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Welcome to the blis-devel mailing list!

This mailing list is associated with the BLIS framework project.

Please make sure that you have joined the mailing list with your preferred email address, and that you have customized your delivery settings to your liking.

A few remarks about the mailing list:
  • Please join and use this group (blis-devel) for development-related discussion of the BLIS framework. For general discussion, please join and post to blis-discuss.
  • For bug reports, please open an issue directly on the BLIS github page. This helps BLIS developers as we track and discuss issues with the bug reporter and among each other.
  • Membership is open to anyone, but I must first confirm new members. I will approve your request as soon as possible.
  • Non-members can view topics. Once you are a member, you can post to the group via the web interface or by sending email to
Thanks for your time and participation!