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Tim Maroney has died

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Fr. A.o.C.

2003年7月3日 20:05:502003/7/3
A great light in the magickal community has gone out.

Tim Maroney, author, occult scholar and seminal contributor to the
alt.magick forums, died last night. Early reports indicate a heart
attack as the cause of death.

Tim was a most excellent human being, one that I had the great pleasure
of arguing heatedly with on many occasions, here and on other forums.
After years, when we finally met face-to-face, we became good friends,
though our fine, highly intelligent debates never ceased to amaze and
enlighten us both.

His many friends and colleagues, in the SF Bay Area and elsewhere, will
miss his wisdom and humor greatly.

Goodbye, my friend.

"Unto them from whose eyes the veil of life hath fallen may there be
granted the accomplishment of their true Wills; whether they will
absorption in the Infinite, or to be united with their chosen and
preferred, or to be in contemplation, or to be at peace, or to achieve
the labour and heroism of incarnation on this planet, or another, or in
any Star, or aught else, unto them may there be granted the
accomplishment of their Wills; yea, the accomplishment of their Wills.

- Fr. A.o.C.

I've touch'd the highest point of all my greatness;
And from that full meridian of my glory
I hasten now to my setting.
I shall fall, like a bright exhalation in the evening
And no man see me more.

-- William Shakespeare

sned the bold

2003年7月3日 21:52:482003/7/3
peace be upon him

catherine yronwode

2003年7月4日 00:54:572003/7/4
"Fr. A.o.C." wrote:
> A great light in the magickal community has gone out.
> Tim Maroney, author, occult scholar and seminal contributor to the
> alt.magick forums, died last night. Early reports indicate a heart
> attack as the cause of death.

How sad! Tim was indeed one of the central figures in
alt.magick.* for many years. Tim the Wizard, siva used to
call him. He was a very pleasant person, and young enough
that his sudden death was entirely unexpected. In the
DarkPaths list about an hour ago someone posted links to
Tim's livejournal site for yesterday -- and his last
message was nostalgic and strange -- a fond memory of Ebony
Anpu, a fellow Bay Area mage (and, like Tim, a member of the
OTO), who had died not too long ago -- and the rest of his
message was that he wasn't feeling well, and was under
stress. It seems he saw death coming for him. Likewise on
May 27th he had posted that he was "thinking meat" and that
the thinking part of him could soon be dead. I think he knew
his fate -- and it is appropriate that he did, for he was a
very intelligent, magically oriented person.

Those who wish to spend a moment in memory of Tim may enjoy
his web site:
or his livejournal

My sympathy to all those close to him, for whom this will be
the hardest.

Adios, Tim.

cat yronwode


2003年7月4日 01:06:172003/7/4
R.I.P. -- V.I. Maroney
the flower of infernal majesty,
content with unseemly demise,
contributes unto the furthest depth
reflections of love in our eyes.

a chariot from beyond our ken,
carries another yet unto the grave,
the Greater Feast of Thelemite run
for a King, Prince, Knight and Knave.

fireballs true in a heatstorm near,
Tim the Wizard let sparks to fly,
his flash in the pan a clever one,
giving wink to a smile, sweet and wry.

thank you O Wizard, for passing,
memories fond and dear now do fade,
the fragments of you now remaining
become nature's wit-sharpening blade.


Brenda G. Kent

2003年7月4日 02:03:202003/7/4
My sympathies to all who knew and loved him.



2003年7月15日 17:31:312003/7/15
catherine yronwode <> wrote in news:3F050AF5.CDBA4892

> How sad!

Yes, but far sadder is the fact that his death brought
fewer than five messages. I find it disturbing.

"The reason we went into Iraq (Sumer, the cradle of civilization)
was not because of oil, not because of genocide, not because of
Weapons of Mass Destruction, but because there's a Stargate there."
-- Daniel M. Salter, NewAge Idiot Award Winner, 7/2003

catherine yronwode

2003年7月15日 19:35:012003/7/15
Asmodeus wrote:

> catherine yronwode <> wrote:
> > How sad!
> Yes, but far sadder is the fact that his death brought
> fewer than five messages. I find it disturbing.

You know, that bothered me too. However, it seems that many
of his friends from the old days are now involved in
livejournal communications and no longer stoop to the
unmoderated USENET. Also, in the Thelema-93 elist his
aggressive qualities became a topic of discussion and that
led me to understand that some folks took his form of
debating as an assault. Even at his memorial gnostic mass,
many spoke of encountering him as a rough, combative person
online and then becoming his good friend -- but only after
meeting him in person.

Plans are afoot to bring out a collection of his writings,
by the way. His partner Kat will no doubt keep his web site, , going.

cat yronwode

Fr. A.o.C.

2003年7月15日 21:14:482003/7/15

catherine yronwode wrote:
> Asmodeus wrote:
> >
> > catherine yronwode <> wrote:
> >
> > > How sad!
> >
> > Yes, but far sadder is the fact that his death brought
> > fewer than five messages. I find it disturbing.
> You know, that bothered me too.

As the one who posted the announcement to Usenet, I took it on myself to
do it, after noting no one else had.

> However, it seems that many
> of his friends from the old days are now involved in
> livejournal communications and no longer stoop to the
> unmoderated USENET. Also, in the Thelema-93 elist his
> aggressive qualities became a topic of discussion and that
> led me to understand that some folks took his form of
> debating as an assault.

I noticed this too.

> Even at his memorial gnostic mass,
> many spoke of encountering him as a rough, combative person
> online and then becoming his good friend -- but only after
> meeting him in person.

Put me down as one of those. I had more than one "altercation" with Tim
online; at one point, the list moderator (on Darkpaths-L) had to
virtually 'step between us' and ask us to tone it down.

Then one evening after attending a Mass at Thelema Lodge, and going with
the crowd to the nearby pub, Tim walked in. A mutual friend stood up and
said, "Hey, I always wanted to introduce you two -- Joseph Max, this is
Tim Maroney."

I stood up and we both regarded each other. I had argued long and hard
with this man, very heated arguments at times. We looked at each other
for several seconds and said nothing. Then I reached out and mimed a
"slap in the face" at him, along with a loud vocalization of "SLAP!" He
smiled broadly, and returned the gesture to me. "SLAP!" Then we sat down
and I bought him a drink. He bought me the next round. Over the next
hour or so, we hashed out all the various debating points between us,
and ended up with a mutual respect -- and indeed, friendship -- that
continued until he died.

Both of us often used each other as examples of how sometimes a person
you scream at on line ends up being a friend once you meet them in person.

> Plans are afoot to bring out a collection of his writings, by the way.

I'm wondering what's going to happen to his unfinished book. I shall
have to speak to Kat about that.

> His partner Kat will no doubt keep his web site,
> , going.

I've already captured the whole site to my own hard drive, and would
gladly offer server space to keep it going, if needed. It's up to Kat.

- Fr. A.o.C.

"...Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what
the part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of..." -- They Might Be Giants

Paul Hume

2003年7月16日 14:27:422003/7/16
> > > Yes, but far sadder is the fact that his death brought
> > > fewer than five messages. I find it disturbing.
> >
> > You know, that bothered me too.

It's the distributed nature of communication. I got a note from
another Brother in email, for example, to let me know about it. By
then you'd posted, and I think it was on T93, but there was a great
deal of activity on lj, and I did most of my discussion there, coming
to terms with the loss of a friend.

Similar pattern - Tim and I used to go up one side and down the other
on Modem Magick back in the day. We found a better relationship
online, and ironically it was only a few months ago, in Austin at the
last EC meeting, that I met him, to our mutual enjoyment.



2003年7月16日 14:29:292003/7/16
catherine yronwode <> wrote
> Asmodeus wrote:

> >
> > catherine yronwode wrote:
> >
> > > How sad!
> >
> > Yes, but far sadder is the fact that his death brought
> > fewer than five messages. I find it disturbing.
> You know, that bothered me too.

Some people prefer to honor the dead privately.

The announcement was appreciated though.


2003年7月19日 14:59:582003/7/19
Asmodeus <> wrote in message news:<Xns93B9A7F5FD2E...@>...

> catherine yronwode <> wrote in news:3F050AF5.CDBA4892
> > How sad!
> Yes, but far sadder is the fact that his death brought
> fewer than five messages. I find it disturbing.

alt.magick has changed a lot, and Tim hadn't posted regularly in
years: maybe ten or more. He and Josh and Amanda and some of the
other regulars here were a tremendous influence on my initial serious
study of magic. I miss the old alt.magick enough that every few
months I stay up too late poking around in the google archives.

I had the privilege of meeting and befriending Tim in person after I
moved to the bay area. I miss him terribly, and haven't been able to
bring myself to eulogize him in the manner he deserves yet, because I
still start to break up. I probably admired that asshole too much.

Even the flamewar on t93-l died out quickly.


Al Billings

2003年7月20日 04:57:122003/7/20
In article <>, says...

Most of us chose to comment and discuss, if we did so online, on, where Tim and many (if not most) of his friends in the
online world have accounts.

Alt.magick is largely a rubbish heap these days and has been for more
than five years now. Almost everyone has moved on to more productive
things since the days when we all hung out here every day.


catherine yronwode

2003年7月20日 15:49:432003/7/20
Al Billings wrote:
> Most of us chose to comment and discuss, if we did so online, on
>, where Tim and many (if not most) of his friends in
> the online world have accounts.
> Alt.magick is largely a rubbish heap these days and has been for
> more than five years now. Almost everyone has moved on to more
> productive things since the days when we all hung out here every day.

Alt.magick is the sum of those who post. As is Livejournal.

We each have opinions.

Our opinions differ.

Truthfully, with no malice, your manner of expression,
whether or not you intended it to come across that way,
reminded me of a status-conscious yuppie pontificating on
which cafes are fashionable and which cafes are passe, which
neighborhoods are sliding into ghettohood and which are
being gentrified.

You can stop slumming anytime now, Al.

cat yronwode


2003年7月20日 16:44:482003/7/20

"catherine yronwode" <> wrote in message

> Al Billings wrote:
> >
> > Alt.magick is largely a rubbish heap these days and has been for
> > more than five years now. Almost everyone has moved on to more
> > productive things since the days when we all hung out here every day.
> Alt.magick is the sum of those who post. As is Livejournal.
> We each have opinions.
> Our opinions differ.
> Truthfully, with no malice, your manner of expression,
> whether or not you intended it to come across that way,
> reminded me of a status-conscious yuppie pontificating on
> which cafes are fashionable and which cafes are passe, which
> neighborhoods are sliding into ghettohood and which are
> being gentrified.

Truthfully, with no malice, your manner reminds me of a huckster whose
selfish commercial motives have contributed significantly to creating a
rubbish heap out of a group which was once something more.

> You can stop slumming anytime now, Al.

And what are you doing? Weren't you claiming that you weren't going to
post much to alt.magick any more because of the slum you decided it was?

You can stop being a hypocrite any time now, Cat.

Shawn Clayton Knight

2003年7月23日 22:38:232003/7/23
> Alt.magick is largely a rubbish heap these days and has been for more
> than five years now. Almost everyone has moved on to more productive
> things since the days when we all hung out here every day.

ain't it the truth.


frater virgo

2003年7月24日 01:19:482003/7/24

only if it's trash is it truth

the tao that can be told, is not the true tao

fra v-

sned the bold

2003年7月29日 04:39:162003/7/29

same thing happened on alt.drugs.psychedelics. i went from having a 10,000 word
a day habit to a much more manageable several dozens posts. perhaps it's a good
thing... instead of having stimulating, interesting discussions on newsgroups
people go out and study hard or create art or have spectacular sex. Tim Maroney
(may he rest in peace) sure did some good work away from the newsgroup, look at
the worthy writings on his website

-Sned The Bold
"Reality is made out of language" -Terence Mckenna
"Language is virus" -William S. Burroughs

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