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Henson update 3

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John Dorsay

Sep 19, 2005, 12:53:19 AM9/19/05
This is Keith's reply to the letter from Canadian Border services.

It was faxed shortly after he left the country.


Keith Henson
176 Henry St. #45
Brantford, ON
N3S 5C8

Sept. 13, 2005

K. Saxby
Canadian Border Services Agency
6080 McLeod Rd, #14
Niagara Falls, ON L2G 7T4
1-905-354-2363 fax.

Dear Officer Saxby:

I will not be attending the mandatory meeting at 1:30 pm on Sept. 14
set up by your letter of Aug. 30, 2000.

By the time you receive this fax, I will be out of Canada.


I would also like you to return my passport, birth certificate and


In the process of obtaining the paperwork for the xxxx application,
I found that the "trial" I was subjected to in Hemet, California was
so irregular that it didn't meet the requirements to be included in
the FBI database.

So the Federal officials in the US are not looking for me. However,
Scientology bounty hunters can either officially or unofficially
kidnap me and return me to California where a cult member has stated
what they intended to happen to me in the Riverside jail
(alt.religion.scientology post by Gwen Summerfield dated May 17,2001
and still on Google Groups).

I am all too aware that going back to the US puts my life in danger.
However, I think it is less danger than being deported into the US
at a place and time not of my choice.

I assume the Scientology cult will monitoring Niagara Falls border
crossings in the hope that they will observe my return to the US.

There are a number of indications that the cult has once again
either infiltrated or has undue influence on Canadian authorities.
I cite my immigration arrest at the Oakville Mall where Canadian
citizens were put at risk in a SWAT team operation that came very
close to an accidental bloodbath (my diplomatically trained host
almost tried to smash his way out from what he at first thought was
a cult kidnapping). This was in spite of Immigration knowing from a
press release (you can see it in your own files) that I had already
engaged an immigration lawyer, Guidy Mamann. Mr. Mamann and I were
set to report to Immigration the very next day after I was arrested.

Another event was the extremely unusual visit to my wife at our
apartment on the basis of a "tip." I am informed by former
immigration officers that visits by two officers on the basis of a
"tip" is simply not done.

There is also the letter Immigration solicited from the Minister of
Justice. (It was actually written by Scientology's lawyers. You
can see it in the over-the-top style.) That letter claimed among
other untrue matters that I advocated genocide. Ministry
representative, xxx xxxxxxx, at my refugee hearing, withdrew the
letter on the record. But it has been used as recently as last
month by the Scientology cult trying to get one of their critics in
Norway fired. I have been trying for over a year without success to
get a statement from the Canadian government that the letter was

The Scientology cult is well known for infiltrating governments,
including the Canadian Government. The entire corporation was
convicted some years ago in Canada, and since then they have been in
trouble in a number of other countries, including Greece and Russia.
The Russian Supreme Court recently upheld a lower court ruling
banning Scientology from operating because of their various illegal


One of the things that raised my concern about the outcome of this
meeting was finding that my xxxx application had been transferred
from Hamilton to Border Services without notice to me or the records
transfer being put in the publicly accessible records. This is
still true on September 13, 2005.

Also raising my concern is the agent Scientology recently sent after
me here in Brantford. The PI the cult hired, Robert Del Bianco has
been charged with assault, and the police are trying to find him.
Crown attorney xxxx xxxxxx--1-519-758-3480 E-Mail: intends to try Del Bianco, if he can be found,
on the testimony of a witness, but he would appreciate having the
complaining witness available to come to Brantford when the matter
comes to trial. I will call you to ask how I can attend this trial.

In addition, there is a recent report that the RCMP is looking into
the activities of Phil Helmer, a long-time scientology agent, who
rented an office in Chilliwack, BC, for a year. The office was
rented for the sole purpose of defrauding Gerry Armstrong, a
Canadian citizen, into making anti-cult statements on videotape.
(Due to a particularly odd court case in the US, every such
statement allows the cult to try to collect $50,000 from Mr. Armstrong.)

If you want to test your internal security you might have an
undercover agent of about my age and build taken to the border in my
place (have him carry my passport and other ID if you like). He
might get a free trip to California in the trunk of a car unless he
identifies himself as a ringer.

If this is just my paranoia speaking, I apologize.

Very Truly Yours,

H. Keith Henson

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