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::: Rosanne and the Martians :::

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Brother Blue

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
The Roseanne Show -- airdate, February 24, Wednesday, at 10:00 a.m.

To those in this mailing who weren't involved in the show, here is
what happened in a nutshell:

The show featured Budd Hopkins, Yvonne Smith, Dr. Franklin Ruehl
and abductee Jesse Long. Roseanne was generally open and
receptive to the concept, asking probing questions of the guests,
treating them with dignity and yet was able to get some humor out
of the situation.

Jesse Long recounted his abduction experiences to Roseanne,
then Yvonne Smith was brought on to support Jesse's account.
Budd Hopkins and Dr. Ruehl talked in more general terms about
the experiences that people have. Ruehl provided a comic element
to the show but, surprisingly, made some very cogent points himself.

Then Roseanne went into the audience for questions and comments.
There were a number of experiencers in the audience, many from the
MUFON LA support group, and she did a short interview with Pamela
Stonebrooke [some may recognise aav's favourite Reptoid Slut, the
Galactic Diva herself -B:.B:.], about implants and hybrid children.
There was a skeptic from San Diego who seemed unable to formulate
his position and was eventually told, in a humorous way by Roseanne,
to shut up.

The show is a good one -- worth taping!


Donald Waldrop
State Section Director, MUFON LA
Mutual UFO Network Los Angeles

Debby Sobwick

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
to Brother Blue
Dear Brother Blue: One thing that drives me crazy. Why do they make it
nice and call it abduction. Why don't they call it what it is;
kidnapping and rape. I also don't like the ad on Mufon La's webpage with
that idiot abduction counselor- con artist. This is not a romantic
thing. It is a tradgedy and should be treated as
such. Debby S.< very disturbed.

Aaron LeClair

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
Thanks alot, I've been wanting to know when this show is going to be

Aaron LeClair

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
I thought "abduction" carried a negative connotation.

Debby Sobwick wrote:

Brother Blue

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999 20:42:45 -0500, Debby Sobwick
<> wrote:

>Dear Brother Blue: One thing that drives me crazy. Why do they make it
>nice and call it abduction. Why don't they call it what it is;
>kidnapping and rape. I also don't like the ad on Mufon La's webpage with
>that idiot abduction counselor- con artist. This is not a romantic
>thing. It is a tradgedy and should be treated as
>such. Debby S.< very disturbed.

Good question, Debby. Many of us noted with no small amount of
surprise and curiosity the perceptual morph from that of "abductees"
to "experiencers" a few years back, not imagining in our wildest
dreams that the absurd meme would ever catch on.

It did, however, and now we find not victims of callous abuse but a
whole subculture of Initiates who favor the Liturgy of the Holy Space
Alien Anal Probe in their never-ending quest for spiritual evolvement.

Granted, it makes no sense whatsoever, yet pointing out the oxymoronic
illogic serves no purpose amongst the camp of believers. We can only
speculate that the dysfunction is either:

a) the psychological dynamic known as Stockholm Syndrome

- or -

b) a sophisticated form of hypnotic reprogramming

Perhaps you saw our commentary just the other day on "polar bear
memory templates" as both possibilities were explored in the piece.

The Martians are VERY clever, you know.

-Brother Blue
Brotherhood of Galactic Science
"For sixty bucks, I want a live alien addressing
the audience these days. Not the same old bunch
of windbags gassing on about ancient history."


Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
In article <>, (Brother Blue) wrote:

>>Dear Brother Blue: One thing that drives me crazy. Why do they make it
>>nice and call it abduction. Why don't they call it what it is;
>>kidnapping and rape. I also don't like the ad on Mufon La's webpage with
>>that idiot abduction counselor- con artist. This is not a romantic
>>thing. It is a tradgedy and should be treated as
>>such. Debby S.< very disturbed.
>Good question, Debby. Many of us noted with no small amount of
>surprise and curiosity the perceptual morph from that of "abductees"
>to "experiencers" a few years back, not imagining in our wildest
>dreams that the absurd meme would ever catch on.

I think that they all had it coming.

Dan Clore

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99

Of course they did: clamp one of those groin cups on you, and you'd
"have it coming" too.

Dan Clore

The Website of Lord We˙rdgliffe:
Welcome to the Waughters....

The Dan Clore Necronomicon Page:
Because the true mysteries cannot be profaned....

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"


Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99

Dan Clore wrote in message <>...

>jfc536 wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> (Brother Blue) wrote:
>> >>Dear Brother Blue: One thing that drives me crazy. Why do they make it
>> >>nice and call it abduction. Why don't they call it what it is;
>> >>kidnapping and rape. I also don't like the ad on Mufon La's webpage
>> >>that idiot abduction counselor- con artist. This is not a romantic
>> >>thing. It is a tradgedy and should be treated as
>> >>such. Debby S.< very
>> >
>> >Good question, Debby. Many of us noted with no small amount of
>> >surprise and curiosity the perceptual morph from that of "abductees"
>> >to "experiencers" a few years back, not imagining in our wildest
>> >dreams that the absurd meme would ever catch on.
>> I think that they all had it coming.
>Of course they did: clamp one of those groin cups on you, and you'd
>"have it coming" too.

Why am I not surprised to find that pocket pussies have universal appeal?

Mistress Melinda, BsD
Archangel of the Instant Comeback
Pornographic Priestess
Goddess of Guilt

"Be creative, invent a perversion." - Lazarus Long

Dan Clore

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
zxy007 wrote:
> Dan Clore wrote in message <>...
> >jfc536 wrote:
> >> In article <>,
> >> (Brother Blue) wrote:

> >> >>Dear Brother Blue: One thing that drives me crazy. Why do they make it
> >> >>nice and call it abduction. Why don't they call it what it is;
> >> >>kidnapping and rape. I also don't like the ad on Mufon La's webpage
> with
> >> >>that idiot abduction counselor- con artist. This is not a romantic
> >> >>thing. It is a tradgedy and should be treated as
> >> >>such. Debby S.< very
> disturbed.
> >> >
> >> >Good question, Debby. Many of us noted with no small amount of
> >> >surprise and curiosity the perceptual morph from that of "abductees"
> >> >to "experiencers" a few years back, not imagining in our wildest
> >> >dreams that the absurd meme would ever catch on.
> >>
> >> I think that they all had it coming.
> >
> >Of course they did: clamp one of those groin cups on you, and you'd
> >"have it coming" too.
> Why am I not surprised to find that pocket pussies have universal appeal?

I don't know, but just consider that the aliens sex-toy technology is a
billion years in advance of ours....

Dan Clore

The Website of Lord Weÿrdgliffe:


Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99
In article <7a2qrj$>,
"n.emery" <> wrote:

>It certainly should be, but more often it's
>treated like a joke. "Have you been watching
>the X-Files?" and crap like that. I wish the
>experience on everybody who has ever made
>a joke about it.

Spoken like the victim you are.


Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99
In article <7a2qun$nqh$>,
"zxy007" <> wrote:

>Why am I not surprised to find that pocket pussies have universal appeal?

They never say no, there is no need to cuddle and they clean up quickly
under the kitchen faucet.

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