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Cynthia the loon and Bush knew......What?

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Jim Patterson

May 18, 2002, 5:41:43 PM5/18/02

On the 'Bush knew...Cynthia was right' issue my comment is
that anytime anyone (or group) makes a conclusion then they
WILL be able to go back and find selective 'evidence' that supports
their original conclusion even if they have to manufacture some of it and do
a lot of implication. All that is necessary is to disregard logic and

The libdems, having practically nothing else to hold against
Bush, are having a real field day with this one and are, and
will, play it to the maximum.

Cynthia Mckinney is mentioned. She is a first class nut,
and I ashamedly admit she is my congressional representative
though I certainly didn't vote for her. I will vote against
her, 'the cutest little communist in congress', any chance I

Here is some of what Neal Boortz had to say about her

U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.), who last month
suggested that the president might have allowed the attacks
to take place so his friends in the defense industry could
benefit from the subsequent war.

Now --- what did we learn this week. Only one thing. We
learned only that Bush was briefed that terrorists might
hijack an airplane. There was no warning of an attack on
the World Trade Towers .. nor was there any specificity as
to a date.

Furthermore --- we learned that Bush instructed America's
defense and law enforcement agencies to be alert to the
possibility of the hijacking.

Question --- If Bush asked our security forces to heed the
warning how can it be said that he allowed the attacks to
take place?

There were, as I said, two elements to Cynthia's charges.
One, that Bush was warned. The second, that he consciously
allowed the attacks to happen so his friends could profit.
Cynthia's apologists concentrate only on the first of her
accusations. They say that now that we know Bush did
receive some generalized warnings we should all be bowing
and scraping to Queen Cynthia with fawning apologies.
Sorry. No apology due. Her statements are just as
disgusting now as they were when she made them in March. A
generalized warning cannot be translated into a specific
warning of the specific events of September 11th. Again,
I'll let the editorial board of The Atlanta
Journal-Constitution carry the water on this one.

"Those remarks were irresponsible and grotesque at the time,
and nothing learned since then has altered that conclusion.
It's one thing to suggest that a cop may have overlooked
clues of a crime that was about to occur. It's something
else entirely to suggest --- without any evidence --- that
the cop was paid off to look the other way on purpose."

Maybe Zell Miller says it better. Cynthia is "loony."

Cynthia has had a few things to say since yesterday too!
Like this .. "I am gratified that today there are many
members of Congress who have come around to my way of

Oh yeah, Cynthia? Name one. Name just one member of
congress who agrees with you that President Bush had
specific knowledge that Osama Bin Laden intended to crash
those airplanes into the World Trade Center on September
11th and that Bush sat back and let it happen so that his
buddies could make money. Just one, Cynthia. Just one.
You said that there are many. Name just one.

What we really see here is an effort by The Cutest Little
Nutcase In Congress and her supporters to cleanse her image
by trying to clean up what she actually did say in March.

This claim of vindication is just additional evidence of the
astonishing depth of the stupidity of this women. The more
you listen to Cynthia McKinney the more you realize that she
wasn't elected on the basis of her intellect.

By the way --- see that poster at the beginning of Nealz
Nuze? Just thought I would remind you --- from September
11th until the end of 2001 the majority of contributors to
Cynthia's reelection fund were Muslims and people of Middle
Eastern lineage.


Just a direct quote from David Horowitz from FrontPage

IT FIGURES. The guilty ones are always the first
to point the finger. Now the same Democrats who
slashed the military for eight years, crippled the
CIA, blamed America for every enemy that attacked
it, opposed the projection of American power into
terrorist regions like Afghanistan and Iraq,
dismissed each terrorist onslaught as an
individual criminal deed, rejected the necessary
airport security because it might be construed as
"racial profiling," defended a commander-in-chief
who put his libido above the security of his
fellow Americans, and who still oppose the most
basic and essential defense measures like holding
suspects for interrogation and instituting
stringent immigration controls - these same
appeasers of the political left are now in full
war cry against President Bush hoping to pin him
with responsibility for the 9/11 attack.

Another set of salvos (and in no way complete) are as


Best of the Web Today - May 17, 2002 By JAMES TARANTO The
Phantom Menace

By all means, let's have an investigation of any
intelligence shortcomings that may have helped make the
Sept. 11 atrocity possible. But there's something awfully
unseemly about the way some Democrats have been strutting
about, patting themselves on the back for their 20/20

On Wednesday CBS News reported that President Bush received
an intelligence briefing in August that mentioned that al
Qaeda terrorists might hijack airplanes. As the New York
Times reports, the warning was hardly news:

*** QUOTE ***

The information Mr. Bush received in the Aug. 6 briefing had
been public for months. The Federal Aviation Administration
published a report called Criminal Acts Against Aviation on
its Web site in 2001 before the hijackings that said that
although Osama bin Laden "is not known to have attacked
civil aviation, he has both the motivation and the
wherewithal to do so." It added, "Bin Laden's anti-Western
and anti-American attitudes make him and his followers a
significant threat to civil aviation, particularly to U.S.
civil aviation."

*** END QUOTE ***

Nonetheless, some Democrats suggested that President Bush
was somehow complicit in Sept. 11: "I think what we have to
do now is to find out what the president, what the White
House knew about the events leading up to 9/11, when they
knew it and, most importantly, what was done about it at
that time," said Rep. Dick Gephardt, the House minority

In retrospect, of course, the warning that al Qaeda might
hijack airplanes was prescient. But on Aug. 6, it must have
seemed entirely unremarkable. Terrorists, after all, had
been hijacking airplanes for decades, and the briefing made
no reference to the novel aspect of Sept. 11: the use of
commercial jets as weapons of mass destruction by suicidal

In a Sept. 15 interview with NBC's Tim Russert (not
available on the Web), Vice President Dick Cheney
acknowledged that the administration had received
warnings--but vague ones--that evil was afoot:

*** QUOTE ***

CHENEY: Certainly, we were surprised in the sense that there
had been information coming in that a big operation was
planned, but that's sort of a trend that you see all the
time in these kinds of reports. But we . . .

RUSSERT: No specific threat?

CHENEY: No specific threat involving, really, a domestic
operation or involving what happened, obviously. So,
clearly, we were surprised by what happened here.

*** END QUOTE ***

This is consistent with the latest revelations about what
the White House knew. On the other hand, there were warnings
about this type of terrorism long ago. The Associated Press
reports that a 1999 report by the Federal Research Division,
an arm of the Library of Congress, speculated that "suicide
bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaida's Martyrdom Battalion could
crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives (C-4 and
semtex) into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central
Intelligence Agency, or the White House."

As we noted Sept. 19 , Philippine
authorities say they warned the FBI in 1995 of what CNN
described as "a terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes
and slam them into the Pentagon, the CIA headquarters and
other buildings," of which the Filipinos had learned when
they interrogated a terror suspect.

Matt Drudge
, meanwhile, has dipped into his archives and turned up this
December 1998 report: "Intelligence sources tell TIME they
have evidence that bin Laden may be planning his boldest
move yet--a strike on Washington or possibly New York City
in an eye-for-an-eye retaliation." This makes Josh Marshall
testy: "I'm trying to think if I can imagine anything more
pitiful than Matt Drudge's attempt to pin this all on
Clinton by . . . well, dredging up some 1998 warning about
al Qaida planning attacks on NY and DC. Mmmmmmmmm . . .
Nope. Couldn't do it."

But the point here isn't to blame Clinton; it's simply to
underscore that there was a lot of information out there the
meaning of which seems clear now but was not before Sept.
11. The New York Post's John Podhoretz
puts it in perspective:

*** QUOTE ***

Intelligence failures result from inattention and a lack of
focus. We know that in the weeks leading up to Dec. 7, 1941,
government workers in far-flung places were finding
individual pieces of a confusing puzzle about the movements
of the Japanese Navy, which had basically gone missing in
the Pacific Ocean. . . .

These chunks of information and others, properly brought
together and analyzed, could have provided some measure of
advance warning of Pearl Harbor--or at least would have
forced Washington to commit new resources to finding out
what was really going on.

The same is true of the new revelations regarding 9/11. . .
. But it's clear that there was no way for these disparate
pieces of the 9/11 puzzle to be assembled. The president's
intelligence briefing was, until Sept. 11, purely a
foreign-policy matter. And since the CIA is legally
prohibited from any role in domestic intelligence-gathering,
its agents would not have been welcome at any domestic

It was business as usual in Washington in the summer of
2001, and we know in retrospect that business as usual
proved to be disastrous business indeed. Still, what we saw
on Sept. 11 was something entirely new--and therefore nearly
impossible to anticipate.

*** END QUOTE ***

Slate's Scott Shuger ,
however, does find fault with the CIA:

*** QUOTE ***

The Aug. 6 briefing to the president was prepared by the
CIA. That it mentioned neither previous known
suicide-hijacking plots nor the FBI's terror-related
concerns about Muslim flight students in Arizona or
Minnesota is a damning indictment, not of the president but
of the management of American intelligence.

The "C" in CIA stands for Central. The agency is supposed to
be the nation's intelligence funnel. Its main job is not
protecting its turf or its budget against other
agencies--it's reaching out to all sources of intelligence
and distilling them into a meaningful product for

Bush has stood by CIA Director George Tenet. But based on
what we learned yesterday, it's hard to see why. It's clear
now that the failure to do more to prevent what happened on
9/11 didn't stem from a weakness of ground-level sources and
methods, but from the intelligence gathering lapses of our
top intelligence officials.

*** END QUOTE ***

At this point, it's worth repeating something we noted on
New Year's Eve : a New
York Times
article detailing the failure of America's antiterror
policies from 1993 through 2001, which included this detail:

*** QUOTE ***

Administration officials say the president was concerned
about the growing threat and frustrated by the halfhearted
efforts to thwart Al Qaeda. In July, [Condoleezza] Rice
said, Mr. Bush likened the response to the Qaeda threat to
"swatting at flies." He said he wanted a plan to "bring this
guy down."

*** END QUOTE ***

An earlier Washington Post
report noted that the National Security Council complied
with the president's request, preparing "a new CIA covert
action program that would have cost as much as $200 million
a year." According to the Post, "the plan was almost ready
to be presented to Bush when the terrorists struck on Sept.
11." Bush knew who the enemy was and was preparing to
confront it, even if he didn't know exactly what it had in

What if We Had Acted?

A reader of Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs blog
ponders that question (eighth response):

*** QUOTE ***

Assume that the FBI had information on the exact date, time,
flight number, and descriptions of suspects. So they raid
all the planes, and arrest the 19 dirtbags.

. . . And then what? Not much, I imagine. Oh, CAIR and its
ilk would be having a fit, of course, complaining to
everyone including George W. about profiling and unfair
targeting of Arab-Americans. After all, just what did the
FBI find? Some box cutters? Those aren't illegal on
airplanes. Flight manuals? These men were all attending
accredited flight schools, trying to achieve the American
dream, etc. etc. So they had one-way tickets: is that a
crime? Funeral shrouds? Are you honestly arresting these men
for bringing white sheets onto a plane? Korans? So because
these men are pious Muslims, you dare to assume . . .! And
really, folks, come on: flying a Boeing into a skyscraper?
You've been watching too many movies! Who would come up with
something this complicated, when a truck bomb in a garage
would do just as well?

And so on and so on. I'm sure at least half these men would
have been released within a couple of days. Profiling would
be discussed at length on CNN and PBS. Several specials
would be made, with weeping, hijab-wearing photogenic young
women, describing in perfect Midwestern English the ordeal
of being singled out by airport security. American Airlines
would issue an apology, and make a contribution to the
Arab-American Anti-Defamation Society, with a promise of
more "outreach efforts."

Norman Mineta would be outraged! and put in all sorts of new
restrictions designed specifically to avoid giving extra
scrutiny to "people of Middle Eastern appearance." (hey!
wait a second!) George W. would go on the record saying that
"pro-filling" is "discriminatational" and against everything
he holds dear. Clinton would tell a story of his
Lebanese-American great-uncle who was once denied entry into
the White House. Al Gore would talk about his years of
service under Lawrence of Arabia. Pretty soon, the whole
thing would be forgotten as another embarrasing example of
the Latent Racism in American Society.

Until one day, another group of men board an airliner . . .

*** END QUOTE ***


In any event, and in analogy only, this whole thing is about like the
'massacre' in Jenin. Where there were 'eyewitness' reports of 600+
bodies. Even the Palestinian Authority finally admitted that were a total
of 56 killed.

On this 'Bush knew' thing, well, look at this way.....I am
telling you that somewhere in America next week, there will
be armed holdup of a bank. Does that now make you
responsible for not stopping it from happening?

I hate to rain on the festivities of the libs and conspiracists, but their
'Get Bush for 9/11' campaign is made of lies, selective facts and


Skiff Izlaan

May 20, 2002, 1:19:43 AM5/20/02
How come when Rep. McKinney stands up to this, you get a bunch of
idiots refuting her? The same ones who respond to posts with kick ass
logic, but can't see what's going on? Why would your own leader allow
this to happen? Where is the outrage? Wouldn't you be pissed if your
neighbor knew you and your family would come under attack and said
nothing about it?

Newsweek Cover: 'What Bush Knew' -- Phoenix FBI Agent Behind Warning
About Arabs at Flight Schools is 'Superstar' Who Found Key Witness in
Oklahoma City Bombing; CIA Warns of A 'Series of Explosions Using 'Low
Charge' Nuclear Weapons' FBI Forced to Shut Down 10 to 20 Wiretaps of
Qaeda-Related Suspects After A Judge Learned of AN Official Who was
Misrepresenting Petitions for Taps of Terror Suspects Ashcroft Turned
Down Request for Hundreds More Counterintelligence Agents; Treasury
Not Hot on Money-Laundering Probes Between June and Sept. 11, As Many
As 10-12 FAA Warnings Were Issued to All American Airlines, Major
Airports; More Than Two Specifically Mentioned the Possibility of
Planes Being Hijacked


Story Filed: Sunday, May 19, 2002 11:32 AM EST

NEW YORK, May 19, 2002 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The FBI agent who
made the link between Middle Eastern men taking flight lessons at a
Phoenix training school and Osama bin Laden's terrorist network was
described by one official as a "superstar," Newsweek reports in the
May 27 issue (on newsstands Monday, May 20). Kenneth Williams, a
family man who coaches Little League, previously tracked down Michael
Fortier, Timothy McVeigh's former Army buddy. "Anything he says you
can take to the bank," says a former agent.

(Photo: )

According to the cover story by Senior Editor Michael Hirsh and
Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff, it was back in July,
2001, that Bill Kurtz, a hard-driven supervisor in the FBI's Phoenix
office, was overseeing an investigation at an Arizona flight school
and Williams, a sharp, 41-year-old counterterror agent on his team,
noticed something odd: a large number of Middle Eastern men were
signing up to take courses in how to fly airplanes. The agent's
suspicions were raised when he heard that some of the men at local
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University were also asking a lot of
questions about airport security.

Kurtz, who had previously worked on the Osama bin Laden unit of the
FBI's international terrorism section, was convinced he and his
colleagues might have stumbled on a terrorist plot. "He thinks of
everything in terms of bin Laden," one colleague recalled. Kurtz's
team fired off a lengthy memo raising the possibility that bin Laden
might be using U.S. flight schools to infiltrate the country's
aviation system. The memo outlined a proposal for the FBI to monitor
"civil aviation colleges/universities around the country."

But higher up the FBI ladder, Newsweek reports, an agent's warning is
often likely to be dismissed as "chatter." And agents poke fun at the
sometimes obsessive quirks of their colleagues. "If a confidential
memorandum comes from a guy out in, say Phoenix, the first thing goes
up line, 'That's Harry again. He's like a broken clock twice a day,'"
one former agent says. Even today, long after 9-11, streams of new
threats pass unnoticed through Washington. In recent weeks, for
instance, the FBI has gotten specific threats about a car-or-truck
bomb attack on an "all-glass" building near the U.S. Capitol, and
another threat against a Celebrity cruise ship off Florida. Neither
was corroborated or publicized, Hirsh and Isikoff report. Newsweek has
also learned of a recent CIA warning of a "series of explosions using
'low charge' nuclear weapons."

While FBI director Robert Mueller is said by associates to be furious
over the bureau's internal handling of the Phoenix memo, at the time,
little of what the agents in Phoenix reported seemed to make a
difference back in Washington. Not only were they not believed, they
were ignored altogether. The FBI was concerned about racial profiling.
Moreover, it was not used to gathering intelligence, especially
domestically, given American sensitivities about intrusive government
and civil liberties. And under Attorney General John Ashcroft, the
department was being prodded back into its old law-and-order, mindset:
violent crime, drugs, child porn, and away from new-fangled concerns
like counterterrorism that had become the obsession of the
Clintonites. Ashcroft, who has been front and center in beefing up
counterterrorism efforts since Sept. 11, turned back a request for
hundreds more counterintelligence agents, even as he began, quietly,
to take a privately charted jet for his own security reasons, Newsweek

Newsweek has also learned there was one other major complication as
America heading into that threat-spiked summer. In Washington, Royce
Lamberth, chief judge of the special federal court that reviews
national-security wiretaps, erupted in anger when he found that an FBI
official was misrepresenting petitions for taps on terror suspects.
Lamberth prodded Ashcroft to launch an investigation, which
reverberated throughout the bureau. From the summer of 2000 on into
the following year, sources said, the FBI was forced to shut down
wiretaps of Qaeda-related suspects connected to the 1998 African
embassy bombing investigation. "It was a major problem," said one
source familiar with the case, who estimated that 10 to 20 Qaeda
wiretaps had to be shut down, as well as wiretaps into a separate New
York investigation of Hamas. The effect was to stymie terror
surveillance at exactly the moment it was needed most: requests from
both Phoenix and Minneapolis for wiretaps were turned down.

The attorney general was hardly alone in de-emphasizing terror in the
new Bush administration, which was barely six months old. Over at the
Pentagon, new Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld elected not to
relaunch a surveillance plane that had been tracking bin Laden, and
also vetoed a request to plow $800 million more into counterterror by
diverting it to missile defense.

And at Treasury, Secretary Paul O'Neill wanted to roll back attempts
to track money-laundering and tax havens of the kind used by
terrorists. In self-absorbed Washington, the Phoenix memo never made
it senior levels. Nor did it get transmitted to the CIA, which has
long had a difficult relationship with the FBI

-- and whose director, George Tenet, one of the few Clinton
hold-overs, was
issuing so many warnings that bin Laden's global terror network was
"the most immediate" threat to Americans that he was hardly heeded any
longer. In fact, as early as Jan. 26, 2001 -- six days after Bush took
office -- an FBI document shows that authorities believed they had
clear evidence linking the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole to Al
Qaeda. Yet the new administration mounted no retaliation of its own.

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice last week disclosed that
during the course of last summer, the Federal Aviation Administration
issues several "information circulars" warning the aviation industry
of possible terror attacks. Newsweek has now learned that as many as
10 to 12 such warnings were issued to all American airlines and major
airports in the period between June 2001 and September 11. According
to two sources who have read the warnings, more than two specifically
mentioned the possibility of airplanes being hijacked. Together these
clues suggest that, at least, U.S. airports should have been on high
alert on Sept. 11. They weren't. Indeed, the two airlines involved in
the hijackings say they were barely aware of the FAA warnings.

Early efforts by the Bush administration to investigate terror links
were marginalized. By the end of the Clinton administration,
then-National Security Advisor Sandy Berger had become "totally
preoccupied" with fears of a domestic terror attack, a colleague
recalls. When in January 2001, Berger gave Rice her handover briefing,
he covered the bin Laden threat in detail, and, sources say, warned
her: "You will be spending more time on this issue than on any other."
Rice was alarmed by what she heard, and asked for a strategic review.
But the effort was scarcely mentioned in ensuing months as the
administration committed itself to other priorities.

On Sat, 18 May 2002 17:41:43 -0400, Jim Patterson <>


May 20, 2002, 5:11:23 PM5/20/02
In article <>, skiff@stomping- says...

> How come when Rep. McKinney stands up to this, you get a bunch of
> idiots refuting her? The same ones who respond to posts with kick ass
> logic, but can't see what's going on? Why would your own leader allow
> this to happen? Where is the outrage? Wouldn't you be pissed if your
> neighbor knew you and your family would come under attack and said
> nothing about it?
But think of it this way. Do you think the American people or congress
would go along with taking drastic steps (as we have done since 9/11) to
tighten security, just on intelligence reports? Look at the pissing and
moaning about the cost, the inconvenience, "government is taking away our
rights", racial profiling, etc., and this is AFTER 9/11 and after 3500
Americans are killed! What would you have had Bush do? Lock down the whole
aviation system based on "suspicions"? Already you have people (many in
this group) that think the measures taken since 9/11 are "gestapo-like",
people screaming about racial profiling, can't target Arabic males, etc,

There are ALWAYS threats in the pipeline, you just don't hear about them.
The real fault lies with the sorry state of our intelligence community
after years of neglect and budget cutbacks. As well as a lack of vision
that the Cold War was over,that we need to shift our emphasis, (rather then
hiding microphones in the Russian embassy). Just ask someone who knows how
many agents (of all agencies) we have that are fluent in Arabic? It is
abominable. The FBI has become just as bad or worse. We can thank Clinton
and Carter for alot of the mess. Carter virtually destroyed the US
intelligence services single handedly because he wanted America to deal
with the world community in a "new way"! F**k a "new way", 9/11 proves two
things: 1.)We need more and better firepower. 2.)We need to get a handle on
immigration and ship the damn Arabs back to Mecca. (Our universities are
over run with these dangerous people!).

"Chance proposes, death disposes." - African Genesis

Painful Truth

May 23, 2002, 11:32:16 PM5/23/02
What she is is a dangerous lunatic.
"Jim Patterson" <> wrote in message

Tom of Bunyon

May 24, 2002, 1:54:01 AM5/24/02

The ironic thing is that they spent the last 18 months claiming that Bush
didn't know anything.

Now when it suits their agenda...


May 25, 2002, 7:06:27 AM5/25/02
In article <9pkH8.4051$>,

The recent news from the Minnesota FBI office doesn't look good for the
Bush administration.

Wonder if they'll make Mueller "fall on his sword?"

McKinney's prophet/intuiter status is skyrocketing.

Justice for the innocent dead of 9/11.

Death to traitors.

May God save America.

Novus Ordo Seclorum:The New Secular Order

Holger Dansk

May 25, 2002, 9:09:55 AM5/25/02
On Sat, 25 May 2002 07:06:27 -0400, American <>

>McKinney's prophet/intuiter status is skyrocketing.

Among the ignorant and poor people who are mostly

Lots of ignorant and poor African-Savage-American Dion Warwick
followers are probably switching over to the psychopathic, mentally
challenged Cynthia.



May 25, 2002, 2:30:53 PM5/25/02
In article <>,
Holger Dansk <> wrote:

Only Americans who recognize truth and patriotism appreciate McKinney's

Trash interlopers like yourself obviously don't fall in that category.

Holger Dansk

May 25, 2002, 3:54:37 PM5/25/02
On Sat, 25 May 2002 14:30:53 -0400, American <>

>In article <>,
> Holger Dansk <> wrote:
>> On Sat, 25 May 2002 07:06:27 -0400, American <>
>> wrote:
>> >McKinney's prophet/intuiter status is skyrocketing.
>> Among the ignorant and poor people who are mostly
>> African-Savage-Americans.
>> Lots of ignorant and poor African-Savage-American Dion Warwick
>> followers are probably switching over to the psychopathic, mentally
>> challenged Cynthia.
>> Holger
>Only Americans who recognize truth and patriotism appreciate McKinney's

Hehehehehe. That's her problem. She not only doesn't speak the
truth. She doesn't know what the truth is. She is a childish
mentally retarded person who doesn't even know how to act socially.
She was probably raised in a slum somewhere and had ignorant confused

>Trash interlopers like yourself obviously don't fall in that category.

Thank God. The followers of Cynthia are to be pitied.

How did you ever learn to type anything? People like you are afraid
of keyboards.


Painful Truth

May 26, 2002, 12:15:52 AM5/26/02
Oh Please the woman is a maniac. You can see it in her feral eyes.
"American" <> wrote in message

Holger Dansk

May 26, 2002, 11:34:37 AM5/26/02
On Sun, 26 May 2002 00:15:52 -0400, "Painful Truth"
<> wrote:

>Oh Please the woman is a maniac. You can see it in her feral eyes.

The Congo

A Study of The Negro Race

I. Their Basic Savagery

By Vachel Lindsay

Fat black bucks in a wine-barrel room,
Barrel-house kings, with feet unstable,
(A deep rolling bass.)
Sagged and reeled and pounded on the table,
Pounded on the table,
Beat an empty barrel with the handle of a broom,
Hard as they were able,
Boom, boom, BOOM,
With a silk umbrella and the handle of a broom,
Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay, BOOM.
THEN I had religion, THEN I had a vision.
I could not turn from their revel in derision.
(More deliberate. Solemnly chanted.)
Then along that riverbank
A thousand miles
Tattooed cannibals danced in files;
Then I heard the boom of the blood-lust song
A rapidly piling climax of speed and racket.
And a thigh-bone beating on a tin-pan gong.
And "BLOOD" screamed the whistles and the fifes
of the warriors,
"BLOOD" screamed the skull-faced, lean
"Whirl ye the deadly voo-doo rattle,
Harry the uplands,
Steal all the cattle,
Rattle-rattle, rattle-rattle,
Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay, BOOM,"
(With a philosophic pause.)
A roaring, epic, rag-time tune
From the mouth of the Congo
To the Mountains of the Moon.
Death is an Elephant,
Shrilly and with a heavily accented metre.
Torch-eyed and horrible,
Foam-flanked and terrible.
BOOM, steal the pygmies,
BOOM, kill the Arabs,
BOOM, kill the white men,
(Like the wind in the chimney.)
Listen to the yell of Leopold's ghost
Burning in Hell for his hand-maimed host.
Hear how the demons chuckle and yell
Cutting his hands off, down in Hell.
Listen to the creepy proclamation,
Blown through the lairs of the forest-nation,
Blown past the white-ants' hill of clay,
Blown past the marsh where the butterflies play:
"Be careful what you do,
(All the o sounds very golden. Heavy accents very
Light accents very light. Last line whispered.
Or Mumbo-Jumbo, God of the Congo,
And all of the other
Gods of the Congo,
Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you,
Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you,
Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you."



May 26, 2002, 8:20:08 PM5/26/02
Holger Dansk <> wrote:

>On Sun, 26 May 2002 00:15:52 -0400, "Painful Truth"
><> wrote:
>>Oh Please the woman is a maniac. You can see it in her feral eyes.

HOLGER. Give an opinion before cutting and pasting.

As for Cynthia? I'll point out again that she is the representative of
my district. I'd be working alot harder to disenfranchise her if I
thought she was stupid.

She's NOT going outside the lines. I'd NEVER allow that. She is, after
all, speaking for me. She's being loud, obnoxious, and truthful.
That's not what she was hired for. But... She's taking care of some of
that other stuff in the background. That's what I hired her to do.

I'm just really VERY tired of the fact that you MUST be a black, female,
demoncrat to run against her. This is the attitude and the reality of
racism. I'm not happy.

(That goes for Atlanta as well.)

Holger Dansk

May 26, 2002, 9:59:19 PM5/26/02
On Mon, 27 May 2002 00:20:08 GMT,

>Holger Dansk <> wrote:
>>On Sun, 26 May 2002 00:15:52 -0400, "Painful Truth"
>><> wrote:
>>>Oh Please the woman is a maniac. You can see it in her feral eyes.
>HOLGER. Give an opinion before cutting and pasting.

I think everyone knows what I think of Cynthia. She's to be pitied.

>As for Cynthia? I'll point out again that she is the representative of
>my district. I'd be working alot harder to disenfranchise her if I
>thought she was stupid.

Stupid is not descriptive enough. She's hopeless, and way below

>She's NOT going outside the lines. I'd NEVER allow that. She is, after
>all, speaking for me. She's being loud, obnoxious, and truthful.

You've got to be kidding. Surely to God you don't think she speaks
the truth.



May 27, 2002, 1:29:41 AM5/27/02
Yes, that's better.

Holger Dansk <> wrote:

She's been elected 5 times straight. Now, I'm paying attention. She's
running Game. Is she doing what I want her to be doing?

Now, I need to have the books. Why. She's doing what I need her to be
doing, but, I just want the books for something else.

If this is available here, I'd like to have it before I enlighten her
with that sunshine law. I can do that, or I WILL make that happen.

(don't ask what happened to Monday)

>I think everyone knows what I think of Cynthia. She's to be pitied.

>Stupid is not descriptive enough. She's hopeless, and way below

Skiff Izlaan

May 27, 2002, 1:54:31 AM5/27/02
On Sat, 25 May 2002 07:06:27 -0400, American <>

>In article <9pkH8.4051$>,

>On Sat, 25 May 2002 07:06:27 -0400, American <>

>>McKinney's prophet/intuiter status is skyrocketing.

>Among the ignorant and poor people who are mostly

Then what savage is letting the US get flooded with illegals at
American taxpayers' expense, boy?


May 28, 2002, 12:38:44 PM5/28/02
Holger Dansk <> wrote in message
> The Congo
> A Study of The Negro Race
> I. Their Basic Savagery

Have you ever noticed how some people seem absolutely obsessed with
black men? I often wonder whether the hostility masks an intense
sexual desire. Stop dreaming about those Big Black Bucks--give in to

Holger Dansk

May 28, 2002, 2:59:32 PM5/28/02
On 28 May 2002 09:38:44 -0700, (FAX ME A
BEER) wrote:

Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you,

Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you,
Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you.



May 28, 2002, 7:13:25 PM5/28/02
Holger Dansk <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you,
> Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo you.



Jun 2, 2002, 11:06:24 PM6/2/02
In <> American <> writes:

#In article <9pkH8.4051$>,
# "Tom of Bunyon" <> wrote:

#> The ironic thing is that they spent the last 18 months claiming that Bush
#> didn't know anything.
#> Now when it suits their agenda...

#The recent news from the Minnesota FBI office doesn't look good for the
#Bush administration.

#Wonder if they'll make Mueller "fall on his sword?"

Mueller was in office HOW long before September 11th? Hint, he wasn't in
office on October 31st...

#McKinney's prophet/intuiter status is skyrocketing.

Yeah, right.

#Justice for the innocent dead of 9/11.

As soon as the Democrats quit trying to delay action for their own political

#Death to traitors.

Good move, can we start with those who work for the government?

#May God save America.

Only if America is worthy of being saved. This country wasn't founded by God,
it was founded by Men, and it will be saved or fail based on the deeds of Men.


#Novus Ordo Seclorum:The New Secular Order


Jun 2, 2002, 11:11:09 PM6/2/02
In <> American <> writes:

#In article <>,
# Holger Dansk <> wrote:

#> On Sat, 25 May 2002 07:06:27 -0400, American <>
#> wrote:
#> >McKinney's prophet/intuiter status is skyrocketing.
#> Among the ignorant and poor people who are mostly
#> African-Savage-Americans.
#> Lots of ignorant and poor African-Savage-American Dion Warwick
#> followers are probably switching over to the psychopathic, mentally
#> challenged Cynthia.
#> Holger

#Only Americans who recognize truth and patriotism appreciate McKinney's

Hah. Truth and patriotism are foreign concepts to McKinney. She's more
interested in garnering support from those intent on destroying our country
than on making any attempt to save it.

#Trash interlopers like yourself obviously don't fall in that category.

I suspect your familiarity with truth and patriotism are similar to

But I did my patriotic duty this weekend, my World War II M1 Garand
demonstrated that it was still worthy of Gen. George Patton's praise, and I
demonstrated that I am capable of wielding it appropriately. Or of serving
as a primary marksmanship instructor to train those younger and fitter than
I am in the application of aimed rifle fire against the enemies of my country.

"Ready on the right, ready on the left, all ready on the firing line, you may
commence firing when your targets appear"


#Novus Ordo Seclorum:The New Secular Order

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