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Oct 29, 2011, 8:34:06 PM10/29/11

How Jews Destroy Nations

For thousands of years, Jews have been talking non-Jews into
committing suicide under the guise of promoting "liberal", though
suicidal, principles. One of their preferred methods is to bring a
society into ruin through revolution, and then to propose a
dictatorship as the solution to the chaos they have deliberately
caused. America has entered this phase of the Jewish "World
Revolution" meant to destroy humanity. Trotskyite Jews have delivered
us into "perpetual war" and "perpetual regime change", Parvus and
Trotsky's "permanent revolution" - Judaism in action.

The Jews who fabricated the Hebrew Bible, those who copied their
religion, history and poetry from Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamian
sources, those who fabricated their prophecies after the events had
already occurred, those who created a virulently racist belief system
in order to preserve their tribe; those Jews discovered that
idealistic philosophies and the promise of a Utopia were powerful
weapons with which to destroy Goy peoples.

They often infiltrate foreign governments with subversive agents. The
mythical Jewish book of Esther teaches the Jews to marry off their
women to the leaders of other "races" and to then use this power to
destroy the "enemies" of the Jews.

The Jewish puppet Nero and his Jewish wife Poppzea burned Rome and
then scapegoated the Christians for the Jewish atrocity. The Zionist
puppet Oliver Cromwell brought England into civil war and in so doing
secured England for the Jewish bankers, while scapegoating the
Catholics for the ails Cabalistic Jews had caused the British,
Frankist Jews brought France into chaos and war through their Zionist
puppets Robespierre and Napoleon. These Jews ensured that the best of
the French would perish, that French genes would lose their strongest
links as the flower of the French youth fell on the battle field and
French soldiers were away from their wives at the most productive
period of their lives.

They did this, they ruined France and brought it into perpetual
self-destructive war, in the name of "liberty, equality, fraternity".
They also made an unrelenting attack on French Catholicism, preferring
Judaized Protestantism, or, better still, leader worship. Crypto-Jews
preaching "liberty, equality, fraternity" slaughtered Armenians to
bring the Turkish Empire and Germany into conflict with Great Britain
and Russia, knowing that Christians would be outraged that Moslems had
apparently massacred other Christians. Crypto-Jewish Revolutionaries
then deliberately ruined the Turkish Empire, while scape goating
Moslems for the atrocities Jews had covertly committed. These Jews
taught the Turks that Islam was an antiquated and unscientific belief
system, that must be substituted with government worship, and that
this worship of government and science would result in a positivistic

Soon after, Crypto-Jewish revolutionaries deliberately destroyed
Russia and mass murdered millions of Slavic Christians. They
accomplished their goals by causing the Russian People to hate and to
overthrow their own government - they scapegoated the Czar for the
economic crises and wars which Jews had, in fact, covertly caused. The
Jews taught the Russians that Christianity was their enemy, and that
the State had assumed the rights and authority which were previously
the domain of the divine.

Jewish Bolsheviks sought to destroy the world through revolution and
preached that Communist Revolution was the messiah that would
institute the Jewish Messianic Era. In Germany, crypto-Jewish
Bolsheviks, calling themselves 'National Socialists" or "Nazis",
called attention to the fact that Zionist Jews had betrayed Germany in
the First World War. By causing the Germans to hate all Jews, the
Jews were able to install their Zionist puppets, the Nazis, in
positions of power in the German Government and to bring Germany into
perpetual war and ultimate ruin. They taught the Germans that the
Zionist stooge Adolf Hitler was the messiah and that Germany had begun
the birth pangs of the Millennium - the Messianic Era - the thousand
year Reich. These crypto-Jews taught the Germans that
self-destructive wars without end were the means to fulfil the "End
Times" of prophecy.

The so-called neo-Conservatives, a group of Trotskyite - read
Bolshevilc - Jews, have taken over both the Christian Evangelical
movement and the Republican Party in America. The Zionist puppet
President George Bush has brought America into perpetual war and has
placed us on a course towards economic ruin. He rode to power on the
backs of Christian Zionists, who sincerely believed and hoped, that
Bush would bring us into the Messianic Era through nuclear world war.

Beware of the controlled opposition of alternative Zionist puppets in
the top leadership of the Democratic Party, who propose their
"solutions" to the tyranny and crises neo-Conservative Zionists have
deliberately brought to America. Their plan is to intensify the
tyranny and further undermine American industry and nationalism.

The true solution to the problems Zionist Jews are deliberately
causing America is for loyal Americans to become more actively
involved in the political process, so that we can assure that
American, as opposed to Zionist, interests are served by the American
Government. Do not listen to the defeatists who will tell you to hate
American Government and destroy it by not participating in it. These
"revolutionaries", who want you to hate and destroy your own society,
are working for the Zionists, just as the "English Puritan
Revolutionaries", the "French Jacobins", the "Young Turks", the
"Russian Bolsheviks", the "German Nazis", etc., were each led,
financed, owned, and operated by rich Jews who had no intentions of
benefitting the societies they deliberately tore down in the name of
"freedom" and "progress".

They will promise you a Utopia if only you destroy the government
which is presently serving as the stage for their Zionist puppets. Do
not burn down the American theater of government. Simply chase the
Zionist clowns and crypto-Jewish poseurs off the stage, and insist
that the new actors, loyal Americans, follow the script inscribed in
the American Constitution. Otherwise, we will share the fate Russia
and fall into the hands of murderous Bolshevik Jews with little chance
of escape. It is bad enough to have Zionist puppets running the show.
It will be far worse if they succeed in their plan to change the
fundamental structure and nature of our system.

Already, our Jewish controlled Congress and Presidency have illegally
revoked our constitutional rights to due process of law, habeas
corpus; and our fundamental rights to privacy. At the behest of
traitorous Jews, Jews who serve the interests of Israel and the Jewish
bankers, the Bolshevik Zionists calling themselves "Democrats" plan to
eliminate our fundamental rights of free speech and innate freedom to
keep and bear arms.

The process of Bolshevization is well under way. Just as in the
Soviet Union, traitorous Jews control our mass media, and filter and
fabricate the news. The American media is notorious for excluding
foreign news, for not criticizing the government, and for offering
false hope for the future, while creating a climate of fear and
anxiety about the present-just as was the case in the Soviet Union.
The Jews in control of our government and press are pressing for laws
which will require Americans to request permission from the government
in order to travel - just as was the case in the Soviet Union. They
are eliminating the national sovereignty of the United States of
America in favor of a Jewish World Government.

All of these steps are a part of the Bolshevization of America being
carried out by disloyal Jews, who are intent upon destroying the
American experiment in human freedom. They consider all Gentiles to
be subhuman, and will not rest until they have sent the rest of
humanity into universal slavery, and then death - they will not rest
until they have artificially fulfilled ancient Jewish Messianic
prophecies which call for the enslavement of non-Jews followed by
their extermination.

These racist and genocidal Jews can be stopped if the American People
elect to build rather than burn, speak out rather than tear down.
Contact members of both houses of Congress and tell them that you do
not want them to bow down to Israel. Tell them that Bush, Cheney,
Kennedy, Pelosi, Schumer, Emanuel, Lieberman, Kerry, and like-minded
types do not speak for you when they speak on behalf of Israel. But
do not become disengaged and despondent, and do not hope for the
downfall of the American system. Do not fall into the ancient Jewish
trap of crypto-Jewish revolution based on the false and disingenuous
promise of a Utopia on the other side of self- destruction.

Learn from the downfall of the Turkish Empire, the destruction of
Russia, the ruin of Germany. If you cannot affect change now, when
the American system is wealthy, comparatively healthy, and functional,
you certainly will not achieve your dreams of a freer America if you
destroy our institutions and economy with a crypto- Jewish revolution.
Instead, you will afford the Jewish bankers the opportunity to rob
your wealth, take away your national sovereignty, and deliver you into
concentration camps.

Russia did not advance by murdering the Czar and destroying the
Russian Government. Yes, the only solution to America's problems is
loyal Americans. We need Americans who want to improve America and
chase the Zionists who are destroying us out from power. However,
anyone opposing traitorous Zionist power in America will have no
chance at success without broad, consistent and courageous support.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes
"The Jewish Genocide Of Armenian Christians" (2007)
pp. 120-123


Oct 29, 2011, 9:02:14 PM10/29/11
On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 20:34:06 -0400, God <>

>How Jews Destroy Nations
>For thousands of years, J

Welcome to my killfile "God."

Day Brown

Oct 29, 2011, 10:27:21 PM10/29/11
No Aryan nation that was not also Christian, ever had a "Jewish
Nietzsche got this.


Oct 29, 2011, 10:54:57 PM10/29/11
On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 21:02:14 -0400, rwalker <>
Jew detected.
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