. WinRT applications natively support both the x86 and ARM architectures, and also run inside a sandboxed environment to allow for greater security and stability.[1][2] WinRT components are designed with interoperability between multiple languages and APIs in mind, including native, managed and scripting languages."
List of languages that compile to JS · jashkenas/coffeescript Wiki
Script# by nikhilk
"Script# is a free tool that generates JavaScript by compiling C# source code. The goal is to enable you to leverage the productivity of C#, the Visual Studio IDE, and .NET tools and apply them to your HTML5 development. The Script# compiler is a development/build-time tool that takes a pragmatic approach to generating script for use in real-world script-based applications, without introducing any unnecessary layers of abstraction."
"This compiler can compile C# into JavaScript. By doing this you can leverage all the advantages of C#, such as static type checking, IntelliSense (the kind that works) and lambda expressions when writing code for the browser. Never, ever, experience an 'object does not support this property or method' again!!."
SharpKit - C# to JavaScript Compiler
"Bring C# productivity to your JavaScript team! Simple integration for any existing project Non-intrusive and no lock-in"
Mobile Application Development to Build Apps in C# - Xamarin
"Create native iOS, Android, Mac and Windows apps in C#."
Broadwell (microarchitecture) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Broadwell is Intel's codename for the 14 nanometer die shrink of its Haswell microarchitecture. Expected to be released in late 2014, Broadwell is a "tick" in Intel's tick-tock principle as the next step in semiconductor fabrication.[1][2][3] Unlike the previous tick-tock iterations, Broadwell will not completely replace the full range of CPUs from the previous microarchitecture (Haswell), as there will be no low-end desktop CPUs based on Broadwell.[4] Broadwell will be used in conjunction with Intel 9 Series chipsets (Z97 and H97).[5] As of July 2014, Broadwell CPUs are available to Intel's hardware partners in sample quantities, and are expected to be on store shelves by the end of 2014.[6]"
Parallel port - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A parallel port is a type of interface found on computers (personal and otherwise) for connecting peripherals. In computing, a parallel port is a parallel communication physical interface. It is also known as a printer port or Centronics port. It was an industry de facto standard for many years, and was finally standardized as IEEE 1284 in the late 1990s, which defined a bi-directional version of the port. Today, the parallel port interface is seeing decreasing use because of the rise of Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices, along with network printing using Ethernet. The parallel port interface was originally known as the Parallel Printer Adapter on IBM PC-compatible computers. It was primarily designed to operate a line printer that used IBM's 8-bit extended ASCII character set to print text, but could also be used to adapt other peripherals. Graphical printers, along with a host of other devices, have been designed to communicate with the system."
IEEE 1394 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"IEEE 1394 is an interface standard for a serial bus for high-speed communications and isochronous real-time data transfer. It was developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s by Apple, who called it FireWire. The 1394 interface is comparable to USB though USB has more market share.[1] Apple first included FireWire in some of its 1999 models, and most Apple computers since the year 2000 have included FireWire ports, though, as of 2014, it no longer exists on a Mac computer, being replaced by the Thunderbolt interface on all other Mac models.[2] The interface is also known by the brand i.LINK (Sony), and Lynx (Texas Instruments). IEEE 1394 replaced parallel SCSI in many applications, because of lower implementation costs and a simplified, more adaptable cabling system. The 1394 standard also defines a backplane interface, though this is not as widely used. IEEE 1394 is the High-Definition Audio-Video Network Alliance (HANA) standard connection interface for A/V (audio/visual) component communication and control.[3] FireWire is also available in wireless, fiber optic, and coaxial versions using the isochronous protocols." - поиск лекарств в аптеках Беларуси
Портал о здоровье и красоте - поиск лекарств и товаров, медицинские центры и услуги, медтуризм, салоны красоты, фитнес и спорт
5 Psychological Experiments That Prove Humanity is Doomed |
5 Psychological Experiments That Prove Humanity is Doomed |
"Psychologists know you have to be careful when you go poking around the human mind because you're never sure what you'll find there. A number of psychological experiments over the years have yielded terrifying conclusions about the subjects. Oh, we're not talking about the occasional psychopath who turns up. No, we're talking about you. The experiments speak for themselves:"
Window print() Method
CSS Media Types
"By using the @media rule, a website can have a different layout for screen, print, mobile phone, tablet, etc."
Doxygen: Main Page
"Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources, but it also supports other popular programming languages such as C, Objective-C, C#, PHP, Java, Python, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, and UNO/OpenOffice flavors), Fortran, VHDL, Tcl, and to some extent D."
"Open source cloud storage with advanced features on privacy protection and teamwork."
Brackets - The Free, Open Source Code Editor for the Web
CSS Web Safe Fonts
S-pen features on Galaxy S4 with a Stylus: See How - YouTube
Galaxy S4 In-Depth: High Touch Sensitivity Mode - YouTube
Samsung Galaxy S4 Extreme Sensitive Touch - YouTube
Samsung Galaxy S4 C-Pen Stylus Review - YouTube
Any Pen as a stylus samsung galaxy s5 - YouTube
Galaxy S5 :: How To Use ANY Pencil as a Stylus [AndroidKurd] [Kurdish] - YouTube
Put the internet to work for you. - IFTTT
Tesseract (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Tesseract is an optical character recognition engine for various operating systems.[2] It is free software, released under the Apache License, Version 2.0,[1][3][4] and development has been sponsored by Google since 2006.[5] Tesseract is considered one of the most accurate open source OCR engines currently available.[4][6]"
Integrated development environment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"An integrated development environment (IDE) or interactive development environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger. Most modern IDEs offer Intelligent code completion feature. Some IDEs contain a compiler, interpreter, or both, such as Net Beans and Eclipse; others do not, such as SharpDevelop and Lazarus. The boundary between an integrated development environment and other parts of the broader software development environment is not well-defined. Sometimes a version control system and various tools are integrated to simplify the construction of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Many modern IDEs also have a class browser, an object browser, and a class hierarchy diagram, for use in object-oriented software development."
Transact-SQL Variables
"A Transact-SQL local variable is an object that can hold a single data value of a specific type. Variables in batches and scripts are typically used: As a counter either to count the number of times a loop is performed or to control how many times the loop is performed. To hold a data value to be tested by a control-of-flow statement. To save a data value to be returned by a stored procedure return code or function return value."
Фукорцин — Википедия
"Фукорци́н (лат. fucorcinum, также жидкость Кастеллани enru или краска Кастеллани) — лекарственное средство с антисептическим и противогрибковым действием. Раствор фукорцина обладает характерным ярко-малиновым цветом."
TempFileCollection Class (System.CodeDom.Compiler)
Path.GetRandomFileName Method (System.IO)
"Returns a random folder name or file name."
NUnit - Home
unquote - Write F# unit test assertions as quoted expressions, get step-by-step failure messages for free - Google Project Hosting
"ScalaCheck is a library written in Scala and used for automated property-based testing of Scala or Java programs. ScalaCheck was originally inspired by the Haskell library QuickCheck, but has also ventured into its own. ScalaCheck has no external dependencies other than the Scala runtime, and works great with sbt, the Scala build tool. It is also fully integrated in the test frameworks ScalaTest and specs2. You can of course also use ScalaCheck completely standalone, with its built-in test runner. ScalaCheck is used by several prominent Scala projects, for example the Scala compiler and the Akka concurrency framework."
Pictus image viewer - Poppeman
"Pictus is a fast, free image viewer. It is designed to be small, fast and just totally sweet. If you are content with your current photo viewer software you can still install Pictus and just let it help Windows Explorer show thumbnails for even more images. Development of Pictus is unfortunately halted until further notice, but it’s still worth taking out for a spin."
digiKam - Photo Management Program | Manage your photographs as a professional with the power of Open Source
javascript - return false on addEventListener submit still submits the form? - Stack Overflow
Брестчанин назвал замдиректора филиала страховой компании “пустоголовой” и обжаловал в Комитете ООН штраф за клевету
"Бывший оценщик Павел Козлов утверждает, что в брестском филиале крупной страховой компании, с которым он сотрудничал, его заставляли занижать размер вреда транспортным средствам от ДТП. Возмущенный такой политикой, он написал обращение министру финансов РБ, в котором эмоционально высказался в отношении заместителя директора филиала. Суд посчитал выпад оскорбительным и назначил штраф. Пенсионер не согласился и успешно обжаловал решение суда в Комитете ООН по правам человека. "
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano (A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body)
"Phil Nash presents how NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), its relationship with to sitting, standing and walking, and the chemistry behind it helps being fit for long schedules."
"JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework containing the best ideas in jQuery development. It guides you to successfully completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and convention over configuration."
powermock - PowerMock is a Java framework that allows you to unit test code normally regarded as untestable. - Google Project Hosting
"Writing unit tests can be hard and sometimes good design has to be sacrificed for the sole purpose of testability. Often testability corresponds to good design, but this is not always the case. For example final classes and methods cannot be used, private methods sometimes need to be protected or unnecessarily moved to a collaborator, static methods should be avoided completely and so on simply because of the limitations of existing frameworks. PowerMock is a framework that extend other mock libraries such as EasyMock with more powerful capabilities. PowerMock uses a custom classloader and bytecode manipulation to enable mocking of static methods, constructors, final classes and methods, private methods, removal of static initializers and more. By using a custom classloader no changes need to be done to the IDE or continuous integration servers which simplifies adoption. Developers familiar with the supported mock frameworks will find PowerMock easy to use, since the entire expectation API is the same, both for static methods and constructors. PowerMock aims to extend the existing API's with a small number of methods and annotations to enable the extra features. Currently PowerMock supports EasyMock and Mockito. When writing unit tests it is often useful to bypass encapsulation and therefore PowerMock includes several features that simplifies reflection specifically useful for testing. This allows easy access to internal state, but also simplifies partial and private mocking. Please note that PowerMock is mainly intended for people with expert knowledge in unit testing. Putting it in the hands of junior developers may cause more harm than good."
Python: Why Are the Big Dealers Making Big Bets?
"The authors demonstrate the design and use of an environment for quantitative researchers building a market risk simulation first as a basic system and then adding a hypothetical systemic shock. They also discuss how to leverage the dynamic typing of the language without sacrificing some of the benefits of a strongly typed languages."
Гельминты - Шокирующее Видео - Паразиты внутри нас! - YouTube
Фонтан (фильм, 2006) — Википедия
"«Фонтан»[2] (англ. The Fountain, оригинальное значение — «Источник»[3]) — философский художественный фильм-притча режиссёра Даррена Аронофски. Фильм номинировался на «Золотой глобус» в категории «Лучшая музыка к фильму».[4]"
Toerken Ganzenpas in Centrum Gent - YouTube
Windows API reference for Windows Runtime apps - Windows app development
"There are two sets of APIs for building Windows Runtime apps: the Windows Runtime and the Windows Library for JavaScript. Windows Runtime These JavaScript, C#, Visual Basic, and C++ APIs provide access to all core platform features. The namespaces are exposed using API metadata format (Windows.winmd) similar to that used by the .NET framework (Ecma-335). WinJS These JavaScript APIs provide controls, CSS styles, and helper functions that help you write object-oriented code. The WinJS namespace covers functionality that is similar to the Windows.UI.Xaml namespaces in the Windows Runtime. When you reference these JavaScript files in your app, you must add base.js first, then ui.js. Windows Runtime apps only: Windows Store app APIs that are expressed as HTML or XAML elements are supported only in Windows Runtime apps, and are not supported in desktop apps or browsers."
GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
"GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages."
Cross-origin resource sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows many resources (e.g., fonts, JavaScript, etc.) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated.[1] In particular, JavaScript's AJAX calls can use the XMLHttpRequest mechanism. Such "cross-domain" requests would otherwise be forbidden by web browsers, per the same-origin security policy. CORS defines a way in which the browser and the server can interact to determine whether or not to allow the cross-origin request.[2] It is more useful than only allowing same-origin requests, but it is more secure than simply allowing all such cross-origin requests."
Chocolatey Gallery
Five Cross Platform Pillars - Miguel de Icaza
"The last couple of years have been good to C# and .NET, in particular in the mobile space."
"WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle."
Выпущено обновление 2.8 для Highscreen Boost 2SE - Работает на Kayako case - Система поддержки
"Выпущено обновление 2.8 для Highscreen Boost 2SE"
Windows Embraces Docker
"Docker Inc. and Microsoft announced today a partnership to provide Docker support on the next Windows Server release."
A Structural Approach to Operational Semantics
Gordon Plotkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Gordon David Plotkin, FRS, FRSE (born 9 September 1946) is a theoretical computer scientist in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. Plotkin is probably best known for his introduction of structural operational semantics (SOS) and his work on denotational semantics. In particular, his notes on A Structural Approach to Operational Semantics were very influential. He has contributed to many other areas of computer science.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20]"
Microsoft Enterprise Library - Open Development Model - Grigori Melnik: Thoughts on Agile Software Engineering and Beyond - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"Microsoft Enterprise Library has a long and prominent history. Over the years, it has evolved into a mature collection of application blocks, each focused on addressing specific cross-cutting concern. New blocks have been introduced, while others become deprecated with the evolution of the .NET Framework and other Microsoft technologies."
Электронные учебники «Дай 5!» - YouTube
2,000 Things You Should Know About WPF | Everything a WPF Developer Needs to Know, in Bite-Sized Chunks
100 Technical Things Non-Technical People Can Learn To Make Their Lives Easier - Scott Hanselman
"My lovely wife has an MBA, speaks 5 languages, and is currently in school to get a third (fourth?) degree. Point is, she's smarter than me (I? See?) and I'm lucky she even speaks to me. However, she's in a class right now and wanted to record the hour long lectures. After trying on her Windows Phone, her iPad, her Laptop with OneNote she got very frustrated. I gave her a portable handheld recorder and she returned from class with 800 megs of wav files then asked me how to share them with the rest of the class. This started a long talk about WAV files vs. mp3s, DropBox vs. email, megabytes vs. gigabytes and developing a sense of "digital scale." We talked about pixels and dpi, about 40 megapixel vs a 400x400 picture. She said to me "there's all this stuff that techies know that makes normals feel bad. Where does one learn all this?" Why does this picture print out blurry? Why is that file too big to email? I deleted Angry Birds but my computer is still slow! "Knowing computers" today is more than just knowing Office, or knowing how to attach a file. Today's connected world is way more complex than any of us realize. If you're a techie, you're very likely forgetting how far you've come! The #1 thing you can do when working with a non-techie is to be empathetic. Put yourself in their shoes. Give them the tools and the base of knowledge they need. I honestly don't know HOW we learn these things. But, I figured I could help. If you've ever answered questions like this from your non-technical-partner or relative, then here's a list of"
Bach - Art of Fugue - Contrapunctus XIV - Recorder Quartet - YouTube
Bach - Art of Fugue - Contrapunctus XIV - Loeki Stardust Recorder Quartet Available on Amazon:
Русский "Стоунхендж". Сенсационное открытие ученых в Горной Шории. | Я так вижу
"Похоже  Горная Шория становится заповедником сенсационных загадок. Не успели утихнуть страсти экспедиции за снежным человком в Азасскую пещеру  (2011 г) , при участии Николая Валуева , как тут же последовала новая громкая сенсация.   "
Отчёт об экспедиции в Горную Шорию. С 21 по 25 сентября 2013 года. Сайт ОБРЕТЕНИЕ
"Отчёт об экспедиции в Горную Шорию. С 21 по 25 сентября 2013 года."
Mysterious megaliths of Gornaya Shoria - YouTube
Super Megaliths in Gornaya Shoria, Southern Siberia | John Jensen -
"I subscribe to a couple of Russian Blogs and Websites that post various data and information without the typical hype and filters of Western Science, Academia and the Press, let alone the fringe and "Alien" woo-woo crowd interests. The following are photos of some Super Megaliths from Southern Siberia near the mountains of Gornaya Shoria."
Super-megalithic Site Found in Russia: Natural or Man-made? | Mysterious Universe
"Alternate history buffs are about to be whipped into a frenzy!  OK, maybe not, but they will find this interesting."
News - Megalith Ruins Discovered in Russia Contain one of the Biggest Stone Blocks In The World |
"An amazing and unexpected discovery recently made in Russia threatens to shatter conventional theories about the history of the planet. Found  On Mount Shoria in southern Siberia, researchers have discovered  an absolutely massive wall of granite stones:"
I-Doser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Research into the neurological technology behind I-Doser is sparse. Peer-reviewed studies exist suggesting that some specific binaural beat mixes can affect aspects of mental performance and mood,[4][5] act as analgesic supplements[6] or affect perceptions,[7] but there have been no formal studies of any effects of mixes particular to I-Doser. Researchers from Oregon Health and Science University interviewed about I-Doser have expressed skepticism over its scientific basis, citing a four person controlled study of binaural beats that demonstrated no evidence of brainwave entrainment.[8] Other universities have also stated skepticism.[9]"
A Fresh Look at Rust | Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings
"I have been programming with Rust for quite a long time now but that does not mean much. Rust has been changing for years now in such dramatic ways that coming back after two months feels almost like working in a different language. One thing however never changed: the trajectory. With every update, with every modification the whole thing became better and better. There is still no end to the changes in sight but it feels a lot more stable now than a few months ago, and some API design patterns begin to emerge. I felt like now is a good time to explore this a bit more and started to rewrite my redis library to fit better into the scope of the language."
Сайт Тимура Гусейнова | Вдумчивые и интеллектуальные пациенты могут получить профессиональную консультацию по проблеме болевого синдрома - Online Shopping for Electronics, Fashion, Home & Garden, Toys & Sports, Automobiles from China.
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Книги В.Д.Гитта
Мануальный терапевт Виталий Гитт
"Этот сайт посвящен моим исследованиям и наработкам в области лечения различных заболеваний позвоночника и опорно-двигательного аппарата. Мой многолетний практический опыт доказывает: многие болезни, которые считаются неизлечимыми, на самом деле поддаются лечению мануальной терапией и специально подобранными динамическими и статическими упражнениями."
exempli gratia - Wiktionary
Остеохондроз для профессионального пациента - книга И.М.Данилова
"Уникальная книга не имеющая аналогов! Медицинский бестселлер, в котором в занимательной форме изложены как базовые понятия по анатомии позвоночника, так и этапы развития остеохондроза, новейшие разработки в области восстановления (регенерации) повреждённого межпозвонкового диска методом вертеброревитологии. Книга содержит много рисунков, фотографий, практических примеров: результатов МРТ-обследований, в том числе и отдалённых последствий для позвоночника после применения различных методов лечения. Иллюстрации документальных результатов лечения ― устранение грыж межпозвонковых дисков нехирургическим путём. Описан и подтверждён снимками МРТ беспрецедентный случай полного восстановления диска, ранее удалённого во время операции. Книга написана увлекательным, живым языком, обогащена жизненными примерами, эксклюзивными знаниями как в области медицины, человеческих взаимоотношений, так и в области точных наук (физики, геометрии, гидродинамики, акустики и т.д.). Чрезвычайно интересна и для специалистов в данных областях, и для простого читателя. Это настольная книга для тех, кому не безразлично своё здоровье, а также здоровье близких и друзей.  "
Клиника вертеброревитологии И.М.Данилова. Лечение грыжи диска
"Вертеброревитология – метод ручной коррекции позвоночника, основной целью которого является оптимизация условий для активизации репаративного ответа, направленного на полную репарацию ткани дегенерирующего межпозвонкового диска, осложнённого экструзией секвестров пульпозного ядра, до полной реституции. Данный метод Игорь Михайлович Данилов начал разрабатывать еще в 80-х годах прошлого столетия как альтернативу хирургическим методам лечения дегенеративно-дистрофических заболеваний позвоночника, таких как протрузии и грыжи межпозвонковых дисков. В последующие годы данный метод успешно развивался. На сегодняшний день метод вертеброревитологии – это отечественные и зарубежные патенты, рацпредложения и тысячи пациентов, вернувших утраченное здоровье благодаря этому методу."
"DPack is a FREE collection of Microsoft Visual Studio tools. DPack is designed to greatly increase developer's productivity, automate repetitive processes and expand upon some of Microsoft Visual Studio features. DPack includes various browser tools that allow the developer to quickly find solution files, types, particular type members, methods or properties for instance, or quickly find and reference standard .NET framework types. DPack includes greatly enhanced numbered bookmarks feature, various code navigation tools as well as streamlined surround with feature, and much more. See screenshots and learn more about individual features using Features menu."
Generate New Guid (uniqueidentifier) in SQL Server - Daily Coding - daily coding tips and tricks, C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL - new uniqueidentifier, new guid, sql, sql server
Persistence: A View from Stratosphere
"Stefan Edlich discusses big data systems -Spanner, Presto- and the future of data persistence, data analytics, data formats and of NoSQL/NewSQL in general."
Как лечить шейный остеохондроз Полезные советы - YouTube
Emerging Languages: A Look at The Last Five Years
"In a recent article, Alex Payne, organizer of the Emerging Languages Camp, provides insight on how the language landscape has changed in the last five years and how it might change in future. InfoQ has talked with him."
Open Source Supporters
Flattr - Social microdonations
Markdown Here
BenQ BL3200PT 32" CAD/Professional LCD Monitor - YouTube
Stack Overflow Adds Live JavaScript to Answers
"Developers have a new browser-based code editor to play with, but this time, it's embedded in another tool. Stack Overflow, the popular question and answer site for software developers, announced the release of a new tool that lets users run JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code right in the question page."
LCD Monitor Panels Types - TN vs IPS vs VA as Fast As Possible - YouTube
Dispatcher.DisableProcessing Method (System.Windows.Threading)
«Кина не будет»: жизнь и смерть «дворцов кино» в Америке - Недвижимость
"Французские шато, готические замки, итальянские ренессансные палаццо, египетские и вавилонские храмы — так выглядели тысячи и тысячи роскошных кинотеатров, строившихся в США в 1910—1930-е годы. Спустя три-четыре десятилетия поражавшие воображение гигантские залы, где обычные обыватели, только отошедшие от конвейера или вставшие из-за конторского стола, должны были чувствовать себя особами королевской крови, оказались никому не нужны. Как получилось, что здания, стоившие миллионы долларов, безжалостно уничтожались или на долгие годы переставали использоваться? Почему в этой сугубо частной, казалось бы, истории, как в зеркале, отражается парадигма всего послевоенного американского образа жизни? Блестящее прошлое и трагическое настоящее заброшенных кинодворцов Америки — в обзоре"
Тоннели, дублеры, развязки. Семь нереализованных автопроектов для Минска - Авто
"Кому-то может даже показаться удивительным, что в Минске в разное время предлагалось реализовать много интересных транспортных проектов. Часть окончательно и бесповоротно похоронена под кипой бумаг, а часть отложена на неопределенное время. Вспоминаем семь, на наш взгляд, любопытных и в чем-то закономерных автомобильных идей для города, которые до сих пор не воплощены в жизнь."
Interstellar Movie - Official Trailer 3 - YouTube
Абонент подает в суд на velcom: кто-то подделал подпись в договоре, оператор потребовал 753 тысячи рублей - Технологии
"В редакцию обратился читатель Андрей, который решил затеять судебную тяжбу с velcom. По словам молодого человека, оператор взыскал 753 тысячи рублей за якобы образовавшуюся задолженность. Абонент, однако, утверждает, что никакой задолженности нет, а непонятная ситуация сложилась из-за договора на оказание услуг связи, оформленного на Андрея, но с поддельной подписью."
Элон Маск: на Марс надо отправить миллион человек - Технологии
"Американский миллиардер Элон Маск уверен — чтобы гарантировать выживаемость человечества, необходимо заселить Марс миллионом человек. Об этом он заявил в интервью Aeon Magazine. По словам основателя SpaceX и Tesla Motors, только решившись на этот шаг, люди смогут заселить другие звезды, когда наше Солнце начнет умирать."
С 1 октября белорусы смогут подавать на двухлетнюю туристическую визу в Польшу - Люди
"Сегодня на сайте посольства Польши в Беларуси появилось объявление о том, что отныне граждане Беларуси смогут подавать на двухлетнюю туристическую визу при соблюдении двух условий: заявитель должен иметь в паспорте не менее двух шенгенских виз в течение последних 3 лет, одна из которых должна быть польской, выданной с туристической целью."
Бросить работу учителя в деревне и уехать во Францию. Как живет белоруска в Страсбурге - Люди
"В рубрике «Наши за границей» рассказывает о белорусах, которые уехали в поисках счастья за рубеж. Одни из них быстро адаптировались в чужой стране, другие все еще ищут себя. Так или иначе, они решились на смелый шаг. Наша сегодняшняя героиня — Татьяна — шесть лет живет во Франции. Девушка окончила иняз, уехала в глубинку по распределению, но работать учителем в Беларуси не смогла и взяла билет на самолет. О контрастах нашей и французской жизни — ее рассказ. Город Страсбург — столица Эльзаса. Здесь сталкиваются друг с другом две культуры: немецкая и французская. По каналам в центре плавают на лодках туристы, дома напоминают цветники, а жизнь идет размеренная и спокойная — кажется, даже ветер никуда не спешит. Один из тех городов степенных буржуа, который мы видели в фильмах, — теперь и город белоруски."
Nvidia Introduces cuDNN, a CUDA-based library for Deep Neural Networks
"Nvidia earlier this month released cuDNN, a set of optimized low-level primitives to boost the processing speed of deep neural networks (DNN) on CUDA compatible GPUs. The company intends to help developers harness the power of graphics processing units for deep learning applications."
ReflectionContext Class (System.Reflection)
CustomReflectionContext Class (System.Reflection.Context)
The Convergence of Modern C++ on the Lisp Programming Style | chriskohlhepp
"Modern C++, as defined in the C++11 standard has evolved to become  an algorithmic language. This represents as much an idiomatic departure from Object Orientation as C++ was a departure from C’s procedural top-down composition. “C++11 feels like a new language,” says Bjarne Stroustrup [Stroustrup]. The primary focus of modern C++ has become algorithms and generic programming. To this end, the language absorbs a number of idioms from other languages and paradigms, ranging from functional to meta programming concepts. Incidentally this is also the realm in which a much older language has done exceedingly well — since the 1950s: Lisp. Lisp is not only the first implementation of the Lambda Calculus but its entire structure is optimised to make generic programming easier. This paper will explore how the high level approach to developing programs in C++ is increasingly shaped by some of the same forces that dominate in developing programs using Lisp."
Galaxy Note 3 Bend Test (iPhone 6 Plus Follow-up) - YouTube
iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test - YouTube
Edsger W. Dijkstra on Dutch TV - YouTube
Евгений Понасенков о России, Украине, исламизации и либералах - YouTube
Acceptance Test Excel Addin - Home
"Acceptance Test Excel Addin is a tool to author, execute and analyze acceptance tests in Excel. The tester write tests using Given-When-Then (Gherkin language). Developer implements the test steps in C# classes using attributes. It makes BDD fun for testsers and developers."
Working directory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In computing, the working directory of a process is a directory of a hierarchical file system, if any,[1] dynamically associated with each process. When the process refers to a file using a simple file name or relative path (as opposed to a file designated by a full path from a root directory), the reference is interpreted relative to the current working directory of the process. So for example a process with working directory /rabbit-hats that asks to create the file foo.txt will end up creating the file /rabbit-hats/foo.txt."
Невзоров: И из сумочки у нее торчал Крым - YouTube
Запрещенное на ТВ интервью Александра Невзорова о ситуации на Юго-востоке Украины - YouTube
Чем заняться айтишнику в армии или как я на VBA игры писал / Хабрахабр
An Algebraic Approach to File Synchronization
C# Language Specification
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
Лаборатория альтернативной истории
What we learned from 5 million books - Erez Lieberman Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel - YouTube
Jean-Baptiste Michel: The mathematics of history - YouTube
Sex Drugs & Trance ( MDMA Trip‪, Droga visual e.e Trippy Visual, Daft Punk‬ style‪ ‬) - YouTube
Snoop, the WPF Spy Utility - Home
Off-the-Record Messaging
Compile and Run VB.NET Code using the CodeDom - CodeProject
Threading in C# - Free E-book
SQL LEN() Function
"The LEN() function returns the length of the value in a text field."
SQL COUNT() Function
"The COUNT() function returns the number of rows that matches a specified criteria."
HTML Charset
"To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know the character set (character encoding) to use. What is Character Encoding? ASCII was the first character encoding standard (also called character set). It defines 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet. ASCII supported numbers (0-9), English letters (A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + - ( ) @ < > . ANSI (Windows-1252) was the original Windows character set. It supported 256 different character codes. ISO-8859-1 was the default character set for HTML 4. It also supported 256 different character codes. Because ANSI and ISO was limited, the default character encoding was changed to UTF-8 in HTML5. UTF-8 (Unicode) covers almost all of the characters and symbols in the world."
Release of the WMI type provider on nuget » Rash thoughts about .NET, C#, F# and Dynamics NAV.
Luca Cardelli
About | Tryton
"Is a three-tier high-level general purpose application platform under the license GPL-3 written in Python and using PostgreSQL as database engine. It is the core base of a complete business solution providing modularity, scalability and security."
Odoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Odoo is a suite of open-source business apps written in Python and released under the AGPL license. It is used by 2 million users worldwide[1][third-party source needed] to manage companies of all different sizes. The main Odoo components are the server, 260 core modules (also called official modules) and around 4000 community modules.[2] Odoo was formely known as OpenERP until May 2014. It was rebranded because version 8 of the software included apps including website builder, e-commerce, point of sale and business intelligence. The software conforms to standard expectations of ERP systems, while providing additional modules beyond the coverage of traditional ERP systems. The official Odoo apps are organized in 6 groups: Front-end apps: website builder, blog, e-commerce Sales management apps: CRM, point of sales, quotation builder Business operations apps: project management, inventory, manufacturing, accounting and purchase Marketing apps: mass mailing, lead automation, events, survey, forum, live chat Human Resources apps: employee directory, enterprise social network, leaves management, timesheet, fleet management Productivity apps: business intelligence, instant messaging, notes The software is actively programmed, supported, and organized by OpenERP s.a.. Odoo is similar to many open source projects where customized programming, support, and other services are also provided by an active global community and a network of 500 official partners."
Архетип (информатика) - Википедия
"Архетип — это формальная модель понятия предметной области, являющаяся уточнением эталонной информационной модели, выраженным в виде ограничений, накладываемых на эталонную информационную модель, и представленным с помощью определенного формального аппарата в форме машиночитаемых и, одновременно, понятных человеку выражений[1]. Традиционно, термин архетип используется в психологии для обозначения универсальных изначально врождённых психических структур (см. Архетип (психология)). При использовании этого термина в информатике его значение отличается от традиционного, оно применяется в области разработки программного обеспечения и представления знаний в процессах моделирования предметной области."
Архетип - Википедия
"Архети́п (от др.-греч. ἀρχέτυπον — «первообраз»):"
Mono Gets Further Performance, Scalability Improvements
Extra Materials - ISBN 978-1-893115-76-7
AJ Jacobs: How healthy living nearly killed me - YouTube
Damon Horowitz: Philosophy in prison - YouTube
The need for aupporttng trme varying :njormation in databa8e8 has been recogntzed for qurte some trme Many authors have propoeed numerous scheme8 to satrujy this need by tncor- poratrng one or two trme attrrbutes in the database. Unfortunately, there has been conju- 8;on concermng the terminology and definition of theae trme attribute8 Thrs paper pro- poae8 a new taxonomy of three trmea for u8e in databasea, one that 18 more cleanly defined, that may be conceptuabzed tn a prctoraal fashron, and that defines several krnda of databases dtferentrated by therr abtbty to represent temporal tnjormatton The paper argue8 that ju- ture database management ayatema should aupport all three ttme8 to fully capture time vary- Ing behavror
Richard T. Snodgrass Publications
Neck Selfmassage :: Самомассаж шеи (russian) - YouTube
Effective date - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"An effective date or as of date is the date upon which something is considered to take effect. This may be different from the date upon which the event actually occurs or is recorded"
The Freenet Project - /index
"Share files, chat on forums, browse and publish, anonymously and without fear of blocking or censorship! Then connect to your friends for even better security! "
Open Source Game Clones
The Shuttleworth Foundation Home
NLnet; Welcome to NLnet Foundation
unhosted web apps
"Also known as "serverless", "client-side", or "static" web apps, unhosted web apps do not send your user data to their server. Either you connect your own server at runtime, or your data stays within the browser."
remoteStorage – An open protocol for per-user storage
"An open protocol for per-user storage"
MakeDrive: Syncing Filesystem for the Web from Mozilla
Draw Freely. | Inkscape
"Inkscape is a professional vector graphics editor for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It's free and open source."
Welcome to Open Library (Open Library)
"Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published."
Permission error - Failed to enumerate objects in the container. - Microsoft Community
"Permission error - Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied. I'm trying to change the permissions of my libraries to my current user and although some of my folders are fine, a bunch of them are throwing up the error: "Permission error - Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied." when I try to change them. I can go into the folders and files manually and change them correctly, but it's a pain in the butt considering there are literally *hundreds* of files that this is coming up on. Any ideas on how to fix?"
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
"The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public."
The TLA Home Page
Leslie Lamport's Home Page
UMDH (Windows Debuggers)
"The User-Mode Dump Heap (UMDH) tool, Umdh.exe, analyzes the Microsoft Windows heap memory allocations for a given process. UMDH has the following modes. Analyze a running process ("Mode 1"). UMDH captures and analyzes the heap memory allocations for a process. For each allocation, UMDH displays the size of the allocation, the size of the overhead, the pointer to the allocation and the allocation stack. If a process has more than one active memory heap, UMDH captures all heaps. This analysis can be displayed in realtime or saved in a log file. Analyze UMDH log files ("Mode 2"). UMDH analyzes the log files it has previously created. UMDH can compare two logs created for the same process at different times, and display the calls in which the allocation size increased the most. This technique can be used to find memory leaks."
JSIL - .NET to JavaScript compiler
"JSIL is a compiler that transforms .NET applications and libraries from their native executable format - CIL bytecode - into standards-compliant, cross-browser JavaScript. You can take this JavaScript and run it in a web browser or any other modern JavaScript runtime. Unlike other cross-compiler tools targeting JavaScript, JSIL produces readable, easy-to-debug JavaScript that resembles the code a developer might write by hand, while still maintaining the behavior and structure of the original .NET code. Because JSIL transforms bytecode, it can support most .NET-based languages - C# to JavaScript and VB.NET to JavaScript work right out of the box."
Boaz Almog "levitates" a superconductor - YouTube
GE and Hitachi want to use nuclear waste as a fuel
"-- One of the world's biggest providers of nuclear reactors, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (a joint venture of General Electric and Hitachi), wants to reprocess nuclear waste for use as a fuel in advanced nuclear power plants, instead of burying it in waste repositories such as that proposed at Nevada's Yucca Mountain."
Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to zero! - YouTube
Гамлет (персонаж) - Википедия
"Га́млет (англ. Hamlet) — центральный персонаж пьесы Шекспира «Гамлет, принц датский». В пьесе он является принцем Дании, племянником короля Клавдия и сыном прежнего короля — Гамлета."
Полигон - YouTube
"Некий учёный создал новый вид оружия - танк, способный читать мысли противника. На полевых испытаниях он воспользовался им, чтобы отомстить за погибшего сына... Студия: «Союзмультфильм» Год выпуска: 1977"
Real World Functional Programming
Hedy Lamarr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Hedy Lamarr (/ˈhɛdi/; 9 November 1914 – 19 January 2000)[1] was an Austrian-born American actress and inventor.[2] After an early film career in Germany, Lamarr moved to Hollywood at the initiation of MGM head, Louis B. Mayer, where she soon became a star during MGM's "Golden Age."[3] Max Reinhardt, who directed her in Berlin, called her the "most beautiful woman in Europe," having "strikingly dark exotic looks", a sentiment widely shared by her audiences and critics.[4][5] She garnered a degree of fame and notoriety after starring in the Czech director Gustav Machatý's Ecstasy, a 1933 film which featured closeups of her acting during orgasm in one scene, as well as full frontal nude shots of her in another scene. Lamarr was also notable as co-inventor, with composer George Antheil, of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,[6] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[7][8] and which, upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government officials would not allow publication of its details.[9] At the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Sixth Pioneer Awards in 1997, she and George Antheil were honoured with special awards for their "trail-blazing development of a technology that has become a key component of wireless data systems."[6]"
Do Not Block Threads! A Blessing in Disguise or a Curse?
"Sadek Drobi discusses how to use Futures and Iteratees to deal with blocking threads in a system with many IO calls and heavy threads."
Finance's Forgotten Treasure: an Introduction to CQRS & Axon
"Allard Buijze introduces CQRS and related concepts along with case studies showing how it is used in finance, gaming and healthcare to meet the demands of modern web-based applications."
LLVM Project Blog: Clang/LLVM on Windows Update
LLVM Project Blog: A path forward for an LLVM toolchain on Windows
The Official EasyList Website
"The EasyList subscriptions are lists of filters designed for Adblock Plus that automatically remove unwanted content from the internet, including annoying adverts, bothersome banners and troublesome tracking. The subscriptions are currently maintained by four authors, Fanboy, MonztA, Famlam and Khrin, who are ably assisted by an ample forum community."
Sick leave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Sick leave (or paid sick days or sick pay) is time off from work that workers can use to stay home to address their health and safety needs without losing pay. Some workplaces offer paid sick time as a matter of workplace policy, and in few jurisdictions it is codified into law. Currently, the United States are considering legislation that would require access to paid sick days for workers."
Samsung Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 5S Drop Test! - YouTube
3E from Thomson Reuters Elite - YouTube
"Learn why leading firms worldwide run the 3E financial and practice management software from Thomson Reuters Elite"
SPICE support in Xen - Xen
"SPICE is a protocol for virtual desktops which allows a much richer connection than display-only protocols like VNC."
Connect to VirtualBox using Remote Desktop by AvoidErrors - YouTube
"Аббревиатура LPC расшифровывается как «Local Procedure Call» - локальный вызов процедур. LPC используется операционной системой для передачи сообщений между подсистемами через специальные объекты – порты, увидеть которые можно с помощью утилиты WinObj, например, \ErrorLogPort."
LPC Communication
"LPC (Local Procedure Call) is a portion of Windows NT kernel, used for fast communication between threads or processes. It can be also used for communication between kernel mode and user mode components (e.g. between driver and user application). This article contains description and an example how to use LPC communication."
FreeRDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"FreeRDP is a free, open source implementation of the RDP protocol,[1][third-party source needed] according to the Microsoft Open Specifications. It is released under the Apache License and is available on OS X (via X11), Cygwin for Microsoft Windows, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris. FreeRDP was forked in 2009 from rdesktop with the aim of modularizing the code, addressing various issues, and implementing new features"
Spice - Home page
Clipboard sharing protocol - Xen
ASP.NET vNext Projects Get Simpler
"ASP.NET vNext alpha3 was released along with the Visual Studio "14" CTP3. Several interesting changes are around ASP.NET projects - simpler project files, ability to specify build event handlers, cleaner source folders and more."
C++14 Is Here: Summary of New Features
"C++14, the new C++ standard succeeding C++11, has been finally approved and is heading to ISO for publication this year. While improvements in C++14 are "deliberately tiny" compared to C++11, says C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, they still "add significant convenience for users" and are a step on the route to make C++ "more novice friendly.""
This Land is Mine - YouTube
"t tells the story of the wars in the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant, since the cavemen until today, all so musical and poetic."
How to see around corners - YouTube
"This video shows how scientists at the MIT Media Lab ( reconstruct a hidden object using scattered laser light. Future applications may include seeing in dangerous or inaccessible locations, such as inside machinery with moving parts, or in highly contaminated areas."
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - E3 2014 - The Sword Of Destiny Trailer - YouTube
"The Witcher"
F-Droid | Free and Open Source Android App Repository
"F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device."
Дамоклов меч — Википедия
"Дамоклов меч (лат. Damoclis gladius) — по греческому преданию, сиракузский тиран Дионисий Старший (конец V в. до н. э.) предложил своему фавориту Дамоклу, считавшему Дионисия счастливейшим из смертных, занять его престол на один день. По приказу тирана его роскошно одели, умастили душистым маслом, посадили на место правителя; все вокруг суетились, исполняя каждое его слово. В разгар веселья на пиру Дамокл внезапно увидел над головой меч без ножен, висевший на конском волосе, и понял призрачность благополучия. Так Дионисий, ставший под конец жизни болезненно подозрительным, показал ему, что тиран всегда живёт на волосок от гибели[1]."
The 4 stories we tell ourselves about death - YouTube
"Philosopher Stephen Cave begins with a dark but compelling question: When did you first realize you were going to die? And even more interestingly: Why do we humans so often resist the inevitability of death? In a fascinating talk Cave explores four narratives -- common across civilizations -- that we tell ourselves "in order to help us manage the terror of death.""
The Dance of Reality - SXSW 2014 Accepted Film - YouTube
"The Dance of Reality is a 2013 independent autobiographical film written, produced and directed by Alejandro Jodorowosky and based on his autobiography of the same name. The film blends personal history with metaphor, mythology and poetry, reflecting the director's view that reality is not objective but rather a "dance" created by our imaginations."
Keith Barry: Brain magic - YouTube
Why Functional Programming Matters
As software becomes more and more complex, it is more and more important to structure it well. Well-structured software is easy to write and to debug, and provides a collection of modules that can be reused to reduce future programming costs. In this paper we show that two fea- tures of functional languages in particular, higher-order functions and lazy evaluation, can contribute significantly to modularity. As examples, we manipulate lists and trees, program several numerical algorithms, and im- plement the alpha-beta heuristic (an algorithm from Artificial Intelligence used in game-playing programs). We conclude that since modularity is the key to successful programming, functional programming offers important advantages for software development.
Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET | Quartz.NET Documentation
"Quartz.NET is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be used from smallest apps to large scale enterprise systems."
Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"CSLA .NET is a software framework created by Rockford Lhotka that provides a standard way to create robust object oriented programs using business objects. Business objects are objects that abstract business entities in an object oriented program. Some examples of business entities include sales orders, employees, or invoices."
The End of .NET 4.0 is Near
"Microsoft has announced an end-of-life schedule for .NET 4.0 thru 4.5.1. After January 12 of 2016, all technical support, including security and non-security updates, will be discontinued. Developers and users will need to either go back to.NET 3.5 SP 1 or upgrade to 4.5.2."
A Day in the Life of a Functional Data Scientist
"Richard Minerich explains how ideas and tools from functional programming can save time, prevent subtle mistakes in data science, and how he incorporates them into his everyday workflow."
GetCurrentActCtx function (Windows)
"The GetCurrentActCtx function returns the handle to the active activation context of the calling thread."
(1) Dashboard | Khan Academy
Salman Khan talk at TED 2011 (from - YouTube
A co-Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks - ACM Queue
"Fueled by their promise to solve the problem of distilling valuable information and business insight from big data in a scalable and programmer-friendly way, noSQL databases have been one of the hottest topics in our field recently. With a plethora of open source and commercial offerings (Membase, CouchDB, Cassandra, MongoDB, Riak, Redis, Dynamo, BigTable, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, ...) and a surrounding cacophony of technical terms (Paxos, CAP, Merkle trees, gossip, vector clocks, sloppy quorums, MapReduce, ...), however, it is hard for businesses and practitioners to see the forest for the trees. The current noSQL market satisfies the three characteristics of a monopolistically competitive market: the barriers to entry and exit are low; there are many small suppliers; and these suppliers produce technically heterogeneous, highly differentiated products. 12 Monopolistically competitive markets are inconsistent with the conditions for perfect competition. Hence in the long run monopolistically competitive firms will make zero economic profit. In the early 1970s, the database world was in a similar sorry state.14 An overabundance of database products exposed many low-level implementation details and, as database people like to say, forced programmers to work at the physical level instead of the logical level. The landscape changed radically when Ted Codd proposed a new data model and a structured query language (SQL) based on the mathematical concept of relations and foreign-/primary-key relationships.4 In the relational model, data is stored in conceptually simple containers (tables of rows), and queries over this data are expressed declaratively without knowledge of the underlying physical storage organization."
NV Access
"NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free “screen reader” which enables blind and vision impaired people to use computers. It reads the text on the screen in a computerised voice. You can control what is read to you by moving the cursor to the relevant area of text with a mouse or the arrows on your keyboard. NVDA can also convert the text into braille if the computer user owns a device called a “braille display”. NVDA provides the key to education and employment for many blind people. It also provides access to social networking, online shopping, banking and news."
XSP (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"XSP is a simple, standalone webserver written in C# that hosts ASP.NET's System for Linux and other Unix operating systems."
KDiff3 - Homepage
"KDiff3 is a diff and merge program that"
XML Notepad - Home
"ML Notepad 2007 provides a simple intuitive User Interface for browsing and editing XML documents."
Информационная война (Россия и Украина) - YouTube
"Информационная война (Россия и Украина)"
Сайдис, Уильям Джеймс — Википедия
"Уи́льям Джеймс Са́йдис[1] (англ. William James Sidis; 1 апреля 1898 — 17 июля 1944) — эксцентричный вундеркинд, знаменитый в США в начале XX века, обладавший необычайными математическими и лингвистическими способностями."
Доман, Гленн — Википедия
"Гленн Доман (англ. Glenn Doman; 1919—2013) — американский врач-физиотерапевт, автор восстанавливающих методик для детей с поражениями нервной системы и обучающих методик для всех детей (метод Домана)."
Zeno's Paradox - Numberphile - YouTube
"Dr James Grime is back and talking about tortoises"
XPath Tutorial
"XPath is used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document. XPath is a major element in W3C's XSLT standard - and XQuery and XPointer are both built on XPath expressions."
FreeCAD: An Open Source parametric 3D CAD modeler
"FreeCAD is a parametric 3D modeler. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and changing its parameters. FreeCAD is open source (LGPL license) and completely modular, allowing for very advanced extension and customization."
Adopting Team Explorer Everywhere
"Your team can collaborate across platforms and improve the predictability of your development processes by using Team Explorer Everywhere, which provides the tools and plug-ins that you need to access Team Foundation Server from Eclipse-based environments and non-Windows platforms. Team Explorer Everywhere includes both the Team Foundation Server plug-in for Eclipse and the Cross-platform Command-Line Client for Team Foundation Server."
Sweet Home 3D - Draw floor plans and arrange furniture freely
"Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application "
Wireshark · Go Deep.
The ATS Programming Language
"About ATS What is ATS? What is ATS good for? Acknowledgments What is ATS? ATS is a statically typed programming language that unifies implementation with formal specification. It is equipped with a highly expressive type system rooted in the framework Applied Type System, which gives the language its name. In particular, both dependent types and linear types are available in ATS. The current implementation of ATS2 (ATS/Postiats) is written in ATS1 (ATS/Anairiats). ATS can be as efficient as C/C++ both time-wise and memory-wise (see The Computer Language Benchmarks Game for concrete evidence) and supports a variety of programming paradigms that include: Functional programming. The core of ATS is a functional language based on eager (aka. call-by-value) evaluation, which can also accommodate lazy (aka. call-by-need) evaluation. The availability of linear types in ATS often makes functional programs written in it run not only with surprisingly high efficiency (when compared to C) but also with surprisingly small (memory) footprint (when compared to C as well). Imperative programming. The novel and unique approach to imperative programming in ATS is firmly rooted in the paradigm of programming with theorem-proving. The type system of ATS allows many features considered dangerous in other languages (e.g., explicit pointer arithmetic and explicit memory allocation/deallocation) to be safely supported in ATS, making ATS a viable programming language for low-level systems programming. Concurrent programming. ATS, equipped with a multicore-safe implementation of garbage collection, can support multithreaded programming through the use of pthreads. The availability of linear types for tracking and safely manipulating resources provides an effective means to constructing reliable programs that can take advantage of multicore architectures. Modular programming. The module system of ATS is largely infuenced by that of Modula-3, which is both simple and general as well as effective in supporting large scale programming. In addition, ATS contains a subsystem ATS/LF that supports a form of (interactive) theorem-proving, where proofs are constructed as total functions. With this component, ATS advocates a programmer-centric approach to program verification that combines programming with theorem-proving in a syntactically intertwined manner. Furthermore, this component can serve as a logical framework for encoding deduction systems and their (meta-)properties."
Oleg Tsaryov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Oleg Anatolyevich Tsaryov (Russian: Олег Анатольевич Царёв, Ukrainian: Олег Анатолійович Царьов, Oleh Anatoliyovych Tsaryov; born 2 June 1970)[1] is a Dnipropetrovsk businessman and former People's Deputy of Ukraine elected for the Party of Regions (but expelled from that party on 7 April 2014[2]) who is since 3 June 2014 wanted by police for allegedly causing separatism and violence.[3]"
CoreOS is Linux for Massive Server Deployments
"CoreOS is a new Linux distribution that has been rearchitected to provide features needed to run modern infrastructure stacks. The strategies and architectures that influence CoreOS allow companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter to run their services at scale with high resilience."
Subscriber identity module - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A subscriber identity module or subscriber identification module (SIM) is an integrated circuit that securely stores the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) and the related key used to identify and authenticate subscribers on mobile telephony devices (such as mobile phones and computers). A SIM circuit is embedded into a removable plastic card. This plastic card is called a "SIM card" and can be transferred between different mobile devices. A SIM card follows certain smart card standards.[1] SIM cards were first made the same size as a credit card (85.60 mm × 53.98 mm × 0.76 mm). The development of physically smaller mobile devices prompted the development of smaller SIM cards where the quantity of card surrounding the integrated circuit is reduced. A SIM card contains its unique serial number (ICCID), international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI), security authentication and ciphering information, temporary information related to the local network, a list of the services the user has access to and two passwords: a personal identification number (PIN) for ordinary use and a personal unblocking code (PUK) for PIN unlocking"
Designing for Language - And We Mean the Spoken Kind
"Terena Bell underlines the importance of designing applications for multiple languages including right-to-left ones in an age of rapid globalization."
HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for very high traffic web sites and powers quite a number of the world's most visited ones. Over the years it has become the de-facto standard opensource load balancer, is now shipped with most mainstream Linux distributions, and is often deployed by default in cloud platforms
Open Service Interface Definitions
Open Service Interface Definitions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Open Service Interface Definitions (OSIDs) are programmatic interface specifications describing services. These interfaces are specified by the Open Knowledge Initiative (O.K.I.) to implement a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to achieve interoperability among applications across a varied base of underlying and changing technologies."
The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) - YouTube
Accounts receivable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Accounts receivable is a legally enforceable claim for payment from a business to its customer/clients for goods supplied and/or services rendered in execution of the customer's order. These are generally in the form of invoices raised by a business and delivered to the customer for payment within an agreed time frame. Accounts receivable is shown in a balance sheet as an asset. It is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the billing of a customer for goods and services that the customer has ordered. These may be distinguished from notes receivable, which are debts created through formal legal instruments called promissory notes.[1]"
Accounts payable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Accounts payable is money owed by a business to its suppliers shown as a liability on a company's balance sheet. It is distinct from notes payable liabilities, which are debts created by formal legal instrument documents.[1]"
Voucher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A voucher is a bond of the redeemable transaction type which is worth a certain monetary value and which may be spent only for specific reasons or on specific goods. Examples include (but are not limited to) housing, travel, and food vouchers. The term voucher is also a synonym for receipt and is often used to refer to receipts used as evidence of, for example, the declaration that a service has been performed or that an expenditure has been made. The term is also commonly used for education vouchers, which are somewhat different."
"Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge."
dtic's Prototype DIY Book Scanner Automatic Page Turner, II - YouTube
"dtic, of, has updated his page turning mechanism to include servo control. It has turned up to 50 pages without error. CC by-nc-sa"
BFS-Auto: High Speed Book Scanner at over 250 pages/min - YouTube
"BFS-Auto can achieve high-speed and high-definition book digitization at over 250 pages/min using the original media format. This performance is realized by three key points: high-speed fully-automated page flipping, real-time 3D recognition of the flipped pages, and high-accuracy restoration to a flat document image. This system is toward the practical use in 2013."
BFS-Solo: High Speed Book Digitization using Monocular Video - YouTube
IHMC HexRunner Running Robot - YouTube
Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts. Words on the line, referred to as linking words or linking phrases, specify the relationship between the two concepts. We define concept as a perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by a label. The label for most concepts is a word, although sometimes we use symbols such as + or %, and sometimes more than one word is used. Propositions are statements about some object or event in the universe, either naturally occurring or constructed. Propositions contain two or more concepts connected using linking words or phrases to form a meaningful statement. Sometimes these are called semantic units, or units of meaning. Figure 1 shows an example of a concept map that describes the structure of concept maps and illustrates the above characteristics.
TortoiseSVN - Home
"Terraform provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure — from physical and virtual servers to email and DNS providers. Once launched, Terraform safely and efficiently changes infrastructure as the configuration is evolved. Simple file based configuration gives you a single view of your entire infrastructure."
OpenRepGrid - Tools for repertory grids
"Open source tools for repertory grid data"
"OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size. Read more about how it works and how to use it on"
Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere
"ails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity, and helps you to: use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network; leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly; use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging."
"File encryption software that does more with less."
Meet Minilock, a powerful new encryption tool built on ChromeOS | The Verge
"A padlock might be the easiest piece of security tech a person can own. You close it, it clicks, and then you need a key to open it up again. It's simple, intuitive. You never need to explain to anyone how a padlock works, and you never need to worry that you're using it wrong. If you want to know if you've locked it, you just give it a tug and the answer's right there."
JavaScript and the Browser as a Platform for Game Development
"David Galeano discusses what type of games are possible in the browser today, and what language features and APIs are needed to create the next generation of games."
Is the Thomson Reuters Corporation Turnaround Story Real? | The Motley Fool Canada
Profit Margin Definition | Investopedia
"A ratio of profitability calculated as net income divided by revenues, or net profits divided by sales. It measures how much out of every dollar of sales a company actually keeps in earnings. Profit margin is very useful when comparing companies in similar industries. A higher profit margin indicates a more profitable company that has better control over its costs compared to its competitors. Profit margin is displayed as a percentage; a 20\% profit margin, for example, means the company has a net income of $0.20 for each dollar of sales."
Youtube Video and Audio Downloader :: Add-ons for Firefox
"Downloads YouTube videos in all available formats (FLV, MP4, WebM, and 3GP) with video quality of your choice. It also contains a pure JavaScript library to extract the ORIGINAL audio file out of FLV videos. It optionally downloads subtitles as well!"
"Server automation framework and application "
Interview With Luke Kanies on $40 Million Funding of Puppet Labs
"Puppet Labs recently closed $40 million funding round. Five investors including VMware, Google Ventures and Cisco want the company invest into talent, technology and global expansion. This fifth round nearly doubles the company’s venture capital to $85.5 million."
"The Community-run, Distributed Social-network"
Names of Namespaces
"As with other naming guidelines, the goal when naming namespaces is creating sufficient clarity for the programmer using the framework to immediately know what the content of the namespace is likely to be. The following template specifies the general rule for naming namespaces: .(|)[.][.]"
Names of Assemblies and DLLs
General Naming Conventions
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ACMQ Site - ACM Queue
SQL Server: how to search for a table name or a column name or a given stored procedure name | Caveman's Blog
"This article demonstrates how the Microsoft SQL Server database can be queried to perform the following tasks: 1. fetch a list of tables. 2. fetch a list of Columns. 3. fetch a list of Stored Procedures The results can refined further by including other search criteria in the where clause of each query. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --Query to fetch the list of table that match a pattern select * from information_schema.tables where table_name like '%Employee%'   --Query to fetch the list of Columns (with table info) that match a pattern. select * from information_schema.columns where column_name like '%EmpId%'   --Query to fetch the list of Stored Procedures that match a pattern. select ROUTINE_SCHEMA, ROUTINE_NAME, ROUTINE_DEFINITION from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_TYPE='PROCEDURE' and routine_name like '%MyProc%' Check ou"
Mono Performance Team - Miguel de Icaza
Delta Engine - Open Source Multiplatform Game Development
Torque 3D
Frontiers | Peer Reviewed Articles - Open Access Journals
Mazzy Star – Free listening, videos, concerts, stats and pictures at
IRpcChannelBuffer interface (COM)
"Marshals data between a COM client proxy and a COM server stub."
Open Source Ecology
FreeCAD: An Open Source parametric 3D CAD modeler
Precise Calculator - programmable scientific calculator
"Precise Calculator is a free open source scientific calculator for Windows. Features: arbitrary precision (from 1 to 9999999) complex numbers fractions lists, vectors, matrices history (shortcuts ctrl+up, ctrl+down) calculator can write all results to a log file commands if, goto, print, return unlimited number of variables frequently used formulas can be saved as macros calculator can be translated to other languages "
Real World OCaml
Компьютерра: Цифровой офшор эстляндского образца
Компьютерра: Небрежное исполнение обязанностей как образ жизни и смерти несвободного человека
Компьютерра: Как Элон Маск патенты «дарил»
Мемристор: "недостающий элемент" - Компьютерра-Онлайн
"дея мемристора, реализованная на практике спустя 37 лет после её теоретического обоснования, может лечь в основу накопителей и компьютеров принципиально нового типа."
Компьютерра: The Machine: как изобрести компьютер в XXI веке?
По требованию Qualcomm на GitHub закрыты 116 репозиториев, в том числе принадлежащие CyanogenMod, Sony Mobile и самим Qualcomm |
"Юридическая компания Cyveillance, представляющая Qualcomm, по запросу в рамках DMCA потребовала у GitHub закрыть 116 репозиториев, нарушающих интеллектуальную собственность или содержащих конфиденциальные данные компании. Как пишет OpenNET, от действий Qualcomm пострадал один из репозитариев Cyanogenmod, официальный репозиторий Sony Mobile, и собственный репозитарий Qualcomm: Основная причина закрытия - претензии к опубликованным файлам, размещенным без разрешения Qualcomm, например, два репозитория были закрыты за файл xtwifi.conf, а пятнадцать за публикацию заголовочных файлов, таких как UIGLViewProtocol.h и wlan_hdd_cfg.h. Судя по всему выбор репозиториев для блокирования осуществлён без ручной проверки, так как среди проблемных файлов присутствуют примеры из SDK и даже файлы, права на которые переданы организации Linux Foundation. Более того, в список блокировки попал репозиторий, принадлежащий Qualcomm. В Qualcomm не ответили на просьбу The Register дать комментарий. Обсуждение на Hacker News."
Google признала, что Chrome быстрее разряжает аккумулятор Windows-ноутбуков - Технологии
"Если вы используете браузер Chrome на ноутбуке под управлением Windows и удивляетесь, почему так быстро расходуется энергия, лучше перейдите на другой веб-обозреватель. Спустя четыре года после появления первых жалоб на сверхвысокие аппетиты Chrome корпорация Google признала проблему и пообещала исправить ее в одном из обновлений, пишет PCWorld. Обратить внимание на необычную «любовь» браузера к ноутбукам именно на базе Windows интернет-гиганта вынудило недавнее сообщение редактора Forbes Яна Мориса. Обычно в лэптопах процессор для экономии энергии работает не постоянно, а с определенными интервалами. Так, для работы браузера достаточно, чтобы чип «просыпался» 64 раза в секунду. Это значение увеличивается только во время исполнения тяжелых задач, как, например, проигрывание видеоролика через YouTube. Как оказалось, запущенный Chrome всегда, даже если он свернут, заставляет процессор компьютера «просыпаться» 1000 раз в секунду. Это приводит к тому, что аккумулятор начинает потреблять на 25% больше энергии по сравнению с IE, Firefox и другими браузерами. Любопытно, что на Mac и Linux такой проблемы нет. В Google наконец-то прислушались к жалобам пользователей. К сожалению, представители компании не назвали даже приблизительную дату выхода патча с исправлением ошибки"
.NET Actor Model Implementations Differ in Approach
Aho/Ullman Foundations of Computer Science
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Товары для детей в интернет-магазине Мамалыш - Детские товары в Минске
Biological Realms in Computer Science
"Didier Verna keynotes on the bonds between biology and computer science, how these bonds developed over the years, and how software could behave like living organisms."
Wolfpack - Distributed System Monitoring - Home
"Wolfpack is an extensible .Net windows service based framework for running jobs to monitor your software and system. The data collec"
PeerBlock – Peerblock Site
Pro bono - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Pro bono publico (Template:Lan-en; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment or at a reduced fee as a public service. It is common in the legal profession and is increasingly seen in architecture, marketing, medicine, technology, and strategy consulting firms. Pro bono service, unlike traditional volunteerism, uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them."
Deathtube Blog : About
"DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link the different data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data. We hope that this work will make it easier for the huge amount of information in Wikipedia to be used in some new interesting ways. Furthermore, it might inspire new mechanisms for navigating, linking, and improving the encyclopedia itself."
Eclipse Modeling - EMF - Home
"The EMF project is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model. From a model specification described in XMI, EMF provides tools and runtime support to produce a set of Java classes for the model, along with a set of adapter classes that enable viewing and command-based editing of the model, and a basic editor. EMF builds include XML Schema Definition (XSD), now a component of the Model Development Tools (MDT) project, and an EMF-based implementation of Service Data Objects (SDO). XSD provides a model and API for manipulating components of an XML Schema, with access to the underlying DOM representation of the schema document."
Xtext - Language Development Made Easy!
"Building your own domain-specific languages has never been so easy. Just put your grammar in place and you not only get the working parser and linker but also first class Eclipse support." SysML Open Source Specification Project
"The web provides information, specifications, and resources related to the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) open source specification project, founded by the SysML Partners in 2003. The SysML open source specification is publicly available for download, and includes an open source license for distribution and use."
Business Process Execution Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), short for Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) is an OASIS[1] standard executable language for specifying actions within business processes with web services. Processes in BPEL export and import information by using web service interfaces exclusively."
RoboVM - Create Truly Native iOS Apps in Java
Jzy3d - Scientific 3d plotting
Wireless network interface controller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A wireless network interface controller (WNIC) is a network interface controller which connects to a radio-based computer network rather than a wire-based network such as Token Ring or Ethernet. A WNIC, just like other NICs, works on the Layer 1 and Layer 2 of the OSI Model. A WNIC is an essential component for wireless desktop computer. This card uses an antenna to communicate through microwaves. A WNIC in a desktop computer usually is connected using the PCI bus. Other connectivity options are USB and PC card. Integrated WNICs are also available, (typically in Mini PCI/PCI Express Mini Card form). The term is usually applied to IEEE 802.11 adapters; it may also apply to a NIC using protocols other than 802.11, such as one implementing Bluetooth connections."
Explorations in Kahn Process Networks
Free PDF Reader - Sumatra PDF
"Sumatra PDF is a free PDF, eBook (ePub, Mobi), XPS, DjVu, CHM, Comic Book (CBZ and CBR) reader for Windows. Sumatra PDF is powerful, small, portable and starts up very fast. Simplicity of the user interface has a high priority."
eBook Readers with E Ink ® (EPD) touch screen -
$574 Pocketbook CAD Reader Delayed Until Next Year, Will Have a 13.3″ Mobius E-ink Screen | The Digital Reader
“Giant” E-Readers to compete with the Sony DPT-S1
Adblock Plus - Surf the web without annoying ads!
FOCS Chapter 8
SQL Constraints
Open WhisperSystems >> Open WhisperSystems
Sipe Project | SIPE Project
"SIPE Project This project develops third-party plugins for the Pidgin / Adium / Miranda / Telepathy multi-protocol instant messaging clients/frameworks. It implements the extended version of SIP/SIMPLE used by various products:"
"WebRTC is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose. "
"With SQL, you can copy information from one table into another. The SELECT INTO statement copies data from one table and inserts it into a new table."
How WM_GETOBJECT Works (Windows)
"MongoDB (from "humongous") is an open-source document database, and the leading NoSQL database. Written in C++, MongoDB features: Document-Oriented Storage » JSON-style documents with dynamic schemas offer simplicity and power."
Бюрократия — Википедия
"Бюрократия (от фр. bureau — бюро, канцелярия и греч. κράτος — господство, власть) — под этим словом подразумевают то направление, которое принимает государственное управление в странах, где все дела сосредоточены в руках органов центральной правительственной власти, действующих по предписанию (начальства) и через предписание (подчинённым); также под бюрократией подразумевают класс лиц, резко выделенный из остального общества и состоящий из этих представителей центральной правительственной власти."
Self-Assembling Nanoflowers | Popular Science
PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database
Download Book Download: Developer's Guide to Microsoft Enterprise Library, 2nd Edition from Official Microsoft Download Center
have read: - Foreword - Error Management Made Exceptionally Easy - Dependency Injection With Unity
Download Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition from Official Microsoft Download Center
[1211.4487] Memcomputing: a computing paradigm to store and process information on the same physical platform
Aleksey Shipilёv: one-stop page
"I work on Java, especially Java performance and concurrency, employed by Oracle now, where we are developing Oracle/Open JDK/Hotspot and other Java-related technologies. "
Chapter 22: Designing Rich Client Applications
Chapter 27: Designing Office Business Applications
Windows Installer (Windows)
"Microsoft Windows Installer is an installation and configuration service provided with Windows. The installer service enables customers to provide better corporate deployment and provides a standard format for component management. The installer also enables the advertisement of applications and features according to the operating system."
Patching and Upgrades (Windows)
WCF: Working with One-Way Calls, Callbacks, And Events
Programmer Competency Matrix | Sijin Joseph
Getting Started with Windows Presentation Foundation
Getting Started with Windows Communication Foundation
Threading Model
"Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is designed to save developers from the difficulties of threading. As a result, the majority of WPF developers won't have to write an interface that uses more than one thread. Because multithreaded programs are complex and difficult to debug, they should be avoided when single-threaded solutions exist. No matter how well architected, however, no UI framework will ever be able to provide a single-threaded solution for every sort of problem. WPF comes close, but there are still situations where multiple threads improve user interface (UI) responsiveness or application performance. After discussing some background material, this paper explores some of these situations and then concludes with a discussion of some lower-level details."
WPF Architecture
Technical Writing made easier
Windows Installer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Security Workshop
" 14. PKCS and CMS Earlier in this tutorial you saw how certificates can be used to sign data and can be used to encrypt data (well, in the key exchange needed for encryption with symmetric algorithms). A fair amount of code had to be written, but more importantly, you have to write the code that will provide the signature and encrypted data, and the code that consumes it. What is needed here is a standard. Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #7 is a standard for signed data and enveloped data. PKCS#7 is defined by RFC 2315. Cryptographic Message Standard (CMS) is a superset of PKCS#7 and it supports digital signatures, message authentication codes, and encryption. CMS is defined by RFC 2630. The framework library in .NET 3.0/2.0 supports PKCS#7 and CMS in the System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs namespace and the classes there are essentially wrappers around the Windows CryptoAPI."
Security Workshop
"Certificates are essentially a mechanism to provide public keys in a way that allows you to trust them. If I want to allow someone to send me some confidential information (for example a session key) I could give them my public key. They can then use this to encrypt the data and only I will be able to decrypt the data because only I will have the corresponding private key. This supposes that there is a mechanism for me to distribute my public key, otherwise the conversation is susceptible to a middleman attack."
implicit parameters dynamic scoping with static types - Google Search
Implementing Lean Software Development Chapter 2
IBM Wants Carbon Nanotubes in Commercial PCs by 2020 | The Escapist
Ars Magna: the revolution is overdue
SQL Fiddle
SQL UNION Operator
FreeRDP – Thinstuff Android and iOS Ports Announcement
Orca.exe (Windows)
"Orca.exe is a database table editor for creating and editing Windows Installer packages and merge modules. The tool provides a graphical interface for validation, highlighting the particular entries where validation errors or warnings occur. This tool is only available in the Windows SDK Components for Windows Installer Developers. It is provided as an Orca.msi file. After installing the Windows SDK Components for Windows Installer Developers, double click Orca.msi to install the Orca.exe file."
Task Coach
Database administrator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A database administrator (acronym DBA) is an IT Professional responsible for the installation, configuration, upgrading, administration, monitoring, maintenance, and security of databases in an organization.[1] The role includes the development and design of database strategies, system monitoring and improving database performance and capacity, and planning for future expansion requirements. They may also plan, co-ordinate and implement security measures to safeguard the database.[2]"
Indiegogo Summary | ReactOS Project
Graphviz | Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
"raphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics,  software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains. "
SQL Joins
Query plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A query plan (or query execution plan) is an ordered set of steps used to access data in a SQL relational database management system. This is a specific case of the relational model concept of access plans. Since SQL is declarative, there are typically a large number of alternative ways to execute a given query, with widely varying performance. When a query is submitted to the database, the query optimizer evaluates some of the different, correct possible plans for executing the query and returns what it considers the best alternative. Because query optimizers are imperfect, database users and administrators sometimes need to manually examine and tune the plans produced by the optimizer to get better performance."
Robert M. Schoch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Robert M. Schoch is an associate professor of Natural Science at the College of General Studies, a two-year non-degree granting unit of Boston University. He is a proponent of the Sphinx water erosion hypothesis."
Singletons - Object-Oriented Security
"Singletons are possibly the single greatest obstacle to good object-oriented design today.  They are often at the root of huge intractable design flaws in large systems, and yet many programmers continue to use them and even insist that they are a good design pattern.  Many programmers point to the fact that the singleton pattern is a prominent part of the book Design Patterns, but don't realize that at least one of the authors of that book (Erich Gamma) is on record saying that it shouldn't have been. We argue that Singletons are almost always bad design and almost never needed.  In the few cases where singletons seem necessary, the "environment pattern" offers a reasonable alternative.  Therefore, we recommend that programmers always avoid singletons and that programming languages ban them or at least provide an option to ban them."
SQL Aliases
Cap'n Proto: Introduction
"Cap’n Proto is an insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system. Think JSON, except binary. Or think Protocol Buffers, except faster. In fact, in benchmarks, Cap’n Proto is INFINITY TIMES faster than Protocol Buffers."
MusicBrainz - The Open Music Encyclopedia
NuGet Gallery | CLR Memory Diagnostics (ClrMD) 0.8.25-beta
Part 1: Windows Debugging Techniques - Debugging Application Crash (Windbg) - CodeProject
"This article explains debugging application crashes in an easy and simpler way for Windows Applications. The scope of this article is limited to user-mode debugging. This article covers very basic debugging using WinDbg, procdump."
Download Debug Diagnostic Tool v2 Update 1 from Official Microsoft Download Center
SQL IN Operator
SQL Wildcards
SQL LIKE Operator
SQL Injection
SQL DELETE Statement
SQL UPDATE Statement
Pcmount: компьютерные комплектующие, каталог компьютерных комплектующих с ценами и описанием.
SQL AND & OR Operators
Лекториум | Просветительский проект
Neuroevolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Neuroevolution, or neuro-evolution, is a form of machine learning that uses evolutionary algorithms to train artificial neural networks. It is most commonly applied in artificial life, computer games, and evolutionary robotics. A main benefit is that neuroevolution can be applied more widely than supervised learning algorithms, which require a syllabus of correct input-output pairs. In contrast, neuroevolution requires only a measure of a network's performance at a task. For example, the outcome of a game (i.e. whether one player won or lost) can be easily measured without providing labeled examples of desired strategies."
SQL SELECT Statement
SQL Syntax
SQL Introduction
Шах и мат (телесериал) — Википедия
"Шах и мат"
SQL Tutorial
Servo: Designing and Implementing a Parallel Browser
Sony's Featherweight Tablet Sports Huge 13-Inch E-Ink Display
SONY, Apple and Samsung: Big Displays in 2014
Microsoft Open Specifications
"Microsoft helps developers create innovative solutions by providing open access to quality technical specifications and support through forums, events, and complimentary technical assistance. The technical specifications are freely available on MSDN and include documentation for the protocols used to communicate with a number of the most popular Microsoft products, its most popular binary file formats, and key standards and languages that are implemented in certain Microsoft products. The technical specifications enable and encourage a vibrant development community, resulting in smarter, interoperable products. In addition, Microsoft offers several different programs that provide access to patent licenses or covenants, a list of patents associated with the technical specifications, and warranties regarding certain specifications and standards support."
DOSBox DOS Emulator | Free Games software downloads at
FreeDOS | The FreeDOS Project
Outercurve Foundation Overview
Mathematical model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language. The process of developing a mathematical model is termed mathematical modeling. Mathematical models are used not only in the natural sciences (such as physics, biology, earth science, meteorology) and engineering disciplines (e.g. computer science, artificial intelligence), but also in the social sciences (such as economics, psychology, sociology and political science); physicists, engineers, statisticians, operations research analysts and economists use mathematical models most extensively. A model may help to explain a system and to study the effects of different components, and to make predictions about behaviour. Mathematical models can take many forms, including but not limited to dynamical systems, statistical models, differential equations, or game theoretic models. These and other types of models can overlap, with a given model involving a variety of abstract structures. In general, mathematical models may include logical models, as far as logic is taken as a part of mathematics. In many cases, the quality of a scientific field depends on how well the mathematical models developed on the theoretical side agree with results of repeatable experiments. Lack of agreement between theoretical mathematical models and experimental measurements often leads to important advances as better theories are developed."
Apache Derby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Apache Derby (previously distributed as IBM Cloudscape) is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by the Apache Software Foundation that can be embedded in Java programs and used for online transaction processing. It has a 2.6 MB disk-space footprint.[1] Apache Derby is developed as an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license. Oracle distributes the same binaries under the name Java DB.[2]"
Programming tutorials and source code examples
Windows Performance Monitor
Software Quality Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz - Free, professional tutorial guides for developers
Numba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Announcements — IPython
"IPython provides a rich architecture for interactive computing with: Powerful interactive shells (terminal and Qt-based). A browser-based notebook with support for code, text, mathematical expressions, inline plots and other rich media. Support for interactive data visualization and use of GUI toolkits. Flexible, embeddable interpreters to load into your own projects. Easy to use, high performance tools for parallel computing."
"Contains marshaling invocation arguments and return values between COM components."
NetDS samples RPC
[rust-dev] The future of iterators in Rust
std::num - Rust
Home | Threading Building Blocks
Хинди — Википедия
"Хи́нди (дев. हिन्दी) — название индоарийского языка, или диалектного континуума языков, распространённых преимущественно в северных и центральных регионах Индии[3]. На разговорном уровне языки хинди и урду практически неразличимы[4] (см. хиндустани). Последний отличается бо́льшим числом арабских и персидских заимствований, а также тем, что использует арабский алфавит, в то время как традиционное письмо хинди — слоговая азбука деванагари" - Very Sleepy
A new look for .NET Reference Source - .NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"oday I'm very excited to announce that we have an awesome new experience to use the .NET Framework reference source."
Collected Papers of Alexander A. Stepanov
Alexander Stepanov Notes on Programming
Dynamic-Link Library Best Practices (Windows)
"Creating DLLs presents a number of challenges for developers. DLLs do not have system-enforced versioning. When multiple versions of a DLL exist on a system, the ease of being overwritten coupled with the lack of a versioning schema creates dependency and API conflicts. Complexity in the development environment, the loader implementation, and the DLL dependencies has created fragility in load order and application behavior. Lastly, many applications rely on DLLs and have complex sets of dependencies that must be honored for the applications to function properly. This document provides guidelines for DLL developers to help in building more robust, portable, and extensible DLLs. Improper synchronization within DllMain can cause an application to deadlock or access data or code in an uninitialized DLL. Calling certain functions from within DllMain causes such problems."
FormatMessage function (Windows)
"Formats a message string. The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded insert sequences if requested."
Multithreaded Libraries Performance
Option (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In finance, an option is a contract which gives the buyer (the owner) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset or instrument at a specified strike price on or before a specified date. The seller has the corresponding obligation to fulfill the transaction – that is to sell or buy – if the buyer (owner) "exercises" the option. The buyer pays a premium to the seller for this right. An option which conveys to the owner the right to buy something at a specific price is referred to as a call; an option which conveys the right of the owner to sell something at a specific price is referred to as a put. Both are commonly traded, but for clarity, the call option is more frequently discussed."
Crypto++ Library 5.6.2 - a Free C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Schemes
"Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes. Currently the library contains the following algorithms:"
Лаборатория альтернативной истории
""Ждет ли Землю судьба Фаэтона ?.."
Лаборатория альтернативной истории
"Немного о текущей ситуации вокруг геохронологии"
Лаборатория альтернативной истории
"История Земли без Каменноугольного периода"
Walkthrough: Calling Code in an Application-Level Add-in from VBA
"This walkthrough demonstrates how to expose an object in an application-level add-in to other Microsoft Office solutions, including Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and COM add-ins."
googletest - Google C++ Testing Framework - Google Project Hosting
"Google's framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, Windows CE, and Symbian). Based on the xUnit architecture. Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, value- and type-parameterized tests, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation."
"UnitTest++ is a lightweight unit testing framework for C++. It was designed to do test-driven development on a wide variety of platforms. Simplicity, portability, speed, and small footprint are all very important aspects of UnitTest++. UnitTest++ is free software. You may copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the license contained in the file COPYING distributed with this package. This license is the same as the MIT/X Consortium license. UnitTest++ is ANSI portable C++ and makes minimal use of advanced library and languages features, which means it should be easily portable to just about any platform. Out of the box, the following platforms are supported: Win32 Linux Mac OS X"
volatile (C# Reference)
"The volatile keyword indicates that a field might be modified by multiple threads that are executing at the same time. Fields that are declared volatile are not subject to compiler optimizations that assume access by a single thread. This ensures that the most up-to-date value is present in the field at all times."
Timer Class (System.Threading)
"Provides a mechanism for executing a method at specified intervals. "
Take the pain out of code review | Review Board
Enterprise architecture framework - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"An enterprise architecture framework (EA framework) defines how to create and use an enterprise architecture. An architecture framework provides principles and practices for creating and using the architecture description of a system. It structures architects' thinking by dividing the architecture description into domains, layers or views, and offers models - typically matrices and diagrams - for documenting each view."
Create COM add-in /plugin for Office 2013, 2010-2000: VB.NET, C#, C++
HtmlUnit - Welcome to HtmlUnit
pocl - Portable Computing Language
"Portable Computing Language (pocl) aims to become a MIT-licensed open source implementation of the OpenCL standard which can be easily adapted for new targets and devices, both for homogeneous CPU and heterogenous GPUs/accelerators. pocl uses Clang as an OpenCL C frontend and LLVM for the kernel compiler implementation, and as a portability layer. Thus, if your desired target has an LLVM backend, it should be able to get OpenCL support easily by using pocl. The goal is to accomplish improved performance portability using a kernel compiler that can generate multi-work-item work-group functions that exploit various types of parallel hardware resources: VLIW, superscalar, SIMD, SIMT, multicore, multithread ... Additional purpose of the project is to serve as a research platform for issues in parallel programming on heterogeneous platforms."
Mozilla Public License - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Mozilla Public License (MPL) is a free, open source, and detailed software license developed and maintained by the Mozilla Foundation. It is characterized as a hybridization of the modified BSD license and GNU General Public License (GPL) that seeks to balance the concerns of proprietary and open source developers.[6] It has undergone two revisions,[7] most recently to version 2.0 with the goals of greater simplicity and better compatibility with other licenses.[8] The MPL is the license for the Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, and most other Mozilla software,[9] but it has been used by others, such as Adobe to license their Flex product line,[10] and LibreOffice 4.0 (also on LGPL 3+).[11][12] Version 1.1 was also notably adapted by companies to form derivative licenses like Sun Microsystems' own Common Development and Distribution License.[13]"
The wxWindows Library Licence (WXwindows) | Open Source Initiative
wxWidgets: Cross-Platform GUI Library
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) are a set of free and open source graphics libraries that grew out of the development of the Enlightenment window manager and Wayland compositor.[3] EFL is developed by with some sponsorship from Samsung, ProFUSION and[4] The project's focus is to make the EFL a flexible yet powerful and easy to use set of tools to extend the capabilities of both the Enlightenment window manager and other software projects based on the EFL. The libraries were created for version 0.17 of the window manager. The libraries are meant to be portable and optimized to be functional even on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets"
BrockSoft VSAid (Visual Studio Aid) - A freeware Microsoft Visual Studio Add-In to assist developers
"VSAid (Visual Studio Aid) is a Microsoft Visual Studio add-in available, at no cost, for both personal and commercial use. Primarily aimed at Visual C++ developers (though useful for any Visual Studio project or solution), VSAid adds a new toolbar to the IDE which adds productivity-enhancing features such as being able to find and open project files quickly and cycle through related files at the click of a mouse button (or the stroke of a key!)."
PhatStudio - free Visual Studio plugin for fast file navigation
"PhatStudio is a free add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio (VS2005, VS2008, VS2010 and VS2012 are supported) that lets you quickly navigate files in large projects with just a few keystrokes. It lets you navigate files either by the Open File dialog (bound to Alt+O by default), or the PhatStudio Explorer tool window. Type in multiple terms separated by spaces to match on all terms. It also includes a header flip/switch to related file feature, bound to Alt+S by default. Header flip will switch between a .cpp file and corresponding .h/.hpp file. It will also switch between other related file types, such as aspx/aspx.cs and ascx/ascx.cs. PhatStudio is an open source product distributed under GPLv3. It's written in C# and full source code is available on our SourceForge website."
Silent Circle (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Silent Circle is an encrypted communications firm providing secure multiplatform communication services for mobile devices, desktop and email. Launched October 16, 2012, the company is privately funded."
GeeksPhone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"GeeksPhone is a Spanish smartphone company founded in 2009. GeeksPhones most notable products are open Android phones and developer devices of Firefox OS."
Openness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Openness is an overarching concept or philosophy that is characterized by an emphasis on transparency and free unrestricted access to knowledge and information as well as collaborative or cooperative management and decision making rather than a central authority.[1] Openness can be said to be the opposite of secrecy.[1]"
Interlocked.Exchange Method (Int32, Int32) (System.Threading)
"Sets a 32-bit signed integer to a specified value and returns the original value, as an atomic operation."
Unity 3.5 RTW: Now with more Peace, Love, and Rock 'n' Roll - Grigori Melnik: Thoughts on Agile Software Engineering and Beyond - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Simplifying cross-platform development - Unity 3.5 Portable Class Library Preview - Grigori Melnik: Thoughts on Agile Software Engineering and Beyond - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Disqus – The Web’s Community of Communities
Reddit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Reddit /ˈrɛdɪt/,[3] stylized as reddit,[4] is an entertainment, social networking service and news website where registered community members can submit content, such as text posts or direct links. Only registered users can then vote submissions "up" or "down" to organize the posts and determine their position on the site's pages. Content entries are organized by areas of interest called "subreddits". Reddit was founded by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian. It was acquired by Condé Nast Publications in October 2006 and became a direct subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company, Advance Publications in September 2011. As of August 2012, Reddit operates as an independent entity, although Advance is still its largest shareholder.[5] Reddit is based in San Francisco, California."
Building portable Jekyll for Windows – Madhur Ahuja
extern alias (C# Reference)
"You might have to reference two versions of assemblies that have the same fully-qualified type names. For example, you might have to use two or more versions of an assembly in the same application. By using an external assembly alias, the namespaces from each assembly can be wrapped inside root-level namespaces named by the alias, which enables them to be used in the same file."
Mantis Bug Tracker
GPL linking exception - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A GPL linking exception modifies the GNU General Public License (GPL) in a way that enables software projects which provide library code to be "linked to" the programs that use them, without applying the full terms of the GPL to the using program. Linking is the technical process of connecting code in a library to the using code, to produce a single executable file. It is performed either at compile time or run-time in order to produce functional machine-readable code. There is a public perception, unsupported by any legal precedent or citation, that without applying the linking exception, code linked with GPL code may only be done using a GPL-compatible license.[1] The license of the GNU Classpath project explicitly includes a statement to that effect. Many free software libraries which are distributed under the GPL use an equivalent exception, although the wording of the exception varies. Notable projects include GNU Guile,[2] the run-time libraries of GNAT,[2] GNU Classpath [3] and the famous GCC Runtime Library Exception.[4] Compiler runtime libraries also often use this license, e.g. the libgcc library in the GNU Compiler Collection uses a very similar linking exception,[5] as well as all libraries of the Free Pascal project. In 2007, Sun Microsystems released most of the source code to the class libraries for the Java SE and Java EE projects under version 2 of the GPL license plus the Classpath linking exception,[6] and used the same license as one possible license for their enterprise server GlassFish.[7] and for their NetBeans Java IDE.[8] Version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)[9] is likewise constructed as an exception to the GPL.[10]"
Installing Apache Ant
"To get up and running with the binary edition of Ant quickly, follow these steps: Make sure you have a Java environment installed, See System Requirements for details. Download Ant. See Binary Edition for details. Uncompress the downloaded file into a directory. Set environmental variables JAVA_HOME to your Java environment, ANT_HOME to the directory you uncompressed Ant to, and add ${ANT_HOME}/bin (Unix) or %ANT_HOME%/bin (Windows) to your PATH. See Setup for details. Optionally, from the ANT_HOME directory run ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system to get the library dependencies of most of the Ant tasks that require them. If you don't do this, many of the dependent Ant tasks will not be available. See Optional Tasks for details and other options for the -Ddest parameter. Optionally, add any desired Antlibs. See Ant Libraries for a list. Note that the links in the list above will give more details about each of the steps, should you need them. Or you can just continue reading the rest of this document."
Kohsuke Kawaguchi » Who’s Kohsuke?
"I’m Kohsuke Kawaguchi. I’m a software engineer who enjoys writing code and solving problems. I have been working on a large number of open-source projects. I am probably best known as the creator of Jenkins, a continuous integration server. My projects span many different areas of the technology, but my main interest is around developer tools, XML, and web services in Java. I have worked for Sun Microsystems, Inc. for about 8 years, and then briefly worked for Oracle as Sun was acquired by Oracle in 2010. Since 2010 April, I founded InfraDNA to work on Jenkins (then called Hudson), which eventually got acquired by CloudBees, where I currently work as an architect."
Бреттон-Вудская система — Википедия
"Бреттон-Вудская система, Бреттон-Вудское соглашение (англ. Bretton Woods system) — международная система организации денежных отношений и торговых расчётов, установленная в результате Бреттон-Вудской конференции, проходившей с 1 по 22 июля 1944 года. Сменила финансовую систему, основанную на «золотом стандарте». Названа от имени курорта Бреттон-Вудс (англ. Bretton Woods) в штате Нью-Гэмпшир, США. Конференция положила начало таким организациям, как Международный банк реконструкции и развития (МБРР) и Международный валютный фонд (МВФ). Доллар США стал одним из видов мировых денег, наряду[источник не указан 1180 дней] с золотом. В 1971—1978 годах Бреттон-Вудскую систему сменила Ямайская валютная система, основанная на свободной торговле валютой (свободной конвертации валют). СССР подписал соглашение, но не ратифицировал[1]."
Type Forwarding in the Common Language Runtime
"Type forwarding allows you to move a type to another assembly without having to recompile applications that use the original assembly. For example, suppose an application uses the Example class in an assembly named Utility.dll. The developers of Utility.dll might decide to refactor the assembly, and in the process they might move the Example class to another assembly. If the old version of Utility.dll is replaced by the new version of Utility.dll and its companion assembly, the application that uses the Example class fails because it cannot locate the Example class in the new version of Utility.dll. The developers of Utility.dll can avoid this by forwarding requests for the Example class, using the TypeForwardedToAttribute attribute. If the attribute has been applied to the new version of Utility.dll, requests for the Example class are forwarded to the assembly that now contains the class. The existing application continues to function normally, without recompilation."
TypeIdentifierAttribute Class (System.Runtime.InteropServices)
"The TypeIdentifierAttribute attribute is primarily emitted by compilers. It serves two purposes: For all imported types, it indicates that the type is intended to be used for type equivalence. For types that don’t have GUIDs in their type library, it has a constructor that takes two strings (scope and identifier). These are combined into a GUID and become the key that is used for type equivalence."
Исходный код ASP.NET vNext опубликован на Github / Хабрахабр
Improvements for ASP.NET Web Forms
Human Connectome Project | Mapping the human brain connectivity
News from the .NET World - Miguel de Icaza
Guide (COM)
Programming Tutorials
Using Invoke Dynamic to Teach the JVM a New Language
"Jonathan Worthington explains how invokedynamic works, how he has been using it while porting the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler to the JVM, and its performance impact."
Home - Pencil Project
"An open-source GUI prototyping tool that's available for ALL platforms. Pencil is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in popular desktop platforms."
LazPaint | Free software downloads at
dniLite | Firedancer Software
dotNETInspector | Firedancer Software
JPEGView - Image Viewer and Editor | Free Graphics software downloads at
"JPEGView is a lean, fast and highly configurable viewer/editor for JPEG, BMP, PNG, WEBP, TGA, GIF and TIFF images with a minimal GUI. Basic on-the-fly image processing is provided - allowing adjusting typical parameters as sharpness, color balance, rotation, perspective, contrast and local under-/overexposure."
About | Disk Cleaner Home
"Disk Cleaner is a free open source (GPL v2) tool to quickly and easily clean your hard disk from temporary files like those in the system temporary folder, the Internet Explorer Cache and Cookies folder, and the Recycle Bin. Disk Cleaner is absolutely free from adware and spyware. It is very easy to use: select the items you would like to clean, press the clean button, and you're done! Despite the ease of use, the extendibility by plug-ins, which in fact are just simple text files, make that Disk Cleaner can also be used by power users to clean specific items. All that is needed to create a simple plug-in is a text editor, such as notepad. If you have any comments, please post them in the forum."
The Legend of Edgar | Free software downloads at
Home of LibreCAD, 2D-CAD
"TAudioConverter is a multithreaded audio converter-extractor and CD Ripper. Features TAudioConverter support various encoders. It can convert to MP3, AAC, AAC HE, AC3, MusePack, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, WMA, DTS, ALAC, FLAC, Monkey's Audio, TAK, TTA, WavPack, AIFF and PCM. TAudioConverter is multithreaded. This means that it will run several encoders in parallel to shorten encoding time. The number of parallel processes depends on the CPU cores you have. It can also extract audio streams from video files. This can be done with or without encoding the audio stream. Even if your video file has more that one audio stream, you can select the one you want. CD ripper has freedb support. It can copy tags and cover art from source. TAudioConverter can apply certain effects to audio. It can change audio volume level and playback speed."
Firefox 29 Brings Improvements in asm.js Performance, New Web API
About - Nemerle programming language official site
Unconference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. The term "unconference" has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid one or more aspects of a conventional conference, such as fees, sponsored presentations, and top-down organization. For example, in 2006, CNNMoney applied the term to diverse events including Foo Camp, BarCamp, Bloggercon, and Mashup Camp.[1]"
Live Coding as Communication
"Sam Aaron explores the idea of using programming languages, especially functional ones, to share ideas with other people, to have conversations, to support artistic practices, etc."
Allard Buijze on CQRS, Event Sourcing and the Axon Framework
"Allard Buijze is a software architect at Trifork. His focus has always been on clean application design, maintainability and testing. He has given trainings on scalable architectures, DDD and application design. He created the Axon Framework, an open source Java framework that helps to create scalable and extensible applications by providing the building blocks that CQRS requires."
Catastrophic Cancellation
"Graham Markall covers some of the common problems that can occur from using the IEEE754 floating-point arithmetic, and what to do to avoid them in practice."
Back to the Future
"Emma Langman explores the usefulness of some of the Quality tools that have been around since the 50s for gathering requirements, tackling repeat problems, or innovating more efficiently as a team."
The World after Cloud Computing & Big Data
"Gunter Dueck wonders how are we preparing for the new society marked by cloud computing and big data in which jobs are automated and mediocre abilities are no longer accepted?"
Inverse of a Matrix using Elementary Row Operations (Gauss-Jordan)
Supporting IDispatch and IErrorInfo
Bitmessage Wiki
"Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide "non-content" data, like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running warrantless wiretapping programs."
The Long Now Foundation - Fostering Long-Term Thinking
OxyPlot - Home
akkadotnet/ » Unlicense Yourself: Set Your Code Free
"What is the Unlicense? The Unlicense is a template for disclaiming copyright monopoly interest in software you've written; in other words, it is a template for dedicating your software to the public domain. It combines a copyright waiver patterned after the very successful public domain SQLite project with the no-warranty statement from the widely-used MIT/X11 license. Why Use the Unlicense? Because you have more important things to do than enriching lawyers or imposing petty restrictions on users of your code. How often have you passed up on utilizing and contributing to a great software library just because its open source license was not compatible with your own preferred flavor of open source? How many precious hours of your life have you spent deliberating how to license your software or worrying about licensing compatibility with other software? You will never get those hours back, but here's your chance to start cutting your losses. Life's too short, let's get back to coding."
A Concise Introduction to Numerical Analysis
RegistryMonitor - a .NET wrapper class for RegNotifyChangeKeyValue - CodeProject
"The Windows API provides a function RegNotifyChangeKeyValue, which notifies the caller about changes to attributes or the content of a specified registry key. Unfortunately, this function is not provided by the Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey class. Because I needed that functionality, I've written a simple wrapper class."
Rod calculus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Rod calculus or rod calculation is the mechanical method of algorithmic computation with counting rods in China from the Warring States to Ming dynasty before the counting rods were replaced by the more convenient and faster abacus. Rod calculus played a key role in the development of Chinese mathematics to its height in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty, culminating in the invention of polynomial equations of up to four unknowns in the work of Zhu Shijie."
GitHub Flavored Markdown · GitHub Help
Tom Preston-Werner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Farewell GitHub, Hello Immersive Computing
Jürgen Schmidhuber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Jürgen Schmidhuber (born 17 January 1963 in Munich) is a computer scientist and artist known for his work on machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), artificial neural networks, digital physics, and low-complexity art. His contributions also include generalizations of Kolmogorov complexity and the Speed Prior. From 2004 to 2009 he was professor of Cognitive Robotics at the Tech. University Munich. Since 1995 he has been co-director of the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA in Lugano, since 2009 also professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Lugano. Between 2009 and 2012, the recurrent neural networks and deep feedforward neural networks developed in his research group have won eight international competitions in pattern recognition and machine learning.[1] In honor of his achievements he was elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2008."
Math is Fun - Maths Resources
Guide to math needed to study physics
"The language of physics is mathematics. In order to study physics seriously, one needs to learn mathematics that took generations of brilliant people centuries to work out. Algebra, for example, was cutting-edge mathematics when it was being developed in Baghdad in the 9th century. But today it's just the first step along the journey."
Welcome to WeBWorK
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties
Entropy and Information Theory
Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing
David Maier: The Theory of Relational Databases
"The Theory of Relational Databases This text has been long out of print, but I still get requests for it. The copyright has reverted to me, and you have permission to reproduce it for personal or academic use, but not for-profit purposed. Please include “Copyright 1983 David Maier, used with permission” on anything you distribute. Cover and Front Matter Table of Contents Chapter 1: Relations and Relation Schemes Chapter 2: Relational Operators Chapter 3: More Operations on Relations Chapter 4: Functional Dependencies Chapter 5: Covers for Functional Dependencies Chapter 6: Databases and Normal Forms Chapter 7: Multivalued Dependencies, Join Dependencies, and Further Normal Forms Chapter 8: Project-Join Mappings, Tableaux, and the Chase Chapter 9: Representation Theory Chapter 10: Query Systems Chapter 11: Query Modification Chapter 12: Null Values, Partial Information and Database Semantics Chapter 13: Acyclic Database Schemes Chapter 14: Assorted Topics Chapter 15: Relational Query Languages Bibliography Index Back to David Maier's Home Page"
Probability and statistics EBook - Socr
Statistical Data Mining Tutorials
Website of Bruno R. Preiss
Index of /~vazirani/algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
The Hacker Shelf | Community-curated collection of free books for the intellectually curious.
Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Untitled Document
Open Textbook Initiative | American Inst. of Mathematics
Algebra: Abstract and Concrete, Online Book
Mathematics Department : Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery
Reg delete
ReactOS Website • View topic - Interview with Víctor Martínez
"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Key The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) key contains file name extension associations and COM class registration information such as ProgIDs, CLSIDs, and IIDs. It is primarily intended for compatibility with the registry in 16-bit Windows. Class registration and file name extension information is stored under both the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes key contains default settings that can apply to all users on the local computer. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes key contains settings that apply only to the interactive user. The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key provides a view of the registry that merges the information from these two sources. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT also provides this merged view for applications designed for previous versions of Windows."
Nimrod Programming Language
Даниил (имя) — Википедия
Мастер-класс по нутрям .Net Framework / Блог компании Luxoft / Хабрахабр
.NET Native Performance - .NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Chaordic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rust is surprisingly expressive
ScrapBook :: Add-ons for Firefox
"Helps you to save Web pages and organize the collection."
А.Скляров "Металлы - дар небесных богов"
"Исследования последних десятилетий серьезно пошатнули традиционный взгляд на историю освоения металлов человеком. Особенно много противоречий между эмпирическими фактами и устоявшейся теорией обнаруживается для самых ранних стадий древней металлургии. В свете накопленных к настоящему времени фактов версия освоения человеком выплавки металла из руд в результате случайного и хаотичного экспериментирования  выглядит весьма сомнительной. Между тем сами наши древние предки никогда и нигде не ставили себе в заслугу освоение металлургических технологий. Они считали это знание даром богов – представителей весьма высоко развитой в техническом отношении цивилизации, следы реального существования которой в древности обнаруживаются практически по всей нашей планете."
HyperDex Homepage :: super()
"HyperDex HyperDex is a next generation key-value store with a wide array of features. HyperDex may be a good fit for you if your application needs to: Store rich datatypes such as strings, integers, floats, lists, maps, and sets. Search and retrieve objects efficiently by secondary attributes. Ensure that your data is up to date at all times with strong consistency guarantees. Protect your data against a configurable number of simultaneous failures. Perform atomic transactions over multiple objects, in a fast, scalable NoSQL data store. HyperDex's key features -- namely its rich API, strong consistency, and fault tolerance -- provide strong guarantees to applications that are not matched by other NoSQL systems." | Rocks Website
.net - TraceSwitch and SourceSwitch - what's the difference? - Stack Overflow
Application and Global Mouse and Keyboard Hooks .Net Libary in C# - Home
Homepage of Zabbix :: An Enterprise-Class Open Source Distributed Monitoring Solution
Graylog2 - Open source log management and data analytics
Application Responsiveness | Dr Dobb's
Synchronization Domains | Dr Dobb's
Modular programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
StructuringWithModules - autofac - Structure applications using modules for manageable dependencies. - An addictive .NET IoC container - Google Project Hosting
ComponentCreation - autofac - The container provides several built in options to create components - An addictive .NET IoC container - Google Project Hosting
Setlocal - Local variables |
Office Automation Ltd. - VBE Tools
Visual Programming Languages - Snapshots
The leading OS for PC, tablet, phone and cloud | Ubuntu
Pointers in Rust: a guide
Welcome To OsmAnd
WSO2 Web Services Framework for C | WSO2 Inc
Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
"Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format."
Open Source (Almost) Everything
Configuring Trace Source Categories
"Trace source categories associate log entries with their target listener(s). You can configure the following two category types: Categories that specify the logging categories you want to use. When you create a log entry, you can assign it to one or more categories. Each category can filter the log entry based on its severity (such as Critical, Error, Warning, or Information), and route it to one or more trace listeners (logging targets). Special Categories that automatically receive all log entries, unprocessed log entries, or log entries where an error occurred during logging. Each of these special categories can filter the log entry based on its severity (such as Critical, Error, Warning, or Information), and route it to one or more trace listeners (logging targets)."
How to: Use TraceSource and Filters with Trace Listeners
"One of the new features in the .NET Framework version 2.0 is an enhanced tracing system. The basic premise is unchanged: tracing messages are sent through switches to listeners, which report the data to an associated output medium. A primary difference for version 2.0 is that traces can be initiated through instances of the TraceSource class. TraceSource is intended to function as an enhanced tracing system and can be used in place of the static methods of the older Trace and Debug tracing classes. The familiar Trace and Debug classes still exist, but the recommended practice is to use the TraceSource class for tracing. This topic describes the use of a TraceSource coupled with an application configuration file. It is possible, although not recommended, to trace using a TraceSource without the use of a configuration file. For information on tracing without a configuration file, see How to: Create and Initialize Trace Sources."
TraceSource Class (System.Diagnostics)
TraceEventType Enumeration (System.Diagnostics)
SourceLevels Enumeration (System.Diagnostics)
hResume · Microformats Wiki
Garbage collection thoughts | A Random Walk Through Geek-Space
Type forwarding using TypeForwardedTo attribute in Runtime.CompilerServices - Thottam R. Sriram - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Sequence point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Creating And Publishing A Package
Hexlet | Свободный университет
qBittorrent official website
asio C++ library
Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder
Home -
NuDoq - Enjoyable API Documentation
Optimizely: What is AB Testing?
"A/B testing is a simple way to test changes to your page against the current design and determine which ones produce positive results. It is a method to validate that any new design or change to an element on your webpage is improving your conversion rate before you make that change to your site code. Testing takes the guesswork out of website optimization and enables data-backed decisions that shift business conversations from “we think” to “we know.” By measuring the impact that changes have on your metrics such as sign-ups, downloads, purchases, or whatever else your goals may be, you can ensure that every change produces positive results. Quantitative data speaks for itself. You and your coworkers may have hunches about how site visitors will respond to certain design elements; A/B testing allows you to show visitors two versions of the same page and let them determine the winner. Constantly testing and optimizing your page can increase revenue, donations, leads, registrations, downloads, and user generated content, while providing teams with valuable insight about their visitors." by TestStack
JetBrains :: Meta Programming System — Language Oriented Programming environment and DSL creation tool
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Mono and Roslyn - Miguel de Icaza
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Windows Registry XML - Forensics Wiki
Digital Forensics XML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ethan Shayne
"Senior software developer with experience developing both front-end and back-end components of complex systems, using a variety of programming languages and platforms. Performs a wide range of roles throughout the project lifecycle: from initial architecture and design through implementation, deployment, and maintenance; in development, management, and customer-facing positions. "
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"try values of types REG_SZ and REG_DWORD. This operation will fail if the supplied registry key or any of its subkeys contain values of other types."
Import/Export registry sections as XML - CodeProject
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C10k problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Pantheios: The C++ Logging Library SweetSpot
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Logging Framework for C++ | Free System Administration software downloads at
Log for C++ Project
Registry Redirector (Windows)
"The registry redirector isolates 32-bit and 64-bit applications by providing separate logical views of certain portions of the registry on WOW64. The registry redirector intercepts 32-bit and 64-bit registry calls to their respective logical registry views and maps them to the corresponding physical registry location. The redirection process is transparent to the application. Therefore, a 32-bit application can access registry data as if it were running on 32-bit Windows even if the data is stored in a different location on 64-bit Windows. A subset of keys under redirected registry paths are shared. 32-bit registry calls to shared keys are not redirected. Instead, one physical copy of the key is mapped into each logical view of the registry. For a list of redirected keys and shared keys, see Registry Keys Affected by WOW64."
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Math.NET Project
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Registry Export File (.reg) Parser - CodeProject
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Why Ubuntu’s creator still invests his fortune in an unprofitable company | Ars Technica
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Active Oberon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ari Folman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Firefox OS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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volatility - An advanced memory forensics framework - Google Project Hosting
"The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools, implemented in Python under the GNU General Public License, for the extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples. The extraction techniques are performed completely independent of the system being investigated but offer unprecedented visibility into the runtime state of the system. The framework is intended to introduce people to the techniques and complexities associated with extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory samples and provide a platform for further work into this exciting area of research."
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"eSpeak is a compact open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows. eSpeak uses a "formant synthesis" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings."
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"White is a framework for automating rich client applications based on Win32, WinForms, WPF, Silverlight and SWT (Java) platforms. It is .NET based and does not require the use of any proprietary scripting languages. Tests/automation programs using White can be written with whatever .NET language, IDE and tools you are already using. White provides a consistent object-oriented API, hiding the complexity of Microsoft's UIAutomation library (on which White is based) and windows messages."
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Python Tools for Visual Studio
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Robot Framework
Static library - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Managed, Native, and COM Interop Team - Home
Software Freedom Conservancy
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MindTouch/SGMLReader - GitHub
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"UIA Verify is a test automation framework that features the User Interface Automation Test Library (UIA Test Library) and Visual UI Automation Verify (Visual UIA Verify), the graphical user interface tool. The framework facilitates manual and automated testing of the Microsoft (R) User Interface (UI) Automation Provider implementation of a control or application. The majority of the UIA Verify functionality is provided through a dynamic link library (e.g., UIATestLibrary.dll) that contains the code for testing specific UI Automation functionality and supports logging of the test results."
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"P multicasting is the process of sending a single message to a multicast group and this message is duplicated by the switch according to the number of users registered in that group. This technique allows a user to send a single message once to multiple receivers. The most widely used multicast transport is UDP. UDP multicasting provides great performance and network utilization; however, it suffers from two disadvantages: Maximum message size is limited to 64 KB. UDP packets may be discarded by network elements (routers, switches, etc...). Although the first disadvantage may be partially overcome by different compression algorithms, the second disadvantage may become a real problem."
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Облако тегов Bay, BitTorrent, Google, Pirate, The Pirate Bay, Авторское, Блокировка, Великобритания, Владелец, Говорить, Год, Доллар, Интернет, Музыка, Нарушение, Обмен, Пиратский, Пиратство, Полиция, Пользователь, Право, Правообладатель, Правый, Провайдер, Решение, США, Сайт, Система, Файл, Файловый, Человек, абонент, авторский, группа, компания, предупреждение, сеть, суд, фильм, хостинг Показать все теги Самое популярное » Суд отклонил первый иск на основе российской «SOPA»,а р ... » Google отказывается удалять пиратские сайты из результа ... » Американский бар оштрафован на 45 000 долларов за карао ... » Платежная система PayPal прекратила обслуживание «пират ... » Шведская полиция провела рейд на сайт с субтитрами » Злоупотребление цензурой привело к популярности видео-о ... » Министерство культуры Российской Федерации внесет измен ... » Осужденный пират отказывается работать на RIAA » Киностудии добились блокировки EZTV и YIFY-Torrents » Готовимся к блокировкам сайтов Новости партнёров Графические редакторы :: Helicon Focus Pro 5.3.14 [Ru/Multi] А ... 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Календарь «    Август 2013    » Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   Счетчики Информация → Готовимся к блокировкам сайтов "Сила правительства держится на невежестве народа, и оно знает это и потому всегда будет бороться против просвещения. Пора нам понять это. " Л.Н. Толстой 02 июля 2013 года был подписан законопроект № 292521-6, предполагающий блокировку интернет-страниц со ссылками на возможно! неправомерно размещенный контент. То есть, начиная с августа текущего года, ожидается блокировка различных сайтов на уровне федеральных провайдеров. По данному закону провайдеры обязаны блокировать не весь сайт целиком, а только страницу, предположительно! нарушающую что-то там правообладателя. Но подобных мощностей у провайдеров нет. 8512345  Комментарии (18) Опубликовано: AkaUfo, 31-07-2013, 12:48 Информация → Министерство культуры Российской Федерации внесет изменения в антипиратский закон Министерство культуры Российской Федерации внесет изменения в антипиратский закон Антипиратское законодательство, вступившее в силу в России неделю назад, подвергнется изменениям. Министерство культуры заявило, что новый, подготовленный им законопроект «О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации в целях прекращения нарушений авторских и смежных прав в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети интернет», затронет не только фильмы и сериалы, а еще и, в отличие от закона, действующего с 1 августа 2013 года, все остальные объекты авторских и смежных прав – рисунки, музыку, тексты, фото и т.д. Владельцы сайтов должны будут предоставить правообладателям свои контактные данные, чтобы максимально упростить отправку жалобы на нелицензионный контент. Крупным интернет-компаниям дано время до пятницы, чтобы выдвинуть свои предложения и поправки к новому законодательству. 6812345  Комментарии (2) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, Вчера, 09:05 Информация → Суд отклонил первый иск на основе российской «SOPA»,а разыскиваемому Сноудену предложили работу Суд отклонил первый иск на основе российской «SOPA»,а разыскиваемому Сноудену предложили работу Вчера, после вступления в силу нового антипиратского закона, российские правообладатели не стали медлить. Одна из кинокомпаний сразу же подала иск против гигантской социальной сети Вконтакте, но он провалился, так как суд не смог вынести решение из-за того, что кинокомпания не смогла доказать свои права на материалы, опубликованные на сайте. Вместе с тем, руководство Вконтаккте заявило, что было бы радо, если бы Эдвард Сноуден пришел работать к ним, обеспечивая неприкосновенность личной жизни пользователей социальной сети. 8512345  Комментарии (0) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, 2-08-2013, 13:27 Информация, Мнения → Злоупотребление цензурой привело к популярности видео-обзора осветительного оборудования Злоупотребление цензурой привело к популярности видео-обзора осветительного оборудования Производитель осветительного оборудования доказал, что цензура критики – на самом деле очень плохая идея. После того, как Интернет-пользователь опубликовал видео с далеко не лестным отзывом об их продукции, британская компания Rotolight намерено злоупотребила DMCA, чтобы удалить видео с сайта Vimeo из-за нарушения авторских прав. Но это не прошло бесследно, есть все признаки того, что теперь видео – и его последующее удаление – станут ярким примером эффекта Стрейзанд. 8512345  Комментарии (0) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, 31-07-2013, 15:52 Информация → Платежная система PayPal прекратила обслуживание «пиратского» VPN-провайдера iPredator Платежная система PayPal прекратила обслуживание «пиратского» VPN-провайдера iPredator Платежная система PayPal прекратила обслуживание VPN-провайдера iPredator, анонимайзера, запущенного соучредителем Пиратской бухты Петером Сунде. Популярный VPN-провайдер больше не может принимать платежи и, помимо этого, PayPal заморозила все активы на 180 дней. Платежная система никак не прокомментировала свои действия, но средства iPredator были заморожены после того, как PayPal перестала работать со всеми VPN-провайдерами. 8512345  Комментарии (0) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, 25-07-2013, 17:01 Информация → Киностудии добились блокировки EZTV и YIFY-Torrents Киностудии добились блокировки EZTV и YIFY-Torrents Киностудии выиграли еще одно дело о блокировке против крупных Интернет-провайдеров Великобритании. Решение, которое не было обнародовано, обязывает провайдеров заблокировать абонентам доступ к EZTV и YIFY-Torrents. Антипиратская группа FACT объявила, что этот выигранный ими раунд не будет последним, и они будут продолжать преследовать сайты, которые предоставляют «доступ к контрафактным материалам». 6812345  Комментарии (0) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, 24-07-2013, 14:05 Информация → МРАА требует от isoHunt исходный код «дырявого» пиратского фильтра МРАА требует от isoHunt исходный код «дырявого» пиратского фильтра Крупные голливудские киностудии подали жалобу на популярный трекер isoHunt, утверждая, что предписанный судом пиратский фильтр не работает должным образом. МРАА сообщает суду, что isoHunt «сознательно разработали фильтр так, чтобы он был неэффективным» и хочет, чтобы сайт предоставил им его исходный код, чтобы доказать свои претензии. Кроме того, МРАА требует миллионы долларов в качестве возмещения ущерба, который студии понесли из-за сайта isoHunt. 8512345  Комментарии (0) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, 22-07-2013, 14:25 Информация, Технологии → BitTorrent Sync защитит ваши файлы от всевидящего ока PRISM BitTorrent Sync защитит ваши файлы от всевидящего ока PRISM PRISM — государственная программа США, принятая американским Агентством национальной безопасности (АНБ) в 2007 году в качестве замены Terrorist Surveillance Program, формально классифицированная как совершенно секретная. Отчёты, основанные на утечках документов, описывают PRISM как комплекс административных мер, предоставляющих возможность углубленного наблюдения за интернет-трафиком пользователей интернет-ресурсов. Особо отмечается, что наибольший интерес представляют люди, живущие вне Соединенных Штатов. Информацию о PRISM рассекретил бывший сотрудник АНБ, а позже сотрудник компании Booz Allen Hamilton, работающей на оборонную промышленность и спецслужбы, Эдвард Сноуден (Edward Snowden). 8512345  Комментарии (1) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, 20-07-2013, 10:12 Информация → Пиратство исчезает из-за появления легальных альтернатив. Пиратство исчезает из-за появления легальных альтернатив. Индустрия развлечений Норвегии потратила годы на лоббирование строгих законов по борьбе с пиратством. Скоро будет принят новый закон о блокировании сайтов и наложении штрафов на абонентов. И для многих остался незамеченным тот факт, что музыкальное пиратство снизилось на 80%, а кино-пиратство на 50%. 8512345  Комментарии (0) Опубликовано: Станислав Кошеляев, 18-07-2013, 16:40 Информация → Американский бар оштрафован на 45 000 долларов за караоке Американский бар оштрафован на 45 000 долларов за караоке Музыкальная лицензирующая компания BMI, занимающая сбором роялти, выиграла судебное дело против техасского отеля-бара Clarion Inn. Техасский окружной суд признал, что заведение позволило организовывать у себя нелегальные караоке-вечеринки с музыкой Отиса Реддинга, Вилли Нельсона и Джонни Кэша, и постановил, что бар должен выплатить компенсацию в размере 45 000 долларов. 6812345  Комментарии (0) Опубликовано: Андрей Реуцкий, 17-07-2013, 13:39 Добавить свое объявление Вопрос исчерпан! Кабаева открыла всем долгожданную ПРАВДУ Страшные подробности! Казнили - быстро, бесшумно, ... ЧЕРВИВАЯ голова девушки довела до ужаса врачей! Парень устроил девушке "дикий" СЕКС с необычной концовкой Назад 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 64 Далее "
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DCE/RPC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
UI Automation Verify (Windows)
"UI Automation Verify (or UIA Verify) is a testing framework for manual and automated testing of a control's or application's implementation of Microsoft UI Automation. Most of the testing framework's functionality comes from a DLL called WUIATestLibrary.dll. This DLL contains the code for testing specific UI Automation functionality, and it also supports logging of the test results. You can integrate your application into the test code and conduct regular, automated testing or spot checks of your UI Automation scenarios."
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IMoniker interface (COM)
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Dynamic-Link Library Search Order (Windows)
"A system can contain multiple versions of the same dynamic-link library (DLL). Applications can control the location from which a DLL is loaded by specifying a full path or using another mechanism such as a manifest. If these methods are not used, the system searches for the DLL at load time as described in this topic."
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IKVM.NET Weblog - Introducing IKVM.Reflection.Emit
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Soft computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FreeRTOS - Market leading RTOS (Real Time Operating System) for embedded systems supporting 33 microcontroller architectures
"eal Time Engineers Ltd. that supports 33 architectures and receives 103000 downloads a year. It is professionally developed, strictly quality controlled, robust, supported, and free to use in commercial products without any requirement to expose your proprietary source code. Why would you choose anything else? The FreeRTOS value proposition . . . Things you might not know about FreeRTOS . . . Latest News . . . Market proven DOS compatible FAT file system released. Tick suppression for low power demo'ed on SAM4L and RX100 MCUs. embTCP low cost TCP/IP library support extended to Microchip PIC32. New tiny and thread aware UDP/IP stack launched. FreeRTOS+Trace™ OpenRTOS® SafeRTOS®   Did you know? FreeRTOS came top in class in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 EETimes embedded systems market surveys in two categories: The RTOS kernel currently being used, and the RTOS kernel being considered for the next project! Some FreeRTOS ports never completely disable interrupts. For strict quality control purposes, and to remove all IP ownership ambiguity, official FreeRTOS code is separated from community contributions. FreeRTOS has a tick-less mode to directly support low power applications. FreeRTOS was downloaded 103000 times in 2012. FreeRTOS is designed to be simple and easy to use: Only 3 source files that are common to all RTOS ports, and one microcontroller specific source file are required, and its API is designed to be simple and intuitive. FreeRTOS offers lower project risks and a lower total cost of ownership than commercial alternatives because: It is fully supported and documented. Most people take products to market without ever contacting us, but with the complete peace of mind that they could opt to switch to a fully indemnified commercial license (with dedicated support) at any time. The RL78 port can create 13 tasks, 2 queues and 4 software timers in under 4K bytes of RAM!   Latest News Snippets: FreeRTOS V7.4.0 has been released, with a new queue set feature, and enhanced tick-less low power support. Atmel add highly efficient and thread aware FreeRTOS drivers into their Atmel Software Framework (ASF). View the application note for details. Photos from FreeRTOS training at the Microchip Masters technical training conference: photo #1, photo #2, photo #3, photo #4. All news snippets...   Why choose FreeRTOS? "It's probably safe to say at this point that FreeRTOS goes through more 'peer-review' than any other RTOS available on the planet. I have used it in several projects - one of which was a multiprocessor environment that used more than 64 processors and needed to run for months reliably. The RTOS core performed well. Take FreeRTOS for a spin." - John Westmoreland FreeRTOS is a risk free choice, providing the best of all worlds: FreeRTOS is truly free, even for use in commercial applications. The FreeRTOS license does not pose any risk to your proprietary software. You can take a product to market using FreeRTOS without even talking to us, let alone paying any fees, and thousands of people do just that. If, at any time, you would like to receive additional backup, or if your legal team require additional written guarantees or indemnification, then there is a simple low cost commercial upgrade path. Your peace of mind comes with the knowledge that you can opt to take the commercial route at any time you choose. Here are some reasons why FreeRTOS is a good choice for your next application - FreeRTOS... Provides one solution for many different architectures and development tools. Is known to be reliable. Confidence is assured by the activities undertaken by the SafeRTOS sister project. Is undergoing continuous active development. Has a minimal ROM, RAM and processing overhead. Typically an RTOS kernel binary image will be in the region of 4K to 9K bytes. Is very simple - the core of the RTOS kernel is contained in only 3 C files. The majority of the many files included in the .zip file download relate only to the numerous demonstration applications. Is truly free for use in commercial applications (see license conditions for details). Comes with a porting, platform development, or application development service should it be required. Is well established with a large and ever growing user base. Contains a pre-configured example for each port. No need to figure out how to setup a project - just download and compile! Has an excellent, monitored, and active free support forum. Has the assurance that commercial support is available should it be required. Provides ample documentation. Is very scalable, simple and easy to use. FreeRTOS offers a smaller and easier real time processing alternative for applications where eCOS, embedded Linux (or Real Time Linux) and even uCLinux won't fit, are not appropriate, or are not available. FreeRTOS Announcements Mailing List You can keep up to date with very occasional FreeRTOS announcements by adding yourself to the FreeRTOS mailing list. Emails are infrequent and kept short. We respect your privacy, so do not provide email addresses to any third party. Every email sent contains unsubscribe instructions. Email Address Site Map "
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"    Вывод из моего опыта - вы не сможете выжить один, сила в количестве, в правильном выборе надежных друзей, в единстве семьи и ее подготовке.     1. Безопасно ли Вы перемещались по городу? "
LIBLINEAR -- A Library for Large Linear Classification
"JCIFS is an Open Source client library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in 100% Java. CIFS is the standard file sharing protocol on the Microsoft Windows platform (e.g. Map Network Drive ...). This client is used extensively in production on large Intranets."
OsmSharp | OpenStreetMap (OSM) Library and Tools!
"OsmSharp is an open-source project with a focus on routing and logistics optimization using OpenStreetMap (OSM). Many functionalities and features exist to process OSM data, to access the OSM API, to convert OSM data, ... OsmSharp aims to make building applications based on OSM easier and more efficient. A more detailed overview of the main features in"
BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement Class (System.ServiceModel.Channels)
"Bigtop is a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. The primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community around the packaging and interoperability testing of Hadoop-related projects. This includes testing at various levels (packaging, platform, runtime, upgrade, etc...) developed by a community with a focus on the system as a whole, rather than individual projects." |
Application compatibility layers are there for the customer, not for the program - The Old New Thing - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Creating Resilient Software with Akka
101 успех: достижение любой цели. : ГЛАВНАЯ
Goal Setting & Progress Tracking Social Network | AIMbitious
stickK − Change Starts Now
Calorie Counter | Food Nutrition Data for Healthy Eating Choices
Joe's Goals - Free Online Habit Tracker
List your goals on 43 Things
Day Zero Project • The Home of the 101 Things in 1001 Days Project
Hortonworks Develops, Distributes and Supports Apache Hadoop
Better eventing support in CLR 4.0 using NOPIA support - Misha Shneerson - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
IServiceProvider Interface ()
"Provides a generic access mechanism to locate a GUID-identified service."
Porter Stemming Algorithm
Chicago Boss: The Erlang Web Framework
Frame Relay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Frame Relay is a standardized wide area network technology that specifies the physical and logical link layers of digital telecommunications channels using a packet switching methodology. Originally designed for transport across Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) infrastructure, it may be used today in the context of many other network interfaces."
OpenFlow - Enabling Innovation in Your Network
"OpenFlow enables networks to evolve, by giving a remote controller the power to modify the behavior of network devices, through a well-defined "forwarding instruction set". The growing OpenFlow ecosystem now includes routers, switches, virtual switches, and access points from a range of vendors."
MPLS in a Nutshell - YouTube
“Nobody tells people who are beginner” — IRA GLASS | Adil Akhter
Microsoft .NET SDK For Hadoop - Home
Storm, distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation
"Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing. Storm is simple, can be used with any programming language, and is a lot of fun to use! Storm has many use cases: realtime analytics, online machine learning, continuous computation, distributed RPC, ETL, and more. Storm is fast: a benchmark clocked it at over a million tuples processed per second per node. It is scalable, fault-tolerant, guarantees your data will be processed, and is easy to set up and operate."
HBase - Apache HBase™ Home
"Apache HBase™ is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data store. When Would I Use Apache HBase? Use Apache HBase when you need random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data. This project's goal is the hosting of very large tables -- billions of rows X millions of columns -- atop clusters of commodity hardware. Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, column-oriented store modeled after Google's Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data by Chang et al. Just as Bigtable leverages the distributed data storage provided by the Google File System, Apache HBase provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Hadoop and HDFS."
HadoopDB | Free Development software downloads at
Завтра — еженедельная газета
"активное размножение западноевропейцев - представителей европеоидной расы, можно сказать, остановлено. С начала XXI века набирает обороты тенденция по перемещению в западноевропейскую “фабрику по переработке Homo sapiens” детей из других стран: Африки, Азии и Восточной Европы, включая РФ и другие полуколонии из числа стран СНГ. "
Choosing a Message Encoder
Русская волшебная сказка - ПостНаука
Jobseeker Info | JobScore
Pattern | Cascading
Predictive Model Markup Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Downloads | Concurrent, Inc.
Concurrent Releases Pattern, a Machine Learning DSL for Hadoop
HATEOAS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Научный атеизм. Гинзбург Виталий: Разум и Вера.
start [Algorithm Wiki]
Windows Shell (Windows)
"The Windows UI provides users with access to a wide variety of objects necessary for running applications and managing the operating system. The most numerous and familiar of these objects are the folders and files that reside on computer disk drives. There are also a number of virtual objects that allow the user to perform tasks such as sending files to remote printers or accessing the Recycle Bin. The Shell organizes these objects into a hierarchical namespace and provides users and applications with a consistent and efficient way to access and manage objects." каббала - Google Search
КАББАЛА | ЛАЙТМАН МИХАЭЛЬ | Каббала, наука и смысл жизни - блог
Международное общество сознания Кришны — Википедия
Глава 4. Наноэлектроника и МЭМС Глава 8. Нанотехнологии и общество
DIPimage & DIPlib
tf–idf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"tf–idf, term frequency–inverse document frequency, is a numerical statistic which reflects how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. It is often used as a weighting factor in information retrieval and text mining. The tf-idf value increases proportionally to the number of times a word appears in the document, but is offset by the frequency of the word in the corpus, which helps to control for the fact that some words are generally more common than others."
lihaoyi/macropy · GitHub
Contiki: The Open Source Operating System for the Internet of Things
Welcome to MariaDB! - MariaDB
OpenProcessing - Share your sketches!
SMART — Википедия
ChrisMarinos/FSharpKoans · GitHub
Add-ins and Extensibility
"Add-ins provide extended features or services for a host application. The .NET Framework provides a programming model that developers can use to develop add-ins and activate them in their host application. The model achieves this by constructing a communication pipeline between the host and the add-in. The model is implemented by using the types in the System.AddIn, System.AddIn.Hosting, System.AddIn.Pipeline, and System.AddIn.Contract namespaces."
SQLite Home Page
"Canon Hack Development Kit"
Pragmatic SOA Beyond Buzzwords and Flamewars
Breaking the Monolith
Web Development: You're Doing It Wrong
Hotel Reservation : Book hotels online with
Незабываемый отдых и туры 2013: горящие туры, экскурсионные туры и путевки. Цены и фото от туроператора Трансаэро Тур
Anthesteria "Exodus" - YouTube
Programming The Feynman Way
Free DCE and DCOM | Free Development software downloads at
Home :: OpenCores
"OpenCores is the world’s largest site/community for development of hardware IP cores as open source. host the source code for different digital HW projects (IP-cores, SoC, boards, etc) and support the users with different tools, platforms, forums and other useful information. Please join us!"
Прогноз на будущее - YouTube
YaCy - The Peer to Peer Search Engine: Home
"YaCy is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. When contributing to the world-wide peer network, the scale of YaCy is limited only by the number of users in the world and can index billions of web pages. It is fully decentralized, all users of the search engine network are equal, the network does not store user search requests and it is not possible for anyone to censor the content of the shared index. We want to achieve freedom of information through a free, distributed web search which is powered by the world's users."
RESEARCH | Hasegawa Lab., Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory. Tokyo Institute of Technology
"SOINN:Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network"
The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube
Indiegogo: An International Crowdfunding Platform to Raise Money
rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox · GitHub
xbat-devel - XBAT is an extensible sound analysis platform in MATLAB - Google Project Hosting
setuptools 0.6c11 : Python Package Index
"ONVIF Profiles for Streaming, Storage and Recording, and Access Control, are designed to enable security solution designers and integrators, to more easily identify features supported by a product, without the challenge of determining the compatibility between versions of the ONVIF specification."
Open Source Software Directory - OSSD
About PlanetLab | PlanetLab
TinyOS Home Page
"TinyOS is an open source, BSD-licensed operating system designed for low-power wireless devices, such as those used in sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, personal area networks, smart buildings, and smart meters. A worldwide community from academia and industry use, develop, and support the operating system as well as its associated tools, averaging 35,000 downloads a year."
Sea - Welcome
"Sea is a Framework for a Staged Event Architecture, designed around non-blocking asynchronous communication facilities that are decoupled from the threading model chosen by any given application. Components for IP networking and in-memory communication are provided. The Sea Java library is an open source implementation encapsulating these concepts. Sea is used to easily build efficient and flexible low-level network clients and servers, and in particular as a basic communication substrate for Peer-to-Peer applications."
UCI Machine Learning Repository
CDash - an open source, web-based testing server
"CDash is an open source, web-based software testing server. CDash aggregates, analyzes and displays the results of software testing processes submitted from clients located around the world. Developers depend on CDash to convey the state of a software system, and to continually improve its quality. "
Class Central • Free online courses AKA MOOC aggregator
Advance Your Education With Free College Courses Online - Udacity
The Epic Battle of the Managed Assembly Readers/Writers on Vimeo
Learn to code | Codecademy
Google Ngram Viewer
"Albert Einstein,Sherlock Holmes,Frankenstein"
About WordNet - WordNet - About WordNet
"ordNet® is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser. WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download. WordNet's structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing. WordNet superficially resembles a thesaurus, in that it groups words together based on their meanings. However, there are some important distinctions. First, WordNet interlinks not just word forms—strings of letters—but specific senses of words. As a result, words that are found in close proximity to one another in the network are semantically disambiguated. Second, WordNet labels the semantic relations among words, whereas the groupings of words in a thesaurus does not follow any explicit pattern other than meaning similarity."
NetLogo Home Page
What is Dynare ? — Dynare
"Dynare is a software platform for handling a wide class of economic models"
Hammer Principle
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Welcome!
CoApp - Home
Axiom Computer Algebra System
Valgrind Home
pmono – Parallel Mono Debian Packages | Norts' and Crosses
GNU Octave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ML:Octave Tutorial - Coursera
Valgrind Home
"Valgrind is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. You can also use Valgrind to build new tools."
External Data Representation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"External Data Representation (XDR) is a standard data serialization format, for uses such as computer network protocols. It allows data to be transferred between different kinds of computer systems. Converting from the local representation to XDR is called encoding. Converting from XDR to the local representation is called decoding. XDR is implemented as a software library of functions which is portable between different operating systems and is also independent of the transport layer."
Ganglia Monitoring System
"Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization. It uses carefully engineered data structures and algorithms to achieve very low per-node overheads and high concurrency. The implementation is robust, has been ported to an extensive set of operating systems and processor architectures, and is currently in use on thousands of clusters around the world. It has been used to link clusters across university campuses and around the world and can scale to handle clusters with 2000 nodes."
GraphicsMagick Image Processing System
MonoGame | Write Once, Play Everywhere
Smuxi - IRC Client
mono/Mono.Zeroconf · GitHub
Next-Generation DDR4 Memory to Reach 4.266GHz - Report - X-bit labs
Haswell (microarchitecture) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK)
Enterprise Open Source VDI virtual Desktop and Application Delivery solutions (SBC) - Ulteo - Enterprise Open Source VDI and Application Delivery solutions (SBC), Enterprise Open Source Virtual Desktop solutions
The user_marshal Attribute (Windows)
"The [ user_marshal] attribute is an ACF-type attribute similar in syntax to [ represent_as]. As with the IDL attribute, [ wire_marshal], it offers a more efficient way to marshal data across a network. As an ACF attribute, [user_marshal] lets you marshal custom data types that are unknown to MIDL. Each application-specific type has a corresponding transmittable type that defines the wire representation."
RPC Data Marshaling Functions [Automation]
Chocolatey Gallery
Choosing a Protocol Sequence (Windows)
Welcome to XL | XL Extensible Language
kimgr/etassert · GitHub
icsharpcode/NRefactory · GitHub
Hot Features | Catincan beta, crowdfunding marketplace for open source software
Pantheios: The C++ Logging Library SweetSpot
"Pantheios is an Open Source C/C++ Diagnostic Logging API library, offering an optimal combination of 100% type-safety, efficiency, genericity and extensibility. It is simple to use and extend, highly-portable (platform and compiler-independent) and, best of all, it upholds the C tradition of you only pay for what you use. "
IDispEventImpl Class
Bloomberg API Emulator - Home
Sass - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It’s translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
Sinking events from managed code in unmanaged C++ - CodeProject
"Sinking events from managed code in unmanaged C++"
Solver Foundation
"Solver Foundation makes it easier to build and solve real optimization models. Solver Foundation includes a declarative modeling language (OML) for specifying optimization models; a .NET API and runtime (Solver Foundation Services) for model creation, reporting, and analysis; and powerful built-in solvers. "
accord - Accord.NET Framework - Google Project Hosting
Encog Machine Learning Framework | Heaton Research
"Machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Programming, Bayesian Networks, Hidden Markov Models and Genetic Algorithms are supported. "
The Rust Programming Language
"Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of “programming in the large”, that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries – both abstract and operational – that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and metaprogramming, in both static and dynamic styles."
winapi - Finding undocumented APIs in Windows - Stack Overflow
Asynchronous RPC (Windows)
ICustomQueryInterface Interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices)
(not yet) 101 Rx Samples - Reactive Framework (Rx) Wiki
Time Period Library for .NET - CodeProject
Jeffrey Richter's Blog : Weak Event Handlers
Виза краткосрочного пребывания (менее 90 дней) - La France en Biélorussie
Template:IPC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Software Architecture using ZeroMQ
ResEdit Resource Editor - free resource editor for Win32
WinPcap - Home
Stefan's Tools
DCE -- OpenDCE -- Portal
Configure the Web Server to Redirect Requests to a Relative Destination (IIS 7)
"Enable redirection and configure the destination when you want clients to be redirected to a file, directory, or site. This is useful when your site is under construction or has changed identity. The destination that you configure is a relative destination. For example, if you configure the redirection destination to be, and an incoming request is, IIS redirects the request to"
Choosing the Type of Binding Handles to Use (Windows)
Scala Macros
"This is the home page of the project Kepler, an ongoing effort towards bringing compile-time metaprogramming to Scala. Our flavor of macros is reminiscent of Lisp macros, adapted to incorporate type safety and rich syntax. Unlike infamous C/C++ preprocessor macros, Scala macros: 1) are written in full-fledged Scala, 2) work with expression trees, not with raw strings, 3) cannot change syntax of Scala" - Home
"DCE/RPC is an implementation of the Remote Procedure Call technology developed by the Open Group as part of the Distributed Computing Environment. DCE/RPC is most commonly used to interact with Windows network services. Supported Platforms DCE/RPC supports Mac OS X, Linux and most other modern UNIX-like systems."
Welcome to Book Scan US - Home
Interface Registration Flags (Windows)
Why does the NdrClientCall2() API call takes more then 4-5 milliseconds to complete? - Windows SDK Support Team Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Нострификация — Википедия
"Нострификация (от нем. Nostrifikation, от лат. noster — наш и лат. facere — делать) — процедура признания документов иностранных государств о высшем и послевузовском профессиональном образовании, то есть согласие соответствующих органов государственной власти на наличие законной силы этих документов на территории государства."
How to: Configure .NET Framework-Based Components for Registration-Free Activation
Samba - opening windows to a wider world
"Samba is Free Software licensed under the GNU General Public License, the Samba project is a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy. Since 1992, Samba has provided secure, stable and fast file and print services for all clients using the SMB/CIFS protocol, such as all versions of DOS and Windows, OS/2, Linux and many others. Samba is an important component to seamlessly integrate Linux/Unix Servers and Desktops into Active Directory environments using the winbind daemon."
protobuf-net - Fast, portable, binary serialization for .NET - Google Project Hosting
IIOP.NET - Overview
Retrieve the location of the running script or application - Saveen Reddy's blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
REGCLS enumeration (COM)
DllSurrogate (COM)
List of Unified Modeling Language tools - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Computer History Museum
protobuf-remote - RPC implementation for C# and C++ using Protocol Buffers - Google Project Hosting
Portable Library Tools 2 extension
Sikuli Script - Home
j-Interop - Pure Java-DCOM Bridge
"j-Interop is a Java Open Source library (under LGPL) that implements the DCOM wire protocol (MSRPC) to enable development of Pure, Bi-Directional, Non-Native Java applications which can interoperate with any COM component. The implementation is itself purely in Java and does not use Java Native Interface (JNI) to provide COM access. This allows the library to be used from any Non-Windows platform. It comes with pre-implemented packages for automation. This includes support for IDispatch, ITypeInfo, and ITypeLib. For more flexibility (in the cases where automation is not supported), it provides an API set to directly invoke operations on a COM server. Another important feature is allowing full access and manipulation (C-R-U-D) of the Windows Registry in a platform independent manner."
Microsoft RPC programming guide : Shirley, John : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Quizful - тесты онлайн
XLW - A Wrapper for the Excel API
"XLW is an open source application that wraps the Excel C API in simple C++, C# or VB.NET interfaces which you can use to customize Excel with your own worksheet functions and menu items."
WiX Toolset
Command-Line Reference
TransparentProxy - cbrumme's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Episode 172: Feature-Oriented Software Development with Sven Apel – Pt 1 | Software Engineering Radio
In this first episode on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD), Sven Apel explains why developing software in a feature-oriented manner is so vital for us as software engineers and why objects are simply not enough. Having stated that, Sven provides some clarifying answers to some key questions: What is a feature? What are feature models and feature modules? What is the infamous “feature interaction problem”? And how come that we often struggle with the so-called “optional feature problem”? Based on this common understanding, we then discuss the history of FOSD as a movement in software engineering research and a generative programming approach, its relationship to software product lines, and selected software landmarks (e.g. AHEAD). Finally, Sven sketches out the structure of an feature-oriented development process and comments on the relationship between FOSD and process management approaches such as Feature-Driven Design (FDD) and feature teams.
Episode 173: Feature-Oriented Software Development with Sven Apel – Pt 2 | Software Engineering Radio
Topshelf/Topshelf · GitHub
Windows Identity Foundation 4.5 Overview
David Chappell's Blog :: Opinari
google-guice - Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 5 and above, brought to you by Google. - Google Project Hosting
Put simply, Guice alleviates the need for factories and the use of new in your Java code. Think of Guice's @Inject as the new new. You will still need to write factories in some cases, but your code will not depend directly on them. Your code will be easier to change, unit test and reuse in other contexts. Optics, Lasers, Imaging & Fiber Information Resource
Isolated Applications and Side-by-side Assemblies (Windows)
regfreecom - How to use an out-of-process COM server without its tlb file - Stack Overflow
Registration-Free Activation of COM Components: A Walkthrough
Unix domain socket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Habitat for Humanity Int'l
RFC 1 - Host Software (RFC1)
Chapter 1: How Everything Became Digital - Software and Silicon
ØMQ - The Guide - ØMQ - The Guide
A User's Guide to the Digital Revolution - Software and Silicon
SharpVectors - SVG# Reloaded - Home
"The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based standard file format for creating graphics on the web, and is supported by most modern browsers. This project provides a C# library for parsing, converting and viewing the SVG files in WPF applications."
Computers for Cynics 0 - The Myth of Technology - YouTube
Ted Nelson's ZigZag | Lambda the Ultimate
Semantic Web - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ZigZag (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Category theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chris Dickson's Blog
Pieter Hintjens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is wrong with AMQP (and how to fix it) - High Performance Solutions
The Intelligent Transport Layer - zeromq
"The Intelligent Transport Layer ØMQ \zeromq\:  Ø  The socket library that acts as a concurrency framework.  Ø  Faster than TCP, for clustered products and supercomputing.  Ø  Carries messages across inproc, IPC, TCP, and multicast."
Daring Fireball: Markdown
Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).
Online Markdown Editor - Dillinger, the Last Markdown Editor ever.
Is Managed Code Slower Than Unmanaged Code?
"Ask anyone the question above and they will say that managed is slower than unmanaged code. Are they right? No they are not. The problem is that when most people think of .NET they think of other frameworks with a runtime, like Java or Visual Basic; or they may even think about interpreters. They do not think about applications, or what they do; they do not think about limiting factors like network or disk access; in short, they do not think. .NET is not like those frameworks. It has been well though out and Microsoft has put a lot of effort in making it work well. In this article I will present some code that performs some computationally intensive operation and I will compile it as both managed C++ and unmanaged C++. Then I will measure how each of these libraries perform. As you will see, .NET is not automatically much slower than unmanaged code, indeed, in some cases it is much faster."
cpp-stopwatch - A plain C++ stopwatch class to profile your code throgh "instrumentation". - Google Project Hosting
Disk Based Data Structures - Home
"Ever worked with so much data that your Dictionary or List consumes too much physical memory? This is what this project tries to remedy. By using memory mapped files for persisting data and a fast serializer the goal is to balance speed and ease of use."
Jeffrey Richter's Blog : What's new in CLR via C#, 4th Edition as compared to the 3rd Edition
Library maintenance - key to language success? | Lambda the Ultimate
Local Procedure Call - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Working with memory mapped files in .NET 4 - MSDN Utopia - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Try F#
"F# is ideal for data-rich, concurrent and algorithmic development: "simple code to solve complex problems". F# is a simple and pragmatic programming language combining functional, object-oriented and scripting programming, and supports cross-platform environments including PC, Mac, and Linux."
Aaron Swartz
Мои книги 2012 by Michael Dubakov |
Windows Runtime XAML Framework - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About Dynamic Data Exchange (Windows)
"Windows provides several methods for transferring data between applications. One method is to use the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) protocol. The DDE protocol is a set of messages and guidelines. It sends messages between applications that share data and uses shared memory to exchange data between applications. Applications can use the DDE protocol for one-time data transfers and for continuous exchanges in which applications send updates to one another as new data becomes available. Windows also supports the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML). The DDEML is a dynamic-link library (DLL) that applications can use to share data. The DDEML provides functions and messages that simplify the task of adding DDE capability to an application. Instead of sending, posting, and processing DDE messages directly, an application uses the DDEML functions to manage DDE conversations. (A DDE conversation is the interaction between client and server applications.) The DDEML also provides a facility for managing the strings and data that DDE applications share. Instead of using atoms and pointers to shared memory objects, DDE applications create and exchange string handles, which identify strings, and data handles, which identify memory objects. The DDEML also makes it possible for a server application to register the service names it supports. The names are broadcast to other applications in the system, which can use the names to connect to the server. Moreover, the DDEML ensures compatibility among DDE applications by forcing them to implement the DDE protocol in a consistent manner. Existing applications that use the message-based DDE protocol are fully compatible with those that use the DDEML. That is, an application that uses message-based DDE can establish conversations and perform transactions with applications that use the DDEML. Because of the many advantages of the DDEML, new applications should use it rather than the DDE messages. To use the API elements of the DDEML, you must include the DDEML header file in your source files, link with the DDEML library, and ensure that the DDEML dynamic-link library is in the system's search path."
Computer Language Benchmarks Game
"Measurement is highly specific -- the time taken for this benchmark task, by this program, with this programming language implementation, with these options, on this computer, with these workloads. Same program, same computer, same workload -- but very different performance measurements. Measurement is not prophesy"
Six years of WPF; what's changed? - Paul Stovell
RGT | Home
danrg/RGT-tool · GitHub
NDde - Home
UpdateSourceTrigger Enumeration (System.Windows.Data)
Project Xanadu®
Visual Understanding Environment
"The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is an Open Source project based at Tufts University. The VUE project is focused on creating flexible tools for managing and integrating digital resources in support of teaching, learning and research. VUE provides a flexible visual environment for structuring, presenting, and sharing digital information."
Page 1 of comments on Study Music Project - Peace in Belize (Music for Studying) - YouTube
Knockout : Home
Visual Studio Tools for Office - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Excel xll add-in library - Home
"This is a library for creating xll add-ins for Excel from 97 through 2013. It makes every feature of the latest Excel SDK available to you including the big grid, wide character strings, and asynchronous functions. It is the easiest way to integrate your C and C++, or even Fortran, code into Excel to achieve the highest possible performance. You can also generate native documentation using the same tool Microsoft uses for their help files. If you need a small, fast, portable, and self contained way to extend Excel's functionality, this is the library for you. Just hand someone the xll and chm help file that you create and they are ready to go. No need to figure out what version of .Net they run, no Primary Interop Assemblies to worry about, no managed code that forces you to marshal data back and forth from Excel. There are also no automagic code generators, no proprietary markup languages to learn, and no wizards that hide things behind your back. Everything is just pure, modern, and readable C++." Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET (2nd Edition) (9780321508799): Rob Bovey, Dennis Wallentin, Stephen Bullen, John Green: Books
Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C/C++ (The Wiley Finance Series): Steve Dalton: 9780470027974: Books
COM in plain C - CodeProject
Guide to Writing Custom Functions in Excel: Part III, C++ RTD add-in - CodeProject
Download Excel 2010 SDK: Excel 2010 XLL Software Development Kit from Official Microsoft Download Center
"The Microsoft Office Excel 2010 XLL Software Development Kit (SDK) contains conceptual overviews, programming tasks, and sample projects to guide you in developing Excel 2010 XLLs"
Excel-DNA - Home
Excel Adviser - Blog
Markdown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Markdown is a lightweight markup language, originally created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz, allowing people “to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)”.[1] The language takes many cues from existing conventions for marking up plain text in email. In other words, Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool (for web writers)."
XDMessaging 3.0 | The Code King
"The XDMessaging library provides an easy-to-use, zero configuration solution to same-box communications. It provides a simple API for broadcasting and receiving messages across application domain, process, and network boundaries."
Regular Expressions 101
Variant type - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
REA Technology - Technology That Understands Your Business
"REA (Resources, Events, Agents) is a business process modeling ontology, closer to the business reality than any other known alternative. Unlike all other approaches, the REA model reveals why business processes occur, and provides for full traceability of all business transactions. Due to its abstraction level covering the business domain, the REA ontology is very useful in model-driven design of software applications."
World Bank Group
F# Data: Library for Data Access
"The F# Data library (FSharp.Data.dll) implements everything you need to access data in your F# applications and scripts. It implements F# type providers for working with structured file formats (CSV, JSON and XML) and for accessing the WorldBank data. It also includes helpers for parsing JSON files and for sending HTTP requests."
Building Type Providers for F#
Xanthan gum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Silk — Interactive generative art
Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) Home
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Linderdaum Engine
"Linderdaum Engine is an open source purely object-oriented 3D gaming engine for Microsoft Windows and Google Android written in C++. It is designed to be an integrated solution for the development of interactive 3D applications, for game, industrial and scientific visualization."
Mail PassView: Password recovery for Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Windows Mail, and more...
"Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients: "
protobuf - Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format - Google Project Hosting
LosFormatter Class (System.Web.UI)
tclap -- Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library
Insights into Mathematics - YouTube
The FIX Protocol Organization > Home page
"The Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol is a messaging standard developed specifically for the real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions. FIX is a public-domain specification owned and maintained by FIX Protocol, Ltd."
elasticsearch - - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine
Earnings before interest and taxes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IDC Home: The premier global market intelligence firm.
Tech and me: Blazing fast IPC in .Net 4: WCF vs. Signaling and Shared Memory
Working with memory mapped files in .NET 4 - MSDN Utopia - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"cess to the file uses the same syntax as the previous example, remember that if you close the memory mapped file this will be non accessible, this issue catches many developer. Finally, another interesting area is the creation of multiple map views, these can work on the same memory mapped file accessing dif"
Registration-Free COM Interop
WinDirStat - Windows Directory Statistics
"WinDirStat is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for various versions of Microsoft Windows. Note: if you are looking for an alternative for Linux, you are looking for KDirStat (apt-get install kdirstat on Debian-derivatives) and for MacOS X it would be Disk Inventory X or GrandPerspective. Please visit the WinDirStat blog for more up-to-date information about the program. On start up, it reads the whole directory tree once and then presents it in three useful views: The directory list, which resembles the tree view of the Windows Explorer but is sorted by file/subtree size, The treemap, which shows the whole contents of the directory tree straight away, The extension list, which serves as a legend and shows statistics about the file types."
Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) from Official Microsoft Download Center
"The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run applications developed with Visual C++ 2010 SP1 on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2010 SP1 installed."
Memory management unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fastest IPC method on Windows XP/Vista | Onega - MiniDumpView - minidump viewer
Dynamic Data Exchange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Windows Messaging Layer"
malloc - C++ Reference
WCF Extensibility – IInstanceProvider - Carlos Figueira MSDN blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"Moving down to the list of the extensibility points, the IInstanceProvider is actually quite useful when you have a service class which needs some initialization data. In most of the WCF service examples I’ve seen in the web, they’re simple classes, almost self-contained, which didn’t have any external dependencies. The default instancing behavior for WCF (simply call the parameter-less constructor for the service class) works perfectly in those cases. However, there are quite a few scenarios where this is not the case – the service depends on some database, the service class needs to listen to some external events, or we want to initialize the service class with a different parameter depending on the situation where it’s being used (or even on the incoming message which is being sent to it) – and the instance provider interface is the hook that the WCF extensibility provides to allow us total control over the instantiation of the service class. Another scenario where this may be useful is that if the service class only has a default constructor, but it does some heavy initialization, so you may want to create a pool of service instances – the instance provider can help in this case as well."
Dependency Walker (depends.exe) Home Page
IPC between python and c# with no DBus | Macaque Project
CMake - Cross Platform Make
"Welcome to CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system. CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice."
Macros for Build Commands and Properties
Raspberry Pi | An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte!
Managing Memory-Mapped Files
Xilium.CefGlue: Home
Developing Excel 2013 XLLs
Microsoft RPC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Windows Template Library - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hack: Parallel MSBuilds from within the Visual Studio IDE - Scott Hanselman
Crystalbyte Equinox - Home
LINQ IQueryable Toolkit - Home
Internet Message Access Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Internet message access protocol (IMAP) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval, the other being the Post Office Protocol (POP).[1] Virtually all modern e-mail clients and mail servers support both protocols as a means of transferring e-mail messages from a server."
Эссенциальная гипертензия — Википедия
Преходящее нарушение мозгового кровообращения — Википедия
Ramipril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Андреотти, Джулио — Википедия
COM: Component Object Model Technologies
"Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) technology in the Microsoft Windows-family of Operating Systems enables software components to communicate. COM is used by developers to create re-usable software components, link components together to build applications, and take advantage of Windows services. COM objects can be created with a variety of programming languages. Object-oriented languages, such as C++, provide programming mechanisms that simplify the implementation of COM objects. The family of COM technologies includes COM+, Distributed COM (DCOM) and ActiveX® Controls."
GNU Aspell (Win32 version)
Binary relation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your Courses | Coursera
UltraVNC - VNC - Remote Support Software - Remote Desktop Control - VNC - Free - OpenSource
" UltraVNC is a powerful, easy to use and free software that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the other PC remotely. It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location."
Prolog Compiler for .Net - Stack Overflow
ahodroj/prologdotnet · GitHub
Wireshark · Go deep.
CHKDSK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crucial FAQ - Answer
ARK | Intel® Core™ i7-2630QM Processor (6M Cache, up to 2.90 GHz)
SO-DIMM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Multiprotocol Label Switching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a mechanism in high-performance telecommunications networks that directs data from one network node to the next based on short path labels rather than long network addresses, avoiding complex lookups in a routing table. The labels identify virtual links (paths) between distant nodes rather than endpoints. MPLS can encapsulate packets of various network protocols. MPLS supports a range of access technologies, including T1/E1, ATM, Frame Relay, and DSL."
C# Compiler as a Service Update
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A Performance Comparison of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with Existing Distributed Communication Technologies
All Sites - Stack Exchange
Gurdjieff Music - YouTube
SharpToolbox - .NET tools, components, and libraries - DotNet tools
" references the tools you need for .NET development. We put the focus on the quality of the content. Boring marketing fluff is filtered out. "
VODO - free-to-share films available through bittorrent
VODO helps promote and distribute new creative works all over the world & enables those enjoying shared media to make donations to creators. We bring together creators looking for an effective way to distribute their work with file-sharing sites willing to help promote it and get it out. We call this coalition of P2P sites the Distribu
Прямая речь: Павел Балабан - ПостНаука
"охранить норму. И разница в целях немного сказывается. Но, тем не менее, и биологи, и медики, воспринимают человека, и любое животное, как единое существо. И окружающую среду, и все, что вокруг нас, все стимулы, все состояния животного, умеют его оценивать как единое целое."
Improving WPF applications startup time - WPF Performance and .NET Framework Client Profile - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Thread Pools
Running 32-bit Applications
Реально ли завести в РБ paypal счет? (часть 2) - Форум | The free PDF Creator and Converter
Oleg Sych - » How to use T4 to generate Decorator classes
Agent Mulder plugin for ReSharper provides navigation to and finding usages of types registered or resolved via Dependency Injection (DI) containers.
"Visualize the code behind .Net applications in real-time"
JetBrains/FSharper · GitHub
.NET Debugging Demos Lab 3: Memory - If broken it is, fix it you should - Site Home - MSDN Blogs - An EU-funded research project into low power GPU technology
Windows Communication Foundation Architecture
"The following graphic illustrates the major layers of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) architecture."
Ubuntu Manpage: rename - renames multiple files
ACE - The High Performance Code Editor for the Web
"ACE is an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript."
CloudStack | Open Source Cloud Computing
"Apache CloudStack is open source software written in java that is designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, scalable cloud computing platform. CloudStack current supports the most popular hypervisors VMware, Oracle VM, KVM, XenServer and Xen Cloud Platform. CloudStack offers three ways to manage cloud computing environments: a easy-to-use web interface, command line and a full-featured RESTful API."
Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine
Google Scholar
Welcome to the home of Annotum, an open-source, open-process, open-access scholarly authoring and publishing platform based on WordPress.
Fiddler Web Debugger - Extending Fiddler with .NET Code
"Fiddler2 is a highly versatile platform that offers extensibility via both script and .NET code. Using the extensibility mechanisms, you can add to Fiddler's UI, automatically modify requests or responses, and custom Inspectors that enable scenario-specific display and manual-modification of requests and responses."
linqtoexcel - Retrieve data from spreadsheets using LINQ. - Google Project Hosting
Vim Introduction and Tutorial - IMHO
ignore the code: Oberon
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Fiddler Delayed Responses Extension
Ubuntu on Dell Inspiron 15R (N5110) | Ubuntu
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Become a Programmer, Motherfucker
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Подарок молодым хозяйкам — Википедия
Книга о вкусной и здоровой пище — Википедия
Hans Rosling: Religions and babies | Video on
[MS-CUSTOMUI]: Elements
F# Zen - Colored printf - Chris Smith's completely unique view - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
SS64 | Command line reference
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Brian Foote
PostThreadMessage function
RGT | Home
System Error Codes
Module 1. Your First Windows Program (Windows)
WinMain: The Application Entry Point (Windows)
Стратегия "глобализационного лидерства" для России
Bye Bye Skype, Top 3 Free Replacements
Zfone Project Home Page
Ekiga ~ Free Your Speech
Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. It supports HD sound quality and video up to DVD size and quality. It is interoperable with many other standard compliant softwares, hardwares and service providers as it uses both the major telephony standards (SIP and H.323).
Правоохранительные органы станут прослушивать разговоры по Skype и читать переписку в Skype с согласия Корпорации Microsoft / Хабрахабр
Wikispeed - Doing Awesome with Agile
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A+ programming language run-time environment
A+ is a powerful and efficient programming language. It is freely available under the GNU General Public License. It embodies a rich set of functions and operators, a modern graphical user interface with many widgets and automatic synchronization of widgets and variables, asynchronous execution of functions associated with variables and events, dynamic loading of user compiled subroutines, and many other features. Execution is by a rather efficient interpreter. A+ was created at Morgan Stanley. Primarily used in a computationally-intensive business environment, many critical applications written in A+ have withstood the demands of real world developers over many years. Written in an interpreted language, A+ applications tend to be portable. This package contains the binaries and libraries needed to run A+ programs. The A+ development environment is provided by the aplus-fsf-dev package.
Gmvault: gmail backup
David R. Karger
Люцифер — Википедия
NCrunch for Visual Studio
NCrunch is an automated parallel continuous testing tool for Visual Studio .NET. It intelligently takes responsibility for running automated tests so that you don't have to, and it gives you a huge amount of useful information about your tests (such as code coverage and performance metrics) inline in your IDE while you work.
gPhoto - gPhoto Home
Debian vs Ubuntu - WikiVS
Pinta: Painting Made Simple - Pinta
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Carsten Haitzler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tizen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Context-sensitive help - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
verify that your component does not leak memory. It is very simple to use. The following code does get all new objects after the Allocate method and stores them by type in a ILookup table to print out all newly allocated string objects.
VideoLAN - Official page for VLC media player, the Open Source video framework!
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols.
Interactive Mathematics - Learn math while you play with it!
This is interactive mathematics where you learn math by playing with it!
xilium / Xilium.CefGlue / overview — Bitbucket
chromiumembedded - A simple framework for embedding chromium browser windows in other applications. - Google Project Hosting
Tizen Developers | An open source, standards-based software platform for multiple device categories. - Live Flight Tracker!
Synchronization Domains | Dr Dobb's
svnplot - Generate graphs from Subversion log statistics - Google Project Hosting
This project creates various types of statistics and graphs from subversion repository log data.
Староюрьево — Википедия
Udacity - 21st Century University
Udacity is a totally new kind of learning experience. You learn by solving challenging problems and pursuing udacious projects with world-renowned university instructors (not by watching long, boring lectures). At Udacity, we put you, the student at the center of the universe.
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.Net DI Container Speed Test @ PhilipMat
.Net DI Container Speed Redux @ PhilipMat
IOC Battle - .Net Inversion Of Control (IOC) Container Performance Comparison
.Net Inversion Of Control (IOC) Container Performance Comparison
.net - Specific down-sides to many-'small'-assemblies? - Stack Overflow
zlib Home Site
zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered -- that is, not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system. The zlib data format is itself portable across platforms. Unlike the LZW compression method used in Unix compress(1) and in the GIF image format, the compression method currently used in zlib essentially never expands the data. (LZW can double or triple the file size in extreme cases.) zlib's memory footprint is also independent of the input data and can be reduced, if necessary, at some cost in compression. A more precise, technical discussion of both points is available on another page.
NDepend Code Metrics Definitions
Home - Pit - F# to JS Compiler
Lessons learned from the NUnit code base | Patrick Smacchia
Lessons learned from the NUnit code base
Free .net report generator Excel or OpenOffice.
MonoReport is a handy report generator that allows creating spreadsheet reports, using the easiest possible way. There is no need for special intermediate report format to create a template. You just need a) get the report form; b) change the real values in it to the template markup (placeholders). The report template is ready.
Using the Windows Preview Pane on Office files can result in an Office application process remaining in memory
Using the Windows Preview Pane with Office files can result in an Office application process remaining in memory. For example excel.exe may remain in memory and hidden if you were to preview an Excel document in the Windows Preview Pane.
TaskManager.xls « Didier Stevens
TaskManager.xls is a simple taskmanager implemented in Excel/VBA. It can list the running processes; and terminate, suspend or resume selected processes. I wrote this script because I was in a restricted environment where I could not use Task Manager or Process Explorer. It will also come in handy when fixing an infected machine, where the malware prevents one from launching Task Manager or Process Explorer.
The Mythical Team-Month // Speaker Deck
How to propagate environment variables to the system
Dynamically attaching a debugger - Calvin Hsia's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
ICLRMetaHost Interface
Provides methods that return a specific version of the common language runtime (CLR) based on its version number, list all installed CLRs, list all runtimes that are loaded in a specified process, discover the CLR version used to compile an assembly, exit a process with a clean runtime shutdown, and query legacy API binding.
Вассерман о Сталине без цензуры - YouTube
Подскажите пожалуйста, как купить акции на NYSE? Сколько минимум денег нужно? - есть ответ - Вопросы и ответы
KhanAcademyRussian - YouTube
Zyan is a framework that simplifies development of distributed applications. With Zyan you can publish every .NET class for remote access over the network. Zyan is highly customizable and provides you with tools to build modular and plugable distributed applications.
IoC Container Benchmark - Performance comparison -
In this post I will do a performance comparison of the most popular IoC containers. Of course performance is not the only criteria when choosing a container for a project. Perhaps you need features like interception, then not all containers are suited. But if the container is "only" used for wiring up dependencies, why not choose the fastest one?
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glu is a free/open source deployment and monitoring automation platform.
Welcome to! -
Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software
Gephi is an interactive visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs.
Visual Understanding Environment
The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is an Open Source project based at Tufts University. The VUE project is focused on creating flexible tools for managing and integrating digital resources in support of teaching, learning and research. VUE provides a flexible visual environment for structuring, presenting, and sharing digital information.
Docear (pronounced dog-ear) is what we call an “academic literature suite”. It integrates everything you need to search, organize and create academic literature in a single application: a digital library, reference manager, PDF and file manager, note taking and mind mapping.And the best: Docear works seamlessly with many existing tools like Mendeley, Microsoft Word, and Foxit Reader. Docear is free and open source, based on Freeplane
PLOTlet is a free, open-source tool to quickly create plots and charts. It lets you create charts and chart grids fast, process plots automatically via batch, align multiple graphs easily, and export them in high quality. PLOTlet runs natively on Windows, on all Java platforms, and as Eclipse plugin. Note: this is a very early version of PLOTlet; we would like to refine and minimize its syntax in the upcoming iterations, and add new diagram features.
UML Tool for Fast UML Diagrams
UMLet is a free, open-source UML tool with a simple user interface: draw UML diagrams fast, produce sequence and activity diagrams from plain text, export diagrams to eps, pdf, jpg, svg, and clipboard, share diagrams using Eclipse, and create new, custom UML elements. UMLet runs stand-alone or as Eclipse plug-in on Windows, OS X and Linux. (Also, check out its sister tool PLOTlet to create chart grids.)
Xml To Csv Conversion Tool
This project contains an API that you can use to convert XML into comma seperated values (CSV). It comes with a Windows Forms client application; just download the binary from the downloads page, unzip and double click Moor.XmlToCsvConverter.exe to execute. It is programmed in C#4.0.
Smuxi - IRC Client
What is Smuxi? Smuxi is an irssi-inspired, flexible, user-friendly and cross-platform IRC client for sophisticated users, targeting the GNOME desktop. Smuxi is based on the client-server model: The core application (engine) can be placed onto a server which is connected to the Internet around-the-clock; one or more frontends then connect to the core. This way, the connection to IRC can be kept up even when all frontends have been closed. The combination of screen and irssi served as example for this architecture. Smuxi also supports the regular single application mode. This behaves like a typical IRC client; it doesn't need separate core management and utilizes a local engine that is used by the local frontend client. Why did you start making Smuxi, we have many IRC client out there?! Development of Smuxi started in 2004 making an IRC client that fits the needs I could not satisfy with irssi. I was using irssi over 4 years and it's the best the IRC client I have used so far. Most annoying was that it didn't integrate at all into my desktop experience (such as mouse / clipboard / theming / highlight handling). Thus irssi inspired lots of features and commands seen in Smuxi. Smuxi pioneered the separated engine / frontend concept inside a single graphical client application and has been the focus of development since ever then. So, and what is special about Smuxi? The special feature of Smuxi is that it can be used like the typical irssi+screen combo. The IRC session can run on a server (using `smuxi-server') and a frontend (like `smuxi-frontend-gnome') then can connect to that. The frontend can then be detached and re-attached at some later point without losing any IRC connections or messages.
jbevain/cecil · GitHub
Cecil is a library to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL form.
AddInProcess Class (System.AddIn.Hosting)
Provides an external process for running add-ins out-of-process from the host application.
An easy service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET
WPF Add-Ins Overview
The .NET Framework includes an add-in model that developers can use to create applications that support add-in extensibility. This add-in model allows the creation of add-ins that integrate with and extend application functionality. In some scenarios, applications also need to display UIs that are provided by add-ins. This topic shows how WPF augments the .NET Framework add-in model to enable these scenarios, the architecture behind it, its benefits, and its limitations.
Interprocess Communications
The Windows operating system provides mechanisms for facilitating communications and data sharing between applications. Collectively, the activities enabled by these mechanisms are called interprocess communications (IPC). Some forms of IPC facilitate the division of labor among several specialized processes. Other forms of IPC facilitate the division of labor among computers on a network.
TED: Ideas worth spreading
SheepAspect (formerly known as SheepAop) is an AOP tool for the .NET platform, inspired by AspectJ. It uses IL weaving to inject croscutting concerns to your dll at compile time.
A documentation generator for features written in the Gherkin language
OxyPlot is an open source, cross-platform .NET plotting library.
dependency-analyser - Graph the dependency hierarchy between .NET assemblies - Google Project Hosting
A simple WinForms application that displays a directed graph detailing the inheritance hierarchy between a set of .NET assemblies.
New Prism Project - Use MEF or Unity? - Stack Overflow
TickSpec: An F# BDD Framework
A lightweight Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework. Describe behaviour in plain text using the Gherkin business language, i.e. given, when, then. Easily execute the behaviour against matching F# tick methods (let ``tick method`` () = true) or attributed C# or F# methods.
Fluent DateTime
A set of (Ruby inspired) C# Extension Methods for easier and more natural DateTime handling and operations in .NET.
Software Preservation Group — Software Preservation Group
Welcome to the web site of the Computer History Museum's Software Preservation Group (formerly Software Collection Committee, or SCC)! The Software Preservation Group (SPG) of the Computer History Museum is exploring how to collect software in support of the museum's overall mission. The work of the SPG includes: Preserving and collecting software Identifying and working with other people preserving and collecting software Sponsoring and assisting software preservation and collection activity
Fast scriptable desktop automation with hotkeys
Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit. Please refer to the feature comparison for a complete list of features, and how the program performs with respect to other programs on the market. The program runs on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows.
EyeDefender - Home
EyeDefender lets you avoid eyestrain and puts the sparkle back in your eyes EyeDefender is a freeware rest re
Can JITs be faster? - Miguel de Icaza
EasyHook - The reinvention of Windows API Hooking
EasyHook starts where Microsoft Detours ends. This project supports extending (hooking) unmanaged code (APIs) with pure managed ones, from within a fully managed environment like C# using Windows 2000 SP4 and later, including Windows XP x64, Windows Vista x64 and Windows Server 2008 x64. Also 32- and 64-bit kernel mode hooking is supported as well as an unmanaged user-mode API which allows you to hook targets without requiring a NET Framework on the customers PC. An experimental stealth injection hides hooking from most of the current AV software.
An implementation of linear algebra numerical structures and methods for the CLR. NPack is unique in that it uses generics for matrix element definitions, and a set of matrix operations via an interface, allowing a CLR-based operations engine as well as the opportunity to use GPGPU-based operation engines. NPack was initially ported from Java Matrix Package (JAMA) by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. JAMA in turn is a Java reinterpretation of LINPACK.
ProAudio - Наушники и портативная электроника! Музыкальные инструменты и оборудование! Доставка по Беларуси!
_Application.UserControl Property (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel)
True if the application is visible or if it was created or started by the user. False if you created or started the application programmatically by using the CreateObject or GetObject functions and the application is hidden.
Lynx source distribution directory
Lynx is the text web browser. This is the top level page for the Lynx software distribution site hosted by the Internet Software Consortium.
NSubstitute: A friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries
NSubstitute A friendly substitute for .NET mocking frameworks Get started | Docs | Discussion group | NSub on GitHub
WPF Table View
WPF DataGrid replacement. Simple WPF control to display a table of data with improved performance. Developed in C#.
Departement Informatik - Prof. N. Wirth
Niklaus Wirth was born in February 1934 in Winterthur, Switzerland. He received the degree of Electronics Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich in 1959, an M.Sc. from Laval University, Canada, in 1960, and a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1963. He was Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University (1963 - 1967), and then at the University of Zurich. In 1968 he became Professor of Informatics at ETH Zurich. He spent two sabbatical years at the Xerox PARC in California, and he is retired since April 1999.
Algorithms by S. Dasgupta, C.H. Papadimitriou, and U.V. Vazirani This is a penultimate draft of our soon to appear textbook.
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms
Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software
Maxima, a Computer Algebra System
Maxima is a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, and sets, lists, vectors, matrices, and tensors. Maxima yields high precision numeric results by using exact fractions, arbitrary precision integers, and variable precision floating point numbers. Maxima can plot functions and data in two and three dimensions
MinGW | Minimalist GNU for Windows
MinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications.
Distributed Garbage Collection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Distributed Garbage Collection (DGC) in computing is a particular case of Garbage Collection where references to an object can be held by a remote client.
Gross domestic product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living;[2][3] GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income. See Standard of living and GDP. It is not to be confused with Gross National Product (GNP) which allocates production based on ownership. Gross domestic product is related to national accounts, a subject in macroeconomics.
YAML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
YAML ( /ˈjæməl/, rhymes with camel) is a human-readable data serialization format that takes concepts from programming languages such as C, Perl, and Python, and ideas from XML and the data format of electronic mail (RFC 2822). YAML was first proposed by Clark Evans in 2001,[1] who designed it together with Ingy döt Net[2] and Oren Ben-Kiki.[2] It is available for several programming languages. YAML is a recursive acronym for "YAML Ain't Markup Language". Early in its development, YAML was said to mean "Yet Another Markup Language",[3] but was retronymed to distinguish its purpose as data-oriented, rather than document markup.
Component Object Model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Component Object Model (COM) is a binary-interface standard for software componentry introduced by Microsoft in 1993. It is used to enable interprocess communication and dynamic object creation in a large range of programming languages. The term COM is often used in the Microsoft software development industry as an umbrella term that encompasses the OLE, OLE Automation, ActiveX, COM+ and DCOM technologies.
YamlDotNet is a .NET library for YAML. YamlDotNet provides low level parsing and emitting of YAML as well as a high level object model similar to XmlDocument. A serialization library is also included that allows to read and write objects from and to YAML streams. What is YAML? YAML, which stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language", is described as "a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages". Like XML, it allows to represent about any kind of data in a portable, platform-independent format. Unlike XML, it is "human friendly", which means that it is easy for a human to read or produce a valid YAML document. The YamlDotNet library The library has now been successfully used in multiple projects and is considered fairly stable.
API Monitor: Spy on API Calls and COM Interfaces (Freeware 32-bit and 64-bit Versions!) |
API Monitor is a free software that lets you monitor and control API calls made by applications and services. Its a powerful tool for seeing how applications and services work or for tracking down problems that you have in your own applications.
Mathematics for Computer Science - The C++ Resources Network
Beware of using stack-based COM objects from .NET
There are all sorts of nasty things to be aware of if you’re mixing reference-counted COM objects with garbage-collected .NET. For instance, if you’re implementing COM objects in C++ then you’re free to allocate them anywhere you like; on the heap or perhaps on the stack if you know they’re only used in some specific scope.
Cutting Edge: Windows Hooks in the .NET Framework
Download Visio Stencil and Template for UML 2.2
The UML stencil for Microsoft Visio supports complete UML 2.2, i.e. UML use case diagram, class diagram, package diagram, object diagram, composite structure diagram, interaction diagram, sequence diagram, communication diagram, interaction overview diagram, activity diagram, state machine diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, profile diagram, timing diagram, and all symbols of the UML 2.2, specified in OMG UML Superstructure Specification, formal/2009-02-02, as well as all previous UML versions, UML 2.1, UML 2.0, UML 1.5, UML 1.4, UML 1.3 and UML 1.1.
Прокаин — Википедия
Прокаин (новокаин, гидрохлорид β-диэтиламиноэтилового эфира п-аминобензойной кислоты) — лекарственное средство с умеренной анестезирующей активностью. Входит в перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов.
CloudDemo Registration
Virtual Computing DemoCloud Explore Citrix Virtual Computing on all your devices
Мебендазол — Википедия
Мебендазол — лекарственное средство, антигельминтного действия. Входит в перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов.
Hypervisor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computing, a hypervisor, also called virtual machine manager (VMM), is one of many hardware virtualization techniques allowing multiple operating systems, termed guests, to run concurrently on a host computer. It is so named because it is conceptually one level higher than a supervisory program. The hypervisor presents to the guest operating systems a virtual operating platform and manages the execution of the guest operating systems. Multiple instances of a variety of operating systems may share the virtualized hardware resources. Hypervisors are very commonly installed on server hardware, with the function of running guest operating systems, that themselves act as servers. The term can be used to describe the interface provided by the specific cloud computing functionality infrastructure as a service (IaaS).[1][2] The term "hypervisor" was first used in 1965, referring to software that accompanied an IBM RPQ for the IBM 360/65. It allowed the model IBM 360/65 to share its memory: half acting like a IBM 360; half as an emulated IBM 7080. The software, labeled "hypervisor," did the switching between the 2 modes on split time basis. The term hypervisor was coined as an evolution of the term "supervisor," the software that provided control on earlier hardware.
Creating and Configuring the Grid - Citrix eDocs
Creating and Configuring the Grid
Barrelfish is a new research operating system being built from scratch and released by ETH Zurich in Switzerland, with assistance from Microsoft Research. We are exploring how to structure an OS for future multi- and many-core systems. We are motivated by two closely related trends in hardware design: first, the rapidly growing number of cores, which leads to a scalability challenge, and second, the increasing diversity in computer hardware, requiring the OS to manage and exploit heterogeneous hardware resources.
Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors), Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#, and to some extent D.
A small C# Class for impersonating a User - CodeProject®
The term "Impersonation" in a programming context refers to a technique that executes the code under another user context than the user who originally started an application, i.e. the user context is temporarily changed once or multiple times during the execution of an application.
Kernel object namespaces
A Remote Desktop Services server has multiple namespaces for the following named kernel objects: events, semaphores, mutexes, waitable timers, file-mapping objects, and job objects. There is a global namespace used primarily by services in client/server applications.
Remote Desktop Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 R2, formerly known as Terminal Services in Windows Server 2008 and previous versions, is one of the components of Microsoft Windows (both server and client versions) that allows a user to access applications and data on a remote computer over a network, using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Terminal Services is Microsoft's implementation of thin-client terminal server computing, where Windows applications, or even the entire desktop of the computer running Terminal Services, are made accessible to a remote client machine. The client can either be a full-fledged computer, running any operating system as long as the terminal services protocol is supported, or a barebone machine powerful enough to support the protocol (such as Windows FLP). With terminal services, only the user interface of an application is presented at the client. Any input to it is redirected over the network to the server, where all application execution takes place.[1] This is in contrast to appstreaming systems, like Microsoft Application Virtualization, in which the applications, while still stored on a centralized server, are streamed to the client on-demand and then executed on the client machine. Microsoft changed the name from Terminal Services to Remote Desktop Services with the release of Windows Server 2008 R2 in October 2009.[2] RemoteFX was added to Remote Desktop Services as part of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
Project Euler
Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems. The motivation for starting Project Euler, and its continuation, is to provide a platform for the inquiring mind to delve into unfamiliar areas and learn new concepts in a fun and recreational context.
Understanding COM Apartments, Part II - CodeGuru
In my previous column, I described the hows and whys of COM apartments. If you read it, you now know that when a thread calls COM's CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx function, that thread is placed in an apartment. And you know that when an object is created, it, too, is placed in an apartment, and that COM uses ThreadingModel values in the registry to determine what types of apartments to place in-proc objects in.
Understanding COM Apartments, Part I - CodeGuru
Let me begin my inaugural column for CodeGuru by stating that I'm on a crusade-a crusade to stamp out bugs related to COM concurrency. COM features a concurrency mechanism that's capable of intercepting and serializing concurrent method calls to objects that were designed to process only one method call at a time. That mechanism centers around the notion of abstract boundaries called apartments. When I troubleshoot COM systems that don't work, probably 40% of the bugs that I find result from a lack of understanding of apartments. This deficiency of knowledge shouldn't be surprising, because apartments are at once one of the most complex areas of COM and also the least well documented. Microsoft's intentions were good, but when they introduced apartments to COM in Windows NT 3.51, they laid a mine field for unwary developers. Play by the rules and you can avoid stepping on mines. But it's hard to obey the rules when you don't know what the rules are. This article is the first in a two-part series that describes what apartments are, why they exist, and how to avoid the problems that they introduce. In Part 1, I'll describe COM's apartment-based concurrency mechanism. In Part 2, I'll provide a set of rules that you can follow to avoid some of the nastiest and most insidious bugs that afflict COM programmers.
Understanding Classic COM Interoperability With .NET Applications - CodeProject®
Ever wondered how all those COM components that you've written through the years play along with the .NET runtime. If you are a diehard COM developer interested in knowing how Classic COM Components are positioned in the .NET world or how COM aware clients could consume .NET com
Understanding COM Apartments, Part I - CodeGuru
Understanding COM Apartments, Part I - Медицинский портал Беларуси
Ditto clipboard manager
Ditto is an extension to the standard windows clipboard. It saves each item placed on the clipboard allowing you access to any of those items at a later time. Ditto allows you to save any type of information that can be put on the clipboard, text, images, html, custom formats, .....
The Unspoken Revolution in Software Engineering
Synchronization Domains | Dr Dobb's
Security Workshop
This is a self paced workshop designed to lead you through the benefits and features of .NET security.
Application Responsiveness | Dr Dobb's
Thanks to innovation in both hardware graphics processors and client-side development frameworks, GUIs for Windows applications have become more and more visually stunning over time. But throughout the evolution of such frameworks, one problem hasn't gone away—poor responsiveness. Studies show that positive user experiences are linked to application responsiveness. Conversely, frustrating experiences are often caused by poor responsiveness. More often than not, the lack of responsiveness is due to a series of subtle (and sometimes accidental) design choices made during development. In this article, I examine the root of responsiveness problems, and then suggest best practices for improving applications.
Implementing IMessageFilter in an Office add-in - Andrew Whitechapel - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
First a warning: this is an advanced scenario, and you should not attempt to use this technique unless you’re sure you know what you’re doing. The reason for this warning is that while the technique described here is pretty simple, it’s also easy to get wrong in ways that could interfere significantly with the host application.Problem description: you build an Office add-in that periodically makes calls back into the host object model. Sometimes the calls will fail, because the host is busy doing other things. Perhaps it is recalculating the worksheet; or (most commonly), perhaps it is showing a modal dialog and waiting for user input before it can continue.
Migrate_Windows – Oracle VM VirtualBox
Anatomy - YouTube
RegEditX - Tweaks for the Windows Registry Editor (REGEDIT)
RegEditX 3.0 - Tweaks for the Windows Registry Editor (REGEDIT)
Beginning C programming tutorial by The Linux Information Project
How to Create a First C Program on Linux
In My Humble Opinion - IMHO
sFFT: Sparse Fast Fourier Transform
We consider the sparse Fourier transform problem: given a complex vector x of length n, and a parameter k, estimate the k largest (in magnitude) coefficients of the Fourier transform of x. The problem is of key interest in several areas, including signal processing, audio/image/video compression, and learning theory. We propose a new algorithm for this problem. The algorithm leverages techniques from digital signal pro- cessing, notably Gaussian and Dolph-Chebyshev filters. The resulting algorithm is structurally simpler than its predecessors. As a consequence, we are able to extend considerably the range of sparsity, k, for which the algorithm is faster than FFT, both in theory and practice.
The Significance of .NET | Dr Dobb's
The Significance of .NET
Логово TrueFar3 • Главная страница
Логово TrueFar3 Аккуратная сборка на основе актуальной версии Far Manager 3.0
Batch Convert Images with Image Magick
Batch Convert Images with Image Magick
Element .NET Framework 4 Other Versions Specifies which versions of the common language runtime the application supports. This element should be used by all applications built with version 1.1 or later of the .NET Framework.
OpenStreetMap карты для АВТОСПУТНИК 5. Бесплатные карты для АВТОСПУТНИК 5
OpenStreetMap карты для АВТОСПУТНИК 5 Карты России и сопредельных государств
MSDN Magazine: Cutting Edge - Interceptors in Unity
In last month’s column, I briefly introduced the interception mechanism used in the Unity 2.0 dependency injection container. After illustrating the core principles of aspect-oriented programming (AOP), I presented a concrete example of interception that’s probably very close to the needs of many developers today.
Architectural Blueprints—The “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture
This article presents a model for describing the architecture of software-intensive systems, based on the useof multiple, concurrent views. This use of multiple views allows to address separately the concerns of thevarious ‘stakeholders’ of the architecture: end-user, developers, systems engineers, project managers, etc.,and to handle separately the functional and non functional requirements. Each of the five views is described,together with a notation to capture it. The views are designed using an architecture-centered, scenariodriven, iterative development process.Keywords: software architecture, view, object-oriented design, software development process
A C# Framework for Interprocess Synchronization and Communication - CodeProject
How to share resources and implement a rich message/data passing architecture between threads and processes (SOA)
Write Templates for Visual Studio 2010 - CodeProject
Write Templates for Visual Studio 2010
parsing - Parser for C# - Stack Overflow
Which parsers are available for parsing C# code? I'm looking for a C# parser that can be used in C# and give me access to line and file informations about each artefact of the analysed code.
About Windows
This topic describes the programming elements that applications use to create and use windows; manage relationships between windows; and size, move, and display windows.
EnableWindow function
Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input to the specified window or control. When input is disabled, the window does not receive input such as mouse clicks and key presses. When input is enabled, the window receives all input.
Handling Complex COM Objects with Interop Assemblies or "Why Has My Menu Button Stopped Working in Office?"
Handling Complex COM Objects with Interop Assemblies or "Why Has My Menu Button Stopped Working in Office?"
Runtime Callable Wrapper
The common language runtime exposes COM objects through a proxy called the runtime callable wrapper (RCW). Although the RCW appears to be an ordinary object to .NET clients, its primary function is to marshal calls between a .NET client and a COM object.
Open Source Code Search Engine - Black Duck Koders
How to Integrate Excel in a Windows Form Application using the WebBrowser - CodeProject
With Automation, you are able to drive any Office application from your .NET application. This is really powerful. It may happen that one time, you would like to integrate such an application (Excel, for example) in your own application, and handle it like a control. A first approach has already been published on The Code Project (see the Background section in this article). The other method I will describe here uses the Microsoft WebBrowser control as a host for the document.
Excel Viewer
Excel Viewer is a .net component that allows programmers to load excel application and also excel spreadsheets in our windows form. This component is useful for viewing excel reports in applications. This component is written in C# 2.0.
WPF Converters
What? This project contains a set of generic binding converters that can be used in most any WPF (or Silverlight) application. Why? Just about every non-trivial WPF application requires some custom binding converters. A set of dependable, general-purpose converters greatly reduces the number of converters that you must write yourself.
Сумма прописью на C#
About The Zachman Framework™
he Zachman Framework™ is a schema - the intersection between two historical classifications that have been in use for literally thousands of years. The first is the fundamentals of communication found in the primitive interrogatives: What, How, When, Who, Where, and Why. It is the integration of answers to these questions that enables the comprehensive, composite description of complex ideas. The second is derived from reification, the transformation of an abstract idea into an instantiation that was initially postulated by ancient Greek philosophers and is labeled in the Zachman Framework™: Identification, Definition, Representation, Specification, Configuration and Instantiation.
Latin Word List - List of Latin Words and Latin Dictionary
Latin words are the foundation of most all modern languages. Think about it, without Latin where would you be, you wouldn't have nearly half the words in the modern English dictionary.
SystemWrapper is a library that wraps .NET classes for system resources like System.IO.FileInfo, System.Reflection.Assembly, and many other classes so you can easily mock them
Плагины и настройки Far Manager (часть 3) - [6] :: Программы :: Компьютерный форум Ru.Board
bbvcommon - .NET component library (event broker, state machine, active objects, ...) - Google Project Hosting
For who it is For software engineers who want to build flexible, extensible and maintainable software systems, bbv.Common is an open source library of software components that makes building multi-threaded, event-based and loosely coupled systems easy.
 Unlike other open or closed source solutions we offer proven concepts that are used in our real world projects. What it contains bbv.Common is a library of .NET components and functionality including: (a)synchronous notification component with thread switching using publisher-subscriber pattern, hierarchical state machine with fluent definition syntax, programmatic, loosely coupled, context based evaluation engine, support for active objects to build multi-threaded applications many more regarding TDD-enablers, multi-threading, communication, ...
Wireshark · About
Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network. It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the contributions of networking experts across the globe. It is the continuation of a project that started in 1998.
Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Eraser is currently supported under Windows XP (with Service Pack 3), Windows Server 2003 (with Service Pack 2), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.
Sho - Microsoft Research
Sho is an interactive environment for data analysis and scientific computing that lets you seamlessly connect scripts (in IronPython) with compiled code (in .NET) to enable fast and flexible prototyping. The environment includes powerful and efficient libraries for linear algebra as well as data visualization that can be used from any .NET language, as well as a feature-rich interactive shell for rapid development. Sho is available under the following licenses: Sho for IronPython 2.6 license and Sho for IronPython 2.7 license. See the Installers page for more details about the two versions.
Options - NDesk
NDesk.Options is a callback-based program option parser for C#.
Customizing the Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 3 of 3)
Understanding The CLR Binder
The CLR Binder is responsible for locating necessary assemblies at run time and binding to them, so it's an important piece of .NET code. To ensure that binding is working efficiently and correctly, there are a few best practices you should follow, and we'll present them here. Some practices are simple, yet crucial.
netprofiles - Change your network settings with the click of a button - Google Project Hosting
Silverlight Unit Test Framework - Home
The Microsoft Silverlight Unit Test Framework is a simple, extensible unit testing solution for Silverlight developers. Unit Test Framework for Microsoft Silverlight
URL Rewrite : The Official Microsoft IIS Site
Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper
This project provides a single assembly wrapper for the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of Task Scheduler found in all Microsoft operating systems post Windows 98. It simplifies the coding, aggregates the multiple versions, provides an editor and allows for localization support. Microsoft introduced version 2.0 (internally version 1.2) with a completely new object model with Windows Vista. The managed assembly closely resembles the new object model, but allows the 1.0 (internally version 1.1) COM objects to be manipulated. It will automatically choose the most recent version of the library found on the host system. The project was written in C#, but works with any .NET language including scripting languages.
patterns & practices - Smart Client Guidance
The Smart Client Software Factory is a guidance offering that provides comprehensive architecture guidance to help customers build Composite Smart Clients using the Microsoft platform (Win Forms, WPF, etc). An SCSF solution is composed of a number of discrete, independent, yet functional assemblies and components. These pieces are dynamically loaded and integrated together at runtime within a shell to form a fully coherent application.
Basics of Dataflow Programming in F# and C# - CodeProject
kayak/kayak - GitHub
Kayak is an event-driven networking library for .NET. It allows you to easily create TCP clients and servers. Kayak contains an HTTP/1.1 server implementation.
unquote - A library for writing unit test assertions as F# quoted expressions - Google Project Hosting
Unquote is a library for writing unit test assertions as F# quoted expressions. Inspired by Groovy Power Asserts, Unquote gives F# developers an enhanced unit testing experience: test assertions are written using F# expressions rather than the usual suite of Assert methods, and failure messages are given as step-by-step F# expression evaluations. Unquote integrates nicely with and NUnit. For example, the following failing test
First-price sealed-bid auction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DReAM - MindTouch Community Portal
MindTouch DReAM (Distributed REST Application Manager) is a Web-Oriented Architecture Framework (WOAF) for developing lightweight, highly decoupled web-services.  The framework includes of a REST microserver and classes for web communication, XML processing, and writing highly asynchronous code. MindTouch DReAM runs on Microsoft .NET 3.5 and Novell Mono 2.4.  DReAM is the foundation of MindTouch Core.  Learn more about DReAM here.
Cryptographic Service Provider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Microsoft Windows, a Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) is a software library that implements the Microsoft CryptoAPI (CAPI). CSPs implement encoding and decoding functions, which computer application programs may use, for example, to implement strong user authentication or for secure email.
Richard Grimes On .NET: Dynamic Binding in .NET
InfoQ: Compile-time Verification, It's Not Just for Type Safety Any More
Public-key cryptography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Public-key cryptography refers to a cryptographic system requiring two separate keys, one to lock or encrypt the plaintext, and one to unlock or decrypt the cyphertext. Neither key will do both functions. One of these keys is published or public and the other is kept private. If the lock/encryption key is the one published then the system enables private communication from the public to the unlocking key's owner. If the unlock/decryption key is the one published then the system serves as a signature verifier of documents locked by the owner of the private key.
Excelsior - ищу книжку про юникс/линукс
Rx Workshop | Channel 9
Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library to compose asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and LINQ-style query operators. Here, Rx team members Bart De Smet and Wes Dyer present Rx Workshop. You will be given a challenge at the end of each epsisode, so download the official release of Rx, fire up VS and get ready to code some Rx! Live, learn and prosper.
Configuration files Merger
This program is to help to merge different config files(environmental difference) and common config file into a single web.config/app.config.
re-mix - Home
mixins are a powerful concept to improve OOP structures. Unfortunately, mixins are not part of the .NET framework. re-mix provides mixins for C# and Visual Basic .NET.
Episode 173: Feature-Oriented Software Development with Sven Apel – Pt 2 | Software Engineering Radio
Episode 172: Feature-Oriented Software Development with Sven Apel – Pt 1 | Software Engineering Radio
Office managed COM addIn shim (CppOfficeManagedCOMAddInShim)
Office managed COM addIn shim (CppOfficeManagedCOMAddInShim
Troubleshooting COM Add-In load failures - Visual Studio Office Development (VSOD) Support Team - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
This post helps troubleshoot Office COM Add-In load failures.  As there can be many factors contributing to the failure, it is necessary that we be methodical when we approach this issue to ensure we haven’t missed anything simple.
CHESS - Microsoft Research
CHESS is a tool for finding and reproducing Heisenbugs in concurrent programs. CHESS repeatedly runs a concurrent test ensuring that every run takes a different interleaving. If an interleaving results in an error, CHESS can reproduce the interleaving for improved debugging. CHESS is available for both managed and native programs.
YouTube - RailsConf 2011, Richard Gabriel & Guy Steele, "50 in 50"
Structuring .NET Applications with Autofac IoC - Blog - CQRS and Cloud Computing
Structuring .NET Applications with Autofac IoC THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2009 AT 13:15 Below you will find my first article in series on building applications with Autofac Inversion of Control Container and Lokad Shared Libraries. In this article we'll concentrate on structuring multi-project .NET applications with Autofac. We'll begin with taking a closer look at Assemblies and Hosts. Then, we'll go to conventional Configuration Blocks and Autofac Modules. This article will end up in an overview of approaches to organize Modules in complex and simple solutions. Let's get started.
Deep Learning for Images, Soundwaves, and Character Strings
Deep Learning for Images, Soundwaves, and Character Strings Deep neural networks that contain many layers of non-linear feature detectors fell out of favor because it was hard to get enough labeled data to train many millions of parameters and difficult to optimize the connection weights really well. Both of these problems can be overcome by first training a multi-layer belief net to form a top-down generative model of unlabeled input data and then using the features discovered by the belief net to initialize a bottom-up neural net. The neural net can then be discriminatively fine-tuned on a smaller set of labelled data. Marc'Aurelio Ranzato has recently used this deep learning method to create a very good generative model of natural images and Navdeep Jaitly has used it to learn features that are derived directly from the raw sound wave and outperform the features that are usually used for phoneme recognition. An alternative way to deal with the difficult optimization problem is to develop a more sophisticated optimizer that works really well for artificial neural networks – something that the optimization community has often suggested but never done. Ilya Sutskever has recently used an excellent 'Hessian free' optimizer developed by James Martens to learn a recurrent neural network that predicts the next character in a string. 'He was elected President during the Revolutionary War and forgave Opus Paul at Rome' is an example of what this neural net generates after being trained on character strings from Wikipedia.
Hacking Exposed - Web Applications
If you do Web application security assessments, this page is for you. We've gathered all of the tools and techniques discussed in Hacking Exposed: Web Applications (that we use every day as consultants) and cataloged them here. This is an abbreviated recitation of Appendix B in the 2nd Edition, with live hyperlinks for easy access. Keep your eyes on this space as we post custom scripts and tools from the authors!
Intuition & Data-Driven Machine Learning -
VSLab - Home
Visual Studio Lab (VSLab) exploits the power of F# and its interactive top level to provide an interactive environment similar to MatLab and Mathematica, in which you can easily create Add-ins and interact dynamically with them inside Visual Studio. Moreover, since F# is a compiled language, the final code can be compiled as a standalone application. Goal of the project is to provide the basic infrastructure to turn Visual Studio in VSLab, and a number of addins (called viewlets) used to show data and support development of scientific based applications.
Managing Remote .NET Objects with Leasing and Sponsorship
Managing the Lifetime of Remote .NET Objects with Leasing and Sponsorship
Community/Contractors – osg
This page lists available contractors and companies that provides OpenSceneGraph related services such as contracting, bespoke development, support and training. The contractors are listed in order of how actively they contribute to OpenSceneGraph development so you'll know the ones most likely to have a wealth of experience.
The Architecture of Open Source Applications
The Architecture of Open Source Applications
NetOffice - The easiest way to use Office in .NET - Home
.NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing Microsoft Office, Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access english | deutsch Features Office integration without version limitations All objects, methods, properties and events of the Office versions 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010 are included Attribute concept and XML source documentation for information which Office version(s) are offering the particular method or property Syntactically and semantically identical to the Primary Interop Assemblies No training if you already know the Office object model, use your existing PIA code Reduced and more readable code with automatic management of COM proxies No deployment hurdles, no problematic registration, no dependencies, no interop assemblies, no need for VSTO Usable with .NET version 2.0 or higher Easy Addin Development
MS Office Wrapper for .NET - Home
.NET wrapper assemblies for working with MS Office. MS Office Primary Interop Assemblies is not required.
.NET Excel Wrapper - Read, Write, Edit & Automate Excel Files in .NET with ease - Home
.NET Excel wrapper was born out of frustration from working with .NET and Excel. The documentation for .NET Interop.Excel is very scarce and the API is bloated with hard to understand parameters and methods that throw unknown errors. What .NET Excel Wrapper aims to do is take the complexity out of working with Excel in .NET and increase your productivity, improve code readability and reduce the amount of code you need to write. Requirements To use this library you will need the following: .NET Framework Excel 2007 2007 Microsoft Office Redistributable Primary Interop Assemblies
Ventajou/scriptsharp - GitHub
kevingadd/DeviceRemount at master - GitHub
Unmounts and then mounts one or more disk devices to flush their cache
pyscripter - An open-source Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - Google Project Hosting
PyScripter is a free and open-source Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) created with the ambition to become competitive in functionality with commercial Windows-based IDEs available for other languages. Being built in a compiled language is rather snappier than some of the other Python IDEs and provides an extensive blend of features that make it a productive Python development environment.
dapper-dot-net - Simple SQL object mapper for SQL Server - Google Project Hosting
Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net Official Github clone: Features Dapper is a single file you can drop in to your project that will extend your IDbConnection interface. It provides 3 helpers: Execute a query and map the results to a strongly typed List public static IEnumerable Query(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, SqlTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true) Example usage: public class Dog {     public int? Age { get; set; }     public Guid Id { get; set; }     public string Name { get; set; }     public float? Weight { get; set; }     public int IgnoredProperty { get { return 1; } } }                         var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var dog = connection.Query("select Age = @Age, Id = @Id", new { Age = (int?)null, Id = guid });             dog.Count()     .IsEqualTo(1); dog.First().Age     .IsNull(); dog.First().Id     .IsEqualTo(guid);
Apache Thrift
Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, and OCaml.
Binary search tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), which may sometimes also be called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the following properties:[1] The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key. The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key. Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees. Generally, the information represented by each node is a record rather than a single data element. However, for sequencing purposes, nodes are compared according to their keys rather than any part of their associated records. The major advantage of binary search trees over other data structures is that the related sorting algorithms and search algorithms such as in-order traversal can be very efficient. Binary search trees are a fundamental data structure used to construct more abstract data structures such as sets, multisets, and associative arrays.
Binary tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
has at most two child nodes, usually distinguished as "left" and "right". Nodes with children are parent nodes, and child nodes may contain references to their parents. Outside the tree, there is often a reference to the "root" node (the ancestor of all nodes), if it exists. Any node in the data structure can be reached by starting at root node and repeatedly following references to either the left or right child. Binary trees are used to implement binary search trees and binary heaps.
Queue (data structure) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A queue (pronounced /ˈkjuː/ kew) is a particular kind of collection in which the entities in the collection are kept in order and the principal (or only) operations on the collection are the addition of entities to the rear terminal position and removal of entities from the front terminal position. This makes the queue a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure. In a FIFO data structure, the first element added to the queue will be the first one to be removed. This is equivalent to the requirement that once an element is added, all elements that were added before have to be removed before the new element can be invoked. A queue is an example of a linear data structure. Queues provide services in computer science, transport, and operations research where various entities such as data, objects, persons, or events are stored and held to be processed later. In these contexts, the queue performs the function of a buffer. Queues are common in computer programs, where they are implemented as data structures coupled with access routines, as an abstract data structure or in object-oriented languages as classes. Common implementations are circular buffers and linked lists.
Stack (data structure) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer science, a stack is a last in, first out (LIFO) abstract data type and data structure. A stack can have any abstract data type as an element, but is characterized by only three fundamental operations: push, pop and stack top. The push operation adds a new item to the top of the stack, or initializing the stack if it is empty, but if the stack is full and does not contain more space to accept the given item it is considered as an Overflow state (It means that the stack is overloaded or no more space for new item). The pop operation removes an item from the top of the stack, A pop either reveals previously concealed items, or results in an empty stack, but if the stack is empty then it goes into underflow state (It means no items are present in stack to be removed). The stack top operation gets the data from the top-most position and returns it to the user without deleting it. The same underflow state can also occur in stack top operation if stack is empty. A stack is a restricted data structure, because only a small number of operations are performed on it. The nature of the pop and push operations also means that stack elements have a natural order. Elements are removed from the stack in the reverse order to the order of their addition: therefore, the lower elements are those that have been on the stack the longest.[1]
Vienna Development Method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Vienna Development Method (VDM) is one of the longest-established Formal Methods for the development of computer-based systems. Originating in work done at IBM's Vienna Laboratory[1] in the 1970s, it has grown to include a group of techniques and tools based on a formal specification language - the VDM Specification Language (VDM-SL). It has an extended form, VDM++,[2] which supports the modeling of object-oriented and concurrent systems. Support for VDM includes commercial and academic tools for analyzing models, including support for testing and proving properties of models and generating program code from validated VDM models. There is a history of industrial usage of VDM and its tools and a growing body of research in the formalism has led to notable contributions to the engineering of critical systems, compilers, concurrent systems and in logic for computer science.
Project SIKULI
Sikuli is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). Sikuli includes Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with screenshots easily. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen without internal API's support. You can programmatically control a web page, a Windows/Linux/Mac OS X desktop application, or even an iphone or android application running in a simulator or via VNC.
Good Freely Available Textbooks on Machine Learning - MetaOptimize Q+A
Good Freely Available Textbooks on Machine Learning
Virtual Image Printer driver | Download Virtual Image Printer driver software for free at
Virtual ImagePrinter is based on the Microsoft universal printer driver. ImagePrinter can print to file any printable document in your Windows system to the one or many BMP, PNG , JPG, TIFF or PDF files.
windows - Visio to image command line conversion - Stack Overflow – an inside look at jobs & companies
Find jobs and see company salaries, reviews, and interviews – all posted anonymously by employees.
Visio stencil and template for UML, SysML and SoaML
The Visio stencils for UML and SysML can be used with both Visio Standard and Professional, and with Visio  2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, 5.0 and 4.1. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the stencils, please contact me at ph@
Business Process Modeling Notation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a graphical representation for specifying business processes in a business process model. BPMN was developed by Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI), and is currently maintained by the Object Management Group since the two organizations merged in 2005. As of March 2011, the current version of BPMN is 2.0.[1]
Systems Modeling Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose modeling language for systems engineering applications. It supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems and systems-of-systems. SysML was originally developed by an open source specification project, and includes an open source license for distribution and use.[1] SysML is defined as an extension of a subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) using UML's profile mechanism.
Agile/Lean Documentation: Strategies for Agile Software Development
" When I initially started work on Agile Modeling (AM) I wanted to focus solely on principles and practices for effective modeling but quickly discovered that this scope was not sufficient, that I also needed to consider the issue of how to be effective at the creation and maintenance of documentation too. Some agile models will "evolve" into official system documentation, although the vast majority will not, and therefore it is relevant to discuss how to be agile doing so. This article explores agile and lean philosophies towards documentation within IT organizations. In this article I address the following topics: Critical points Models, documents, and source code Why do people document? What is the relationship between documentation and project success? When does a model become permanent? What are the issues associated with documentation? What does it mean to travel light? When is a document agile? What type of documents do you need? Are agilists actually creating documentation and is it any good? When should you create documentation? When should you update documentation? Effective hand-offs Can templates help? How can you reduce documentation CRUFT? When is documentation the best option? Best practices for increasing the agility of documentation"
NTrace - High Performance Tracing for .NET Applications - Home
NTrace is a library that provides flexible, high-performance, and zero-config trace logging for your C# applications. NTrace is currently 100% C#.
Dia - GNOME Live!
Welcome to Dia's new homepage. Dia is a GTK+ based diagram creation program for GNU/Linux, MacOS X, Unix, and Windows, and is released under the GPL license. News! 2010-Jan-25: Version 0.97.1 has been released. Visit the Download page to get your copy! Dia is roughly inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio,' though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape. It can load and save diagrams to a custom XML format (gzipped by default, to save space), can export diagrams to a number of formats, including EPS, SVG, XFIG, WMF and PNG, and can print diagrams (including ones that span multiple pages). Download Dia and try using it; tell us what you think of it (visit the Contact page), including to report bugs if you find them. You can even read the Development page to find out how to contribute to the code.
..::CLAM::.. C++ Library for Audio and Music
CLAM stands for C++ Library for Audio and Music and in Catalan means something like "a continuous sound produced by a large number of people as to show approval or disapproval of a given event". CLAM is a full-fledged software framework for research and application development in the Audio and Music Domain. It offers a conceptual model as well as tools for the analysis, synthesis and processing of audio signals.
irrKlang - an audio library for C++, C# and .NET and high level 3D and 2D sound engine
irrKlang is a cross platform sound library for C++, C# and all .NET languages.
iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit (iNVT)
The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit (iNVT, pronounced ``invent'') is a comprehensive set of C++ classes for the development of neuromorphic models of vision. Neuromorphic models are computational neuroscience algorithms whose architecture and function is closely inspired from biological brains. The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit comprises not only base classes for images, neurons, and brain areas, but also fully-developed models such as our model of bottom-up visual attention and of Bayesian surprise.
Caliburn Micro: WPF, Silverlight and WP7 made easy. - Home
A small, yet powerful framework designed for WPF, Silverlight and WP7. It implements a variety of UI patterns for solving real-world problems. Patterns that are highlighted include MVVM (Presentation Model), MVP and MVC.
UltiDev Cassini 2.0 - Free Redistributable ASP.NET Web Server from UltiDev LLC
UltiDev Cassini is a free, light-weight and  redistributable web server  that can host  ASP.NET 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 and 1.1  applications and static HTML sites. Whenever your customers need an alternative to IIS — UltiDev Cassini web server is the answer. UltiDev Cassini was built using Microsoft Cassini web server sample as a base, but was vastly improved and expanded compared to original Cassini sample by adding lots of new features and fixing existing bugs. UltiDev Cassini runs on all flavors of Windows XP including Windows XP Home, Windows Vista, Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 Server. UltiDev LLC created its version of Cassini web server specifically for ASP.NET developers who want to  create easily installable ASP.NET applications that do not require IIS . By far the most important feature of UltiDev Cassini Web Server is ability for Visual Studio developers to include this very compact, yet very powerful ASP.NET web server into their applications' setup packages in just a matter of minutes. UltiDev Cassini Web Server fully supports all ASP.NET features and is capable of running applications as complex as DotNetNuke, as long as applications are not dependent on features specific to IIS, like IIS server variables.
Recommended Tags for Documentation Comments (C# Programming Guide)
Recommended Tags for Documentation Comments (C# Programming Guide) Visual Studio 2010 Other Versions The C# compiler processes documentation comments in your code and formats them as XML in a file whose name you specify in the /doc command-line option. To create the final documentation based on the compiler-generated file, you can create a custom tool, or use a tool such as Sandcastle. Tags are processed on code constructs such as types and type members.
Windows Double Explorer - Home
Chapter 4 - As Easy As Falling Off a Log
CommonLibrary.NET - Home
MonoData - Philipps-Universität Marburg - Knowledge Engineering & Bioinformatics
Monotone Learning Datasets The purpose of this dataset collection is to provide a test bed for monotone classifiers. The original data were collected from various resources, such as UCI and WEKA. A general preprocessing procedure was applied, taking the following aspects into consideration: Instances with missing values are ignored. Nominal values are transformed to numeric ones, according to the semantic. Features are normalized between 0 and 1. Datasets are formatted as .csv files with the class information in the last column. We are consistently searching for real-world monotone learning datasets. If you have anything in mind, please do not hesitate to contact Weiwei Cheng.
The human brain is a recurrent neural network (RNN): a network of neurons with feedback connections. It can learn many behaviors / sequence processing tasks / algorithms / programs that are not learnable by traditional machine learning methods. This explains the rapidly growing interest in artificial RNNs for technical applications: general computers which can learn algorithms to map input sequences to output sequences, with or without a teacher. They are computationally more powerful and biologically more plausible than other adaptive approaches such as Hidden Markov Models (no continuous internal states), feedforward networks and Support Vector Machines (no internal states at all). Our recent applications include adaptive robotics and control, handwriting recognition, speech recognition, keyword spotting, music composition, attentive vision, protein analysis, stock market prediction, and many other sequence problems. Early RNNs of the 1990s could not learn to look far back into the past. Their problems were first rigorously analyzed on Schmidhuber's RNN long time lag project by his former PhD student Hochreiter (1991). A feedback network called "Long Short-Term Memory" (LSTM, Neural Comp., 1997) overcomes the fundamental problems of traditional RNNs, and efficiently learns to solve many previously unlearnable tasks involving: 1. Recognition of temporally extended patterns in noisy input sequences 2. Recognition of the temporal order of widely separated events in noisy input streams 3. Extraction of information conveyed by the temporal distance between events 4. Stable generation of precisely timed rhythms, smooth and non-smooth periodic trajectories 5. Robust storage of high-precision real numbers across extended time intervals.
Reservoir Computing |
Reservoir Computing (RC) is an approach to design, train, and analyse recurrent neural networks (RNNs). More specifically, RC offers methods for designing and training artificial neural networks, and it yields computational and sometimes analytical models for biological neural networks. The fundamental principle of RC, which distinguishes it from other views on recurrent neural networks, can be summarized as follows (see also this Scholarpedia article): use a large, random RNN as an excitable medium - called a reservoir in this context -, such that when driven by input signals, each unit in the RNN creates its own nonlinear transform of the input; output signals are read out from the excited RNN by some readout mechanism, typically a simple linear combination of the reservoir signals; outputs can be trained in a supervised way, typically by linear regression of the teacher output on the tapped reservoir signals.
Power Assert .NET
A .NET port of Groovy's Power Assert, which prints out a decomposition of your expression tree (with values) whenever an assertion fails
toryQ is a portable (single dll), embedded BDD framework for .NET 3.5. It runs within your existing test runner and helps produce human-friendly test output (html or text). StoryQ's fluent interface adds strong typing, intellisense and documentation to your BDD grammar.
Fluent Assertions
Project Description Fluent Assertions is a set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test. We currently use it in all our internal and client projects, and it is even used in the NCQRS project. Why another framework? We primarily use Visual Studio 2010’s own testing framework and were not satisfied by other similar frameworks. The best one we ran into missed a nice natural way for specifying the reason that is displayed when an assertion failed. Moreover, we like to be able to easily add domain-specific assertions without having to subclass a whole bunch of obscure interfaces and abstract classes. In the beginning of 2010, after having used the framework internally for almost a year, we decided to make it public and rebrand it as Fluent Assertions.
Should Assertion Library
The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension methods for test assertions for AAA and BDD style tests. It provides assertions only, and as a result it is Test runner agnostic. The assertions are a direct fork of the xUnit test assertions. This project was born because test runners Should be independent of the the assertions!
FSChart is an F# functional wrapper over the Microsoft Chart Control. It allows the creation of complex charts in a compositional manner and with a fluent syntax, that makes it well suited for the interactive data exploration scenario. It is based on a project previously hosted on the defunct code gallery : and has been refactored for an increased ease of use.
mono/mono-addins - GitHub
Mono.Addins is a generic framework for creating extensible applications, and for creating add-ins which extend those applications.
Microsoft Silverlight Analytics Framework
Extensible Web Analytics Framework for Microsoft Silverlight, WPF, and Windows Phone 7 Applications.
Threading in C# - Free E-book
Threading in C#
NetSparkle - AutoUpdate for .NET Developer
NetSparkle is an easy-to-use software update framework for .NET developers on Windows, MAC or Linux. It was inspired by the Sparkle ( project for Cocoa developers and the WinSparkle ( project (a Win32 port).
AAA protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
spider pig: Don’t store binaries in your repository
Don’t store binaries in your repository
patterns & practices - Unity
Project Description The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection. Unity addresses the issues faced by developers engaged in component-based software engineering. Modern business applications consist of custom business objects and components that perform specific or generic tasks within the application, in addition to components that individually address cross cutting concerns such as logging, authentication, authorization, caching, and exception handling. The key to successfully building such applications is to achieve a decoupled or very loosely coupled design. Loosely coupled applications are more flexible and easier to maintain. They are also easier to test during development. You can mock up shims (lightweight mock implementations) of objects that have strong concrete dependencies; such as database connections, network connections, ERP connections, and rich user interface components. Dependency injection is a prime technique for building loosely coupled applications. It provides ways to handle the dependencies between objects. For example, an object that processes customer information may depend on other objects that access the data store, validate the information, and check that the user is authorized to perform updates. Dependency injection techniques can ensure that the customer class correctly instantiates and populates all of these objects, especially where the dependencies may be abstract.
ReactiveUI Reactive Programming for Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 WHAT IS IT Use the Reactive Extensions for .NET along with Silverlight, WPF, or Windows Phone 7 to create elegant, testable User Interfaces. FEATURES Async Code Made Easier Write 100% asynchronous code - chain calls to multiple web services, and handle retries, timeouts, caching, and throttling concurrency, while writing readable, testable code. Superpowered Bindings Create Observables from ViewModel properties and combine them together to model rich interactions directly in your ViewModels in a declarative way, without creating extra IValueConverter classes. Testing with Time Travel Run normally asynchronous tests in "virtual time", making them deterministic and run at full speed. Simulate the result of delays caused by network or disk access without actually delaying your unit tests. Free as in Freedom ReactiveUI is licensed under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL), so it is free to be used in production environments and for both commercial and non-commercial use without restrictions.
ILSpy - SharpDevelop Wiki
ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler. Development started after Red Gate announced that the free version of .NET Reflector would cease to exist by end of February 201
Garren Smith
garrensmith/DrivenMetrics at master - GitHub
A .net command line metrics tool
jacksonh/manos - GitHub
Manos is an easy to use, easy to test, high performance web application framework that stays out of your way and makes your life ridiculously simple.
OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software
The open source, open standards cloud. Open source software to build private and public clouds.
Office Applications via Prism of Unity « IgorShare Weblog
Office Applications via Prism of Unity
monocross - A cross-platform MVC pattern for mobile development in .NET/C# and Mono - Google Project Hosting
 Star projectActivity     HighProject feedsCode licenseMIT LicenseLabelsc-sharp, mvc, mono, monotouch, monodroid, silverlight, windowsphone, webkit, cross-platform, mobile, android, ios, iphone, ipad, ipodtouch,, benhorgen, jhunterd...@msn.com6 contributorsFeatured Wiki pagesMonoCrossUsingMonoCrossShow all »LinksExternal linksMonoTouchMonoDroidMonoDevelopMonoCross is a refinement of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern for mobile development using .NET, C# and the Mono Framework. The pattern enables cross-platform portability of business logic and data access code, (Model + Controller), while supporting full, native and/or platform-specific presentation (Views). For more information on using the pattern, see: UsingMonoCross
Nini: An uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library
Nini is an uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library designed to help build highly configurable applications quickly.
VTK - The Visualization Toolkit
The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. VTK consists of a C++ class library and several interpreted interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python. Kitware, whose team created and continues to extend the toolkit, offers professional support and consulting services for VTK. VTK supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including: scalar, vector, tensor, texture, and volumetric methods; and advanced modeling techniques such as: implicit modeling, polygon reduction, mesh smoothing, cutting, contouring, and Delaunay triangulation. VTK has an extensive information visualization framework, has a suite of 3D interaction widgets, supports parallel processing, and integrates with various databases on GUI toolkits such as Qt and Tk. VTK is cross-platform and runs on Linux, Windows, Mac and Unix platforms
Kitware Inc. - leading edge, high-quality software
ActiViz is now available as free and open-source software. ActiViz provides a powerful interface to the Visualization Toolkit (VTK), an object-oriented software system encompassing thousands of algorithms that transform data into interactive 3D environments. ActiViz, which generates C# wrappers around VTK, enables developers to combine the power of VTK with the many .NET framework objects for web and database access. Available as source code or as a pre-built WinForms Control, ActiViz .NET includes examples, online documentation, and supports IntelliSense in the .NET Framework  
Incremental Architecture
SOA Patterns
Welcome to, a site dedicated to the on-going development and expansion of the SOA design pattern catalog. You are encouraged to use, review, and contribute to the content on this site.
2009 Lang.NET Symposium
Moq Contrib
AutoMocking containers An auto-mocking container is an inversion of control container that doubles as a mock repository. When a component isn't found, it creates a mock and returns the mocked object instead of throwing errors. These containers are designed to make unit testing with mocks and IoC easy and simple
linfu - A framework that adds mixins, inversion of control, DbC, and other language features to the Common Language Runtime. - Google Project Hosting
The LinFu Framework is a set of libraries that extend the CLR by adding the following language features: Aspect-Oriented Programming Dynamic Proxies Late Binding Mixins Universal Event Handling Closures with Lambda Arguments Duck Typing Design by Contract
MPS | Software Engineering Radio
In this episode we take a brief look at Jetbrains’ Meta Programming System, a language workbench for creating external DSLs or for extending existing languages (such as Java). In a brief telephone discussion, Konstantin Solomatov explains what the system does and how it works. The system has recently been released into public beta and will be made available under then Apache 2.0 Open Source license.
Episode 151: Intentional Software with Shane Clifford | Software Engineering Radio
This episode is a discussion with Shane Clifford, who is a development manager at Intentional Software. We discuss the idea behind intentional programming, key concepts of the technology as well as example uses and a little bit of history.
Microsoft Office: A Work In Progress -
Microsoft Office: A Work In Progress Lee Gomes, 05.11.10, 02:00 PM EDT Word and Excel creator Charles Simonyi says Office has reached only 75% of its potential. BURLINGAME, Calif. -- With users in the billions, it's conquered the world. Sales are in the many, many billions; it's the product that helped make Microsoft the epic success story it would become. But Microsoft Office nonetheless remains a work in progress, so much so that it's only three-quarters of what it ought to be.
YouTube - Understanding Python
The Python language, while object-oriented, is fundamentally different from both C++ and Java. The dynamic and introspective nature of Python allow for language mechanics unlike that of static languages. This talk aims to enlighten programmers new to Python about these fundamentals, the language mechanics that flow from them and how to effectively put those to use. Among the topics covered are duck-typing, interfaces, descriptors, decorators, metaclasses, reference-counting and the cyclic-garbage collector, the divide between C/C++ data and Python objects and the CPython implementation in general
YouTube - """МОЯ ЖИЗНЬ ЧЕРЕЗ 10 ЛЕТ""" медитация
"""МОЯ ЖИЗНЬ ЧЕРЕЗ 10 ЛЕТ""" медитация
Aura is application that calculates average color of desktop background image or active window icon and sets it as Aero Glass color. It works like color hot-track in Windows 7 taskbar. Aura written in C# using WPF and Visual Studio 2010.
QuantLib Binaries - Resolver Systems
As a service to our customers (and the world in general), we provide pre-built binaries of QuantLib, a free/open-source library for modeling, trading and risk management. We have also incuded the C# bindings that make it available to Resolver One.
Limited programmatic access to Word discontiguous selections
Word Object Model Overview
COM Shim Wizards for VS 2010
All-In-One Code Framework Examples
Wikipedia Autoregressive integrated moving average
SQL Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Time Series Algorithm
Dan Archer documents his epic struggle with an apparently simple task of authenticating user credentials. For some reason, a task that should be performed by a simple API call leads to a great deal of head-scratching and googling.
UAC Demystified
Programming Elevated Privilege/UAC
Providing WPF and Windows Forms sample application to demonstrate how to programming elevated privilege/UAC.
Application Object (PowerPoint)
.NET Framework 4 .NET Framework Advanced Development Network Programming Accessing the Internet Through a Proxy
System.Net Namespace CredentialCache Class
Take the Burden Off Users with Automatic Configuration in .NET
Suggested Practices for proxy configuration when using System.Net.HttpWebRequest
System.Net Namespace ICredentialPolicy Interface
System.Net Namespace WebProxy Class
Stock market
Reuters Instrument Code
Standard Installer Command Line Options
Track, Analyze, and Manage Your Time | Chrometa
Track Your Time - Without Notes or Timers Let Chrometa automatically capture and categorize your time for you
Tool Support - GitHub
Several tools recognize Gherkin source (feature files) in a similar way to the Gherkin library itself.
Gherkin editor
Acceptance Test Excel Addin
Acceptance Test Excel Addin is a tool to author, execute and analyze acceptance tests in Excel. The tester write tests using Given-When-Then (Gherkin language). Developer implements the test steps in C# classes using attributes. It makes BDD fun for testsers and developers.
Technical analysis in python - Stack Overflow
Personal Activity Monitor - increas your productivity by eliminating timewasters
Creating an IL-rewriting profiler - David Broman's CLR Profiling API Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
A frequent topic of discussion between those of us on the CLR Profiling API team at Microsoft and our customers is how to write a profiler that rewrites IL to do cool stuff. Unfortunately, there still is very little documentation on how to do this, and what documentation there is, is rather scattered. I'm not going to say anything new here. But I will try to bring together the scattered info into one place.
Git Book - Basic Branching and Merging
Basic Branching and Merging
YouTube - Bloomberg Excel Tutorial
Bloomberg Excel Tutorial
Professional Software Support - Bloomberg
Excel Add-In (33.3 MB, Version 10-December-2010) Install or update the Excel Add-In Download
Capital IQ - How You Can Get It: Office Plug-Ins: Company and Market Research, Financial Analytics, Screening, and Relationship Management Tools for Financial Professionals
Office Plug-Ins Excel Plug-In Integrate financial, market, and company data directly into your financial models with Capital IQ's intuitive Excel Plug-In. Presentation Center Easily create and update presentations and documents with dynamic links between source and destination applications, including Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Outlook Plug-In Sync your Capital IQ events and project data with Outlook.
FactSet for Investment Banking: Models, Presentations, Microsoft Office Tools | FactSet Research Systems
FactSet is the best tool available for creating refreshable financial models and graphs in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Use FactSet in Microsoft Office to combine the latest market data with your scrubbed numbers, all in your firm’s standard formats and branding.  Create custom, auditable models with one-click access to the underlying calculations and source documents Access a library of sample models including a comprehensive overview of private equity and venture capital firms and their portfolios, funds, and limited partners Improve modeling speed and efficiency by easily inserting key staples of financial models, such as growth drivers and scenario tables and automatically color-coding cell entries as they are typed to differentiate inputs, formulas, and links Stably export and link text, tables, and charts from Excel to Word or PowerPoint and quickly incorporate and update items such as disclosures and league tables from your firm's library of approved boilerplate content.
Panda3D - Free 3D Game Engine
jQuantum Quantum Computer Simulation
jQuantum is a program which simulates a quantum computer. You can design quantum circuits with it and let them run. The current state of the quantum register is illustrated. The aim of jQuantum is to enable development as well as demonstrations of quantum algorithms. Another main purpose, however, is to create images in your head, and thereby - understanding. Supplementary to many other quantum computer simulators, jQuantum offers the possibility to design and run quantum algorithms, or quantum circuits, in a flexible and visually oriented representation. The main reason for this program to be open source is science. On the one hand, the publication of source and binary enables to let check the correctness of the implemented quantum gates: perhaps a broad community of users and programmers will test logic and source of the program and make it so evolve to a higher quality. On the other hand, innovative ideas for, or even completely new, quantum gates or algorithms could be supplemented by others in the future. The program requires the free plug-in Java 5 or higher. You can then let run jQuantum immediately as an applet in your browser, or you can download the executable jar-file. Please feel free to mail suggestions or critique, or indicate errors which you find in the program! You can also post bugs, suggestions or critique on one of the public areas of the jQuantum project website.
MSDN Magazine: BDD Primer - Behavior-Driven Development with SpecFlow and WatiN
As automated unit testing becomes more ubiquitous in software development, so does the adoption of various test-first methods. These practices each present a unique set of opportunities and challenges to development teams, but all strive to establish a “testing as design” mindset with practitioners. For much of the test-first era, however, the method for expressing the behavior of a user has been through unit tests written in the language of the system—a language disconnected from that of the user. With the advent of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) techniques, this dynamic is changing. Using BDD techniques you can author automated tests in the language of the business, all while maintaining a connection to your implemented system. Of course, a number of tools have been created to help you implement BDD in your development process. These include Cucumber in Ruby and SpecFlow and WatiN for the Microsoft .NET Framework. SpecFlow helps you write and execute specifications within Visual Studio, while WatiN enables you to drive the browser for automated end-to-end system testing. In this article, I’ll provide a brief overview of BDD and then explain how the BDD cycle wraps the traditional Test-Driven Development (TDD) cycle with feature-level tests that drive unit-level implementation. Once I’ve laid the groundwork for test-first methods, I’ll introduce SpecFlow and WatiN and show you examples of how these tools can be used with MSTest to implement BDD for your projects
Охуенный блять совет
jEdit - Programmer's Text Editor - overview
jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it. To download, install, and set up jEdit as quickly and painlessly as possible, go to the Quick Start page. While jEdit beats many expensive development tools for features and ease of use, it is released as free software with full source code, provided under the terms of the GPL 2.0. The jEdit core, together with a large collection of plugins is maintained by a world-wide developer team. Some of jEdit's features include: Written in Java, so it runs on Mac OS X, OS/2, Unix, VMS and Windows. Built-in macro language; extensible plugin architecture. Dozens of macros and plugins available. Plugins can be downloaded and installed from within jEdit using the "plugin manager" feature. Auto indent, and syntax highlighting for more than 130 languages. Supports a large number of character encodings including UTF8 and Unicode. Folding for selectively hiding regions of text. Word wrap. Highly configurable and customizable. Every other feature, both basic and advanced, you would expect to find in a text editor. See the Features page for a full list.
Notepad++ Home
Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License. Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment. This project is mature. However, there may be still some bugs and missing features that are being worked on. If you have any questions or suggestions about this project, please post them in the forums. Also, if you wish to make a feature request, you can post it there as well. But there's no guarantee that I'll implement your request. You're encouraged to translate Notepad++ into your native tongue if there's not already a translation present in the Binary Translations page. And if you want, help translating Notepad++ official site into your native tongue would be greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy Notepad++ as much as I enjoy coding it.
gource - Project Hosting on Google Code
Gource is a software version control visualization tool.
Behavior-Driven Development in the Real World :: 2010 :: North America :: Microsoft Tech·Ed
minibench - Project Hosting on Google Code
MiniBench makes it easy for developers to write and share tests to investigate and measure code performance.
Autotune.NET | Coding4Fun Articles | Channel 9
An autotune effect has two parts. The first is pitch detection, which calculates the dominant frequency of the incoming signal, and is the reason autotune is normally used on monophonic audio sources (i.e. playing one note at a time, not whole chords). So, if your guitar is out of tune, you're out of luck (Celemony's Melodyne product, however, features some incredible capabilities for pitch-shifting polyphonic audio). The second stage is pitch shifting, or “correcting” a given note. However, the bigger the pitch shift required, the more artificial the end result will be, and it is worth noting that absolutely perfect pitch is not always desirable. Sometimes the blended notes resulting from vibrato, for example, are an important part of the performance, and eliminating them would be detrimental.
Html Agility Pack
Get the latest Html Agility Pack updates at our new Twitter feed @htmlagilitypack What is exactly the Html Agility Pack (HAP)? This is an agile HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and supports plain XPATH or XSLT (you actually don't HAVE to understand XPATH nor XSLT to use it, don't worry...). It is a .NET code library that allows you to parse "out of the web" HTML files. The parser is very tolerant with "real world" malformed HTML. The object model is very similar to what proposes System.Xml, but for HTML documents (or streams). Html Agility Pack now supports Linq to Objects (via a LINQ to Xml Like interface). Check out the new beta to play with this feature Sample applications: Page fixing or generation. You can fix a page the way you want, modify the DOM, add nodes, copy nodes, well... you name it. Web scanners. You can easily get to img/src or a/hrefs with a bunch XPATH queries. Web scrapers. You can easily scrap any existing web page into an RSS feed for example, with just an XSLT file serving as the binding. An example of this is provided. There is no dependency on anything else than .Net's XPATH implementation. There is no dependency on Internet Explorer's MSHTML dll or W3C's HTML tidy or ActiveX / COM object, or anything like that. There is also no adherence to XHTML or XML, although you can actually produce XML using the tool. The version posted here on CodePlex is for the .NET Framework 2.0. If you need the old version, please go to the old page or drop me a note. Examples - Code Examples If you want to participate to the project - because that's the whole purpose of putting the source there, right - use the forums or drop me a note (simon underscore mourier at hotmail dot com)! Happy coding, scraping, scanning, html-ing, xhtml-ing, etc... :^) Simon Mourier. |
The objective of the International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory(IMIRSEL) is the establishment of the necessary resources for scientifically valid development as well as evaluation of emerging Music Information Retrieval (MIR), Music Digital Library (MDL) techniques and technologies. One of the parts of IMIRSEL is the creation of secure, yet accessible, large-scale collections of music materials in a variety of audio, symbolic and metadata forms. These collections, when coupled with a set of standardized experimental tasks and standardized evaluation metrics, will allow members of the international MIR/MDL research community to participate in TREC-like evaluation tasks so they can scientifically compare and contrast their different approaches to making the world's vast store of musical heritage materials ever more available. IMIRSEL is located at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). The Head of the Laboratory is Prof.J. Stephen Downie from GSLIS. Current IMIRSEL projects include: Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) MIREX represents an annual community-based MIR/MDL evaluation event where techniques and algorithms tailored to a variety of tasks are submitted by research laboratories from all over the world to IMIRSEL. These algorithms are then run along with standardized datasets, and evaluated using community-defined evaluation metrics. The evaluation results are published on a year basis and they are presented at the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR). Networked Environment for Music Analysis (NEMA) The NEMA framework is a multinational, multidisciplinary cyber-infrastructure project for music information processing that builds upon and extends the music information retrieval research being conducted by IMIRSEL in UIUC. NEMA brings together collective projects and the associated tools of multiple world leaders in the domains of MIR, Computational Mus
IDispatch - CodeProject
How can I make two classes interact between themselves asynchronously without making my code harder to write, understand, run, and test? Solution Use a mediator between these two objects: a dispatcher; this dispatcher will be asynchronous in the production environment and synchronous in the test environment, making it easier to test and debug. It's a free lock solution!
Win32 Handle (HWND) & WPF Objects - A Note - CodeProject
Well, there is a common confusion for many who are working with WPF objects. Is it truly interoperable with Windows environment, or more precisely, does it act the same way as it does with normal Win32 objects?
NModel is a model-based testing and analysis framework for model programs written in C#. It is explained and used in the book Model-based Software Testing and Analysis with C#. In constrast with conventional unit testing, where a test engineer must code each test case, model-based testing is recommended where so many test cases are needed that it would be infeasible to code them all by hand. It is especially indicated for testing behaviors with data- and history-dependence and nondeterminism, where many different variations (data values, interleavings etc.) should be tested for each scenario (or use case). Model-based testing has been applied to communication protocols, web applications, embedded control systems, and graphical user interfaces.
Value Injecter - object(s) to -> object mapper
alueInjecter lets you define your own convention-based matching algorithms (ValueInjections) in order to match up (inject) source values to destination values.
A Fast CSV Reader - CodeProject
RHIPE - R and Hadoop Integrated Processing Environment
RHIPE(phonetic spelling: hree-pay' 1) is a java package that integrates the R environment with Hadoop, the open source implementation of Google's mapreduce. Using RHIPE it is possible to code map-reduce algorithms in R e.g
Троичная информатика, логика и цифровая техника / Тринари
троичная информатика, логика и цифровая техника
What? KBCsv is an efficient, easy to use .NET parsing and writing library for the CSV (comma-separated values) format. Why? CSV is a common data format that developers need to work with, and .NET does not include intrinsic support for it. Implementing an efficient, standards-compliant CSV parser is not a trivial task, so using KBCsv avoids the need for developers to do so. Where? Documentation, binaries, and source for KBCsv can be downloaded from the releases section.
ImageMagick: Create, Edit, Compose, or Convert Images
ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. It can read and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to scale, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. The functionality of ImageMagick is typically utilized from the command line or you can use the features from programs written in your favorite programming language. Choose from these interfaces: G2F (Ada), MagickCore (C), MagickWand (C), ChMagick (Ch), ImageMagickObject (COM+), Magick++ (C++), JMagick (Java), L-Magick (Lisp), NMagick (Neko/haXe), MagickNet (.NET), PascalMagick (Pascal), PerlMagick (Perl), MagickWand for PHP (PHP), IMagick (PHP), PythonMagick (Python), RMagick (Ruby), or TclMagick (Tcl/TK). With a language interface, use ImageMagick to modify or create images dynamically and automagically. ImageMagick is free software delivered as a ready-to-run binary distribution or as source code that you may freely use, copy, modify, and distribute in both open and proprietary applications. It is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, approved by the OSI and recommended for use by the OSSCC. The ImageMagick development process ensures a stable API and ABI. Before each ImageMagick release, we perform a comprehensive security assessment that includes memory and thread error detection to prevent security vulnerabilities.
Apache Tuscany : Index
Apache Tuscany simplifies the task of developing SOA solutions by providing a comprehensive infrastructure for SOA development and management that is based on Service Component Architecture (SCA) standard. With SCA as it's foundation, Tuscany offers solution developers the following advantages: Provides a model for creating composite applications by defining the services in the fabric and their relationships with one another. The services can be implemented in any technology. Enables service developers to create reusable services that only contain business logic. Protocols are pushed out of business logic and are handled through pluggable bindings. This lowers development cost. Applications can easily adapt to infrastructure changes without recoding since protocols are handled via pluggable bindings and quality of services (transaction, security) are handled declaratively. Existing applications can work with new SCA compositions. This allows for incremental growth towards a more flexible architecture, outsourcing or providing services to others. In addition, Tuscany is integrated with various technologies and offers: a wide range of bindings (pluggable protocols) various component types including and not limited to Java, C++, BPEL, Spring and scripting an end to end service and data solution which includes support for Jaxb and SDO a lightweight runtime that works standalone or with other application servers a modular architecture that makes it easy to integrate with different technologies and to extend Integration with web20 technologies Apache Tuscany SCA is implemented in Java and C++ (referred to as Native) . Learn more about SCA Please join us to create a practical SOA infrastructure that addresses the challenges which small to large scale businesses face.
Khan Academy
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. We are complementing Salman's ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World.
bnt - Project Hosting on Google Code
Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab Written by Kevin Murphy, 1997--2002. Last updated: 19 October 2007.
ReactiveUI/ReactiveObject.cs at master from xpaulbettsx/ReactiveUI - GitHub
An MVVM framework for .NET that integrates the Reactive Extensions (Rx) framework
Programmer Competency Matrix
Programmer Competency Matrix
QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative finance
OpenRA is a Libre/Free Real Time Strategy game engine supporting early Westwood games like Command & Conquer and Command & Conquer: Red Aler
Introducing BDD «
Richard Bowles' Idiot's Guide to Neural Networks
If you use the 'Search' option on your browser to look for articles on Neural Networks or "Connectionism" (which is another name for the same subject), you will find a great many sites explaining what they are and how they work. Unfortunately, they all seem to be written by mathematicians, all of whom speak Double Dutch. This is fine, providing you speak fluent higher mathematics, but when I wanted to find out how they worked, I looked from a programmer's point of view. What I really wanted to find was program source code, but could I find any? I could not! That's why I wrote this article. The whole thing is something of a hotch-potch - it was the first part of my web site that I wrote, and I have been adding bits to it occasionally ever since. Over the years, I have become familiar with different computer languages, and they have crept into this part of the site. Every now and then, you will find snippets of Turbo Pascal source code (and even the occasional Java applet, complete with downloadable source code), and at the end there is a section containing whole Turbo Pascal and C++ programs, which you can download and compile on your own computer. I know Turbo Pascal isn't quite the sexiest computer language around, but it's what I grew up on, and it is fairly easy to understand, even for the non-Pascal user. Please do feel free to convert the programs into other formats such as Perl. The guide does contain all the mathematical formulae, obviously, but if you find them sounding like gobbledy-gook, you can always cross-reference them with the program code itself - the whole thing is fully commented
Extended WPF Toolkit
The Extended WPF Toolkit is a collection of WPF controls, components and utilities made available outside the normal WPF Toolkit. It includes controls that are missing from the WPF Toolkit, or that have been ported over from the Silverlight Toolkit. It also contains controls that I think are just nice to have. - ChartSchool
Welcome to's ChartSchool! Here you can learn all about the analysis of stock charts (also called "Technical Analysis"). This section of our site is continually growing as we add more and more articles and information so check back often and send us your feedback so we can make ChartSchool even better.
Technical Analysis Library (TA-LIB) Tutorial for C# | Heaton Research
Main Page - OpenSim
OpenSimulator is an open source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application server. It can be used to create a virtual environment (or world) which can be accessed through a variety of clients, on multiple protocols. OpenSimulator allows virtual world developers to customize their worlds using the technologies they feel work best - we've designed the framework to be easily extensible. OpenSimulator is written in C#, running both on Windows over the .NET framework and on *ix machines over the Mono framework. The source code is released under a BSD License, a commercially friendly license to embed OpenSimulator in products.
Rhino Mocks - Ayende @ Wiki
Rhino Mocks A dynamic mock object framework for the .Net platform. It's purpose is to ease testing by allowing the developer to create mock implementations of custom objects and verify the interactions using unit testing.
Simian - Similarity Analyser
Simian (Similarity Analyser) identifies duplication in Java, C#, C, C++, COBOL, Ruby, JSP, ASP, HTML, XML, Visual Basic, Groovy source code and even plain text files. In fact, simian can be used on any human readable files such as ini files, deployment descriptors, you name it. Especially on large enterprise projects, it can be difficult for any one developer to keep track of all the features (classes, methods, etc.) of the system. Simian runs natively in any .NET 1.1 or higher supported environment and on any Java 1.4 or higher virtual machine, meaning Simian can be run on just about any hardware and any operating system you can hope for. Both the Java and .NET runtimes are included as part of the distribution. Simian can be used as part of the build process during development or as a guide when re-factoring. Think of Simian as an independent pair of eyes that will assist in raising the quality of your software. Within minutes, Simian can save you literally thousands of dollars in time spent performing maintenence, debugging and re-factoring. With licensing available to suite personal, project and enterprise use, simian is ideally suited for use on your project.
google-api-java-client - Project Hosting on Google Code
Google API Client Library for Java Written by Google, this library is a flexible, efficient, and powerful Java client library for accessing any HTTP-based API's on the web. It is the recommended library for accessing Google API's based on REST or JSON-RPC. Supports these Java environments (details):
Using AvalonEdit (WPF Text Editor) - CodeProject
Using AvalonEdit (WPF Text Editor) By Daniel Grunwald | 13 Jun 2010 AvalonEdit is an extensible Open-Source text editor with support for syntax highlighting and folding.
FluentPath implements a modern wrapper around System.IO, using modern patterns such as fluent APIs and Lambdas. By using FluentPath instead of System.IO, you'll be able to chain calls and act on sets of files as if they were individual files.
Syncleus Wiki - dANN AI Library
dANN is an Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Genetics library targeted at employing conventional techniques as well as acting as a platform for research & development of novel techniques. As new techniques are developed and proven to be effective they will be integrated into the core library. It is currently written in Java, C++, and C#. However only the java version is currently in active development. If you want to obtain a version other than the java version you will need to get it directly from GIT.
Update Controls .NET - WPF
Update Controls does not require that you implement INotifyPropertyChanged or declare a DependencyProperty. It connects controls directly to CLR properties. It discovers dependencies upon data through layers of intermediate code. This makes it perfect for the Model/View/ViewModel pattern; no extra code is needed in the ViewModel, which sits between the Model and the View. Wrap the DataContext of your Window. The wrapper not only implements INotifyPropertyChanged for all of your object's properties, it also automatically detects their dependencies on other properties. There is no base class or interface to implement.
Вакансии | Речевые Технологии
Pygments — Python syntax highlighter
This is the home of Pygments. It is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software such as forum systems, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code
Building Finance Applications with Microsoft Silverlight 4 :: Sessions :: Microsoft MIX10
Bayesian inference in F# - Part I - Background - Luca Bolognese's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Excel Financial functions for .NET - Home
What is it?\nThis is a .NET library that provides the full set of financial functions from Excel. The main goal for the library is compatibility with Excel, by providing the same functions, with the same behaviour. Note though that this is not a wrapper over the Excel library; the functions have been re-implemented in managed code so that you do not need to have Excel installed to use this library.
ДОБ — Lurkmore
жизни полгода жизни на самодельное кривое параболическое зеркало, непременно юзают именно этот вариант монтировки, ибо на экваториальную уже не встаёт. Но ты Анонимус не смейся, у нищебродов в итоге может выйти нихуёвая вундервафля[4]. D.O.B. (расшифровывается как "Departament Of Bastards") - винрарная российская рэп-группа. Так же ещё у Гуфа есть трек -
ЛСД — Lurkmore
Christopher M. Bishop
Open Source Code Search Engine - Black Duck Koders
InfoQ: Concurrency Revolution From a Hardware Perspective
The MVVM Pattern Is Highly Overrated | The Inquisitive Coder – Davy Brion's Blog
HIGH.RU - Всё о наркотических веществах: вред, история, законы, репорты, новости.
Commanding Overview
Input and Commands
InfoQ: The Craftsman Learns ... or Learning the Craft
Pete Goodliffe provokes his listeners to keep learning over the course of their entire life, offering advice on how to approach learning, what is valuable and what can be ignored, how to deal with new things, having a healthy attitude towards learning, and how to feed one’s curiosity
Solid (object-oriented design) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
n computer programming, SOLID (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion) is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Robert C. Martin[1][2] in the early 2000s[3] which stands for five basic patterns of object-oriented programming and design. The principles when applied together make it much more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time.[3] The principles of SOLID are guidelines that can be applied while working on software to remove code smells by causing the programmer to refactor the software's source code until it is both legible and extensible. It may be used with test-driven development, and is part of an overall strategy of agile and adaptive programming.[3][4] - О проекте
/О проекте О проекте Что такое Это некоммерческий информационный ресурс. Он содержится на средства частных лиц и поддерживается в свободное от иных занятий время. Проект не имеет целей извлечения прибыли из своего существования, однако не отказывается от доходов, которые приносят размещение баннеров, линков и просто от пожертвований частных лиц и организаций. Если вы хотите нам посодействовать, но не знаете как, читайте дальше. Это что, сайт про наркотики? Разумеется, наркотикам мы уделяем определённое внимание. Но исходим мы прежде всего из того, что изменение сознания и восприятия путём употребления психоактивных веществ всегда присутствовали в человеческой культуре, наряду с такими альтернативными техниками, как шаманство, медитация, молитва, НЛП и экстремальные виды спорта. Поэтому областью интересов проекта является не только "изменённые состояния сознания" вызванные психоактивными веществами, но прежде всего сам человек, осознание им своего места в мире, его отношения с высшими сущностями и иными мирами, ощущения счастья и горя, радости и депрессии, желания свернуть горы и отсутствие мотивации. Проект не преследует каких-либо конкретных политических или иных целей. Мы не боремся за легализацию, и не проповедуем употребление психоделиков как способ стать лучше, равно как и не призываем отказываться от употребления чего бы то ни было. Философия, которую мы разделяем по отношению к веществам, заключается в том, что в жизни никогда не бывает чисто белого и чисто черного цвета. Каждый взрослый человек должен решать подобные вопросы для себя лично, делать осознанный выбор и нести за него ответственность. Поэтому следует рассматривать в том числе и как большую копилку информации из всевозможных источников, которая помогает принимать такие решения. О сотрудничестве Мы заинтересованы в некоммерческом информационном сотрудничестве с людьми и организациями, которые могут регулярно (раз в месяц или чаще) предоставлять нам любой интересный для наших читателей контент. Это могут быть ано
The Dextroverse - What is DXM?
DXM is short for Dextromethorphan. In small amounts its a very effective cough suppressant, but in large amounts it is a very powerful dissociative drug. Keep in mind that codine and other opiates suppress coughs too, they would just be abused even more than dxm if they were used in cough medicines. It is found in many over-the-counter cough medicines, and the psychedelic effects begin somewhere over 120mg, but becomes toxic around 20-30 mg/kg. This drug has been used for recreational purposes for around 30 years. When taken recreationally the "trip" usually lasts around 5-6 hours. Thats including the come-up, peak and come-down.
Lycaeum > Leda >
Lycaeum > Leda > The New Lycaeum What's New Announcements Disclaimer Leda About Leda Chemicals Taxonomy Preparations Categories Links Lycaeum Homepage Forums Chat Hosted Sites Books Contact About Sponsor Lycaeum Entheogen Database 2C-B 2C-T-2 2C-T-7 5-MeO-DMT Alcohol Absinthe Amanita Mushrooms Amphetamines Caffeine Chocolate Coffee Cocaine Datura DXM DMT DPT GHB Heroin Kava Ketamine LSD Marijuana MDMA ("Ecstasy") Mescaline Methamphetamine Nitrous Opium Peyote Psilocybe mushrooms Salvia divinorum San Pedro Tea Tobacco Leda version 1.4.3
Nutmeg.Narod.Ru - Мускатный орех. Общая информация.
Название происходит от арабского "mesk", обозначающего "мускусный", "имеющий запах мускуса". В старофранцузском языке "mug" обозначал "мускус", откуда произошло и французское название для мускатного ореха "noix muguette", которое затем трансформировалось в английское "nutmeg". Возможно, что и mace (мацис) имеет похожее происхождение.
Finding Memory Leaks in WPF-based applications - WPF Performance and .NET Framework Client Profile - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
There are numbers of blogs that folks wrote about memory leaks in Microsoft .Net Framework managed code and unmanaged code based applications. In this blog I wanted to: Show coding practices that can cause memory leaks which are more unique to WPF-base apps Share information about memory leaks in the .NET Framework; Show how to avoid these leaks Discuss the tools and techniques available to detect the leaks I plan to update this blog with more code samples as we continue to investigate customers’ applications and find additional platform leaks or coding practices that cause memory leaks in WPF-based applications.
WPF Graphics Rendering Overview
"This topic provides an overview of the WPF visual layer. It focuses on the role of the Visual class for rendering support in the WPF model."
moq - Project Hosting on Google Code
Logging best practices - Stack Overflow
EffiProz Pure C# Database
mloss | All entries
MLcomp is a free website for objectively comparing machine learning programs across various datasets for multiple problem domains. Do a comprehensive evaluation of your new algorithm. Upload your program and run it on existing datasets. Compare the results with those obtained by other programs. Find the best algorithm (program) for your dataset. Upload your dataset and run existing programs on it to see which one works best. How do I learn more? Read the help page or follow the QuickStart.
Jolt.NET : Productivity Libraries for the .NET Framework
Project Information Inspired by the Boost C++ libraries, Jolt.NET aims to complement the .NET Base Class Library (BCL) and .NET Framework with algorithms, data structures, and general productivity tools. It is the hope of the authors that Jolt.NET features will one day be represented in .NET. Jolt.NET libraries are implemented with the following goals in mind. Avoid duplication with existing, actively used projects, and do not introduce trivial functionality wrappers. All code is organized in concise, well documented structures. All code is maintainable, thoroughly tested, and performs optimally in terms of speed and resource usage.
Free Online Course Materials | Courses | MIT OpenCourseWare
Courses Sign up for monthly updates on courses and news Notify me of course updates via RSS Courses by Department Aeronautics and Astronautics Anthropology Architecture Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation Biological Engineering Biology Brain and Cognitive Sciences Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil and Environmental Engineering Comparative Media Studies Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Economics Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering Systems Division Experimental Study Group Foreign Languages and Literatures Health Sciences and Technology
Stanford’s Courses
courses SEE programming includes one of Stanford’s most popular engineering sequences: the three-course Introduction to Computer Science taken by the majority of Stanford undergraduates, and seven more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering.
RestSharp is an open source REST client for .NET
GitSharp is an implementation of Git for the Dot.Net Framework and Mono. It is aimed to be fully compatible to the original Git and shall be a light weight library for cool applications that are based on Git as their object database or are reading or manipulating repositories in some way.
Quartz.NET - Enterprise Job Scheduler for .NET Platform
Quartz.NET is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be used from smallest apps to large scale enterprise systems.Quartz.NET is a port of very propular open source Java job scheduling framework, Quartz . This project owes very much to original Java project, it's father James House and the project contributors.Quartz.NET is a pure .NET library written in C# which currently targets Framework version 1.1 and above. Quartz.NET is feature-wise equal to Quartz Java 1.6 excluding Java specifics. Quartz.NET is already running in production systems and has received good feedback.
Welcome to SharpDevelop Reports (SDR)! - SharpDevelop Reports (SDR)
AvalonDock is a WPF controls library which can be used to create a docking layout system like that is present in VisualStudio. It supports fly-out panes, floating windows, multiple docking manager in same window, styles and themes and it can host WinForms controls.
Java Neural Network Framework Neuroph
europh is lightweight Java neural network framework to develop common neural network architectures. It contains well designed, open source Java library with small number of basic classes which correspond to basic NN concepts. Also has nice GUI neural network editor to quickly create Java neural network components. It has been released as open source under the Apache 2.0 license, and it's FREE for you to use it.
Cloo is an open source, easy to use, managed library which enables .NET/Mono applications to take full advantage of the OpenCL framework.
The F# PowerPack
The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for use with the F# programming language provided by the F# team at Microsoft. This is functionality which is not part of the core F# release, but enables some development scenarios with F#. The PowerPack include features such as a basic Matrix library and supporting math types, FsLex and FsYacc tools for lexing and parsing, support for using F# with LINQ-based libraries, and a tool for generating HTML documentation from F# libraries. This functionality, which has previously been available in the F# CTP releases, is now available on CodePlex. The F# PowerPack will continue to evolve seperately from the main F# releases, and the features will continue to be improved and iterated upon.
SciImage | Download SciImage software for free at
A powerful, extensible raster graphics program similar to Paint, the Gimp or Photoshop. This program can be used stand alone, or it can be plugged into your application allowing any program to perform high performance raster graphics editing.
autoMicromanager | Download autoMicromanager software for free at
This toolkit allows complete control of a microscopy setup from Labview, Matlab, Scilab, Python, .Net, VB, IgorPro, Mathematica and more. Included is a standalone program for image acquisition and scripting control of a scientific microscope
A framework for implementing commonly used design patterns when using Domain Driven Design
ICSharpCode.NRefactory is a parser library for C# and VB. It consists of a single Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) that can represent all constructs that are available in C# or VB (unlike System.CodeDom, which only represents constructs common to C# and VB). Please try samples\NRefactoryDemo in the SharpDevelop source code to take a look at the AST To parse source code, use: using (IParser parser = ParserFactory.CreateParser(SupportedLanguage.CSharp, new StringReader(sourceCode))) { parser.Parse(); // this allows retrieving comments, preprocessor directives, etc. (stuff that isn't part of the syntax) specials = parser.Lexer.SpecialTracker.RetrieveSpecials(); // this retrieves the root node of the result AST result = parser.CompilationUnit; if (parser.Errors.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show(parser.Errors.ErrorOutput, "Parse errors"); } } Now you can analyze and/or transform the AST. Should you want to re-create source code from the (modified) AST, use an output visitor: CSharpOutputVisitor outputVisitor = new CSharpOutputVisitor(); // re-insert the comments we saved from the parser into the output using (SpecialNodesInserter.Install(specials, outputVisitor)) { astView.Unit.AcceptVisitor(outputVisitor, null); } codeTextBox.Text = outputVisitor.Text; By using the C# parser and a VB output visitor (or vice versa), you can build a code converter. Of course, the real Code Converter in SharpDevelop also transforms the AST to fix cases where C# and VB semantics differ.
Как прокачивать мозг / Учись Работать / Хабрахабр
В этой теме я хочу поделиться своими знаниями про устройство мозга и тем, как применяю это на практике. Итак, как известно, мозг — важнейший орган нашего тела. Кто-то говорит, что он — самая сложная вещь во вселенной. И незнание некоторых его особенностей может очень плачевно сказать на жизни человека. Но обо всем по порядку.
Deep Learning
Welcome to Deep Learning\nDeep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence.\n\nThis website is intended to host a variety of resources and pointers to information about Deep Learning. In these pages you will find\n\na reading list,\nlinks to software,\ndatasets,\na discussion forum,\nas well as tutorials and cool demos.\nFor the latest additions, including papers and software announcement, be sure to visit the Blog section of the website. Contact us if you have any comments or suggestions!
.Net Static and Dynamic code analysis tools & resources
Saluse MediaKit for Silverlight
A Silverlight library that includes a MP3 decoder to provide raw audio data for consumption. In Silverlight 3, there isn't an out-of-the-box method of accessing the raw audio data that the MediaElement produces when playing back MP3. Saluse MediaKit for Silverlight, includes a custom MediaStreamSource (for use with the MediaElement) that decodes MP3 files and also returns the raw audio data for your use. The Raw MP3 MediaStreamSource uses a custom SeekableStream that allows MP3 files loaded from any other stream type (HTTP response stream included) to be semi-seekable and works around the issues in using MediaStreamSource over HTTP. With MediaKit, you can also modify the audio data before it is consumed (by MediaElement, for example) so that you can apply effects (echo), corrections (pitch shift), functionality (pan) in real-time The sample demo included demonstrates the playing of MP3 files from your local machine or from a web address (make certain that the website allows direct streaming of mp3 files). It showcases the use of raw audio data to create a peak meter(Fast Fourier Transforms), oscilloscope and other simple visualizations. It also showcases the audio effects capabilities, such as Pan, Echo and a real-time Pitch Shifter.
Neuroscience For Kids - Home
Intended for elementary and secondary school students and teachers who are interested in learning about the nervous system and brain with hands on activities, experiments and information.
Graphical Models
Raven DB
Raven DB Raven is an Open Source (with a commercial option) document database for the .NET/Windows platform. Raven offers a flexible data model design to fit the needs of real world systems. Raven stores schema-less JSON documents, allow you to define indexes using Linq queries and focus on low latency and high performance. Scalable infrastructure: Raven builds on top of existing, proven and scalable infrastructure Simple Windows configuration: Raven is simple to setup and run on windows as either a service or IIS7 website Transactional: Raven support System.Transaction with ACID transactions. If you put data in it, that data is going to stay there Map/Reduce: Easily define map/reduce indexes with Linq queries .NET Client API: Raven comes with a fully functional .NET client API which implements Unit of Work and much more RESTful: Raven is built around a RESTful API
Refactoring Home
Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior. Its heart is a series of small behavior preserving transformations. Each transformation (called a 'refactoring') does little, but a sequence of transformations can produce a significant restructuring. Since each refactoring is small, it's less likely to go wrong. The system is also kept fully working after each small refactoring, reducing the chances that a system can get seriously broken during the restructuring. This site is a simple portal for information about refactoring. There is a list of sources of information about refactoring, including various books that have been written. There is a catalog of common refactorings, mostly taken from the original book. Many refactorings can be automated, and various tools exist to help the refactoring process. If you want to ask more questions try the mailing list. When new information appears, I update this page and the Atom feed.
Presentation Patterns - ScrewTurn Wiki
This wiki is the online draft of the book "Presentation Patterns" for Addison Wesley by Jeremy Miller with contributions from Martin Fowler. At this time the book is specifically covering design patterns and issues for building the behavioral aspects of desktop applications and rich clients. There are a plethora of good books describing the mechanics of each of the major presentation technologies (WinForms, WPF, Silverlight, Flex, Swing, etc.), but next to nothing that describes the guts of a user interface application under the skin. Presentation Patterns represents an effort to fill that missing niche with a serious treatment of the code organization just below the skin. Presentation Patterns is meant to be a book about timeless software design concepts rather than a specific technology. At this time the book is being conceived as a "duplex book." The book will flesh out, modernize, and generally finish the previous "Build Your own CAB" series from Jeremy Miller and the previous writings of Martin Fowler on presentation patterns for a planned sequel to "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture". The current thought is that the book will be available sometime in the spring of 2010.
Accord.NET Framework | accord-net
Accord.NET Framework is a C# framework which extends the excellent AForge.NET Framework with new tools and libraries. The framework is comprised by the set of libraries and sample applications, which demonstrate their features: Accord.Statistics - library with statistical analysis and other tools; Accord.Imaging - extension to the AForge.NET Imaging library with new filters and routines; Accord.Neuro - extension to the AForge.NET Neuro library with other learning algorithms; Accord.MachineLearning - extension to AForge's machine learning library with Support Vector Machines; Accord.Audio - experimental library with filters and audio processing routines.
Martin Hunter
Colt - Welcome
Welcome to the Colt Project. Colt provides a set of Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing in Java. Scientific and technical computing, as, for example, carried out at CERN, is characterized by demanding problem sizes and a need for high performance at reasonably small memory footprint. There is a perception by many that the Java language is unsuited for such work. However, recent trends in its evolution suggest that it may soon be a major player in performance sensitive scientific and technical computing. For example, IBM Watson's Ninja project showed that Java can indeed perform BLAS matrix computations up to 90% as fast as optimized Fortran. The Java Grande Forum Numerics Working Group provides a focal point for information on numerical computing in Java. With the performance gap steadily closing, Java has recently found increased adoption in the field. The reasons include ease of use, cross-platform nature, built-in support for multi-threading, network friendly APIs and a healthy pool of available developers. Still, these efforts are to a significant degree hindered by the lack of foundation toolkits broadly available and conveniently accessible in C and Fortran. The latest stable Colt release breaks the 1.9 Gflop/s barrier on JDK ibm-1.4.1, RedHat 9.0, 2x IntelXeon@2.8 GHz.
List of numerical libraries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gendarme - Mono
Gendarme is a extensible rule-based tool to find problems in .NET applications and libraries. Gendarme inspects programs and libraries that contain code in ECMA CIL format (Mono and .NET) and looks for common problems with the code, problems that compiler do not typically check or have not historically checked. Gendarme uses the Cecil library to introspect code.
The Axiom 3D Engine is an open-source, cross-platform 3D graphics rendering engine for .NET and Mono. The engine is a high-performance C# port of the powerful OGRE engine. Its flexible component-oriented architecture allows easy extension and provides full support for XNA, DirectX and OpenGL. The engine is also cross platform supporting both Windows and Linux operating systems.
qizmt - Project Hosting on Google Code
MySpace Qizmt is a mapreduce framework for executing and developing distributed computation applications on large clusters of Windows servers. The MySpace Qizmt project develops open-source software for reliable, scalable, super-easy, distributed computation software. MySpace Qizmt core features include: Highly Scalable Applications of MySpace Qizmt Data Mining Analytics Bulk Media Processing Content Indexing Core MySpace Qizmt Features Rapidly develop mapreducer jobs in C#.Net Easy Do-It-Yourself Installer Built-in IDE/Debugger Automatically colors heap allocations in red Autocomplete for rapid mapreducer development Step through and debug mapreducer jobs directly on target cluster From any machine in a cluster: Edit mapreducer jobs Debug mapreducer jobs Execute mapreducer jobs Administer mapreducer jobs Delta-only exchange option for Mapreduce jobs Configurable data-redundancy/machine level failover Easily add machines to a cluster to increase processing power and capacity CAC (Cluster Assembly Cache) for exposing .Net DLLs to mapreduce jobs Three kinds of jobs Mapreduce - Set-based logic on large amounts of data Remote - For problems that don't fit into the mapreducer mold Local - For orchestrating a pipeline of Mapreducer and Remote jobs Three ways to exhange data durring mapreduce Sorted - key/value pairs are evenly sorted accross the cluster Grouped - like key/value pairs make their way to same reducer but not sorted Hashsorted - super fast way to sort random data MySpace Qizmt currently supports .Net 3.5 SP1 on Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
zxing - Project Hosting on Google Code
ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server. We currently have support for: UPC-A and UPC-E EAN-8 and EAN-13 Code 39 Code 128 QR Code ITF RSS-14 (Stacked and Limited) Data Matrix ('alpha' quality) PDF 417 ('alpha' quality) This library is divided into several components; some are actively supported: core: The core image decoding library, and test code javase: J2SE-specific client code android: Android client, called Barcode Scanner androidtest: Android test app android-integration: Supports integration with our Barcode Scanner app via Intent zxingorg: The source behind The source behind our web-based barcode generator Some modules are contributed and/or intermittently maintained: javame: JavaME client csharp: Partial C# port cpp: Partial C++ port rim: RIM/Blackberry-specific client build iphone: iPhone client + port to Objective C / C++ (QR code only) bug: Client for BugLabs's BUG jruby: Ruby wrapper
Polymorphic Podcast
UI Pattern Factory
Fresh and Illustrative User Interface Design Patterns UI Pattern Factory is a mix of user interface design pattern library and UI gallery. It is a place to find user interface best practices, get design inspiration, and share design solutions with others. Our patterns are always fresh with tons of examples, and you can easily add more using Flickr. Check out also our Pattern Ideas-forum where you can suggest new patterns and vote on other users' ideas!
Welcome to Pyevolve documentation ! — Pyevolve v0.5 documentation
Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python.
Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures
Academic Earth offers free access to video courses and academic lectures from leading colleges and universities.
Mercurial Source Control Plugin for MS Visual Studio
A .NET-base implementation of Prolog based on the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) architecture. This project contains: Prolog - the primary assembly containing the Prolog.NET compiler and interpreter. PrologTest - a console application used for testing. PrologLibrary - an assembly containing external functions callable by Prolog.NET programs. PrologWorkbench - a WPF application used for editing, running and debugging Prolog.NET programs.
NCacheD - A Simple Distributed .NET Cache using the TPL and WCF
NCacheD is a simple distributed cache system written entirely in C# 4 using WCF and the TPL. NCacheD offers functionality similar to that of memcached but scaled back. The only functions available are Get, Set, Delete, and GetSize. The client API also includes an OutputCacheProvider for use with ASP.NET. NCacheD is composed of two separate solutions: a windows WCF service that acts as a cache server, and a client API for interacting with the available server(s). The server contains a simple cache store and manages items by expiry and cache size. You can install these servers on many computers. The client API includes a configuration section for specifying all the available servers. The client API will weigh each server by its available cache size and distribute the cached items accordingly. For performance, setting and removing cache items are done asynchronously. And the cache server is designed so that no locking is necessary when getting cache items.
unconstrained-melody - Project Hosting on Google Code
There are various useful things that can be done with generic methods/classes where there's a type constraint of "T : enum" or "T : delegate" - but unfortunately, those are prohibited in C#. This utility library works around the prohibitions using ildasm/ilasm, by building the code with "fake" constraints and then rewriting the constraints afterwards. The resulting binary is usable from "normal" C#; the C# compiler understands the constraints just fine, even if it won't let you express them.
Software Engineering Radio | The Podcast for Professional Software Developers
Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. Every ten days, a new episode is published that covers all topics software engineering. Episodes are either tutorials on a specific topic, or an interview with a well-known character from the software engineering world. All SE Radio episodes are original content – we do not record conferences or talks given in other venues. Each episode comprises two speakers to ensure a lively listening experience. SE Radio is an independent and non-commercial organization. All content is licensed under the Creative Commons 2.5 license.
Python(x,y) is a free scientific and engineering development software for numerical computations, data analysis and data visualization based on Python programming language, Qt graphical user interfaces (and development framework) and Eclipse integrated development environment.
Cecil - Mono
CecilTable of Contents\nCecil is a library written by Jb Evain ( to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. It has full support for generics, and support some debugging symbol format. \n\nIn simple English, with Cecil, you can load existing managed assemblies, browse all the contained types, modify them on the fly and save back to the disk the modified assembly. \n
Common Compiler Infrastructure - Metadata
Common Compiler Infrastructure: Metadata API Microsoft Research Common Compiler Infrastructure (CCI) is a set of libraries and an application programming interface (API) that supports some of the functionality that is common to compilers and related programming tools. The CCI Metadata API allows applications to efficiently analyze or modify .NET assemblies, modules, and debugging (PDB) files. CCI Metadata supports the functionality of the .NET System.Reflection and System.Reflection.Emit APIs, but with much better performance. It also provides additional functionality that is not available in either .NET API. | :: ~; ~ ::
JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use. It runs on modern devices.
Cosmos (C# Open Source Managed Operating System)
Cosmos (C# Open Source Managed Operating System) is a complete operating system built from the ground up in C#.
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Манифест пользователей Мы - студенты, аспиранты и преподаватели разных ВУЗов России, Украины, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья. Мы считаем, что суть высшего образования состоит не в заучивании 30-40 учебников по перечню дисциплин. Хороший инженер - не тот, кто наизусть знает формулы, теоремы и методы, а тот, который знает пути решения задач и подходы к исследованию разнообразных проблем. Наизусть все знать невозможно. Умение искать решение поставленных задач - вот главный навык, который должен развить ВУЗ. Мы считаем некорректной оценку знания предмета по теоретическим вопросам. Решение практических задач - вот главный критерий оценки. Мы считаем некорректным «шаблонный» подход к обучению. Шаблонное задание на курсовой проект - шаблонная пояснительная записка. Это не то явление, которое можно победить в рамках стандартных подходов. Постановка интересных практических проблем - вот плодотворная почва для практических занятий. Мы считаем, что наши достижения и опыт - не писанина, которую можно забросить в нижний ящик стола и забыть навсегда. Напротив, мы ценим чужой опыт и с охотой делимся своим. Мы не приходим в ужас при мысли о готовых курсовых и шпорах. В них мы видим пример решения задач, который можно взять за основу. Мы не оспариваем концепцию авторства учебных материалов. Очевидно, что они нужны, чтобы ими пользовались люди. И чем больше людей ими воспользовались - тем лучше. - Я разместил свои материалы на, чтобы ими воспользовались не только мои студенты, - вот что приятно слышать от преподавателей. - Я взял за основу своей работы пример с, доработал и исправил его, - вот что хотелось бы услышать от студентов.
University awards - Google Research
Zonnon programming language
Zonnon is a general-purpose programming language in the Pascal, Modula-2 and Oberon family. It retains an emphasis on simplicity, clear syntax and separation of concerns whilst focusing on concurrency and ease of composition and expression. Unification of abstractions is at the heart of its design and this is reflected in its conceptual model based on modules, objects, definitions and implementations. Zonnon offers a new computing model based on active objects with their interaction defined by syntax controlled dialogs. It also introduces new features including operator overloading and exception handling, and is specifically designed to be platform independent.
Mirage - An Automatic Playlist Generation Extension for Banshee
Mirage is an implementation of the latest research in automatic playlist generation and music similarity. Mirage analyzes your music collection and computes acoustic similarity models for each song. After your music collection has been analyzed, Mirage is able to automatically generate playlists of similar music. Mirage is far from being perfect! But it is a nice and easy way to rediscover your music collection. Imagine it's an automated radio station DJ playing songs from your collection and all songs somehow fit together. In this project, Mirage was integrated in the popular GNOME audio player Banshee. It is programmed in C#/Mono and was created as a part of my master thesis (Mirage - High-Performance Music Similarity Computation and Automatic Playlist Generation, pdf) It will take some time to analyze all your songs. To manually rescan your music collection, select "Tools > Mirage Playlist Generator > Rescan the Music Collection". When it is finished drag-and-drop a song on the Playlist Generator to start generating a playlist.
MatrixExtensions provides extension methods for numeric arrays. Arrays are treated as vectors and 2D matrices. Operations provided for fast prototyping and integration of scientific libraries. Not for production use. Does NOT have Matrix or Vector class.\n
A convention-based object-object mapper. AutoMapper uses a fluent configuration API to define an object-object mapping strategy. AutoMapper uses a convention-based matching algorithm to match up source to destination values. Currently, AutoMapper is geared towards model projection scenarios to flatten complex object models to DTOs and other simple objects, whose design is better suited for serialization, communication, messaging, or simply an anti-corruption layer between the domain and application layer.
As i mentioned earlier in some of the comments, i’ve received permission from my employer (Item Solutions) to release our Request/Response Service Layer implementation in a new open source library named Agatha.
GalaSoft - MVVM Light Toolkit
The main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in WPF and Silverlight. Like other MVVM implementations, the toolkit helps you to separate your View from your Model which creates applications that are cleaner and easier to maintain and extend. It also creates testable applications and allows you to have a much thinner user interface layer (which is more difficult to test automatically). This toolkit puts a special emphasis on the "blendability" of the created application (i.e. the ability to open and edit the user interface into Expression Blend), including the creation of design-time data to enable the Blend users to "see something" when they work with data controls. Much has been written about MVVM as a pattern. I recommend starting by reading Josh Smith's article at MSDN. Also great, Shawn Wildermuth's MSDN article about MVVM applied to Silverlight.
The dotSesame project is a C# port of the Sesame project, which is originally written in Java. It is an open source RDF database with support for RDF Schema inferencing and querying. Full documentation of Sesame can be found at
TechPosters - technical posters, cheat sheets for IT guys
TechPosters - technical posters, cheat sheets for IT guys
Free Cheat Sheets for Developers | Refcardz
FREE Cheat Sheets for Developers Save time and stay well-informed Written by bestselling authors and leading experts Reliable information on major developer topics Filled with useful tips and source code examples PDF looks great on-screen or printed from your printer
Data Extracting SDK This framework allows you to extact different data from text or web sources, analyse text content, extract different information and write your own data mining & extracting applications and services. If you have some questions or need custom data extracting project please contact via msugvn[at]gmail[dot]com. Subscribe to new posts and updates: Features DOM analysis Emails, phones, images, links extracting websites meta information extracting rich data parser posibilities websites screenshots extracting rich HTML processing and more Web Data Extracting and Analyzing Framework API Additional projects that are used by framework System.Extracting.Features Library Classes (with source code) which are in development stage, case studies, real-world examples are collected in this library. Examples of already written software developed with WDEA SDK: Australian Yellow Pages data extractor (private project) Emails Extractor Phones Extractor Links Extractor Facebook data extractor (private project) Google web search results extractor Google related websites extractor SmartBrowser Website Screenshots and Thumbnails Extractor and more...
GraphLight. Simple graph layout engine for silverlight.
Graph layout engine for silverlight Summary The goal of this project is to provide small simple library to edit and visualize directed graphs. All ideas came from a greate tool GraphViz. I always wanted to have native C# implementation of souch tool, but there are no open source tools as cool as GraphViz. Implementation Details Original algorithms are described here. The main concept is that there are four steps in directed graph layout algorithm: Node rank assignment Node ordering within ranks Setting node sizes and coordinates Make splines to draw edges
Business Logic Toolkit for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit is a set of components to simplify .NET application development. BLToolkit is provided as source code that you can use "as is" or customize for your applications. It is written in C# and compatible with .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5.
ORM Comparison and Benchmarks on ORMBattle.NET
ORMBattle.NET - The ORM Tool Shootout Test Suite. Definitive comparison of the most famous ORM tools for .NET.
son.NET library makes working with JSON formatted data in .NET simple. Key features include a flexible JSON serializer to for quickly converting .NET classes to JSON and back again, and LINQ to JSON for reading and writing JSON.\n\nFeatures\n-Flexible JSON serializer to convert .NET objects to JSON and back again\n-LINQ to JSON for reading and writing JSON\n-Writes indented, easy to read JSON\n-Convert JSON to and from XML\n-Supports Silverlight and the Compact Framework
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen
Scott Hanselman on Programming, User Experience, The Zen of Computers and Life in General
Irony - .NET Language Implementation Kit.
Irony is a development kit for implementing languages on .NET platform. It uses the flexibility and power of c# language and .NET Framework 3.5 to implement a completely new and streamlined technology of compiler construction. Unlike most existing yacc/lex-style solutions Irony does not employ any scanner or parser code generation from grammar specifications written in a specialized meta-language. In Irony the target language grammar is coded directly in c# using operator overloading to express grammar constructs. Irony's scanner and parser modules use the grammar encoded as c# class to control the parsing process. See the expression grammar sample for an example of grammar definition in c# class, and using it in a working parser.
PowerShell Community Extensions
PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) is aimed at providing a widely useful set of additional cmdlets, providers, aliases, filters, functions and scripts for Windows PowerShell that members of the community have expressed interest in. If you are interested in contributing to PSCX, drop me an email, or use the new Patch Upload feature for a one-off fix or script contribution. Developers: please read over the PSCX Developer's Guide. For a description of what features are currently in PSCX, check out the PSCX 1.2 Features web page.
TortoiseSVN Addin for Visual Studio
TortoiseSVN Addin for Visual Studio makes it easier for developers to access TortoiseSVN inside Visual Studio.
The Pyjama Project
The Pyjama Project is a framework for computing. At its core is an integrated editor and interactive console for writing and exploring computer science through dynamic languages. It is designed to be a simple, yet powerful, integrated development environment (IDE) for students, teachers, researchers, and regular humans, too. It runs on most any operating system, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows, and is built using .NET and Mono. All sources for the Pyjama Project are open and free---freely available and you are free to use them in various ways. All source code conforms to OSI approved licenses. \nPyjama is built using the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) system from Microsoft. This means that languages (such as Python and Ruby) can share data and use a set of common libraries. For example, rather than writing a library for Python, one can write one library (in a portable way) and it will be usable from Python, Ruby, or any of a number of languages without making any changes. Generally, any .NET/Mono library can be turned into a dynamically loaded module for any DLR language. Pyjama was initially designed to control robots interactively, but it can be used for many tasks. \nPyjama is currently under development. It contains many components: \nMyro - library and infrastructure for controlling robots \nEditor - simple, but powerful customizable editor \nShell - integrated languages \nGraphics - 2D and 3D \nOther Libraries - including neural networks, music, and art
Apache Lucene
The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software, including: Lucene Java, our flagship sub-project, provides Java-based indexing and search technology, as well as spellchecking, hit highlighting and advanced analysis/tokenization capabilities. Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Lucene Java search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Lucene.Net is currently under incubation.
XML-RPC.NET is a library for implementing XML-RPC Services and clients in the .NET environment, supporting versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 of the .NET runtime. The library has been in development since March 2001 and is used in many open-source and business applications. Its features include: interface based definition of XML-RPC servers and clients code generation of type-safe client proxies support for .NET Remoting on both client and server ASP.NET Web Services which support both XML-RPC and SOAP client support for asynchronous calls client support for various XML encodings and XML indentation styles (some other XML-RPC server implementations incorrectly only accept certain indentation styles) built-in support for XML-RPC Introspection API on server dynamic generation of documentation page at URL of XML-RPC end-point support for mapping XML-RPC method and struct member names to .NET-compatible names support for Unicode XML-RPC strings in both client and server support for optional struct members when mapping between .NET and XML-RPC types
MultiMethods.NET - fast multiple dispatch for .NET
Adds multimethod support for .NET enabling fast polymorphic dispatch based on argument types. MultiMethods.NET is developed in C# 3.0 and targets the 2.0 runtime. Enables development of loosely coupled systems where class hierarchies and behavior evolve over time.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
MOSA Project / Wiki: Managed Operating System Alliance
Managed Operating System Alliance (MOSA) Framework ¶ The Managed Operating System Alliance (MOSA) Framework is a set of tools, specifications and source code to foster development of managed operating systems based on the Common Intermediate Language. The Framework is divided into: * MOSA Compiler Framework * MOSA Framework * MOSA Tools More questions are answered in our FAQ Section.
Practical Common Lisp
How to Design Programs
How to Design Programs
Project Description MailSystem is a suite of .NET components that provide users with an extensive set of email tools. MailSystem provides full support for SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, NNTP, MIME, S/MIME, OpenPGP, DNS, vCard, vCalendar, Anti-Spam (Bayesian , RBL, DomainKeys), Queueing, Mail Merge and WhoIs Common features: * Compact Framework Support * Asynchronous operations * Secure connections using SSL * Mail signing & encryption/decryption using S/MIME & OpenPGP * Separate object for the Message and the clients * Fully Accessible Headers * Mail encoding customization for globalization * Determine if it is a mail server bounce + e-mail address parsing * Send from / receive Message object to file and streams
This is a complete time series analysis package written in C#. It provides a number of tools for data manipulation, and supports a range of different models, including ARMA and GARCH models. A plugin framework allows developers to create their own custom models and transforms.
Managed GameEngine with both 2D and 3D support targetting Silverlight, Xna and OpenGL
CustomTemplating - Template Text Transformations with custom T4 host
The CustomTemplating library is used to generate code and other text artifacts based on templates. These text transformations are based on T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) which is part Visual Studio 2008 (or higher). While T4 is mainly used inside the Visual Studio IDE to generate (code) files inside the open solution, this library enables the usage in custom developed applications, for example VS Add-ins, without the need for Visual Studio IDE as T4 Host. It simplifies the start of the text transformation process and allow to pass arguments from the application to the template transformation. More information about template used by T4 can be found in one of my blog posts and on the MSDN site Due to that fact that T4 is part of the Visual Studio, using the CustomTemplating Library requires that Visual Studio is installed.
Reusable library that can equip any action in your application with the Undo/Redo feature. You may use complex data structures and complex algorithms with no care about how they will be rolled back on user demand or after an error. Key points * Undo/Redo stack for commands executed * Isolated areas (can support separate undo/redo stack for every document in the application) * Recovering application state after an exception * Nested commands * Affined commands (can merge multiple identical commands into one command) * Tracking user activites (can provide log file for feature usage analysis) * No constraints for Data Model declaration * No special requirements for Buisness Logic And last point: You do not need Command Pattern any more!
Iron Jetfire
Iron Jetfire is a DLR, open source, object oriented ecosystem designed to make writing persistent programs, workflows and policy management rules, very easy. The Jetfire language extends the C# syntax to support dynamic typing, dynamic method calls, states and roles.\n\nIron Jetfire is a DLR version of the .Net framework Jetfire project. Iron Jetfire is 100% compatible with Jetfire adding DLR features.
WPF Dynamic Data Display
This is a library of WPF controls for dynamic data visualization. It features efficient binding mechanisms and real-time interactivity capable of charting millions of data points. Current release allows flexible drawing of line/marker plots. DynamicDataDisplay controls can be used in your application in the same way as other WPF controls. Any data can be used as a source of coordinates on your chart. It can be an array, a DataTable or a function. Every change in the data source causes update of the chart. As an example, you can use this feature for monitoring running computations. Using mouse or keyboard you can zoom in deep into the graph to see its subtle details.
ICE- Information Connections Engine
ICE is a Silverlight based framework that allows .net developers to easily visualize any type of information, as well as links between information in a user friendly and entertaining way. Perfect for SNA for example. ICE is heavily customizable (UI, actions, etc.) In a nutshell, ICE is a Silverlight XAP file (i.e. a client side application, very much like a Flash animation, only more powerful) that you add to your .Net application. The ICE Starter file (see "Downloads" tab) contains all the classes and schemas you'll need to format your data for ICE to display. Since ICE is a framework and anything can be a node: a person, a document, a data, your imagination is the only limit to what ICE can display. ICE is not an executable, or a turn-key application you would just install and start playing with. It's a development framework. Meaning you need to be a .Net developer (and not necessarily a good one :o)) to start visualizing your data. You can pretty much consider 3 "actors" involved in creating a solution based on SIlverlight: * The *.Net developer will attach the data * Designer (with some knowledge of XAML) will make it pretty * Web developer will use the result in the context of a larger project Behind the Scene ICE is a Silverlight application that developers can embed in their web application. It displays nodes that are attached to other nodes through links. Links behave like rubber bands (or springs), and nodes behave like magnets with the same polarity, which conveniently prevents nodes from overlapping with each others, even when large quantities of nodes are displayed. Besides, when you use the gravity options (turned off by default), nodes have weight. Their weight depends on how many "children" they have. In other words, the more children, the heavier the node, the more gravity affects it. Notice that gravity can be in any direction.
Update Controls .NET - WPF
Update Controls does not require that you implement INotifyPropertyChanged or declare a DependencyProperty. It connects controls directly to CLR properties. It discovers dependencies upon data through layers of intermediate code. This makes it perfect for the Model/View/ViewModel pattern; no extra code is needed in the ViewModel, which sits between the Model and the View. Wrap the DataContext of your Window. The wrapper not only implements INotifyPropertyChanged for all of your object's properties, it also automatically detects their dependencies on other properties. There is no base class or interface to implement.
C# WebServer
C# WebServer I've started working on a LPGL sip stack (and ultimately a sip switch), contact me if you are interested in participating This project is a flexible http server which can be embedded in any .Net application. It has a modular design where features are added using modules. The server also supports REST and all http verbs (and not just GET). More info about the core: Core The modular design allows you to use a small specific part or get a fully blown MVC webserver. 1. Just use the (framework included, not System.Net.) HttpListener, to take care of everything yourself 2. Use the httpserver, that also gives you better response handling and sessions. 3. Add the file module, which also allows the server to serve files under a specific directory/subdirectories (you can also use multiple file modules). 4. Add the controller module to be able to use controllers. 5. Use the template manager in your controllers to get views. 6. Use ViewController to integrate views in the controllers (adds some Render methods). See? Modular design that doesn't force you to use more functions than you need.
Physics Helper for Silverlight, WPF, Blend, and Farseer
The Physics Helper for Blend, Silverlight and WPF contains several Behaviors and controls which allow you to draw objects in Expression Blend 3, and have those objects translated directly into Physics objects using the Farseer Physics Engine. This can be a great timesaver for creating games, as it is traditionally difficult to line up underlying physics bodies and geometries with your Blend artwork. New to Version 3 of the Physics Helper are Triggers and Behaviors which allow you to add joints, input and collision detection to your applications.
WebCam Library for WinForm and WPF with C# and VB.NET
Developer can add one line of code for display video from webcam and capture image from webcam. It provide dialog for resolution setting and advance setting (Flip,Rotate, Brightness etc.) by adding one line of code.
nHydrate is a model driven development tool for Visual Studio. It allows you to create standard Entity Framework code based on a model. Your team can coordinate and use a single model to ensure that many layers of code are coordinated. This is not an ORM that simply creates some data-access code from a table-based model. It is a complete solution for coordinating code and database management in a single modelling tool.
Fast unreliable object oriented database management system. The aim : provide fastest database management system with no logs, no ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability). First release is already done. The kill feature of second must be GPGPU boost for some query types.
Pocket MEF
Pocket PC implementation for MEF technology Pocket MEF enable compact framework (NetCF) developer to benefit from the MEF infrastructure
IniLibrary provides full support for Ini files. It makes it easier to read, edit, save and generate Ini files. It's developed in C# 3.5. It was written using System.Xml as a model.
AnonymousType is a class that allows you to wrap any object, including anonymous types, and have full access to properties and methods. You can use lambdas to map to property names and have access to intellisense as well.
R Smart Application Toolkit
R.SAT is a framework for creating highly extensible applications. It includes components & design pattern implementations for extension attachment and registration, extensible application configuration, database metadata management, UI, etc. R.SAT may be compared with MEF, but it is smaller, more lightweight and more flexible. Features * Advanced System.ComponentModel.IServiceContainer replacement for type safe access and strong design * Rich and highly customizable extensibility mechanism * Base implementation of common extensibility services * Extensible application configuration service
Extjs Controls for ASP.NET. ExtAspNet is a set of professional controls with native AJAX support and rich UI effect which aim at No JavaScript, No CSS, No UpdatePanel and No WebServices. Support Browsers: IE 7.0, Firefox 3.0, Chrome 2.0, Opera 9.5, Safari 3.0+ Note: ExtAspNet bases on Open Source Projects like ExtJS, HtmlAgilityPack, Nii.JSON, YUICompressor.
The WriteableBitmapEx library is a collection of extension methods for Silverlight's WriteableBitmap. The WriteableBitmap class that was added in Silverlight 3, allows the direct manipulation of a bitmap and could be used to generate fast procedural images by drawing directly to a bitmap. The WriteableBitmap API is very minimalistic and there's only the raw Pixels array for such operations. The WriteableBitmapEx library tries to compensate that with extensions methods that are easy to use like built in methods. The library extends the WriteableBitmap class with elementary and fast (2D drawing) functionality, supporting common shapes like point, line, ellipse, polyline, quad, rectangle, triangle. Conversion methods and functions to combine WriteableBitmaps (Blitting) are part of it too. The extension methods are grouped into different CS files with a partial class. It is possible to include just a few methods by using the specific source CS files directly or all extension methods through the built library assembly.
.NET Extensions - Extension Methods Library
Project Description The .NET Extensions project is a growing library of C# und VB.NET extension methods. The project is part of a monthly column published by Patrick A. Lorenz ( in the German print magazine "dotnetpro" ( You can expect monthly updates. Why providing yet another extension methods project? ... you may ask. Well, as mentioned above the project is part of a monthly column published in the German .NET focused developer magazine dotnetpro ( As I did receive a lot of positive feedback on the column I decided to consolidate the efforts here at codeplex. Please feel free to contribute to the project or to send me your wishes and ideas rather by email or using the issue tracker. Project Status There have been a range of releases of this project prior opening it on codeplex. Each release offered a small set of new extensions methods. Currently the project offers beside others the following methods (a complete list of methods including samples is available through the documentation file download):
Data Mining Community's Top Resource
Data Mining and Analytics Software, Jobs, Consulting, Courses, and more; KDnuggets News, the leading newsletter on data mining and analytics.
JDMP » Java Data Mining Package » About
Java Data Mining Package The Java Data Mining Package (JDMP) is an open source Java library for data analysis and machine learning. It facilitates the access to data sources and machine learning algorithms (e.g. clustering, regression, classification, graphical models, optimization) and provides visualization modules. It includes a matrix library for storing and processing any kind of data, with the ability to handle very large matrices even when they do not fit into memory. Import and export interfaces are provided for JDBC data bases, TXT, CSV, Excel, Matlab, Latex, MTX, HTML, WAV, BMP and other file formats. JDMP provides a number of algorithms and tools, but also interfaces to other machine learning and data mining packages (Weka, LibSVM, Mallet, Lucene, Octave).
SQLite ADO.NET 2.0 Provider. An open source ADO.NET provider for the SQLite database engine System.Data.SQLite is the original SQLite database engine and a complete ADO.NET 2.0/3.5 provider all rolled into a single mixed mode assembly. It is a complete drop-in replacement for the original sqlite3.dll (you can even rename it to sqlite3.dll if you're using it natively). Here is a brief overview of its features: Complete ADO.NET 2.0 Implementation The provider was written from scratch on VS2005/2008 specifically for ADO.NET 2.0, using all the most recent changes to the ADO.NET framework. That includes full DbProviderFactory support, automatic distributed transaction enlistment, connection pooling, extensive schema support, Entity Framework support and more. Supports the Full and Compact .NET Framework as well as native C/C++ Whether you're programming in .NET or straight C/C++ on the desktop or a mobile device, we've got a build for you. Mono support A managed-only version of the provider is also available that works on Mono against the official SQLite library from Requires 3.6.1 or higher. Support for the ADO.NET 3.5 Entity Framework Supports nearly all the entity framework functionality that Sql Server supports, and passes 99% of the tests in MS's EFQuerySamples demo application. Visual Studio 2005/2008 Design-Time Support You can add a SQLite connection to the Server Explorer, create queries with the query designer, drag-and-drop tables onto a Typed DataSet and more! SQLite's designer works on full editions of Visual Studio 2005/2008, including VS2005 Express Editions. * NEW You can create/edit views, tables, indexes, foreign keys, constraints and triggers interactively within the Visual Studio Server Explorer!
lokad-cloud - Project Hosting on Google Code
O/C mapper (Object to Cloud). Leverage Windows Azure without getting dragged down by low level technicalities. Strong typed put/get on the blob storage: IBlobStorageProvider storage = ... ; // init snipped CustomerBlobName name = ... ; // init snipped var customer = storage.GetBlob(name); // strong type retrieved Strong typed enumeration of the blob storage: foreach(var name in storage.List(CustomerBlobName.Prefix(country)) { var customer = storage.GetBlob(name); // strong type, no cast! // do something with 'customer', snipped } Scalable services with implicit queue processing: [QueueServiceSettings(AutoStart = true, QueueName = "ping")] public class PingPongService : QueueService { protected override void Start(double x) { var y = x * x; // 'x' has been retrieved from queue 'ping' Put(y, "pong"); // 'y' has been put in queue named 'pong' } }
autofac - Project Hosting on Google Code
Autofac is a fresh approach to IoC in .NET that uses modern C#: Autofac is based on strongly component-oriented principles. It will change the way you approach dependency injection in .NET. Flexible Component Instantiation Autofac supports the reflection-based autowiring capabilities found in other .NET containers. Given a type (as in the TwinTurbo example above,) Autofac will automatically select constructors and inject dependencies appropriately. Autofac can also use expressions to create components, as in the example above. This makes the container fast, very flexible, and easy to integrate into existing applications. var defaultLog = new ConsoleLog(); builder.Register(c => new Connection(){ Log = c.ResolveOptional() ?? defaultLog }); There is no need to spend time looking up reflection- or XML-based syntax to achieve things that are simple to express in C#. Predictable Resource Management The dynamic nature of applications built with dependency injection means that determining which components should be disposed of and when is much harder. Autofac takes on this burden by tracking instantiations and dependencies within a specified scope, so that a single Dispose() call can clean up everything that should be cleaned up and nothing more. var container = // ... using (var inner = container.CreateInnerContainer()) { var controller = inner.Resolve(); controller.Execute(); // use controller.. } In the above example, not only will controller be disposed of by the using block (if it implements IDisposable,) but so will any any of its dependencies, and their dependencies, and so on. Autofac has pre-built integrations for common application types. For example, in an ASP.NET or WCF server, the ContainerScoped() configuration option will tie the lifetime of a component to a single HTTP request or service method invocation.
Home - NHibernate Forge
The official NHibernate community site. Download NHibernate. Read blogs. Contribute to the NHibernate Wiki. Find reference documentation. NHibernate is a mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework. It's actively developed , fully featured and used in thousands of successful projects.
Fluent NHibernate
Fluent NHibernate, a statically compiled alternative to NHibernate's standard hbm xml mapping. Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based mappings for NHibernate. Get your fluent on.
Job Search | one search. all jobs. Indeed
Job Search by Indeed. one search. all jobs. Search millions of jobs from thousands of job boards, newspapers, classifieds and company websites on
TIOBE Software: The Coding Standards Company
TIOBE Programming Community Index
Software Packages for Graphical Models / Bayesian Networks
Software Packages for Graphical Models / Bayesian Networks Written by Kevin Murphy. Last updated 31 August 2009.
SciJar Best free Java programs for scientists
Below is a list of free scientific Java programs.\n\nJava scientific packages:\n\n * JabRef - bibliography reference manager\n * jHepWork - a general-purpose data analysis framework\n * JaxoDraw - a program for drawing Feynman diagrams\n * Weka - data mining software\n * ImageJ - image processing package\n * EJS - easy Java simulations\n * DragMath - equation editor\n * JSci - scientific libraries\n * FreeHEP - Java numerical libraries (included in jHepWork)\n * JScience - library for the scientific community\n * Colt - high-performance scientific libraries (included in jHepWork)\n * Encog - a neural network\n * Joone - another neural network framework\n * Neuroph - a neural network framework\n * Night Vision - a planetarium program\n * GraXML - geometric Modeller for handling High Energy Physics experiments\n * Jam - data acquisition and analysis system\n * Interactive Web Physics - physics animation and problem designer tool\n * Interactive Physics Applets - Physics applets for education\n * Virtual Physics - Physics applets\n\nJava tools:\n\n * Eclipse - IDE\n * NetBeans - Java IDE\n * DrJava - a lightweight Java IDE\n * Jython - Python scripting\n * Ant - "Makefile" for Java\n * ProGuard - Java class file shrinker and optimizer\n * JCards - a data manager application\n * Ekit - source HTML editor\n * Jaxe - an XML editor\n * jEdit - mature programmer's text editor\n * RText - another mature programmer's text editor\n * jPicEdit - interactive picture editor for LaTeX and PSTricks\n * LaTeXDraw - PSTricks editor for LateX\n * jFig - rewrite of popular xfig\n
jHepWork Java data-analysis framework for scientific computing
jHepWork is a full-featured multiplatform data-analysis framework for scientists, engineers and students. jHepWork is a 100% pure Java package with numerical and graphical libraries for data-analysis applications. It uses Jython in order to bring more power and simplicity to scientific computing. jHepWork includes:
Expression Blend Samples
Expression Blend Samples This project contains a collection of useful sample behaviors and effects for use in Expression Blend.
XSTM - Object Replication for Java, .NET & GWT
XSTM is an open source library which enables high performance object replication between processes. It is an object oriented Distributed Shared Memory, or a Distributed Object Cache. Our model is based on object shares, which work like file shares. When an object is added to a share, it appears on the other machines which have the same share opened. Modifications done to the fields of the object are from this point replicated between machines. Object are modified using transactions (XSTM is an extended software transactional memory). Read more in the project overview.
Cosmos - Cosmos
Welcome to the Cosmos home page. Cosmos is an operating system project implemented completely in CIL compliant languages. The team is committed to using C#, however any .NET language can be used. Last News [Nov 1, 2009] We're not dead! Try out the new and awesome Milestone 4! For more info, look the Cosmos blog for the story and Release Vault for the features. Why Cosmos? Firstly because its fun! But there are many scenarios to use Cosmos in real world applications. User Kit Build your own shell, build and deploy in 30 seconds or less! See for yourself. The basic steps are: 1. Install Cosmos user kit 2. File, New, Cosmos Boot project from within Visual Studio. 3. Modify the entry point. The default project has just a WriteLine. 4. Run (F5). Cosmos will now build a boot disk and ask you what emulator to use. Press 3 to use included QEMU, or choose from VMWare, Virtual PC, ISO, PXE and more! That is all you need to do! User kit tutorial. Design Overview * Completely .NET based. * Microkernel or close hybrid * Configurable using modules * Cross platform architecture
MOSA Project / Wiki: Managed Operating System Alliance
Managed Operating System Alliance (MOSA) Framework ¶ The Managed Operating System Alliance (MOSA) Framework is a set of tools, specifications and source code to foster development of managed operating systems based on the Common Intermediate Language. The Framework is divided into: * MOSA Compiler Framework * MOSA Framework * MOSA Tools More questions are answered in our FAQ Section.
Welcome! [SharpOS Wiki]
SharpOS is the original open source effort to write an operating system in 100% C#, with a strong focus on security, reliability, and maintainability. The SharpOS project is also a member of the Managed Operating System Alliance (MOSA). While the SharpOS architecture is being overhauled, documentation on the original design and components is still present.
Free language translator and file converter
This is primarily a desktop language translator application using the Google translation service. It adds more features to the existing service and addresses some of its shortcomings. It also allows the import for several popular document formats as plain text. It requires Net 3.5 Service Pack1 or higher to run.
Silverlight fractal painter This small fractal painter was made as contribution to MIX 10K challenge. It supports 13 fractal types.
NxBRE | Get NxBRE at
.NET Business Rule Engine NxBRE is the first (timely speaking) open-source rule engine for the .NET platform and a lightweight Business Rules Engine (aka Rule-Based Engine) that offers two different approaches: the Inference Engine, which is a forward-chaining (data driven) deduction engine and that supports concepts like Facts, Queries and Implications (as defined in RuleML Naf Datalog sub-language) and like Rule Priority, Mutual Exclusion and Precondition (as found in many commercial engines). It is designed in a way that encourages the separation of roles between the expert who designs the business rules and the programmer who binds them to the business objects. the Flow Engine, which uses XML as a way to control process flow for an application in an external entity. It is basically a wrapper on C#, as it offers all its flow control commands (if/then/else, while, foreach), plus a context of business objects and results. It is a port of JxBRE v1.7.1 (SourceForge Project from Sloan Seaman) to .NET's Visual C#. NxBRE 's interest lies first into its simplicity, second in the possibility of easily extending its features by delegating to custom code in the Flow Engine or by writing custom RuleBase adapters or Business Objects binders in the Inference Engine. NxBRE can be really useful for projects that have to deal with: complex business rules that can not be expressed into one uniform structured manner but require the possibility to have free logical expressions, changing business rules that force recompilation if the new rules must meet unexpected requirements. NxBRE is released under LGPL license in order to allow users to legally build commercial solutions that embed NxBRE. To run the unit tests, you will need NUnit 2.1. Developed on SharpDevelop.
Silverlight Audio Player
Silverlight Audio Player is a simple audio player that can be used for playing back one or more audio files. It currently supports two styles of player. The first plays a single file and is based on the visual design of the WordPress audio player. The second allows you to play multiple files. Installation You need the AudioPlayer.xap file, and optionally an XML playlist file. Once you have those, you can load the Silverlight application in the same way you would any other. Remember to set up the size appropriately, and pass in the MP3 file Url or Playlist Url in the Initparams (see below). By convention, Visual Studio likes XAP files to be stored in a ClientBin folder. You do not need to do this, and if you don't, you will need to adjust the relative paths from the examples shown below (i.e. no need for ..\ on your Urls).
.Net wrapper for NVIDIA's PhysX ( library Written using C++/CLI - Media Player (WPF/XAML) is a Media Player that support audio, video and Internet radios. Play your music directly from your PC, DVD/CD or from your iPod. offers great new ways to manage your music library, to create playlist, to copy the music from one device to another one and even
SoapBox Core
SoapBox Core makes it simple to build an extensible .NET application. It makes extensive use of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern, and the brand new Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). The SoapBox Core application framework takes the Model-View-ViewModel pattern one step further, allowing you to capture each feature in its own assembly, and swap them in and out at runtime.
NAudio is an open source .NET audio and MIDI library, containing dozens of useful audio related classes intended to speed development of audio related utilities in .NET. It has been in development since 2001 and has grown to include a wide variety of features. While some parts of the library are relatively new and incomplete, the more mature features have undergone extensive testing and can be quickly used to add audio capabilities to an existing .NET application.
wave-robot-net-client - Project Hosting on Google Code
Google Wave is a new collaborative tool with a rich extensibility story. Google is providing APIs for Python and Java to build "robots" - this project will provide an equivalent API so that robots can be built and hosted in .NET. This project is in a very early stage of development at the moment - there aren't nearly as many unit tests as I'd like, and there's no documentation. However, it is capable of hosting a working robot, with a bit of effort. The wire protocol is likely to change fairly soon, so expect this to be a fairly volatile code base for the moment. I will write up some fairly primitive "here's how to write your first .NET robot" instructions soonish...
Live Geometry
* The app is a computer model of plane geometry that allows you to create interactive ruler and compass constructions and experiment with them. Live Geometry is educational software for visualizing and solving geometric problems. * The project is written using Silverlight 3 and C# 3.0 (Visual Studio 2008). There are also versions for Visual Studio 2010 Beta2 available. * The core engine is a flexible and extensible framework that allows you to add new figure types and features. The project has two front-ends: WPF and Silverlight; they both share the common DynamicGeometry library.
Chaos toolbox for matlab
A matlab toolbox for Chaotic charateristics computation and visualization,including phase space reconstruction,prediction,noise reduction, entropy,Recurrent Plot,various dimension,Lyapunov exponent estimation are implemented for academic research.
PRTools: The Matlab Toolbox for Pattern Recognition
PRTools supplies about 200 user routines for traditional statistical pattern recognition tasks. It includes procedures for data generation, training classifiers, combining classifiers, features selection, linear and non-linear feature extraction, density estimation, cluster analysis, evaluation and visualisation. It is intended to aid students and researchers in designing and evaluating new algorithms and in building prototypes.\n\nPRTools can be freely used for academic research, as well as for inspection purposes under the following license. For commercial use, a site-license is available.
Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox for Matlab
This toolbox implements a selection of statistical pattern recognition methods described in the monograph M.I. Schlesinger, V. Hlavac: Ten lectures on the statistical and structural pattern recognition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 , rather it implements the first part of the monograph which deals with feature based statistical pattern recognition methods. The toolbox is still being developed and new implemented methods (see implemeted methods) go beyond the contents of the monograph.\n\nThe toolbox should help to understand relevant algorithms from the monograph and to demonstrate their functionality. The visualization of the process leading to the solution and experimentation feasibility is stressed for this reason. The demonstrator environment is provided that allows the user to choose different algorithms, compare their behavior, provides tools to control the algorithm run interactively and creates synthetic input data or uses real ones. The implemented method can be used for real applications as well.
A Matlab Toolkit for Distance Metric Learning
Welcome! This is a Matlab toolkit for distance metric learning, including the implementation of a number of published machine learning algorithms in this area. The first version of this toolkit has been available since Oct. 28, 2007.\n\n# This toolkit is to provide a collection of baseline methods for distance metric learning research, and to faciliate the usage of these approaches in applications. The Local Distance Metric Learning algorithms (LDM) and Active Distance Metric Learning (BAYES+VAR) were develped by the author, and the rest implementations were collected online. The toolkit does not cover all the related work in recent years. If you find other interesting approaches with its matlab implementation, please E-mail Me. You contribution will be highly appreciated.\n\n# Depending on the availability of the training examples (or side information), most distance metric learning techniques can be classified into two categories: Supervised Distance Metric Learning and Unsupervised Distance Metric Learning. Supervised distance metric learning makes use of label information to identify correlations between dimensions, that are most informative to the classes of examples. Unsupervised distance metric aims to construct a low-dimensional manifold where geometric relationships between most of the observed data are largely preserved. We organize two categories of appraoched in the following two tables. Each table specifies a few general properties for distance metric learning methods (for instance, linear vs. nonlinear, and global vs. local) and describe learning strategies. Matlab implementations are available for download, accompanited with the orignal papers.
\n\nWaveLab is a collection of Matlab functions that have been used by the authors and collaborators to implement a variety of algorithms related to wavelet analysis. A partial list of the techniques made available:\n\n * orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelet transforms,\n * translation-invariant wavelets,\n * interpolating wavelet transforms,\n * cosine packets,\n * wavelet packets,\n * matching pursuit,
Bayesian Surprise Toolkit for Matlab
Bayesian Surprise Matlab toolkit is a basic toolkit for computing Bayesian surprise values given a large set of input samples. It is also useful as way of exploring surprise theory. For more information see also:
XBAT - Home
XBAT is an extensible sound analysis application and MATLAB platform for developing sound analysis tools. It is open-source, licensed under the GPL. * Users can access and visualize sounds, browse and search for salient events, and annotate and measure events. * Developers can quickly create easy-to-use extensions with a powerful plug-in architecture.
MIRtoolbox offers an integrated set of functions written in Matlab, dedicated to the extraction from audio files of musical features such as tonality, rhythm, structures, etc. The objective is to offer an overview of computational approaches in the area of Music Information Retrieval. The design is based on a modular framework: the different algorithms are decomposed into stages, formalized using a minimal set of elementary mechanisms. These building blocks form the basic vocabulary of the toolbox, which can then be freely articulated in new original ways. These elementary mechanisms integrates all the different variants proposed by alternative approaches - including new strategies we have developed -, that users can select and parametrize. This synthetic digest of feature extraction tools enables a capitalization of the originality offered by all the alternative strategies. Additionally to the basic computational processes, the toolbox also includes higher-level musical feature extraction tools, whose alternative strategies, and their multiple combinations, can be selected by the user.
COMPACT - Comparative Package for Clustering Assessment
COMPACT - Comparative Package for Clustering Assessment (Version 2.0) By Roy Varshavsky[1] Roy Varshavsky, Michal Linial, David Horn, COMPACT: A Comparative Package for Clustering Assessment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3759, Oct 2005, Pages 159 - 167 Outline COMPACT is a GUI Matlab tool that enables an easy and intuitive way to compare some clustering methods. COMPACT is a five-step wizard that envelops some basic Matlab clustering methods and introduces the Quantum clustering algorithm that was originally proposed by Prof. David Horn and Assaf Gottlieb (see The Method of Quantum Clustering, for more details). COMPACT provides a flexible and customizable interface for clustering data with high dimensionality. COMPACT allows both textual and graphical display for the clustering results.
VOICEBOX: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB
VOICEBOX: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB Introduction VOICEBOX is a speech processing toolbox consists of MATLAB routines that are maintained by and mostly written by Mike Brookes, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BT, UK. Several of the routines require MATLAB V6.5 or above and require (normally slight) modification to work with earlier veresions. The routines are available as a zip archive and are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License. The routine VOICEBOX.M contains various installation-dependent parameters which may need to be altered before using the toolbox. In particular it contains a number of default directory paths indicating where temporary files should be created, where speech data normally resides, etc. See the comments in voicebox.m for a fuller description. For reading compressed SPHERE format files, you will need the SHORTEN program written by Tony Robinson and SoftSound Limited The path to the shorten executable must be set in voicebox.m.
Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction
Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction (v0.7 - Nov 2008) The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction contains Matlab implementations of 32 techniques for dimensionality reduction. A large number of implementations was developed from scratch, whereas other implementations are improved versions of software that was already available on the Web. The implementations in the toolbox are conservative in their use of memory. The toolbox is available for download here. Currently, the Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction contains the following techniques: • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) • Probabilistic PCA • Factor Analysis (FA) • Sammon mapping • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) • Multidimensional scaling (MDS) • Isomap • Landmark Isomap • Local Linear Embedding (LLE) • Laplacian Eigenmaps • Hessian LLE • Local Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) • Conformal Eigenmaps (extension of LLE) • Maximum Variance Unfolding (extension of LLE) • Landmark MVU (LandmarkMVU) • Fast Maximum Variance Unfolding (FastMVU) • Kernel PCA • Generalized Discriminant Analysis (GDA) • Diffusion maps • Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (SNE) • Symmetric SNE (SymSNE) • new: t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) • Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) • Locality Preserving Projection (LPP) • Linear Local Tangent Space Alignment (LLTSA) • Stochastic Proximity Embedding (SPE) • Multilayer autoencoders (training by RBM + backpropagation or by an evolutionary algorithm) • Local Linear Coordination (LLC) • Manifold charting • Coordinated Factor Analysis (CFA) • new: Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GPLVM) In addition to the techniques for dimensionality reduction, the toolbox contains implementations of 6 techniques for intrinsic dimensionality estimation, as well as functions for out-of-sample extension, prewhitening of data, and the generation of toy datasets.
Open Microscope Toolkit
All research labs have a ready supply of optical components to use to build a new instrument. These can be combined in almost limitless ways to create new microscopy applications. However, most labs have to develop a new microscopy solution for each application, a time consuming process, or they must adapt an existing solution. Both situations tend to produce difficult to use software that is useful for only a limited range of applications Open Microscopy Toolkit is made to bridge these problems. It is a common framework of software components that can be easily combined into a whole custom solution. The toolkit can run cameras, stages, filters, and a large number of other common equipment. New equipment can be easily added through plugins and the common framework. This toolkit is based on the Micromanager base and supports all their equipment. It is compadible with Labview, Matlab, Python, Scilab, R and any language that supports DCOM. It is based on the .Net framework allowing its use with a huge number of .Net languages Supported Hardware (Taken from the micromanager Website) Leica DMI microscopes Leica DMR microscopes (and DMIRBE) Nikon TE2000 motorized microscope Nikon TI microscope Nikon AZ100 Zoom microscope Olympus IX81 Zeiss CAN-bus (not CAN29) compatible microscopes (Axiovert 200m, Axioplan2) Zeiss CAN29-bus compatible microscopes (AxioObserver) Cameras from ABS Gesellschaft für Automatisierung, Bildverarbeitung, Software GmbH Jena Andor EM cameras Firewire cameras that adhere to the iidc1394 specs (Mac and Linux only) Virtual, emulated equipment for testing
Habanero Labs - Home of the Habanero Open Source Enterprise Application Framework
OVERVIEW Habanero is a free open source Enterprise Application Framework for .Net. Habanero provides the developer with a tool to produce an agile application, from the data layer through to the front-end. It persists data to and from the database using object relational mapping (ORM), manages business objects to support a rich domain model, and generates user interfaces at runtime to display and edit the mapped data. POWERFUL AND FLEXIBLE DOMAIN MODEL Habanero provides a developer with everything that is needed to develop highly efficient, scalable, and easily maintainable software. At its core is a highly optimised Object Relational Mapping (ORM) layer that handles all interactions of your domain model objects with the data store of your choice. Persistence to most mainstream relational databases (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, FireBird, MS Access, PostgreSQL, and SQLite), as well as files (XML, binary, etc.) and even a highly efficient in-memory data store (perfect for testing and delayed persistence) has been built into Habanero for you. Furthermore, if your required persistence strategy is not supported, you can create your own custom strategy that plugs seamlessly into Habanero, enabling the required persistence support. When using Habanero, you will notice that you never have to think about SQL, or files, or any other persistence strategy. All of this is done for you. The Habanero SQL engine handles everything, from querying your database to inserting, updating and deleting your data records. Due to the intelligence built into the Habanero object model, you are able to query across relationships without having to think about SQL Joins and you can do efficient updates of the data in a table for only the fields that have been modified. All of the major persistence concerns of a developer are addressed by Habanero so that more time can be spent on the actual problem domain. Habanero handles the persistence technology, concurrency control, transactions and audit logging for you, without any additional effor
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The best thing to happen to photography since the digital camera." />
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IL2JS is .NET Framework which allows to use any .NET language (for example C#) instead of JavaScript on your HTML page. It generates JavaScript, CSS and HTML files from .NET DLL files. It also allows for simple use of synchronous and asynchronous calls of .NET server-side methods, making Ajax and Comet style applications easier. All code before transformation to JavaScript is statically verified and optimized by .NET compiler, and then optimized to use features specific to JavaScript. * The main emphasis of project is to make generated JavaScript code as small as possible and allow for aggressive caching of files and data by browsers and proxy servers. * Second point of project is to make Web development easier in single environment (instead of mix of CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and server side scripts) and remove manually added glue layers (automatic serializations, double form validation, error handling(not yet)). Generated JavaScript code uses prototype.js library. Features * Use any .NET language and run it in browser o Main development of IL2JS is done for C# (operators, some syntax), but You can use other .NET languages (J#, VB.NET, Boo, Nemerle, etc.). * Fast and compact Virtual Machine which interprets code generated from .NET assemblies. * Full DOM support, and events handling. void button_Click(JSEventArgs args) { Window.Alert("Clicked too."); } protected void Page_Load() { var button = new Input.Button { Value = "Click me too" }; button.Click += new JSEventHandler(button_Click); this.Document.Body.Add( button, new Element("hr"), new Table { new TableRow { new TableHeaderCell { "Header1" }, new TableHeaderCell { "Header2" }, new TableHeaderCell { "Header3" } }, new TableRow { new TableCell { "Data1" }, new TableCell { "Data2" }, new TableCell { "Data3" } }, new Element("hr"), new Division {
Spring.NET - Application Framework
Spring.NET is an open source application framework that makes building enterprise .NET applications easier. Providing components based on proven design patterns that can be integrated into all tiers of your application architecture, Spring helps increase development productivity and improve application quality and performance.
The Microsoft Biology Foundation - Microsoft Research
he bioinformatics community has developed a strong tradition of open development, code sharing, and cross-platform support, and a number of language-specific bioinformatics toolkits are now available. These toolkits serve as valuable nucleation points for the community, promoting the sharing of code and establishing de facto standards.\n\nThe Microsoft Biology Foundation (MBF) is a language-neutral bioinformatics toolkit built as an extension to the Microsoft .NET Framework. Currently it implements a range of parsers for common bioinformatics file formats; a range of algorithms for manipulating DNA, RNA, and protein sequences; and a set of connectors to biological Web services such as NCBI BLAST. MBF is available under an open source license, and executables, source code, demo applications, and documentation are freely downloadable from the link below.
Silverlight.FX is a light-weight application framework for building Rich Internet Applications with Silverlight 2. Silverlight.FX is an application framework for building Rich Internet Applications with Silverlight 2. It focuses on providing building blocks and controls that allows applications to be naturally well-architected. * Enable concise declarative specification of user interfaces. The driving philosophy is what is declarative and ought to be designable should remain declarative, without requiring significant amount of code-behind logic. Furthermore, the resulting XAML should not appear bloated. * Enable easier separation of view and code. This is to facilitate separation of concerns, and promote testability and reusability. * Provide a lean framework. The general approach is to favor composability over kitchen-sink style features. Silverlight.FX is currently ~60KB compressed, and the goal is to stay under 100KB as development progresses for its mainline functionality. Silverlight.FX is an on-going and continually evolving project. The project is licensed using a BSD-style license, and the source code for the project is available via its GitHub repository. The repository should facilitate independent forking and further experimentation if you’re interested, or simply track checkins as they happen. Features Here is a list of the current feature areas in Silverlight.FX (more details will be added over time): * Application Model - SilverlightFX features a richer Application object providing a service model, an IoC container, support for theming, view model (M-V-VM), navigation and MVC, amongst various other features. * User Interface Components - SilverlightFX provides a small set of enhanced controls, support for Forms and Windows, master page like containers, layout controls and data-bound controls. * Declarative Views - SilverlightFX provides a framework for writing behaviors, actions, triggers, and commands, and also provides a set of out-of-the-box implementations. * Effe
Protein Insight
Protein Insight is the Microsoft Direct3D and the Microsoft .net framework based protein structure visualization platform. Because Protein Insight totally utilize a vertex shader and a pixel shader, Protein Insight has very fast rendering speed although it has high quality rendering. Protein Insight is also highly extensible with a plug-ins. The plug-ins can be written in C#, Visual Basic, C/CLI and other languages supported by the .net framework.
Facebook Developer Toolkit
Official Release: Version 3.0! The main goals driving the release of version 3.0 were: • Provide better doc and samples • Provide support for Silverlight • Provide support for ASP.NET MVC • Provide improved support for WPF • Provide improved support for FBML (FBML Server Controls) • Provide a login control that can be used to replace the BasePage and/or MasterPage for Canvas Development • Improve out of the box support for Extended Permission Prompts • Refactor core source to improve maintainability and design • Fix known bugs As part of this, we worked closer with the Developer Division at Microsoft to help design the Silverlight and WPF support. Also, after discussions with Microsoft it was decided that the namespaces and methods should be updated again to be more consistent with traditional .NET apis. This will cause some breaking changes to everyone as they move to 3.0. But, the main goal is that we wanted to get it right this time so that this could become an officially supported client library. Microsoft is working with Facebook to get the toolkit identified as the officially supported library. The plan is to provide real-time support and updates to keep the toolkit in synch with the Facebook API.
Expert C# 2008 Business Objects and Expert VB 2008 Business Objects are now available from all major booksellers. You can also purchase a PDF directly from the Apress web site. In this new book you'll learn how to use advanced .NET framework capabilities alongside OO design and programming to create scalable, maintainable object-oriented applications. Better still, the book includes CSLA .NET 3.6, the latest version of the widely used framework on which you can base your application development. By using the concepts and framework in the book you can focus more on your business issues, and less on technology.
Intelligent Audio Systems: Foundations and Applications of Music Information Retrieval 2009
How would you "Google for audio", provide music recommendations based your MP3 files, or have a computer "listen" and understand what you are playing? \n\nThis workshop will teach the underlying ideas, approaches, technologies, and practical design of intelligent audio systems using Music Information Retrieval (MIR) algorithms. \n\nMIR is a highly-interdisciplinary field bridging the domains of digital audio signal processing, pattern recognition, software system design, and machine learning. Simply put, MIR algorithms allow a computer to "listen" and "understand or make sense of" audio data, such as MP3s in a personal music collection, live streaming audio, or gigabytes of sound effects, in an effort to reduce the semantic gap between high-level musical information and low-level audio data. In the same way that listeners can recognize the characteristics of sound and music - tempo, key, chord progressions, genre, or song structure - MIR algorithms are capable of recognizing and extracting this information, enabling systems to perform extensive sorting, searching, music recommendation, metadata generation, transcription, and even aiding/generating real-time performance.
Intelligent Audio Systems: Foundations and Applications of Music Information Retrieval 2008
This workshop will teach the underlying ideas, approaches, technologies, and practical design of intelligent audio systems using Music Information Retrieval (MIR) algorithms. \n\nMIR is a highly-interdisciplinary field bridging the domains of digital audio signal processing, pattern recognition, software system design, and machine learning. Simply put, MIR algorithms allow a computer to "listen" and "understand or make sense of" audio data, such as MP3s in a personal music collection, live streaming audio, or gigabytes of sound effects, in an effort to reduce the semantic gap between high-level musical information and low-level audio data. In the same way that listeners can recognize the characteristics of sound and music - tempo, key, chord progressions, genre, or song structure - MIR algorithms are capable of recognizing and extracting this information, enabling systems to perform extensive sorting, searching, music recommendation, metadata generation, transcription, and even aiding/generating real-time performance.
Marsyas (Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals) is an open source software framework for audio processing with specific emphasis on Music Information Retrieval applications. It has been designed and written by George Tzanetakis ( with help from students and researchers from around the world. Marsyas has been used for a variety of projects in both academia and industry.
The Official jMax Phoenix Home Page
jMIR is intended for use in music information retrieval research involving the study of music in both audio and symbolic formats. The jMIR suite includes software for performing feature extraction, applying data mining algorithms and managing metadata.
jMusic - Computer music composition in Java.
jMusic is a project designed to provide composers and software developers with a library of compositional and audio processing tools. It provides a solid framework for computer-assisted composition in Java™, and is also used for generative music, instrument building, interactive performance, and music analysis. jMusic supports musicians with its familiar music data structure based upon note/sound events, and provides methods for organising, manipulating and analysing that musical data. jMusic scores can be rendered as MIDI or audio files for storage and later processing or playback in real-time. jMusic can read and write MIDI files, audio files, XML files, and its own .jm files; there is real-time support for JavaSound, QuickTime and MIDIShare.
MARF -- Modular Audio Recognition Framework and its Applications for Speech, Voice, and NLP Processing
MARF is a research platform and a collection of voice/sound/speech/text and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms written in Java and arranged into a very modular and extensible framework facilitating addition of new algorithms.
Download details: CLR Profiler for the .NET Framework 2.0
The CLR Profiler allows developers to see the allocation profile of their managed applications.
Download details: Debug Diagnostic Tool v1.1
The Debug Diagnostic Tool (DebugDiag) is designed to assist in troubleshooting issues such as hangs, slow performance, memory leaks or fragmentation, and crashes in any user-mode process. The tool includes additional debugging scripts focused on Internet Information Services (IIS) applications, web data access components, COM+ and related Microsoft technologies.
Welcome to Wise Owl
Demeanor for .NET, Enterprise Edition Version 4.0 is now available! Version 4.0 is a significant upgrade to our prior product. In additional to all previous functionality, version 4.0 obfuscates generic type, method and parameters of .NET 2.0 assemblies. Also included is an obfuscated stack trace decode utility. In order to run version 4.0, you must have.NET 2.0 or later installed. However, version 4.0 can obfuscate your .NET 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 assemblies.
Project Description Graph# is a graph layout framework. It contains some layout algorithms and a GraphLayout control for WPF applications. Architecture | Tutorials | Roadmap | Documentation on the way | Silverlight support is on the way
Microsoft Health CUI - Home
The Microsoft Health Common User Interface (CUI) provides User Interface Design Guidance and Toolkit controls that address a wide range of patient safety concerns for healthcare organizations worldwide, enabling a new generation of safer, more usable and compelling health applications to be quickly and easily created. Read more about the project in the Introduction View our development schedule in the Roadmap section See scenario-based technology demonstrators and testimonials from clinical application and healthcare providers in the Showcase Visit our Team Blog for news and announcements Access our CodePlex forum to read related discussions
PC SOFT WINDEV: Develop 10 times faster
WINDEV 14 covers the full development cycle enabling your teams to develop applications up to 10 times faster. JAVA RAD included. .NET capabilities. WEBDEV 14, powerful IDE for Internet, lets you easily and quickly build Internet and Intranet sites or applications that rely on live data. WebDev can also generate PHP code. AJAX (Web 2.0) is native. With WINDEV Mobile 14 developing applications for Pocket PC and Smartphone becomes easy and fast. At last, an Integrated Development Environment geared for these devices!
MVC# - Model-View-Presenter framework for .NET
MVC# - is a Model-View-Presenter framework for .NET platform. It allows taking advantage of the MVP pattern with minimal effort required. As a result applications gain 3-tier structure, become better structured and easier to maintain.
Mobile MVC Framework
MVC Framework for mobile devices running .NET Compact Framework 3.5.
Aspect.NET is an aspect-oriented programming framework for Microsoft.NET developed at St. Petersburg University. Project supported by Microsoft Research. Aspect.NET is currently used in 25 countries. We receive a lot of positive feedback from our customers
Programming Languages and Systems (PLAS)
The Programming Languages and Systems Research group (PLAS) is part of the School of Software Engineering and Data Communications in the Faculty of IT at QUT. Founded in December 1989, the research area is one of the oldest within QUT. Originally headed by Professor John Gough (still an active researcher), the group is now led by Dr Paul Roe. The group made a name of itself in Modula-2 compilers, and associated optimising backends. Research in PLAS now spans programming language design and implementation, cluster and grid computing and collaborative technology.
FHLIB - MULTISCALE FEATURE HIERARCHY LIBRARY RELEASE : 8 (2008/09/04) This archive contains MATLAB/C++ source code used in the experiments described in: Jim Mutch and David G. Lowe. Multiclass Object Recognition with Sparse, Localized Features. CVPR, pages 11-18, New York, June 2006 The code is organized as a parameter-driven library capable of supporting a class of models. The model described in our paper is one instance. All functions are designed to be called from MATLAB. For speed, many of these MATLAB functions in turn call C++ methods (for which source code is also provided). Code is included for: - configuring the hierarchy (number of levels, filters used at each level, pooling ranges, etc.), - learning features, computing response vectors, and tracing the locations of computed features, and - the final SVM classification stage (except the feature selection step). The following is *not* currently included: - neighborhood suppression code for localization. There are two demo scripts, and every function also has fairly comprehensive MATLAB help. At this point there is no *internal* documentation. For example, the library has been designed to make it relatively easy to program new kinds of filters, however there are currently no instructions on how to do this.
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Microsoft Solution Finder
Business Solutions from Microsoft Partners
JaStDev WPF Solutions
NeuralNetworkDesigner ControlFramework The ControlFramework is a free .net 3.5 library that contains a number of useful controls and utilities. This includes (not exhaustive): DockSplitter, DockPanelEx, Help, Rotary, TabPanel, FocusManager,.... UI Browser i UI Browser is a small, free (as in beer) utility based on the new UI Automation framework from Microsoft. It allows you to browse and test an application using this framework.
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Cloud computing and cloud hosting powered by Rackspace Cloud computing. Get reliable cloud servers and site hosting using Rackspace Cloud technology, 24/7 support. Live chat or call 1.877.934.0409 Today.
Clutter Toolkit
Clutter is an open source software library for creating fast, visually rich, portable and animated graphical user interfaces. Clutter uses OpenGL (and optionally OpenGL|ES for use on Mobile and embedded platforms) for rendering but with an API which hides the underlying GL complexity from the developer. The Clutter API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. Clutter currently features the following: * Scene-graph of layered 2D interface elements manipulated in 3D space via position, grouping, transparency, scaling, clipping and rotation. * Frame based animation engine providing path interpolation, transitions and other custom effects via Behaviours and Timelines. * Scriptable JSON based layout and animation file support. * Advanced input event handling including multiple pointing devices. * Custom Pango renderer providing efficient internationalised UTF8 text rendering. * Support for high end Open GL features such as Shaders and FBOs. * Support for media playback with GStreamer, Cairo graphics rendering, GTK+ embedding, Box2D physics engine and WebKit web rendering are available via optional add-on libraries. * Object oriented design via GObject with a familiar GTK+ like API. * Runs on Linux, Windows and OSX with backend window system support for GLX, EGL, WGL, SDL and Cocoa. * Support for mobile devices with fixed point internals and portability across Open GL, OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 * Developed in C, with language bindings for Perl, Python, C#, C++, Vala and Ruby. Clutter aims to be non specific — it implements no particular User Interface style, but rather provides a rich generic foundation that facilitates rapid and easy creation of higher level tool kits tailored to specific needs. Clutter is free software released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. It is supported by both a growing open source community and commercially by Intel.
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Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Visual Studio Developers: Welcome to Linux! .NET for Java Developers At Mainsoft, we believe the fastest route for Visual Studio® developers to deploy applications on open systems is to extend existing .NET development skills to the Java™ EE platform. bullet Grasshopper is a Visual Studio-based SDK and patented .NET to Java converter that enables you to run .NET Web and server applications to run on Linux® and other Java-enabled platforms. bullet Get Started! Build your first Java application using the Visual Studio IDE bullet Develop a Java AJAX News Reader using Visual Studio bullet Port an ASP.NET AJAX RSS Reader to Java
ComponentSource® - The Definitive Source of Software Components
Main Page - ZedGraphWiki
Welcome to the ZedGraph Wiki! Are you looking for a way to draw in .Net? Here's yet another charting class library with a high degree of configurability that is also easy to use. ZedGraph is a set of classes, written in C#, for creating 2D line and bar graphs of arbitrary datasets. The classes provide a high degree of flexibility -- almost every aspect of the graph can be user-modified. At the same time, usage of the classes is kept simple by providing default values for all of the graph attributes. The classes include code for choosing appropriate scale ranges and step sizes based on the range of data values being plotted. ZedGraph also includes a UserControl interface, allowing drag and drop editing within the Visual Studio forms editor, plus access from other languages such as C++ and VB. ZedGraph is licensed under the LGPL.
NPLOT - Scientific Charting Library for .NET / C# / VB.NET
NPlot (formerly known as scpl) is a free charting library for .NET. It boasts an elegant and flexible API. NPlot includes controls for Windows.Forms, ASP.NET and a class for creating Bitmaps. A GTK# control is also available. Where to from here? You might want to look at some Examples or go to the Download Area. The current version of NPlot is
Swordfish Charts | Get Swordfish Charts at
Chart Control for Microsoft .NET 3.0/WPF with pan, zoom, and offline rendering to the clipboard for custom sizes.
ResourceBlender - Easy Application Localization
ResourceBlender is an open-source translation and internationalization application which offers an easy way to manage localized resources for inclusion with different applications. Available as an ASP.NET web application and a WPF desktop application, it makes localizing applications a breeze. ResourceBlender generates localized resources in different formats from a central database for inclusion with different applications.
The C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI
C5 is a library of generic collection classes for C# and other CLI languages and works with Microsoft .Net version 2.0 and later, and Mono version 1.2 and later. C5 provides functionality and data structures not provided by the standard .Net System.Collections.Generic namespace, such as persistent tree data structures, heap based priority queues, hash indexed array lists and linked lists, and events on collection changes. Also, it is more comprehensive than collection class libraries on other similar platforms, such as Java. Unlike many other collection class libraries, C5 is designed with a strict policy of supporting "code to interface not implementation".
The ObjectMapper .NET Project
The Relational Persistence Framework for .NET Welcome to the ObjectMapper .NET project - an impressive open source project for object persistence, proven in real-world projects. Object relational mappers aim to bridge the gap between object oriented programming and relational database models. The ObjectMapper .NET offers state-of-the-art object mapping functionality, yet it also provides advanced features that set it apart from other o/r mappers. Tailored to achieve maximum performance and development ease-of-use this technology will give developers the ability to build business components with unprecedented productivity and optimal runtime performance. Real model driven development The entity model drives the database layout, thus enabling real model driven development. The business entity model can be designed using the CASE tool of your choice - it may even be designed by business analysts rather than classical developers. The entities and their properties may then be decorated with declarative attributes - either within the CASE tool or within the generated C# code. These attributes may tell the ObjectMapper .NET simple things, such as the length of a text field, or they may provide more complex information, or to allow fields to be picked from another table. In many cases the default behaviour will suffice - reducing the amount of work efficiently. The ObjectMapper .NET - and this is really a great part, will use the meta information of the model to create a DDL file to create the database - including all constraints. It also supports database versioning. No need to maintain a separate DDL. No need to manually synchronize properties and database table columns. All contained in one single source, thus eliminating maintenance hurdles and a whole class of error conditions.
Free for Windows, Mac, and Linux
Brahma is an open-source library written for the .NET 3.5 framework (in C# 3.0), to provide high-level access to parallel streaming computations on a variety of processors. Please note at while at this time Brahma has a GPU provider (and its focus is GPGPU), it can be adapted to run on any kind of processor.
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is used with different types of languages including common scripting languages such as Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and Ruby. The list of supported languages also includes non-scripting languages such as C#, Common Lisp (CLISP, Allegro CL, CFFI, UFFI), Java, Lua, Modula-3, OCAML, Octave and R. Also several interpreted and compiled Scheme implementations (Guile, MzScheme, Chicken) are supported. SWIG is most commonly used to create high-level interpreted or compiled programming environments, user interfaces, and as a tool for testing and prototyping C/C++ software. SWIG can also export its parse tree in the form of XML and Lisp s-expressions. SWIG may be freely used, distributed, and modified for commercial and non-commercial use.
Download details: Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
ASP.NET and Windows Forms Chart Controls for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Unfuddle Software Project Management Git and Subversion Hosting
Unfuddle is a secure, hosted project management solution for software development teams. We know that you don't have time to get a server up and running and then configure and secure code repositories, ticketing systems and valuable project management tools.
Verbot Engine SDK by Conversive, Inc.
he Verbot Engine SDK provides the Core Natural Language Processing Engine (Pattern Matching) used in the Verbot 5 and Verbots Online. It includes class definitions for all basic data types: KnowledgeBases, Rules, Inputs, Outputs, Synonyms, etc... as well as the methods needed to reason on a KnolwedgeBase.
Gimp# fills the niche between scripting languages (easy to write, slow) and C (harder to write, fast). If you need a quick and dirty plug-in where speed doesn't matter that much, write it in any of the scripting languages that come with GIMP (Scheme, Perl, etc.). Scripting languages are very well fitted for calling existing functionality, shortening manual tasks. You probably don't want pixel manipulation in Scheme. In C, on the other hand, it takes a lot more time to create a plug-in for several reasons: building the GUI is time consuming. Secondly, pixel handling is not completely trivial. You have to know how to traverse through the tiles of an image, etc. Typically the actual algorithm is only a very small (5 - 20 %) part of the total code. GIMP# is not as fast as C, but much faster than a scripting language. Building a decent GUI is much easier than in C.
CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software
CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and create industry-standard AVI video files and using its built-in SWF Producer can turn those AVIs into lean, mean, bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flash videos (SWFs)
Exocortex.DSP | Get Exocortex.DSP at
A digital signal processing library for Microsoft .NET platform written in C#. Features complex number data types, a complex number math library and both real and complex number fast fourier transforms (FFT).
FFTW in C#
FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) is a discrete fourier transform library that rightfully boasts its superiority. Its trick is that it generates the transform code on-the-fly, so when you use it on a variety of different computers it's able to optimize very well. Now, since most of my (recent) programming experience has been in C#, I figured I'd just use PInvoke to access the FFTW library functionality.
TA-Lib : Technical Analysis Library - Home
Multi-Platform Tools for Market Analysis ...\n\nTA-Lib is widely used by trading software developers requiring to perform technical analysis of financial market data.\n\n * Includes 200 indicators such as ADX, MACD, RSI, Stochastic, Bollinger Bands etc... (more info)\n * Candlestick pattern recognition\n * Open-source API for C/C++, Java, Perl, Python and 100% Managed .NET\n\nFree Open-Source Library\n\nTA-Lib is available under a BSD License allowing it to be integrated in your own open-source or commercial application.
Mitov Software - Video, Audio, Digital Signal Processing(DSP), and computer vision components for Delphi, C++, C# and Visual Basic .NET
Mitov Software offers Delphi, C++ Builder, Visual C++ MFC/Win32 and .NET 2.0/3.0 (C#, Visual Basic, C++/CLI, J#) component libraries for Video, Audio, Signal processing, and Computer Vision. All the libraries are fully multithreaded and optimized using Intel MMX technologies. The libraries are based on the advanced OpenWire technology, and allow writing complex applications with zero or near zero lines of code.\n
Meta.Numerics is a library for advanced scientific computations using the .NET Framework. The Meta.Numerics library is fully object-oriented and optimized for speed of implementation and execution.\n\nExplore this site to learn more about scientific computing and about the capabilities of the Meta.Numerics library. Here you can:\n\n * Download the Meta.Numerics library and use it to begin writing your own programs right away.\n * Use our online calculators, which show off just a small portion of the functionality of the Meta.Numerics library.\n * Peruse our specification sheet for a quick overview of what the Meta.Numerics library offers, or our documentation for an in-depth view.\n * Visit our forums to interact with other users, or our blog for news on the Meta.Numerics library and numerical computing in general.\n
Fast subroutines for Matlab programs - Microsoft Research
This library provides highly optimized versions of primitive functions such as repmat, set intersection, and gammaln. It provides efficient random number generators and evaluation of common probability densities. It provides routines for counting floating-point operations (FLOPS), useful for benchmarking algorithms. There are also some useful utilities such as filename globbing and parsing of variable-length argument lists.
Pledgie - Helping you help others.
Pledgie helps you raise money for causes you care about.
MEAPsoft is a program for automatically segmenting and rearranging music audio recordings.
BEPUphysics is a 3D physics engine designed specifically for the XNA Framework, enabling the effective handling of rigid body simulations and interaction for game development at any level.
Perst Embedded Database – an open source, object-oriented Java database / .NET database
Perst Embedded Database – an open source, object-oriented Java database and .NET database. A small footprint, plus exceptional transparent persistence in working with Java and C# objects, and with AspectJ and JAssist tools."
Infragistics Quince: UX Patterns Explorer
Quince is a rich UX patterns, sometimes called UI patterns, explorer.
Windows Hosting, ASP.NET Hosting, SQL Hosting, Silverlight Hosting, ASP.NET MVC Hosting, AJAX Hosting, IIS 7.5 Hosting, Microsoft Hosting - Cheap Windows Hosting at WinHost
Cheap Windows Hosting, Cheap ASP.NET hosting, Cheap SQL hosting, Silverlight hosting, ASP.NET MVC Hosting, AJAX Hosting, IIS7 Hosting.
ASP.NET Hosting, ASP .NET Web Hosting, SQL Hosting, Windows 2008 Webhosting, Silverlight Hosting, MVC hosting, AJAX Hosting, LINQ Hosting at DiscountASP.NET
ASP.NET hosting, SQL hosting, MVC Hosting, Silverlight 3.0 2.0 hosting, AJAX Hosting, LINQ Hosting, Microsoft Windows 2008 hosting, iis7 hosting, Windows 2003 hosting, iis6 hosting.
NAnt - A .NET Build Tool
NAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like make without make's wrinkles. In practice it's a lot like Ant.
AspectSharp is an AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) framework for .NET .
C# Programming Tools
VideoLectures - exchange ideas & share knowledge
Free on-demand educational video lectures from world's leading and prominent scientists, research institutions, EU research projects.
psom - Project Hosting on Google Code
PSOM is a tool to manage pipelines in Matlab or Octave, both within a single session or within a parallel computing environment. A pipeline is a collection of jobs, i.e. some matlab or octave codes that are using files as inputs and are producing files as outputs. PSOM is automatizing all the boring tasks for you: Create folders for outputs Keep track of all options Generate log files Job failure will not crash the pipeline. The pipeline manager identifies the jobs that have failed to produce their expected outputs, and will be able to restart these failed jobs latter. If the pipeline is restarted while some jobs have been modified, the pipeline manager will restart only the jobs that these changes will impact. Determine which jobs can run in parallel by examining the dependencies between inputs and outputs of jobs. The same code can run a pipeline locally or in parallel on multiple PCs, three execution modes being available: in a single matlab/octave session, on a single machine in multiple matlab/octave sessions through batch, on a single machine with multiple CPUs. in multiple matlab/octave sessions trough qsub/msub (pbs, sge, torque and MOAB are supported), on multiple computers.
M_Map: A Mapping package for Matlab
You have collected your data, loaded it into Matlab , analyzed everything to death, and now you want to make a simple map showing how it relates to the world. But you can't. Instead you have to figure out how to save all your data, and then read it into another program (like, for example GMT ), and then spend all that extra time figuring out why it doesn't give you what you expected it would...or you can invest in Matlab's own mapping toolbox (with a similarly steep learning curve)... or not!
MIRtoolbox offers an integrated set of functions written in Matlab, dedicated to the extraction from audio files of musical features such as tonality, rhythm, structures, etc. The objective is to offer an overview of computational approaches in the area of Music Information Retrieval. The design is based on a modular framework: the different algorithms are decomposed into stages, formalized using a minimal set of elementary mechanisms. These building blocks form the basic vocabulary of the toolbox, which can then be freely articulated in new original ways. These elementary mechanisms integrates all the different variants proposed by alternative approaches - including new strategies we have developed -, that users can select and parametrize. This synthetic digest of feature extraction tools enables a capitalization of the originality offered by all the alternative strategies. Additionally to the basic computational processes, the toolbox also includes higher-level musical feature extraction tools, whose alternative strategies, and their multiple combinations, can be selected by the user.
NLPCA - nonlinear PCA by Matthias Scholz
Nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) is commonly seen as a nonlinear generalization of standard principal component analysis (PCA). It generalizes the principal components from straight lines to curves (nonlinear). Thus, the subspace in the original data space which is described by all nonlinear components is also curved. Nonlinear PCA can be achieved by using a neural network with an autoassociative architecture also known as autoencoder, replicator network, bottleneck or sandglass type network. Such autoassociative neural network is a multi-layer perceptron that performs an identity mapping, meaning that the output of the network is required to be identical to the input. However, in the middle of the network is a layer that works as a bottleneck in which a reduction of the dimension of the data is enforced. This bottleneck-layer provides the desired component values (scores).
XBAT - Home
XBAT is an extensible sound analysis application and development environment in MATLAB
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Toolbox for Matlab
Written by Kevin Murphy, 1998.\nLast updated: 8 June 2005. \nThe new version computes the summed two-slice marginals, to save space (suggestion of Herbert Jaeger). \n\nThis toolbox supports inference and learning for HMMs with discrete outputs (dhmm's), Gaussian outputs (ghmm's), or mixtures of Gaussians output (mhmm's). The Gaussians can be full, diagonal, or spherical (isotropic). It also supports discrete inputs, as in a POMDP. The inference routines support filtering, smoothing, and fixed-lag smoothing. For more general models, please see my Bayes Net Toolbox.
The Larceny Project -- Home page
Larceny is a simple and efficient implementation of the Scheme programming language. Created originally as a test vehicle for research on garbage collection and compiler optimizations, Larceny has grown into a major multiplatform system, and is one of the very few implementations that support all four de facto standards for Scheme: IEEE/ANSI, R5RS, ERR5RS, and the R6RS. Development of Larceny has been supported by NSF, Sun Microsystems, and Microsoft.
xacc.ide | Get xacc.ide at
xacc.ide is a opensource IDE aimed at mainly .NET development. It has a code editor written in 100% C# code, which is faster than most commercial offerings.
IronScheme will aim to be a R6RS conforming Scheme implementation based on the Microsoft DLR.
SciPy -
SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It is also the name of a very popular conference on scientific programming with Python. The SciPy library depends on NumPy, which provides convenient and fast N-dimensional array manipulation. The SciPy library is built to work with NumPy arrays, and provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines such as routines for numerical integration and optimization. Together, they run on all popular operating systems, are quick to install, and are free of charge. NumPy and SciPy are easy to use, but powerful enough to be depended upon by some of the world's leading scientists and engineers. If you need to manipulate numbers on a computer and display or publish the results, give SciPy a try!
Open Source Software in C#
patterns & practices - Enterprise Library
The Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable software components (application blocks) designed to assist software developers with common enterprise development challenges. Application blocks are provided as source code plus documentation that can be used "as is," extended, or modified by developers to use on complex, enterprise-level line-of-business development projects.
Habanero - Open Source Enterprise Application Framework
Habanero is an open source Enterprise Application Framework for .Net that provides the tools to produce an agile application from the data layer through to the front-end. Released for free under the LGPL license, it persists data to and from the database using object relational mapping (ORM), manages business objects to support a rich domain model, and generates user interfaces at runtime to display and edit the mapped data.
List of game engines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Game Engines - GDWiki - 3D Game and Graphics Engines Database
Your source for 3D Game and Graphics Engines. This database is committed to providing you with the most accurate and up-to-date information for current engines around the web. Each engine contains a brief description as well as a list of supported features and general info (platform, API, etc.). Most engines contain reviews/ratings to help you better in your search.
Vodafone - Send SMS
Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. - Poskytovatel mobilních telekomunikačních služeb a součást největší mobilní skupiny na světě, jejíchž služeb využívají zákazníci v bezmála 30 zemích na 3 kontinentech.
Backup and Restore Web Browser Settings
Backup, restore favorites, bookmarks, passwords, history, sessions, cookies, extensions and more for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome.
jar2ikvmc - Project Hosting on Google Code
he tool helps converting big bundles of Java jar files to .NET dlls using IKVM.NET. Jar2ikvmc uses JarAnalyser to detect dependencies between jar files and then generates command-line script for ikvmc.exe. See Documentation page for more information about internals of the tool. Information about releases, recent news and plans can be found on my blog:
Monkey Analytics
The Better Way To Do Math Analysis. Monkey Analytics is the leading web based math computation tool. Run Python, Matlab, and R commands in the cloud. Create and run scripts. Access from anywhere. Free your desktop, compute in the cloud.
IKVM.NET Home Page
IKVM.NET is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework. It includes the following components: * A Java Virtual Machine implemented in .NET * A .NET implementation of the Java class libraries * Tools that enable Java and .NET interoperability
DotNetNuke - The Leading Open Source Web Content Management Framework for ASP.NET
The Leading Web Content Management System (CMS) and Application Development Platform for Microsoft .NET • Easy to use • Flexible and extensible • Highly scalable The free Community Edition runs hundreds of thousands of production websites. The new Professional Edition 5.1 includes unique features designed for business critical websites.
mageMaster is a .Net C# application for reading and writing disc images (*.iso files). Image Master features: * Read the contents of image files before burning them to disc. * Extract the contents of iso files without burning them to disc. * Burn an iso file to disc. * Burn files and/or folders directly to disc. * Supports multi-session burning. * Create image files for archiving. * Convert Bin Image Files (.bin), Nero Image Files (.nrg), Alcohol Image Files (.mdf), CloneCd Image Files (.img), DiscJuggler Image Files (.cdi) to iso images. * ImageMaster is compatible with 64bit Windows. * ImageMaster is available in the following languages: English, French, Dutch, Chinese (Simplified), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.
Home | Open Source Initiative
Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open-source community. One of our most important activities is as a standards body, maintaining the Open Source Definition for the good of the community. The Open Source Initiative Approved License trademark and program creates a nexus of trust around which developers, users, corporations and governments can organize open-source cooperation.
Welcome to Ecma International
Standardization, Information and Communication Technology, Consumer Electronics, Industry association
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
Validator - Commons Validator
A common issue when receiving data either electronically or from user input is verifying the integrity of the data. This work is repetitive and becomes even more complicated when different sets of validation rules need to be applied to the same set of data based on locale. Error messages may also vary by locale. This package addresses some of these issues to speed development and maintenance of validation rules.
OVal - the object validation framework for Java™ 5 or later -
OVal is a pragmatic and extensible validation framework for any kind of Java objects (not only JavaBeans). Constraints can be declared with annotations (@NotNull, @MaxLength), POJOs or XML. Custom constraints can be expressed as custom Java classes or by using scripting languages such as JavaScript, Groovy, BeanShell, OGNL or MVEL. Besides field/property validation OVal implements Programming by Contract features by utilizing AspectJ based aspects. This for example allows runtime validation of method arguments.
OpenEJB - Home
Apache OpenEJB is an embeddable and lightweight EJB 3.0 implementation that can be used as a standalone server or embedded into Tomcat, JUnit, TestNG, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Maven, Ant, and any IDE or application. OpenEJB is included in Apache Geronimo, IBM WebSphere Application Server CE, and Apple's WebObjects. Major features * Supports EJB 3.0, 2.1, 2.0, 1.1 in all modes; embedded, standalone or otherwise. * JAX-WS support * JMS support * J2EE connector support * Can be dropped into Tomcat 5 or 6 adding various JavaEE 5 and EJB 3.0 features to a standard Tomcat install. * CMP support is implemented over JPA allowing to freely mix CMP and JPA usage. * Complete support for Glassfish descriptors allowing those users to embedded test their applications. * Incredibly flexible jndi name support allows you to specify formats at macro and micro levels and imitate the format of other vendors. * Allows for easy testing and debugging in IDEs such as Eclipse, Idea Intellij or NetBeans with no plugins required. * Usable in ordinary JUnit or other style test cases without complicated setup or external processes. * Validates applications entirely and reports all failures at once, with three selectable levels of detail, avoiding several hours worth of "fix, recompile, redeploy, fail, repeat" cycles.
A C# client library written against the API.
The Open Source Wiki - SWiK
SWiK is a community driven resource for open source software. SWiK contains information and news about thousands of open source projects and people are constantly adding cool new stuff to make SWiK your one-stop resource for open source project information. Open Source Software Engineering Community Scope * is a mid-sized open source community focused on building better tools for collaborative software development. * You will not find thousands of unrelated projects here: every project fits into the Tigris mission. * You will not find dead projects here: every project is welcomed into the community with a commitment to see it through and active developers cycle among related projects. * is hosted by CollabNet, but the Tigris mission is one for the entire open source movement and one that has attracted senior open source developers from many organizations. The Tigris Mission: Building Open Source Software Engineering Tools provides information resources for software engineering professionals and students, and a home for open source software engineering tool projects. Software engineering practices are key to any large development project. Unfortunately, software engineering tools and methods are not widely used today. Even after over 30 years as a engineering profession, most software developers still use few software engineering tools. Some of the reasons are that tools are expensive and hard to learn and use, also many developers have never seen software engineering tools used effectively. The open source software development movement has produced a number of very powerful and useful software development tools, but it has also evolved a software development process that works well under conditions where normal development processes fail. The software engineering field can learn much from the way that successful open source projects gather requirements, make design decisions, achieve quality, and support users. Open source projects are also a great for developers to keep their skills current and plug into a growing base of shared experience for everyone in the field.
1. Сайт посвящен АЛГОРИТМАМ и МЕТОДАМ. Сайт не содержит информацию, связанную с конкретными языками программирования и операционными системами. Лучше сделать хороший сайт по алгоритмам и методам, нежели все обо всем. Таких помоек и так довольно. Короче, материалы на сайте должны быть прежде всего качественные. И их организация - тоже. 2. Каждому алгоритму - одну статью. В большинстве информативных сайтов структура информации такова, что вместо полноценного описания алгоритма выложены разные статьи на эту тему. Для приобретения полной картины посетитель должен все просмотреть и перекомпилировать. Возможно, и после этого он не будет удовлетворен. Так почему я должен читать кучу статей, написанных зачастую малокомпетентными людьми, чтобы понять придуманный лет 10-15 назад алгоритм ? Гораздо лучше, когда есть точное соответствие: алгоритм-статья. В этом случае легко получить исчерпывающую информацию. Это требует определенного труда от веб-мастеров, но это важно. Если представлено несколько методов решения задачи, то обязательным является их сравнение и советы по выбору в конкретных типичных ситуациях.
PDFsharp & MigraDoc
PDFsharp A .NET library for processing PDF PDFsharp is the Open Source .NET library that easily creates and processes PDF documents on the fly from any .NET language. The same drawing routines can be used to create PDF documents, draw on the screen, or send output to any printer. MigraDoc Foundation Creating documents on the fly MigraDoc Foundation the Open Source .NET library that easily creates documents based on an object model with paragraphs, tables, styles, etc. and renders them into PDF, XPS, or RTF.
DotNetZip Library
DotNetZip - Zip and Unzip in C#, VB, any .NET language DotNetZip is an easy-to-use FREE class library and toolset for manipulating zip files or folders. Zip and Unzip is easy: with DotNetZip, .NET applications written in VB, C# - any .NET language - can easily create, read, extract, or update zip files. It works on Mono or MS .NET. DotNetZip works on PCs with the full .NET Framework, and also runs on mobile devices that use the .NET Compact Framework. Create and read zip files in VB, C#, or any .NET language, or any scripting environment. DotNetZip supports these scenarios: - an ASP.NET app that dynamically creates ZIP files and allows a browser to download them - a Windows Service that periodically zips up a directory for backup and archival purposes - a WPF program that modifies existing archives - renaming entries, removing entries from an archive, or adding new entries to an archive - a Windows Forms app that creates AES-encrypted zip archives for privacy of archived content. - An administrative script in PowerShell or VBScript that performs backup and archival. - a WCF service that receives a zip file as an attachment, and dynamically unpacks the zip to a stream for analysis - an old-school ASP (VBScript) application that produces a ZIP file via the COM interface for DotNetZIp - a Windows Forms app that reads or updates ODS files - creating zip files from stream content, saving to a stream, extracting to a stream, reading from a stream - creation of self-extracting archives. If all you want is a better DeflateStream or GZipStream class to replace the one that is built-into the .NET BCL, DotNetZip has that, too. DotNetZip's DeflateStream and GZipStream are available in a standalone assembly, based on a .NET port of Zlib. These streams support compression levels and deliver much better performance that the built-in classes. There is also a ZlibStream to complete the set (RFC 1950, 1951, 1952).
InfoQ: Tracking change and innovation in the enterprise software development community (Information Queue) is an independent online community focused on change and innovation in enterprise software development, targeted primarily at the technical architect, technical team lead (senior developer), and project manager. InfoQ serves the Java, .NET, Ruby, SOA, and Agile communities with daily news written by domain experts, articles, video interviews, video conference presentations, and mini-books. InfoQ launched June 8 2006. InfoQ's primary mission is to contribute to the evolution of the communities we serve. InfoQ's main differentiators/innovations include:\n\n * Personalization. InfoQ serves multiple communities while allowing users to select which communities they are interested in, and then personalize even further by excluding specific subtopics/tags. User's personalization settings will then determine what they see on the homepage, and what they will get in their personalized RSS feed, personalized weekly newsletter, etc.\n * Unique and Exclusive Content. InfoQ publishes daily news written by domain experts, articles, video interviews, video conference presentations selected from major industry conferences, technical case studies, and books.\n * Internationalization. InfoQ is translating all news as well as most of our educational content onto our Chinese (, Japanese (, and Brasilian Portuguese ( versions of the site. Each of those sites also have local original content.\n * Innovative technology, user friendly design. InfoQ was designed with the end user in mind, to minimize needless clicks and maximize the user experience with the latest technologies such as AJAX which has been used heavily on the site in areas such as registration, discussion threading, and personalization. InfoQ is not just a site about software development, it is a showcase of what's possible in web development.\n
Wolfram|Alpha is the world's definitive source for expert, computable knowledge-built on Wolfram's 25 years of technology, algorithm, and content development.\n\nWith Wolfram|Alpha's developer products you can immediately integrate the power of Wolfram|Alpha into your projects, large or small. Add interactive computable knowledge features in minutes-or engineer a full-scale computable knowledge application.
Martin Fowler
Peter Norvig
All-In-One Code Framework
Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework code-name CodeFx delineates the framework and skeleton of Microsoft development techniques through typical sample codes in three popular programming languages (Visual C#, VB.NET, Visual C++). Each sample is elaborately selected, composed, and documented to demonstrate one frequently-asked, tested or used coding scenario based on our support experience in MSDN newsgroups and forums. If you are a software developer, you can fill the skeleton with blood, muscle and soul. If you are a software tester or a support engineer like us, you may extend the sample codes a little to fit your specific test scenario or refer your customer to this project if the customer's question coincides with what we collected. Today is October 18th, 2009. CodeFx has more than 230 code examples that cover 22 Microsoft development technologies like Windows 7 and Silverlight 3. The collection grows at a rate of six samples per week. You can find the up-to-date list of CodeFx samples in All-In-One Code Framework Sample Catalog.
OpenCyc is the open source version of the Cyc technology, the worlds largest and most complete general knowledge base and commonsense reasonging engine. Cycorp, the builders of Cyc, have set up an independent organization,, to disseminate and administer OpenCyc, and have committed to a pipeline through which all current and future Cyc technology will flow into ResearchCyc (available for R&D in academia and industry) and then OpenCyc.
DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Word 2007 files, in an easy and intuitive manor.
Welcome to NetBpm
NetBpm is a .Net Port of JBpm1. NetBpm is an open source platform for building, executing and managing workflows. It is very simple to use and integrate in other .Net applications. This Bpm Tool supports the build of Applications which are able to turn business models into executable software models. Business analysts are able to use a model driven approach to design, implement, execute and track business processes. So business people can easily react on business and strategy changes Top Features and Benefits * 100% .Net and browser hosted * 100% Open Source * works on Microsoft .Net and Mono * Human-Oriented Collaborative Features * Powerful Process Automation with Flexibility * support for Business Activity Monitoring
Word 2007 XAML Generator
A Word 2007 Add-in that converts the Office Open XML (WordprocessingML) to XAML: For WPF, the document is converted into a FlowDocument element. For Silverlight 2 the document is converted into a StackPanel element containing TextBlock elements.
Hessian Binary Web Service Protocol
The Hessian binary web service protocol makes web services usable without requiring a large framework, and without learning yet another alphabet soup of protocols. Because it is a binary protocol, it is well-suited to sending binary data without any need to extend the protocol with attachments.
Kaxaml is a lightweight XAML editor that gives you a "split view" so you can see both your XAML and your rendered content (kind of like XamlPad but without the gigabyte of SDK). Kaxaml is a hobby and was created to be shared, so it's free! Feel free to download and try it out. If you don't like it, it cleans up nicely.
F# PowerPack for .NET 4.0
The F# PowerPack contains useful additional libraries and tools for building F# applications.\nThe F# PowerPack contains useful additional libraries and tools for building F# applications. This release enables developing applications using the F# PowerPack using .NET 4.0 Beta1 and Visual Studio 2010 Beta1.\n\nThe F# PowerPack includes: \nFsLex and FsYacc tools for generating F# lexers and parsers\nF# LINQ bridge\nF# CodeDOM implementation\nF# metadata reader API\nOCaml Compatibility Helpers\nSimple F# Math Libraries\nSimple F# Charting
google-api-for-dotnet - Project Hosting on Google Code
Provides simple, unofficial, .NET Framework APIs for using Google Ajax RestFULL APIs (Search API, Language API etc.)
The Echo Nest : The Musical Brain
Tap into the Echo Nest's Musical Brain for the best music search, information, recommendation and remix tools on the web.
API - SoundCloud
# We aim to establish a platform where artists, labels and music professionals from around the planet can host, share and receive music in the smartest and most efficient way imaginable. # We provide the foundation for people to upload, access and comment on music without starting from scratch or patching together other, music ignorant, existing services. # We focus on robustness and scalability with an extended goal to not only meet music professionals' needs, but inspire and aid developers, hackers and music lovers.
Fiddler Web Debugger - A free web debugging tool
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language. Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.
FileHelpers Library 2.0 - Marcos Meli
The FileHelpers are a free and easy to use .NET library to import/export data from fixed length or delimited records in files, strings or streams. The idea is pretty simple: You can strong type your flat file (fixed or delimited) simply describing a class that maps to each record and later read/write your file as an strong typed .NET array The Library also has support for import/export data from differents storages like Excel, Access, SqlServer, etc.
A runtime debugging and scripting tool that gives you access to the internals of a WPF or Windows Forms application Crack.NET is a runtime debugging and scripting tool that gives you access to the internals of a WPF or Windows Forms application running on your computer. If you love Snoop and Mole for Visual Studio, you’ll love Crack.NET, too. Crack.NET allows you to “walk” the managed heap of another .NET application, and inspect all values on all objects/types. Crack.NET requires the .NET Framework 3.5 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) in order to run.
Scott Hanselman's Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
Scott Hanselman on Programming, User Experience, The Zen of Computers and Life in General
Silverlight Media Player (3.0)
Silverlight™ Media Player (2.0/3.0) with extended customization features; setting initial values and adding chapters programmatically (ASP.NET 2.0/3.5, C#) Demonstrates extended customization features: dynamic change of Player Styles (skins), autoplay settings and programmatic Chapters creation (ASP.NET/C#).
Silverlight SDK for Bing
Welcome to the Silverlight SDK for Microsoft Bing. This SDK provides a working sample control for Silverlight 3.0 that implements all the features of two additional assemblies, which together provide a rich set of user experience for consumption of Microsoft Bing search results. The first component is a reusable framework extension to the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. This framework is designed to provide: Support controls for the sample Bing component A reusable view control toolkit for implementing and using some of the advanced data metaphors shown in the Bing search component. Components such as CloudView, TileView, BandCloudView and StackView can be used in any Silverlight application. All the controls in this assembly support theming and accessibility. All these controls are built on the same infrastructure as the Silverlight Toolkit Controls. The second component is the Bing Silverlight service runtime itself - an assembly called Microsoft.Bind.Data. This assembly houses the service proxy for the Bing API, as well as a flexible interface contract for implementing search providers, and a concrete singleton implementation, called SearchEnvironmnent, for use in data binding and consuming results from Bing. The full documentation is available in the source tree in the /docs/help folder and can rebuild it through the provided Sandcastle project.
patterns & practices: Composite WPF and Silverlight - Home
Overview\nThe Composite Client Application Guidance is designed to help you more easily build modular Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight client applications. These types of applications typically feature multiple screens, rich, flexible user interaction and data visualization, and role-determined behavior. They are "built to last" and "built for change." This means that the application's expected lifetime is measured in years and that it will change in response to new, unforeseen requirements. This application may start small and over time evolve into a composite client-composite applications use loosely coupled, independently evolvable pieces that work together in the overall application. Applications that do not demand these features and characteristics may not benefit from the Composite Application Guidance.\nThe guidance includes a reference implementation, reusable library code (called the Composite Application Library), documentation, QuickStarts, and Hands-On Labs.
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
Because time is valuable, we deliver quick and easy learning.\n\nAt W3Schools, you can study everything you need to learn, in an accessible and handy format.\n\n"Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of words required to explain anything"\nWilliam of Ockham (1285-1349)\nWhere to Start\n\nWhat does a Web developer need to know?\n\nW3Schools will answer this, and help you become a professional Web developer, well prepared for the future.
An Open-Source MATLAB®-to-Python® Compiler (ompc)
OMPC project homepage. OMPC is an open-source MATLAB(R) to Python(R) compiler. OMPC uses syntax adaptation + supporting numerical library to allow running MATLAB(R) code inside Python(R) interpreter.
ImageGear | Imaging SDK | Silverlight, ActiveX, Java, .NET, .NET Compact Framework
multi-platform document, medical, and photo imaging SDK Scanning and compression Viewing, annotation, and printing Image editing and processing Plus PDF, DICOM, and vector support ImageGear tools give you everything you need to handle images in your programs. With support for over 100 image types, you can rely on us to provide powerful imaging features, so you can concentrate on building better applications. Add our imaging experts to your team by downloading ImageGear today. Available in five editions
MOGRE (Managed OGRE) is an advanced .NET 2.0 wrapper for OGRE, hosted on sourceforge. The "glue" code between C++ and .NET is developed using C++/CLI, which offers great flexibility and low-level control of how the wrapping should work. MOGRE goes beyond a plain wrapper; the OGRE classes are integrated into the .NET framework seamlessly
SDL.NET is a set of object-oriented CLS-compliant .NET bindings for the SDL gaming library and provides high-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, TrueType fonts, various image formats, sound mixing, MPEG-1 movies, 2D video framebuffer and 3D hardware via OpenGL. Given the open nature of Wiki, the SDL.NET team does not take any responsibility for the content or accuracy of content provided on these pages. All content is the responsibility and property of its author.
.Net Data Objects (NDO)
Pesistence Mapper as Open Source NDO® (.NET Data Objects) is a powerful object-relational mapper for .NET classes that is available as open source under the GNU General Public License (GPL). NDO's transparent persistency removes the need for cumbersome SQL code in your programs. NDO simplifies storing objects of your .NET classes in relational databases.
Embedded SQL database engine for .NET developers - VistaDB
VistaDB is the only .Net embedded database that allows you to Xcopy a single DLL for both 32 and 64 bit runtime support. Want ClickOnce deployment for your .Net application? VistaDB requires zero config on the client. No more worries about COM deployment for the database engine! Even our database files are built for ease of deployment - a single database file with no external logs or complex permissions.
Db4o offers an open source object database engine designed to be as simple and fast as possible for software developers. By simply embedding db4o's open source object database engine into your application, you can store and retrieve even the most complex object structures with only one line of code. Get a head start for your products by leveraging db4o's cutting edge technology to achieve unprecedented levels of performance and flexibility. Simply embed db4o's open source object database engine into your application and store and retrieve even the most complex object structures with only one line of code. Download a free version of db4o under the GPL license and start your free evaluation now!
Libraries - Mono
wx.NET Home Page
wx.NET is a .NET Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) wrapper for wxWidgets. It is composed of two parts: * wx-c is a C++ library which exposes the wxWidgets API as a collection of C# friendly functions. * wx.NET is a .NET assembly written in C# which parallels the wxWidgets class hierarchy. wx.NET can be used with various implementations of the CLI, including .NET, and Mono. If you are not familiar with the wxWidgets library, you may be interested in some screenshots of wxWidgets and wx.NET.
MPAPI - Parallel and Distributed Applications Framework - Home
Message Passing API (MPAPI) is a framework that enables programmers to easily write parallel as well as distributed software systems without having to use standard thread synchronization techniques like locks, monitors, semaphors, mutexes and volatile memory. It is written in C# and runs on Microsoft .NET 2.0 or newer, as well as Mono.NET 1.9.1.
The Tao Framework
The Tao Framework for .NET is a collection of bindings to facilitate cross-platform media application development utilizing the .NET and Mono platforms. ubmitted by jendave on May 1, 2008 - 10:00pm. 2.1.0 Tao Library versions Tao.OpenGl, Tao.Platform.Windows, Tao.FreeGlut, Tao.OpenAl, Tao.Cg, Tao.DevIl, Tao.Lua, Tao.Sdl, Tao.PhysFs, Tao.Ode, Tao.Glfw, Tao.FFmpeg, Tao.FreeType, Tao.Platform.X11 - Tao.Sdl - fixed SDL_overlay struct. - Tao.Sdl - Added non-CLS compliant methods - Tao.Sdl - updated to SDL 1.2.13 - Tao.Cg - Updated to Cg 2.0 - Added Tao.FFmpeg, Tao.FreeType, Tao.Platform.X11 - Fixed uninstall issues with the Windows Installer.
MPI.NET is a high-performance, easy-to-use implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for Microsoft's .NET environment. MPI is the de facto standard for writing parallel programs running on a distributed memory system, such as a compute cluster, and is widely implemented. Most MPI implementations provide support for writing MPI programs in C, C++, and Fortran. MPI.NET provides support for all of the .NET languages (especially C#), and includes significant extensions (such as automatic serialization of objects) that make it far easier to build parallel programs that run on clusters.
Draco.NET is a Windows service application designed to facilitate continuous integration. Draco.NET monitors your source code repository, automatically rebuilds your project when changes are detected and then emails you the build result along with a list of changes since the last build. Draco.NET version 1.5 supports builds using NAnt build tool or via Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003 solution files. Draco.NET can monitor Source Control repositories in CVS, Visual SourceSafe, PVCS, SubVersion, and others. Draco.NET is completely free and includes source released under a BSD-style licence. Please read the licence included with the distribution for more information. This tool was inspired by CruiseControl developed by ThoughtWorks
Languages - Mono
Multiple languages can be used with the Mono platform. The Mono project provides some compilers (C#, Basic, JScript) and there are both open source and commercial compilers that can be used with Mono. It's important to note that any language that compiles to pure IL should work under Mono. Some languages such as Microsoft's Managed C++ do not always compile to pure IL, so they will not always work as expected, since they are not truly platform independent.
Python for .NET
Python for .NET is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers. Using this package you can script .NET applications or build entire applications in Python, using .NET services and components written in any language that targets the CLR (Managed C++, C#, VB, JScript). Note that this package does not implement Python as a first-class CLR language - it does not produce managed code (IL) from Python code. Rather, it is an integration of the C Python engine with the .NET runtime. This approach allows you to use use CLR services and continue to use existing Python code and C-based extensions while maintaining native execution speeds for Python code. If you are interested in a pure managed-code implementation of the Python language, you should check out the IronPython project, which is in active development.
Mono DataConvert
The DataConvert class is a replacement for System.BitConvert in the .NET class libraries that provides: * Host types to native byte arrays, little endian byte arrays and big endian byte arrays. * native, little endian, big endian to Host types. * Helper routines for Stream I/O. * Convenience routines for packing and unpacking data structures.
MonoTorrent is a cross platform and open source implementation of the BitTorrent protocol. It supports many advanced features such as Encryption, DHT, Peer Exchange, Web Seeding and Magnet Links.
MonoCurses - Mono
MonoCurses provides managed applications with an API to create console-based applications. This API is still under development, and hence the library is not installed into the GAC. In addition to the low-level curses bindings, currently MonoCurses ships with a minimal GUI toolkit for creating console applications.
Empinia is an open source software framework under the Apache Software License 2.0. Currently its mainly used for developing .NET-based GUI applications .\nIts focus is on good software architecture and easy extensibility.\nEmpinia has a plugin infrastructure that allows to extend as well as being extensible. The management of plugins is done completely by Empinia: detecting, providing and loading plugins. Plugins are wired together at extension points. Those points are described in XML files, so using them is fairly easy.
The openDICOM.NET project implements a new approach towards DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) libraries. DICOM is a worldwide standard in Medical IT and is provided by the National Electrical Manufacturers Assocation (NEMA). This standard specifies the way medical images and meta data like study or patient related data is stored and communicated over different digital medias. Thus, DICOM is a binary protocol and data format. The openDICOM# Class Libary, main part of the openDICOM.NET project, provides an API to DICOM in C# for Mono and the .NET Framework. It is a completely new implementation of DICOM. In contrast to other similar libraries the intention of this implementation is to provide a clean classification with support of unidirectional DICOM data streaming. Another implemented goal is the support of DICOM as XML. This is not standard conform but very use- and powerful within software development, storage and manipulation. Currently, full read support of DICOM output stream and full write support to XML is supposed to be provided. The entire DICOM content can be accessed as sequence or as tree of class instances. Latter is the default representation of DICOM content by the library.
FlickrNet API Library
The Flickr.Net API is a .Net Library for accessing the Flickr API. Written entirely in C# it can be accessed from with any .Net language in .Net Framework 1.1, .Net Framework 2.0, .Net Compact Framework 2.0 and
Command Line Utilities
Command Line Utilities is a library which provides advanced command line argument parsing for .NET Framework 2.0 programs along with automatic usage information generation and a command line progress bar. All are presented in an easy to use and extensible package, fully commented and with a help document. Here is an example of building and using an argument parser in C#
.NET CLI | Get .NET CLI at
NET CLI is a port of the Apache Commons Command Line Interface (CLI) library for parsing command line options and their arguments.
Silverlight Drag Drop Manager
Silverlight Drag Drop Manager allows you to easily implement drag and drop behaviour in your Silverlight projects by providing a DragSource & DropTarget control, which act as a content container and can contain any SL user control. Highly configurable.
Silverlight File Upload
Silverlight file uploader that supports multi-file upload, resize images before upload with image thumbnail, individual progress and overall progress indicator, fast upload, ASP.NET server control, and is highly customizable. Use this Silverlight File Uploader in silverlight projects or directly on ASP.Net pages with the included server control.
Welcome to the .NET Mass Downloader project. While it’s great that Microsoft has released the .NET Reference Source Code, you can only get it one file at a time while you’re debugging. If you’d like to batch download it for reading or to populate the cache, you’d have to write a program that instantiated and called each method in the Framework Class Library. Fortunately, .NET Mass Downloader comes to the rescue!
Caliburn: An Application Framework for WPF and Silverlight
Project Description Designed to aid in the development of WPF and Silverlight applications, Caliburn implements a variety of UI patterns for solving real-world problems. Patterns that are enabled by the framework include MVC, MVP, Presentation Model (MVVM), Commands and Application Controller. Goals Support building WPF/SL application that are TDD friendly. Implement functionality for simplifying various UI design patterns in WPF/SL. These patterns include MVC, MVP, Presentation Model (MVVM), Commands, etc. Ease the use of a dependency injection container with WPF/SL. Simplify or provide alternatives to common WPF/SL related tasks. Provide solutions to common UI architecture problems.
Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset
The Windows Installer XML (WiX) is a toolset that builds Windows installation packages from XML source code. The toolset supports a command line environment that developers may integrate into their build processes to build MSI and MSM setup packages. The WiX Working Group and the Visual Studio team are pleased to announce that Votive integration in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 is now available in WiX v3.5. We encourage all Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 users to upgrade to the latest build of WiX v3.5 to try out the feature. You can download it from
Silverlight Toolkit
The Silverlight Toolkit is a collection of Silverlight controls, components and utilities made available outside the normal Silverlight release cycle. A product of the Microsoft Silverlight product team, the Silverlight Toolkit adds new functionality quickly for designers and developers, and provides the community an efficient way to help shape product development by contributing ideas and bug reports. It includes full open source code, unit tests, samples and documentation for over 26 new controls covering charting, styling, layout, and user input.
AJAX Control Toolkit - Home
The AJAX Control Toolkit is a joint project between the community and Microsoft. Built upon the ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Extensions, the Toolkit aims to be the biggest and best collection of web-client components available.
GSearch is a modular class library for conducting many types of Google searches from .NET 3.5 and Silverlight 2 managed code. GSearch supports blog, book, image, location, news, patent, video, and web searches, returning the results in easy-to-traverse collections. Language: C#.
Twilio WCF REST Client Library
Twilio is an innovative service that lets you build simple voice solutions with a REST API and proprietary XML markup. The Twilio WCF REST Client Library is a strongly-typed .NET API to build rich, robust services against Twilio's platform. It reduces the learning curve and barrier-to-entry by eliminating the need to learn the ins and outs of Twilio's system, and instead provides a discoverable, thoroughly-documented, IntelliSense-backed API library, as well as a sample Console application to get you up and running quickly.
IronPython is an implementation of the Python programming language running under .NET and Silverlight. It supports an interactive console with fully dynamic compilation. It's well integrated with the rest of the .NET Framework and makes all .NET libraries easily available to Python programmers, while maintaining compatibility with the Python language.
Dynamic Language Runtime
The Dynamic Language Runtime enables language developers to more easily create dynamic languages for the .NET platform. In addition to being a pluggable back-end for dynamic language compilers, the DLR provides language interop for dynamic operations on objects. The DLR has common hosting APIs for using dynamic languages as libraries or for scripting in your .NET applications. This project provides one stop shopping for the DLR components, our open source implementations of IronPython and IronRuby, documentation, and samples.
Managed Extensibility Framework
The Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) is a new library in .NET that enables greater reuse of applications and components. Using MEF, .NET applications can make the shift from being statically compiled to dynamically composed. If you are building extensible applications, extensible frameworks and application extensions, then MEF is for you.
XML Editor, XML Data Binding Code Generator, XML Schema, Create XML | Liquid Technologies
XML Tools Provider: XML Studio - Freeware Graphical XML Schema Editor. XML Data Binder - XML Generate C++, C#, Java, VB .Net, Visual Basic classes from any XML Schema (XSD, XDR, DTD).
T4 Editor - tangible T4 Editor
T4 Editor plus UML-Style modeling tools for Visual Studio 2008/2010 With tangible T4 Editor you can author your own Code Generator via Text-Templates (TT-Files) with Intelli-Sense & Syntax-Highlighting. T4 is a Microsoft Language for writing Code Generators which is similar to ASP.NET and is used by the Microsoft internally to build software and new features for .NET 4.0. The T4 Code Generation Engine is already built into Visual Studio - so the only thing that was missing was a great T4 Editor and some free UML-style modeling tools - so we shipped it. Now it is up to you to accelerate your projects and start saving your company money by adopting T4 today and generate the code you need directly from diagrams, database schemas or xml files.
LINQ over C# project
This new version is the first release of CSharpParser supporting C# 3.0 syntax. This version will be built on .NET 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008. The new release only parses the syntax of C# 3.0 files, currently no semantic analysis is supported.
T4 Toolbox
T4 Toolbox is a set of ready-to-use code generators and T4 extensions for Visual Studio. Quickly build powerful C# or VB templates that generate multiple output files or simply use existing templates for LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework and more.
Accelerator - Microsoft Research
Microsoft Accelerator v1.1 is a high-level data parallel library which uses a DirectX 9 graphics processor (GPU) to accelerate code execution. It is designed to allow easy development of array-processing operations such as those which frequently arise in domains like image processing and scientific computing..
OpenTK | Home of the Open Toolkit library
Its main features are: * Rapid development Strong types and inline documentation improve your code flow and help you catch errors sooner. * Integration Use the toolkit standalone or integrate it into your Windows.Forms, WPF or GTK# application. * Freedom The Open Toolkit is distributed under the permissive MIT/X11 license and is absolutely free.
MyGeneration - Code Generation, O/R Mapping, and Architecture
The Free Code Generator / OR Mapping Tool the competition doesn't want you to know about * The #1 .NET Development Tool on of all time. * A $199 value given away 100% free. No Adware or Spyware. * MyGeneration's dOOdads Architecture Included for Both C# and VB.NET (Quickstart) * Supported Architectures - dOOdads, EntitySpaces, EasyObjects.NET/EntLib, Gentle.NET, Opf3, NHibernate, Microsoft's DAAB, DotNetNuke, iBatis * Support for Twelve Different Database Systems. Microsoft SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, FireBird, Interbase, VistaDB, SQLite, MySQL, Advantage and Pervasive * Template Based Code Generator Supporting Four Template Languages - JScript, VBScript, C# and VB.NET * Ability to Create Your Own Embedded User Interface in your Templates * Online Template Library for Publishing and Downloading Templates * Very Active Support Forums * No Hassle, No Questions asked Download * Watch a ultra low-res MyGeneration introductory video at the MyGeneration YouTube Page or Google Video. We host a streaming flash version of the video that is a little more readable here.
Sandcastle Help File Builder
Sandcastle, created by Microsoft, is a tool used for creating MSDN-style documentation from .NET assemblies and their associated XML comments files. The current version is the May 2008 release. It is command line based and has no GUI front-end, project management features, or an automated build process like those that you can find in NDoc. The Sandcastle Help File Builder was created to fill in the gaps, provide the missing NDoc-like features that are used most often, and provide graphical and command line based tools to build a help file in an automated fashion.
OpenCL.NET is an effort to provide .NET bindings for OpenCL interface.\nOpenCL will serve as a standard interface to access GPU hardware and resources across multiple operating systems.
CUDA.NET is an effort by GASS to provide access to CUDA functionality through .NET applications.
Hoopoe Cloud
Hoopoe™ provides cloud services for GPU computing. Click here to read more about what are cloud services or what is cloud computing. Hoopoe™ is not just a cloud service, it allows you to distribute your tasks and data on cluster of multiple GPUs without spending much effort! It is based on a dedicated, real-time and reliable distributing software. Features CUDA Support Execute CUDA kernels Execute FFT and BLAS routines (through CUFFT and CUBLAS) Execute OpenCV operators (ported to GPU) OpenCL Support Execute OpenCL kernels
StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. It can be run from inside of Visual Studio or integrated into an MSBuild project
StyleCop for ReSharper
StyleCop for ReSharper is a ReSharper 4.1 and ReSharper 4.5.1 plugin that allows Microsoft StyleCop 4.3 to be run as you type, generating real-time syntax highlighting of violations and automatic fixing of StyleCop issues during ReSharper Code CleanUp (silent mode):
Clarius Visual T4
transformation technology developed by Microsoft and used mostly for code generation by several Microsoft products. The T4 Engine that is used for supporting text transformations is built into Visual Studio 2008 and a redistributable is available for Visual Studio 2005 users to install it. Unfortunately, the design-time experience when using T4 is not yet on a par compared with what you are used to expect from other tools integrated within Visual Studio. The Visual T4 Editor and VIsual T4 Code Generator developed by Clarius Consulting are aimed at converting this missing experience into a first class one, fully integrated into the development environment, offering you support for colorization of the different T4 template parts, IntelliSense, and design-time preview of your templates, among other features. Our Visual T4 Editor and Visual T4 Code Generator are currently supported under both Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 products.
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing actions in a variety of target languages. ANTLR provides excellent support for tree construction, tree walking, translation, error recovery, and error reporting.
StringTemplate is a java template engine (with ports for C# and Python) for generating source code, web pages, emails, or any other formatted text output. StringTemplate is particularly good at multi-targeted code generators, multiple site skins, and internationalization/localization.
The best .NET, C#, VB, SQL and more template based source code generator tool
CodeSmith is a software development tool to help you get your job done faster. Technically speaking it is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language (C#, Java, VB, PHP, ASP.NET, SQL, etc.).
Portable software for USB drives.
DryadLINQ is a simple, powerful, and elegant programming environment for writing large-scale data parallel applications running on large PC clusters. The goal of DryadLINQ is to make distributed computing on large compute cluster simple enough for every programmers. DryadLINQ combines two important pieces of Microsoft technology: the Dryad distributed execution engine and the .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework - Home
The Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework provides a source code library that can be used to access some new Windows 7 features (and some existing features of older versions of Windows operating system) from managed code. These Windows features are not available to developers today in the .NET Framework.
Filters image processing library
Filters is a library implementing image filters for computer vision and image processing functions
AForge.NET :: Image Processing Lab
Image Processing Lab is an image processing application written in C#, which includes different filters and tools available in AForge.NET framework to analyze images.
AForge.NET :: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics
AForge.NET is a C# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence - image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, robotics, etc.\n\nThe framework is comprised by the set of libraries and sample applications, which demonstrate their features:\nAForge.Imaging - library with image processing routines and filters;\nAForge.Vision - computer vision library;\nAForge.Neuro - neural networks computation library;\nAForge.Genetic - evolution programming library;\nAForge.Fuzzy - fuzzy computations library;\nAForge.MachineLearning - machine learning library;\nAForge.Robotics - library providing support of some robotics kits;\nAForge.Video - set of libraries for video processing;\netc.
A C# library for use in image processing and computer vision research.
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. PHP, C++, .NET, Ada, Python, Delphi, Octave, Ruby, Prolog Pure Data and Mathematica bindings are available. A reference manual accompanies the library with examples and recommendations on how to use the library. A graphical user interface is also available for the library.
This is an clean .NET conversion of libsvm 2.89, specifically from the Java version. Full functionality and efficiency is maintained, but the object structure has been modified to be more appropriate for the .NET platform (including C# and VB.NET).
ILNumerics.Net - numeric computing for .NET
ILNumerics.Net is a class library for .NET software developers. It greatly simplifies the implementation of all kinds of numerical algorithms.
ALGLIB - is a multilingual collection of algorithms designed to solve problems in the field of numeric analysis and data processing. ALGLIB is distributed under a GPL license (version 2 or later).
DocProject for Sandcastle
DocProject drives the Sandcastle help generation tools using the power of Visual Studio 2005/2008 and MSBuild. Choose from various project templates that build compiled help version 1.x or 2.x for all project references. DocProject facilitates the administration and development of project documentation with Sandcastle, allowing you to use the integrated tools of Visual Studio to customize Sandcastle's output.
Sandcastle produces accurate, MSDN style, comprehensive documentation by reflecting over the source assemblies and optionally integrating XML Documentation Comments. Sandcastle has the following key features:\n\n* Works with or without authored comments\n* Supports Generics and .NET
VSdocman - .NET code commenter and documentation generator Document your .NET code on professional level. Generate MSDN-style class documentation with IntelliSense and F1 context sensitive help for your Visual Basic .NET and C# projects. See how easy the code commenting can be with powerful comment templates and sophisticated WYSIWYG comment editor. VSdocman is the complete API documenting tool for every .NET developer - whether you create component, control, application, smart device or web site (ASP .NET).
NDoc is an extensible code documentation generation tool for .NET developers.
GhostDoc is a free Visual Studio extension that automatically generates XML documentation comments for methods and properties based on their type, parameters, name, and other contextual information.
Portable software is a class of software that is suitable for use on portable drives such as a USB (thumb) drive , although any external hard drive could theoretically be used. [1] [2] The concept of carrying one's favored applications, utilities, and files on a portable drive for use on any computer is one which has evolved considerably in recent years.
MonoDevelop is an IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages. MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and ASP.NET Web applications on Linux. MonoDevelop makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and to maintain a single code base for all platforms.
#develop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform.
The FreeImage Project
FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X).
Math.NET Numerics
Math.NET Numerics is an open source numerical library for the .NET Framework and Mono.\n\nNumerics is the numerical foundation of the Math.NET project, aiming to provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and every day use. Covered topics include special functions, linear algebra, probability models, random numbers, interpolation, integral transforms and more.
Emgu CV
Emgu CV is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the Intel image processing library. Allowing OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython etc. The wrapper can be compiled in Mono and run on Linux / Mac OS X. EmguCV OR OpenCV x64 OR 64-bit OR win64 ffmpeg vcomp
machine learning open source software
Open source tools have recently reached a level of maturity which makes them suitable for building large-scale real-world systems. At the same time, the field of machine learning has developed a large body of powerful learning algorithms for a wide range of applications. Inspired by similar efforts in bioinformatics (BOSC) or statistics (useR), our aim is to build a forum for open source software in machine learning.