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Inside Scientology (text version)

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Rod Keller

no leída,
28 dic 1996, 3:00:0028/12/96


Q1) Any fraud or deception used to get money from members using their credit
cards, or loans from lending institutions or their families.

A) Yes, I know plenty. A tactic was prevalent in Sweden, France and Spain to
make public take multiple loans withholding the fact that they had several
of them already. One particular girl I remember clearly was from Sweden. I
sec-checked her extensively. She had paid for her whole bridge at Flag up to
OT VII by taking 17 loans from various banks in Stockholm. She had lied on
her loan applications at the incitement of the FSC Stockholm. (her name was
Ingrid Ostlund, I forgot her married name). Her mother who is now OT VIII
and which I sec-checked as well (Vega Ostlund) also took some false loans
but on a much smaller basis than her daughter.

An active FSM from Sweden, Lena Akesson, who also was my pc, exported this
habit of false loans to Spain, as she was very, active there as well. I
sec-checked people who took excessive loans under false pretenses at her
incitation. Several flaps occurred as a result and a CMO Int mission was
sent to handle. She was the first new OT VIII completion to get declared
suppressive (she is on the SP list provided by Factnet).

I sec-checked a new OT VIII completion from Spain on the subject shortly
after he completed OT VIII (I was ordered to sec-check him despite that I
was OT VII and he was OT VIII because I was the only OT 7 Nots auditor there
was, and attempts to see-check him on the ship in English were a total
failure as he knew no English whatsoever. (I only accepted auditing him
after receiving a Telex from Snr C/S Int and IG Tech on it). His name was
Javier Munoz. I had given him his whole upper level bridge from OT
Eligibility to Solo Nots EP check.

In France the two IAS reps who were both OT VII completions (De Petigny) and
were my friends and pcs were declared suppressive. They raised IAS donations
by making people borrow from rich public. Because of the tremendously high
pressure to get income NOW and that loans once applied for in France could
take 2 weeks to get approved, it was found expedient to get French
businessmen to sign them TRAITES which is illegal to use for any purpose but
legitimate business and commerce. It was an interest free method of getting
a short term loan. Businessmen were made to borrow money against each other
and once the loan was approved they were reimbursed. However one of them
defaulted on his paying others and a DOMINO effect occurred where about 20
businessmen couldn't pay back, some of them had legal obligations with
non-scientologists partners and government contracts.

A CMO Int mission was sent to handle and a new OT V who was as well my
friend and pc was ordered REIMBURSED of ALL HIS IAS DONATIONS. (Note CMO Int
ORDERED the IAS to reimburse and it is the only case I know of where IAS
donations were refunded. Since the person, whose name is Dominique Pizzinat
was a patron of the association, his refund exceeded $40,000.00) Dominique
Pizzinat was the director of a Music School in Paris called "Ecole du
Rhytme" who funneled much of its funds toward Scientology. He is even
mentioned in a book "L'enfer des Sectes" (The Nightmare of Sects) published
in France where the major sects in France are discussed. Several additional
pcs of mine were involved in this scare and I had to sec-check them.

One of them from Angers told me how he was forced to get involved. In Lyon,
France there is a trial against Scientology for fraud. Included amongst the
defendants are Danielle Gounord, president of the Church of Scientology of
France and a long term pc of mine that I have sec-checked extensively.

While I do not recall of any illegal acts she mentioned to me off-hand, I
recall that the church financed the printing of handouts against the ADFI
(equivalent of CAN in France) to attack it. I have seen it. The handout only
gives generalities and is libelous. A Catholic priest, parson of a small
village, is also on trial. Louis Michael Brolles made several of his
parishioners in Southern France and in Belgium finance his bridge at Flag.
He did all 3 Ls and New OT VIII. I knew him from the night he discovered
Scientology and I delivered his new OT VIII eligibility sec-check. He used
funds aimed at Charity for Scientology.

A rich public from Switzerland, Albert Jacquier became very distraught over
having financed for $300,000 in loans for Scientologists so they would take
Flag services and never being back. He attempted suicide after completing OT
VII and being denied OT VIII after it had been promised to him and he'd paid
in full. He was by then a virtual destitute. I audited him at his home in
Dunedin (a suburb of Clearwater) after he had a motorcycle accident where he
"wanted to die". I personally lent money at the request of the captain FSO
to one of her staff.

I lent $2,500 to Lisa Baumgarten so she could pay back American Express for
expenses she owed them, and avoid her going to court. Lisa Baumgarten was
D/FCCI PO for call-in. I was hidden the fact that she'd blown 3 times from
the S. O. before and was a drug revert. After I lent her the money, she blew
and got very rapidly declared. I was forbidden to make any attempt to
collect that debt as she was an SP and I a SO member. She never paid back a

I lent $2,000 to King Peeters so he could later rejoin the S.O. He paid 30%
of his debt and joined the S. O. before he paid back and he blew and never
paid anything back. Both of those people signed me a promissory note.

Q2) Any fraud, deception, or unethical high pressure tactics used in
Scientology's sales, advertising, or registration actions?

A) Yes. Plenty several of my pcs were severely disturbed by false promises
from registrars. The most infamous involved Martha Higareda, a rich Mexican
businesswoman. She was made to pay over 2 million US dollars to pay for
Mexican trainees. A lot of money was dilapidated and books and E-meters that
were not needed were sold so that the registrars would get 15% commissions
on those sales. A scare was for some Trainees to get their free E-meter and
then sell them, pocketing the money for themselves. Martha Higareda left the
Church. As her long time auditor, I am the only person at Flag she fully
respected. She would repeatedly get upset with high pressure tactics to get
her to "donate" money. She became very hard to handle. I eventually became
the only person at Flag who could calm her down. She knows no English. She
did up to OT V.

A pc of mine, named Francesco Da Pasquale was debited $2,000 more on this
credit card than he had authorised. As a result, he went beyond his limit.
He was very upset about it as this was a non-authorised debit. I have heard
several times Flag registrars, such as Per Almquist debiting credit cards of
public without their OK as once a Flag public has made a payment by credit
card, the Church now has their number on file and can instantly debit more
money. As of recent years, money procurement has become an all out effort on
the phone. Letters are considered too slow and phone regging is very
extensively used. People would get scared and threatened into buying.

A typical example is the OT VIII scare in 1990. it has been well hidden by
the church that severalpeople died shortly after completing new OT VIII.
Three people who were in their early 50's died of cancer, months after
completing new OT VIII. As a result, the New OT VIII C/S was RPFed (Laura
Wolfe, wife of Milton Wolfe who was jailed on behalf of the GO and later
ended up as CO FSSO (FSSO: Flag Ship Service Org, The service org on board
the Freewinds.) The replacement C/S, Sue Walker, wife of Jeff Walker, one of
the original Class XlI who was Snr C/S Int at the time (and who later blew
and got declared I'm told - If he got declared he should be contacted, he
was a very good friend of mine and we had much respect for each others. I do
not know of his whereabouts or if he returned to the church, He was from
New-Zealand) she ordered under scare of Death the auditing of many new OT
VIII comps at Flag to check for unflat earlier levels, (Grades, DRDs, Clear
and See-checks).

As a result I audited a dozen of OT VIII's at the order of the C/S FSSO, Snr
C/S Int and IG Tech. There was no one to audit OT VIII public who could do
it in Italian or Spanish. (Incidentally one of these, Antonella Peghin,
revealed to me in session the confidential EP of new OT VIII and several
confidential actions done on that level. These OT VIII pcs were told that
they had to return to Flag as they were in danger of dying if not doing so.
A particular OT VIII, Firmin Sanchez from Spain, who was a race car driver
in Spain and had been twice champion of Spain and who was racing the
Dianetic Car in Spain was particularly upset and scared about it. He had run
lightly, on his previous DRD, despite the fact that he had been a heroin
addict in the past. He was made to spend 2 intensives on a NOTs DRD and
other actions.

Amongst the people who died of Cancer, I recall Edith Hodgkinson, from
either Edmonton or Vancouver in Canada. After completing OT VII, she paid
for OT VIII and joined the S.O. at Flag. She did OT VII and 4 months later,
one night woke up with incredible pain. She was rushed to the hospital and
was found to have advanced liver cancer. She died a few months later. Her
car was never properly transferred after her death and was used by the
Medical officer and other staff for some time.

Lucinda Martinez, a Spanish speaking only public from Mexico joined staff
and was coerced to donate her Solo NOTs (which she paid in full as a public)
from the demonstrably false statement that all staff can get solo NOTS for
free at the FLB. She was made to give that money to The Way to Happiness.
The most happy people of the cycle were the registrars who got several
hundred dollars commissions. She never did Solo NOTS and left staff. This is
the typical way those projects are financed. High pressure sales to get
people who have no money to empty their FSO accounts to pay for ASI, IAS,

In 1992, the FSO was too broke to pay its SCA awards. SCA are rebates given
on people completing services. SCA were months in some cases before being
paid. Those who protested were ordered to see-checking. A pc of mine from
Spain who had planned her trip very exactly by using those awards was stuck
at Flag for over a week as she didn't get her SCA. She had to cancel her
plane flight and pay one week hotel room, because the FSO was too broke to

There wits a lot of upsets at the time on the FSO reneging on its promises.
I recall Barry Klein, a pc of mine and the world top FSM for several years,
complaining that his selectees were flapping about Flag not keeping its
word. I recall a reasonable attitude about it. When I wrote KRs on this
violation, I was attacked by treasury and told "We cant pay".

In 1983-84, the Int Finance police auditing under threat of permanent
expulsion from Scientology lost all future lifetimes. Many people paid under
duress for Flag sec-checking. The majority were from Missions. This is the
last, period of true affluence for the FSO GI. GI has remained level ever

Q3) Any of Scientology's alleged financial frauds, not limited to postulate
checks. credit card scams, student loan scares, Author Services "Special
Properties" scams, or Scientology asset transfers?

A) After I had received a substantial sum of money as compensation for being
injured by a drunk driver. A registrar, Per Almquist, sought to sell me a
fraudulent item he claimed to be LRH E-Meters. It was merely a meter of
another color bearing a reproduction of LRH signature. It was valued at
$40,000. I refused and I was harassed until I made a scandal that reached
the Captain FSO. The president of ASI herself, Fran Harris, told me it was a
scam, when she talked to me on the phone later that week.

A nurse who was on OT VII and from Paris, France, used money that was given
to her by her patients to pay for Scientology. I recall on the sec-checks I
gave her, that she was scared that if it was found out, she would go to
jail. Such a transfer of important sums of money from a patient to its
private nurse is illegal in France. The church knew the full details about
it. It went on HCO reports but since the money was all paid to the church,
no harm was seen. If the money had not been given to Scientology, then she
would have been heavily been reprimanded and forced to make a restitution by
the Church. I am not sure but I think her name is Annette Quevillon.

Q4) Any fraud or deception used by Scientology front groups to recruit new
members into Scientology, or attack Scientology's adversaries?

A) There is a Base Flag order that state that public who are in bail
standing with WISE are not to be processed in the FSO until handled to the
satisfaction of WISE INT. There is another issue a S.O. ED stating that
patrons of the IAS are to be given preferential service at the FSO and their
pc folders are marked as such. Both issues are staff issues but they are not
confidential. It is even written on the arrival routing forms.

Q5) Anyone who was fair gamed or had their reputation destroyed by

Q6) Any abusive or illegal practices surrounding Scientology's money back
guarantee or policies governing refund or return of advance payments.

A) When I attended a tech meeting I was shown an advice by LRH stating "THE
FSO has NO REFUNDS". Also there were 8 millions dollars of pending refund
claims when I left in 1992. Claims would be paid in order of flap importance
and as a rule only those who took a lawyer would get paid, the rest would go
on a long waiting list. Per policy any return of money leads to expulsion.
Any D of P and tech sec will see his stat penalized for any refund request
received that week that cover his area, whether or not his area ever handled
that pc. However, the penalty is waived if the person is handled. As a
result effort will be made to hide refund requests or find all sort of
tactics to dissipate them. One method was the transfer of donation. PC X
wants a refund. He is told to authorize that debit for books, meters or Way
to happiness or the various Scientology front groups. Rich pc Y will give
him money or merchandise or service equivalent to the value, as he was going
to pay that money to the church anyway. This continual juggling of moneys
was very prevalent in Div 6. The main motive was to avoid the harsh
penalties (RPF, months with no liberties, 18 hours days public humiliation,
seizure of one's own property., denial of food or berthing if Management
found you as the WHO for not handling those refunds. In short many illegal
and juggling actions of church members are committed by desperate people who
are, like the heroin addict during withdrawal, read) to any extremes to
avoid more penalties and unusual and harsh punishments.

Q7) Any abusive actions such as copyright and trademark abuse taken by
Scientology to inhibit the religious freedom of its members, or former
members or to inhibit the freedom of such persons, to practice their freely
chosen religion.

A) I was shown and I saw people getting comm-eved for Copyright infringement
for just doing out-tech. I recall a pc of mine who was OT VII and now OT
VIII, Enrique Espinoza, from LA. who along with another Scientologist, gave
courses on making money and selling. The courses were like many such courses
that exist nowadays. However, because people were taught something else than
LRH and and because they were made to pay for those seminars (trek public
was almost exclusively scientologists), he was attacked and accused of
running a "squirrel group". He was comm-eved. His comm-ev stated that he was
using other practices (Wog finance and economics and based his seminar
"according to the laws of supply and demand - a wog term for promotion"). I
see-checked him for 2 weeks at his own expense and was ordered by management
to find his "crimes". He had none. He was definitely victim of an injustice
from utterly ignorant Scientology executives.

Q8) Any psychological or physical damage you suffered through your
association with Scientology.

A) In my first year after I left, I was out of balance. I had been
thoroughly indoctrinated to NEVER question authority even in my own mind,
expecting any executive to jump instantly at the throat of anyone who was
idle or not doing his job. After all, reasonableness is suppressive. I had
trouble finding a job. It was the recession but I had little to offer in my
CV. No University diplomas and 20 years of work for a fanatic religious
sect. The few jobs, I found were in telemarketing, sales or service
representatives. I found myself working to people who were vulgar or had no
education and intelligence and I felt quite unhappy to be reduced to that
level, as I knew I had a far superior intelligence and abilities. I
eventually found work in a computer company after educating myself fully in
the area.

Physically, I have developed a chronic congestion in the sinus around 1977
when I was at Flag and I have had it since. Since it was impossible to get
in the last 10 years any medical expenses approved, my teeth fell apart.
Contrary to its written promises, health care was not provided as needed but
only to those who flapped loud enough about their emergencies. My wife was
made to do the purif UNNECESSARILY. She was a new recruit from Bulgaria and
since she didn't have a high OCA score (she didn't know English well and no
OCA in her language), she was ordered to do the purif as her first step. In
her country, drugs are not available, medicine are dispensed with great
parsimony and insecticides and food preservatives are as a rule not used as
the country has no money to pay for luxuries. So what drugs preventing case
gain could my wife have in her body? None, her drug list contains only a few
glasses of wine, aspirin and a few antibiotics. She did the purif and
experienced nothing except headaches. She eventually attested and has had
hormonal troubles since. She saw several endocrinologists and was prescribed
several medicines to repair the damage made by high doses of niacin and
other megavitamins.

Of course, the staff purif has essentially no supervision, and the church
washes its hands of any consequence as the staff purif is only for small

The last several months I was in the S.O. I was submitted to harassment and
unusual punishments. I had been the top producing Class XII auditor that
year followed by Minty Alexander. It was the beginning of September 1992. I
calculated the Well Done Auditing hours of the top class XII auditors and I
found I did 2100 hours that year (1500 on L's), then Minty at 1950 hours
(1700 on L's) and Bodil Tucker (1800) (1400 on L's). John Eastment who was
Snr C/S Int came on a mission to prepare the terrain to a reign of terror in
the FSO. He announced that out-tech was rampant. He established martial law
for all tech and Qual with mandatory musters at 7:30, 4 AM followed by an
Ethics program to be done by ALL (Upstats and downstats alike). The
indication was made that we were ALL out-tech and out-ethics. We were on
this ethics program all morning and then auditing or working until 11 PM. At
7:30 AM there was no breakfast arranged as this was prior to meal time so
also, we had to spend the whole AM with no food and expected to give
"PERFECT AUDITING". After a few days of this regimen of inadequate sleep,
enforced no breakfast and continual hammering that we were ALL OUT ETHICS, I
caved in and started to introvert heavily and wondered what I did to pull
all this in. My auditing in the last year had been superb, I had handled
some of Flag hardest cases to rave results, I was the top producing class
XII auditor. No week passed without a pc of mine writing a commendation on
me to the captain FSO.

We were all ordered to do a video. In the video, I presented. I nervously
moved the TA during the pc metabolism test, therefore obscuring it. The rest
of the session which was on L-10 went free and the metering was correct.
However I didn't prevision the video prior to sending it to Snr C/S Int. Snr
C/S Int had made the false statement publicly that he was on NO ETHICS
MISSION. It was a complete falsehood as it was the heaviest ethics trip I
witnessed in 20 years of Scientology and by far the heaviest one since 1978
(year I got into FSO tech lines and therefore witnessed all of its tech
activities). I was publicly removed from post with no comm-ev (contrarily to
LRH policy and John Eastment wrote me a nasty note saying "DID YOU or didn't
you falsify the meter read on metabolism? HAVEN'T YOU WRITTEN ON THE W/Ses
politely that I didn't see the video and that if I had, my error would have
been evident and I would have seen that it gets corrected.

John Eastment decided of course to interpret this reply as a CONFESSION of
false reports when in fact, I merely stated that if I had seen the video, I
would have been sure to not make the same technical error ever and give
better auditing to my pcs as a result. John Eastment decided with no further
consultations, that I felt that the only error I would admit to was no
covering up successfully a false report. He then ordered the CO CMO CW to
write a note on all staff bulletin board to denounce me a a liar and
dishonest person without even bothering to confront me with his "evidence".
When I was routed to HCO, I protested that it was a violation of policy.
Even the MAA and HAS acknowledged it but they stated that PT orders from
Senior management had to be complied with or they would be removed, and
subjected to horrid punishments themselves.

At the same time Minty Alexander, second top producing class XII got removed
from post. She got removed for being ill on the day of an ordered reunion
for all tech and Qual. (Being ill and not having been told that short of a
death certificate, no one was allowed to miss meeting, she missed it. She
was also removed for having earlier opposed the cancellation of family time
and for refusing verbal orders from her D of P. Her punishment: to redo the
EPF. My opinion is that I couldn't see a reason for that penalty except in
an attempt to break her. She redid the EPF in 4 days. She passed the exam
with 100%. She was upset because public were being denied service (who paid
$1000.00 an hour to be audited by me or her) for only someone vendetta. She
felt she handled nothing and she claimed correctly that her punishment
violated all LRH policies on Justice.

I witnessed her talking to her daughter in HCO. Aged 17, her daughter was
Justice Chief Clearwater, the senior Ethics and justice terminal at Flag. I
still remember her exact words: "I'm sorry. Mom, my hands are tied. Anyone
else pull this kind of stuff, I'd have it canceled within the hour and
Comm-eved. But with those people I just can't." The order had come from Mark
Yager, John Eastment and Norman Starkey. Her punishment is an example of
punishments that have been a big favorite of Scientology top brass in the
last 8 years: unusual punishment. At the complete opposite of the US Bill of
Rights, the current Scientology, management feels that they are above
policy, can wave it at their whim and that unusual and cruel punishment is
the ideal way to maintain their dominion on a dwindling church. By
maintaining people in a state of terror and shock, people will be jolted out
of any frame of mind to oppose their desire and do any questioning or seek
to defend their own rights.

I was finally told to get an ethics change or go to the RPF. I then started
to dream up that I had sabotaged every case, plotted to ruin lives and other
gruesome acts, though I was still unable to recall any specific (there being
none). I was therefore assigned to the RPF and assigned Jim Sydejko as an
auditor and Senior. I refused the assignment "as overt-product maker" as it
was per the statement of my C/S, Cram Off and even all my pcs false. I saw
this as a deliberate attempt to break me as Jim Sydejko had been declared
suppressive person a few months earlier by IG Tech himself for missing W/Hs
on a pc who sued the church and created a major flap immediately after in

Having received essentially no correction since then, he was then going to
be my auditor. Needless to say his auditing "wasn't worth the fee." Jim
Sydejko is a lunatic and a fanatic, his thinking is extremely complex and he
is perhaps the best example I know of the degraded level that one sinks
after accepting too much hardship from the church. He is the type of person
who would not bat an eyelash at the though of committing any crime in the
name of the church including murder and accept with no defense the sole
blame for it. He is able to have only one viewpoint: the one he thinks he is
ordered by the church now. It led me to the conviction from an earlier doubt
that I should leave the Church. Also my wife who was very new to Scientology
couldn't agree about all that, and an enforced separation for months or
years. She threatened to leave and create an international incident.

I was ordered onto MEST (hard physical work). The MAA, a 19 year old Mexican
girl who never knew anything but Scientology made it clear that since I was
being fed and berthed I had to provide the FSO with exchange. Never mind the
fact that I had audited over 30,000 hours for them their public or that I
had produced over $100,000.00 VSD in a single week a month before. I had to
work to earn a shabby meal and living in shoddy apartment. I was assigned to
RENO org and was made to work on the demolition of the CB. I was ordered to
carry old timbers to a truck. I was denied any gloves. When I insisted it
was hazardous handling old rough pieces of timber bare hands, I was handed a
pair of stiff filthy gloves that gave me nausea just by looking at the gross
slime that was encrusted onto them. I saw how the purpose was to degrade and
break people. I worked with RPFers and I was shocked at the degree of
debasement they were at. No one tried to be treated humanely, no one
complained at not being given any human rights, that even mass murderers are
granted after being convicted. There was a tremendous amount of filth and
unholy dirt in the dust raised by the demolition of that 80 year old

After 4 hour of such work, I left, having reached my physical limit and
feeling ill. I felt relieved at the thought that had I accepted the RPF
assignment, I would have been unable to quit when exhausted and been coerced
into working until severe illness or worse. Within 24 hours I was acutely
ill. My left leg which was still sensitive after my major accident just 1
1/2 year earlier was swollen and starting to turn purple I saw the MLO. She
informed that the FSO was too broke to pay. I said that since my ailment was
directly related to my having performed work for the church, Workman
Compensation Insurance would be able to cover and the church would be spared
that expense. To my amazement, she replied that the church had not been
paying its premiums and that the insurance had been canceled. I was
flabbergasted to learn that in complete defiance of the law and its
contract, that any and all medical expenses would be borne by I alone. In
fact, later on I found it was a tactic of the church to get foreigners
amongst its staff to return to their own country. of origin to get free
expensive treatments, by falsely stating that they had not left their
country, when in truth they were, US residents and were sent in their
country to get free medical care. (An example of perjuries of that kind is
explained later).

I went to the doctor, a Scientologist who was not ashamed to demand me to
pay $150 for treatment. When you get $30.00 pay, this is no small amount of
money. (Dr Minkoff, at the Countryside clinic in Clearwater). The doctor
marked my scars and purple infection, indicating that unless they had
definitely receded by new AM, I should be admitted to the hospital. I didn't
want to be admitted to the hospital as the church made it clear it wouldn't
cover any of my medical expenses and I would be stuck alone and with no one
to come to my help. My wife had been offloaded and she was ordered off Flag

My wife became emotional about the immoral behaviour of church members who
treated me like an animal and who ordered her to leave Flag and divorce me
without even consulting me. I was myself ordered to DISCONNECT from her and
to DIVORCE her and trust OSA to handle any resulting flaps and to accept my
RPF assignment. I was even locked up in a room with 3 people: the Dir I&R
FSO, the Qual Sec for Staff and the RPF MAA all shouting at me how wonderful
and correct the RPF was. I didn't break and made stronger my resolution to
leave. I knew, for one thing, that no one would raise a finger to protect
the church if my wife attacked it and I would be at total effect and be
completely blamed for it if I accepted that RPF assignment. I knew that
staff are always too busy complying on David Miscavige orders to do their
own job. I requested officially to leave per policy and was met by various
auditors and execs of the FSO and CMO CW (The Int exec had left by then).

I persisted in my request and was coerced in session by Jim Sydejko. After
the auditing was completed and I still persisted, more FPRD, and sec-checks
were ordered. Its only EP would be to accept my RPF assignment. I was sent
to ethics where I was confronted with the auditor's KRs. About 75% of the
KRs were twisted, embellished declarations often with dropped out time,
omitted facts and other key illogics. They would have proven a valid
foundation for an Agatha Christie novel but they bore little resemblance
with the truth. I was then assigned to another auditor, a friend of mine,
the New OT VIII eligibility C/S. I completed all actions, then a compromise
was reached. Since I had physical problems (some coming from my leg injury a
few years earlier, but a lot coming from a combination of being denied
adequate sleep, having very substandard food, gross out-hygiene in the
galley leading to diseases and chronic invalidations from brainwashed S.O.
members), I would take a medical LOA.

I agreed as I felt I needed time and some distance to consider all factors.
I saw the MAA who clearly ordered me to divorce my wife as part of the
handling. Having completed all steps, I left. I didn't complete the routing
form as it would have likely meant more sessions and I would never be
coerced into writing a success story for this cycle. I was out of time as
the visa of my wife was expiring in a matter of days and I had no money to
live in the USA. I planned to see my parents in Canada. My father was ill. I
had been refused an annual LOA for 10 years and I hadn't seen my parents
during that time despite my desiring to do so. (Most tech and Qual staff at
Flag were prevented from annual LOAs since 1982. (Except for Immigration
problems and death in the family all annual LOAs were routinely refused for
auditors). Basically, because Snr C/S Int (John Eastment who was later
demoted to Snr C/S FSO (The FSO covered the demotion by saying we now have
Snr C/S Int being our Snr C/S) said something against me, many FSO staff
turned against me and I was summarily judged and executed (instead of
bullets in front of a firing squad, the FSO use public humiliation, broad
publications against oneself and forbid one to read or defend himself. What
John Estment uttered against me was published by CMO CW and HCC) FSO
verbatim with no proof or even Scientology, or justice procedures. All my
protests were taken as a declaration that Scientology didn't work. As a
result the deputy Snr C/S Div 4, Ann Glushakow screamed at me that I had
false reported on my W/S and shouted at the top of her lungs to confess, as
it could kill people on L-10. The fact that I didn't falsify any W/S was
unacceptable because Snr Management who never even talked to me on the
matter, said it to be so.

Q8a) Have you experienced any of the following mental or emotional symptoms
while in Scientology or since you left Scientology?

* "Floating" in and out of altered (dissociative) states of mind
* nightmares
* amnesia
* hallucinations or delusions
* Scientology-related phobias (e.g., fears that you won't be successful
or will get sick or go insane)

A) Yes, because, I was thoroughly indoctrinated that the WOG world is only a
step into the black pit of oblivion. A class XII, the worst one though (Jo
Struthers) wrote me chit calling me a Degraded being and ranting that I was
going mad because I left "THE ONLY GROUP CAPABLE OF HELPING MAN". I found it
interesting to see that the average recovery from Scientology was 24 months
and I left 23 months ago.

Also the fact was that when I looked for a job I knew no one who was not a
Scientologist and I had no experience in anything but Scientology. My wife
got worse after the purif. Since the purif, she has had hormonal disorders
she stopped having her period despite no pregnancy and she felt upset.
Scientific evidence reveals that in numerous cases megadoses of vitamins and
niacin will impair one's endocrine system. My wife had taken no drugs of any
kind warranting the mandatory. cleansing of her body from toxins so she
could get spiritual gain. It was enforced on her. Her adverse reaction to
megadoses of vitamins and high sauna temperatures was taken as proof of Drug
reaction turned on by the purif. A lunatic viewpoint is that the EP of the
purif is the person stating his body is free from toxins etc. How can a
person adjudicate a medical fact (the presence or absence of toxins in his
body) by a cognition alone? The person has read the bulletin and the EP
before he does the rundown. When he is tired of it, it is so simple to state
the EP and save a few days of torture. Doctors she consulted have voiced the
opinion that a program like the purif with its megadoses of vitamins could
have caused her imbalance. My wife had no prior history of endocrine
troubles before the purif. Her medical records in Bulgaria can attest to

* inability to break mental rhythms or repetitive thought loops
* violent outbursts
* suicidal or self destructive thoughts
* recurring depression and self depreciating thoughts
* inability to work
* difficulty making decisions for yourself
* general inability to compete tasks
* difficulty reading, studying or focusing
* other (please describe)

Q8b) Why do you believe the symptoms or health problems mentioned in #8 or
#8a are related to your experience with Scientology?

Please describe any knowledge you have of the following.

Q9) Anyone who had to be hospitalized because of their involvement with

A) I add here a related question of interest: people who have their death
related directly or indirectly to Scientology. I give here the story of 2
plane crashes. Tom Clay was a scientologist from San Francisco. He was
married to Nancy and they had two beautiful boys. I had first met Tom on the
Flag world tour in 1976. In 1978 as I was looking for two raw pc on my NED
course, I audited both of his sons. I do not recall their first names but I
was impressed by the older one who was only 12 year old and confessed having
taken that lifetime "LSD, mescaline, Heroin, Cocaine, Hashish and
marijuana." I couldn't believe how such an innocent looking boy (he looked
like the young actor McCauley in the movie Home Alone) with both parents
fervent Scientologists, how could he have loaded himself with such drugs.

A few years later, Tom who was a pilot took a plane, taking his children
with him on a visit (both him and his wife were estranged by then and she
had a lot to say against him since her divorce). I believe it was around
Lake Tahoe. The plane crashed killing father and sons instantly. It was only
years later that I learn the sad story as I was FESing Nancy's folder. I
have since audited her but never revealed to her that I had known her
husband or children. She is now OT VIII. She remarried later to a man of
whom I forgot the name. He was and possibly still is staff at the white
house. I remember reading in her files that her new husband was in an ideal
position to have influenced at the white house as he had an important post
"very close" to the president of the United States. At any rate about her
children death, Nancy felt considerable remorse to have allowed them to go
on that plane with with Tom, when he was disaffected and psychotic per her
saying (He was OT V). She felt after the accident that he had voluntarily
taken his life and his children with him to get back at her.

In winter, around 1984, an Air Florida DC-9 took off from Washington airport
bound for Tampa. The de-icing mechanism of the plane was faulty. As a result
the plane speed was definitely too low for take-off. Instead of believing
his instruments and aborting the take-off, the pilot went ahead stating: "It
does not look right". The plane stalled and came down crashing its tail on
the Potomac River bridge squashing 3 cars flatter than pancakes before
plummeting into the icy river. Only 3 passengers survived. It was
sensational news in Tampa-Clearwater area as most of its passengers were
from those cities. Only years later did I learn by studying reports and
folders that the pilot was a Scientologist who was not doing well on the
bridge at the time of the accident. His wife was a pc at Flag and used most
of her insurance money to pay for FSO services.

Very little publicity was made of the fact that the first Solo Nots
completion Betty Filisky died of cancer at age 57, less than two years after
attesting. In 1988, I was considered to be amongst the very best Flag
auditors. Betty Filisky had advanced cancer and I was assigned to audit her.
The desire was to avoid a PR flap should it be known that the first Solo
Nots completion was also the first completion to die. I audited her
extensively in Clearwater both at the hospital and in a private motel room
(It was considered out PR to have her at the FLB: for one she was an illegal
pc per policy and also she looked like someone who is dying). I audited her
until she had a remission and she felt a lot better. 2 months later, she
lapsed in coma and was dead 4 days later. The key handlings on the cases by
the church was A) to keep it quiet that Betty Filisky had died of cancer at
age 57 after being the first recognized Solo Nots completion. B) Punish all
her past auditors and C/Ses for out-tech. C) Put all FSO tech and Qual go
into a state of terror at the idea that one of their pc could ever go badly
in the future and make them ready to take any measure sane or insane to
prevent any flap involving their ex-pcs. As a small parenthesis, Betty
Filisky lived in Arkansas, Bill Clinton's state. It would be a possibility
of some link of her husband or associate having infiltrated Little Rock
Capitol. Blackmail from knowledge of dirty money used by Clinton would have
been the perfect tool to coerce the IRS submission and shut up DOJ for at
least the Clinton administration. A theory based on a few articles published
by Little Rock newspapers, but without serious proof.

Gloria Newmeyer is a rich and successful woman from California who is an IAS
Patron (she's paid over $100,000) and has been an important member of WISE.
Prior to Scientology she was an alcoholic. Since on the OT levels and while
on the long level of Solo NOTS she never once took a glass containing
alcohol. After attesting to Solo Nots, she took the plane back home and got
drunk on the plane. The Church decided to make a scandal out of this affair
and went on the rampage to harass her and her past auditors and C/S's. She
started to get drunk and got under threat of expulsion, ordered to report to

I was penalized for having given her her Solo Nots completion check. I had
been forbidden to take my day off on the day she attested as I was at the
time the only auditor at Flag authorised by Snr C/S hat to deliver Solo Nots
EP checks and also a Solo Nots completion was worth 200 paid completion
points (Major services were otherwise worth a maximum of 40 points). I
delivered the check standardly and made no misses but the search for easy
scapegoats found me as a likely victim. I audited her on her return and she
was sent to the MAA.

Contrary to auditors who are veteran Scientologists, ministers of the church
and well versed in Scientology and even common sense, MAAs have tended to be
robots with essentially no training, anxious to comply to management orders
rather than LRH policy or common sense. Gloria got violently upset at the
indications and bizarre handling from the MAA. She went psychotic, and was
held against her will in a room at the Fort Harrisson. She escaped and went
to a hotel on the beach and drank a whole 40 oz bottle of Vodka and passed
out. She started to act incoherently in the lobby of the hotel and the
police invoked the Baker act and ordered her institutionalized in a mental
hospital for "observation" for 48 hours. Once again I was ordered to pick up
the pieces and to audit her. She was sent again to the MAA after more
auditing. The MAA made her spin by repeating how out-ethics she was and that
despite having paid for it she would not be able to do OT VIII for years.
Per my observation, the threat of being denied doing OT VIII after they had
paid for it and been promised it, has been the number one cause of OT VII
completions going psychotic. I know of 6 such instances.

Q10) Any celebrities in or out of Scientology who have had similar symptoms
or experiences.

A) A very rich woman from Italy (she was the first patron Meritorious,
because she had donated one million dollars to the IAS), Adriana
Saltamerenda was married but being divorced from her husband of whom I
forgot the name. He was the equivalent of Johnny Carson on Italian TV. After
Scientology coerced into divorcing him, he became rabidly antagonistic to
Scientology. Adrianna was seen as little more than a gullible income
producer and she became increasingly upset with MAAs and registrars at Flag.
She was often treated like dirt and finally threatened to blow and demand a
full refund of all monies paid (close to 2 million dollars, probably much of
it put into Scientology coffers by violating Italy currency control laws).

I did handle her. She was kept locked up in her room for a while but I
managed to cool her down. In fact by that time, I was considered by her the
only trustworthy terminal at Flag and by FSO staff, the only person capable
of handling really upset and threatening Italian and Spanish speaking
public. Ingo Swann became famous in the 1970's for his paranormal abilities
to exteriorize with full perceptions. He also showed abilities similar to
Uri Geller. He went somewhat psychotic at Flag in 1977 or 78. It was all
blamed on CIA experiments. He left the Church thereafter. Several books were
published after him. The wife of world famous sculptor Alexander Calder was
audited at Flag, but heavy disagreements about forcing her to pay more money
got her upset. She was very old and is likely dead of old age by now. She
received auditing at Flag in 1979.

The following are celebrities who left the Church. I add it here as there is
no specific question about it and I wasn't on tech lines at the time. I was
on Estates front lines and I got to know most of the them to a degree. Lou
Rawls, famous singer, did badly in his auditing. He had a gold record and
still sings. He blew from Scientology around 1979, when he had a hit on
Billboard top ten. The singers of a Canadian group called Edward Bear had a
big big hit in 1970, "The last song", one of the top 10 hits in Canada that
year. The original gold record award was even in the lobby of the Church of
Scientology of Toronto at 124 Avenue Road, before the building was
completely razed by a fire started by a child playing with matches next to
flammable liquids. (There were no casualties, but most pc folders and
documents were burned. The boy at 9. was possibly the youngest person to
ever be declared an SP. Since his parents were devout Scientologists, they
would have to disconnect from him to not be declared themselves). John
Brodie became world famous as quarter back for the 49ers. He and his family
were Flag public. They left the church around 1981. The man who owned
Pizza-Hut in 1978 (I forgot his name) was also a Flag public. He left the
church in 1982.

Omaya Alghanim was the son of one the five richest sheiks of Kuwait. He was
getting audited at Flag from Class XII's. He was very friendly with Liz
Gablehouse (who was LRH personal PRO until she left the church in 1982). He
left at the same time she did. I have always been puzzled why Clint Eastwood
has been mentioned as a Scientologist, yet he is never mentioned in official
publications. Either he is a blown Scientologist or afraid to be recognized
as one. Julia Migenes Johnson was turning sour against Scientology in 1989.
She was threatening to go public against them. She was nattery. She was
cooled off by being given the International Freedom award at an IAS event,
even though she had done very little in the year before and in fact had
uttered several anti-Scientology statements publicly.

Also, look at the following story to show what the church is willing to
subject any of its members to, in order to buy off a celebrity gratitude. in
1989, an order came from RTC to assign their best see-checker to Jervis
Johnson (ex-husband of Julia Migenes) because he refused to comply with an
illegal order from OSA Int. His ex-wife, one of Scientology's top
celebrities, was nattery, critical and threatening to turn against the
church. There were many reports about her disaffection, several from another
public who is a famous script writer (Jeffrey Scott). Earlier that year when
the Johnson's daughter was visiting her father, she sneaked up on him while
he was in the shower. The father using what he understood of Scientology (he
is a CL VIII auditor), decided not to frighten her off by protesting and did
not get involved in any immoral acts. Shortly after, when the little girl
mentioned seeing her father naked, her mother immediately called her lawyer
demanding the father be denied all his visitation rights. OSA Int solution
was to make the father quietly sign papers giving up all his rights. He
refused, arguing he had done nothing wrong, his wife had M/W/Hs
manifestations galore, and he wanted to see his daughter again. OSA Int
threatened to declared him if he didn't comply but the father was adamant.
He was ordered off Solo-Nots and to Flag for sec-checking.

I was denied my own day off even if I was very upstat as Snr C/S Int himself
had picked me as the auditor for that job. The stated EP of that 2 days
sec-check (the father couldn't be absent more than 2 days due to his work)
would be his complying with the order from OSA Int Chief off and CO. I did
the most thorough job that could be done but he didn't change his mind. It
is my opinion that only auditor code breaks could have swayed him from his
original decision. Despite the ominous threat from OSA reprisal, I refused
to violate any of the rules of auditing. He left Flag happy with my auditing
but still wanting his visitation rights. Another auditor was sent to his
home in LA but to no avail. RTC ordered me to lengthy sec-checks on "Similar
of my own" to his non-existent overt of child molestation. I was token off
an incomplete repair correction in my auditing in order to comply with that
order. Except for whole track dub-in, I wasn't able to find anything, but
the auditing actions I had been winning on were interrupted and I was
ordered to write a success story. in compliance to that order, as a
prerequisite to my staying on post. Later on when I expressed my
disagreement with this RTC cram, I was removed from post. The charge: being
critical of RTC during rudiments. The Judge found none of the acts of the
father to be incorrect and the complaints of the mother unfounded. No flap
for the Church occurred.

Since were are on the subject of celebrities and that I see no question
clearly; asking for this stuff which could prove useful. A person who did OT
VIII had for father the president of the World Bank. To my surprise, there
was not the slightest objection to her going up the bridge. At Flag there is
a rich Italian woman with an Arab looking 12 year old son. Her last name is
Loredana. Few people know her except for the fact that she always pays a
class XII at $1000 or more per hour and pays $5000 a week for accommodations
at Flag. Once she paid for catering service for the FSO S.O. celebration
where caviar, lobster, truffles, were part of the menu (I was told that
nearly $100,000 of her money was spent on it) She never needs to work. Her
son only travels in a stretched limousine with a chauffeur. She makes
"donations" in the 6 figure ranges, monthly. She sometimes wears a five
carat diamond around her neck. In fact her husband's wealth would have, when
it was at his highest, made Bill Gates look like a pauper.

His name slipped out of my mind for the moment but in the late 60's or early
70's a book was published titled "Richest Man in the World". In it one sees
many pictures of lovely Loredana and her husband, the number one weapon
dealer in the world, the richest man on earth. Apparently he has only been
allowed to get basic auditing and I even overheard his auditor (the husband
of Loredana's only auditor) talking about his auditing in a very demeaning
manner, laughing at his experiences in prison. He came to visit Flag in late
1991 or early 1992 with his full contingent of bodyguards. A Spanish pc of
mine told me that he is very well known in Spain where he is continually
featured in magazines dealing with celebrities as this Arab millionaire
frequently visit his mansion in southern Spain.

Q11) Any persons who were "baby watched" or subjected to isolation orders
because they became psychotic or suicidal.

A) I witnessed several Flag public being detained against their will after
they were locked in a room after going type III. The main concern was not
the well being of the person but the fear of a PR flap and the knowledge
that the senior execs from Int would give horrible punishment to all those
who had had a prior involvement in that pc's case. For that reason, many
staff were ready to break any laws to subdue the now crazy public person. I
can recall without effort 5 specific cases where I was a witness to public
attempting to flee but being brutally prevented from doing so. I know of
many more but as hearsay. Those cases I saw with my own eyes and heard with
my own ears. One was a businessman from France in his mid 30's. He went
lunatic after attesting to Solo Nots. He repeatedly tried to leave the room
where he was locked up at the Hacienda in Clearwater. He was jumped on and
even slightly injured once in his struggle to go out. I delivered him the
Introspection Rundown. He was hallucinating. He was seeing flying saucers
everywhere and was convinced WWIII had actually begun. His name is Christian

Another was a woman, a field auditor from Switzerland, she went into a full
blown paranoia-persecution fit 2 days after attesting OT VII (her Solo Nots
completion number was no 107, which got later given to someone else). She
was held at the Sand Castle against her will for several weeks. One day she
managed to escape from her guard (Susan Hughes, wife of Chief of Security
Flag Land Base) and went to the police station but she was so incoherent and
hardly knew a word of English, (her main worry was that we were giving her
AIDS) that no action was taken. I audited her on the Introspection Rundown
and on sec-checks. Her husband flew in to escort her home after she was made
to sign affidavits in her incoherent state. Her name is Marylin Stuckly.

Roxanne Friend, which I didn't audit but her auditor was my co-auditor at
the time, went utterly and violently psychotic a year after attesting to
Solo Nots. She was held against her will in a room at the Hacienda in
Clearwater according to the reports (which I personally read) of both the
auditor, (Jim Sydejko, CL XII) and her guard (a Flag trained Class VI), her
behaviour was very similar to the girl possessed by the devil in the Movie
"The Exorcist". She would even masturbate herself without shame in front of
her male guards. One night she screamed at one of her guards "FUCK ME!" and
went into a catatonic fit. (Many details were provided to me by Jim Sydejko,
her auditor who also was my co-auditor and by one of her guards, Andrea
Galbiati. She later managed to escape to California and her auditor was
ordered to pursue her.

Another one, a businessman from Italy in his 50's went completely paranoid
after auditing from a Class IV at Flag. Being very rich, he was made to pay
for CL XII rates which corresponded to close to $1000.00 per hour. He was
hallucinating, imagining that his wife who was in her early 40's was not
only cheating on him but was having sexual intercourse with various S.O.
members each time she was out of his sight. He went so far as barging into
her sessions (she was on a Flag internship) being convinced that she was
committing adultery with her male pc in the small cubicle she audited in. I
audited him from that time on. He made some improvements but a year later,
his wife reported his acting too irrational. Once at Flag, he became violent
to his wife and was ordered into isolation against his will. I audited him
in a safe house in Belleair Beach, Florida, where he repeatedly attempted to
escape. He did not know that the house was being paid out of his own pocket,
his wife illegally authorising the debiting of his bank account. The rent
was $2500 a month.

Once, I witnessed him being savagely jumped on as he attempted to flee. His
guard removed all door handles inside the house and discovered that the
public had hidden a screw-driver. In the struggle to seize the screwdriver
from him, his arm was injured. Several months passed and he was showing few
signs of stable improvement and was frequently non-sequitur even in session.
Finally, his sister, brother and mother flew from Italy as they couldn't
tolerate his lateness of several months and his being kept incommunicado.
His business was falling apart and was in danger by his failing to sign
legal papers and tax forms. He eventually left and I was called upon to do a
PR handling on his family in liaison with OSA, as I was highly trained and
knew Italian perfectly. His name is Mauro Cinquepalmi. I have the phone
number of his wife, himself and his brother. They only speak Italian. I
suggest I would be their contact point, as they all respect me.

A staff member from Italy started to dramatize psychosis heavily after being
exposed to some OT materials in the SO-1 unit. She was locked up and given
some auditing by interns. She attempted suicide several times and blew the
FLB. When found to be raving mad by Clearwater policemen, they invoked the
Baker act and locked her up for several days. A few days after her release,
and her return in Italy, she jumped from the 3rd floor. She became
permanently and totally handicapped as a result from this failed suicide
attempt. Being highly trained, I read many sessions C/Sed by LRH for XDN, CL
VIII, OT III repairs, L-10,11,12, when the person had become psychotic, even
suicidal. Most of L-11 for instance was developed from the case of a staff
member who had become intensely and violently psychotic on the Apollo. (In
C/S 22 LRH mentions that a CL XI has a different approach to handle
psychosis). After all throughout those materials, LRH boasts that he has the
cure to insanity. Unfortunately checking into the later track of all those
pcs, one finds the bulk of them, far from being the Supermen they were made
to attest to, were for the most part later declared SP, showed very
aberrated behaviour and failed as execs.

The original psychotic out of whom L-11 was derived was named Peggy McCall
and her auditor was Liese Klingsvall. According to the case history she had
been found to be raving hostile remarks against LRH and had been "violent"
(no specifics). LRH invented from the top of his head a process later known
as C/S series 37R claiming she would be permanently cured of her insanity by
it. After auditing that action and a few other steps (which is textually
L-11 as given today) she was made to attest and offloaded. This shows that a
powerful rundown claimed to cure insanity, was piloted on ONE person beside
LRH doing it solo on himself before being labeled as "fully researched and
vindicated". The name of the pc on whom L-11 is based is Peggy McCall who
went crazy and was locked up on the Apollo in 1971.

Q12) Anyone not already reported on our January questionnaire who ever
threatened, attempted or committed suicide in any way related to Scientology

A) Another person from Quebec (Laurent Theberge) who was a class IV auditor
attempted suicide 3 times AFTER TRAINING to Class IV. He was sent to do the
purif at Flag. In those days, no check was made of the pc folders if a
person merely wanted to do the purif. He went utterly lunatic mid Purif. He
started to act utterly incoherent and and tore the big picture of LRH in the
Fort Harrison lobby. This was April 1980. I was ordered to escort him along
with his co-auditor (Roger Veilleux) to Canada. Doctor Jaconello, from
Toronto, a flag public on OT levels, also escorted him. He sedated him, to
keep him quiet on the plane and the person in charge of the cycle (of whom I
forgot the name) had no qualms about cashing the unused return ticket of the
somnolent person to compensate the church. He almost didn't get the refund
as the person acted insanely, endorsing the ticket "Laurent Theberge, L. Ron
Hubbard with love and affection forever" and the clerk almost called the
police as the person was plainly incoherent. He was eventually escorted all
the way to Quebec City. I stayed in Montreal where my parents lived.

In Lyon there is a big court case going on right now because Patrick Vick,
30 committed suicide after making his company insolvent from paying several
hundred thousands of dollars to Scientology.

As stated earlier, Albert Jacquier attempted suicide after attesting OT VII
and being denied OT VIII after he'd paid for it and been promised. He became
intensely depressed and stated he wanted to die. He fell from his big Harley
motorcycle and badly injured himself. He refused to go to the hospital. Part
of his upset was his wife of many years leaving him for another man after
she had attested to OT VII. I audited him in his home in Dunedin, Florida.
He was very sour that the church would allow people who had stolen his money
to get their services and that no one except his auditors seemed to care.
Note on all these people I am considered to be a completely trustworthy
terminal and it is my belief that for these and many other ex-scientologists
(especially OTs and influential people) will listen to me and follow my

Q13) Any scientology-related coercion to induce already weakened, infirm or
ill persons to buy dangerous additional Scientology services, commit
suicide, or speed their own deaths by abandoning normal medical practices
for economic, convenience, or security or political reasons.

A) Yes, when I was in San Francisco or Sacramento in 1976, I recall an old
man Ed or Howard Pughes being made to pay the totality of his savings for
Flag services. He was an 82 year old man who knew he had little time to live
and he was made to spend all of his money in a few months. The main motive
was: to get money. I recall the registrar (Felice Brand) saying: "He is a
sweet old man who wants to give us all of his money before he dies." As
stated earlier, the priest in Lyon and the nurse in Paris exploited the
terminatedly ill to sway them into paying money to Scientology.

Q14) Any psychological or physical damage caused to anyone else that could
be related to receiving Scientology services.

A) Yes in 1989, a man named Rogers, from Vancouver, B.C. (his wile was Irene
Rogers who is a very active OT in the area and has ties to people in the
stock market. (Incidentally, before I forget, once I audited a pc at Flag
whose father was the president of the World Bank, I forgot her name, but it
would be a string to pull to discover Scientology banking activities.)

As a small unrelated anecdote. once in 1979, I audited a young fellow living
in Mexico and bearing the family name of Castro. When jokingly asking '"Are
you related to Fidel?" his reply was "yes, he is my uncle!"

Mr. Rogers was auditing away on OT VII at home. Since all OTs believe that
their ailments are only caused by spiritual factors or other beings, he
neglected to get any medical attention even when he experienced extreme
dizziness, pains in the chest and along the arms and trouble to breathe. An
experienced doctor would have been able to diagnose those as minor heart
attacks. But since all disease at the OT VII level is wholly explained in
the mind of Pre-OTs as unflat OT V, he continued to audit daily and never
called the doctor. On a fatidic day in November or December 1989, he felt an
acute overpowering pain in the heart, the area kept on reading, he kept
auditing it using the technique of the level. (I read the actual W/Ses). He
then had a major and FATAL stroke. A few hour later, Irene, his wife
returned home and discovered his lifeless body lying on the floor amidst his
solo Nots worksheets (she was an OT VII completion herself). She carefully
hid them and avoided any mention of it to the police (Obstruction of
Justice). Therefore a proof exist that people can and have died in session
on OT levels. The recommended technical handling at Flag was to punish his
past C/Ses for allowing him with "Unflat earlier levels and sec-checks on).

Incidentally, a little known fact is that more than one third of the people
who have started to audit on OT VII have blown the level, many have blown
Scientology and several times Snr C/S Int and IG tech came to brief solo
Nots staff that the biggest threat to Scientology was that so many people
had blown the level. Romano Romanini had a major stroke 6 months after
attesting to OT VIII. He had been a Cadillac pc all along, had never been
overweight and had a stroke at age 40. He remained partially paralyzed in a
leg as a result. Past auditors and C/S were blame as the sole source.


Tilman Hausherr

no leída,
28 dic 1996, 3:00:0028/12/96

In <5a3eqb$>, (Rod Keller) wrote:

>A CMO Int mission was sent to handle and a new OT V who was as well my
>friend and pc was ordered REIMBURSED of ALL HIS IAS DONATIONS. (Note CMO Int
>ORDERED the IAS to reimburse and it is the only case I know of where IAS
>donations were refunded.

This was also done with Heilig and Foullois. $2,000,000 refunded. These
two were the first and only "Patron Gold Meritorious".

>In winter, around 1984, an Air Florida DC-9 took off from Washington airport
>bound for Tampa. The de-icing mechanism of the plane was faulty. As a result
>the plane speed was definitely too low for take-off. Instead of believing
>his instruments and aborting the take-off, the pilot went ahead stating: "It
>does not look right". The plane stalled and came down crashing its tail on
>the Potomac River bridge squashing 3 cars flatter than pancakes before
>plummeting into the icy river. Only 3 passengers survived. It was
>sensational news in Tampa-Clearwater area as most of its passengers were
>from those cities. Only years later did I learn by studying reports and
>folders that the pilot was a Scientologist who was not doing well on the
>bridge at the time of the accident. His wife was a pc at Flag and used most
>of her insurance money to pay for FSO services.

This is the Wheaton case. His widow donated much money to scientology,
she actually tried to donate the money that belonged to her children's
future. The court-appointed attorney for the children had to sue to get
the money back. She is a patron of the IAS. See Wheaton's communication

Pettit: That doesn't seem right, does it? Ah, that's not right. Well...

Wheaton: Yes it is, there's eighty.

Petit: Naw, I don't think that's right. Ah, maybe it is.

Wheaton: Hundred and twenty.

Pettit: I don't know.

Wheaton: Vee one. Easy. Vee two . . . Forward, forward! Easy! We
only want five hundred. Come on, forward. Forward. Just barely climb!

Pettit: Larry, we're going down. Larry.

Wheaton: I know it.

The last sound is that of the crash.

Funny is that of all the people who saw the TV movie, probably almost
none knows that the pilot of a scientologist.

>A) A very rich woman from Italy (she was the first patron Meritorious,
>because she had donated one million dollars to the IAS), Adriana

This is incorrect. Patron Meritorious is "only" $250,000.

>was not the slightest objection to her going up the bridge. At Flag there is
>a rich Italian woman with an Arab looking 12 year old son. Her last name is
>Loredana. Few people know her except for the fact that she always pays a
>class XII at $1000 or more per hour and pays $5000 a week for accommodations
>at Flag. Once she paid for catering service for the FSO S.O. celebration
>where caviar, lobster, truffles, were part of the menu (I was told that
>nearly $100,000 of her money was spent on it) She never needs to work. Her
>son only travels in a stretched limousine with a chauffeur. She makes
>"donations" in the 6 figure ranges, monthly. She sometimes wears a five
>carat diamond around her neck. In fact her husband's wealth would have, when
>it was at his highest, made Bill Gates look like a pauper.
>His name slipped out of my mind for the moment but in the late 60's or early
>70's a book was published titled "Richest Man in the World". In it one sees
>many pictures of lovely Loredana and her husband, the number one weapon
>dealer in the world, the richest man on earth. Apparently he has only been
>allowed to get basic auditing and I even overheard his auditor (the husband
>of Loredana's only auditor) talking about his auditing in a very demeaning
>manner, laughing at his experiences in prison. He came to visit Flag in late
>1991 or early 1992 with his full contingent of bodyguards. A Spanish pc of
>mine told me that he is very well known in Spain where he is continually
>featured in magazines dealing with celebrities as this Arab millionaire
>frequently visit his mansion in southern Spain.

From the description this is Laura Biancolini, wife of Adnan Khashoggi.
But the name doesn't match. The age of the son matches.


Tilman Hausherr

no leída,
1 ene 1997, 3:00:001/1/97

>does not look right". The plane stalled and came down crashing its tail on
>the Potomac River bridge squashing 3 cars flatter than pancakes before
>plummeting into the icy river.

After the crash, Howard Stern placed a call to the airline and asked how
much it cost to buy a one-way ticket to D.C.'s 14th Street Bridge.
According to one WWW page, he was fired; according to another, he was
almost fired.

Amazing coincidence: I just saw a re-run of the movie. Weird feeling...

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