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A Random, Rambling Diatribe on Moving X-Ville

13 katselukertaa
Siirry ensimmäiseen lukemattomaan viestiin

Leigh A Vrabel

6.3.1997 klo

Once upon a time in the fall of 1996, a rather shy, retiring young
graduate student discovered the joys of Usenet. Lo and behold, there was
a newsgroup dedicated to a show she'd enjoyed since its inception, The
X-Files. So she decided to join.

When she got there, she found that, in spite of her not-too-shabby
intellect, she felt quite inferior. It seemed that everyone in the group
was so darn smart, and so she lurked for a long time without saying a
word, fearful that she had nothing intelligent to contribute.

Then the COC came into being, and the shy young lady realized that
this was where she could make her mark: parody had always been her strong
suit, and by tying her smart-alecky thoughts to Chris Carter's creations,
she could comment on the nature of the show in a clever way.

When X-Ville, as the COC rapidly became, sprung up full-blown, the
young lady began posting more confidently, and eventually began
participating in the non XV discussions, made bold by the acceptance and
nurturing of the group. She soon developed e-friendships with other ng
participants, and threw herself wholeheartedly into both aspects of the

All of a sudden, along came a group of people, prominently headed
by cat y (who, in case nobody noticed, has posted the same damn thing
about ten times now), complaining about XVille. Apparently it wasn't
about the show, despite the fact that it uses characters and plots from
the show. Apparently XVille was fanfic or shared reality, and should be
kept somwhere else, in the dark. After all, this was a "serious"

My question was...and continues to be...who the hell died and put
you people in charge of the ng? No one person or clique--XV or non XV--is
in charge here. The majority rules because it is an unmoderated group.
If there were a moderator, we would have to bow to his/her dictates.
However, the last time I checked, we had complete freedom of speech.

XVille is not fanfic. Fanfic is composed of NEW, ORIGINAL plots
about Mulder and Scully's adventures. X-Ville is puns, wordplay, and
variations on themes gone by. X-Ville is not shared reality. Why?
Because it's a BIG JOKE, people. We're not serious about this at all.
It's not another world, another dimension, another anything. It's a
self-perpetuating, long-running joke. I'll bet Darin Morgan, if he ever
read this group, would pee his pants laughing. Hell, I'll bet Duchovny,
if you could lure him next to a computer for five seconds, would at least
crack a smile...

I used to not give a Ratboy's ass whether or not this newsgroup
moved, mostly because I thought the people who wanted us to move seriously
had our best interests at heart. While that may be true of some, I feel
that the majority of anti Xvillers, including and especially cat y, are
trying to exercise control over what is jointly "owned" by every single
damn one of us. Should hell freeze over and X-Ville move, I'll go...but
I'll stop coming here...not, as some have implied, because my love of the
show has flagged (what the hell is that all about, pledging, but because my love of the show has been tampered with,
inhibited, squashed by people who travel in straight lines only while some
of us prefer to think around corners.

I'm probably going to get flamed beyond belief. I care not. I'm
wearing my asbestos trenchcoat.

Leigh Anne Vrabel
Producer, X-Ville: The Musical
Head of 4/27 Productions
"Have a seat while I take to the sky."--Tori Amos
"Do you think I'm spooky?"--Fox Mulder, "Squeeze"
I am not who Meg is!


6.3.1997 klo

Leigh A Vrabel wrote:


> My question was...and continues to be...who the hell died and put
> you people in charge of the ng? No one person or clique--XV or non XV--is
> in charge here. The majority rules because it is an unmoderated group.
> If there were a moderator, we would have to bow to his/her dictates.
> However, the last time I checked, we had complete freedom of speech.


Thank God! Someone also noticed the incessant repetition of a certain
post. I didn't care one way or the other about the whole moving X-Ville
situation. I am, however, surprised that the person who wrote the
repetitious post took it upon herself to make a decision and post the
same message again and again, apparently, with the intention of driving
X-Ville out through her insistence. I already wrote her an e-mail
explaining that, if her concern is over wasting bandwidth, she is not
helping the situation at all.

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Leigh Anne Vrabel
> Producer, X-Ville: The Musical
> Head of 4/27 Productions
> "Have a seat while I take to the sky."--Tori Amos
> "Do you think I'm spooky?"--Fox Mulder, "Squeeze"
> I am not who Meg is!
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



6.3.1997 klo

In article <5fo77j$>, Sullivan-Baier) wrote:

> In <> Leigh A

> Vrabel <> writes:
> > X-Ville is puns, wordplay, and
> >variations on themes gone by. X-Ville is not shared reality. Why?
> >Because it's a BIG JOKE, people. We're not serious about this at all.
> >It's not another world, another dimension, another anything. It's a
> >self-perpetuating, long-running joke.

> LIFE is a JOKE???? A BIG joke???
> It's NOT another's just NOT?????????

Yup, My Gizness, 'tis true........and isn't it grand!!!!!!!

Gee, I love the word Grand , dont you??

And Leigh Anne -your post was lovely. Dont let the boring people run you
folks off the NG -Ruth , who only has a timeshare in XV , but needs to
know it is always there.

"I tried Reality once, I found it too confining"

Piper Maru

6.3.1997 klo
vastaanottaja Leigh A Vrabel

An asbestos trenchcoat? Jesus christ I'm not coming near you!!
Leigh, even though I agree with moving X-Ville to another location, I
would never dream of or presume to exercise an authority to make this
happen. As you have said, no authority of this kind exists. The choice
of moving X-Ville is solely up to the X-Ville residents. Period! If it
happens, it happens. I think it would be cool for you guys to have your
own forum *in addition to* this one, but that is not my choice to make.
This is just my two pennies as always and if anyone is going to flame me
please do so once and only once. :)


Sister Piper Maru
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
Direct inquires to:

Rebecca Eaton

7.3.1997 klo

This just brings tears to my eyes <sniff>
Ill support fact you have a life-long membership I name this damn toy store (suggestions?)
To all you X-ville haters....
I second, third and fourth this <sniff>

In article <>,

> My question was...and continues to be...who the hell died and put
>you people in charge of the ng? No one person or clique--XV or non XV--is
>in charge here. The majority rules because it is an unmoderated group.
>If there were a moderator, we would have to bow to his/her dictates.
>However, the last time I checked, we had complete freedom of speech.

> XVille is not fanfic. Fanfic is composed of NEW, ORIGINAL plots

>about Mulder and Scully's adventures. X-Ville is puns, wordplay, and

>variations on themes gone by. X-Ville is not shared reality. Why?
>Because it's a BIG JOKE, people. We're not serious about this at all.
>It's not another world, another dimension, another anything. It's a

>self-perpetuating, long-running joke. I'll bet Darin Morgan, if he ever
>read this group, would pee his pants laughing. Hell, I'll bet Duchovny,
>if you could lure him next to a computer for five seconds, would at least
>crack a smile...
> I used to not give a Ratboy's ass whether or not this newsgroup
>moved, mostly because I thought the people who wanted us to move seriously
>had our best interests at heart. While that may be true of some, I feel
>that the majority of anti Xvillers, including and especially cat y, are
>trying to exercise control over what is jointly "owned" by every single
>damn one of us. Should hell freeze over and X-Ville move, I'll go...but
>I'll stop coming here...not, as some have implied, because my love of the
>show has flagged (what the hell is that all about, pledging
>, but because my love of the show has been tampered with,
>inhibited, squashed by people who travel in straight lines only while some
>of us prefer to think around corners.
> I'm probably going to get flamed beyond belief. I care not. I'm
>wearing my asbestos trenchcoat.

>Leigh Anne Vrabel
>Producer, X-Ville: The Musical
>Head of 4/27 Productions
>"Have a seat while I take to the sky."--Tori Amos
>"Do you think I'm spooky?"--Fox Mulder, "Squeeze"
>I am not who Meg is!


'The only impossibility is that which you dont believe'

Donna Gerhart

7.3.1997 klo

<not snipping a thing>

Not a bit random and surely not rambling! BRAVO!!! and well said,

--Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
change, the courage to change the the things I can,
and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had
to kill because they pissed me off.

Coleen Sullivan-Baier

7.3.1997 klo

> X-Ville is puns, wordplay, and
>variations on themes gone by. X-Ville is not shared reality. Why?
>Because it's a BIG JOKE, people. We're not serious about this at all.
>It's not another world, another dimension, another anything. It's a
>self-perpetuating, long-running joke. LIFE is a JOKE???? A BIG joke???

It's NOT another's just NOT?????????




Edmund Jimenez

7.3.1997 klo

Hello, Miss Warble.

Your posting indicates a pronounced sexual confusion within yourself, and a
pitiably full-blown insecurity. I shall not address your intellectual
shortcomings, except to mention the possibility that the above, no doubt,
affects them.

Best wishes, E.
Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where
we can find information upon it. -- Samuel Johnson, 1775
Edmund Jimenez

Bill Doern

7.3.1997 klo

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Leigh Anne Vrabel
> Producer, X-Ville: The Musical
> Head of 4/27 Productions
> "Have a seat while I take to the sky."--Tori Amos
> "Do you think I'm spooky?"--Fox Mulder, "Squeeze"
> I am not who Meg is!
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You're funny :)

Leigh A Vrabel

7.3.1997 klo

It's a collaborative joke...and since it's a good joke, it makes a
great life! Rock on, gizzie!


7.3.1997 klo

In article <>,

Leigh A Vrabel <> writes
> Once upon a time in the fall of 1996, a rather shy, retiring young
>graduate student discovered the joys of Usenet.
And Leigh did too.

> When X-Ville, as the COC rapidly became, sprung up full-blown, the
>young lady began posting more confidently, and eventually began
>participating in the non XV discussions, made bold by the acceptance and
>nurturing of the group.

Ah, so that's what ahappened :)

> I'm probably going to get flamed beyond belief. I care not. I'm
>wearing my asbestos trenchcoat.

And I shall protect you!
(just please, take the asbestos off, because that stuff is

>Leigh Anne Vrabel
>Producer, X-Ville: The Musical
>Head of 4/27 Productions
>"Have a seat while I take to the sky."--Tori Amos
>"Do you think I'm spooky?"--Fox Mulder, "Squeeze"
>I am not who Meg is!

Lowri, X villes only real life anime character
with high heeled rollerskate boots
(to get places quicker) :)
Castle Waif
Production assistant Xv Musical

Edmund Jimenez

7.3.1997 klo

Hello, Soraya.

Please do not use the term "bandwidth" incorrectly.

Loligo Opalescens

8.3.1997 klo

Leigh A Vrabel <> wrote:


> Then the COC came into being, and the shy young lady realized that
>this was where she could make her mark: parody had always been her strong
>suit, and by tying her smart-alecky thoughts to Chris Carter's creations,
>she could comment on the nature of the show in a clever way.

> When X-Ville, as the COC rapidly became, sprung up full-blown, the

>young lady began posting more confidently, and eventually began
>participating in the non XV discussions, made bold by the acceptance and

>nurturing of the group. She soon developed e-friendships with other ng
>participants, and threw herself wholeheartedly into both aspects of the

>... complaining about XVille. Apparently it wasn't

>about the show, despite the fact that it uses characters and plots from
>the show. Apparently XVille was fanfic or shared reality, and should be
>kept somwhere else, in the dark. After all, this was a "serious"

> XVille is not fanfic. Fanfic is composed of NEW, ORIGINAL plots
>about Mulder and Scully's adventures. X-Ville is puns, wordplay, and

>variations on themes gone by.

Thank you for writing this, Leigh Anne. What you describe here is the
*good* side of X-Ville. The ideal X-Ville. And in fact, this is the
reason that I think X-Ville ought to remain here.

BUT the ideal X-Ville and the real X-Ville are two different things.

Here are some hard facts:

METHOD: I examined about 48 hours worth of X-Ville posts -- 74 posts
altogether (XV moving debate was NOT included in this tally).

I categorized them into the following three groups:

(A) ON TOPIC. These posts required some knowledge of the show in order to
understand or fully appreciate the post.

(B) MARGINAL. These posts mention a character from the show (a Mulder
clone, for example), but do not require any knowledge of the show to get
the point.

(C) OFF TOPIC. These posts do not mention the show in any way.

THE RESULTS: Category A: 16% (12 of 74)
Category B: 14% (10 of 74)
Category C: 70% (52 of 74)

CONCLUSION: X-Ville is currently off-topic. Either 70% or 84% off topic,
depending on what you do with those marginal posts.

IMPLICATIONS: This should not be seen as an emotional issue, a power
struggle, a turf war, or a debate about anyone's intelligence or maturity.
It's a simple matter of fact that most X-Ville posts are no longer in line
with the "mission statement" of the newsgroup, which is the discussion of
the X-Files. This is a genuine problem.

I see two possible solutions. One, get X-Ville back on topic. Two, create
an additional forum for X-Ville's off-topic aspects.

I favor option one. I think the newsgroup benefits from things like the
X-Ville Musical and the Wake for Queequeg. But it is unfair to expect
non-X-Villains to wade around such a high proportion of posts that have


(Sister EP, OBSSE)


8.3.1997 klo

"Edmund Jimenez" <> wrote:
>Hello, Soraya.
>Please do not use the term "bandwidth" incorrectly.
>Best wishes, E.



Leigh A Vrabel

8.3.1997 klo

On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, Loligo Opalescens wrote:

> Leigh A Vrabel <> wrote:

(snippage of my original comments)

> Thank you for writing this, Leigh Anne. What you describe here is the
> *good* side of X-Ville. The ideal X-Ville. And in fact, this is the
> reason that I think X-Ville ought to remain here.
> BUT the ideal X-Ville and the real X-Ville are two different things.
> Here are some hard facts:
> METHOD: I examined about 48 hours worth of X-Ville posts -- 74 posts
> altogether (XV moving debate was NOT included in this tally).
> I categorized them into the following three groups:
> (A) ON TOPIC. These posts required some knowledge of the show in order to
> understand or fully appreciate the post.
> (B) MARGINAL. These posts mention a character from the show (a Mulder
> clone, for example), but do not require any knowledge of the show to get
> the point.
> (C) OFF TOPIC. These posts do not mention the show in any way.
> THE RESULTS: Category A: 16% (12 of 74)
> Category B: 14% (10 of 74)
> Category C: 70% (52 of 74)
> CONCLUSION: X-Ville is currently off-topic. Either 70% or 84% off topic,
> depending on what you do with those marginal posts.

May I please borrow some of your free time...? :) Seriously, I
think it's terrific that you did this analysis...I myself try to be as
on-topic with the XV posts as possible. However, I'm not perfect. After
reading your post I went back and reread some threads myself, and I have
to admit that you're right...the truth is out there, but so are lies.

> IMPLICATIONS: This should not be seen as an emotional issue, a power
> struggle, a turf war, or a debate about anyone's intelligence or maturity.
> It's a simple matter of fact that most X-Ville posts are no longer in line
> with the "mission statement" of the newsgroup, which is the discussion of
> the X-Files. This is a genuine problem.
> I see two possible solutions. One, get X-Ville back on topic. Two, create
> an additional forum for X-Ville's off-topic aspects.
> I favor option one. I think the newsgroup benefits from things like the
> X-Ville Musical and the Wake for Queequeg. But it is unfair to expect
> non-X-Villains to wade around such a high proportion of posts that have
> L.O.
> (Sister EP, OBSSE)

I agree wholeheartedly; the problem is, I don't know what to do
about it. Can the X-Villagers, and I enthusiastically include myself,
keep to the "mission statement"? Can we think before we post? As much as
we love the HHGTTG and Kiefer Sutherland (and that one WAS my fault, I
admit), can we be clever and witty about XF only?

I think we're all smart enough. I have no authority to make
people stop posting off-topic stuff in XV...does anybody want to vote on
who, if anyone, should have the responsibility of monitoring the XV posts?
Or should everyone in general privately e-mail those who stray off-topic?

Feedback appreciated...

Your friendly neighborhood idealist...:)


8.3.1997 klo

In article, jiminy writes:-
"blah de blah de confused de blah"

Jiminy, I feel that you where in possession of adequete warning, I did
say I would protect Laigh, and here is the boot to prove it.


My apologies, I hope it does not affect your Calypso, and are you
confident enough to show us your best tango yet, perchance?

"Lay On, Macduff"

Ben Turner

9.3.1997 klo

Leigh A Vrabel <> wrote:

> When she got there, she found that, in spite of her not-too-shabby
> intellect, she felt quite inferior. It seemed that everyone in the group
> was so darn smart, and so she lurked for a long time without saying a
> word, fearful that she had nothing intelligent to contribute.

Herein lie compliments to her supporters.

> When X-Ville, as the COC rapidly became, sprung up full-blown, the
> young lady began posting more confidently, and eventually began
> participating in the non XV discussions, made bold by the acceptance and
> nurturing of the group. She soon developed e-friendships with other ng
> participants, and threw herself wholeheartedly into both aspects of the
> group.

Herein lie attempts to gain sympathy.

> If there were a moderator, we would have to bow to his/her dictates.
> However, the last time I checked, we had complete freedom of speech.

You, however, should follow Netiquette. You do not post about X-Files
in, say, gardening newsgroups, do you? You have a responsibility to
keep newsgroups on-topic.

I don't have anything to think about X-Ville except where it should
be. It seems to be that the main arguments against X-Ville moving
border on "well, it's all of us against the few of you, so we win."

> Should hell freeze over and X-Ville move, I'll go...but
> I'll stop coming here...not, as some have implied, because my love of the
> show has flagged (what the hell is that all about, pledging
>, but because my love of the show has been tampered with,
> inhibited, squashed by people who travel in straight lines only while some
> of us prefer to think around corners.

I disagree with your viewpoint, but I certainly don't travel in
straight lines. If you only want to be in contact with those who
agree with you, then perhaps one of the largest newsgroups on Usenet
isn't the place for you. An X-Ville newsgroup or chat rooms or
mailing lists would be much more beneficial. This is not an insult.


"Nothing gets people more riled up than God, politics, and OS's."

Ben Turner .

Claire Kerr

9.3.1997 klo

Upon reading this I immediately ran out to the Darin Morgan Suspension
Bridge of Disbelief and dragged a protesting Kiefer back to the embassy
where I infected him with those icky wormy-things from "Ice" so as to
better meet the X-Files Content Guideline -- I don't think that's enough
though, so I'm going to have to cocoon him up in a maple tree a la
"Darkness Falls" (but don't tell him that yet, it would just worry him)!
I've also initiated a New Uniform Regulation for the Mountie-Clones
where each scrumptious little Benny must wear a button that says "The
Truth is Out There." or alternately, "Trust No 1."
These buttons are very cool, very glossy and also very pricy, but I
think sometimes it is wise to splurge!
Did I mention that this is all going to be happening in Vancouver, home
of the X-Files, and that Nicholas Lea will make regular guest
appearances at the embassy to help validate its existence?

--Claire [who does know she is fundamentally off-topic and honestly does
feel guilty about the whole thing as Leigh Anne makes a good and fair
case -- oh dear...]
(Canadian Ambassador To X-Ville)

Leigh A Vrabel

9.3.1997 klo

On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Ben Turner wrote:

> Leigh A Vrabel <> wrote:
> > When she got there, she found that, in spite of her not-too-shabby
> > intellect, she felt quite inferior. It seemed that everyone in the group
> > was so darn smart, and so she lurked for a long time without saying a
> > word, fearful that she had nothing intelligent to contribute.
> Herein lie compliments to her supporters.

Of course. One of the many things I've noticed about this ng is
that the majority of the posters are welcoming, friendly, and kind to
newcomers. So I figure some praise is in order.

> > When X-Ville, as the COC rapidly became, sprung up full-blown, the
> > young lady began posting more confidently, and eventually began
> > participating in the non XV discussions, made bold by the acceptance and
> > nurturing of the group. She soon developed e-friendships with other ng
> > participants, and threw herself wholeheartedly into both aspects of the
> > group.
> Herein lie attempts to gain sympathy.

Er, no. Just a straight telling of how it was. That's what
happened. If I want sympathy, I can get it from my mom...:)

> > If there were a moderator, we would have to bow to his/her dictates.
> > However, the last time I checked, we had complete freedom of speech.
> You, however, should follow Netiquette. You do not post about X-Files
> in, say, gardening newsgroups, do you? You have a responsibility to
> keep newsgroups on-topic.

This is true, and L.O.'s last post addressed this issue. My
response to it, in case you haven't seen it, stresses that XVille has a
responsibility to keep on topic.

> I don't have anything to think about X-Ville except where it should
> be. It seems to be that the main arguments against X-Ville moving
> border on "well, it's all of us against the few of you, so we win."

But isn't that how democracy works? Implied attitude aside, which
I think few X-Villagers have displayed (and then only because they felt
pushed), the majority rules. For those ng-ers who are not from the U.S.,
I apologize for making assumptions about democracy and governing systems.

> > Should hell freeze over and X-Ville move, I'll go...but
> > I'll stop coming here...not, as some have implied, because my love of the
> > show has flagged (what the hell is that all about, pledging
> >, but because my love of the show has been tampered with,
> > inhibited, squashed by people who travel in straight lines only while some
> > of us prefer to think around corners.
> I disagree with your viewpoint, but I certainly don't travel in
> straight lines.

So it would appear. My emotional state about the whole thing led
me to a generalization, for which I do apologize.

If you only want to be in contact with those who
> agree with you, then perhaps one of the largest newsgroups on Usenet
> isn't the place for you. An X-Ville newsgroup or chat rooms or
> mailing lists would be much more beneficial. This is not an insult.

I understand that it's not an insult, but I don't recall ever
saying that I only wanted to be around people who agreed with me. I just
don't want to be around people who try to inhibit me because they disagree
with me. Example: in the "serious" posts, many of which are quite silly,
I've been haggling it out with people who disagree with me about the
Uniblonder. I respect and welcome their disagreements, because meaning is
negotiated in the struggle between viewpoints. I hope I didn't come
across as someone who thinks "It's my way or the highway," because that's
not how it is...but there's a difference between disagreeing with someone
and trying to stop them from speaking.

> B.
> "Nothing gets people more riled up than God, politics, and OS's."
> Ben Turner .

This was a terrific post by the didn't happen to study
rhetoric and comp, did you? :) Even though we're on opposing sides of
this argument, I hope we can still have really productive conversations
about XF...

Leigh A Vrabel

9.3.1997 klo

LOL! Claire, you are the greatest, and don't feel guilty. We ALL
go off-topic sometimes...we just have to remember to try harder..

Btw, I hate to tell you this, but by adding to that thread in the
way you did, you made it an XV post...and then didn't change the header!

Please report to Martha for your obligatory $1 fine...:)

Ma Jimenez

9.3.1997 klo

Leigh A Vrabel wrote:

> Please report to Martha for your obligatory $1 fine...:)
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Leigh Anne Vrabel
> Producer, X-Ville: The Musical
> Head of 4/27 Productions
> "Have a seat while I take to the sky."--Tori Amos
> "Do you think I'm spooky?"--Fox Mulder, "Squeeze"
> I am not who Meg is!
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Okay, I accept the fine, but I hope Martha will take a toonie as I am
not changing my petty cash to American funds!

--Claire [who totally believes that Cdn. money is Much Prettier]
(Canadian Ambassador To X-Ville)

Claire Marie Kerr

9.3.1997 klo

Oh crap.

I forgot them 'mail and news preferences' again.

(Obviously somebody has been using my computer...hmm)



9.3.1997 klo

Well, step right up, little lady, and take a well-deserved bow!!! I'm
buying you a Muldermargarita (extra large) at Puffy's!

X-Ville CME and Saucy Barmaid

Usually Ben Turner

10.3.1997 klo 3.00.0010.3.1997

Leigh A Vrabel <> wrote:

> > I don't have anything to think about X-Ville except where it should
> > be. It seems to be that the main arguments against X-Ville moving
> > border on "well, it's all of us against the few of you, so we win."
> But isn't that how democracy works?

That's how it works, but not necessarily how it was intended to work.
Ideally, all arguments are well-thought out and valid in a democracy.
But when a group of the privileged and established few win because of
their position in society, that's no longer democracy.

> This was a terrific post by the didn't happen to study
> rhetoric and comp, did you? :)

No, I'm one of the "mindless, MTV-brainsucking, drug-abusing teenagers
who waste their time on the 'Net", as we're commonly generalized
online if we divulge our age. A little Cicero and a lot of real-world
debating experience. It's kind of amusing to play off of
generalizations, actually. :)


"Sive iubes seu votas, hoc facio."

Ben Turner ( )


10.3.1997 klo 3.00.0010.3.1997

Kitty <> wrote:

>Claire Marie Kerr wrote:
>> Oh crap.
>> I forgot them 'mail and news preferences' again.
>> (Obviously somebody has been using my computer...hmm)
>> --Claire

>Well, step right up, little lady, and take a well-deserved bow!!! I'm
>buying you a Muldermargarita (extra large) at Puffy's!

And PS Claire, but don't let that stop you, OK? If Edmund's mother
needs to borrow your computer to post to the group (and why wouldn't
she given that Edmund is obviously chained to his) let her ...

- Bernardine

Leigh A Vrabel

10.3.1997 klo 3.00.0010.3.1997

Sure, toonies are acceptable! In fact, any currency from any
country featured in TXF or used as a setting is just fine!
Saaaaaay...I just had me a brilliant idear...

Do you recycle the bottles/cans from those FREE MOLSONS? I was
thinking we could raise money for a FIRE station and an ICE cream parlor
(motto: before you judge the size of our cones, please remember that we
are in X-Ville).
Never let it be said that Leigh Anne had no civic pride...:)

Sharon Gefen

10.3.1997 klo 3.00.0010.3.1997

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Lowri wrote:

> In article <>,
> Leigh A Vrabel <> writes
> >
> > Once upon a time in the fall of 1996, a rather shy, retiring young
> >graduate student discovered the joys of Usenet.
> And Leigh did too.

> > When X-Ville, as the COC rapidly became, sprung up full-blown, the
> >young lady began posting more confidently, and eventually began
> >participating in the non XV discussions, made bold by the acceptance and
> >nurturing of the group.

> Ah, so that's what ahappened :)
> >
> > I'm probably going to get flamed beyond belief. I care not. I'm
> >wearing my asbestos trenchcoat.
> >
> And I shall protect you!
> (just please, take the asbestos off, because that stuff is
> dangerous...)

What can I say, I totally agree! I like ATX because I love X-Ville, and if
there was no X-Ville, I'm pretty sure I would have left the ng about 3
days later. As far as I'm concerned, X-Ville is *so* funny and so much
fun, that I think it's worth all the X-Files spoilage in the world and
even MORE! (here in Israel, we'll get "paper hearts" tomorrow, which is
later than most of you, but not *that* late! I'm pretty sure that there
are other XVers who agree about this point - Flynn, red crow, Lowri -
feel free to back me up here!).
so yes, XV is "off topic" sometimes, and does piss off some ppl but I just
love you guys!!! (even if cat hates us all)

Sharon, with no sig today...
reminding you all about the census!

Leigh A Vrabel

10.3.1997 klo 3.00.0010.3.1997

On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Usually Ben Turner wrote:

> Leigh A Vrabel <> wrote:
> > > I don't have anything to think about X-Ville except where it should
> > > be. It seems to be that the main arguments against X-Ville moving
> > > border on "well, it's all of us against the few of you, so we win."
> >
> > But isn't that how democracy works?
> That's how it works, but not necessarily how it was intended to work.
> Ideally, all arguments are well-thought out and valid in a democracy.
> But when a group of the privileged and established few win because of
> their position in society, that's no longer democracy.

I see. Um, I guess I'm sort of clueless on this one, because I
don't really see an existing social strata (stratum? Damn Latinate
words...:} ) in ATXF. There are people who have been here longer, but
that doesn't mean spit, really...there are people who've been net-savvy
longer, but as far as I've noticed, they really don't make a point of
lording it over other people...I guess you mean X-Villagers are "the
privileged and established few," but I don't see that we least, I
don't THINK we are...

> > This was a terrific post by the didn't happen to study
> > rhetoric and comp, did you? :)
> No, I'm one of the "mindless, MTV-brainsucking, drug-abusing teenagers
> who waste their time on the 'Net", as we're commonly generalized
> online if we divulge our age.

Bwahaha! Medic! Bring a mop.

A little Cicero and a lot of real-world
> debating experience. It's kind of amusing to play off of
> generalizations, actually. :)

May I just say, this is how a debate should be conducted? B., you
should be proud of yourself...:) Whoops...flattering my audience


John J Martin

10.3.1997 klo 3.00.0010.3.1997

Leigh A Vrabel <> wrote:

a lot of stuff...
But I think Leigh is the only person here who has got the point just


When everything is said and done, it all
comes down to . . . Kevin Bacon.


11.3.1997 klo 3.00.0011.3.1997

On Mar 10, 'Sharon Gefen' wrote:

>I like ATX because I love X-Ville, and if there was no X-Ville, I'm
>pretty sure I would have left the ng about 3 days later. As far as
>I'm concerned, X-Ville is *so* funny and so much fun, that I think
>it's worth all the X-Files spoilage in the world and even MORE!
>(here in Israel, we'll get "paper hearts" tomorrow, which is
>later than most of you, but not *that* late! I'm pretty sure that there
>are other XVers who agree about this point - Flynn, red crow, Lowri -
>feel free to back me up here!).
>so yes, XV is "off topic" sometimes, and does piss off some ppl but I just

>love you guys!!! (even if cat hates us all)

Speaking as an non-Sky owning 4th Season-deprived Brit I'm with
Sharon on this. XV is an enjoyable forum where 'foreigners' like us
can play on an even footing. I know some people think that this ng
should be frequented by Americans/Canadians only and it is frustrating
not to be able to talk about the latest episodes. The MORONS! thread
covered most of the issues relating to who subscribes and why, so I
don't want to start that again! :-)

Having said that I am dismayed by the attitudes of some of the posters
to ATX. I am an XVille citizen but the issue has become so polarised
and even personal we can't have a proper debate on whether XV stays
or leaves. *Both* 'sides' are guilty of this and it shouldn't be about
taking sides when we are *all* supposedly X-Philes.

My personal preference is to stay in ATX. For me, XV is part and parcel
of what the ng is all about: a wide and diverse forum to talk about
the show/cast/crew/concepts etc. Others disagree. However, in the
current atmosphere we are not going to get anywhere and the debate
has become essentially pointless and little more than a slanging match.
(Though all respect to the more reasonable posters on both sides of
this debate.)

I can't see an easy solution to the whole XV stay/move debate because
it has moved into the realms of personal insult and anger and no-one is
going to want to compromise/capitulate in this sort of atmosphere. I can
see both sides of the disagreement and I have sympathies with both camps.
I would suggest a break from the 'debate' for a while, but I know it will
a waste of time. I wish we all could try and get along a little better. I
Beagle could really dish-out SYDs to everyone...


Naive - probably, distressed - definitely, patronising - not intentionally.

J. P. Flynn
"People often say to me: ' What are you doing in my garden? ' "

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