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20.10.1999, 07:00:0020.10.99
   Message From: (David Duke) Date: Tue, Oct
19, 1999, 11:06am To: Subject: Duke Report
Online: David Duke Demands Coverage of Homosexual Rape and Murder
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News Advisory:
David Duke Demands Coverage of Homosexual Rape and Murder of Jesse
Dirkhising and Calls for Hate Crime Prosecution
New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18, 1999 . National White civil rights
activist David Duke is demanding the national media spotlight the grisly
rape and murder of 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising by two homosexuals in
Rogers, Arkansas, with the same vigor they did with Mathew Shepard. Duke
says this crime is even more heinous than the Shepard case because the
victim was a child who was literally raped to death by two male
According to a Northwest Arkansas Morning News article of September 28,
1999, two homosexuals, Joshua Macave Brown, 22, and David Don Carpenter,
38, are charged with luring Dirkhising to their apartment where they
tied the boy with duct tape, repeatedly raped the boy and sexually
tortured him until he died. There has been no national news coverage of
this crime.
"The national media has a double standard when reporting crime committed
by minorities and homosexuals." Duke maintains "the reality is, that
homosexuals are far more likely to be predators they are to be victims.
But this side of the story is not fairly reported." "There has been no
outrage and no candlelight vigils for Jesse Dirkhising," said Duke.
"This vicious rape and murder of a 13 year old boy has been completely
suppressed by the media."
Duke says he's opposed the concept of hate crime, calling it "thought
crime," but says if hate crime laws are on the books then they should be
applied equally. "If the murder of Mathew Shepard was a crime motivated
by hate, then the rape and murder of a 13 year old boy by two
homosexuals, is a hate crime." "If not," says Duke, "then we are saying
this boys tragic death has less meaning."
For more information visit
David Duke is a former State Representative for Louisiana and is
currently the elected chairman for the St. Tammany Parish Republican
Party in Louisiana. He is a well-known civil rights leader working
against discrimination and for the rights and heritage of white
Americans. David Duke is the author of the national acclaimed
autobiography entitled "My Awakening: A path to racial understanding."


25.10.1999, 07:00:0025.10.99
DAVID DUKE IS AN IDIOT AND A RACIST!!!!!!!!!!! Did he happen to
mention that 9 of all child assults are commited by hetrosexual violators?
The odds of a person being killed by a "homo-rapists" is far less then a
gay person being violated or made a victim by a hatred filled person like
this "EX-" Klans man. (For what it is worth, I think he is still a Klans
man, but he is now too chicken to admit it. "Oh no, I might not keep my
job if people find out what a closeminded knob I really am".)
It is a tragedy that happened, and these men should get the same
punishments as the murderers of Matthew Shepard. Keep in mind gay men are
not child molesters... child molesters are child molesters. Gay men are
attracted to adult men.

News Advisory:
David Duke (IS AN ASSHOLE) Demands Coverage of Homosexual Rape and Murder

of Jesse
Dirkhising and Calls for Hate Crime Prosecution
New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18, 1999 . National White civil rights

activist David Duke (IS AN ASSHOLE) is demanding the national media

spotlight the grisly
rape and murder of 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising by two homosexuals in
Rogers, Arkansas, with the same vigor they did with Mathew Shepard. Duke


says this crime is even more heinous than the Shepard case because the
victim was a child who was literally raped to death by two male
According to a Northwest Arkansas Morning News article of September 28,
1999, two homosexuals, Joshua Macave Brown, 22, and David Don Carpenter,
38, are charged with luring Dirkhising to their apartment where they
tied the boy with duct tape, repeatedly raped the boy and sexually
tortured him until he died. There has been no national news coverage of
this crime.
"The national media has a double standard when reporting crime committed

by minorities and homosexuals." Duke (IS AN ASSHOLE) maintains "the reality

is, that
homosexuals are far more likely to be predators they are to be victims.
But this side of the story is not fairly reported." "There has been no

outrage and no candlelight vigils for Jesse Dirkhising," said Duke (IS AN

"This vicious rape and murder of a 13 year old boy has been completely
suppressed by the media."

Duke (IS AN ASSHOLE) says he's opposed the concept of hate crime, calling

it "thought
crime," but says if hate crime laws are on the books then they should be
applied equally. "If the murder of Mathew Shepard was a crime motivated
by hate, then the rape and murder of a 13 year old boy by two

homosexuals, is a hate crime." "If not," says Duke (IS AN ASSHOLE), "then

we are saying
this boys tragic death has less meaning."

For more information visit
David Duke (IS AN ASSHOLE) is a former State Representative (AND A KLANS
MAN FOR THE KKK) for Louisiana and is

currently the elected chairman for the St. Tammany Parish Republican

Party in Louisiana (ON THE UNDERGROUND RACIST TICKET). He is a well-known

civil rights leader working
against discrimination and for the rights and heritage of white

Americans (A.K.A..... KKK or NAZI) . David Duke (IS AN ASSHOLE) is the

author of the national acclaimed

autobiography entitled "My Awakening: A path to racial understanding" or
better known as "Why jews must die, gays must be killed and negros must
hung from high trees".


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