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Black Dahlia murder

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no leída,
9 sept 1999, 3:00:009/9/99
George Knowlton, my father, who murdered Elizabeth Short (see "Daddy
Was The Black Dahlia Killer," Pocket Books, paperback), went on to deal
drugs, and commit more murders. His daughter was sold into prostitution
before she escaped him by moving east. Her life was protected briefly
by a thug, probably an organized crime figure who accepted the drugs
from Knowlton, insisting that Janice not be killed or he'd kill George,
her father.

Any LAPD insiders visiting this site will possibly have seen this in the
OCID records; since the LAPD would surely have tracked the serial killer
they let continue on for the next 15 years to kill others, most likely
Geneva Ellroy, mother of author, James Ellroy, "The Black Dahlia."
Ellroy's "Georgie Tilden," looks like a thinly-disguised Georgie
Knowlton," to insiders who know who killed Short.


no leída,
9 sept 1999, 3:00:009/9/99
> writes

Any LAPD insiders visiting this site will possibly have seen this in the
OCID records; since the LAPD would surely have tracked the serial killer
they let continue on for the next 15 years to kill others, most likely
Geneva Ellroy, mother of author, James Ellroy, "The Black Dahlia."
Ellroy's "Georgie Tilden," looks like a thinly-disguised Georgie
Knowlton," to insiders who know who killed Short.

Yep, and he was the man on the grassy knoll too.

" Don't talk to me about justice, it is bad enough to be mixed up with the

LO5 2964

Jamesetta Davis

no leída,
9 sept 1999, 3:00:009/9/99
In article <>, wrote:

> George Knowlton, my father, who murdered Elizabeth Short (see "I am a
> Shameless Spammer," Pocket Books, paperback), went on to deal

> drugs, and commit more murders. His daughter was sold into prostitution
> before she escaped him by moving east.

(shiver) Now she's starting to refer to herself in third person...

If you have truly moved on from your ordeal, why do you never stop
talking about it, when so many people have expressed disinterest and
disdain for your posts? Doesn't that ever sink in?

You just get creepier and creepier all the time....

Kevin Burnett

no leída,
9 sept 1999, 3:00:009/9/99
On Thu, 09 Sep 1999 15:29:08 -0600, Jamesetta Davis
<> blathered:

She's spamming ads for her book, that's why.

"This (besides the fact that as many awards as possible were attempted to
"increase the labling" effect) proves beyond a SHADOW of a doubt that I
am the most powerful intellectual giant to ever grace usenet."
- Edmond Heinz Wollmann, in message <>


no leída,
9 sept 1999, 3:00:009/9/99
a (Jamesetta Davis) wrote in

>In article <>,
> wrote:
>> George Knowlton, my father, who murdered Elizabeth Short (see "I am a
>> Shameless Spammer," Pocket Books, paperback), went on to deal
>> drugs, and commit more murders. His daughter was sold into prostitution
>> before she escaped him by moving east.
>(shiver) Now she's starting to refer to herself in third person...
>If you have truly moved on from your ordeal, why do you never stop
>talking about it, when so many people have expressed disinterest and
>disdain for your posts? Doesn't that ever sink in?
>You just get creepier and creepier all the time....

You ever think it is very thereputical for survivors to talk about it?
After all, we did have to keep it secret for so long. But I do admit you
shouldn't shove it into people's faces after they have asked you POLITElY
not to.

All the best,


Nora Hiatt

no leída,
9 sept 1999, 3:00:009/9/99
> Yep, and he was the man on the grassy knoll too.

Oh, I agree, and it was also he who kidnapped the Lindbergh baby,
most definately.



no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
As far as I can tell, this hasn't come up in any of the discussions of the
Black Dahlia, but didn't John Gilmore and the LAPD possibly come very close to
definitively solving the Black Dahlia murder as recently as 1981?

My understanding is that Gilmore gave the LAPD evidence that put them hot on
the trail of a man named Arnold Smith, who had provided Gilmore with details
about the murder that had never been made public (though Smith did not confess
but rather attributed the murder to an individual named "Al Morrison", who has
never been found and whose existence has never been proved).

The case was still open with the LAPD in 1981 and they were in search of Smith
alive when they found him dead, the cause being from a fire in his room that
was caused when he fell asleep while smoking in his room in a vagrant motel.

I suppose that you could say that this makes Smith the "Montague John Druitt"
of the Dahlia case.

Smith, by the way, was not a "higher up" with connections in the LAPD that they
would have reason to cover up for. Like Elizabeth Short, he was a drifter.

If the story is true, the murder was committed in the house that he was living
in in 1947 at 31st and Trinity, not far from where the Dahlia's body was found
on 39th and Norton.

My source for all this, by the way, is an article written by an author named
Russell Miller and published in "The Mammoth Book of Unsolved Crimes", Carroll
& Graf Publishers (1999).

"Hi, we're the Ramseys. We're not grieving parents, but we play them on TV."


no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
> (Jackmaybrk)


No one can prove who killed Short. I like the guy who repainted his car and
then the cops lost him

All of us, however should strive for the style and erudition of the below post.

" Don't talk to me about justice, it is bad enough to be mixed up with the

LO5 2964

Jamesetta Davis

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
In article <>,
(KaEfEr) wrote:

> You ever think it is very thereputical for survivors to talk about it?

Yes, but not here. If she wants therapy or sympathy, she should go to or alt.recovery. She is only asking for more abuse by
spamming alt.true-crime. So far, abuse is all she's gotten here, yet
she persists. The more she is asked to stop plugging her book, the more
she does it.

> After all, we did have to keep it secret for so long. But I do admit you
> shouldn't shove it into people's faces after they have asked you POLITElY
> not to.

Pardon me?


no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
a (Jamesetta Davis) wrote in

>In article <>,
>(KaEfEr) wrote:
>> You ever think it is very thereputical for survivors to talk about it?
>Yes, but not here. If she wants therapy or sympathy, she should go to
> or alt.recovery. She is only asking for more abuse by
>spamming alt.true-crime. So far, abuse is all she's gotten here, yet
>she persists. The more she is asked to stop plugging her book, the more
>she does it.

No, it is very thereputical no matter where it is. And why should that
bring on more abuse? If you don't want to hear what a person says, then
ignore them.

>> After all, we did have to keep it secret for so long. But I do admit
>> you shouldn't shove it into people's faces after they have asked you
>> POLITElY not to.
>Pardon me?

That was a statement partly agreeing with you. If a person is asked
POLITELY (politely being the keyword here) not to tell their story of abuse
to them any longer .. then you should not address that person who asked you
not to continue. Again if it is in a polite manner.



no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99

Why, thank you very much.

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
I have proven that my father murdered Short, that the cops knew it and let him go.
Nevertheless, the LAPD's false claim that the case was unsolved protects them and
gives lots of folks an alternative to playing bingo as a waste of time.

Janice Knowlton, co-author with Michael Newton of "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia
Killer," Pocket Books

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
As this is a site to discuss true crime and the truth is in the book I wrote
with Michael Newton, it is not promotion of the book, "Daddy Was The Black
Dahlia Killer," but information posted on a site that may occasionally have a
visitor with an open mind; and more facts to share regarding the coverup which
is ongoing.

As for the bullies who believe their opinions matter and the site is "theirs",
golly, what more can I say than, I don't give a damn.

Janice Knowlton

Jamesetta Davis wrote:

> In article <>,
> (KaEfEr) wrote:
> > You ever think it is very thereputical for survivors to talk about it?
> Yes, but not here. If she wants therapy or sympathy, she should go to
> or alt.recovery. She is only asking for more abuse by
> spamming alt.true-crime. So far, abuse is all she's gotten here, yet
> she persists. The more she is asked to stop plugging her book, the more
> she does it.

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
Black Dahlia murder how in its 52nd year of coverup. Hooray for the LAPD! To find
out why, I refer you to the only book which is factbased, "Daddy Was the Black
Dahlia Killer," Pocket Books, by Janice Knowlton and Michael Newton.

Lo52964 wrote:

> > (Jackmaybrk)
> writes>

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
Gilmore gave the LAPD false information. When I went public in 1991, he sent me a
threatening letter, unless I sent him info he demanded. It was ignored. All this
just helps the LAPD in their coverup, which is explained in the book, "Daddy Was
The Black Dahlia Killer." Pocket Books by Janice Knowlton and Michael Newton.

Jackmaybrk wrote:

> As far as I can tell, this hasn't come up in any of the discussions of the
> Black Dahlia, but didn't John Gilmore and the LAPD possibly come very close to
> definitively solving the Black Dahlia murder as recently as 1981?
> My understanding is that Gilmore gave the LAPD evidence that put them hot on
> the trail of a man named Arnold Smith, who had provided Gilmore with details
> about the murder that had never been made public (though Smith did not confess
> but rather attributed the murder to an individual named "Al Morrison", who has
> never been found and whose existence has never been proved).
> The case was still open with the LAPD in 1981 and they were in search of Smith
> alive when they found him dead, the cause being from a fire in his room that
> was caused when he fell asleep while smoking in his room in a vagrant motel.
> I suppose that you could say that this makes Smith the "Montague John Druitt"
> of the Dahlia case.
> Smith, by the way, was not a "higher up" with connections in the LAPD that they
> would have reason to cover up for. Like Elizabeth Short, he was a drifter.
> If the story is true, the murder was committed in the house that he was living
> in in 1947 at 31st and Trinity, not far from where the Dahlia's body was found
> on 39th and Norton.
> My source for all this, by the way, is an article written by an author named
> Russell Miller and published in "The Mammoth Book of Unsolved Crimes", Carroll
> & Graf Publishers (1999).

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
Sweeping Nora out of the way, I can only thank her before she sails over
the horizon, for this additional opportunity to point news visitor to
this true crime site to the most sensationalized true crime coverup (by
the LAPD) extant. The facts are in a book, "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia
Killer," Pocket Books.

> Janice Knowlton

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
It's not only therapeutic to talk about one's traumas, it is a responsibility
to report injustice wherever possible. Someone said, "justice delayed is
justice denied," and the LAPD has delayed justice in the Black Dahlia case for
over 52 years. Unfair to honest cops, the public and myself.

Janice Knowlton, co-author with Michael Newton of "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia

P.S. Jamesetta, dear, try to get an education, okay.


> (Jamesetta Davis) wrote in

> <>:
> >In article <>,
> > wrote:
> >
> >> George Knowlton, my father, who murdered Elizabeth Short (see "I am a
> >> Shameless Spammer," Pocket Books, paperback), went on to deal
> >> drugs, and commit more murders. His daughter was sold into prostitution
> >> before she escaped him by moving east.
> >
> >
> >(shiver) Now she's starting to refer to herself in third person...
> >
> >If you have truly moved on from your ordeal, why do you never stop
> >talking about it, when so many people have expressed disinterest and
> >disdain for your posts? Doesn't that ever sink in?
> >
> >You just get creepier and creepier all the time....

> You ever think it is very thereputical for survivors to talk about it?

> After all, we did have to keep it secret for so long. But I do admit you
> shouldn't shove it into people's faces after they have asked you POLITElY
> not to.

> All the best,
> KaEfEr

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
No, not "spamming," reporting the facts.

Janice Knowlton, ("Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer," Pocket Books)
Kevin Burnett wrote:

> On Thu, 09 Sep 1999 15:29:08 -0600, Jamesetta Davis
> <> blathered:

> >In article <>,
> > wrote:
> >
> >> George Knowlton, my father, who murdered Elizabeth Short (see "I am a
> >> Shameless Spammer," Pocket Books, paperback), went on to deal
> >> drugs, and commit more murders. His daughter was sold into prostitution
> >> before she escaped him by moving east.
> >
> >
> >(shiver) Now she's starting to refer to herself in third person...
> >
> >If you have truly moved on from your ordeal, why do you never stop
> >talking about it, when so many people have expressed disinterest and
> >disdain for your posts? Doesn't that ever sink in?
> >
> >You just get creepier and creepier all the time....

no leída,
10 sept 1999, 3:00:0010/9/99
Jamesetta generously gives me one more opportunity to inform the serious
students of crime that the facts of the Black Dahlia murder are compiled and
published in "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer,"Pocket Books.


Kevin Burnett

no leída,
11 sept 1999, 3:00:0011/9/99
On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:16:13 -0700,
<> blathered:

>No, not "spamming," reporting the facts.

Don't EVER email me again.

Get it?

And quit spamming your crap about you ridiculous "book".

Michael Newton

no leída,
11 sept 1999, 3:00:0011/9/99
Jackmaybrk wrote:
> > No one can prove who killed Short. I like the guy who repainted his car and
> >then the cops lost him
> >
> >All of us, however should strive for the style and erudition of the below
> >post.
> >
> >>As far as I can tell, this hasn't come up in any of the discussions of the
> >>Black Dahlia, but didn't John Gilmore and the LAPD possibly come very close
> >>to
> >>definitively solving the Black Dahlia murder as recently as 1981?
> >>
> >>My understanding is that Gilmore gave the LAPD evidence that put them hot on
> >>the trail of a man named Arnold Smith, who had provided Gilmore with details
> >>about the murder that had never been made public (though Smith did not
> >>confess
> >>but rather attributed the murder to an individual named "Al Morrison", who
> >>has
> >>never been found and whose existence has never been proved).

While I missed the original post quoted here, I feel obliged to point
out its inaccuracy. Mr. Gilmore did not put LAPD "hot on the trail" of
anyone (nor have his stories of the Smith "revelations" been
consistent between 1982 and the present day). Detective John
("Jigsaw") St. John, described by LAPD as the officer in charge of the
"open" Dahlia case, retired in 1993 after repeatedly and publicly
dismissing Gilmore's "solution." This, despite the fact that Gilmore's
book portrays St. John (sans anything resembling documentation) as
being convinced of the Gilmore suspect's guilt for several decades
past. LAPD, meanwhile, continues to describe the case as unsolved, and
the coroner's file remains sealed by LAPD order, presumably for use in
the upcoming trial. (And if you believe that, please feel free to bid
on my ocean-front property in Tucson.)


no leída,
11 sept 1999, 3:00:0011/9/99
Kevin doesn't seem to know that posting information and its whereabouts
(i.e., the book, "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer," Pocket Books, the only
true story of the murder and coverup), is not "spamming." But then, why
would he? He wasn't there for the murder. I was.

Janice Knowlton


no leída,
12 sept 1999, 3:00:0012/9/99
>Michael Newton writes

LO5 2964 wrote the first bit. I pointed out that the poster was wrong. It was
just the style and general knowledge, both way higher than usua,l which I was
Jackmaybrk wrote the base post and he was asking, not telling. Another reason
that I liked it.

I won't bid on that property till the 'Big One" in CA, then it may be on the

no leída,
12 sept 1999, 3:00:0012/9/99
For those who have asked when a revised edition of "Daddy Was The Black
Dahlia Killer," might be released, which would include additional proof
from cops and deputies of the coverup by LA law enforcement; I have no
news at this time. Thanks for the many messages of support; they far
outnumber the occasional annoying "gnats" who buzz me.

Janice Knowlton

Nora Hiatt

no leída,
12 sept 1999, 3:00:0012/9/99
> Thanks for the many messages of support; they far
> >outnumber the occasional annoying "gnats" who buzz me.
> >
Whaaaa!! HAAA!!! HAAA!! Oh that is a GOOD one!!

Kevin Burnett

no leída,
12 sept 1999, 3:00:0012/9/99
On Sat, 11 Sep 1999 10:29:37 -0700,
<> blathered:

>Kevin doesn't seem to know that posting information and its whereabouts
>(i.e., the book, "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer," Pocket Books, the only
>true story of the murder and coverup), is not "spamming." But then, why
>would he? He wasn't there for the murder. I was.

Your repeated posting of it, over, and over, and over again *is* spam.

Don't email me again in regards to Usenet posts. EVER again.

If you want to reply to something of mine posted to Usenet, do it in
Usenet. Understand?

no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
If you email me at my address rather than the group, I will reply to you if I

no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
Ah, the everpresent, know-nothing bully. To respond to him (or her) seems
foolish, but then, a gal likes to be a bit foolish now and then.

KKOJAK wrote:

> In all fairness, we should concede that janice probably has received many
> letters of support...
> the only problem is that she's probably written them all herself...

no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
Nora darling, whatever are you doing on a site like this that should
really be reserved only for serious people and serious cases, such as
that of the coverup of the Black Dahlia murder for over 50 years, all
detailed in the book, "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer," which may be
what has set you off.


no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
Still perhaps the worst disgrace of the LAPD as far as coverups go. A
gentleman who helped me research my father's past in the east, tells me
he looks forward to an updated edition with the additional proof, though
he has read the first edition, "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer,
written with Michael Newton.

Anyone out there with more information that is pertinent may reach me
through this site. This post will set off the usual buzzing off flies
in the garbage can, but occasionally another piece of the coverup puzzle
comes this way.

So, like most wise people, I ignore the "children" and listen to only
those who make sense.

Janice Knowlton

Jack Clarenson

no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
As usual, you listen to anyone who throws a dollar your way.

<> wrote in message

Jack Clarenson

no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
I have noticed that, too. Why doesn't Michael Newton ever reply to her
posts? Was it because he was decieved about the facts? I have NEVER seen
him reply in a positive manner, or negative manner, about her posts.

Michael, did you believe what she was telling you at the time and just wrote
about it, or did you figure this would be a quick way to make a buck? Did
her *facts* convince you that what she was saying could possibly be the

I realize that you have to sell books to keep your livelihood.. but WHY
would you co-write a book with such an unstable partner and then just IGNORE
any attacks on the book without defending your position?

Michael, I would like to know what you REALLY think about MY DADDY WAS THE
BLACK DAHLIA KILLER and the "facts* presented therein.

KKOJAK <> wrote in message
> Janice,
> If you ignored the children, you wouldn't believe your own bullshit. If
> listened to people who made sense, you'd have to admit that you are a
> opportunist and stop this self-serving idiocy NOW.
> And then where would you be? You wouldn't have these wonderful
opportunities to
> promote your peculiar brand of verisimilitude, and you would have
developed a
> conscience by now.
> And we'd all be much happier.

> Janice the shameless opportunist wrote:
> >I ignore the "children" and listen to only
> >those who make sense.

> PS: Haven't you ever noticed that even Newton, your co-author, won't have
> anything to do with you?


no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
Ja...@Tethers.Net (Jack Clarenson) wrote in

>I have noticed that, too. Why doesn't Michael Newton ever reply to her
>posts? Was it because he was decieved about the facts? I have NEVER seen
>him reply in a positive manner, or negative manner, about her posts.
>Michael, did you believe what she was telling you at the time and just wrote
>about it, or did you figure this would be a quick way to make a buck? Did
>her *facts* convince you that what she was saying could possibly be the
>I realize that you have to sell books to keep your livelihood.. but WHY
>would you co-write a book with such an unstable partner and then just IGNORE
>any attacks on the book without defending your position?
>Michael, I would like to know what you REALLY think about MY DADDY WAS THE
>BLACK DAHLIA KILLER and the "facts* presented therein.

I second that question. Michael???



no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
a (KKOJAK) wrote in <19990913122903.24175.00008289@ng->:

>Oh, YOU certainly are the expert on knowing nothing, Janice.
>I'll tell you what I do know --you're a shameless opportunist with no regard
>for the truth. THAT is an undeniable fact.
>AND, if you were only foolish now and then, I wouldn't have any problem with
>you. The problem is, you're nothing but foolish.
>And you should be ashamed of yourself.
>Who are you going to accuse next -- Kermit the Frog?

Whewwwww.. good thing my hubby is KyRmIT the Froggy!!!!! :)



no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
a wrote in <>:

>Nora darling, whatever are you doing on a site like this that should
>really be reserved only for serious people and serious cases, such as
>that of the coverup of the Black Dahlia murder for over 50 years, all
>detailed in the book, "Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer," which may be
>what has set you off.

You know Janice, I would love to take you seriously but I have not seen one
post in support here. Not even by your co-author. Can you explain that,



no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
a (KKOJAK) wrote in <19990913154540.24175.00008342@ng>:

>I wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief just yet. At the rate janice is going,
>your hubby is probably the next one to be accused.
>I wrote:>>Who are you going to accuse next -- Kermit the Frog?
>KaEfEr wrote:>Whewwwww.. good thing my hubby is KyRmIT the Froggy!!!!! :)

LMAO.. I will be his alibi!!!! He has been in MY bed all the time. :)


Nora Hiatt

no leída,
13 sept 1999, 3:00:0013/9/99
You know, I was just wondering, has anyone done an actual background
check on Janice? The reason I'm asking is a while back two authors wrote
autobiographies about themselves that turned out to be phony.

Mike Warkne claimed to have been a high priest in a satanic cult who
turned to Christ. His books and tapes sold millions and his shows on
the Christian circuit were always sellouts. One day one of his high
schools friends was sick of the lies and informed a magazine who sent
out two investigative reporters. Needless to say, Mike Warnke is
history. See:

Author Lauren Stratford wrote a book called Satan's Underground
about satanic ritual abuse that she endured as a child. She
also told how her mom "sold" her into prostitution and how she
later forced her into the career as a porn star. Her book was
a best seller, until someone got suspicious and checked her out.
Again she was proven to be a bald faced liar.


So you see claiming to be someone you aren't and writing about it isn't
so uncommon.

How much do we really know about JK that hasn't come from her?



no leída,
14 sept 1999, 3:00:0014/9/99

>For those who have asked when a revised edition of "Daddy Was The Black
>Dahlia Killer," might be released, which would include additional proof
>from cops and deputies of the coverup by LA law enforcement; I have no

>news at this time. Thanks for the many messages of support; they far

>outnumber the occasional annoying "gnats" who buzz me.

>Janice Knowlton

Newsgroup messages which do not comply with the newsgroup charter or FAQ
violate Pacific Bell Internet's Acceptable Use Policy, which may be
found at the following URL:

This account is now closed.

On behalf of Pacific Bell Internet, I apologize for any inconvenience
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eliminate newsgroup abuse entirely (alas), I shall do everything
possible to minimize the junk coming from our domain. Please do not
hesitate to write again if you have any questions or if you wish to
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Best regards,

Jason Barr
Regional Policy Manager
SBC Internet Services
Pacific Bell Internet Services

Mr. Sweetness & Light

no leída,
14 sept 1999, 3:00:0014/9/99
Sharonpo wrote in message <>...

>>For those who have asked when a revised edition of "Daddy Was The Black
>>Dahlia Killer," might be released, which would include additional proof
>>from cops and deputies of the coverup by LA law enforcement; I have no
>>news at this time. Thanks for the many messages of support; they far
>>outnumber the occasional annoying "gnats" who buzz me.
>>Janice Knowlton
>Newsgroup messages which do not comply with the newsgroup charter or FAQ
>violate Pacific Bell Internet's Acceptable Use Policy, which may be
>found at the following URL:
>This account is now closed.
>On behalf of Pacific Bell Internet, I apologize for any inconvenience
>caused by our [former] customer. Although it is impossible to
>eliminate newsgroup abuse entirely (alas), I shall do everything
>possible to minimize the junk coming from our domain. Please do not
>hesitate to write again if you have any questions or if you wish to
>report other instances of abuse by Pacific Bell Internet dialup or
>dedicated customers.
>Best regards,

All hail the mighty Sharonpo, slayer of spamming authors!
<sniff> I'll miss her.

Vote Early and Vote Often!
Here's your chance to personally thank
Joe1orbit, Nominee for Kook of the
Month - August 1999, for all the posts
he's made to alt.true-crime.

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