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THE LAUGHING BAT pt 2 (m-f/f)

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The New King of Swing

Jul 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/10/96

By: JK

WARNING! This story contains adult, though not necessarily sexual,
subject matter. If you are under 18, then read no further. I
don't want to be responsible for corrupting the youth of our world.

"Ms. Quinn," sneered the Joker as he filed his nails, "would
you like to do the first honors? And you better be getting some
big laughs out of her, because I have no misgivings about torturing
TWO beautiful victims."

"Y-yes sir, Mr J," stammered the blonde Harley Quinn. She
slowly approached Batgirl's exposed body with her fingers wiggling
in front of her. She slowly started to stroke the soft flesh
around her stomach and sides.

"Puh-please..hee-hee, don't do this...hee hee...stop it
hahahaha," giggled Batgirl. The touch of Harley's dancing fingers
felt like electricity shooting through her. A feeling that Batman
was going to experience in earnest unless she could contain

"Cootchie-cootchie......KOO!" shouted Harley as she attacked
Batgirl's ribs with her red and black painted fingernails.


At that moment, searing electricity coursed through the
Batman's body. "AAARRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he screamed as pain shot
through his entire being. Harley continued rib tickling the
helpless Batgirl for 20 minutes.

"Ahhhhh, now we are getting somewhere. Does anybody feel
like sharing any secrets? No? Harley, be a dear and fetch my 'Bag
o' Laughs'." Harley produced a bag that was filled with the most
terrifying tickling implements ever seen. She pulled out a long,
stiff feather and showed it to Batgirl.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Laughed the hysterical Batgirl as
Quinn began stroking her sensitive armpits with the feather.

The pain the Batman was feeling due to the laugh-induced
electric chair was becomig unbearable. He didn't know how much
longer either one of them could hold out. But then the Joker waved
to Harley and had her stop tickling after another 15 minutes or so.

"If you'll be so kind as to step aside, Ms. Quinn, it is now
time for my favorite body part to get some special attention." The
Joker knelt down at Batgirl's feet and started to methodically
pluck her toes. "This little piggy went to market, this little
piggy stayed home......"

"N-no, hee hee...not thahahahahat...p-p-p-please not my
feheeheeheeheet. I'll tell you whatever you want to hee-hee know."

The Joker stopped playing with her toes and walked over to
his bag. "Hmmmmm as tempting an offer as that I don't
think so. This is much too fun. I'd rather just tickle you to

"YOU BASTARD!" screamed the Batman. "YOU TOLD HER YOU'D LET
HER GO, YOU MADE A DEAL!!" He looked over at the girl and tried to
emphathize with the agony she was experiencing. Her
red hair was matted to her face and her entire body was flushed.
The Joker was going to tickle her until he was dead or she became
insane.....or both.

"So, I lied. Sue me." laughed the Joker, "What'd you expect,
Bat-guano, I'm INSANE!!! HAHAHA. Now where was I.... Ah
yes...With a beautiful smile such as mine, I've always been a
strong proponent of good oral hygene. Now this little item has
always done right by me, and tonite should be no exception." With
that he pulled a small electric toothbrush from his bag.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!," screamed Batgirl in terror, but it was
too late. The Joker was already working the vibrating brush
between the toes on her right foot. "AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

"Can you believe this? The mighty Batgirl is laughing and
begging like a little school girl. Doesn't that beat all, Ms.

"Ummm, sure Mr. J." replied Harley. But a shiver ran down
her spine as she could relate to what the poor girl was going
through. She actually felt sympathy for her enemy. But she'd
better not show it or it would be her feet that would get the once
over next. Even the thoght of that was unbearable.

hysterical Batgirl as the Joker began tickling both soles with his
sharpened nails. She felt as if her brain would shut down. She
could just make out Batman's screams of agony over her own helpless
laughter. Just as it looked as if the end was near, the lights
went out and the room went pitch black. There was the sound of
breaking glass and a fight ensued. The Joker stopped tickling
Batgirl's feet and whirled around as the lights came back on.
Only this time, instead of two guards, standing by the door were
Robin and the Huntress.

"Oh shit", muttered the Joker as he made a dash for a secret
doorway at the end of the room. "well, looks like we'll have to do
this another time. Ta-ta it's been real." The Joker disappeared
through a sliding panel which locked shut behind him.

Harley Quinn was not so lucky as a well placed grappling shot
by Robin tripped her up. Wit the speed of a cat, Robin hogtied her
as Huntress untied the Batman. Batman then unlatched Batgirl and
covered her with his cape.

"Well," said the Huntress, "it looks like he got away. Any
idea where he might have went to, Batman?"

"No, but I think Harley here may be able to answer a few of
our questions."

"No way, Bat-brain. If you think I'm squealin' on Mr. J
you're crazier than he is!" spat Harley. "hey what do you think
you're doing?!!?!?" she exclaimed as Robin yanked off her boots.

"Well," grinned Batman as he twirled a feather in his gloved
fingers, "I think I have an idea that may be a lot of

THE END????????

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