Back-o-Falls has a bite to it

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Alan Tonkin

Nov 27, 2010, 10:06:22 PM11/27/10
G'day folks

One of the riders registered for the ACE 250 recounted this story
when I was checking on his qualifiers. It happened to him and his
brother on one of their training rides down the Back-o-Falls. They
live in Harrietville. The story was first published on the Snowline
Hotels' (Harrietville) web site.



The Best Story I Heard @ The Snowline Hotel Last Summer...

Imagine you're speeding down a steep remote road on your bike when
something clips the back of your helmet at great speed. "What the
hell was that...too big to have been a Magpie?" You keep flying down
the hill but are aware of menacing shadows cast from above. You keep
off the brakes hoping you will out run it or exit its territory

Next thing you look across to see a full grown Wedge Tailed Eagle
gliding next to you only an arms length away. You're doing close to
50km/h down a very steep and roughly surfaced stretch of road. The
beast has a wing span of over two metres and it's gliding right next
to you looking you in the eye, sussing you out. It breaks away,
quickly gaining altitude and returns to throwing its ominous shadows
from above.

Not sure if you should be awestruck or shit-scared you continue
hurtling down the hill barely in control of the bike as your skinny
road tyres skittle over the loose gravel covering the newly surfaced
road. A few moments pass, you start to hope that's the end of what is
already a great story when all of a sudden the beast swoops

This time it has grabbed hold of your helmet with its huge talons.
Now you're screaming at it, primal fear taking hold as you hit the
brakes trying to maintain control of the bike. With its huge wings
outstretched it seems to be trying to lift you up and has grappled
from your helmet on to the hydration pack on your back, its sharp
talons piercing your riding jersey and scratching your back.
Screaming expletives a wild animal can't fathom you finally bring the
bike to a stop and as if sensing it has met its match the Eagle
simply hops off and bounces on to the side of the road, calm as could
be still staring you down. Standing only a few metres away the fine
specimen stands over a metre tall looking at you when your brother
finally catches up, having missed all the drama. "Hey, wow, look a
Wedge tailed Eagle!"

This is a true tail recounted to me over a beer this summer by some
brothers who had been riding the Falls Creek to Omeo road in training
for the Bicycle Victorian Three Peaks challenge. Andrew had the torn
jersey, scratches on his back and holes in his helmet to prove what
is a truly unbelievable story.

Alan Tonkin | Ph.Oz: 03 9890 2420 | _--_|\
542 Elgar Road | Ph.Int: 61 3 9890 2420 |/ \
Box Hill North, Victoria | Mobile: 04 1989 1030 |\_/--\*/
AUSTRALIA 3129 | | v

Isn't it better to triumph by the strength of your muscles than by
the artifice of a derailleur? As for me, give me a fixed gear!
Henri Desgrange: Founder of Tour de France 1903/Audax France 1904

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