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Getting Non Hubbard works out of the C of S - What really Happened

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2007/01/09 14:46:542007/01/09
I can shed some light on the below postings.

>From around early 82 through much of 83 a huge task was undertaken
within "the church" to get all non Hubbard writings out of "church"
orgs and missions.

The movement was lead by Hubbard himself and, through him, DM.

The "Policy" used was "Vital Data on Promotion" where Hubbard says
there can be no works but his own used. He said that doing so "would
end freedom for the planet".

All kinds of investigations and missions were fired to find out how non
Hubbard works had gotten into organized scientology. This included
missions to Minshul herself (then in Michigan I believe). The
missionaires reported that Minshul herself was disaffected from and
wanted nothing more to do with scientology. This was reported to
Hubbard who said that the only book of hers that he even saw was
"Miracles for Breakfast" but Minshul produced Hubbard's signed
approvals for the other books.

All kinds of things were found and that included just how each work was
gotten into an organization.

There were so many non Hubbard works that one copy of each made a pile
a couple feet high over a huge "board room sized" desk in Special
Unit's conference room. The books included all kinds of things like
Minshul's works, "the "Common Sense Management Series". "How to Make
Money", etc., etc.

The walls of the Special Unit conference room were filled with charts
showing how each work got into the organizations (things like someone
agreeing with SMI to purchase an expensive "Mission Starter Package" if
their book could be distributed by Bridge Publications).

Other things were found that "horrified" Hubbard and DM such as the
continental liaison offices themselves forwarding the line that DMSMH
(the main Dianetics book) was too complicated and so Minshul books
should be used to get new people in.

Special Unit did the investigations and then DM and his "Finance
Police" and the like took over and starting blowing people out of the
water broadly and in a big way. People were declared, "gang bang sec
checked", RPFed and the like right up to and including WDC level.

DM in court says Hubbard was off the lines at that time but that was
totally false. Special Unit wrote to him weekly and got his orders
weekly on this matter and so did other sectors.

This was part of the big power push that also included getting "all non
Hubbard tech" out of missions and orgs and people found pushing "non
LRH" things ("de dinging", "power flows", etc) were similarly blown
away using declares and many abuses by "the Finance Policy" and others
run by CMO.

The spitting on staff on the RPF at Int started in a big way with DM
and other goons that felt they had to follow him as part of the above.
Hubbard himself wrote asking that they (even the WDC members over SMI,
Bridge, etc.) be spit on for their "letting this happen".

"External influence" missions were then fired to all continents where
there were orgs to follow up on "the handlings". Abuses became rampant
and widespread.

There was a huge push to "get people jailed" for this by DM and it did
not even matter if they were "guilty" of anything. DM and Hubbard
wanted "heads on pikes" and the Int Finance Policy carried out hundreds
of abuses on all kinds of people, screaming in their faces, gang bang
sec checks, etc. trying to find evidence of "crimes" for which they
could be jailed.

The entire thing was run by DM, using Hubbard orders he got based on
information he was sending to Hubbard.

It was so crazy that Special Unit itself had to jump in on a number of
occasions to try to stop harassment actions and stop attempts to get
innocent people jailed.

The "excuse" used for all these abuses was that it was being
"unreasonable" with squirreling and was "saving scientology". WDC
itself put out an issue that praised the Int Finance Police for saving
scientology for carrying out actions like the above.

That was total bull. It was the worst on a long, long list of wholesale
human rights abuses. And guess what, it got everything out of missions
and orgs for which Hubbard was NOT receiving royalties!

DM says he was in ASI and had nothing to do with this as he was busy in
ASI and he says Hubbard was "off the lines". Both statements are
totally false. They ran it! ASI had its own "gang bang sec checks".

DM felt that the new "impregnable" corporate structure made it possible
to take such control and would mask the real controls. He will find
himself wrong about that.

Anyway, the above is a summation of the true story of what happened
with getting non Hubbard works out of missions and orgs. There are
many, many more details to this but the above sums it up.


>Andreas Heldal-Lund - wrote:
>> Received this by e-mail:
>> [START]
>> During a brief period in the '70s I attended meetings at a Cos
>> center, bought books and considered joining but didn't. I
>> recollect that Jonathan Livingston Seagull (ISBN 0-380-01286-3),
>> written by Richard Bach was promoted and distributed by CoS
>> after it was released in 1970.
>I don't know about this particular book, but many Scientology orgs sold
>How to Choose Your People by Ruth Minshull and a number of other
>self-help and success books by Scientologists. Missions sold pretty
>much whatever they wanted.
>I don't know about this particular book, but many Scientology orgs sold
>How to Choose Your People by Ruth Minshull and a number of other
>self-help and success books by Scientologists. Missions sold pretty
>much whatever they wanted. This post by Warrior lists many, and says
>the practice was prohibited in 1983.
>I also promised to get the issue which cancelled the sale of
>non-LRH books. I found that too. The issue is WDC ED 133 of 21
>February 1983 (seven months before I said "FUCK YOU, $CIENTOLOGY!!"
>and resigned). It is entitled "WITHDRAWAL OF NON LRH BOOKS BEING
Copies of "How to Choose Your People" sold on Ebay:
[sale specifics/no bookcover/photo]
Winning bid:US $26.00
Ended: Jan-03-07 20:13:50 PST "
Large view:
Hardcover w/Jacket [1st Edition/1972]
Large View:
[tone scale on cover: 0.0[death] to 4.0[enthusiasm]]
Between 1968 and 1982, Ruth Minshull's many brilliant books were sold
Scientology Organizations. Her goal was to introduce as many people as
possible to Scientology by showing practical applications and giving
down-to-earth explanations. After 1982, a decision was made to only
books by L. Ron Hubbard himself and compilations made by the
Organization itself to insure that the Technology was kept pure and
unadulterated as possible. This book is no longer considered valid
Scientology literature by the Church. Never-the-less, Ruth Minshull
be fondly remembered by many old-timers as their first, practical and
easily digestible introduction to Scientology. Ruth Minshull's booklist

includes: What is Scientology?, Efficiency, How to Choose Your People,
Miracles for Breakfast, When in Doubt, Communicate, What Every Preclear

Should Know, All the Happiness, and How to Cure the Selfish Destructive

Child. Her non-Scientology related books include: Logic Puzzles, Free
Money! How to Win Sweepstakes According to the Judges and The Secrets
Making Layouts for Quick Printing. "
"How to Choose Your Trout Mask Replica"
[0.0 trout death /to/ 4.0 trout enthusiasm]


2007/01/09 20:54:272007/01/09
In <>,
SME says...

>I can shed some light on the below postings.
>>From around early 82 through much of 83 a huge task was undertaken
>within "the church" to get all non Hubbard writings out of "church"
>orgs and missions.

Thanks, Larry. What you stated is true fact. I made a post about
this subject in 1997; my post is webbed here:

Here's my post in its entirety:

=== begin July 25, 1997 post ===

From: Warrior <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Re: Censorship in $cientology (follow-up as promised)
Date: 25 Jul 1997 00:04:17 -0700
Message-ID: <>


Here's the follow-up I promised in my post below.

One of the issues which banned TV sets in the Sea Org is entitled
"CREW & TV - Why is Television no longer on the Base?". It is a
CMO PAC ED dated 12 September 1982. The distribution (in the upper
left-hand corner) is to "ALL PAC CREW", and the issue is written by
the A/PGMS OPS CMO PAC (Acting Programs Operations Chief for the
Commodore's Messenger Organization for the Pacific Area Command)
<whew!> - now you know (again) why there are so many abbreviations
used by $cientology!. The issue is approved by the OPS CHF CMO PAC
(Operations Chief CMO PAC) and the CO CMO PAC (Commanding Officer

The issue begins: "This is to answer the questions and give the
source [Hubbard] data in writing regarding television and the reason
for its discontinued [sic - should state 'BANNED'] use."

The issue then quotes some excerpts from Hubbard's ravings, e.g.
"An unproven why of crew disinterest in their posts is that what we've
got is TV ZOMBIES who are not interested in life." (Now there's a
good one for somebody's .sig file!)

As if it's not humorous enough to hear ElRon call Sea Org staff
'TV ZOMBIES', here's another line: "these guys are sitting around a
table watching TV (or going to their rooms during meal times to watch
TV)." Eeekk!!! HORRORS!!! Call the Ethics Officer!!! Crew watching
TV!!! Holy Bujeezus!!! Can't have that now *CAN* we?!? Take them

Then ElRon is quoted as saying: "The result is TV ZOMBIES involved
in Soap Operas and uninterested in their own lives, their friends and
their work."

Whutta pile of CRAP!! I used to watch the NEWS!!! Do you suppose
that the evil 'entheta' (TRUTH!) about Scientology in the form of the
Armstrong and Wollersheim cases could have had anything to do with
WHY $cieno management didn't want us watching TV?!? Duh!!!

You know, funny thing is that there used to be a staff lonnge on the
top floor of Lebanon Hall (a Sea Org staff berthing building at the
Cedars Complex building in Hollywood). Right when this CMO PAC ED
came out, my friend's TV set that I had been borrowing was STOLEN
from my room! STOLEN! Then the TV set in the staff lounge was
removed too.

Next thing you know, the Sea Org crew were told that *now* we were
getting a weekend movie for staff, to be shown in the Main Building
Auditorium! wow... Gee, how come if TV pictures are *SO* bad, movie
pictures are "OK"?!?

Do you suppose $cientology management was trying to control our
information we were exposed to?!? Naaahhh...

Here's another choice tidbit of "Source data" from the CMO PAC ED:

"Research [sic - don't you just *love* it?] began in '62 on TV and
showed that cathode-ray tube emanation itself, while putting out a
minimum of radio active gamma rays, restimulates past radiation and
brings about physical disintegration and accounts for the high
instances of crew sickness in CW [Clearwater] and S [Service Unit?]
which is unusual in any such organization. By leaving TV severely
alone, it gives a key-out and when coupled with exercise and other
interests [like one's post and work, work, work - making MONEY, MONEY
MONEY], brings about a health [should be WEALTH!] and outlook
resurgence and additionally case gain can be more rapid [one can
more quickly and successfully be indoctrinated into Hubbard's MADNESS]
when one is audited and the results are more lasting." [A person can
be totally brainwashed successfully, thereby giving his/her whole
*LIFETIME* to $cientology through the Sea Org.]

Next, ElRon is quoted from Professional Auditor's Bulletin #125
"The Parts of Man", dated 1 December 1957 which says in part:

"...the TV is only a pattern of lights and shadows which is a
restimulative mechanism to shuffle your bank around, and give you
again some segment of that which you have already experienced."

Again, I say that $cientology is simply controlling thought and
ideas by regulating what Sea Org members are exposed to - especially
with regards to TV and newspapers. That's all. Anything else is a lie.

I also promised to get the issue which cancelled the sale of
non-LRH books. I found that too. The issue is WDC ED 133 of 21
February 1983 (seven months before I said "FUCK YOU, $CIENTOLOGY!!"
and resigned). It is entitled "WITHDRAWAL OF NON LRH BOOKS BEING

This issue states: "The following list of non LRH books have been
found on display and for sale in Orgs and Missions. They do not have
issue authority for distribution on Church [sic] or Mission lines
and are NOT authorized for sale in any Org or Mission of Church [sic]
of Scientology. Orgs have already had these books removed from their
bookstores. Missions may sell any remaining stocks they now have
only." (Now *that's* downright GENEROUS of them, ain't it?!?)

At this point I'd like to give a WARM *HOWDY* and a wave of my hand
to Mr. Mike Smith!! Mikey -- remember this issue?!?! One of the books
Remember that, Mikey?!?!? How'd you feel when the WDC decided to
BAN your book from sale in Orgs and Missions? Pretty "enturbulated" I'd
bet! Oh well, I guess you "got over it"!! Did you??

Several Ruth Minshull books were banned including:
All The Happiness
How to Cure the Selfish, Destructive Child
What Is Scientology (the cult has Ron's book by this title instead)

How to Choose Your People

What Every PreClear Should Know
When In Doubt, Communicate
Ups & Downs

Interestingly, three titles by Omar Garrison were BANNED:
Hidden Story of Scientology
Playing Dirty
Secret World of Interpol

Peter Gillham also fell victim to the WDC's ban, i.e:
Tell It Like It Is
Fundamentals of Success

Several other authors' books were BANNED including:
Drugs and Drug Rehabilitation - K.J. Pitt
Handbook For Parents - Faust
How Natural Childbirth Can Protect You and Your Baby - Phelps
How To Flourish, Prosper and Survive the 80's Despite Everything - Dennis
Take the Lid Off Your Income and Get Up the Bridge Despite Everything - Dennis
How to Have Money - Wooderson
Look It Up - Mazzarella
The Money Game, - Who Wins... Who Loses - Shapiro
Pregnancy and Natural Childbirth Picture Book - Martin
The Truth About Drugs - Chill and Duff
The Truth About Scientology - Meldal Johnson
The Basics of Creativity and The Arts - Morgan
Creative Public Speaking - Morgan
Who Are You? - Hedges
The Learning Book - Delphian School
Spirit In a Bottle - Ruedi and Saverteig
Introduction to Scientology Ethics - Chronis (non LRH version)
Scientology, Twentieth Century Religion - [no author listed]
Sanity For The Layman - Raymond Kemp
Scientometric Testing Booklet - Kemp and Morgan
This Is Life - Reg Sharpe
Summary of Scientology - J.F. Horner
Scientology: Its Contribution to Knowledge - Gerry
Children's Study Course - the Guardian Office
Grammar With Alice - Peter Paul

Many German titles were BANNED, including:
Wie Man Mit Geld Umgent - Wooderson
Auf Und Ab - Ruth Minshull
Was Ist Scientology - Ruth Minshull
Im Zweitel - Kommunikation - Ruth Minshull
Emotienen - Ruth Minshull
Wenn Kinder (Zer-) Storen - Ruth Minshull
Salmer and Sange - Salmer and Sange (!? - that's what the issue says)
Wer Bist Du? - Hedges
Geist In Der Flasiche - Rue di & Sauerteig (I know German readers
are thinking that this is the same as Spirit In a Bottle and that
the authors are the same, yet I have typed their names differently.
All I can say is I type it the way it is written in the ED. I don't know
which name is correct -- sorry!)

Fourteen books written in French are BANNED too:
L' Enfant Egoiste Et Destructeur Le Remede - Ruth Minshull
Emotiorren - Ruth Minshull
Les Hauts - Les Bas - Ruth Minshull
Die-Moi Qui Tu Es - Ruth Minshull
Dans Le Dut, Communiquez - Ruth Minshull
Efficacite - Ruth Minshull
Ce Que Tout PreClair Devriat Savoir - Ruth Minshull
Les Fundaments De La Reussite - Peter Gillham
Dite-Le Sans Detour - Peter Gillham
Tout Le Bonheur - Lefson
Vingt Huit Promenades A Deux A Travers La Philosophie - Atlan
Decouvrir Qu'Apprendre Est Amusant - the Guardian Office
Gestion Du Temps - Smith and Acheson
Comment Avoir De L'Argent - Wooderson

"Only LRH books and materials and those with per policy issue
authority may be displayed and sold. There is only one technology
that will take us all to TOTAL FREEDOM when applied standardly."
-- the WATCHDOG COMMITTEE (Sic'em Davey boy!! Git dem squirrels!!)

For those of you who may not have read my earlier posting on
CENSORSHIP IN $CIENTOLOGY, here it is again. Watch Wgert make a
fool of himself! Did you get your foot out of your mouth yet, Wgert?!?

Cheers!! And go to hell, $cientology! And *FUCK YOU* and your
thought police.

Warrior - Sunshine disinfects
******* (Warrior) wrote:
> > (wgert) wrote:
> >
> > >I don't agree with Jim Beebe's idea to trample on the free speech
> > >of Scientology. It is hypocritical. Might as well ask people to start
> > >burning books again. People have a right to make up their own minds
> > >about Scientology, not have the information denied them because Jim
> > >Beebe doesn't like it.
> >
> (Tilman Hausherr replied:
> >
> > First Jim he was only against the deceptive display, he was not for
> > "banning". Second, it is of course OK for you to ban Jon Atack's,
> > Paulette Cooper's and Russell Miller's book or TIME magazine. You simply
> > accuse on what you have been doing. Hubbard was right, when he spoke
> > about the scientologists weird logic.
> Wgert is spreading a shopworn $cienoLIE. Beebe isn't for banning
> books, and I won't sit by and see a lie advanced by wgert saying so.
> The truth is that $cientology BANS books. I can post excerpts from an
> issue written by $cientology management and released shortly after David
> Miscavige took over control of the cult. The issue *EXPRESSLY FORBIDS*
> certain books from being displayed or sold in $cientology bookstores.
> For years, certain books like Miracles for Breakfast and Ups and
> Downs, both by Ruth Minshull (a $cientologist), had been sold in
> $cientology orgs' and missions' bookstores. Another book sold by the
> Orgs and Missions was written by Peter Gillham (the vitamin guy who
> once had a $cientology franchise in Phoenix).
> All books *NOT* written by "Hubbard" were *NOT* to be displayed,
> stocked, sold or traded since they were not "SOURCE". I will dig up
> the issue forbidding the sale of "non-LRH" books, and I will follow up
> this post more information.
> I would also like to add that not only does $cientology ban books,
> but the right to own a *television set* is taken away by $cientology.
> I have an issue on *THAT* too! And I will dig it up and post the
> reference. In fact I had a TV set in 1982 in my berthing room in the
> Main building of the Cedars Complex where Sea Org members berth. One
> afternoon I went to my berthing after lunch to discover that the TV
> set was gone.
> I was really pissed that someone had stolen it! I was especially
> upset because the TV set belonged to a friend of mine named Claudia,
> and I had borrowed it from her with her permission, while promising
> to return it in a few days. So, upon discovering the TV set missing,
> I immediately reported it to the MAA (Master at Arms) of CESO (Cedars
> Estates Service Org). I was informed by him that "It wasn't stolen...
> The CMO [Commodore's Messenger Org] *confiscated* it!" because we were
> now FORBIDDEN to have TV sets! I said "SHIT! The damn thing wasn't even
> mine! I borrowed it from a friend, and I REALLY need to get it back!!"
> He (Steve Boykin^) told me that they had placed all the confiscated TV
> sets in the basement of Cedars and locked them up in a big caged-in
> area.
> So off I went trying to find the TV set. I never was able to find
> it, and everyone I asked "didn't know anything" about it. And I just
> got referred all over the place. No one took any responsibility for
> the theft! And I was left owning my friend Claudia a color TV set,
> which I could ill afford on a Sea Org member's allowance of $24 a week.
> In the Sea Org we were also not allowed to read newspapers either,
> lest we be exposed to "entheta" (truth) about $cientology and/or
> the organization's dictatorial founder, L Ron Hubbard.
> Warrior - Sunshine disinfects
> ^ Steve Boykin is most likely the father of Rita Boykin, one of the Sea
> Org staff members at Flag who "cared" for Lisa McPherson while she was
> in ISOLATION at Flag where she died of severe dehydration.

=== end July 25, 1997 post ===

In <>,
SME says...

Warrior - Sunshine disinfects
"Scientology: it's about deception."


2007/01/09 17:13:202007/01/09

"SME" <> wrote in message

>I can shed some light on the below postings.
>>From around early 82 through much of 83 a huge task was undertaken
> within "the church" to get all non Hubbard writings out of "church"
> orgs and missions.
> The movement was lead by Hubbard himself and, through him, DM.
> The "Policy" used was "Vital Data on Promotion" where Hubbard says
> there can be no works but his own used. He said that doing so "would
> end freedom for the planet".
> All kinds of investigations and missions were fired to find out how non
> Hubbard works had gotten into organized scientology. This included
> missions to Minshul herself (then in Michigan I believe). The
> missionaires reported that Minshul herself was disaffected from and
> wanted nothing more to do with scientology. This was reported to
> Hubbard who said that the only book of hers that he even saw was
> "Miracles for Breakfast" but Minshul produced Hubbard's signed
> approvals for the other books.
> All kinds of things were found and that included just how each work was
> gotten into an organization.
> There were so many non Hubbard works that one copy of each made a pile
> a couple feet high over a huge "board room sized" desk in Special
> Unit's conference room. The books included all kinds of things like
> Minshul's works, "the "Common Sense Management Series". "How to Make
> Money", etc., etc.

Nothing says "religion" like "Common Sense Management Series" and "How to
Make Money".



2007/01/10 3:13:092007/01/10
SME wrote:
> I can shed some light on the below postings.

Very interesting excellent text.

>> From around early 82 through much of 83 a huge task was undertaken
> within "the church" to get all non Hubbard writings out of "church"
> orgs and missions.
> The movement was lead by Hubbard himself and, through him, DM.
> The "Policy" used was "Vital Data on Promotion" where Hubbard says
> there can be no works but his own used. He said that doing so "would
> end freedom for the planet".
> All kinds of investigations and missions were fired to find out how
> non Hubbard works had gotten into organized scientology. This included
> missions to Minshul herself (then in Michigan I believe). The
> missionaires reported that Minshul herself was disaffected from and
> wanted nothing more to do with scientology. This was reported to
> Hubbard who said that the only book of hers that he even saw was
> "Miracles for Breakfast" but Minshul produced Hubbard's signed
> approvals for the other books.

Ruth Minshull and some other authors on scientology were much more easy
to digest than insane hubbie (these people were not trying to complicate
something so as to be able to put Mis-Us by the tons, meaning
Word-Clearing by the ton, and courses to make more money!!) That's what
you developed below too...

Can I ad something that I did not see much developed elsewhere, related
to this?

One old timer explained that when the late 1991 red volumes and Green
volumes came out, it was asked to those having the 1974 or 1986 lots to
get rid of these. So, even elrong's originals had to disappear from the
library shelves to avoid some comparisons with new ones, most certainly.
Scientology = 1984's rewriting History...



2007/01/10 8:05:222007/01/10
Thanks for these historical accounts. It's interesting to see how
totally nutzoid Hubbard became in the wake of the FBI raids and the
verdicts handed down after the Snow White trial. This is lunatic
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