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David W. Green ("North") . . . CEO/Cult Leader for "Revolution"

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Scott Solomon

2007. ápr. 23. 0:17:182007. 04. 23.




(see page 2)



(see page 9 of 14)

Some years ago, the communist political cult to which I used to be a
for one year (then known as the Workers League, now known as the
Equality Party) made an interesting "turn" in its political line.
According to SEPtic,
the unions were no longer organizations of the working class.

I found this "turn" to be quite startling. Upon further thought,
however, it sorta
made sense. David W. Green ("North"), the cult leader of SEPtic,
having run
the cult since the mid 1970s, had been a complete ineffectual. He and
his cult
never organized any workers, ever gained any influence in the labor
never accomplished anything. So, in a strange way, it made quite a
bit of sense
that "North" was now writing off the unions altogether.

Still, I wondered, how was it that "North" managed to keep control
over a dedicated
cluster in the top leadership.

Today, playing around on the web, I found a possible answer. It seems
that David
W. Green is CEO of the 241st largest printing company in the USA.
is a link to the company's site. EXHIBIT 3 show that in 2005 the
company generated
$21mm in sales. EXHIBIT 2 has pictures of "David North" and his wife
in Crain's,
touting them as some of the best employers in the city.

The "puzzle" now makes sense.

Question: why does the North cult solicit members for donations when
they run
a profitable enterprise that could conceivably fund the SEPtic web
page activities?
Is there any sort of democracy in SEPtic? Were a faction to take over
the cult,
what would be the impact of the North crew vis-a-vis the company

It's interesting that CEO North now tells workers that unions are no
longer organizations
of the working class. This same "line" is probably echoed by CEOs at
all unorganized

Scott Solomon

2007. ápr. 23. 0:50:202007. 04. 23.

Grand River Printing & Imaging is a premiere national provider of
advertising inserts. Whether you are looking for high-volume FSIs,
marriage mail pieces or bill stuffers, we can produce a wide range of
product sizes and shapes

Also: anyone who can shed light on what "high-volume FSIs, marriage
mail pieces or bill stuffers" are would be very much appreciated.

On Apr 23, 12:17 am, Scott Solomon <scott_p_solo...@hotmail.com>


2007. ápr. 23. 4:17:182007. 04. 23.
I think that's his father, not him.



2007. ápr. 23. 5:08:162007. 04. 23.
On Apr 22, 9:17 pm, Scott Solomon <scott_p_solo...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> EXHIBIT 2 has pictures of "David North" and his wife in Crain's,
> them as some of the best employers in the city.

When did you last see North? Can you ID him definitely from the


Scott Solomon

2007. ápr. 23. 14:09:392007. 04. 23.
On Apr 23, 4:17 am, dave.walt...@comcast.net wrote:
> I think that's his father, not him.
> David

No, that is him and his wife. Green/North graduated Trinity College
That would make him about 58. That is DEFINITELY him.

Scott Solomon

2007. ápr. 23. 14:14:142007. 04. 23.

That is definitely him. And that's his wife Heather.

I guess it's not THAT big of a company. Consider the following

A law firm with lawyers who bill on average $350 per hour. Lawyers
on average, 2,200 hours per year.

So that's like a law firm with 34 lawyers. Maybe less considering
getting billed out. Maybe a 28 person law firm??

Still . . . how much can it cost to keep Bluto Porkster and Bill Van
Auken on
staff full time. If the printing plant's clearing $7mm per year after
where's all this money going? To other sections internationally?

Scott Solomon

2007. ápr. 23. 14:32:032007. 04. 23.

Actually, my previous post was pretty off. Consider $26mm sales with

So about $3.9mm EBITDA. Not compete chump change, but it's a pretty
small company.

On Apr 23, 5:08 am, srd <srdiam...@gmail.com> wrote:


2007. ápr. 24. 11:03:542007. 04. 24.
Quite an interesting revelation posted here. Yet, no comments
whatsoever from the braindead left. t wonder why.

Like stage actors forced to ad lib, but knowing only how to act from a
script, the braindead left is rendered speechless by any new



2007. ápr. 24. 11:09:092007. 04. 24.
Quite an interesting exposure posted here. Yet no reaction from the
braindead left. Wonder why?

Like actors forced to ad lib when they know only to act from a script,
the braindead left is rendered speechless by new information.



2007. ápr. 24. 14:35:322007. 04. 24.
Interesting exposure posted here. Why no responses from the braindead

Like an actor who can play when scripted, forced to ad lib, the
braindeadd left is rendered speechles by anything new.


Einde O'Callaghan

2007. ápr. 24. 15:46:392007. 04. 24.
srd schrieb:
Is there an echo here.

The sad remnants of the ICFI may be of interest to you as a former
member, but for most other people they are quite irrelevant.

Einde O'callaghan


2007. ápr. 25. 12:55:242007. 04. 25.
On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:46:39 -0700, Einde O'Callaghan
<einde.oc...@planet-interkom.de> wrote:

> Is there an echo here.

Posting problem. Sorry.

> The sad remnants of the ICFI may be of interest to you as a former
> member, but for most other people they are quite irrelevant.

I doubt that explains it. The ICFI remnants have always been worth
commentary to the Sparts; the North group is relevant to the other ICFI
remnants; the Northite web site is frequently quoted here.


Scott Solomon

2007. ápr. 26. 14:48:172007. 04. 26.
> I doubt that explains it. The ICFI remnants have always been worth
> commentary to the Sparts; the North group is relevant to the other ICFI
> remnants; the Northite web site is frequently quoted here.
> srd

If you Google "David W. Green" Trotsky, you'll find that some other
"Marxist" forums have
picked up the story.

Here's a comment I posted on Joe Hargrave's "Myspace" Blog:

I don't have any problem with the fact that David W. Green ("North")
runs a successful company. And if I did have a problem? Who cares?
He still runs the company. My having a problem with or not having a
problem with it is completely irrelevant.

So why bother "outing" Dave? Well, reason #1, to be honest: piss him
off. I don't like Dave. It's really quite personal. I think Dave is
an autocratic blowhard scum bag who has wasted a lot of people's

To be honest, reson #1 is not all that constructive. Could there be
other reasons that are more constructive?

Yes. Reason #2: The inner circle of the SEPtic cult is involved in a
commercial enterprise that generates $26mm+ in sales, and, assuming
15% EBITDA, could potentially have perhaps $3.9mm in money to play
with at the end of a year from the activities of the company.

This commercial enterprise came into existence as a result of 30 years
of hard work by high level cult members. I have no qualm with this
whatsoever, but what I WOULD point out to people thinking of joining
the North cult, donating money to the North cult, or investing years
of their lives into the North cult is the following:

What does it mean for the cult leader to not only run the cult but
also to run a successful enterprise most likely connected financially
with the cult? Suppose, for example, after putting years of work into
the cult, you develop differences with the cult? Suppose a majority
of cult members *agree* with your criticisms, and suppose a slate of
your fellow cult members manages to oust the completely ineffectual
North crew in a party election?

Now, let's be honest . . . that's an extremely unlikely event. First,
because North doesn't really have national meetings regularly where
something like this could happen. Second, it's extremely difficult to
communicate freely with other cult members. To my knowledge, there is
no internal SEPtic discussion board where members criticize the
leadership internally, away from the view of the Scott Solomons of the
world. Third, sorry to say, most members don't have very sharp ideas
(mostly they're a bunch of lackeys).

But, just for the sake of argument, let's suppose such an event
happened. You and your supporters win the leadership of SEPtic
putting forward a clearly insane political line such as (let's say)
trade unions *are* organizations of the working class!

Well, what happens to the corporate entity that supports the SEPtic?
I can't really see the North crew simply "walking away" from a company
they've put 30 years into that's now generating $26mm in sales. And
even if they did walk away, what would that mean??? I mean, do *you*
know how to run a printing company? I don't think so.

The point is: the crew that controls the money controls the party,
elections or no elections. Even though the early resources for
building the company probably came from donations from the
international sections of the political cult.

And the point is: the stake in the company really makes it less
imperative for the North gang to have any sort of political impact.
Just make the membership run around in election years getting stupid
signatures. Have'm write an occassional article for the web page.
Collect their dues and occasional donations. The inner circle gets
the perks, Dave gets to fly around the world.

The word for it is: opportunism.

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