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Marmora council rejects drug treatment centre - Narconon

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2002年12月3日 中午12:16:542002/12/3

Marmora council rejects drug treatment centre
4-0 vote against rezoning application
By Jeremy Ashley
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 - 10:00

Local News - MARMORA — Before a town hall packed with close to 125
people, council here unanimously denied a rezoning application that
would allow a former motel to house a drug treatment centre.

The move followed a special rezoning hearing Monday night, called to
allow those opposed and in favour of allowing Narconon to legally
continue in the former Treelawny Hotel.

Narconon is a drug rehabilitation program with close ties to the
Church of Scientology and utilizes the methods of Scientology founder
L. Ron Hubbard. The establishment of a Narconon facility in Marmora
has caused huge rifts in segments of the community, 40 km northwest of

After almost two hours of public deputations regarding the
application, council, in a recorded vote of 4-0 voted in favor of
denying the application to rezone the site.

...Rumours circulating in the tight-knit community of 1,500 soon
turned into public outcry when it came to light that the property was
not properly zoned to house a drug rehabilitation centre.

Eventually, following a number of letters and phone calls to local
newspapers and Marmora councillors, Luthra was forced to apply to
rezone the motel as a commercial property with a specific use.

Both sides squared off in front of council, Monday, with seven
deputations speaking in favour of the application while 14 spoke

On one side, proponents of the endeavor — six of whom were from the
Toronto area — told of the benefits of the program and attempted to
dispel rumours that Narconon would not only bring an influx of
criminal activity to the area, but that the operation is an attempt by
the Church of Scientology to infiltrate the region.

In opposition, Marmora residents — who presented a petition with more
than 350 names of locals opposed to the application — rallied against
the establishment, saying the program would have a negative effect on
the area by effectively labeling the region a "drug treatment centre"
for outsiders.

"We will be taking this to the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board)," pledged
Penny Luthra following the decision.

..During the meeting, her father Devinder — a devout Sikh — said he
bought the property because he "wanted to bring peace and harmony and
revenue to this town."

He claimed he purchased the property with the intent of establishing
the centre only after extensively researching Narconon.

"I am not a Scientologist... I am not a part of Scientology," the
Toronto businessman added. "I like the way they treat their
patients... I want to do some good work for this society."

...A number of Scientology and Narconon supporters insisted Narconon
is an arm's length organization of Scientology.

Reverend Al Buttnor of the Office of Public Affairs of the Church of
Scientology rose to say what was before council "was only a zoning
issue," and councillors were not called to make a judgment either on
Narconon or Scientology.

...Buttnor went on to say "there aren't any hidden agendas," with the
establishment of the Narconon program in Marmora, and attempted to
dispel myths that the "Scientologists are buying up the community...
this is just terrible rhetoric.

"If the community does have a concern, the town council can appoint
townspeople to come into the facility at any time. The bottom line
here is that we're here to help people."

Buttnor's comments were echoed by many who took the stand after him,
including Toronto businessman Julian Hay, a Scientologist who was a
12-year heroin addict before entering the Narconon program close to 20
years ago.

He spoke of the program's natural approach to drug rehabilitation,
which includes exercise, proper eating and vitamin supplements.

"Narconon is completely non-denominational," he said. "It doesn't
recognize a religious philosophy — it's about getting people off of

Those opposed to the application quickly lined up to be heard from the

...Local Ted Bonter said the establishment of Narconon "contributes
nothing to the betterment of this community," and suggested Devinder
reopen the facility as a motel.

"This thing has evolved from under the table — it was a smoke-screen
from the beginning, and is tonight," he said as the room filled with

Stuart Newton said the community "does not want to be known as a drug
treatment centre," to outsiders.

Following the meeting, Devinder did not say when he would be filing an
official appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board regarding the rezoning

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