I, [2017-05-29T19:36:17.779029 #16353] INFO -- : ==== Starting AppController (pid: 16353) ==== I, [2017-05-29T19:36:17.779753 #16353] INFO -- : Couldn't find my old my_public_ip or my_private_ip. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:17.780016 #16353] INFO -- : /etc/appscale/zookeeper_locations.json doesn't exist: not restoring data. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:17.796415 #16353] INFO -- : Reloading nginx service. nginx.service is not active, cannot reload. E, [2017-05-29T19:36:17.897635 #16353] ERROR -- : ****Killing nginx because there was a FATAL error**** haproxy.service is not active, cannot reload. E, [2017-05-29T19:36:27.539157 #16353] ERROR -- DjinnServer: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_accept SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read client hello A /usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/openssl/ssl.rb:401:in `accept' I, [2017-05-29T19:36:18.152011 #16353] INFO -- : Waiting for data from the load balancer or cmdline tools I, [2017-05-29T19:36:23.152641 #16353] INFO -- : Waiting for data from the load balancer or cmdline tools I, [2017-05-29T19:36:28.153380 #16353] INFO -- : Waiting for data from the load balancer or cmdline tools I, [2017-05-29T19:36:33.154137 #16353] INFO -- : Waiting for data from the load balancer or cmdline tools I, [2017-05-29T19:36:38.154997 #16353] INFO -- : Waiting for data from the load balancer or cmdline tools I, [2017-05-29T19:36:43.155725 #16353] INFO -- : Waiting for data from the load balancer or cmdline tools I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.796571 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'verbose' with value 'False'. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.796922 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'replication' with value 'None'. W, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.797423 #16353] WARN -- : Warning: parameter 'replication' is not an integer (None). Removing it. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.797645 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'table. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.798124 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'user_commands' with value '[]'. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.798355 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'autoscale' with value 'True'. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.798569 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'flower_password. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.798801 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'max_memory' with value '400'. W, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.799021 #16353] WARN -- : Removing unknown parameter 'clear_datastore'. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.799206 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'keyname. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.799501 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'login' with value ''. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.799744 #16353] INFO -- : Converting/checking 'appengine' with value '1'. W, [2017-05-29T19:36:47.800620 #16353] WARN -- : max_images is less than the number of nodes! I, [2017-05-29T19:36:48.248075 #16353] INFO -- : Starting iaas_manager with command /usr/bin/python2 /root/appscale/InfrastructureManager/infrastructure_manager_service.py /etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed -- Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*' I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.507678 #16353] INFO -- : Started InfrastructureManager successfully! I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.546076 #16353] INFO -- : All private IPs: [""]. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.546974 #16353] INFO -- : Load balancer location(s): [""]. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.547582 #16353] INFO -- : Deployment public name/IP: I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.551108 #16353] INFO -- : Memcache locations: [""]. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.551750 #16353] INFO -- : Taskqueue locations: [""]. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.552349 #16353] INFO -- : Database master is at [""], slaves are at [""]. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.553221 #16353] INFO -- : My public IP is, and my private is I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.554018 #16353] INFO -- : Writing num_of_nodes as 1. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:50.554532 #16353] INFO -- : Search service locations: []. iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:52.422069 #16353] INFO -- : Preparing other nodes for this deployment. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:52.422530 #16353] INFO -- : Done initializing nodes. /etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed -- Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*' /etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed -- Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*' I, [2017-05-29T19:36:54.680738 #16353] INFO -- : HAProxy configured and started. /etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed -- Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*' /etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed -- Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*' I, [2017-05-29T19:36:57.213304 #16353] INFO -- : Nginx configured and started. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:57.367614 #16353] INFO -- : Reloading nginx service. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:57.741864 #16353] INFO -- : DB HAProxy configured iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:58.031397 #16353] INFO -- : Starting API Services. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:58.032076 #16353] INFO -- : Trying to use zookeeper server at /etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed -- Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*' W, [2017-05-29T19:36:58.044683 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. I, [2017-05-29T19:36:58.098749 #16353] INFO -- : Starting zookeeper. W, [2017-05-29T19:36:59.055481 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. W, [2017-05-29T19:37:00.057115 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. W, [2017-05-29T19:37:01.059588 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. W, [2017-05-29T19:37:02.062665 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. W, [2017-05-29T19:37:03.064257 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. W, [2017-05-29T19:37:04.066069 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. W, [2017-05-29T19:37:05.067817 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. W, [2017-05-29T19:37:06.069392 #16353] WARN -- : [is_port_open](, 2181): got Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 2181. /etc/monit/monitrc:290: Include failed -- Success '/etc/monit/conf-enabled/*'