FindClass failed

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Sep 15, 2010, 1:14:53 AM9/15/10
to android-ndk
I'm tryint to call a Java function from my callback called by a native
thread created using pthread_create.
But when I do, FindClass() fails. Maybe its not able to find the path
of the class I'm passing to FindClass(). Can any1 please help me?

Related post:

Thanks in advance,


Sep 15, 2010, 1:40:12 AM9/15/10
That's because your native thread doesn't have a valid class loader,
so it fallbacks to a default one, which doesn't see any classes except
system ones. There are two correct solutions for that (the URL you've
provided also states them):
1) "Preload" classes you need from correct Java context (i.e. in
JNI_OnLoad, or in other function that was called from Java),
NewGlobalRef them and store in some global/static variable.
2) Rethink your architecture and create a Java thread instead of
native one. This obviously might be a very hard or nearly impossible
thing to do for your particular app.
I've heard that it's somehow possible to create set a correct
ClassLoader for a native thread, but I wasn't able to implement that.
Maybe you could try to somehow pass a correct ClassLoader from Java
context to native thread (like solution (1)).

2010/9/15 Nand <>:

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Pedro Lamarão

Sep 15, 2010, 10:34:19 AM9/15/10
to android-ndk
провод wrote:

> 1) "Preload" classes you need from correct Java context (i.e. in
> JNI_OnLoad, or in other function that was called from Java),
> NewGlobalRef them and store in some global/static variable.

Sorry to hijack the thread but does Dalvik actually call JNI_OnLoad?

My team told me it wasn't, and I never checked myself.


Tim Mensch

Sep 15, 2010, 10:45:33 AM9/15/10
On 9/15/2010 8:34 AM, Pedro Lamarão wrote:
> Sorry to hijack the thread but does Dalvik actually call JNI_OnLoad?
> My team told me it wasn't, and I never checked myself.
Yes, it does. I print a log message and do a few things in JNI_OnLoad(),
so I know it's called. It even warns you if JNI_OnLoad() isn't present.



Sep 15, 2010, 3:57:24 PM9/15/10
to android-ndk
On Sep 15, 7:34 am, Pedro Lamarão <> wrote:
> Sorry to hijack the thread but does Dalvik actually call JNI_OnLoad?
> My team told me it wasn't, and I never checked myself.

It does, and it will log a debug message if for some reason it can't
find it (because e.g. you didn't declare it extern "C").


Sep 15, 2010, 3:56:15 PM9/15/10
to android-ndk
I'm adding some FAQs to the "JNI Tips" document. Here's what I
currently have for this:

FAQ: FindClass didn't find my class

Make sure that the class name string has the correct format. JNI class
names start with the package name and are separated with slashes, e.g.
java/lang/String. If you're looking up an array class, you need to
start with the appropriate number of square brackets and must also
wrap the class with 'L' and ';', so a one-dimensional array of String
would be [Ljava/lang/String;.

If the class name looks right, you could be running into a class
loader issue. FindClass wants to start the class search in the class
loader associated with your code. It examines the VM call stack, which
will look something like:

Foo.myfunc(Native Method)
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

The topmost method is Foo.myfunc. FindClass finds the ClassLoader
object associated with the Foo class and uses that.

This usually does what you want. You can get into trouble if you
create a thread outside the VM (perhaps by calling pthread_create and
then attaching it to the VM with AttachCurrentThread). Now the stack
trace looks like this: Method)

The topmost method is, which isn't part of your
application. If you call FindClass from this thread, the VM will start
in the "system" class loader instead of the one associated with your
application, so attempts to find app-specific classes will fail.

There are a few ways to work around this:

* Do your FindClass lookups once, in JNI_OnLoad, and cache the class
references for later use. Any FindClass calls made as part of
executing JNI_OnLoad will use the class loader associated with the
function that called System.loadLibrary (this is a special rule,
provided to make library initialization more convenient). If your app
code is loading the library, FindClass will use the correct class

* Pass an instance of the class into the functions that need it, e.g.
declare your native method to take a Class argument and then pass
Foo.class in.

* Cache a reference to the ClassLoader object somewhere handy, and
issue loadClass calls directly. This requires some effort.


Sep 16, 2010, 7:58:16 AM9/16/10
to android-ndk
Hi All,
Thanks for the reply. I solved this issue. It was not able to find my
class's path and load it. So I Preloaded my classes and declared them
globally and used the same for further findclass calls.

If anyone finds similar issue, you can go through the link below. It
does have lot of information.


Olivier Guilyardi

Oct 8, 2010, 6:19:13 AM10/8/10

In this pdf document, there native-thread-to-Java callback example (Page 7).

A callback_handler() function is called from a native thread. Every time this
callback handler is called, it both attaches and detaches the thread to the JVM.

Isn't this heavy? Isn't it better to attach the native thread once, perform any
number of callbacks, and detach the thread when the job's done?



Oct 8, 2010, 3:58:17 PM10/8/10
to android-ndk
On Sep 16, 4:58 am, Nand <> wrote:
> If anyone finds similar issue, you can go through the link below. It
> does have lot of information.

Some of it isn't quite right though. See:

lassi kinnunen

Sep 4, 2014, 5:46:37 AM9/4/14
this no longer seems possible and I didn't find a currently working workaround either, just a blog post from the android guys telling not to do this(cache the object ref to the class) due to new memory protection things being added.

so am I supposed to have a long idle java originated running thread that would call the java methods when I have something to pass to the java side originating from native threads - or alternatively just poll the native side rather aggressively, to not have large delays on reacting to events? seems silly.

(I do realize this post is 4 years old sorry for that, but this turns up on google results when googling for the issue, and will turn up for others too..)


mic _

Sep 5, 2014, 3:36:15 AM9/5/14
>>this no longer seems possible and I didn't find a currently working workaround either, just a blog post from the android guys telling not to do this(cache the object ref to the class) due to new memory protection things being added.

You're saying that you've created a global reference to a jclass returned by FindClass, and when you try to call NewObject for that class later on, it fails..?  On which Android version / runtime / device?
Do you have a link to that blog post you mentioned?


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lassi kinnunen

Sep 8, 2014, 12:12:44 AM9/8/14
On Friday, September 5, 2014 2:36:15 PM UTC+7, mic wrote:
>>this no longer seems possible and I didn't find a currently working workaround either, just a blog post from the android guys telling not to do this(cache the object ref to the class) due to new memory protection things being added.

You're saying that you've created a global reference to a jclass returned by FindClass, and when you try to call NewObject for that class later on, it fails..?  On which Android version / runtime / device?
Do you have a link to that blog post you mentioned?

I tried turning it into a global ref, the jclass and jobject, but it failed in the other thread regardless(maybe because the env is not meant for other threads to use). could be something I did wrong too. what I ended up doing was creating a new thread in the java side of things, and semaphoring that to signal the java side when the certain event was detected in the native thread.. it would just be cleaner to do without that, even if this has the bonus of java being called only by java originated threads..

mic _

Sep 9, 2014, 5:09:33 AM9/9/14
>but it failed in the other thread regardless(maybe because the env is not meant for other threads to use)

You're trying to use the same JNIEnv* from multiple threads? That's not supported. Quoting from the blog post you linked to: "it used to be possible to get away with using a JNIEnv* on the wrong thread. Now there’s a per-thread local reference table, it’s vital that you only use a JNIEnv* on the right thread."

To get a JNIEnv* and attach the current thread at the same time, call AttachCurrentThread. If there's any doubt as to whether the thread already is attached, you can call GetEnv first and check if it returns JNI_EDETACHED.

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