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NBC's East Coast Bias

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Kamron Massumkhani

Apr 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/13/96
Well, fellow Rocket fans it seems as if the planned Rockets-Mavericks
matchup that was supposed to be on NBC today has been dropped. I can't
tell you how frustrating it is to be a displaced Houston Rockets fan up
here. I have looked at the schedule for all the nationally televised games this
year and is rather appalling at the lack of respect (I know this sounds
tired) the Rockets get from the TV execs. The Bulls were on much more than
the Rockets this year, and even lame teams like the Hornets seem to be on
more than our beloved team. That damned team seems to be on TNT every
Friday night. Even when NBC or Turner broadcasts Rockets games, I still
feel we get slighted. The Bulls on NBC are always scheduled with the best
announcers near prime time. The Rockets on the other hand usually get
lame announcers like Snapper Jones and their games are on regional broadcast
with NBC having the right to drop these games if they wish. The Bulls broad-
casts are always national and they never drop their games. If you don't believe
me look it up.

Also, the Turner networks subtely snub the Rockets by placing their games
mostly on TBS on Wednesday nights instead of the more desirable Friday
night matchups on TNT. This problem is not solely confined to the
Rockets. Utah did not have one NBC game this year despite winning 62
games last year and are on a 50+ win pace this year with 2 Dream Teamers.
The Sonics were on only once or twice, I think. As a Rockets fan, I would
like to see our competition which we will face in the playoffs. Instead
TNT gives me the lame matchup of the Hornets v. the Heat or NBC gives me
another boring Knicks game.

Thankfully, every playoff game is broadcast nationally but everyone
should keep their eyes open for potential snubs by NBC again, much like last
year. I don't think it will happen in the first round with the Lakers since the
TV guys drool over Magic and the possibility that his team will meet up
with the Bulls in the Finals. However, once we reach the second round
against the Sonics (if they get that far) watch out because NBC will
probably only show the last few games of the series.

Finally, I don't remember a defending NBA champion having so few
NBC games at home like the Rockets have had. The only home game I remember
being on NBC this year has been the Orlando game and the few times we
have been on that damned newtwork they have been all on the road.

Kamron Massumkhani
Oilers, Rockets, and Astros fan at the University of Pennsylvania

Antony Parsons

Apr 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/13/96

On 13 Apr 1996, Kamron Massumkhani wrote:

> Well, fellow Rocket fans it seems as if the planned Rockets-Mavericks
> matchup that was supposed to be on NBC today has been dropped.

Instead, (at least here) you get to watch a good matchup: Sonics-
Spurs. If I was running NBC, I would have done the same thing.

> The Bulls were on much more than the Rockets this year,

They should have been. They have played better.

> feel we get slighted. The Bulls on NBC are always scheduled with the best
> announcers near prime time. The Rockets on the other hand usually get
> lame announcers like Snapper Jones

And, of course, when Marv Albert does a Rockets game, everybody gripes
because he's supposed to be biased against us. Never satisfied...


Garrett M Edson

Apr 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/13/96
Kamron Massumkhani ( wrote:
: Well, fellow Rocket fans it seems as if the planned Rockets-Mavericks
: matchup that was supposed to be on NBC today has been dropped. I can't
: tell you how frustrating it is to be a displaced Houston Rockets fan up
: here. I have looked at the schedule for all the nationally televised
: games this year and is rather appalling at the lack of respect (I know
: this sounds tired) the Rockets get from the TV execs. The Bulls were
: on much more than the Rockets this year, and even lame teams like the
: Hornets seem to be on more than our beloved team.

Well, today, I agree with NBC's decision. Although I totally understand
where you are coming from, the Rockets-Mavs game today means virtually
nothing. Barring a miracle the Rockets have settled into the 5 spot and
the Mavs are out of the playoffs. The game on now (Knicks-Heat) has much
more meaning -- Heat fighting for the 8 spot, Knicks can end up anywhere
between 4 and 7. Plus, it has the added subplot of Riley vs. Knicks.

: That damned team seems to be on TNT every Friday night. Even when NBC
: or Turner broadcasts Rockets games, I still feel we get slighted. The

: Bulls on NBC are always scheduled with the best announcers near prime
: time. The Rockets on the other hand usually get lame announcers like

: Snapper Jones and their games are on regional broadcast with NBC

: having the right to drop these games if they wish. The Bulls broad-
: casts are always national and they never drop their games. If you don't
: believe me look it up.

You would be correct, and they will never cancel a Bulls game for obvious
reasons. After all, NBC is in the ratings business, and (hypothetically) a
match like Utah-Houston that could mean something will probably receive
lower ratings than a meaningless Bulls-Pacers game. So, real NBA fans
are screwed so that any 10 year old who knows how to operate a Nielsen
box turns on the TV to watch the Bulls.

Also, I kind of like Snapper Jones. Now, Bill Walton on the other hand...

: Also, the Turner networks subtely snub the Rockets by placing their games

: mostly on TBS on Wednesday nights instead of the more desirable Friday
: night matchups on TNT. This problem is not solely confined to the
: Rockets. Utah did not have one NBC game this year despite winning 62
: games last year and are on a 50+ win pace this year with 2 Dream Teamers.
: The Sonics were on only once or twice, I think. As a Rockets fan, I would
: like to see our competition which we will face in the playoffs. Instead
: TNT gives me the lame matchup of the Hornets v. the Heat or NBC gives me
: another boring Knicks game.

Tell me about it. This year, Utah had 7 "national" games, and as you
said, not one on NBC. Meanwhile, the Mavs, who didn't even make the
playoffs, were given the chance to be on NBC 5 times this year. If NBC
is so worried that Utah won't get them ratings, why not put them on
Sunday with the Lakers(for example)?

That's why I always hope the NBA Finals ends up being Utah-Indiana.

: Thankfully, every playoff game is broadcast nationally but everyone

: should keep their eyes open for potential snubs by NBC again, much
: like last year. I don't think it will happen in the first round with
: the Lakers since the TV guys drool over Magic and the possibility that
: his team will meet up with the Bulls in the Finals. However, once we
: reach the second round against the Sonics (if they get that far) watch
: out because NBC will probably only show the last few games of the series.

Last year was horrible. This year, you won't have to worry, the Rockets
will be on NBC for a long time. The first round is really the only round
that NBC does this; by the 2nd round, NBC broadcasts all games on the
weekend. Meanwhile, unless Phoenix moves up, Utah-Portland will be on
cable barring a Game 5.

"Quit your whining and play the game, plumber-boy." -- Craig Kilborn

L. Post

Apr 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/14/96

When talking about East Coast Bias, it has to be remembered that NBC and
ESPN are based in New York. Do you honestly think the Knicks would get a
fair (or at least almost equal) view from the media if it were based here in

Don't get me wrong. I did cancel my subscription to SI back in 94, but since
journalism goes with what I do, I have to comment on the way biases are

[ wait, it's May? Time to peak guys!] RudyT to the crew.


Golden Geophysical

Apr 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/14/96
It was NBC's (and their viewers, of course) loss - the game had everything.
The Rockets playing play-off caliber ball in the 1st half (especially the
1st quarter - 35 points scored), the Mavs making a valiant comeback
effort in the 2nd half, and taking the lead late in the 4th quarter,
another ref going berzerk and tossing Elie and Clyde in the space of
about 11 seconds, the Rockets rallying to come back to within one point
on what seemed to be the final possesion only to have Cassell pass up
the shot to Mack who was expecting Cassell to shoot it and so was not
prepared and missed his shot and have the ball knocked out of bounds by
Dallas with .4 seconds remaining (deep breath...) and finally, a perfect
pick set by Cassell, a perfect pass made by Horry and a perfect catch and
shot by Hakeem for the winning basket.

It was like it was scripted for a movie - the only thing missing was that
it should have been game seven against Chicago!

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Kamron Massumkhani

Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96
L. Post ( wrote:

: When talking about East Coast Bias, it has to be remembered that NBC and

: ESPN are based in New York. Do you honestly think the Knicks would get a
: fair (or at least almost equal) view from the media if it were based here in
: Houston?

: Don't get me wrong. I did cancel my subscription to SI back in 94, but since
: journalism goes with what I do, I have to comment on the way biases are
: seen.

Media bias can be tolerated if it is limited to a certain area. Let me
explain. If I was in the Big Apple during the Finals two years ago I
would expect tabloid papers like the New York Post to be blatantly
pulling for the Knicks. I would take this with a grain of salt since it
is their perogative to present a one-sided viewpoint to a mostly New York
audience. The same is true for the Rockets own radio announcers,
specifically Gene Petersen. Rockets broadcasts cater by and large to fans
of the team who expect homer treatment.

However, NBC is in a totally different situation. It is a network with
affiliates all over the country. Even its name implies its wide scope
since it is the NATIONAL Broadcasting Corporation, and not the New York or
Northeast Broad. Corp. What I expect from NBC's NBA coverage is a variety
of games between good teams with nonbiased announcing. Is this too much
to ask?

The one aspect of NBC's coverage that irks me the most is the "NBA Inside
Stuff" mentality which pervades their broadcasting decisions. The reason
why teams like Utah and Houston do not receive national exposure like
other teams is because they do not have "entertaining personalities" with
megadeal shoe contracts. NBC believes that most people would rather watch
Rodman and his everchanging hair styles than a good matchup
between teams that have less hyped stars. Meanwhile, true basketball fans
older than the age of 12 get screwed in the process. I and many others
want to see players like Karl Malone and Olajuwon duke it out rather than
being bombarded with engaging corporate personas.

NBC should take a page out of CBS' NCAA Tournament coverage. We don't
watch those games because of off court personalities, but rather are
drawn by the high quality of basketball being played. One could watch a
game with Santa Clara playing, not knowing a single player, and still be
entertained. I couldn't name more than 3 players on Syracuse or even one
who played for Georgia before the Tournament started, yet these two teams
played in one of the most entertaining games I have seen this year.

I really don't have a problem with NBC pulling the Rockets-Mavericks game
in this instance, yet I still believe they get shafted in terms of
national exposure most of the time. The Bulls were scheduled to be on TV
more than the Rockets this year several months BEFORE the season started.
All I really want is some more variety in the teams playing on national
TV. When CBS carried the NBA, the Rockets after losing to Boston in 1986
were on TV far more than they are now after winning back-to-back
championships. I wish NBC would finally get the message.

Antony Parsons

Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96
In article <4kscv4$>, says...

>However, NBC is in a totally different situation. It is a network with
>affiliates all over the country. Even its name implies its wide scope
>since it is the NATIONAL Broadcasting Corporation, and not the New York or
>Northeast Broad. Corp.

I thought NBC stood for


which would explain all the Suns games on there the last few years...

>I couldn't name more than 3 players on Syracuse or even one
>who played for Georgia before the Tournament started, yet these two teams
>played in one of the most entertaining games I have seen this year.

But there's a big difference between the way college and pro hoops
are marketed. Obviously, you can't really promote the individuals
too much in the NCAA. What most people watch for in college basketball
are the teams: North Carolina, Duke, UCLA, Georgetown, Kentucky.
What gets marketed in the NBA is the individuals: MJ, Magic, Shaq,
Sir Charles. That's what people tune in to watch.


Col. Sphinx Drummond

Apr 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/15/96
> Antony Parsons <> writes:

>>On 13 Apr 1996, Kamron Massumkhani wrote:

>>The Bulls on NBC are always scheduled with the best
>>announcers near prime time. The Rockets on the other hand usually
>>get lame announcers like Snapper Jones

I like "Snapper" Jones. He's Ok. What makes him rate being lame? Is he
lame because he doesn't get the top drawing game on NBC? If that's what
you think, maybe you are being duped by the CONSPIRACY(tm).

>And, of course, when Marv Albert does a Rockets game, everybody gripes
>because he's supposed to be biased against us.

I don't hate Marv because he is biased against us. I just hate him
because he wears shitty wigs, his voice sounds like he's talking
through a mouth full of food, and his unfunny anecdotes suck. Other
than that, he is just an average announcer.


Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96
On 13 Apr 1996 18:53:54 GMT, (Kamron Massumkhani) wrote:

As another displaced Rockets fan, I would have to agree. Living now in this God awful town, Toledo,
Ohio, I find that it's almost as if people here have never heard of the Houston Rockets, Back To
Back NBA champs. So not only do I very rarely get to see a live Rockets game on the tube, but the
newspapaer here, The Toledo Bland, er, Blade, allocates all of two or three short colums to the NBA
so its difficult to track injuries, scoreing, etc..
To add insult to injury, and I don't know if it's this way in Penn., but just try to
purchase Rockets paraphanalia in any of the so called major sporting goods stores. Bulls stuff, Suns
stuff, Pistons stuff, but no Rockets stuff. In fact, one time, I asked why a sales person at a
sporting goods shop why they didn't carry any Rockets caps, and, honest to God, he had not clue one
as to who I was talking about. Pitiful. Oh well, I guess it's the price you pay for not living in
the best State in the U.S.

Col. Sphinx Drummond

Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96
> (L. Post) writes:

>When talking about East Coast Bias, it has to be remembered that NBC

>and ESPN are based in New York. ... but since journalism goes with

>what I do, I have to comment on the way biases are seen.

You being a journalist and all, I know you are driven by accuracy in
reporting the facts, as all journalists are. ;)

Therefore, please allow me the anal retentive levity to correct the
above statement concerning the headquarters of ESPN. Bristol,
Connecticut, is not in New York. East Coast? Yes. New York? No.


Col. Sphinx Drummond

Apr 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/16/96
> (Kamron Massumkhani) writes:

>However, NBC is in a totally different situation. It is a network with
>affiliates all over the country. Even its name implies its wide scope
>since it is the NATIONAL Broadcasting Corporation, and not the New

>York or Northeast Broad. Corp. What I expect from NBC's NBA coverage
>is a variety of games between good teams with nonbiased announcing. Is
>this too much to ask?

Good points Kamron, however, you seem to be forgetting the other part
of the name that implies it's a business venture, it is the National
Broadcasting CORPORATION. It all gets down to bottom-line profits.
Well, first it begins with audience share, ratings, and advertisers,
but always comes back to the bottom-line.

>The one aspect of NBC's coverage that irks me the most is the "NBA
>Inside Stuff" mentality which pervades their broadcasting decisions.

Ask Antony about THE CONSPIRACY(tm), he's the expert. His exhaustive
investagative reporting has exposed all kinds of coruption in this

>The reason why teams like Utah and Houston do not receive national
>exposure like other teams is because they do not have "entertaining
>personalities" with megadeal shoe contracts.

When you consider the size of the markets, the Houston Rockets probably
get their share broadcasts but only because the are also a great team.
You can bet that if the Rockets sucked we wouldn't see them on NBC at
all -- unless a Sunday game had been scheduled against Phoenix,
Chicago, or Orlando.

You are right about the entertaining personalities, because certain
players have become "media" stars, we get to see them more often. That
is why Phoenix is shown so often. They aren't a particularly good team
or at least their record doesn't reflect that they are a good team.
They are not a large market team. But they have the "media darling"

In a boardroom meeting somewhere, someone who doesn't know jackshit
about basketball but understand the Neilson ratings says, "They'll tune
in to see what outrageous thing he'll (Barkley) do next." Then they
schedule the Mavericks vs Suns on NBC.

Two teams you would never see on NBC if they weren't also good teams
are the Pacers and the Jazz. When was the last time, if ever, that NBC
had a national broadcast of a Minnesota Timberwolves game? Or the

> I wish NBC would finally get the message.

They've got no cojones. That's why they won't take a chance and buck
the success formula they've cooked up. But there is a reason why.
Generally the decision makers and gate-keepers in the communications
industries believe there is no way to underestimate the mentality of
the public consumer and unfortunately the damn consumer always proves
them to be correct.

In spite of *our* efforts. ;)


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