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Left-wing COMMUNIST LIAR Cynthia McKinney

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Liberals HATE America . .

Apr 12, 2002, 9:12:59 AM4/12/02
Georgia Democrat Cynthia McKinney (known locally as "The cutest little
Communist in Congress) is implying that President Bush knew in advance of
the September 11th terrorist attacks on America and intentionally failed to
warn Americans because "persons close to this administration are poised to
make huge profits of America's new war."

It's reelection time, and Cynthia McKinney knows that she needs to start
pandering to her leftist base in Atlanta. There is a large group of
constituents trapped in McKinney's district who actually love America and
love limited government, lower taxes, liberty and economic freedom. Cynthia
worries that pro-American voters might actually step forward and end her fun
and games in Washington --- so she has to rally the leftist troops centered
around the Emory University portion of her district.

McKinney's statements came in (where else?) Berkeley, California. She was
being interviewed on a radio show when she said: "We know there were
numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11th. . . . What did
this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of
September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people
of New York who were needlessly murdered? . . . What do they have to hide?"

McKinney went on to try to explain just who these people "close to this
administration who are poised to make huge profits .." are. There's an
investment firm in DC named the Carlyle Group. The Carlyle group employs
former Democratic and Republican government officials. The Carlyle group
employs former President Bush as an advisor. The Carlyle group - being an
investment firm - owns a portion of a defense contractor. So --- there's
your people "close to this administration."

Evidently McKinney's office is getting a bit of heat from Cynthia's remarks.
She refuses to be interviewed, but has issued a statement saying: "I am not
aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his
administration have personally profited from the attacks of 9-11. A complete
investigation might reveal that to be the case."

WHAT? So now Cynthia McKinney is saying that she knows of no evidence that
anyone in the Bush administration profited from the 9-11 attacks, but if we
just did an investigation we might find out that they did?

Well - how about this. I have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that
Cynthia McKinney provided young women to Bill Clinton for his sexual
pleasure. However, an investigation might reveal that to be the case.

This is classic LIBERAL behavior - and classic behavior for the McKinney
clan. She knows that the American people would be outraged if they became
convinced that the Bush Administration knew in advance of the terrorist
attacks, but decided not to warn anyone because one of their friends would
make big bucks selling stuff to the military when we go to war after the
attacks. So --- Cynthia hatches a plot. She's going to go on an obscure
leftist radio show in Berkeley, California to plant the seeds. She'll
imply - she'll strongly imply that Bush knew about the terrorist attacks,
but kept quiet so friends could become enriched. Then she'll demand an

McKinney knows that there's no truth to the implication. She admits that
she has not one shred of evidence that it's true - that there's even a grain
of truth to it. She also knows that if she simply suggests the possibility
and demands an investigation it will be enough to convince those among us
who are incapable of logical thought, and immune to the power of fact, that
the allegations are, in fact, true? The rectal-cranial inversion leftist
crowd will start muttering: "Well, you know they wouldn't be investigating
if there wasn't something to it."

McKinney is slime. She's an embarrassment to Georgia. She'll be reelected.
The leftists in her Emory districts will turn out in force to protect their
voice on Capitol Hill. The moderates and conservatives who live in the rest
of her district will sit on their hands on election day.

Well .. she does provide us with some comic relief anyway.

Dave Simpson

Apr 12, 2002, 12:51:21 PM4/12/02
McKinney, Lee, and others among the truly pathological and scummy Left
are a disgrace to the civilized world.

If Buchanan were equally bad, we could suggest forcing McKinney to
be Patrick Buchanan's sex slave. (* grin *)

Dave Simpson


Apr 12, 2002, 9:45:22 PM4/12/02

"Liberals HATE America . ." <> wrote in message

Mike Flannigan

Apr 12, 2002, 10:06:26 PM4/12/02
> Georgia Democrat Cynthia McKinney (known locally as "The cutest little
> Communist in Congress) is implying that President Bush knew in advance of
> the September 11th terrorist attacks on America and intentionally failed
> warn Americans because "persons close to this administration are poised to
> make huge profits of America's new war."

I read about this. While charlatans and demagogues like McKinney will always
be with us, that enough gullible people can be dredged up (albeit a
preposterously drawn district) to put a person like this in such high office
is still awfully disturbing.

Apr 13, 2002, 9:36:53 AM4/13/02

Pickaninny McKinney's a treat isn't she.

Dave Simpson

Apr 13, 2002, 1:04:45 PM4/13/02
Mike Flannigan wrote:

> I read about this. While charlatans and demagogues like McKinney will always
> be with us, that enough gullible people can be dredged up (albeit a
> preposterously drawn district) to put a person like this in such high office
> is still awfully disturbing.

Sadly, it's not surprising. Bill Clinton's two successful elections
already proved P.T. Barnum right ("There's a sucker born every
minute") as well as was a stellar illustration of the decline and
decay of society -- crime, treason, and the worst corruption ever are
perfectly OK to many. Though you'll be reminded of it on the roadways
or elsewhere in public (or on here with Clinton fans and the other
true dregs of society found on the Left), the Clinton "legacy" is more
than enough.

Maybe Hillary Clinton should get some competition, let's say a
ticket of Cynthia McKinney and Barbara Lee, the Commie ticket
("Reparations for blacks and for Grenada, too!")

Dave Simpson

Gary Lantz

Apr 16, 2002, 8:01:11 AM4/16/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

And how stupid are you? Name one thing Clinton did that was even in the
ball park with the Enron scandal?

Gary Lantz

Apr 16, 2002, 8:13:03 AM4/16/02

<> wrote in message

McKinney should receive the gold medal for congressmen. The entire Clinton
Administration was filled with right wingnut baseless comments trying to
spin negative baseless accusations into fact as they embarrassed the
country, the congress and the Justice System. The right wing Nazi media
over investigated every libeless comment to the nth degree. That same press
would never have allowed Clinton to be quite about his drunken past and drug
use, let alone the way bush violated SEC regulations and the way he screwed
the people of Texas at almost every turn. His family history of corruption
and fraud would have drummed him out of office before he was made Resident,
if there were a liberal press.

Greg the Bunny

Apr 16, 2002, 9:09:53 AM4/16/02

1. The woman (human) is entitled to her opinion.

2. INS approved M. Attas' visa to learn to fly, after 9-11

3. Intelligence is spotty and faulty.

4. Yes, defense contracts profit when military spending rises (Doh!)

5. Enron-gate is closer than 9-11-gate if you want to look for influence
peddling. Why not answer the questions Mr. Cheney?

We're all giving up little freedom and convenience for the sake of safety,
why not give a little on this Enron thing? What's up with all this noise?
Is that a Falwell thing? Make a lot of noise, call people commies when they
don't like your idiotic rant?

This person was elected under our system of free speech, free elections,
open debate, and representation. Don't like it? Run against them next
election. That way, you'll find out how valid and acceptable your opinions
are to regular people.

I hear Jerry F. is looking for a few good ranters.


BTW: Bill C? Ran the country pretty good, if you compare then to now. He
can have the occasional 'Monica' for all I care.


"Liberals HATE America . ." <> wrote in message

Cameron L. Spitzer

Apr 16, 2002, 5:25:45 PM4/16/02
In article <>, Gary Lantz wrote:
>And how stupid are you? Name one thing Clinton did that was even in the
>ball park with the Enron scandal?



Most favored nation trading status for the Prisoners' Republic of China

Derailing the Kyoto negotiations on a protocol to limit manmade
global warming (the US and Saudi Arabia, alone in the world,
insisted on emissions credits trading)

Oops, that's four, and you only asked for one.


michael price

Apr 16, 2002, 10:36:58 PM4/16/02
"Gary Lantz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
The Enron Scandal. It is in the same ballpark as itself is it not?
Clinton pushed them far harder than Bush did.

harvest dancer

Apr 16, 2002, 11:26:30 PM4/16/02
"Gary Lantz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> "Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message
> > Mike Flannigan wrote:
> >
> > > I read about this. While charlatans and demagogues like McKinney will
> always
> > > be with us, that enough gullible people can be dredged up (albeit a
> > > preposterously drawn district) to put a person like this in such high
> office
> > > is still awfully disturbing.
> >
> > Sadly, it's not surprising. Bill Clinton's two successful elections
> > already proved P.T. Barnum right ("There's a sucker born every
> > minute") as well as was a stellar illustration of the decline and
> > decay of society -- crime, treason, and the worst corruption ever are
> > perfectly OK to many. Though you'll be reminded of it on the roadways
> > or elsewhere in public (or on here with Clinton fans and the other
> > true dregs of society found on the Left), the Clinton "legacy" is more
> > than enough.
> >
> > Maybe Hillary Clinton should get some competition, let's say a
> > ticket of Cynthia McKinney and Barbara Lee, the Commie ticket
> > ("Reparations for blacks and for Grenada, too!")
> And how stupid are you? Name one thing Clinton did that was even in the
> ball park with the Enron scandal?

Hmm, ok, how about Enron?

Harvest Dancer


Apr 17, 2002, 2:32:11 AM4/17/02
But the issue was that there were several warnings just a few hours
before the attacks!!!

Gary Lantz

Apr 17, 2002, 8:03:18 AM4/17/02

"Cameron L. Spitzer" <> wrote in message

How stupid are you those are the things that most Dems and Independents hate
Clinton for as they are Republican driven issues. He got no personal gain
out of this but Bush had a lot of gain out of Enron and we will never know
all those details. They shredded most of it.

Gary Lantz

Apr 17, 2002, 8:06:46 AM4/17/02

"michael price" <> wrote in message

With dimwits like you, ignorance will thrive and bush will have a chance to
be Resident again.

Apr 17, 2002, 10:12:16 AM4/17/02
On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 06:09:53 -0700, "Greg the Bunny"
<> wrote:

>1. The woman (human) is entitled to her opinion.

Pickaninny McKinney is a bozo in blackface!


Dave Simpson

Apr 17, 2002, 12:42:07 PM4/17/02
Gary Lantz wrote:

> And how stupid are you? Name one thing Clinton did that was even in the
> ball park with the Enron scandal?

Is posting stupid replies and asking how stupid people are who know
more than you the best way to deal with the truth? (No.)

Dave Simpson

Gary Lantz

Apr 17, 2002, 1:52:40 PM4/17/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

Your previous posts label you as a mental midget, go back to

harvest dancer

Apr 17, 2002, 4:54:55 PM4/17/02
"Gary Lantz" <> wrote in message news:<>...

Interesting, your method of admitting that your opponent is correct is
to call your opponent a Dimwit.

If someone who is right is a dimwit, what does that make someone who
is wrong?

Harvest Dancer

Dave Simpson

Apr 17, 2002, 5:03:52 PM4/17/02
> And how stupid are you?

Not as stupid as anyone who would attack what I wrote, which is
stupid by definition.

> Name one thing Clinton did that was even in the

> ball park with the Enron scandal[.]

I'm not so stupid that I cannot or will not punctuate correctly,

Clinton was involved in the Enron scandal. There are, of course,
worse things, of which the losers of this country continue to insist
on being in denial, while attacking those who bring them up. Enron

Thanks for playing (playing, indeed).

Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson

Apr 17, 2002, 5:06:14 PM4/17/02
Gary Lantz

> With dimwits like you, ignorance will thrive and bush will have a chance to
> be Resident again.

Lies and Clintonite-Goron projections accomplish nothing, sonny.

The Ignorance Bloc vote, along with traditional fraud, particularly
in the bigger old cities, is the Democrats' staple. Their challenge
is to grow out of merely the low-IQ, illegal alien, felon, pet,
corpse, and imaginary and multiple vote crowd.

Bush won. Gore lost. The Gore coup failed. Get your head out of
your butt.

Dave Simpson

Gary Lantz

Apr 17, 2002, 9:16:45 PM4/17/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

Bush didn't win anything. In a vote for the lessor of two unqualified
candidates, bush spent more money and had more mafia types to do the dirty
work, especially in Florida. Gore wouldn't have been any more than an
occupier of the Office, but we wouldn't be in the shape we are now with
someone that was totally unqualified.

Gary Lantz

Apr 17, 2002, 9:20:10 PM4/17/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message
> > And how stupid are you?
> Not as stupid as anyone who would attack what I wrote, which is
> stupid by definition.
> > Name one thing Clinton did that was even in the
> > ball park with the Enron scandal[.]
> I'm not so stupid that I cannot or will not punctuate correctly,
> either.

If you are looking for puctuation or spelling contests because you lack the
intellectual arena of ideas, go back to alt.copyboy and spend some useful

michael price

Apr 17, 2002, 11:16:50 PM4/17/02
"Gary Lantz" <> wrote in message news:<>...

You mean dimwits whose arguements you cannot refute?

> ignorance will thrive and bush will have a chance to
> be Resident again.

Firstly the proper approach to ignorance is to inform and you did
not. Secondly what the hell makes you think the next Democratic
candidate would be less of an abomination than Greedy Weasal Bastard?

michael price

Apr 17, 2002, 11:28:56 PM4/17/02
to (George) wrote in message news:<>...

> But the issue was that there were several warnings just a few hours
> before the attacks!!!

Evidence? What were the nature of these "warnings"? Were they
credible? How long would it take to determine if they were? Could
responding to a false alarm lose the lives of valuable "assets"?
Would such a loss make the US vulnerable to possible "real" attacks?
If action was taken to avoid the attacks could they have been aborted
and rescheduled?

michael price

Apr 17, 2002, 11:36:03 PM4/17/02
"Gary Lantz" <> wrote in message news:<>...

If they were baseless why the perpetual lying and non-answers to
questions? Why did he not simply say "Yes I did this and it was
perfectly proper."? Why did they not explain why they needed to see
the security files of Republicans who weren't up for security

> trying to
> spin negative baseless accusations into fact as they embarrassed the
> country, the congress and the Justice System. The right wing Nazi media
> over investigated every libeless comment to the nth degree.

Oh please. We still don't know how Hillary got so good at picking
cattle futures so fast.

> That same press
> would never have allowed Clinton to be quite about his drunken past and drug
> use, let alone the way bush violated SEC regulations and the way he screwed
> the people of Texas at almost every turn. His family history of corruption
> and fraud would have drummed him out of office before he was made Resident,
> if there were a liberal press.

Sure they would idiot and the fact that Clinton was selling pardons
up to the last day has nothing to do with it.


Apr 18, 2002, 12:30:54 AM4/18/02
On 17 Apr 2002 20:36:03 -0700, (michael price)

There is no evidence that he "sold" pardons.

Gary Lantz

Apr 18, 2002, 9:48:01 AM4/18/02

The Public was ready to elect a third party candidate in 1992 until bush
threatened Perot's daughters and/or her wedding so he dropped out for
several weeks. That cost him the election as he had been leading in the
polls. After the bush/gore crap they would elect any decent third party
candidate if campaign finance reform were in place. If the public listens
to just half the truth, they could elect a third party candidate this time.
The public needs to elect more independents to congress and throw out most
of them there now.

Gary Lantz

Apr 18, 2002, 10:04:18 AM4/18/02

"michael price" <> wrote in message

The Administration can look at any files it wants with just a wisper of a
reason. Do you think bush would not look at the file of someone he wanted
to go after? It is common practice to look at an employee's record before
someone in management even talks with them about certain issues. This is no
different except no one may have looked at those files.

> > trying to
> > spin negative baseless accusations into fact as they embarrassed the
> > country, the congress and the Justice System. The right wing Nazi
> > over investigated every libeless comment to the nth degree.
> Oh please. We still don't know how Hillary got so good at picking
> cattle futures so fast.

What Hillary made on cattle futures is not uncommon for many in the ultra
rich crowd. Bush was given $15 million for talking the people of Texas into
building a stadium for the owners of the ball club. The people are still
paying and most of them can't afford to go to the games. Bush violated SEC
laws with insider trading and left everyone else holding the bag, just like
Enron, on a baby scale. Everything bush has he owes to others, everything
he has tried on his own has been a failure. I intend to do the same thing
with some of my children when they are ready.

> > That same press
> > would never have allowed Clinton to be quiet about his drunken past and

> > use, let alone the way bush violated SEC regulations and the way he
> > the people of Texas at almost every turn. His family history of
> > and fraud would have drummed him out of office before he was made
> > if there were a liberal press.
> Sure they would idiot and the fact that Clinton was selling pardons
> up to the last day has nothing to do with it.

Selling better take a look at bush sr on that one and he is
still selling. Ask how he made $14 million from global crossing. And find
out why the Japanese paid Reagan $2 million for a speech back when that was
some money.

Dave Simpson

Apr 18, 2002, 7:34:10 PM4/18/02
Harvest Dancer wrote:

> > Name one thing Clinton did that was even in the
> > ball park with the Enron scandal?
> Hmm, ok, how about Enron?

Answering the question and disposing of G.L. was too, too easy.

Dave Simpson


Apr 27, 2002, 7:13:33 AM4/27/02
She is a hero to common Americans, not afraid to stand up to the powerful
and the special lobbyists. She was the only one having the guts to ask for
a 9/11 investigation. You know, the government investigates every little
thing, but they don't want to investigate this tragedy that cost us so much!
They call her names, instead of giving her a medal for refusing to play the
political game and selling out! What an upside down world!

Let me conclude by providing a list of Jewish organizations that expose the
deceptive propaganda of the Israeli government and its unwavering "American
friends", followed by a few relevant quotes from American patriots and
Israeli sources and close with some of the slogans that I was able to record
at the march.

The following human right Jewish organizations exposing the truth about the
propaganda of the Zionist agents, be it on their claim to be a "democracy"
or the "generous offer of Barak" (see rebuttal by a Jewish human rights
organization:, or the
ridiculous revisionist view that Palestine had not been inhabited, that the
Palestinians moved away from peace process, that Israel's fight is for
survival and against terrorism, and so on! A general article by Richard
Falk ( very
accurately dispels the Israeli propaganda that the Palestinians chose the
path of fighting, were not willing to make compromises (in fact they gave
78% of land they own by international law), or that Arafat is a terrorist
and bears all the responsibility for the conflict. Finally, I highly
recommend the following articles and book reviews on this subject:

When you hear our elected officials repeat the propaganda of the Zionist
lobby, remember they also call Sharon "a man of peace" and continue to kiss
up to the Israeli lobby, no matter what!

Here are the Jewish organizations that have the guts to stand up for the
truth and condemn Israeli atrocities and violations:

Not in My Name:
Jewish Voices for Peace:
Gush Shalom:
Bat Shalom of the Jerusalem Link:
B'tSelem Human Rights:
Alternative Information Center:
Israeli Officers Who Refuse to be Occupiers:
The Israeli Committee against House Demolitions:
Movement for Civilization of Israeli Society:
Peace Now:
Rabbis for Human Rights:
Uri Avnery:
Visions of Peace /w Justice:
Jews are not Zionists:
Jews United against Zionism:

"Gary Lantz" <> wrote in message

Dave Simpson

Apr 27, 2002, 1:32:51 PM4/27/02
Activism 4 All wrote:

> She is a hero to common Americans

What a ridiculous falsity. She's repellent to all normal Americans.
There may be a tiny minority with abnormal minds or characters who
actually support this un-American dreg, but who cares what they think?

Dave Simpson

Nathan Stine

Apr 28, 2002, 12:54:10 AM4/28/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

Damn straight!!!! Anyone that has a dissenting opinion is un-American. Is
that you McCarthy???


Dave Simpson

Apr 28, 2002, 3:16:04 PM4/28/02
"Nathan Stine wrote:

> > > She is a hero to common Americans
> >
> > What a ridiculous falsity. She's repellent to all normal Americans.
> > There may be a tiny minority with abnormal minds or characters who
> > actually support this un-American dreg, but who cares what they think?

> Damn straight!!!! Anyone that has a dissenting opinion is un-American. Is
> that you McCarthy???

Instead of being ridiculous yourself (complete with multiple
punctuation marks at the end of sentences), why don't you grow up a
little and even more importantly, review what people like McKinney,
Barbara Lee, and the other truly fringist people say and do. Do
yourself a favor (and us, if it reduces the immature, ridiculous

Dave Simpson

Nathan Stine

Apr 28, 2002, 8:44:32 PM4/28/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

You're the only one who complains. I have researched what they have said
and I think they are just looking out for our country. Just because they
aren't you doesn't make them wrong.

Oh, and I'll drop the "immature, ridiculous replies" when you drop the
extravagant words like "fringist and falsity"


Donald L Ferrt

Apr 29, 2002, 10:09:41 AM4/29/02
to (Dave Simpson) wrote in message news:<>...

Except those Americans who follow the trail of deception put out by
the American Right-Winged Loons:

Among The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 64)
April 22, 2002
Disco DeLay Edition and Phil Kent
Ever since Rep. Cynthia McKinney started calling for investigations
into the
events of September 11, she's been a prime target for right-wing
And last week the decidedly unfair and unbalanced
published a
most excellent hack job linking McKinney to terrorists. Apparently
received campaign contributions from members of the American Muslim
and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) - CNSNews
this information at and used it to attack McKinney.
a quick search at reveals that McKinney is not the
person these organizations donated to. The American Muslim Council
twice as much money to Republican Dana Rohrabacher, and CAIR donated
money to Energy Secretary Spence Abraham than they did to McKinney.
But this
didn't stop from publishing a smear-vehicle for Phil Kent,
president of the Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF). "If she had any
of integrity, which I don't think she has, she'd repudiate these
said Kent. "I'm wondering if she's going to give the money back. But I
she won't." We wonder if in the interests of fairness and integrity
Mr. Kent
will be making the same calls to Rep. Rohrabacher and Spence Abraham?
hold your breath, folks.

Dave Simpson

Apr 29, 2002, 1:26:17 PM4/29/02
Nathan Stine wrote:

> You're the only one who complains. I have researched what they have said
> and I think they are just looking out for our country. Just because they
> aren't you doesn't make them wrong.
> Oh, and I'll drop the "immature, ridiculous replies" when you drop the
> extravagant words like "fringist and falsity"

For starters, did I begin this thread? No, someone else did. I'm
not the only one that finds McKinney, Lee, etc., repellent and

The fact is, people like McKinney and Lee are fringist and spout
falsities frequently.

Dave Simpson


Apr 29, 2002, 3:29:24 PM4/29/02
to (Dave Simpson) wrote:

> The fact is, people like McKinney ... spout
>falsities frequently.

state one


Apr 29, 2002, 3:45:17 PM4/29/02

> (Dave Simpson) wrote:
>> The fact is, people like McKinney ... spout
>> falsities frequently.

no <none> wrote:
> state one

Indeed. Parse Simpson's verbiage: we would need
to find somebody -like- McKinney, not McKinney herself.

- regards
- jb


"Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile, I caught hell for."
-- Earl Warren

You Know You're From OREGON if :

1. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on
the highway.

2. "Vacation" means going to Portland for the weekend.

3. You measure distance in hours.

4. You know several people who have hit deer more than once.

5. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.

6. You use a down comforter in the summer.

7. Your grandparents drive at 65 mph through a raging rain storm
without flinching.

8. You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events.

9. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both

10. You think of the major food groups as elk meat, beer, fish, & berries

11. You carry jumper cables in your pickup and your wife knows how to
use them.

12. There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at the Bi-Mart
store at any given time.

13. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a raincoat.

14. Driving is better in the winter because almost everybody stays home.

15. You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and flannel pajamas.

16. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still raining, and

17. It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when
you're in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town.

18. You actually understand these jokes and forward them to all your
friends from Oregon.


Gary Lantz

Apr 30, 2002, 8:56:31 AM4/30/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

And they have the right to do that. Just like you have the right to post
such intellectually vacant garbage.

Dave Simpson

Apr 30, 2002, 1:53:11 PM4/30/02
Gary Lantz wrote:

> > For starters, did I begin this thread? No, someone else did. I'm
> > not the only one that finds McKinney, Lee, etc., repellent and
> > noxious.
> >
> > The fact is, people like McKinney and Lee are fringist and spout
> > falsities frequently.

> And they have the right to do that. Just like you have the right to post
> such intellectually vacant garbage.

I'm better, however, and leave the lies and intellectually vacant
garbage to the likes of McKinney, Lee, and the tiny minority who also
posts such worthless material, such as you.

Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson

Apr 30, 2002, 1:54:37 PM4/30/02
Donald L Ferrt wrote:

> > > She is a hero to common Americans
> >
> > What a ridiculous falsity. She's repellent to all normal Americans.
> > There may be a tiny minority with abnormal minds or characters who
> > actually support this un-American dreg, but who cares what they think?

> Except those Americans who follow the trail of deception put out by
> the American Right-Winged Loons:

[garbage deleted]

Does my triple-digit IQ really make you that intimidated and jealous?

Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson

Apr 30, 2002, 1:55:40 PM4/30/02
Gary Lantz wrote:

> If you are looking for puctuation or spelling contests because you lack the
> intellectual arena of ideas, go back to alt.copyboy and spend some useful
> time.

You lack an intellect, based on your behavior on USENET.

Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson

Apr 30, 2002, 1:56:57 PM4/30/02
Michael Price wrote:

> > With dimwits like you,
> You mean dimwits whose arguements you cannot refute?

Lantz is the dimmest of the dim these days.

Bush won. Gore lost. The Gore coup failed. Losers, grow up.

Dave Simpson

Nathan Stine

Apr 30, 2002, 9:13:03 PM4/30/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

Hot-damn, Dave...triple digits. That makes you "better than average". A C+
is "better than average". Can one assume you have C+ intelligence?


Gary Lantz

May 1, 2002, 9:18:27 AM5/1/02

"Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message

Yes, take your comments back to your minimum wage job and feel lucky that a
man of your capabilities has even that.

Gary Lantz

May 1, 2002, 9:22:55 AM5/1/02

"Nathan Stine" <> wrote in message

Simpson is a typical dittohead/dimwit. They usually carry an IQ of between
80 and no more than 90. If Simpson thinks he is at three digests, then it
is only because he took some test that has a degree of confidence of + or -
20 points and he had his best day.

Dave Simpson

May 1, 2002, 2:37:51 PM5/1/02
Gary Lantz wrote:

> Simpson is a typical dittohead/dimwit. They usually carry an IQ of between
> 80 and no more than 90. If Simpson thinks he is at three digests, then it
> is only because he took some test that has a degree of confidence of + or -
> 20 points and he had his best day.

Don't project. It makes you look even worse than you already look, sonny.

Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson

May 1, 2002, 2:39:41 PM5/1/02
Nathan Stine wrote:

> Hot-damn, Dave...triple digits. That makes you "better than average". A C+
> is "better than average". Can one assume you have C+ intelligence?

You can, and should, assume much better.

Dave Simpson

harvest dancer

May 1, 2002, 3:31:41 PM5/1/02
"Gary Lantz" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "Nathan Stine" <> wrote in message
> news:ziHz8.35595$
> > "Dave Simpson" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Donald L Ferrt wrote:
> > >
> > > > > > She is a hero to common Americans
> > > > >
> > > > > What a ridiculous falsity. She's repellent to all normal
> > > > > Americans. There may be a tiny minority with abnormal minds or
> > > > > characters who actually support this un-American dreg, but who cares
> > > > > what they think?
> > > >
> > > > Except those Americans who follow the trail of deception put out by
> > > > the American Right-Winged Loons:
> > >
> > > [garbage deleted]
> > >
> > > Does my triple-digit IQ really make you that intimidated and jealous?
> > >
> >
> > Hot-damn, Dave...triple digits. That makes you "better than average". A
> > C+ is "better than average". Can one assume you have C+ intelligence?
> Simpson is a typical dittohead/dimwit. They usually carry an IQ of between
> 80 and no more than 90. If Simpson thinks he is at three digests, then it
> is only because he took some test that has a degree of confidence of + or -
> 20 points and he had his best day.

And you know this how? Have you given him an IQ test? Which IQ test
did you give him? Do you know the standard errors of the various

Harvest Dancer

Michael Ejercito

May 5, 2002, 5:34:02 PM5/5/02
On 28 Apr 2002 12:16:04 -0700, (Dave
Simpson) wrote:

Bob Hubert is no patriot.


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