ClariNet files suit over Communications Decency law

Flash: We win. Court decides in our favour, strikes down law!

ClariNet has joined several other electronic publishing companies and organizations in a suit against the U.S. Attorney General that seeks to have the newly passed "Communications Decency Act" declared unconstitutional. This so-called "Exon bill" was passed as an amendment to the recent Telecom bill President Clinton signed Feb 8. We also seek a temporary restraining order against enforcement of the law while the case is under consideration.

The American Civil Liberties Union is spearheading and funding this case. ClariNet has joined with the ACLU, the EFF and several others as plaintiffs in this case because we feel the law would unfairly affect and chill our electronic publishing efforts, and because we feel the law violates the 1st amendment of the U.S. constitution.

- Brad Templeton, Publisher