I'm new with opencv_traincascade.exe,
I just followed the mentioned step and unable to get the traincascades
FYI, I'm using OpenCV 2.1 with TBB + IPP and run on WinXP SP3
command arguments:
opencv_traincascade.exe -data cascade001 -vec positives.vec -bg
negatives.txt -numPos 1400 -numNeg 2800 -numStages 20 -
precalcValBufSize 512 -precalcIdxBufSize 512 -featureType LBP -w 91 -h
21 > cascade001.log
Below is the output message.
cascadeDirName: cascade001
vecFileName: positives.vec
bgFileName: negatives.txt
numPos: 1400
numNeg: 2800
numStages: 20
precalcValBufSize[Mb] : 512
precalcIdxBufSize[Mb] : 512
stageType: BOOST
featureType: LBP
sampleWidth: 91
sampleHeight: 21
boostType: GAB
minHitRate: 0.995
maxFalseAlarmRate: 0.5
weightTrimRate: 0.95
maxTreeDepth: 1
maxWeakCount: 100
===== TRAINING 0-stage =====
POS count : consumed 1400 : 1400
NEG count : acceptanceRatio 2800 : 1
Precalculation time: 38.375
| N | HR | FA |
| 1| 1| 0|
Parameters can not be written, because file cascade001\params.xml can
not be opened.
Is it because of FA = 0?
If i train withHAAR feature, it will prompt an error message on out of
FYI, these training data can be train using opencv_haartraining.
Please advise. Thanks.
> > > completely from OpenCV. To compile everything from sources, just look athttp://
opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/TBBandthenfollowhttp://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/InstallGuide. After that you should see