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Irresponsible Seller

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Mar 11, 2007, 12:16:31 AM3/11/07

How do you deal with a seller who does not want to use Paypal and want to be
paid through MO/cashiers check and yet don't respond to requests for invoice
and shipping cost? There is no given address either and there is no way to
just send the MO with the added estimated shipping cost. Repeated contacts
with emails were not answered.
I know there are a lot of problems from buyers not paying but how about
SELLERS who are obviously just making it difficult for buyers to pay them
because of their irresponsibility and obvious lack of skills in making it
practical and easy for them to get paid? Ridiculous, isn't it? Most sellers
I know want to get paid fast!
Sure, I shouldn't have dealt with these people in the first place if they
don't want to use Paypal or any of the online payment services including
credit cards. But I want the item and I have dealt with non-Paypal buyers
before without much hassle except for the slowness of the transaction. I
didn't know in advance this seller doesn't answer any request either.

If I just cancel the transaction by just ignoring it as if it didn't happen
I'd probably get a negative feedback, don't you think? Ridiculous!


Mar 11, 2007, 12:22:19 AM3/11/07

"Finalizer" <> wrote in message

| How do you deal with a seller who does not want to use Paypal and want to
| paid through MO/cashiers check and yet don't respond to requests for
| and shipping cost? There is no given address either and there is no way to
| just send the MO with the added estimated shipping cost. Repeated contacts
| with emails were not answered.
| I know there are a lot of problems from buyers not paying but how about
| SELLERS who are obviously just making it difficult for buyers to pay them
| because of their irresponsibility and obvious lack of skills in making it
| practical and easy for them to get paid? Ridiculous, isn't it? Most
| I know want to get paid fast!
| Sure, I shouldn't have dealt with these people in the first place if they
| don't want to use Paypal or any of the online payment services including
| credit cards. But I want the item and I have dealt with non-Paypal buyers

(correction: should be SELLER)


Mar 11, 2007, 3:06:14 AM3/11/07
Finalizer wrote:
> How do you deal with a seller who does not want to use Paypal and
> want to be paid through MO/cashiers check and yet don't respond to
> requests for invoice and shipping cost?...

Same answer you got last time
you trolled this question.

You played on "The Love Boat"?
Yes. White tux, huge sideburns.


Mar 11, 2007, 5:31:50 AM3/11/07

"Lumpy" <> wrote in message

| Finalizer wrote:
| > How do you deal with a seller who does not want to use Paypal and
| > want to be paid through MO/cashiers check and yet don't respond to
| > requests for invoice and shipping cost?...
| Same answer you got last time
| you trolled this question.
| Lumpy

Huh? You must have been dealing with a ghost. FYI, it's my first time to
post here!

Niel Humphreys

Mar 11, 2007, 5:57:02 AM3/11/07
"Finalizer" <> wrote in message
> How do you deal with a seller who does not want to use Paypal and want to
> be
> paid through MO/cashiers check and yet don't respond to requests for
> invoice
> and shipping cost? There is no given address either and there is no way to
> just send the MO with the added estimated shipping cost. Repeated contacts
> with emails were not answered.

Pull their contact information and phone them up? Maybe they are having
email problems or have an over zealous spam filter which is blocking your

> If I just cancel the transaction by just ignoring it as if it didn't
> happen
> I'd probably get a negative feedback, don't you think? Ridiculous!

Very ridiculous to pull out of the deal without exhausting all reasonable
atempts at contact the seller, yes.


Niel H

Message has been deleted


Mar 11, 2007, 12:06:03 PM3/11/07
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 21:16:31 -0800, Finalizer <>
defied the laws of time and space to say:

> How do you deal with a seller who does not want to use Paypal and want to be
> paid through MO/cashiers check and yet don't respond to requests for invoice
> and shipping cost? There is no given address either and there is no way to
> just send the MO with the added estimated shipping cost. Repeated contacts
> with emails were not answered.

Pull his contact information and phone him.

Witch parking only. Violators will be toad!


Mar 11, 2007, 3:36:56 PM3/11/07

"Niel Humphreys" <> wrote in

Thanks, but how do I pull out the contact information? The only way I know
is to use the Ebay link to send a message to this seller. I can't find any
address or phone information to make a call.


Mar 11, 2007, 4:01:30 PM3/11/07

"Evan Platt" <> wrote in message
| On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:31:50 GMT, "Finalizer" <>

| wrote:
| >Huh? You must have been dealing with a ghost. FYI, it's my first time to
| >post here!

| Is it now?
| From: "Finalizer" <>
| Newsgroups:
| Subject: Re: Ebay Hiding Bidders AGAIN! Shill Safely Now!!!
| NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 00:17:51 EST
| From: "Finalizer" <>
| Newsgroups:
| Subject: Re: Ebay Hiding Bidders AGAIN! Shill Safely Now!!!
| NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 00:22:37 EST

Compare the IP addresses in the headers! Yahoo addresses could be copied
easily but not the source IP. You have a lot to learn before you start
accusing people.


Mar 11, 2007, 4:04:11 PM3/11/07
"Finalizer" <> wrote:

> Thanks, but how do I pull out the contact information?

Attend eBay 101.

Advanced Search > Members > Find Contact Information

> ... and yet don't respond to requests for invoice
> and shipping cost?

Based on your basenote remarks, you agreed to an
MO transaction without first knowing your total
costs (including S&H). In eBay 101, we teach that
you do NOT do that, and now you know why.

You Ask-Seller for a firm S&H quote. The response,
or lack thereof, is usually quite revealing.

Regards, Bob Niland mailto:na...@ispname.tld email4rjn @T yahoo D0T com
NOT speaking for any employer, client or Internet Service Provider.


Mar 11, 2007, 4:12:28 PM3/11/07

"Lumpy" <> wrote in message

I am Lumpy and I am a gay IDIOT!

Evan Platt

Mar 11, 2007, 4:27:55 PM3/11/07

"rjn" <> wrote in message

| "Finalizer" <> wrote:
| > Thanks, but how do I pull out the contact information?
| Attend eBay 101.
| Advanced Search > Members > Find Contact Information
| <>
| > ... and yet don't respond to requests for invoice
| > and shipping cost?
| Based on your basenote remarks, you agreed to an
| MO transaction without first knowing your total
| costs (including S&H). In eBay 101, we teach that
| you do NOT do that, and now you know why.
| You Ask-Seller for a firm S&H quote. The response,
| or lack thereof, is usually quite revealing.

There are dumb people everywhere and they don't even realize it.
I AM definitely one of them.


Mar 11, 2007, 4:29:05 PM3/11/07
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 20:01:30 GMT, "Finalizer" <>

Same IP addresses too...


Mar 11, 2007, 4:46:13 PM3/11/07

"PeterD" <> wrote in message

But then again I don't know the difference between an IP and an e-mail addy,
Count me in with the idiots of the world.


Mar 11, 2007, 6:05:42 PM3/11/07

No, you have a bit of learning to do.

It is quite easy to change your NNTP host. Maybe everyone can't do it,
but those with more than basic experience of Usenet won't have a problem
with the technical side of the issue though they may have a problem with
the fact that it is illegal. All you need is an open server or a paid
server that allows header modification. There are a lot of them out there.

What proves you to be a liar is the one thing that is very hard to
change in headers, the path. That can be done but needs skills and
resources that are beyond the reach of the average user. The clincher is
an examination of server logs that note the smallest discrepancy in
posting times. The amount that your computer clock is out against the
server's clock. Those little discrepancies are like fingerprints, and
almost impossible to duplicate. Not for everyone, but easy for someone
like me who hosts their own newserver and carries all groups that are of
personal interest - and with a retention time measured in years.

As for your problem with a recalcitrant seller, I wouldn't neg him just
yet, after all maybe he has a valid reason for ignoring you. I mean he
might have discovered who you (are or something nearly as bad.)

What you should do is give a subtle warning, you know, break into his
house, rape his wife and kick his cat. Or if you are a troll from New
Jersey, and feeling horny, you can rape his cat and kick his wife. Let
him know that it was just a warning and that if he further aggravates
you that you will get really serious and neg him.




Mar 11, 2007, 6:27:46 PM3/11/07

"Salty" <> wrote in message

I know everything!



Mar 11, 2007, 6:31:06 PM3/11/07


Mar 11, 2007, 8:09:08 PM3/11/07
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 20:01:30 GMT, "Finalizer" <> wrote:

>Compare the IP addresses in the headers! Yahoo addresses could be copied
>easily but not the source IP. You have a lot to learn before you start
>accusing people.

One thing most of us already know is that you're dumb as a rock. Another think
most of us already know is that your ISP frowns on forgeries.

Who is mostly just a
slightly skewed
Donna Reed

It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.
- Alfred Adler

jim menning

Mar 11, 2007, 10:03:12 PM3/11/07

"Finalizer" <> wrote in message

NewsGuy finally got smart and shut you down. About time.

If you would follow the procedures on the auction page itself, you wouldn't have to
get pissed off at the seller for your own mistakes.

Go through the eBay checkout (Pay Now button), there you will find either the total,
or the "request a total" link. When you get to the last page of the checkout, it
gives you the address of the seller so you can mail them what you owe them. How
tough is that?

Flatch U Lance.

Mar 11, 2007, 11:03:08 PM3/11/07

"Finalizer" <> wrote in message

My advise is for you to kill yourself.

Mr. Clean

Mar 12, 2007, 3:33:16 AM3/12/07
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 20:12:28 GMT, "Lumpy"
<> spake thusly:

>"Lumpy" <> wrote in message
>| Finalizer wrote:
>| > How do you deal with a seller who does not want to use Paypal and
>| > want to be paid through MO/cashiers check and yet don't respond to
>| > requests for invoice and shipping cost?...
>| Same answer you got last time
>| you trolled this question.

>I am Lumpy and I am a gay IDIOT!

you say that like it's a bad thing.



Mar 12, 2007, 3:55:14 AM3/12/07
My secret lover wrote:
> > I am Lumpy and I am a gay IDIOT!

Mr Clean wrote:
> you say that like it's a bad thing.

Me and Erik will hunt him down
and make him squeal like a pig.

How come you didn't star on Star Trek?
Because Clint Howard beat me for the part of Balok.


Mar 12, 2007, 8:37:06 AM3/12/07
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 21:03:12 -0500, jim menning <>
defied the laws of time and space to say:

> NewsGuy finally got smart and shut you down. About time.

Does this mean I should take them out of the killfile? Maybe I'd better
give it another week or two...

Mine is a most peaceable disposition. My wishes are a humble cottage
with a thatched roof, but a good bed, good food, the freshest milk
and butter, flowers before my window, and a few fine trees before my
door; and if God wants to make my happiness complete, He will grant me
the joy of seeing some six or seven of my enemies hanging from those
trees. -- Heinrich Heine


Mar 12, 2007, 10:12:40 AM3/12/07

You'll also notice that the path in the headers of that last message
is the same guy who's been impersonating you, too. Seems he doesn't
like either of us! <g> And we're so loveable!

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Mar 17, 2007, 3:44:53 AM3/17/07

Finalizer wrote:

Dont pay any attention to that TROLL. HE IS THE TROLL.
He takes cheap shots at everyone here and only morons pay
him any attention. Just killfile the idiot. There are several more
here who think they run the planet - ignore them also. They
may turn you in to your isp because they feel you have no right
to breathe while they are running the planet, but your isp will just
laugh. This is the internet after all. Wackos everywhere.
Good luck and


Mar 17, 2007, 3:51:23 AM3/17/07

Bertha wrote:

No. Why should he do that? Pay good money for a LD call
when it is the seller's responsibility to provide contact and
payment info? It may cause trouble and a Dispute but in the
end Ebay requires sellers they must provide info .... its very

Message has been deleted


Mar 19, 2007, 9:30:07 AM3/19/07
On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:57:44 -0800, Evan Platt
<> wrote:

>On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:44:53 -0600, Rondo <> wrote:
>>Dont pay any attention to that TROLL. HE IS THE TROLL.

>I love it when the Trolls call others trolls.

>>They may turn you in to your isp because they feel you have no right
>>to breathe while they are running the planet, but your isp will just
>>laugh. This is the internet after all. Wackos everywhere.

>No, I turned Finalizer in to his ISP for forging posts to make it
>appear to be from other people, and it seems (since I haven't seen a
>Finalizer post since) that his ISP did more than laugh.

You and the rest of us did the turn-in thing... It worked.

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