Beginning AltAnalyze Analysis... Format: non-log AltAnalyze version 2.1.3 - Expression Analysis Parameters Being Used... database: EnsMart72 species: Mm method: RNASeq manufacturer: RNASeq probability_statistic: moderated t-test constitutive_source: Ensembl dabg_p: 1.0 junction expression threshold: 5.0 exon_exp_threshold: 5.0 gene_exp_threshold: 200.0 exon_rpkm_threshold: 0.5 gene_rpkm_threshold: 1.0 exclude low expressing exons for RPKM: no avg_all_for_ss: yes expression_data_format: non-log include_raw_data: no run_from_scratch: Process RNA-seq reads perform_alt_analysis: yes calculate_gene_expression_using: core Alternative Exon Analysis Parameters Being Used... analysis_method: MultiPath-PSI p_threshold: 0.05 filter_data_types: all alt_exon_fold_variable: 0.1 gene_expression_cutoff: 10.0 remove_intronic_junctions: no avg_all_for_ss: yes permute_p_threshold: 0.05 perform_permutation_analysis: no export_NI_values: yes run_MiDAS: no use_direct_domain_alignments_only: inferred comparison microRNA_prediction_method: any analyze_all_conditions: pairwise filter_for_AS: no run_GOElite: run-immediately Number of threads = 4 Using AltDatabase/kallisto/0.43.1/PC/bin/kallisto.exe Building kallisto index file... Running kallisto on: Lsk.4 ... kallisto failed due to an unknown error (report to help). Traceback (most recent call last): File "RNASeq.pyc", line 5182, in runKallisto File "RNASeq.pyc", line 5308, in importTPMs IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:/Users/GBardai/Desktop/Scratch/FASTQ-GSE70245-DownSampled///ExpressionInput/kallisto/Lsk.4/abundance.tsv'