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Anonymous successfully helping cause defections.....example story

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Oct 20, 2008, 9:59:47 AM10/20/08


Oct 20, 2008, 10:00:40 AM10/20/08

I don't even know where to begin, so please, bear with me.

I was a Scientologist until very recently. It's very hard for me to
type this out, and it's taken me a few weeks to decide wether or not
to write you. I have no idea who you are, or what you do. I just saw
the email link on your site and decided I had to write you.

I'm in my 50s. I cannot tell you where I lived or give you names, for
reasons you know better than most people in Scientology do. I wanted
to share my story with you, and how thankful I am. I'm going to try to
speak in terms the general public can understand, based on you asking
me if you could share this email.

I was a public Scientologist for over twenty years. I got into
Scientology as a single mother, because members at the Org would
babysit my daughter. I ended up eventually going up the Bridge until
the level of OT2 before after spending alot of time, money, and more
auditing sessions than I can begin to remember over the course of 15

My daughter started attending courses and doing auditing as well and
when she was in her later teens, Flag sent some Sea Org executives to
our org and she was hooked. She signed on at the Sea Org when she was
eighteen years old, in the late nineties.

I was very proud of her. My daughter was doing her part to help clear
the planet and I was doing my part at the stress test tables to bring
people into the Orgs and then selling them the Basics.

In 2002, I was called in to the office with the president of our Org.
He sat me down and told me that my daughter was requesting to "route
out" from the Sea Org and Scientology altogether and as her only close
relative and one in Scientology, I was being asked to handle her to
convince her to stay in.

We fought for several weeks. She had told me what was happening to her
in the Sea Org and at the time I didn't believe her. She was telling
us of working 18 hours a day 7 days a week, of being touched and
groped by senior Sea Org officials, about not eating properly, and
other horrors, very similar to what you've all read and what I've read
over the last few weeks. I didn't want to believe her, and I was told
that if I couldn't handle her I would be declared PTS for being
connected to her. I remember calling her that night, and begged her to
stop tearing our family apart, that she had to stay in, didn't she
see? She was very upset, and said that was one of the reasons she had
to leave, that she just believed there was something better out there,
there had to be, there had to be something better than what she was in
that would make her mother believe what she was being told over what
she was hearing from her own daughter.

After that conversation, she blew a few days later and never finished
routing out properly. She just up and left. She had called me several
times to try and get me to listen to her, to hear why she had to do it
and I felt like I had been betrayed. All the good Scientology had done
her, had done me, had done us, why was she doing this, why was she
turning her back on Hubbard and the Tech and her own mother? I was
legitimately angry at her and hurt, and I couldn't realize it at the
time. My heart told me something was wrong, but my head and my way of
thinking told me otherwise, that I was doing the right thing.

I ended up disconnecting from my daughter around Christmas of 2002. It
never did sit right with me, but I knew we were right, I knew we were
clearing the planet. I wasn't PTS but I was given several auditing
sessions and security checks to make sure I wasn't harboring any
"crimes" against Scientology.

I continued on staff the next six years. My daughter would write me
once every few months - I didn't even open the letters she sent and
threw them away in the trash. It countinued this way until 2008.

Then in March, an amazing thing happened that changed my life. I was
told on March 15th to not come to the Org that saturday, because there
were "renovations" that were happenning to the interior or something
similar. Most staff and workers got the same notice. I had left
something at the Org that I needed, so I went there early in the

An hour later, a group of people wearing masks, listening to music,
and waving signs all approached from across the street and by our
front doors, coming out of nowhere, about thirty to fifty people, I
couldn't see through the windows too well. There were about a dozen
staff members in the building and three in the lobby when this
happened. I remember thinking it was the strangest thing I had ever
seen, with all the masks. The signs said negative things about
Scientology - that it was a cult, that it was a scam, and other things
that would have normally made me brush it off, but the strangeness of
it all kept all three of us locked on what was happening.

Immediately, one of the higher execs came from upstairs and told us we
had to go to the meeting now, that we had to go upstairs to the
conference room we used for auditing. It was in the middle of the
building with no windows. All 12 of us went there, and there was where
we stayed. Half of them didn't know what was happening outside and
when we went to discuss it, the exec who rounded all of us up told us
that it was a dangerous group outside and that they would try to kill
us or hurt us if we went out - that they had been making death
threats, had made bomb threats, had even killed - KILLED - people. We
were being held inside for our own safety, and we were not to discuss
what was happening outside, or to listen to anything we may have heard
or seen from outside. One staffer went to call the police and called
several times over the few hours that the "terrorists" were there.

They kept us in that room for six hours, only allowing short trips to
the bathroom and we had to be accompanied by the two top execs who
were there both to and from, taking a way through the building that
made sure we wouldn't pass any windows.

They finally told us to forget about it and go home, at around six pm,
and to forget what we saw as it was a group of SPs who we didn't want
to talk with, didn't want to listen to.

I went home that night and I remembered a big sign I had seen with a
website on it. It was I went to the site, and I
panicked immediately when I saw what it was, but something just
clicked on me, remembering my daughter, and I read for hours on that
site and all the other ones linked through it. I read through the
night, and had a large headache and didn't come in the next day
because of it.

When I did get back to the Org the day after, there had been no
renovations done at all. It was strange.

The exec I had mentioned earlier was an OTV. I made the first mistake
I shouldn't have. I pulled him aside and asked him, since I was OTII,
and had already paid for most of the preparation courses for OTIII, if
the Xenu story was true, since I had seen it on so many websites. I
was asked how I found out, and why I was asking, and when I said I had
just looked at a few sites and was confused, I ended up getting sec-
checked for three days, and was told that unless I confessed my crimes
I would be kicked off the Bridge.

Over the next few months, I made the decision to leave Scientology,
after doing research on it. It was a very, very hard step for me to do
and it still is. I've had to move twice, change phone numbers twice,
and take other steps to keep them from bothering me. I told them I
wanted out completely. My friends inside were told to handle me, and I
broke down and cried every night for two weeks when I realized what
they were doing to me was what I had been told to do to my daughter
six years ago. They disconnected from me when I told them to leave me
alone and I really felt I had nobody.

I ended up looking up my daughter, who had moved in the six years. I
was so scared when I picked up the phone, it took me five tries to
dial the number. She picked up the phone on the third ring and said
"Hello?" My voice cracked as I said her name. It was the first time we
talked in six years. She just said "Mom?" in the same type of voice,
and we both cried. We spoke for six hours that night.

I had missed so much of her life. Since she blew Scientology, she had
moved, found a career, and was back in school. She had met a wonderful
man and they had married in 2006. They had their first child around
Thanksgiving last year, a beautiful daughter.

After I hung up the phone, I was so hurt and angry. I missed
everything in my daughter's life because I insisted on not listening
to her when she told me why she was leaving, or when she would send me
letters. All her life was in those to tell me how she was, and I
missed them all. I missed the letter telling me that she got accepted
into school. I missed the letter about her telling me about her new
job. I missed the letter that she wrote telling me about her new
boyfriend and year later, her fiance. I had even thrown away my own
daughters wedding invitation. I never got to see my little girl walk
down the aisle, I never read or opened the letter that told me she was
pregnant with her first child, or the letter that said it was a girl.

It has been a long road the last few months, but my daughter has
forgiven me. I had lost twenty years of my life to Scientology, and so
many meomories, and I thank god every night that I didn't lose my
family too.

Scientology robbed me of all those things and I was too blind to see
it, but I created a new memory that I cry everytime I remember because
it was a miracle to me. Four weeks ago, I held my grandaughter for the
very first time.

I'm taking it slow, one day at a time, and seeking the help I need,
seeing the same doctors and specialists that helped my daughter when
she left years ago.

It has taken me a long time to type this up because of the tears in my
eyes, I've had to stop, it's taken me six hours to write this email.

Thank you, whoever you are. While I may never be able to stand with
you, or meet you face to face, you will always have my tearful thanks
for doing what you are. Get the word out to more people, and don't
give up doing what you are doing, because it's working in ways nobody
could have ever imagined.


Oct 20, 2008, 10:57:21 AM10/20/08


Oct 20, 2008, 11:14:56 AM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 10:00 am, "chuckbeatty77" <>
> Thank you, whoever you are. While I may ...
> read more (snip) <

Yes, Anonymous works! ( ps: this story was posted on ARS earlier this
morning on a different thread)



Oct 20, 2008, 11:23:19 AM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 4:57 pm, "chuckbeatty77" <>

Sure does. That's a heavy duty story.


Oct 20, 2008, 12:27:26 PM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 9:59 am, "chuckbeatty77" <>

Thanks for posting this. More and more stories are being told.
People are coming out from the shadows. Another mother recently came
out to tell her story about how her daughter after seeing Anonymous in
action, did some research and now she too has 'blown' from the org.
Anonymous is there on those streets -- more than the ones who are
supposedly clearing the planet and helping people....

Anonymous is truly helping people. It's a wonderful time to be alive
as yet another cult is cleared from our planet.

Rev Dennis L Erlich

Oct 20, 2008, 1:08:18 PM10/20/08
"chuckbeatty77" <> wrote:


Try to tell HER the cult doesn't break up families.

And please note carefully how they cultivate mushroom people by
keeping 'em in the dark and feeding 'em shit.



"It's a wonder to me
I still don't understand
why I ever survived to be old
with a heart full of holes." - Mark Knopfler

Oct 20, 2008, 2:10:56 PM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 8:59 am, "chuckbeatty77" <>
> h

Anybody can leave Scientology, if he or she has the wish. Tory
Christman, Chuck Beatty and the likes are lying when they are saying
that people can't leave.
Scientologists don't want to leave as they have wins in Scientology
and want to work for a better world. Infiltrators usually don't want
to leave because their secret German case officer tells them to
continue to plant pro p$ych ideas in the orgs to make the orgs p$ych-

However, the German secret service tells certain people to blow
because they want his or her mostly fabricated story used by their
outside attackers.

It is so EASY to figure out what is wrong.

The only way who the Germans secret service and the p$ychs are winning
if indeed they make anybody shut up about the reality.

Too bad for the Germans that they don't run me and never will be able
to. I say it as it is. And their defamation about my state of mind
will not change anything. It just supports what I am saying: somebody
who tells the truth will be defamed so that nobody should listen and
all should continue the German game until Scientology is so altered
that it will not free anybody anymore or truly open his eyes about the
universe anymore.

This is the German p$ych plan.

Barbara Schwarz


Abusive transsexual BRIAN J, BRUNS aka BURNS aka "Bri", "Brielle" or
"Brielle-Jillian", born on
06/24/81, a "registered sex slave: and owner/webmaster of the abusive
AHBL ("Abusive Host Blocking
List") website and the SOSDG ("Summit open source development group")
is a CONVICTED FELON. (Felon Indictment # I-1577-02,S-2423-02 and
SAPD. Police Report # 05071019). INMATE; BRUNS, BRIAN # 445064.
The AHBL SOSDG is allegedly "non-profit" but stops free speech,
blackmails ISPs and defames people.
Bruns lies that the ABHL is non-profit. He hosted the sex pages of his
master "Lady-Arielle" who offers one hour of her perversion for over
$300,-- profit on the SOSDG server!
Bruns actually HACKED the computers of his former employer Access
Highway (http:// Bruns was many months incarcerated and has a FBI
file. Realists think that Bri (also called "the cheese") never will
change but will go back to prison.


Read also this:

Bruns retaliates and smears my name also in anonymous Blogspot that is
filled with factual lies about me for which he can be sued. It
wouldn't be the first defamation lawsuit brought against him.


Oct 20, 2008, 3:07:33 PM10/20/08
High ranking top Scientology leaders seem to know, amongst themselves,
that blowing (escaping abruptly, without authorization) is the best
option to take.

They could patiently undergo the "Leaving Staff Routing Form" but
history is demonstrating that these senior most members do NOT avail
themselves of the "Leaving Staff Routing Form" procedure.

The reasons are not flattering for Scientology why it is these former
leaders choose to abruptly and without authorization defect or "blow"
as Scientology/Hubbard call these unauthorized departures from staff.

This has been a longstanding mark of cults.

They cannot deal with criticism internally, they abuse their members
in the first place, that is the truth of the problems L. Ron Hubbard
has systemically left the senior leadership and Sea Org ranks with.

Scientology is clearly an abusive cult, and Hubbard's rules are the
source of this systemic problem.

The leaders wouldn't leave without authorization if there was a more
honorable way for them to retire from participation.

Hubbard's extremist insanities are the problem, and his insanities are
translated into the policies the members inflict on each other.

Scientology is self-inflicted auto-pilot Catch 22 vicious circle

Blowing is the only sane decision after years of suffering the Hubbard

It's what you get for following a sociopathic cult leader.

Oct 20, 2008, 3:35:40 PM10/20/08
On 20 okt, 20:10, wrote:
> Dumb things.

Title fix.

Oct 20, 2008, 4:25:35 PM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 10:00 am, "chuckbeatty77" <>
> Thank you, whoever you are. While I may ...
> read more »

I worked at Flag from 1995-2001. I may have known this womens
daughter. If someone knows who her daughter was I'd love to know and
possiblt talk to her. I am a declared SP because I speak to my
declared father and my name is Sabrina Zimmer. If anyone knows her
name you can e-mail me at

Oct 20, 2008, 4:34:57 PM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 10:00 am, "chuckbeatty77" <>
I worked at Flag from 1995-2001. I am 26 now, almost 27, so I wonder
if maybe I knew this women' daughter. If she or her daughter or anyone
knows this women or her daughter please e-mail me at

Thanks, Sabrina Zimmer


Oct 20, 2008, 7:37:32 PM10/20/08

"chuckbeatty77" <> wrote in message

> High ranking top Scientology leaders seem to know, amongst themselves,
> that blowing (escaping abruptly, without authorization) is the best
> option to take.
> They could patiently undergo the "Leaving Staff Routing Form" but
> history is demonstrating that these senior most members do NOT avail
> themselves of the "Leaving Staff Routing Form" procedure.
> The reasons are not flattering for Scientology why it is these former
> leaders choose to abruptly and without authorization defect or "blow"
> as Scientology/Hubbard call these unauthorized departures from staff.
> This has been a longstanding mark of cults.

As I know you know, the entire purpose of including a process for leaving
scientology is to keep hold of as many would-be ex-members as they can. The
entire point of the process is to be as long and as difficult as possible,
so the member gives up trying, while giving the cult a chance to bring more
pressure to bear regarding disconnections, fair game, the loss of their
spiritual salvation, potential blackmail material in their folders and so

Oct 20, 2008, 8:19:57 PM10/20/08
> Read also this:

> Bruns retaliates and smears my name also in anonymous Blogspot that is
> filled with factual lies about me for which he can be sued.  It
> wouldn't be the first defamation lawsuit brought against him.

Holy crap, she actually believes this?

Oct 20, 2008, 8:36:52 PM10/20/08
On Oct 20, 7:37 pm, "John" <> wrote:
> "chuckbeatty77" <> wrote in message


Lafayette at The Beacon

Oct 21, 2008, 12:15:29 PM10/21/08
> Holy crap, she actually believes this?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

It's weird. To begin with you laugh at her posts, but after a while
they just make you feel sad. Still, she's a potent message to the wog
world as to what CoS can do to a person.


Your humble servant,



Oct 21, 2008, 2:59:21 PM10/21/08
On Oct 21, 12:15�pm, Lafayette at The Beacon
> Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -


she's a darker sadder parallel life to L. Ron Hubbard's himself.
Obsessed with conspiracies, and functional so to speak.

One of the ARS advanced observers of Scientology I hope someday does a
public book or paper on this crazy zone of people like Barbara who've
turned up in this Scientology related internet world.

coming out of the clistered upper "elite" (in their own minds) Sea Org
cult staff ranks myself, it's been difficult for me to get my wits
around a functionally mentally unbalanced person like Barbara.

It's all part of life though, how Barbara clings to those writings/
ideas of Hubbards that fit her mind.

Chuck Beatty

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