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Dictators/Furious George

84 vistas
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no leída,
15 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.15/10/96

That's right, the grand-fathers of punk are playing with the Dictators.
DOh! Anyway, come see us at Coney Island High this Friday. In New YOrk
City. I think we go on around 10 or so. Call the club. What do I know.
PUnk rock.


no leída,
15 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.15/10/96

FuryGeo wrote:
> That's right, the grand-fathers of punk are playing with the Dictators.
While visiting a friend in NYC this spring, I walked past Coney Island
High. The very idea that the Dictators will be playing a show inside a
building I walked past 6 months ago gives me a boner the size of a


no leída,
15 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.15/10/96

On Tue, 15 Oct 1996 02:42:42 -0500 wrote:
>The very idea that the Dictators will be playing a show >inside a
>building I walked past 6 months ago gives me a boner the >size of a

shit can i get yer number.


no leída,
16 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.16/10/96

In article <> writes:

> FuryGeo wrote:
> >
> > That's right, the grand-fathers of punk are playing with the Dictators.
> While visiting a friend in NYC this spring, I walked past Coney Island

> High. The very idea that the Dictators will be playing a show inside a

> building I walked past 6 months ago gives me a boner the size of a
> surfboard.
> Fyodor

What about the fact that Furious George are(were) gonna play there?
Some people *cry*, overcome with emotion, when they meet Mr. Tabb you

And now it's not even gonna happen. Oh well, so much for your boner.


Mykel Board

no leída,
17 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.17/10/96
para (Joanie) wrote:

>What about the fact that Furious George are(were) gonna play there?
>Some people *cry*, overcome with emotion, when they meet Mr. Tabb you

I reply:

What I wanna know is how George manages to get all these attractive 13
year old boys to follow him around? Is it the collogne?


Evan Cohen

no leída,
17 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.17/10/96

On Oct 16, 1996 12:17:38 in article <Re: Dictators/Furious George>,

' (Joanie)' wrote:

>icle <>
> writes:
>> FuryGeo wrote:
>> >
>> > That's right, the grand-fathers of punk are playing with the
>> While visiting a friend in NYC this spring, I walked past Coney

>> High. The very idea that the Dictators will be playing a show inside a
>> building I walked past 6 months ago gives me a boner the size of a
>> surfboard.
>> Fyodor

>What about the fact that Furious George are(were) gonna play there?
>Some people *cry*, overcome with emotion, when they meet Mr. Tabb you

>And now it's not even gonna happen. Oh well, so much for your boner.


it IS happening....Coney Island High is back in business, and everything is
back to the way it was....and FURIOUS GEORGE will be playing there this
friday with The Dictators, Prissteens, and's true, the dictators
are playing their only NYC show this friday....but unfortunately, FURIOUS
GEORGE will continue to play out in nyc and other points nearby...stay
tuned to this station for more details....


Poopy Me

no leída,
18 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.18/10/96

Dammit, the coney is back open. Read the posts. Furious George is still
playing with the dictators tonight!

Ericka :o)


no leída,
18 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.18/10/96

In <545ek5$> (Mykel
Board) writes:
> (Joanie) wrote:
>>What about the fact that Furious George are(were) gonna play there?
>>Some people *cry*, overcome with emotion, when they meet Mr. Tabb you
>I reply:
>What I wanna know is how George manages to get all these attractive 13
>year old boys to follow him around? Is it the collogne?
Many have asked, "What is a collogne? Certainly the person who bills
himself as a world class linguist couldn't possibly be mispelling the
word cologne!" And of course the answer is no. Collogne is the term for
those venerable souls who require the contant presence of persons
vastly younger than themselves to maintain the illusion of personal
superiority. The word can be used in a sentence thusly: "Why is it
collogne always smell like an unwashed ass? Are their bags leaking?"
And there are some collogne who find young 'uns sexually attractive.
They're called short-eyed collogne.


no leída,
19 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.19/10/96

Joanie wrote:

> And now it's not even gonna happen. Oh well, so much for your boner.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa ... Furious George is not gonna happen? Or the
Dictators is not? Or the whole thing? What is the status of the
Dictators at this point in time? Any news would be really interesting...



"The Party Starts NOW!!!"


no leída,
20 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.20/10/96

John Crawford i wish i lived in california so i could bend u over and make
you scream like the brat you are. Look at yourself there is some old
saying that says look at yourself before you criticize. Ok you sit around
and type nonesense about people and make cartoons making fun of people and
pointing out thier flaws. You complain about someones superiority look at
you all you do all day is draw people in comics pointing out thier flaws
so you can feel superior to them. Gee, could it be cuase you wish you had
half the influence Tim Yohannon has had on people? Or is it the fct of pee
shy where you cant be hlf as witty and funny as Ted Rall. John i see a lot
of Baboon Dooley in you but while staying in the mammal kingdom you
resemble more of a shaved ape. In the way that you are primitive and still
not fully evolved to the standards of this world. You still harbour
jealousy like a 6th grader when his girlfriend where another boys ring.
You mock and try to cut down thoose who are more advanced than you(98% of
humans) that you are JEALOUS of. You should ask Larry Livermoore for his
psychologists # who knows maybe a perscription can help in the
transformation from simien to human. Nah. I am just saying this in case
you go through a moment of clarity as alchaholics call it and realise the
hypocrisy your life is. Then maybe you will get a life and stop stalking
Tim Chandler(Mutant Pop).
The DYSLEXICS We Both Use It 7" out NOW
HOT TOPIC PUNKS...................................FUCK OFF!
The Rise of Punk Doesn't mean anything...
Suplicant zine write me for info a zine covering the east coast scene in
depth in typeset print no xerox BS
"Go Ahead Go Ahead Call Me What You Want" - Violent society


no leída,
20 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.20/10/96

You can't pay for stuff like this:

In <54ctd8$> (CAUTION767)


no leída,
20 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.20/10/96

Q)What does Barney call a Furious George gig?


Q)What does Barney call it when the opening band The Dyslexics
are playing?

A)Time for a cigarette.

Q)How do you get a load of Furious George fans out of a bus?

A)Furious George fans don't take the bus. Their parents drop them
off at the door.

Q)What is the best word to describe a Dyslexics fan?


Q)How many Furious George fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

A)None. There are no bulbs left in the closet, their moms are at
work and nobody has seen their fathers in years.


no leída,
20 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.20/10/96

These just in:

Q)What do you get when you cross a Furious George fan with cheese?

A)Veal parmesan.

Q)What do MaximumRocknRoll columnists call Furious George fans?



no leída,
20 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.20/10/96

shit man, yer just a fucking riot. what are you retarded or something?!?!


no leída,
21 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.21/10/96

On 20 Oct 1996 20:02:33 -0400, (NoShesUgly) wrote:
>shit man, yer just a fucking riot. what are you retarded or something?!?!

I don't care what the fuck everyone else here says, John Crawford is
funny! I don't even know what the hell he's going on about half the
time and it still cracks me up. So there.

Liquid Meat

S Generic

no leída,
21 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.21/10/96

Hey John, that's pretty fucking witty. You really could consider taking
your act on the Vegas. Larry Livermore could warm up the
audience with Smiths covers, it'd be great. Sam Generic

S Generic

no leída,
21 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.21/10/96

<< Many have asked, "What is a collogne? Certainly the person who bills
himself as a world class linguist couldn't possibly be mispelling the
word cologne!" And of course the answer is no. Collogne is the term for
those venerable souls who require the contant presence of persons
vastly younger than themselves to maintain the illusion of personal
superiority. The word can be used in a sentence thusly: "Why is it
collogne always smell like an unwashed ass? Are their bags leaking?"
And there are some collogne who find young 'uns sexually attractive.
They're called short-eyed collogne.>>

Another zinger. Goddamn, you're hot today. Sam Generic


no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

In <54gl34$> (S Generic)

Gee Sam, thanks again!


no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

In <54gkt9$> (S Generic)

> A)Competition.




> are playing?



> off at the door.



> A)Nonexistent.




Thanks Sam. If Larry is game, I'd consider it an honor.

Mark Allan Hoppus

no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

This is Tom from Blink-182. I felt that I should throw something
in. Mark tries to stick to the subjects and not try and get personal,
but I'll be the first to say that Dave, you remind me of my dog's
Where the fuck were you ten years ago when punk first started when
the Sex Pistols and Ramones were the pioneers of this new scene? And
they were on major labels, but are you going to go up to Jonny Rotten's
face and tell him that he isn't punk? This is what you'll probably
say: "Hey, brother. My name's Dave, and I'm punker than you. Want to
hear my political beliefs? By the way, I sleep with my dog." Better
yet, go to Mike Ness from Social Distortion. You'd probably say, "I
know I was probably wishing i were one of the kids molested by Michael
Jackson when you were in a punk band, but now I want to tell you why
you're not punk." What do you think Keith Morris of black flag would
say when you tell him that his band is a sellout? Are you sleeping
with the guys over at Maximum Cock and Hole? Because where did you get
your political beliefs? You didn't seem to have them two years ago
when you wanted us on your CD, because we haven't changed at all. But
you have. I bet you started becoming more punk when you realized that
your hand on your Dad's dick wasn't a pleasant enough sound to be
mic'ed through the PA in front of 1000 people at a punk show. You have
no talent, just your fucked-up beliefs that have only surfaced within
the past five years. Where do you get off telling Joe Escalante that
his band the Vandals aren't punk? Where were you when they first
started? I bet back then you figured out that licking your mom's pussy
in the snow didn't make it a snocone. Too bad because that pussy was
still attatched to your mouth, and you had to have it surgically
removed. Well, not removed, it's still there, or is that just your
breath? If you feel so strong about your ethics enough to write shit
about everyone, why do you never say it to anyone's face? You hide
behind your zines and the internet. Shit, I saw you at the show in
Temecula and you just hung your head and walked by. But that's okay.
I can see why you'd be ashamed. I would be too if I were as fat and
ugly as you. AND THAT SMELL!!!!! It's crazy that you're calling the
early bands, the ones who sarted this music, sellouts and dorks, when
you were still shitting your pants (wait, you still do that, I mean
"when you were three years old") when they were making music. It's
obvious that you are in NO position to tell anybody who is punk or not,
when you weren't even involved until just recently. Are you gonna tell
Jack Grisham from Joykiller/TSOL that he's not punk because he makes
money doing what he loves? You slag us for being on CEMA, but you
don't even know the whole story. On the East coast, kids could never
find our record. Not every place is like Southern California, there
aren't cool mom+pop stores in every little town. Not everybody gets
great distribution, as you know. But once again, you aren't in a band,
have never been on tour, and never talk to kids who just like this
style of music, and attitude, regardless of label or personal politics.
Did I mention how bad you smell? By the way, what the fuck is on your
face? Buddy, that peach fuzz thing just ain't happenin. I have a
friend that can get you testosterone pills that will not only help you
grow some real hair on your face, but will also get you a decent set of
testes. Where do you get your info about our band, our label, and your
sex life? I guess in all of them, you're face-down, never knowing
what's going on. You hear stuff, but you're never sure what's up, or
why it smells like your Dad's cologne. Not only were you wrong about
the money that we make, or who we work with, but you're dead wrong
about thinking that you have the right to be judging the very people
that created this whole scene, like the Vandals. You're such an
asshole. Fuck Off.



no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

wow john you should do stand up but yet you cant reply to my truths about
you cause they are all too true.


no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

In <54hndn$> (CAUTION767)
>wow john you should do stand up but yet you cant reply to my truths
>you cause they are all too true.

Are you sure you're not trying to be my mom?

Chris Cantor

no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

In article <54hkfe$>, Allan Hoppus ) writes:
|> This is Tom from Blink-182. I felt that I should throw something
|> in. Mark tries to stick to the subjects and not try and get personal,
|> but I'll be the first to say that Dave, you remind me of my dog's
|> diarreah.
|> Where the fuck were you ten years ago when punk first started when
|> the Sex Pistols and Ramones were the pioneers of this new scene?

ten years ago? you mean 1987? someone get the man a calculator!



no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

In <54j3b6$> (Chris Cantor)

АБВллллВА АБВллллллллллВББА АБВлллБА
АВА АВБА АБВллллллллллллллллВБА АВБА
АБ АБВллллллллллллллллллВБА АБ
АББл лллл лБА
лллл . лВВл . лллл
лАБл лВВл лБАл
АБ АБВлллллллллВБА АВ


пп ппппп пппппп ппппп ппппппп
пп пп пп пп пп пп пп
пп ппппппп пппппп ппп пппп ппппп
пп пп пп пп пп пп пп пп
ппппппп пп пп пп пп ппппп ппппппп

пппппп пп пп пп ппппппп ппппп
пп пп пп пп пп пп пп
пппппп пп пп пп ппппп ппппп
пп пп пп пп пп пп пп
пп пп ппппп ппппппп ппппппп пппппп

FORMAT = .WAV 22050 8 BIT MONO 4.5 MEG


no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

On 22 Oct 1996, Mark Allan Hoppus wrote:

> This is Tom from Blink-182. I felt that I should throw something
> in. Mark tries to stick to the subjects and not try and get personal,
> but I'll be the first to say that Dave, you remind me of my dog's
> diarreah.

> money doing what he loves? You slag us for being on CEMA, but you

> don't even know the whole story. On the East coast, kids could never
> find our record. Not every place is like Southern California, there
> aren't cool mom+pop stores in every little town. Not everybody gets
> great distribution, as you know. But once again, you aren't in a band,
> have never been on tour, and never talk to kids who just like this
> style of music, and attitude, regardless of label or personal politics.

more crap from the corrupt band blink. it just goes to show
how out of touch they are to the DIY punk scene they started
out in. first of all, it was a totally different scene when
the sex pistols and the ramones started out and it wasn't in
1987, you can not compare them being on a major label to you
being on a major label now. they didn't have a choice back
then, there weren't many, if any, independent labels around.

i've heard unwritten law make the same stupid comment that
you have made. it's that...."it doesn't matter which label
you get on, whether it's independent or major, it's what
label has the better distribution. you have to get the album
out there so that the kids will find it". listen here you
idiot, don't even try to make us think that you are doing it
for the kids. what you are doing to ripping kids off. making
them pay more for the album at chain stores. making the local
mom+pop stores pay more to get the album and they have to keep
their prices low to compete with the chain stores
(chain stores=large profit, mom+pop=small profit). making the
kids pay more for your shows (not to mention that no ordinary
kid can ever book you for a show again). are you beginning
to see what i am trying to say? do i have to spell it out to

and before you begin to make the same mistake that you and mark
have been doing. don't even say that i have a "punker than thou"
attitude. because i don't. i question everything in my every
day life. and punk is one part of my every day life. is it wrong
to question your ethics? is it wrong to question your intentions
of ripping kids off?

i'm exhausted and i don't need to say anymore. what you two have
said is more than what i have to say, to let everyone know what
you guys are like.


S Generic

no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

Man, was that ever eloquent? Sam Generic


no leída,
22 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.22/10/96

> Where the fuck were you ten years ago when punk first started when
> the Sex Pistols and Ramones were the pioneers of this new scene?

10 years ago, eh?? MORE written self-abuse from the blink guys.
I think that ALL i gotta say about that.

dave liberation

On 22 Oct 1996, Mark Allan Hoppus wrote:

> This is Tom from Blink-182. I felt that I should throw something
> in. Mark tries to stick to the subjects and not try and get personal,
> but I'll be the first to say that Dave, you remind me of my dog's
> diarreah.

> Where the fuck were you ten years ago when punk first started when

> money doing what he loves? You slag us for being on CEMA, but you
> don't even know the whole story. On the East coast, kids could never
> find our record. Not every place is like Southern California, there
> aren't cool mom+pop stores in every little town. Not everybody gets
> great distribution, as you know. But once again, you aren't in a band,
> have never been on tour, and never talk to kids who just like this
> style of music, and attitude, regardless of label or personal politics.


no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

yes john i am in fact you should go up to your room and go draw some more
stuff cause maybe one day you will get a life.

Mark Allan Hoppus

no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

>i've heard unwritten law make the same stupid comment that
>you have made. it's that...."it doesn't matter which label
>you get on, whether it's independent or major, it's what
>label has the better distribution. you have to get the album
>out there so that the kids will find it". listen here you
>idiot, don't even try to make us think that you are doing it
>for the kids. what you are doing to ripping kids off. making
>them pay more for the album at chain stores. making the local
>mom+pop stores pay more to get the album and they have to keep
>their prices low to compete with the chain stores
>(chain stores=large profit, mom+pop=small profit).

hey tang, what you wrote isn't true at all. just so you know what's
up, here is how we came to be distributed through CEMA and how it

we get letters from kids all the time, and kids come up to us when
we're on tour and tell us what a difficult time they have had trying to
find our album. The stores in their area don't carry it, they tried to
special order it, it took forever, whatever. They couldn't get it. So
we'd call up Cargo, our label, and tell them that we were bummed.
Cargo suggested that we let CEMA distibute the album. They could get
it into stores everywhere. However, we had some reservations about
giving CEMA that much power. We know that in many areas, chain stores
are the ONLY places that kids have to buy music. There are a million
small towns that just can't support a locally run mom+pop store.
However, we felt the same way that you obviously do about the way that
small stores can get dicked over by chains. Also, we knew that CEMA
would have a SLIGHTLY higher price point (wholesale price) on the CD's.
This meant that the stores that had supported us from the beginning
(the small ones) would all of a sudden be paying more for our discs,
and would then have to charge more for them, which we didn't want to
happen. Yes, we wanted better distribution, but not at the expense of
charging kids and stores more for our CD's.
So, here is what we worked out. CEMA distributes our CD's to the
chain stores. This works because that's how chain stores like to
order--in large quantities from a major distributor. Then they split
up the orders for each of their stores, store some in warehouses for
catalog, and deal with it all internally. The rest of the stores,
(mom+pop stores, skate/surf shops, etc) still order directly from
Cargo, which works because that is how they order--when they run out of
our discs, they order a few more. FOR EXACTLY THE SAME WHOLESALE PRICE
AS CARGO HAS ALWAYS CHARGED. This actually gives the mom+pop stores
the upper hand as far as pricing goes, so saying that we're screwing
the mom+pop stores over is wrong.
There is one point that you made which was entirely correct. The
kids that buy our CD at chain stores will probably be paying a higher
price than if you go down to your local mom+pop store. But we thought
it best that in the areas where kids only had chain stores to go to, it
would be better to at least have the albums there than not at all.
Also, bear this in mind. The CD has been available to anyone for
ten bucks postpaid directly from Cargo since the day it came out. So
tell me again, how are we ripping kids off?.....



no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

koochie <> wrote:

>for the kids. what you are doing to ripping kids off. making
>them pay more for the album at chain stores.

hahaha, that's funny. have you ever gone to a chain store other than
where you live? cause in toronto, you try and find an album like say,
the punk sucks comp. about $19.99 plus taxes at any chain store,
either the same price or $2 cheaper at a little store that has a bit
more of a punk selection. You go and try to find an album that has
been put out on a major (well depending on what band), if you take
blink, then the price would probably be the same as the punk sucks
comp. if you were to take a band like green day, the new one, i saw it
for $13.99 on the first day it came out. all of the independent shit i
want to buy, whether from a chain or from rotate this in toronto which
has the best prices i have seen in toronto, has high prices. when you
get into the top 100 albums at a certain time from a major label, it
gets really cheap for them. actually, the place that i have seen some
albums for the cheapest amount of money are from the best buy in
london (ontario). they were a few dollars cheaper or the same amount
as a store like rotate this would have...

so how is it again that i am paying more for a album like blinks at a
chain store?


Tommy DOG

no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

> In <54j3b6$> (Chris Cantor)
> writes:
> >
> >In article <54hkfe$>,
> Allan Hoppus ) writes:
> >|> This is Tom from Blink-182. I felt that I should throw
> something
> >|> in. Mark tries to stick to the subjects and not try and get
> personal,
> >|> but I'll be the first to say that Dave, you remind me of my dog's
> >|> diarreah.
> >|> Where the fuck were you ten years ago when punk first started
> when
> >|> the Sex Pistols and Ramones were the pioneers of this new scene?

1966 Velvet Underground.

Ben Brucato

no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

You're fucked! here's how it it that you're paying more for those albums...
Major labels and major distros corner the market in other countries, Canada
included, because for indies those records are considered "imports" and for majors
they're not (why, I do not know). It's not any label's fault anyway,
it's the store's fault. Duh! It's obvious.................

Ben Interbang

Dave Quinn

no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

In <54kkrr$>
Allan Hoppus ) writes:

>. There are a million
>small towns that just can't support a locally run mom+pop store.

Tang, you'd be surprised at how many small towns in america have NO
record stores at all and kids can only get what is being sold at the
Wal-Mart. There are other alternatives to Major Distribution to rememdy
this problem but that takes a lot of extra work that i know Cargo would
never want to get into and blink just doesn't have the time.

> Also, bear this in mind. The CD has been available to anyone for
>ten bucks postpaid directly from Cargo since the day it came out. So
>tell me again, how are we ripping kids off?.....

This is one point that I think proves the ignorance, laziness and
stupidity of the "mainstream" punk fan. MAILORDER EXISTS AND IT WORKS.
Here in San Diego we have no real mom+pop stores except maybe for Dougs
records. the "alternative" stores here have mostly Caroline distributed
stuff and i can't get an ASSUCK record here to save my life, much less
anything on BEER CITY or Sound Pollution. BUT there are 15 fuckin
copies of each screeching weasel record and enough queers "surf
goddess" 7"s to start your own record store. Because of this i
mailorder almost everything i get and it's cheaper and the money goes
directly to the labels and bands(hopefully).

Kids, if you're too lazy or stupid to use mailorder and support one of
the few links that bands have with the people who listen to music, then
hit yourself in the head with your skateboard and choke on your
chainwallet, the new kids on the block will do a reunion tour someday,
you'll be happy. Fuck lovers of convenience.

"Gimme gimme gimme some Motorhead" - PuzzleBox
C.E.O. of Tiltwheel Brothers Gun Shows Ltd.

Ben Brucato

no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96


no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

>> In <54j3b6$> (Chris Cantor)
>> writes:
>> >
>> >In article <54hkfe$>,

>> Allan Hoppus ) writes:

>> >|> This is Tom from Blink-182. I felt that I should throw
>> something
>> >|> in. Mark tries to stick to the subjects and not try and get
>> personal,

>> >|> but I'll be the first to say that Dave, you remind me of my
>> >|> diarreah.


Ben Brucato

no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96


no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

You've got to be fucking kidding me if you think that kids are getting
"Ripped off" when they can find an album at a chain store....
Things that you can buy at Best Buy cost between $9.99 and $11.99...the
same CD at my local "mom and pop" store costs $13.99.
Get over your bad self and your fucking politics.



no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

<ahem> you can't find everything at best buy. also, there are NO best buy
stores in oh, say, pennsylvania (where i'm from). all the "chain" stores
around there sell most cds for between $13 and $18, whereas my fave indie
store back at home sells 'em for between $8 and, very occasionally, $14,
MUCH better selection. so yeah, the kids are getting ripped off if they
buy from chain stores in LOTSA places. so nyeer nyeer!

nevermind the fact that i'm sure there are TONS of USED blink cds out
there to be had, if you actually wanted one.


Peter Solderitsch

PO box 14802
stanford CA 94309

pushovers web central:


no leída,
23 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.23/10/96

On 23 Oct 1996, Mark Allan Hoppus wrote:

> AS CARGO HAS ALWAYS CHARGED. This actually gives the mom+pop stores
> the upper hand as far as pricing goes, so saying that we're screwing
> the mom+pop stores over is wrong.

i was very concerned with the statement that unwritten law made that
labels don't matter, it's the distribution, and from what tom blink
was saying it sounded like what UL said. the label with the best
distribution, of course, would be a major label. but the mom+pop
stores would suffer for the high prices. and since mom+pop stores
have helped out unknown bands and labels around here so much, i feel
strongly about this issue. a thumb up in my book for blink on this



no leída,
24 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.24/10/96

On 23 Oct 1996 23:08:36 GMT, Quinn) wrote:

>Tang, you'd be surprised at how many small towns in america have NO
>record stores at all and kids can only get what is being sold at the
>Wal-Mart. There are other alternatives to Major Distribution to rememdy
>this problem but that takes a lot of extra work that i know Cargo would
>never want to get into and blink just doesn't have the time.

So, are you saying that a deal with EMI is an acceptable solution, or

Ever curious,


no leída,
24 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.24/10/96

Ben Brucato <> wrote:

>You're fucked! here's how it it that you're paying more for those albums...
>Major labels and major distros corner the market in other countries, Canada
>included, because for indies those records are considered "imports" and for majors
>they're not (why, I do not know). It's not any label's fault anyway,
>it's the store's fault. Duh! It's obvious.................

>Ben Interbang

yes, i agree, but in a general sense, i am not really being ripped off
if i am paying the same price. but i say this again, what you said is



no leída,
24 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.24/10/96

In article <54j3b6$> (Chris Cantor) writes:

> In article <54hkfe$>, Allan Hoppus ) writes:
> |> This is Tom from Blink-182. I felt that I should throw something
> |> in. Mark tries to stick to the subjects and not try and get personal,
> |> but I'll be the first to say that Dave, you remind me of my dog's
> |> diarreah.
> |> Where the fuck were you ten years ago when punk first started when
> |> the Sex Pistols and Ramones were the pioneers of this new scene?
> ten years ago? you mean 1987? someone get the man a calculator!

Besides that, the kid was around 7 years old in 1987. I'm not sure
what all happened with some of these bands and the Punk Sucks thing,
but give the guy a break. Was he supposed to be putting out records or
even listening to "punk rock" at that age?



no leída,
24 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.24/10/96

On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, bug wrote:

> Hey Tang, next time check the price of the Punk Sucks and Homegrown
> CDs too, for comparison - also, make sure all the stores are stocking
> the new Discount CD, if not, have them call us - oh yeah, and pick up
> my laundry.
> thanks,
> timliquidmeat

okay, so i have alot of time to waste. i was checking for the Punk
Sucks and Home Grown cd but it's not fair to compare them because
they were extremely cheap like $9.99 in all the mom+pop stores. and
like $14.99 in chain stores, except Best Buy, i couldn't find anything
at Best Buy. as for the new Discount CD, i wasn't checking for that
so i couldn't tell ya.



no leída,
24 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.24/10/96

On 23 Oct 1996, ALL MILO wrote:

> You've got to be fucking kidding me if you think that kids are getting
> "Ripped off" when they can find an album at a chain store....
> Things that you can buy at Best Buy cost between $9.99 and $11.99...the
> same CD at my local "mom and pop" store costs $13.99.
> Get over your bad self and your fucking politics.
> Natalie

okay, natalie, i was driving all over town today putting flyers in
stores and i did a little checking myself. if you want to confirm this
yourself, all the stores are in the 714 area code and you can info and
find their phone number to check yourself.

Blink (CD) Unwritten Law (CD) Asst. Jelly Beans
chain store
Wherehouse $15.99 $15.99 $15.99
Tower Records $14.99 $14.99 $14.99
Best Buy n/a n/a n/a

Vinyl Solution $11.99 $14.99 $11.99
Noise Noise Noise $12.99 $14.75 $11.99
Greene Records $11.99 $13.99 $10.99

you are right that best buy prices are between $9.99 to $12.99 but
that's if you can find the album. i could not find the 3 albums that
i was looking for. in fact, i couldn't find alot of stuff NOT even
the divider that has the name of the band on it. i was getting
desperate and looked on every aisle, epitaph CDs were $10.99,
and i found a few here and there but most of the bands were either
really popular or old as in black flag and descendents, and those
were around $11.99.

another thing that i found was that unwritten law cds were higher than
normal in mom+pop stores and i asked the owner of vinyl solution...why?
he said "because they are on a major, they sell the CD to us for a much
higher price so we have to raise the price to make any profit, like
the new Marilyn Manson, it costs us 11 bucks". hmmm, so the unwritten
law CD is high overall. the Blink and Assorted Jelly Beans CDs are
both low at mom+pop stores so Mark blink was right about what he said.

look at the prices yourself, i am right that kids are getting "ripped
off" once a band goes to a major label. i know it's only 2-4 bucks
but that's enough. even if the mom+pop prices are comparable to the
chain stores, why would you even buy stuff from a chain store when
there is a mom+pop store in your town? when the mom+pop stores go,
the chain store can raise their prices even higher. when you start
your own label, try getting a chain store to carry your CD or 7".
then go to a mom+pop store and see if they would carry your CD or 7"
or demo tape or zine.

i love you


no leída,
24 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.24/10/96

> okay, so i have alot of time to waste. i was checking for the Punk
> Sucks and Home Grown cd but it's not fair to compare them because
> they were extremely cheap like $9.99 in all the mom+pop stores. and

awh, i'm responding to my own post here because i forgot to mention
something and since today is my birthday, i have that right. it's not
fair because dave liberation lives in this area and he delivers the CD to
the mom+pop stores himself and charges them at a cheap price so the stores
can afford to keep the prices low.

i love you mark
i love you tom
i love you tim
i love you dave
i love you erik
i love you __________



no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

Hey Tang, next time check the price of the Punk Sucks and Homegrown
CDs too, for comparison - also, make sure all the stores are stocking
the new Discount CD, if not, have them call us - oh yeah, and pick up
my laundry.



On Thu, 24 Oct 1996 17:13:55 -0700, tang <>

Ben Brucato

no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

He's saying that what get's your records "out there" and what
"pays" is what's worth it. He's always said it, from here on
alt.punk (in posts like the one above), to interviews, to people
at shows (yeah, i know it's 2nd hand info, but it's pretty consistent
with what he's said himself), etc. Punk doesn't matter to these
guys. They think it's just a kind of music and they happen to be
playing it. It could just as easily be metal or anything else that
just would happen to be popular in So. CA. I mean, their video alone
shows just how clueless these fucks are. They're the posterboys for the
stereotypical poser-punkers from OC. Fuck 'em.

Ben Interbang

Ben Brucato

no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96
para (ALL MILO) writes:
> You've got to be fucking kidding me if you think that kids are getting
> "Ripped off" when they can find an album at a chain store....
> Things that you can buy at Best Buy cost between $9.99 and $11.99...the
> same CD at my local "mom and pop" store costs $13.99.
> Get over your bad self and your fucking politics.
> Natalie

Natalie, the problem is, you're missing a huge part of what
is going on at Best Buy. First of all, their prices are cheap
because they sell CDs at or below cost. Yes! They PAY you to
buy CDs there. Why? Well, because otherwise people wouldn't
go there for CDs and instead to independently owned mom+pop
stores (because they're the next best thing, price-wise). So
they engage in monopolistic competition against mom+pops. That
alone is bad. But, the motivation is this: since they don't
only sell CDs (unlike most mom+pop record-only stores) they
have other products to sell to make up for it. So they figure
if one in ten people who come in to buy a CD buy a CD player, TV
or whatever, they made up the cost PLUS ELIMINATED THEIR COMPETITION!


IF, and that's a big IF, you EVER see an INTERBANG RECORDS
album in a Best Buy, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE smash it on the
floor. Yes! Break it! That way Best Buy loses. Fuck 'em. Do
not EVER buy anything from Best Buy... If you do, you're only
helping their monopolistic business practices and forcing
honest businesses out of competition.

- Ben Interbang


no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

On 25 Oct 1996 03:10:53 GMT, Ben Brucato <>

Wait - that last post was by Tiltwheel, not Blink. I was asking Davey
Tiltwheel if he was saying that EMI distribution is a good idea, he's
an old (fucking 50 at least) punk and I'd love to hear his take.



no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

tang <> wrote:

> Blink (CD) Unwritten Law (CD) Asst. Jelly Beans
>chain store
>Wherehouse $15.99 $15.99 $15.99
>Tower Records $14.99 $14.99 $14.99
>Best Buy n/a n/a n/a

>Vinyl Solution $11.99 $14.99 $11.99
>Noise Noise Noise $12.99 $14.75 $11.99
>Greene Records $11.99 $13.99 $10.99

>i love you

nice work tang. i found this a little funny actually. the fact that
all this started with dave shitting on the vandals and kung fu
records, and that the assorted jelly beans cd is the lowest priced
one (if not the same as one or both of the other 2).


Dave Quinn

no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

Tim, you need to go outside my boy, jeezus you can't even fuckin read
anymore!!! Ben is talking about what I have said about blink in the
past and to this day. How he can remember all the shit i've spewed
kinda worries me, but i think you should hire him to help us keep our
stories straight when it comes to all this punk-shit-talking.

No i don't think that EMI distro is a good thing, much in the same way
i don't think Caroline is a good thing :) but you gotta do what you
gotta do and the most convincing arguments are the ones you have with
yourself. :) Odin bless you.

you gotta realize that i have ALWAYS believed(since i first learned
there was something to believe in anyways), that major distro is
hypocritical. It's WRONG to sing "fuck the system" on EMI who for
example makes weapons of destruction for "the system". most kids though
think it's a fuckin popularity contest they have no concept that it's
EVIL to support the corporation any more than you have to. there ARE
alternatives. What are they going to believe in when their blink cd's
melt under the intense heat of the bombs? :)


In <> (bug)

>On 25 Oct 1996 03:10:53 GMT, Ben Brucato <>

>>> So, are you saying that a deal with EMI is an acceptable solution,

>>> not?
>>> Ever curious,
>>> TimLiquidMeat
>>He's saying that what get's your records "out there" and what
>>"pays" is what's worth it. He's always said it, from here on
>>alt.punk (in posts like the one above), to interviews, to people
>>at shows (yeah, i know it's 2nd hand info, but it's pretty consistent
>>with what he's said himself), etc. Punk doesn't matter to these
>>guys. They think it's just a kind of music and they happen to be
>>playing it. It could just as easily be metal or anything else that
>>just would happen to be popular in So. CA. I mean, their video alone
>>shows just how clueless these fucks are. They're the posterboys for
>>stereotypical poser-punkers from OC. Fuck 'em.
>>Ben Interbang
>Wait - that last post was by Tiltwheel, not Blink. I was asking Davey
>Tiltwheel if he was saying that EMI distribution is a good idea, he's
>an old (fucking 50 at least) punk and I'd love to hear his take.


Dave Quinn

no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

In <> (bug)

>On 23 Oct 1996 23:08:36 GMT, Quinn) wrote:
There are other alternatives to Major Distribution to rememdy

>>this problem but that takes a lot of extra work that i know Cargo

would never want to get into and blink just doesn't have the time.

>So, are you saying that a deal with EMI is an acceptable solution, or
>Ever curious,

read the fucking post again. I think it was a nice way of saying both
parties don't give a shit about alternative distribution. Cargo could
easily handle their own distro, again.

you and i know what blink's ultimate goal is, so when you think about
it, EMI is an acceptable solution for them, from there they can go
wherever they want. ^^^^^

I'm just wondering when i get my royalty check for letting them use my
amp and guitar to record their record with ahhahahahahah. Then i'll
take that money and Make a CONGLOMERATE video and they'll be the
biggest thing on Cargo. They are the best band on that label anyways.

Dave Quinn

no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

Everything Ben said except for the "Fuck them" Part i agree with. Blink
are still freinds of mine. I am not in business with them so I don't
give a shit about what they do. I am also not the slightest bit jealous
of their success as are SOME bands and labels around san diego. Sure we
don't like everything they do but people don't like everything I do
either, like constant policing and complaining i get caught up in

In <54pb3t$> Ben Brucato
<> writes:

>> So, are you saying that a deal with EMI is an acceptable solution,
>> not?
>> Ever curious,
>> TimLiquidMeat

>He's saying that what get's your records "out there" and what
>"pays" is what's worth it. He's always said it, from here on
>alt.punk (in posts like the one above), to interviews, to people
>at shows (yeah, i know it's 2nd hand info, but it's pretty consistent
>with what he's said himself), etc. Punk doesn't matter to these
>guys. They think it's just a kind of music and they happen to be
>playing it. It could just as easily be metal or anything else that
>just would happen to be popular in So. CA. I mean, their video alone
>shows just how clueless these fucks are. They're the posterboys for
>stereotypical poser-punkers from OC. Fuck 'em.
>Ben Interbang


Lauren Cohn-frankel

no leída,
25 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.25/10/96

See? Even he admits it now! Way to come to terms with your problem, G.
We're all behind you. Lauren

Ben Brucato

no leída,
26 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.26/10/96

tang <> writes:
>when you start
> your own label, try getting a chain store to carry your CD or 7".
> then go to a mom+pop store and see if they would carry your CD or 7"
> or demo tape or zine.
> i love you
> tang

Why would i do that? I make considerable efforts to keep my CDs
*out* of chain stores.

consumer advocate, drinker of shitty beer,

Ben Interbang


no leída,
26 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.26/10/96

In stating that in MY area, it was a lot cheaper for me to buy things at
Best Buy than in a mom and pop store, I was NOT saying that I believe the
politics of Best Buy to be great, or that I disagree with mom and pop
stores. Personally, if I could find things at a decent price at the tiny
record store down the street, I would spend my money there rather than
venturing to Best Buy (believe me, I know it sucks, I worked there for 2
years, which must mean that I'm going to hell for that too). But where I
live we have NO good small stores. Oklahoma is not blessed with great punk
rock record shops the way other places are. I am not saying that these
stores aren't great...fuck, I would kill to have one or two in my town, I
was just pointing out that for a lot of people, Best Buy is sometimes the
cheaper option. And when buying music, I'm not really concerned with the
politics of where I get it.

"Keep your politics out of my music..." -ALL


Ben Brucato

no leída,
27 oct 1996, 2:00:00 a.m.27/10/96
para Quinn) writes:
> Tim, you need to go outside my boy, jeezus you can't even fuckin read
> anymore!!! Ben is talking about what I have said about blink in the
> past and to this day. How he can remember all the shit i've spewed
> kinda worries me, but i think you should hire him to help us keep our
> stories straight when it comes to all this punk-shit-talking.

Sure! I'll take the job! How much does it pay (cuz that's all
that really matters)?

sarcastically yours,

Ben Interbang

Dave Quinn

no leída,
27 oct 1996, 2:00:00 a.m.27/10/96

In <54uair$> Ben Brucato
<> writes:

>Sure! I'll take the job! How much does it pay (cuz that's all
>that really matters)?
>sarcastically yours,
>Ben Interbang

I couldn't tell you how much it pays, all of my money is tied up in
Blink and dave lib's Swiss bank accounts. hahaha.

and i'm dead serious here.

no really it's all true.

Joe Downs

no leída,
27 oct 1996, 2:00:00 a.m.27/10/96

bug wrote:
> On 20 Oct 1996 20:02:33 -0400, (NoShesUgly) wrote:
> >shit man, yer just a fucking riot. what are you retarded or something?!?!
> I don't care what the fuck everyone else here says, John Crawford is
> funny! I don't even know what the hell he's going on about half the
> time and it still cracks me up. So there.

I gotta agree. I don't understand or indeed care about this vendetta
with the MRR crowd, but regardless of the rights or wrongs of the
matter he is genuinely funny. Well he makes me laugh anyway (with
rather than at I mean of course).

Joe Downs :

"Sometimes I think of you out there in the night."


no leída,
27 oct 1996, 2:00:00 a.m.27/10/96

Q) What's 40 feet long and has no pubic hair?

A) The front row at a Furious George gig.

tang & dave lib

no leída,
28 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.28/10/96

Hey Tim, for the record, don't forget: Liberation uses the same
distributers as Liquid Meat. As you know, neither of us can controll a)
the fact that chain stores carry our stuff or b) how much they charge for
them. So if you ever see PUNK SUCKS or any other Liberation releases for a
high price at a chain, remember this: The same could happen to your
records on Liquid Meat. At least I don't make deals to INTENTIONALLY give
exclusive rights to major label distro's like them Blink saps.


The best we can do is make sure that the mom&pops are getting first dibbs
on all the records, posters, and for way cheaper. At least thats what i

We deal direct with as many stores that will deal with us to get the
prices as cheap as possible.

Dave Liberation.

On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, bug wrote:

> Hey Tang, next time check the price of the Punk Sucks and Homegrown
> CDs too, for comparison - also, make sure all the stores are stocking
> the new Discount CD, if not, have them call us - oh yeah, and pick up
> my laundry.
> thanks,
> timliquidmeat
> On Thu, 24 Oct 1996 17:13:55 -0700, tang <>
> wrote:
> >On 23 Oct 1996, ALL MILO wrote:
> >

> >> You've got to be fucking kidding me if you think that kids are getting
> >> "Ripped off" when they can find an album at a chain store....
> >> Things that you can buy at Best Buy cost between $9.99 and $11.99...the
> >> same CD at my local "mom and pop" store costs $13.99.
> >> Get over your bad self and your fucking politics.
> >>
> >> Natalie
> >

> >okay, natalie, i was driving all over town today putting flyers in
> >stores and i did a little checking myself. if you want to confirm this
> >yourself, all the stores are in the 714 area code and you can info and
> >find their phone number to check yourself.
> >

> > Blink (CD) Unwritten Law (CD) Asst. Jelly Beans
> >chain store
> >Wherehouse $15.99 $15.99 $15.99
> >Tower Records $14.99 $14.99 $14.99
> >Best Buy n/a n/a n/a
> >
> >mom+pop
> >Vinyl Solution $11.99 $14.99 $11.99
> >Noise Noise Noise $12.99 $14.75 $11.99
> >Greene Records $11.99 $13.99 $10.99
> >
> >

> >you are right that best buy prices are between $9.99 to $12.99 but
> >that's if you can find the album. i could not find the 3 albums that
> >i was looking for. in fact, i couldn't find alot of stuff NOT even
> >the divider that has the name of the band on it. i was getting
> >desperate and looked on every aisle, epitaph CDs were $10.99,
> >and i found a few here and there but most of the bands were either
> >really popular or old as in black flag and descendents, and those
> >were around $11.99.
> >
> >another thing that i found was that unwritten law cds were higher than
> >normal in mom+pop stores and i asked the owner of vinyl solution...why?
> >he said "because they are on a major, they sell the CD to us for a much
> >higher price so we have to raise the price to make any profit, like
> >the new Marilyn Manson, it costs us 11 bucks". hmmm, so the unwritten
> >law CD is high overall. the Blink and Assorted Jelly Beans CDs are
> >both low at mom+pop stores so Mark blink was right about what he said.
> >
> >look at the prices yourself, i am right that kids are getting "ripped
> >off" once a band goes to a major label. i know it's only 2-4 bucks
> >but that's enough. even if the mom+pop prices are comparable to the
> >chain stores, why would you even buy stuff from a chain store when
> >there is a mom+pop store in your town? when the mom+pop stores go,

> >the chain store can raise their prices even higher. when you start

Ben Brucato

no leída,
28 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.28/10/96

Well, if you don't care about the politics of where you get it,
then it's hard to even have a discussion about this. As Dave once
reminded me, "You can't have a cohesive argument if both parties
disagree on a fundamental part of that argument." In this case,
it's consumer advocacy. Unless I can convince you that you should
care about the politics of where you buy things and where the money
goes, it's useless talking about things that come after the fact.

I will tell you this, if you everyone doesn't start paying close
attention to where their money comes from and goes we are only furthering
the corporatization of the global economy - and if all you care about
is punk rock, then I can explicitly describe how that affects the music
you love (I love): in short, it only serves to commodify music because
major corporations will have monopolized the market and force indies
out of business. Luckily, because there are people out there who do
care, the independent record companies are putting up a major fight -
though, I can't help but wonder what would happen if some of these
indie labels stopped signing really radio friendly, easily-acceptable-to-
the-masses type bands if all these people would care anymore. I think
most of the people who buy primarily indie records aren't doing so
because their consumer advocates at all, but instead because music
released by indies happens to be better. What if that wasn't so and
majors released better music?? Though it's highly unlikely, because
most people who run major labels are generally tasteless and clueless
(actually, so are most consumers - explain Madonna and Michael Jackson's
widespread popularity, if you disagree). It's a complex issue, and it's
only 10 AM and I only have one cup of coffee in me at this point. Maybe

Ben Interbang

J Bonner

no leída,
28 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.28/10/96
para (ALL MILO) wrote:
>In stating that in MY area, it was a lot cheaper for me to buy things at
>Best Buy than in a mom and pop store, I was NOT saying that I believe the
>politics of Best Buy to be great, or that I disagree with mom and pop
>stores. Personally, if I could find things at a decent price at the tiny
>record store down the street, I would spend my money there rather than
>venturing to Best Buy (believe me, I know it sucks, I worked there for 2
>years, which must mean that I'm going to hell for that too). But where I
>live we have NO good small stores. Oklahoma is not blessed with great punk
>rock record shops the way other places are. I am not saying that these
>stores aren't great...fuck, I would kill to have one or two in my town, I
>was just pointing out that for a lot of people, Best Buy is sometimes the
>cheaper option. And when buying music, I'm not really concerned with the
>politics of where I get it.
>"Keep your politics out of my music..." -ALL

Where the hell do you live in Oklahoma? I mean, I gather you're somewhere
since you referred to it. If you're in the sticks, I pity you, and if you're
in the Lawton/Fort Sill area I REALLY pity you because I was born and raised
there and couldn't wait to get the hell out.

Get up to the OKC area and you'll find record stores, believe me. Shadowplay,
located at 737 Asp, a block or so from the OU campus in Norman, is an excellent
record store. A friend of mine runs it, and if there's something you want to
order she'll definitely order it. Shadowplay also has a web page
( that you might want to visit.

Another really good store--and one that specializes in punk--is Music
Dimensions, located in Grant Square center at 44th and South Penn in
OKC. This store carries way more punk music (as well as grindcore,
thrash, etc) than any other place I can think of in the entire state,
and they can also special-order stuff.

You might also check out Mohawk Music in Tulsa, but I rarely go to Tulsa,
so I don't know anything about them. I do know in MRR a couple of months
back there was an article about a Tulsa band, Brother Inferior, so there
must be SOMETHING going on up there.

About the "politics" of things, I'm still guilty of going to Wal-Mart
to buy shit like toilet paper and shampoo. But shit, it's open 24/7,
and I work funny hours. Although I would just as soon NOT go to Wal-Mart
for many many reasons, I still do because it's convenient. I know that's
a shit reason, but that's it. I wish Target would get the idea and realize
that some people operate on a whole different clock, because I would rather
buy the necessary shit there than even set my toe inside a Wal-Mart.

Posted and e-mailed.


ALL commercial e-mail addressed to is ignored and
deleted, so don't bother even sending the shit. Thank you.
The opinions expressed herein are that of Slugfish and Slugfish only.
For best results, baste Slugfish with Wish Bone(TM) Russian Salad Dressing
prior to flaming for a sweet, sweet aroma.

"Your actions speak so loud I can't hear what you're saying..."


no leída,
29 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.29/10/96

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996 14:20:37 -0800, tang & dave lib <>

>Hey Tim, for the record, don't forget: Liberation uses the same
>distributers as Liquid Meat. As you know, neither of us can controll a)
>the fact that chain stores carry our stuff or b) how much they charge for
>them. So if you ever see PUNK SUCKS or any other Liberation releases for a
>high price at a chain, remember this: The same could happen to your
>records on Liquid Meat.

True, but, for the record, all Liquid Meat CDs wholesale for $5 to
distributors, except for the Hemlock EP which is $3. Our bands decide
how much they want to make, based on the following easy to follow

Wholesale - Band Royalty

The bands DO NOT pay for advertising, promos, phone call, or anything
else I can think of (except repaying recording costs out of royalties)
and we help them with touring or shirts or whatever when we can afford
to. Most of our money goes into advertising and sending out lots of

Oh yeah, one more thing - Caroline suggests a $9.98 store list price
on a CD that Caroline pays $5 for.

>We deal direct with as many stores that will deal with us to get the
>prices as cheap as possible.

You'd be dealing with more if you ever fucking printed those catalogs!




no leída,
30 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.30/10/96

The DYSLEXICS We Both Use It 7" out NOW
HOT TOPIC PUNKS...................................FUCK OFF!
The Rise of Punk Doesn't mean anything...
Suplicant zine write me for info a zine covering the east coast scene in
depth in typeset print no xerox BS
"Go Ahead Go Ahead Call Me What You Want" - Violent society

tang & dave lib

no leída,
30 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.30/10/96

Though I think that charging $5 for a CD is mucho cool, I still feel that
$7 is a fair price for CD's. Especially when 9 times outta 10 the
distributer will fuck you and mark up cheap wholesale prices all the same
(especially with "hot" releases like PUNK SUCKS which they know they can
sell for more money).

Also, the need for higher wholesale prices arises when bands are given
bigger advances and big art budgets to maximize recording quality and
artwork quality. Ultimatly, the extra couple bucks (which, by the way, is
still loads cheaper than industry "standard") basically goes towards
producing high quality recordings and packaging. I don't know about
others, but i actually LIKE hearing all the instruments in a recording and
i like reading pages of lyrics, pictures, etc.

I figure there are two systems for running an indie label and neither one
is superior over the other. They're simply different.. One system is
where the band gets a big dollar amount per CD but suffers by way of
getting smaller advances, less ads, limited artwork. Another system is
where the band has unlimited artistic freedom in their artwork, full
production+recording, and a few more extra promotional things on behalf of
the label but suffers by way of dollar amount per CD. Overall, it comes
down to what values the band+label concerned place higher emphasis on.

Thats my take on it.

best of luck,
Dave Lib.

Oh yeah, I've been sitting on them catalogs for a while now. They've been
done, like I told ya. I will mail em to ya on Friday. I've been so busy
with school lately that I've been fucking flaking out on other obligations
like BIG BANG and some of the LIBERATION stuff. (Ben's gonna kill me any
day now) Hopefully, I'll get my shit together one of these days. Hell,
maybe I can get TANG to do it all for me one day! MUHAHAHA

On Tue, 29 Oct 1996, bug wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Oct 1996 14:20:37 -0800, tang & dave lib <>
> wrote:

> >Hey Tim, for the record, don't forget: Liberation uses the same
> >distributers as Liquid Meat. As you know, neither of us can controll a)
> >the fact that chain stores carry our stuff or b) how much they charge for
> >them. So if you ever see PUNK SUCKS or any other Liberation releases for a
> >high price at a chain, remember this: The same could happen to your
> >records on Liquid Meat.

> True, but, for the record, all Liquid Meat CDs wholesale for $5 to
> distributors, except for the Hemlock EP which is $3. Our bands decide
> how much they want to make, based on the following easy to follow
> formula:
> Wholesale - Band Royalty
> $5-$1
> $6-$1.50
> $7-$2
> The bands DO NOT pay for advertising, promos, phone call, or anything
> else I can think of (except repaying recording costs out of royalties)
> and we help them with touring or shirts or whatever when we can afford
> to. Most of our money goes into advertising and sending out lots of
> promos.
> Oh yeah, one more thing - Caroline suggests a $9.98 store list price
> on a CD that Caroline pays $5 for.

> >We deal direct with as many stores that will deal with us to get the
> >prices as cheap as possible.


no leída,
31 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.31/10/96


Joanie ( wrote:
: In article <552n7b$>
: J Bonner <> writes:

: > You might also check out Mohawk Music in Tulsa, but I rarely go to Tulsa,

: > so I don't know anything about them. I do know in MRR a couple of months
: > back there was an article about a Tulsa band, Brother Inferior, so there
: > must be SOMETHING going on up there.

: I've said it once (or twice or three times) and I'll say it again,
: Brother Inferior are very cool, buy all their stuff.

: Joanie

Ben Brucato

no leída,
31 oct 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.31/10/96

tang & dave lib <> writes:
> Oh yeah, I've been sitting on them catalogs for a while now. They've been
> done, like I told ya. I will mail em to ya on Friday. I've been so busy
> with school lately that I've been fucking flaking out on other obligations
> like BIG BANG and some of the LIBERATION stuff. (Ben's gonna kill me any
> day now) Hopefully, I'll get my shit together one of these days. Hell,
> maybe I can get TANG to do it all for me one day! MUHAHAHA

That's right mutherfucker you don't do shit - especially return
my fucking phone calls asshole!

Ben Interbang

Derek Yates

no leída,
1 nov 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.1/11/96

Petey (pe...@leland.Stanford.EDU) wrote:
: <ahem> you can't find everything at best buy. also, there are NO best buy
: stores in oh, say, pennsylvania (where i'm from). all the "chain" stores
: around there sell most cds for between $13 and $18, whereas my fave indie
: store back at home sells 'em for between $8 and, very occasionally, $14,
: WITH a MUCH MUCH better selection. so yeah, the kids are getting ripped of
: if they buy from chain stores in LOTSA places. so nyeer nyeer!

Right in Australia we have about 3 levels of music shop.
*There's chain stores, Brashes, Insanity, and Cockbuster music, who sell
stuff for about AUS$30-34 bux for new releases. You'd be lucky to find
ANY punk in these stores other than a major label (Sony/EMI/etc.)
*Then there are discount chain stores like JB-Hi Fi who have USUALLY got a
great range of punk from indy and major labels and if it's got local
distribution then it'll be about AUS$26.
*Finally there are your mom and pop/indy stores with prices that very
from around AUS$28-$31 and have a range that either mirors the big chain
stores (usually with higher prices) and those with a big indy/punk
selection that have the lower prices and no or very little major lable stuff.

Anyway I'd also like to point out that after looking in as many shops in
melbourne as I could (like about 20) I could only get Punk Sucks for $30.
This is expensive. I can get Blink for $26 or less if I'm lucky at most
shops though. So I guess that either ALL the shops in Melbourne are
ripping us off, the import tax is too fucking high (would you belive
30%), or wholesale prices in the states don't mean shit eleswhere. So
it's all fine and dandy for Dave Liberation to say major distibution
sucks dick in the States but what about the rest of the god damn world.
Sorry but the US isn't the be all and end all of music.

Yeah we pay too fucking much for our CD's because the majors have
cronered the market and can controll prices as they like BUT indy lables
have difficulty competing with them because they can't have lower prices
because of the import problem and because the volumes sold are far less.

So I guess I'm just saying that the pricing of Liberation stuff doesn't
help ALL indy stores to keep prices down. By the time they get to other
countries they end up costing the exact same price as every other CD out.

: nevermind the fact that i'm sure there are TONS of USED blink cds out
: there to be had, if you actually wanted one.

This is a good way of getting CD's too. Second hand shit is WAAAYYYY
cheaper and often is almost brand new. I managed to get BRAND NEW burning
heart stuff for $10 each at a second hand place. That's good in any country.

Anyway I've said too fucking much



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