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Nov 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/10/99


Nov 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/11/99


Nov 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/11/99

MTJ Publishing

Nov 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/12/99
DISCLAIMER: Batgirl, Batman, The Joker, Catwoman, and related characters are
trademarks of DC Comics. This story is not affiliated with DC Comics in any
way, shape, or form and is used without permission. This story is in no way
intended to present a challenge to said trademarks.




Barbara Gordon had curled up on her living room sofa to enjoy a new romance
novel. The sporadic chattering of her Gotham police scanner could be heard in
the background. Barbara liked to stay in touch with the outside world even when
she took the rare evening off to stay at home and enjoy a good read. Her job as
Batgirl was a 24hr one that she took very seriously.

The night was uneventful until about 1:00am when her scanner began to report
the hijacking of an amoured car. Both the local police and Batman were in
pursuit. The driver was believed to be the infamous crimelord The Joker.

Barbara could not resist joining in on the action and quickly suited up into
her Batgirl outfit. Within moments she was hightailing it towards the pursuit
on her trusted Batcycle.

Batgirl began monitoring the police pursuit on her cycle's tracking computer
while trying to determine the best route to take in order to head off the
Joker. Suddenly to her surprise. The Joker appeared with the stolen vehicle
crossing the upcoming intersection. Batgirl checked her police pursuit reports
and found the pursuit to be still in progress on the opposite end of Gotham.

"He's using a decoy" Batgirl thought.

Batgirl smiled as she made a sharp right-hand turn and pursued the Joker.

"Batman will be beside himself when he finds out he fell for the Joker's decoy"
She giggled.

The Joker's amoured car began to speed up but was no match for Batgirl's
Batcycle. She was soon directly behind him. Once behind the vehicle Batgirl
noticed that one of the rear doors on the vehicle was ajar and would swing open
slightly whenever the vehicle hit a bump in the road or made a sharp turn.

Batgirl put the Batcycle on auto-tracking and auto-pilot. She then grabbed a
compartment on her utility belt which contained her swingline with grappling
hook. Pressing two buttons on the side, she shot the grapple out and it impaled
itself into the vehicle's secured door.

Batgirl could see the Joker from the rear. Sacks of cash littered the floor of
the vehicles rear compartment. But nothing separated the Joker from his loot.
The Joker was alone and too busy driving to even notice the chain of events.

Batgirl stood up and balanced herself on the Batcycle's seat and then lunged
forward into the rear of the Joker's vehicle.

Batgirl landed softly onto the sacks of cash in the vehicle. But suddenly a
glass wall dropped down and closed off access to the Joker. Also the rear open
door slammed shut and Batgirl found herself the unfortunate victim of a
meticulously crafted Joker trap.

The Joker set his specially modified vehicle on to auto-pilot. He then engaged
his electronics jamming equipment and cut off the Batcycle's ability to pursue.
The Joker then rose from his seat vigorously rubbing his hands together and
laughing hysterically. He turned to gawk at the trapped Batgirl and smiled in
amusement at her attempts to smash the shatterproof glass between them.

The Joker turned on the vehicle's intercom system and spoke.

"Sorry Bat Bunny. But I'm afraid that your my guest this evening. Like it or
not." The Joker Laughed.

"You'll never get away with this Joker!" Batgirl threatened.

The Joker laughed uproariously at her remark and replied. " But I already have
my dear. The entire Gotham police force led by your Bat nit-wit friend are
currently headed in the opposite direction on a wild goose chase."

Batgirl smashed and kicked at the glass that separated them.

"Enough of that young lady. Let me humor you Bat Girlie" The Joker flipped a
switch on his console and the rear compartment of the vehicle began to fill
with a pink cloud of gas. The effects of which was instantaneous.

Batgirl had not even a chance to reach her airfilter in her Bat utility belt.
She suddenly felt the urge to giggle, and giggle she did.

"What kind of stunt are you pulling now!" Batgirl snickered trying to stifle
forced laughter.

"Oh nothing really my dear." Replied the Joker.

"Thats just my special brand of laughing gas." He continued.

Batgirl began to clutch her sides and laugh hysterically.

"You see my dear, not only does it force you to be a laughing fool, but it
effects your central nervous system as well. Your mind thinks your being
tickled. Therefore you are. I have estimated the effects to simulate nearly ten
pairs of hands with wiggling fingers exploring every ticklish nook and cranny
on your voluptuous Bat body." The Joker said quite pleased with himself.

Batgirl collapsed onto the floor begging for the tickling to stop. She rolled
from side to side grabbing her sides and occasionally clutching the soles of
her boots trying to make the fiendish tickling sensations stop. Batgirl was a
giggling mess.

The Joker checked his radar for any possible pursuers of which their were none,
and eased back into the drivers seat and allowed the vehicle to take him to his
destination. Batgirl still rolled around in the back screaming with hilarity.


Somewhere in the secluded outskirts of Gotham. The Joker's vehicle pulled into
the garage of an abandoned warehouse. The Joker glanced back at his laughing
captive. Batgirl was lying on the vehicles floor barely twitching and giggling.
She was completely overcome by the gases effects. In it's latter stages the gas
put it's victim into a temporary and ticklish coma.

The Joker exited the vehicle and began to scan his immediate surroundings. The
warehouse was huge and the garage area was not closed off from it. The building
was filled with giant crates and various containers and the Joker felt somewhat

"Come out , come out, where ever you are." The Joker giggled nervously.

"Here kitty, kitty." He said as he began to explore.

Suddenly a shadowy figure stood up from atop a nearby crate.

"Over here Joke Boy" Said a very feminine and feline voice.

The Joker looked up startled and seen the Catwoman perched above him.

"Play nice kitty, kitty. I have the goods as promised. Delivery with a smile."
The Joker bowed as he spoke.

"Purrriffic!" Said the Catwoman with glee as she pounced down from her lofty
place and landed next to the Joker.

"The last ingredient for my Bat Soup! Yummy." Catwoman said licking her lips.

"I take it the money is in the specified numbered Swiss bank account my sweet"
The Joker said blocking the Catwoman's path to the vehicle.

"But of coarse Jokester. Now get out of my way!" The Catwoman hissed baring her

"No need to stand your fur on end pretty kitty. I trust you." The Joker backed

The Catwoman climbed into the vehicle's cab and inspected her giggling goods.

"What have you done to her" She inquired.

"Just a dose of my special laughing gas. Should make it easy for your thugs to
prepare her for your nights entertainment. Also it stimulates the nerve endings
if you get my drift?" The Joker grinned.

"Purrrific! Jokester man! I owe you a debt of gratitude!" The Catwoman replied.

"Oh you owe me much more than that" The Joker said.

"And you shall get it!" The Catwoman hissed again perturbed by his reminder.

"Such a temperamental kitty cat. I have to run kitten. My work is never done."
the Joker said as he headed for the warehouse exit.

The Catwoman watched the Joker leave and then called for her minions.

"Max! Leo! Get the Bat Girlie prepared!" She ordered.

The Catwoman headed for her underground lair.

"Sometimes that lunatic has the brightest idea's. This is going to be fun!" The
Catwoman thought.


Batgirl awoke with a giggle. Her tummy ached from her previous hysterical
laughter. She found herself not to be in the best of situations.

Batgirl was strapped to a metal table in the underground lair of her arch rival
the Catwoman. She was strapped down with her wrists stretched out over her
head. Leather straps held her down at her head, wrists, elbows, thighs, and
ankles. There was no possible way she could escape.

Worst yet she could feel the underground cavern's cool air upon her feet.
Someone had taken the liberty to remove her boots. Batgirl wiggled her toes and
suddenly felt very vulnerable. The gas had actually tickled her from head to
toe and she was overcome with paranoia of being tickled again.Perhaps by real
hands this time. Batgirl gulped with fear.

"I see your finally awake Bat rodent." The Catwoman sneered and suddenly
stepped into view at the foot of the metal table.

"Catwoman? Where's the Joker?" Batgirl questioned.

"I didn't want him playing in my litter box so I kicked him out of here." The
Catwoman giggled.

"So you hired the Joker to do your dirty work" Batgirl said with disgust.

"Listen up Bat Girlie. Your in no position to get cocky and furthermore the
Joker is just a pawn to be used and abused." the Catwoman rebuffed.

"What do you want with me" Batgirl asked.

"I just want to make you a permanent guest of the Arkham Asylum my dear." The
Catwoman said as she exposed her claws and stepped to the edge of the table
near Batgirl's feet.

"And how do you propose to do that" Batgirl asked unable to mask the fear in
her voice.

"Like this" Catwoman said as she ran the claw of her right index finger up the
arch of Batgirl's left foot.

Catwoman had specially made dull plastic covers and inserted them over her
razor sharp claws in order not to break the skin of the ticklish Batgirl.

Batgirl bit her lip to surpress her laughter as the Catwoman continued to drag
her claw up and down her sensitive sole. Batgirl's toes quivered and her sole
wrinkled in a futile attempt to ward off the ticklish attack.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle little Batgirl." The Catwoman laughed.

Batgirl was terribly ticklish to begin with .But the effects of the Joker's gas
had doubled her sensitivity and she was soon howling from the Catwoman's
fiendish foot tickling. Batgirl's mind raced back to her childhood and teen
years when her Uncles wood pin her down and tickle her silly. God how she
dreaded to be tickled. The Catwoman was exploiting her greatest weakness and
she feared that she would end up in Arkham's Asylum a laughing idiot.

The Catwoman brought both of her hands and all of her clawed fingers into play
on both of Batgirl's ticklish barefeet. Batgirl's soles were already tinged a
light pink from her ticklish ordeal and she was cackling like a fool from its

The Catwoman would at times vary her up and down strokes with brief
explorations between Batgirl's toes. This made Batgirl scream with laughter and
caused the Catwoman to giggle at her plight.

Tears flowed freely down Batgirl's cheeks and she was begging the Catwoman for
mercy when the Catwoman finally relented. Batgirl laid gasping for breath as
the Catwoman steeped to the head of the table.

"Time to try something different Bat Freak." Catwoman snarled.

The Catwoman crabbed a hold of Batgirl's right sleeve and stuck a razor sharp
claw beneath it careful not to cut any flesh. She slowly sliced the sleeve open
from wrist to just below Batgirl's right armpit. She then peeled the material
back exposing the Batgirl's ticklish flesh.

"Oh please not that! Not there! I'll do anything! Please have mercy Catwoman!"
Batgirl pleaded.

Catwoman laughed at Batgirl's pathetic pleas and put the protective covering
back over her exposed claw.

"Whats the matter Batgirl? Are you a bit ticklish?" Catwoman giggled.

"Please have mercy!" Batgirl begged with ticklish terror. Her eyes wide and

Catwoman purred with pleasure at Batgirl's terrified face and began a two
finger stroke from wrist to armpit while Batgirl exploded with hilarity.


Batman sat perched above the warehouse peering through a skylight into the
building's interior. Batman had found Batgirl's abandoned Batcycle and accessed
it's onboard computer. He learned of her pursuit of the Joker from its data
files and soon was able to link it to a small homing beacon in Batgirl's
utility belt. It was a simple task to find where Batgirl had been taken and now
it was time for a Bat rescue.

Batman watched as the two thugs emerged from a nearby freight elevator.
Batman's utility tracking device indicated that Batgirl was located somewhere
below the warehouse and he was sure the elevator would lead to her.

The capped crusader waited until the two thugs walked directly below his
position. Then he sprang into action. Batman stood up and stepped back a few
feet. He then lunged forward crashing feet first through the skylight.

Batman broke his fall on the backs of the two thugs toppling them to the
ground. The thug named Max was sprawled and knocked out cold. Batman gripped
the thug named Leo by the collar and pulled him to his feet.

"Where is Batgirl!" Batman said with anger.

"Down below." Leo gasped pointing to the freight elevator.

Batman secured the villain to a nearby pole with his Batcuffs and then headed
for the elevator and hoped he was on time.


The Catwoman had tickled Batgirl's ticklish armpit for nearly 30 minutes
leaving the poor girl gasping for breath and sobbing. The Catwoman then stepped
over to the middle of the table and begun a furious assault on Batgirl's ribs,
sides, and tummy.

Batgirl pulled at her leather bounds and tried desperately to escape. the
tickling was unbearable and she thought she soon would be driven mad by it.
Which was exactly what Catwoman had planned.

The Catwoman tickled her captive like this for several minutes before she
stopped. She then pinched at Batgirl's costume near the waist and sliced it
open and removed a small patch exposing her cute innie belly button.

"My what an adorable belly button you have my dear." Catwoman laughed.

"Please stop! Please I beg of you! I'm going crazy. I can't stand anymore!"
Batgirl pleaded.

"Purrific little Batgirl. As I said, I truly expect to drive you insane!" The
Catwoman laughed.

The Catwoman ignored the poor Batgirl's pleas and began to probe her belly
button with deep raspy cat licks tickling her to hysterics.

Batman's batarrang found it's mark at the base of Catwoman's skull, and the
supervillain crashed to the floor in a heap.

Batgirl looked up to see her friend The Batman busily securing the Catwoman to
a nearby pillar.

"Batman! Thank god its you!" Batgirl sighed with relief.

Batman stood up and stepped over to the bound Batgirl.

"Please hurry and get me off of this thing" Batgirl said.

Moments past and Batman stood still, just staring at the captive Batgirl.

"What? What are you waiting for?" Batgirl asked nervously as she saw the evil
grin on the Batman's face.

"Tell me Batgirl. Are you by any chance ticklish?" Batman said evilly.

The sounds of hysterical laughter could be heard long into the night. Batman is
secretly one of us. "The definitive source for tickling fiction & art" Also
visit our FREE Celebrity Tickling Art Gallery at . Fiendish ticklers and their victims welcome.

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