New XCal Version

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Feb 19, 2009, 10:52:21 AM2/19/09
to Atreius XWD Docklets
XCal v1.00dev (mini-calendar)

This is an _experimental_ version of XCal.
It's incomplete and has known bugs.
If you are not interested in the new features, you should better use
the default and stable v0.90 - Version!

What's new:
* Fixed Icon refresh rate (working like XDigiClock now)
* Skin-Developers can use HTML-color-codes now (in settings.ini)
* Added an Option to set Docklet-Caption
* Updated broken link to "Check Google Group for updates"
* Added rudimentary ICal Support! You can show ICal Calendar-Files
(.ics) in the MiniCal.
- Show multiple ics Files
- Hover an Event, to see it's description.

Feature Suggestions are not very helpful at this state of development
(I know very well, what's missing ;), but Bug-Reports are! So please,
if something is not working as you expect, please tell me.

Screenshot & Download here:


Feb 19, 2009, 11:02:57 AM2/19/09
to Atreius XWD Docklets
Oh, and here's a short guide how to create .ics files with Thunderbird
+Lightning (Sunbird should be similar):

1.) Start "New Calendar"-Wizard ( File -> New -> Calendar)
2.) on "Locate your Calendar" choose "On the network" <----- !!!!
3.) Format: iCalendar (ICS).
4.) Location: here you can enter a _local_ path. For example you can
type: "file://c:\anyPath\anyFilename.ics"
5.) Finish the Wizard.

In this Calendar you might add Events/Appointments, you wish to show
in MiniCal. To show this Calendar in MiniCal, do this:

1.) Click XCal-Icon to show the MiniCal
2.) Click the reminder-Icon (bottom, center)
3.) "Add another File" and select your ics-File you created before ("c:

For outlook or other calendar applications, there should be a similar
procedure, but you might have to google for it or take a look in the

BTW: changes in your ICS-Files are updated in the MiniCal, every time
you open the MiniCal.

Feb 20, 2009, 2:28:12 AM2/20/09
to Atreius XWD Docklets
Hey Atreiu,

first of all many thanks for the updates :) I really like it when i
have something new to play with ^^

I downloaded this new version and it looks nice with the *.ics
implementation. Hopefuly I will use my Laptops calendar more often and
be more organized now haha

I do have a request though, is it possible to change the fist day of
the week? or is it skin-specified? Cuz say i want to use a new skin
but want to see Sunday as the first day of the week, is that possible?

Thanks again for everything man :)


Feb 20, 2009, 6:30:44 AM2/20/09
to Atreius XWD Docklets
Currently you _can't_ change the first day of the week, (unless you
can code Delphi and modify the Source-Code of course :)
But it's a pretty often suggested feature, I will try to find a
solution, but it might take a while.

Cheers, Atreiu
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