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Michael Pattinson's Experiences with Scientology (MPES). Part 2

2 बार देखा गया
नहीं पढ़े गए पहले मैसेज पर जाएं

michael pattinson

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 1:17:58 am26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
(The note at the end of the last section where I mentioned that
someting was worth more than all I ever got in Scientology referred to
the fact that now I know God loves me just the way I am).

Part 2.

I was studying Dianetics and Scientology in the Paris organization
and,after finishing the study technology course, I started to be
trained as an auditor so I could becoma "Clear" (advertised as someone
who has no more aberrations, has perfecr recall, is healthy with no
psycho-somatic problems (mentally-related aberrations)and is far and
away above a mere "human", according to Hubbard.

I paid for some "auditing" (read "pastoral counselling" to be part of
the religious presentation of Hubbard's writings etc...) and ran out
some past moments of pain and unconsciousness and even "contacted"
what I thought was a past life of mine, as a roman soldier. I got some
relief from the stomach ulcer in one session too. It was a hard
process to do, but I was determined to get to "Clear" and O.T because
I wanted the advertised attributes and freedom from pains, limitations
and somatic-aberrations.

I even audited staff members, and was fully in the swing of things,
having believed the public relations and the staff encouragements with
a trust that I had rarely given before. I was so trusting that I
started to use the Hubbard business management books as part of my
english lessons. That proved to be a vast mistake, as I was severely
interrogated by a member of the cult's "Guardian's Office" (in charge
of ensuring the continued existence of Scientology by any and all
methods, legal or not) and was threatened, physically restrained in a
small room in the attic and pressured till I agreed to stop using the
books outside the organization. I had unintentionally tripped up on a
strategic survival point that the Guardian's Office had implemented;
namely Scientology was supposed to be a "religion" and there I was
presenting its "business" aspect openly. It was a horrible experience
as the person (Martine Pillet) was "O.T" and I assumed she had
superhuman powers over me at the time, so I cried a lot then complied.
The interrogation was very verbally brutal. I continued anyway, as I
believed I had NO HOPE except in doing Scientology. So I had been
shown, told and reminded of over and over.

I continued to pay for courses and buy Hubbard books and eventually
the Paris Organization moved to the 5th district, not by O.T.
telekinesis, but in moving vans. We were then in the Rue Saint
Genevieve, on the left bank of the River Seine. An old but tall
building with no elevators and attic auditing rooms, it was bigger
than the Rue de Londres space. It also had a big cellar. There we
could do further communications course exercises, such as shouting as
loudly as we could at a glass ashtray on a chair (Training Routine
8)to get it to lift itself into the air. We were, however, allowed to
use hands to lift it, but I was convinced that this must be part of a
real trip to telekinesis in my O.T. future.

The Guardian's Office, full of hard-and-serious, non-smiling and
sometimes uniformed (para-military) Scientology devotees was on the
next-to-top floor.
One day in 1974 one of these uniformed sailors of the "Sea
Organization" actually asked to see me, and even smiled. To cut a long
story short, I got recruited to be a staff member of the Paris
Organization. I was told that I would be a very "elite" person
bringing Mankind's ONLY HOPE to planet Earth (Hubbard's writings) and
that I would be sent away to Hubbard's secret Ship to be trained to
keep his technology pure in application there in Paris. I got rid of
my apartment, stooped my career as an artist, put my stuff in storage
and set off to Copenhagen, Denmark, where I would be briefed by senior
Sea Organization officials and set-up for security clearance to go and
be on Ron's ship the Apollo.

Well, while I was in Copenhagen I was told I had to do a whole lot
more training to be even worthy of being anywhere near L.Ron Hubbard.
I would get trained in Copenhagen then get sent off. The berthing was
in the Via Kochsvej at the Sea Organization's staff house. It was
anything but "elite". In our dorm, which measured about 12 feet by 12
feet there were 13 beds! I hated that, as I was accustomed to having
my own space. There was only 1 bathroom for about 25 people. Mornings
were hell. The food was pretty awful too. Greasy and crude, we got to
often eat beans and rice if the week's production statistics were
lower than the previous week's levels. Yuk. There were also some
horrible incidents where Sea Organization newbies (had only just
signed their BILLION YEAR CONTRACTS to serve L.Ron Hubbard (yes, a
billion; that's not a typo) were verbally and physically abused in a
highly degrading manner by the "Commanding Officer" Judy Speer. For
the new recruits "compliance" was everything. I had not signed a Sea
Org contract, just a 5 year staff "contract" in Paris.

After a few weeks of that I decided to move out to a hotel (cheap but
clean) at my own expense. I actually had savings back then; something
rare indeed among any Scientologists, as the cult normally swallows
those up very fast. I continued my training in the Copenhagen
organization, mostly with food and lodging at my own expense even
though I was a "staff member". One time (1975) I was even called to
duty as a staff member to go to Vienna Austria to help there as key
staff members there had deserted the "church". Of course, I had to pay
for it all room, food, travel, as no money was available for staff
expenses...I was "doing my duty to humanity" and helping "Ron" to
"Clear the Planet" (get rid of all humanity's aberrations). While in
Vienna for about 6 weeks I did a good and conscientious job, and even
worked with "missionaire" Guillaume Lesevre (who was a junior Sea Org
member). He is now the Executive Director of Scientology world-wide.

Back in Copenhagen I continued to do more training and auditing of
others,as well as auditing others. I even audited a "fiendly"
psychiatrist" from Germany (Hubbard HATED psychiatrists but needed
P.R. allies). I met some people doing "O.T." levels and was suitably
impressed with their P.R and smug but teasing total silence as to what
the "Confidential O.T. materials" consisted of. It took 6 months till
all was done to go the the Apollo. I had to pack and get ready to
leave and was not told where I was going. I was given tickets to
Florida and ended up at Daytona Beach! Instead of being on the Apollo
with Ron I was the first external "student" in the Neptune Motel with
no Ron but with all of the Apollo staff. I was bewildered but very
impressed. Ron Hubbard was "in a secret location", having come ashore
with all his crew in the USA and abandoned the Apollo just days

I found myself as a lowly Dianetics auditor in an internship with ONLY
CLASS 12 AUDITORS (which were, and still are Hubbard's topmost
auditors planet-wide). I had to do communications training exercises
with them and I felt out-of-my-depth so much. It was intimidating but
I could only do my best. I did, however, become good friends with many
of the Class 12s for years afterwards. I was also put to room with a
paying public client (Albert D.W) as he was suffering from total
pessimism of ever getting results but paying vast amounts of money to
get some. The Daytona organization known as Flag Land Base could not
afford to lose such a wealthy and pliable client. He stayed.

We stayed in the Neptune Motel till the real new Flag Land Base in the
old Jack Tar Hotel in Clearwater was made ready.


1."Clear" is, in my experience and that of others I have spoken with,
not what it was advertised or purported to be in the Dianetics book I
read. No perfect recall, no absence of somatics, etc; just not what
was promised.

2.The Guardian's Office, under Hubbard's wife, was a criminal
organization and 11 executives were convicted of crimes and even
Hubbard's wife did prison time. As a Scientologist I was kept
uninformed as to the real extent and nature of all the G.O.s
criminality. It was supposedly disbanded as a result of the trials but
in actual fact, as I have observed, the current "Office Of Special
Affairs" OSA still bears a hideous resemblence and even some staff
from that time. The thing that changed was mostly the name not the

3.The centre of the Scientology regime (with no Hubbard since the
early 1980s) is the Sea Organization and the commitment is one billion
years, so fanaticism runs very high. A lot of Sea Org members are very
nice people who have been hoodwinked, lied-to and disinformed about so
so many things to do with how things REALLY ARE in Scientology. They
earn about $60 a week plus dorm and food. The Class 12 auditors earn
about the same ; i.e. around about a dollar an hour cash, but their
clients pay Scientology from $600 to about $800 an hour.
They have no idea where all the rest of that money goes, about how it
is channelled to groups of lawyers, secret bank accounts, paying to
crush the livelihoods of management's perceived enemies (mostly, but
not all, former members who either discovered the scam or those who
will not knuckle under to the gold braid and bad tempers).

4. The shouting at glass ashtrays does not in fact produce any O.T

5. The way Sea Org members are treated is not much better than actual
slavery, though the frequent briefings keep them in-line, contributing
and producing despite the lack of valid exchange. They are convinced
they are saving Mankind but in fact their efforts are used to make
those at the top have vast funds available, privileges and operatives
doing covert operations that the lower level Sea Org members would be
shocked at if they knew. It is a kind of "duty-motivated slavery".

6.When I was told I was doing my duty, paying monies in large amounts
and giving virtually free service to the cult to "help Mankind by
helping Hubbard". I didn't know I was also inadvertantly helping the
Guardian's Office commit crimes and ruin the lives of innocent people.

7. I was shocked to learn that the Scientology executives sentenced
for crimes had done such extensive infiltration of the U.S.



नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 9:53:31 am26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
If you're going to sue anybody then sue the people who conned you into
believing in religion. That's probably your parents, though. But no matter.
Sue the people who conned them.

You should realise that when you see the word "religion" over the door then
you are entering into the domain of lying, cheating, thieving, lunatics,
manipulators and maybe mass-murderers surrounded by perverts and sadists
feeding off the weak and gullible. Swapping delusions and false promises for
those gullible people's money and maybe taking a few sexual favors off them
in the process and putting it down to "God's love" or whatever they use to
justify their sick and evil acts. You've been a member of a *religion*
Michael and you have experienced this religion just as others have
experienced religion the world over. And that's the way it will stay until
these social diseases have been eliminated.

"michael pattinson" <kare...@msn.com> wrote in message


नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 9:56:43 am26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
Please add this quote to your "religious bigots" page for Roland
Rashleigh-Berry. You have my full permission this time.

"Roland" <rol...@rashleigh-berry.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message

Kim P

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 11:07:17 am26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
Thank you Michael - this is very important to read - as an insider
you have much to offer -insights and actual experieinces which are
valuable for those of us who have never been in. I appreciate the time
and effort you are putting into this account of your life in the cos.

Kim P


नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 1:21:18 pm26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
Thanks very much for writing up your story. It is a valuable addition.
One question below....

michael pattinson wrote:
> (The note at the end of the last section where I mentioned that
> someting was worth more than all I ever got in Scientology referred to
> the fact that now I know God loves me just the way I am).
> ****************************************
> Part 2.
> 1973-1974.


> I found myself as a lowly Dianetics auditor in an internship with ONLY
> CLASS 12 AUDITORS (which were, and still are Hubbard's topmost
> auditors planet-wide). I had to do communications training exercises
> with them and I felt out-of-my-depth so much. It was intimidating but
> I could only do my best. I did, however, become good friends with many
> of the Class 12s for years afterwards. I was also put to room with a
> paying public client (Albert D.W) as he was suffering from total
> pessimism of ever getting results but paying vast amounts of money to
> get some. The Daytona organization known as Flag Land Base could not
> afford to lose such a wealthy and pliable client. He stayed.

[rest snipped] I always have wondered what the whole story was
with Albert Lipschutz, a Belgian guy who was fabulously wealthy from
possibly diamonds. He seemed to match your description of Albert
above. He took so much abuse, so many ethics conditions and SP
declares and kept coming back for more and more for many years. I
think he really believed he was degraded, ugly and evil to his deepest
core and desperately wanted to be purified. He had a daughter Mireille
who is probably now Mireille Pollack.


Barbara Schwarz

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 3:13:51 pm26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
"Roland" <rol...@rashleigh-berry.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message news:<bifoq7$j0m$1...@newsg2.svr.pol.co.uk>...

> Please add this quote to your "religious bigots" page for Roland
> Rashleigh-Berry. You have my full permission this time.
> "Roland" <rol...@rashleigh-berry.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:bifok8$pfc$1...@newsg1.svr.pol.co.uk...
> > If you're going to sue anybody then sue the people who conned you into
> > believing in religion. That's probably your parents, though. But no
> matter.

Hey, Roland, don't you have a hate-filled photo of yourself that can
be attached to your fanatical text? I checked your extremist pages
out, but there is no photo of you. Why don't you mail them one?

You don't want to be mixed up with the other english lunatic, Dave
Byrd who protests SCN with pants pretty down, don't you?

Barbara Schwarz

michael pattinson

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 6:05:41 pm26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
Repost to amend title for search and menu purposes.

kare...@msn.com (michael pattinson) wrote in message news:<22c1ffd4.03082...@posting.google.com>...


नहीं पढ़ी गई,
26 अग॰ 2003, 8:59:59 pm26/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला
"Roland" <rol...@rashleigh-berry.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in

snip the shit

Roland, you kind of sound very perverted indeed.
And you sound of much too much of a coward to face the fact, that not all
of what one can perceive can be explained intellectually. So, until then,
there always will be a search for a truth beyond words. If one calls that
religion, is another thing. But I don't feel any of that knowledge about
this search in your words.
You in fact sound like a kind of OSA from quite another direction to me.
Hasn't even a feel of the 'what's left' materialism.
I am quite sure, we don't need eliminators like you for a better world.
The utter lack of idealism and enthusiasm in your posting makes you a
sick person to me.



नहीं पढ़ी गई,
27 अग॰ 2003, 2:43:29 am27/8/03
ईमेल पाने वाला

michael pattinson <kare...@msn.com> wrote in message

I had never thought before that being 'OT' could bear such a negative influence.

A very interesting perception you share, about someone having 'power over' another
as an unspoken (but very real at the time) thought - of how strong that power could be.
Yes if one thinks that they are to receive such powers and it is written in courses, why
wouldn't this be a normal thought in times of stress like you mention here, as a way to
pressure someone into compliance.

A very coercive tactic.


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