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White House memo exposes Rove knew of problems with anthrax vaccine

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Aug 8, 2008, 4:03:21 PM8/8/08
White House memo exposes Rove knew of problems with anthrax vaccine
Allen McDuffee Published: Thursday August 7, 2008
Rove said Gulf War Syndrome, vaccine political stumbling block

The Department of Defense continued its controversial mandatory
anthrax vaccinations program despite high ranking Bush administration
officials acknowledging there were problems with the vaccine within
months of the Bush administration taking office—well before the 9/11
attacks and the October 2001 anthrax letters.

A 2001 memorandum from former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl
Rove to then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz indicates that
the White House knew of problems relating to the Gulf War Syndrome and
the military's controversial anthrax vaccine.

Obtained by RAW STORY earlier this year from a senior military
official and referenced in today's New York Daily News, Rove wrote, "I
do think we need to examine the issues of both Gulf War Syndrome and
the Anthrax vaccine and how they can be dealt with. They are political
problems for us."

RAW STORY had held off printing the memorandum (which appears below)
in an effort to validate its authenticity. Along with the memo, Rove
noted that he had attached "material on the Anthrax vaccine problem,"
which had been forwarded to him by H. Ross Perot. He titled it "GULF

"It didn't bother me that Rove referred to it as a political problem
at the time because it meant that it would be properly dealt with,
finally," the military official who leaked the memo said, speaking on
the condition of anonymity. "The political problem became a problem to
me when they dropped the ball and allowed the program to continue. It
was politics that motivated them to investigate and it was politics
that motivated them to allow the program to continue. Now the
political nature bothers me."

The Apr. 25, 2001 memo indicates how long and how far up in the
administration the anthrax vaccine—and Gulf War Syndrome—have been
considered problematic.

The Pentagon's anthrax vaccine is manufactured by a single contractor,
Emergent BioSolutions. It has been plagued with complaints from
soldiers and soldiers' advocates, who assert that the vaccine causes
myriad debilitating ailments.

The Defense Department was forced to halt mandatory injections in 2004
after a judge ruled that the FDA had not approved the vaccine for its
intended use. In 2006, the military resumed mandatory vaccinations
after FDA approval, citing letters laced with anthrax in late 2001 as
a reason.

Questions about the mailings containing anthrax have re-emerged in the
wake of a suicide by a biodefense researcher. At the time of his
death, Bruce Ivins, 62, was under federal investigation for the 2001
anthrax attacks that left five people dead and more than a dozen
sickened. In a Wednesday joint FBI and Department of Justice press
conference, while not officially closing the case, Assistant Director
in Charge Joseph Persichini of the FBI Washington Field Office said,
"Bruce Ivins was responsible for the death, sickness, and fear brought
to our country by the 2001 anthrax mailings."

The leaked memo also comes on the heels of an announcement by the
Department of Homeland Security, which has proposed giving the city
where Emergent BioSolutions is located $946,520 to protect the
company's facilities. The grant, according to an article in the
Lansing State Journal, would "purchase, install and deploy the
eligible Homeland Security equipment and manage related law
enforcement protective actions."

A New York Times article following Ivins' death highlighted a number
of tensions between public safety and biodefense research, centering
around the question: "Has the unprecedented boom in biodefense
research made the country less secure?"
Pentagon maintains vaccine is safe, requires injections

Despite repeatedly maintaining it is safe, documents obtained by Raw
Story last year showed that the Pentagon and medical military
personnel have known since at least 1998 that there are genetic
triggers between illnesses and some required immunizations. They also
revealed the military knew and did not implement routine pre-screening
which could help reduce vaccine-related illnesses.

A flyer posted by the Vaccine Healthcare Center in 2007 showed that
Walter Reed solicited servicemembers who have suffered as a result of
the vaccine, asserting that “adverse effects may include redness or
swelling where the shot was given (larger than the bottom of a soda
can) and/or more than 24 hours of headaches, muscle/joint pains, and/
or fatigue (tiredness) that interfered with your daily activities.”

Texas billionaire and onetime presidential candidate H. Ross Perot
testified to a Congressional committee in 2002 regarding issues with
the vaccine and its manufacturer.

"BioPort is a mess," Perot said, referring to the Pentagon contractor,
which has since changed its name to Emergent BioSolutions. "BioPort
should not be able to keep that contract. For years they never met any
goals or objectives...For years they got bonuses that equaled or
exceeded their salaries and didn't accomplish their goals."

"The damage that was done to our Tigers in the Armed Forces is
incredible," he added. "Hundreds of pilots have left the Air Force
rather than take the shot. $6 million to train one pilot. That's a
high price to pay, right?"

Ivins had worked on producing an anthrax vaccine. Documents presented
by federal prosecutors paint a portrait of a paranoid man who suffered
delusions. Their evidence against him, however, has been questioned.
Sources who spoke to the press said that the Justice Department was
close to charging Ivins when he took his own life, but that they still
had more investigating to do. The Department asserts that Ivins acted

Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), has called for a "full-
blown accounting" of the probe, which cost taxpayers $15 million and
took seven years, according to the Washington Post. Democratic Rep.
Rush D. Holt (D-NJ), who represents the region the deadly letters were
mailed from from, says hearings should be held as to "why
investigators are so certain that Ivins acted alone."

][][ ASSOCIATED PRESS/ROVE-Ron Fournier ][][
AP To Karl Rove: "Keep Up The Fight"
Mon Jul 14 2008
][][ WH interrogation room ][][
Not as popular as the Lincoln Bedroom: Bush White House has its own
interrogation room.
Thursday, 07 August, 2008
][][ ][][
In October 2001, the United States did in fact invade Afghanistan,
right on schedule, the attacks on the World Trade Towers occurred at
just the exact moment when the United States needed a population angry
enough to support a war.
][][ ][][ Dr. Bruce Ivins 2003 Pentagon DOD AWARD ][][
March 14, 2003: Dr. Bruce Ivins wins highest civilian award from
Defense Dept.
Friday, August 08, 2008
At a Pentagon ceremony on March 14, 2003, Ivins and two colleagues
from USAMRIID were bestowed the Decoration of Exceptional Civilian
Service, the highest honor given to nonmilitary employees of the
Defense Department. “Awards are nice,” Ivins said in accepting the
honor. “But the real satisfaction is knowing the vaccine is back on

Dr. Bruce Ivins, was a microbiologist at the US Army Medical Research
Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick,
][][ ][][ NYT 9-4-01 Germ Warfare by Judith Miller ][][
U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits
September 4, 2001
][][ ][][ Amerithrax FBI ][][
Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name,
occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on September 18,
2001. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news
media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing five people
and infecting 17 others.
Attack blamed on Al Qaida and Iraq
The Pursuit of Steven Hatfill

U.S. settles with anthrax mailings subject Steven Hatfill for $5.82
Prosecutors said the payout means that the former Army scientist will
likely never be charged in connection with the deaths of 5 people who
came in contact with the deadly spores.,0,5742061.story
June 28, 2008
][][ ][][ Barbara Hatch Rosenberg indicates Dr.Stephen Hatfill ][]
[ 1990’s legal proceedings ][][ ][][
CAUGHT ON TAPE An investigation was launched that exposed the
shockingly lax security measures at the lab, and raised the
possibility that some specimens may never have been entered in lab
records. Also uncovered was a tape from a surveillance camera showing
the entry of an unauthorized person into the lab, at 8:40, on January
23, 1992, let in by Dr. Marian Rippy, lab pathologist. The night
visitor was Lt. Col. Philip Zack, a former employee who had left as a
result of a dispute with the lab over his alleged harassment of Dr.
One of the scientists known to have been a leader in the horrible
attacks on Dr. Assaad was Dr. Lt. Col. Philip Zack. Philip Zack was to
"voluntarily" leave Fort Detrick shortly after Assaad brought Zack’s
poem and camel to the attention of his suisors.,+Dr.+Lt.+Col.+Philip/id=103042
All of the above is public information. Assaad’s 1990’s legal
proceedings, Dr. Down’s testimony, the surveillance video of Zack
sneaking into Fort Detrick one year after he had "resigned"- it’s all
there. The Hartford Courant exposed all of these facts as did the
Toronto Globe and Mail, the Seattle Times, and other publications.
Just the facts contained in Hartford Courant story alone should be
enough to at least indict Philip Zack. So why didn’t we see Dr. Zack’s
face on our TV screens? Why hasn’t Dr. Zack been given a lie detector
test? What forces in the media and the government are protecting Zack
from being exposed as the logical prime suspect?

Dr. Assaad had been cleared and Dr. Zack was coming under a small
amount of media and FBI suspicion. Enter, from stage left, one Barbara
Rosenberg, a jewish environmentalist professor and political activist
with no expertise in bio-warfare.
Rosenberg suddenly went public with the claim that she knew who the
anthrax killer was. She was supported in this effort by a New York
Times journalist named Nicholas D. Kristof, who openly called for the
arrest of Hatfill!

Quietly and behind the scenes, Rosenberg began directing investigators
towards an American scientist named Dr.Stephen Hatfill (and therefore
away from Dr. Zack). The Washington Post confirmed that it was
Rosenberg who helped put authorities on the trail of the innocent Dr.
Fort Detrick's anthrax mystery
Who tried to frame Dr. Ayaad Assaad, a former biowarfare researcher at
the Army lab? Was it the same person responsible for last fall's
anthrax mail terrorism?
Jan 26, 2002 | On Oct. 2, Ayaad Assaad, a U.S. government scientist
and former biowarfare researcher, received a call from an FBI agent
asking him to come in for a talk. It was well before anthrax panic
gripped the nation -- in fact, it was the same day that photo editor
Robert Stevens, 63, was admitted to a Florida hospital.
[] []
Was Bruce Ivins the anthrax killer?
][][ ][][ Dr. Zack, others [Camel club] wrongly accuse/attack
Dr.Ayaad Assaad----2001 ][][ ][][
The impact of the anthrax attacks was at least as damaging to the US
as 9/11. The weeks after 9/11 brought the Homeland Security Act and
the war in Afghanistan, ostensibly to stop "the bad guys." As shown
below, the result of the anthrax attacks was a greatly-toughened
Patriot Act and a war in Iraq that destroyed the fabric of life in
America as we know it. If 9/11 resulted in Americans suffering from
psychic dislocation, the aftermath of the anthrax attacks was the
deeply-felt sensation that there was literally no place left to hide
anywhere in the United States.

Soon after the 9/11 attack, a long, typed anonymous letter was sent to
Quantico Marine Base accusing the long-suffering Assaad, Zack’s victim
in 1991, of plotting terrorism. This letter was received before the
anthrax letters or disease were reported. The timing of the note makes
its author a serious suspect in the anthrax attacks. The sender also
displayed considerable knowledge of Dr. Assaad, his work, his personal
life and a remarkable premonition of the upcoming bioterrorism attack.
After interviewing Assaad on Oct. 2, 2001, the FBI decided the letter
was a hoax. While major newspapers noted that an anonymous letter had
accused Dr. Assaad of bioterrorism, none followed up on it after his
innocence was established. Zack’s name never surfaced again as one of
the 30 suspects. When the Washington Report asked Barbara Hatch
Rosenberg, Ph.D., a biological arms control expert at the State
University of New York, if the allegations regarding Dr. David Hatfill
now took the heat off Lt. Col. Philip Zack, she replied, "Zack has
NEVER been under suspicion as perpetrator of the anthrax attack."

It is hard to believe that, with his connection to Fort Detrick, Dr.
Zack is not one of the 20 to 50 scientists under intense

When asked if Hatfill was part of the group that ganged up on Dr.
Ayaad Assaad, Dr. Rosenberg answered, "Hatfill was NOT one of the
persecutors of Assaad." She is convinced that the FBI knows who sent
the anthrax letters but isn’t arresting him because he knows too much
about US secret biological weapons research and production. But she
isn’t naming names. Neither is Dr. Assaad, who did not return calls
from the Washington Report. Another person not naming names is New
York Times reporter Nicholas D. Kristof. In a series of articles
published on July 2, 12, and 19, however, he called the anthrax
perpetrator "Mr. Z" (not "Mr. H"). Kristof’s description of "Mr. Z"
sounds very much more like Dr. Zack than Dr. Hatfill.
Is another Bruce Ivins lurking in a biolab?
Anthrax attacks fed rumors
Friday, August 01, 2008 By ELIOT KLEINBERG Palm Beach Post Staff
The Centre for Research on Globalization (Canada) has some very un-
pretty numbers. I’ll be watching for another announcement from the
President that we’d all better go shopping. But where, Mr.

Aug 8, 2008, 4:17:57 PM8/8/08
Makes you wonder what part of "anthrax will make you very sick, if not
kill you" that the
minions of the GWBush administration did not understand. And makes
you wonder
if that "mad anthrax scientist" who purportedly mailed out the anthrax
to leading
politicians just wanted to give them a taste of the bad medicine they
foisted on others
against their will.

Hmmmm... interesting... very interesting!


> ][][  ASSOCIATED PRESS/ROVE-Ron Fournier  ][][
> AP To Karl Rove: "Keep Up The Fight"
> Mon Jul 14 2008
> ][][  WH interrogation room  ][][
> Not as popular as the Lincoln Bedroom: Bush White House has its own

> interrogation room.

>  Thursday, 07 August, 2008
> ][][    ][][
> In October 2001, the United States did in fact invade Afghanistan,
> right on schedule,  the attacks on the World Trade Towers occurred at
> just the exact moment when the United States needed a population angry
> enough to support a war.
> ][][    ][][  Dr. Bruce Ivins 2003 Pentagon DOD AWARD  ][][
> March 14, 2003:  Dr. Bruce Ivins wins highest civilian award from

> Defense Dept.

> Friday, August 08, 2008
> At a Pentagon ceremony on March 14, 2003, Ivins and two colleagues
> from USAMRIID were bestowed the Decoration of Exceptional Civilian
> Service, the highest honor given to nonmilitary employees of the
> Defense Department. “Awards are nice,” Ivins said in accepting the
> honor. “But the real satisfaction is knowing the vaccine is back on
> line.
> Dr. Bruce Ivins, was a microbiologist at the US Army Medical Research
> Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick,
> Maryland
> ][][    ][][  NYT 9-4-01 Germ Warfare by Judith Miller ][][
> U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits


> September 4, 2001
> ][][    ][][  Amerithrax FBI ][][
> Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name,
> occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on September 18,
> 2001. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news
> media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing five people
> and infecting 17 others.

> Attack blamed on Al Qaida and Iraq
> The Pursuit of Steven Hatfill

> U.S. settles with anthrax mailings subject Steven Hatfill for $5.82
> million
> Prosecutors said the payout means that the former Army scientist will
> likely never be charged in connection with the deaths of 5 people who

> came in contact with the deadly spores.

> June 28, 2008
> ][][    ][][  Barbara Hatch Rosenberg indicates Dr.Stephen Hatfill  ][]
> [  1990’s legal proceedings  ][][  ][][
> CAUGHT ON TAPE An investigation was launched that exposed the
> shockingly lax security measures at the lab, and raised the
> possibility that some specimens may never have been entered in lab
> records. Also uncovered was a tape from a surveillance camera showing
> the entry of an unauthorized person into the lab, at 8:40, on January
> 23, 1992, let in by Dr. Marian Rippy, lab pathologist. The night
> visitor was Lt. Col. Philip Zack, a former employee who had left as a
> result of a dispute with the lab over his alleged harassment of Dr.
> Assaad.
> One of the scientists known to have been a leader in the horrible
> attacks on Dr. Assaad was Dr. Lt. Col. Philip Zack. Philip Zack was to
> "voluntarily" leave Fort Detrick shortly after Assaad brought Zack’s

> poem and camel to the attention of his suisors.,+Dr.+Lt.+Col.+Philip/id=103042

> All of the above is public information. Assaad’s 1990’s legal
> proceedings, Dr. Down’s testimony, the surveillance video of Zack
> sneaking into Fort Detrick one year after he had "resigned"- it’s all
> there. The Hartford Courant exposed all of these facts  as did the
> Toronto Globe and Mail,  the Seattle Times,  and other publications.
> Just the facts contained in Hartford Courant story alone should be
> enough to at least indict Philip Zack. So why didn’t we see Dr. Zack’s
> face on our TV screens? Why hasn’t Dr. Zack been given a lie detector
> test? What forces in the media and the government are protecting Zack
> from being exposed as the logical prime suspect?
> Dr. Assaad had been cleared and Dr. Zack was coming under a small
> amount of media and FBI suspicion. Enter, from stage left, one Barbara
> Rosenberg, a jewish environmentalist professor and political activist
> with no expertise in bio-warfare.
> Rosenberg suddenly went public with the claim that she knew who the
> anthrax killer was.  She was supported in this effort by a New York
> Times journalist named Nicholas D. Kristof, who openly called for the
> arrest of Hatfill!
> Quietly and behind the scenes, Rosenberg began directing investigators
> towards an American scientist named Dr.Stephen Hatfill (and therefore
> away from Dr. Zack). The Washington Post confirmed that it was
> Rosenberg who helped put authorities on the trail of the innocent Dr.
> Hatfill.
> []

> Fort Detrick's anthrax mystery

> Who tried to frame Dr. Ayaad Assaad, a former biowarfare researcher at
> the Army lab? Was it the same person responsible for last fall's
> anthrax mail terrorism?
> Jan 26, 2002 | On Oct. 2, Ayaad Assaad, a U.S. government scientist
> and former biowarfare researcher, received a call from an FBI agent
> asking him to come in for a talk. It was well before anthrax panic
> gripped the nation -- in fact, it was the same day that photo editor
> Robert Stevens, 63, was admitted to a Florida hospital.
>   [] []

> Was Bruce Ivins the anthrax killer?

> ][][    ][][  Dr. Zack, others [Camel club] wrongly accuse/attack
> Dr.Ayaad Assaad----2001 ][][    ][][
> The impact of the anthrax attacks was at least as damaging to the US
> as 9/11. The weeks after 9/11 brought the Homeland Security Act and
> the war in Afghanistan, ostensibly to stop "the bad guys." As shown
> below, the result of the anthrax attacks was a greatly-toughened
> Patriot Act and a war in Iraq that destroyed the fabric of life in
> America as we know it. If 9/11 resulted in Americans suffering from
> psychic dislocation, the aftermath of the anthrax attacks was the
> deeply-felt sensation that there was literally no place left to hide

> anywhere in the United States.

> sounds very much more like Dr. Zack than Dr. Hatfill.
> ][][
> Is another Bruce Ivins lurking in a biolab?
> ][][
> Anthrax attacks fed rumors

> Friday, August 01, 2008   By ELIOT KLEINBERG  Palm Beach Post Staff
> Writer
> ][][
> The Centre for Research on Globalization (Canada) has some very un-
> pretty numbers.  I’ll be watching for another announcement from the
> President that we’d all better go shopping.  But where, Mr.

> President?


Sep 16, 2008, 2:27:39 PM9/16/08
FBI, Bruce E. Ivins, anthrax, Mueller, House Judiciary Committee,

On Aug 8, 1:03 pm, lc <> wrote:
> White House memo exposes Rove knew of problems withanthraxvaccine
> Allen McDuffee Published: Thursday August 7, 2008
> Rove said Gulf War Syndrome, vaccine political stumbling block

> The Department of Defense continued its controversial mandatoryanthraxvaccinations program despite high ranking Bush administration

> officials acknowledging there were problems with the vaccine within
> months of the Bush administration taking office—well before the 9/11
> attacks and the October 2001anthraxletters.
> A 2001 memorandum from former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl
> Rove to then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz indicates that
> the White House knew of problems relating to the Gulf War Syndrome and
> the military's controversialanthraxvaccine.
> Obtained by RAW STORY earlier this year from a senior military
> official and referenced in today's New York Daily News, Rove wrote, "I
> do think we need to examine the issues of both Gulf War Syndrome and

> theAnthraxvaccine and how they can be dealt with. They are political

> problems for us."
> RAW STORY had held off printing the memorandum (which appears below)
> in an effort to validate its authenticity. Along with the memo, Rove

> noted that he had attached "material on theAnthraxvaccine problem,"

> which had been forwarded to him by H. Ross Perot. He titled it "GULF
> "It didn't bother me that Rove referred to it as a political problem
> at the time because it meant that it would be properly dealt with,
> finally," the military official who leaked the memo said, speaking on
> the condition of anonymity. "The political problem became a problem to
> me when they dropped the ball and allowed the program to continue. It
> was politics that motivated them to investigate and it was politics
> that motivated them to allow the program to continue. Now the
> political nature bothers me."
> The Apr. 25, 2001 memo indicates how long and how far up in the

> administration theanthraxvaccine—and Gulf War Syndrome—have been
> considered problematic.
> The Pentagon'santhraxvaccine is manufactured by a single contractor,

> Emergent BioSolutions. It has been plagued with complaints from
> soldiers and soldiers' advocates, who assert that the vaccine causes
> myriad debilitating ailments.
> The Defense Department was forced to halt mandatory injections in 2004
> after a judge ruled that the FDA had not approved the vaccine for its
> intended use. In 2006, the military resumed mandatory vaccinations

> after FDA approval, citing letters laced withanthraxin late 2001 as
> a reason.
> Questions about the mailings containinganthraxhave re-emerged in the

> wake of a suicide by a biodefense researcher. At the time of his

> death,BruceIvins, 62, was under federal investigation for the 2001anthraxattacks that left five people dead and more than a dozen

> sickened. In a Wednesday joint FBI and Department of Justice press
> conference, while not officially closing the case, Assistant Director
> in Charge Joseph Persichini of the FBI Washington Field Office said,

> "BruceIvinswas responsible for the death, sickness, and fear brought

> to our country by the 2001anthraxmailings."
> The leaked memo also comes on the heels of an announcement by the
> Department of Homeland Security, which has proposed giving the city
> where Emergent BioSolutions is located $946,520 to protect the
> company's facilities. The grant, according to an article in the
> Lansing State Journal, would "purchase, install and deploy the
> eligible Homeland Security equipment and manage related law
> enforcement protective actions."

> A New York Times article followingIvins' death highlighted a number

> Ivinshad worked on producing ananthraxvaccine. Documents presented

> by federal prosecutors paint a portrait of a paranoid man who suffered
> delusions. Their evidence against him, however, has been questioned.
> Sources who spoke to the press said that the Justice Department was

> close to chargingIvinswhen he took his own life, but that they still

> had more investigating to do. The Department asserts thatIvinsacted
> alone.
> Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), has called for a "full-
> blown accounting" of the probe, which cost taxpayers $15 million and
> took seven years, according to the Washington Post. Democratic Rep.
> Rush D. Holt (D-NJ), who represents the region the deadly letters were
> mailed from from, says hearings should be held as to "why
> investigators are so certain thatIvinsacted alone."


> ][][ ASSOCIATED PRESS/ROVE-Ron Fournier ][][
> AP To Karl Rove: "Keep Up The Fight"
> Mon Jul 14 2008
> ][][ WH interrogation room ][][
> Not as popular as the Lincoln Bedroom: Bush White House has its own

> interrogation room.

> Thursday, 07 August, 2008
> ][][ ][][
> In October 2001, the United States did in fact invade Afghanistan,
> right on schedule, the attacks on the World Trade Towers occurred at
> just the exact moment when the United States needed a population angry
> enough to support a war.

> ][][ ][][ Dr.BruceIvins2003 Pentagon DOD AWARD ][][
> March 14, 2003: Dr.BruceIvinswins highest civilian award from
> Defense Dept.
> Friday, August 08, 2008
> At a Pentagon ceremony on March 14, 2003,Ivinsand two colleagues

> from USAMRIID were bestowed the Decoration of Exceptional Civilian
> Service, the highest honor given to nonmilitary employees of the

> Defense Department. “Awards are nice,”Ivinssaid in accepting the

> honor. “But the real satisfaction is knowing the vaccine is back on
> line.

> Dr.BruceIvins, was a microbiologist at the US Army Medical Research

> Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick,
> Maryland
> ][][ ][][ NYT 9-4-01 Germ Warfare by Judith Miller ][][
> U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits


> September 4, 2001
> ][][ ][][ Amerithrax FBI ][][
> Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name,
> occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on September 18,

> 2001. Letters containinganthraxspores were mailed to several news

> media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing five people
> and infecting 17 others.

> Attack blamed on Al Qaida and Iraq
> The Pursuit of Steven Hatfill

> U.S. settles withanthraxmailings subject Steven Hatfill for $5.82

> million
> Prosecutors said the payout means that the former Army scientist will
> likely never be charged in connection with the deaths of 5 people who

> came in contact with the deadly spores.
> June 28, 2008
> ][][ ][][ Barbara Hatch Rosenberg indicatesDr.Stephen Hatfill ][]

> [ 1990’s legal proceedings ][][ ][][
> CAUGHT ON TAPE An investigation was launched that exposed the
> shockingly lax security measures at the lab, and raised the
> possibility that some specimens may never have been entered in lab
> records. Also uncovered was a tape from a surveillance camera showing
> the entry of an unauthorized person into the lab, at 8:40, on January

> 23, 1992, let in byDr. Marian Rippy, lab pathologist. The night

> visitor was Lt. Col. Philip Zack, a former employee who had left as a
> result of a dispute with the lab over his alleged harassment ofDr.
> Assaad.
> One of the scientists known to have been a leader in the horrible

> attacks onDr. Assaad wasDr. Lt. Col. Philip Zack. Philip Zack was to

> "voluntarily" leave Fort Detrick shortly after Assaad brought Zack’s

> poem and camel to the attention of his suisors.,+Dr.+Lt.+Col.+Philip/id=103042
> All of the above is public information....
> read more »

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