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Fonts at CICA

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Sebastien Stormacq

не прочитано,
4 апр. 1992 г., 05:14:0004.04.1992

Cica is a server located in the Indiana (USA). The complete adresse is
"CICA.CICA.INDIANA.EDU", you can find there a wide variety of dos and
windows 3 programs.
You can acces it trough internet. If you only have a bitnet access (just
like me) do the following :
send a ftp commands file to bit...@pucc.bitnet with :
FTP netdata
user anonymous
dir /*to have a list of the file in the directory*/
cd /*to change directory*/
get /*to get a file*/

There is a directory with some true type fonts (i don't remind the exact name)
but you can easily find it.

Sebastien Stormacq

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