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Whats happening with a new arena???

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Nov 9, 1994, 8:06:37 AM11/9/94

>The MEC (Manitoba Entertainment Complex) needs to sell 40 boxes and 1500 club
>seats by
>the end of November to proceed. They've sold 38 boxes and about 500 club seats
>so far.

David Baker, Director of Corporate Sales for the Winnipeg Jets, sold the 40th
and last private box yesterday evening to Coke. Club Seat sales are just over
600 right now, and have started to sell more quickly. A couple of club seat
purchasers, MEC sales people, and press are going to San Jose, to check out
that building some time next weekend. The plan being that they will come back
to the Peg gushing with news about how great our new building will be.

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