Please announce and distribute among your Networks. The flyer is attached for printing. Capital District 100 Hispanic Women **************************************************************************** *********** Dear All, Attached please find information on an amazing Summer 2017 internship opportunity with limited slots available that interested second/third year college students should be applying to if qualified. Please review the attached and submit an application as soon as possible. Please share this with our students, mentees, community leaders and NYS colleagues so that we cast a wide net and recruit as diverse a pool of applicants as possible. This internship is prestigious in nature as it is with NYS' Comptrollers Office. It yields both college credit (13 credits) and a modest stipend and there are currently limited spaces in both their NYC Office as well as their Albany, NY Office. A 13-week, 37.5 hours a week commitment is required as this will be a full-time summer internship/job opportunity. This is one to apply to as it will open doors for those fortunate enough to be selected. Maritza Martinez ____________________________________ **************************************************************************** ************************** If you would like to unsubscribe from the Capital District 100 Hispanic Women List Serv, please reply to this e-mail with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Thank you.