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Official Info for "The Bridge" Movie

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Sep 3, 2006, 9:19:16 PM9/3/06
There has been some confusion concerning my new film.

The ONLY official website for "The Bridge" is,
under the films tab. You can also find udates under news.

The only other official sources for information will be and
xenutv, when the film goes online.

Any other sites you have seen are not mine, and contain innacurate
information. I would also like to clear up another notion I have seen
on the boards. This films is an original script, written by myself and
my assistand director. While several 'high profile' critics offered
advice, financing, and even acting for the film, the content was
written before their involvement.

If you have any direct questions, you may contact me at

Thanks, Brett Hanover


Sep 3, 2006, 9:50:16 PM9/3/06

Thanks for posting this. I went to your web site and I am very
impressed with all that you have accomplished. I am looking forward to
seeing 'The Bridge' !!


Sep 4, 2006, 5:28:40 AM9/4/06
Thank you very much for this information and we are looking forward to
viewing your work.

I am reposting this as to bring it to the top after all the $ci spam,
your work seems to have them in a tizy. A quote from your site (and a
very artistic and well formatted site I might add):

"The Bridge will be availible as a FREE download at the following


Sep 4, 2006, 12:15:15 PM9/4/06

Thanks for clearing up the confusion. I'm looking forwrd to your film's

Best Wishes,


Ignatius J. Reilly

Sep 4, 2006, 12:28:38 PM9/4/06
On 3 Sep 2006 14:19:16 -0700, wrote:

>There has been some confusion concerning my new film.
>The ONLY official website for "The Bridge" is,
>under the films tab. You can also find udates under news.
The Bridge will be available as a FREE download at the following sites:
Operation Clambake XenuTV Google Video Internet Archive

following a world premier in Stavanger, Norway!
10 Years Anniversary Program

The event will be held in Stavanger, Norway, September 2nd 2006.
This is the program:
Time Event
12:00 Open meeting with lecture
Listen to Tory Christman from Los Angeles tell her incredible story from
30 years inside the Church of Scientology, and how she managed to escape
while doing the most secret upper levels of their doctrine.

Where: Cafe Sting Nere "

Is this Cafe' Sting? Appears to be..$file/cafesting2.jpg

15:00 World Premier of "The Bridge"
Unique American movie about the Church of Scientology, launched in
Stavanger in honor of the Operation Clambake anniversary!
Where: Stavanger Kino, Sølvberget "

The Stavanger Kino page? Any mention of "The Bridge"?
Can't read Norwegian/Bokmal

19:00 Anniversary Dinner
Join the celebration and meet critics and former Scientologists.
Competitions and exhibition of Scientology material and artifacts.
Release of the OC Anniversary music CD! Cover NOK 150,00
Where: Cafe Sting

>The only other official sources for information will be and
>xenutv, when the film goes online.
>Any other sites you have seen are not mine, and contain innacurate
>information. I would also like to clear up another notion I have seen
>on the boards. This films is an original script, written by myself and
>my assistand director. While several 'high profile' critics offered
>advice, financing, and even acting for the film, the content was
>written before their involvement.
>If you have any direct questions, you may contact me at
>Thanks, Brett Hanover

Looking forward to seeing it..

The actors in the Stills playing 'Sea Org' members capture the look from
vacant no-sleep eyes in the woman to the control-freak face of DM?
Kudos' to wardrobe but hope to see crossed 'short ties' on Sea Org
women, not just long. Research should have told you that women in the
Sea Org mainly wear short-crossed ties, like air force nurses, with tad
more frill as cheap silk material. They wore them as standard issue in
the 1970/80's, but, that's not essential to plot. Maybe 'standard issue'
has changed since then. I don't know.

Is Bob Minton, as a character, in the third shot down on the right, of
those flash thumbnails?

To find it, one should start at the main page:
click "films"; then click LRH's face, and let flash load. Click the
third thumbnail *down* on the *right*. Looks like an actor playing Bob
Minton! One should see an ashtray in the foreground. That's the shot...

The man(DM?) wearing a Navy blue coat with lanyards draped from the
shoulder is nearly exact as standard Sea Org 'Navy Blues' with Tone-40
stare that's *not* over the top. The actor nailed it, not overacting
with 'bug eyes'. That's important! Well done!

Music with "earlier similar" narration in the trailer mixes well. That
combined with the sensitivity-setting E-meter shot has a minimalist
effect somewhat like neo-noire but hope you refrained from using Dick
Powell as Phillip Marlow in"Murder, My Sweet". Chandlerism applied to
Scientology would be over the top if a Marlow clone appears as an FBI
Agent during the Scientology Office's Raid, in 1977. But, as we know, a
soft wool fedora with its lip broken from working 12 hour days at a
granite quarry can be used for almost any naturalist film..

Good Luck! As said in 'The Player', "we'll be walking down the red
carpet on this one"... Hope that's true for an Indie award if

Ladies and Gentlemen:

ThE bRIDGE!!! (Muahahahaha!!!)
['Andre the Giant' howls through an echo chamber]

God rest Andre', and good luck to "The Bridge"

Ignatius J. Reilly
[Constantinople Street, New Orleans]

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Sep 4, 2006, 8:50:20 PM9/4/06

*BUMP* Read the official information about the movie, "The Bridge" by
Brett Hanover
I am very happy that this movie will be all over the internet!


Sep 4, 2006, 9:09:37 PM9/4/06

REPOST from another thread.

Re: Bridge, the movie, in association with.....Arnie Lerma, and Tom
Padgett. Goodbye "Bridge" nice not seeing you.

Group: alt.religion.scientology Date: Mon, Sep 4, 2006, 11:59am (CDT-2)


I hate to step in here again, I'm not really a fan of message board
politics. The trailer many of you watched is old and outdated, and gave
the impression that Arnie Lerma was somehow responsible for the film.
Arnie's only contributions were the loan of his e-meter as a prop, as
well as a hard copy of various auditing commands and reccomendations on
how to use them. Tom Padgett originaly was a tech consultant as well,
but I convinced him to act in the movie - which may surprise you, but
he was very good at the part, and I don't care to have his life story

For the record, I am an indpendant filmmaker, not an anti-scientology
activist. At the beginning of the year, I put out an open call for help
with the film on ars and ocmb. You were all welcome to be a part of it,
and I cannot help that those who did respond are such controversial
figures in the critical community.

Once again, I assure you that the film was written before the
involvement of any of these activists (though it differs greatly from
the rough treatment many of you have seen online). Please look for it
online in the coming weeks. Assuming that trolls will continue to clog
the thread, anyone who is legitimately interested can find more info
and contact me at > films > the bridge

Thanks, Brett Hanover

Message has been deleted


Sep 9, 2006, 6:15:13 AM9/9/06

Please, post the link to this repost. Thanks

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