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The Solution: Modlanging

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Klaus Scholl

2003/06/28 13:18:092003/06/28
Hello Auxlangers!
Natlangs are stupid, unaesthetically,chaotic,poor, with on Word: they are
really Crap.
I agree. But i think Auxlanging is not the Way to solve it.
The only realistic Way to reach the Perfect Language i see
is that one or two Auxlangers create their Auxlang
but in Teamwork of many hundreds Modlangers which create a Modlang,
which is a modificated Natlang.
Modificated in that Way that Mods (a kind of Plugins/Updates) are applied
on a Natlang.
The Mods are mostly schematic Rules how to derive Words, but consist also
new Concepts, new Aspects, etc.
Each Folk can create their own Modlang:
the Englishmen: Modenglish; the Frenchmen: Modfrench, the Germen: Modgerman,
Everyone has experienced that Auxlangs -- and even if they are really
good -- have Problems in finding Speakers: no one wants to learn a complete
Language, if he can find hardly People to talk with. A Modlang doenst have
this Prob: its just a Modifcated Version of a Language someone knows
already. A Mod is easy to learn, easy to apply, easy to wipe out again (e.g.
if they have to be replaced by a better Mod). Step by Step, with each
further Mod, a Natlang can transform into a perfect Language, a Process
which may take many Decades.

Greet from Klaus.

Klaus Scholl

2003/06/29 19:42:242003/06/29
in Addition to my Post above
here a simple little MOD (which is a Rule or many Rules seen as a Portion,
like a Plugin for Software is)
for the English Language:
'a' and 'an' as indefinite Pronoun is change to 'an' uniformly. The Purpose:

The MOD's are collected on a Internet-Site (e.g. for MODenglish), exposed
like on a Bulletin-Board.
People can vote for or against them, can discuss them, can contribute other
MOD's, and so on.
Modlanging is becoming an exciting Hobby in Future, because the Mods are
immedietly applyable,
in everyday Speech.

The Future is a Modlang!

Greet from Klaus.

Noé Falzon

2003/06/30 2:39:212003/06/30
Klaus Scholl <> wrote:

Could you please give an example ?

"Je ne deteste que les bourreaux" -- Albert Camus

Pour m'écrire, veuillez enlever PASDEPUB de mon adresse ;P

James Williams

2003/06/30 7:10:362003/06/30

"Klaus Scholl" <> wrote :
> Modlang,

Great idea!

My only question: Would it be an Object Oriented Language?

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Theodore Kloba

2003/07/04 9:18:072003/07/04
"Klaus Scholl" <> wrote in message news:<bdkifj$p7q$00$>...

> but in Teamwork of many hundreds Modlangers which create a Modlang,
> which is a modificated Natlang.

Have we not already been doing this since humans first spoke?

Klaus Scholl

2003/07/04 10:34:362003/07/04

"Theodore Kloba" <> wrote in message

Modlanging is the systematical, planfull Transformation
of Natlang into a more schematic Language, by applying 'on or more
Modifications seen as a Unit'
and a Unit is called MOD, after them beeing applied Natlang is called a

Mod#1 - The Usage of the Suffix -ess to derive female Nouns from Male Nouns
(eg.. Biologistess)
Mod#2 - The Usage of the Suffix -ee to derive Patients Verbs (eg. Callee)
Mod#3 - The Suffix -y at Adjectives is not changed to 'ie' anymore in
Comparatives (eg. tastyer)
Mod#4 - The indefinite Artikel 'an' does not drop its 'n' anymore in Front
of Consonants (eg. an Priest)
Mod#5 - Uniformely created Prepositions: atop(instead of 'above') as
emulated Assimilation of the Expression 'at the Top (of..)',
same with: adown, afront, aback, aright, aleft, aside,
ayond, amidst, atwixt, replacing their ununiformish Synonyms.
and so on, as it is Creativity combined with the Aim to clean up Languages
from its primitive natural Qualitys which makes the MODs.

Greet from the Klaus.

Noé Falzon

2003/07/05 4:33:102003/07/05
Klaus Scholl <> wrote:

> Modlanging is the systematical, planfull Transformation
> of Natlang into a more schematic Language, by applying 'on or more
> Modifications seen as a Unit'
> and a Unit is called MOD, after them beeing applied Natlang is called a
> Modlang.
> Mod#1 - The Usage of the Suffix -ess to derive female Nouns from Male Nouns
> (eg.. Biologistess)
> Mod#2 - The Usage of the Suffix -ee to derive Patients Verbs (eg. Callee)
> Mod#3 - The Suffix -y at Adjectives is not changed to 'ie' anymore in
> Comparatives (eg. tastyer)
> Mod#4 - The indefinite Artikel 'an' does not drop its 'n' anymore in Front
> of Consonants (eg. an Priest)
> Mod#5 - Uniformely created Prepositions: atop(instead of 'above') as
> emulated Assimilation of the Expression 'at the Top (of..)',
> same with: adown, afront, aback, aright, aleft, aside,
> ayond, amidst, atwixt, replacing their ununiformish Synonyms.
> and so on, as it is Creativity combined with the Aim to clean up Languages
> from its primitive natural Qualitys which makes the MODs.

It strangely recall me a book I read, where these kind of
transformations of the language were made to make people not able to
think by themselves. A government had made a new language using the
methods you describe up there. This totalitarianism could be bad, I


PS : this book is 1984, by George Orwell. Great book. Quite scary, I
must say.


2003/07/05 11:34:192003/07/05

Uzytkownik "Noé Falzon" <> napisal w wiadomosci

Yea... this what Klaus is talking about is like 'basic' language in
ceyberpunk literature. I don't like the idea. Languages are quite
interesting as they are. Well... English is one of the most simple and I
think it is being simplified by the users themselves...


2003/07/05 16:29:042003/07/05
>> > Mod#4 - The indefinite Artikel 'an' does not drop its 'n' anymore in
>> > of Consonants (eg. an Priest)
>> > Mod#5 - Uniformely created Prepositions: atop(instead of 'above') as
>> > emulated Assimilation of the Expression 'at the Top (of..)',
>> > same with: adown, afront, aback, aright, aleft, aside,
>> > ayond, amidst, atwixt, replacing their ununiformish Synonyms.
>> > and so on, as it is Creativity combined with the Aim to clean up
>> > from its primitive natural Qualitys which makes the MODs.
>> It strangely recall me a book I read, where these kind of
>> transformations of the language were made to make people not able to
>> think by themselves. A government had made a new language using the
>> methods you describe up there. This totalitarianism could be bad, I
>> think.
>> Noé

Actually, I think the scariest changes made in the language in "1984" were
semantic, changing the meanings of words and removing words from the vocabulary
when the concepts they expressed were outlawed for people to talk about or even
think about. The regularizing of irregular forms, e.g. "bes" instead of "is"
and "be" instead of "am/are", and "beed" instead of "was/were/been" were the
mildest part of the changes.

Klaus Scholl

2003/07/05 21:23:432003/07/05
I hoped to get silly Arguments as 'it is like in 1984' everwhere, but not in
a Newsgroup of Auxlangers.
Anyway, People are ABSOLUTELY NOT able to develop their Language
conscioussly (and that means reasonable,planfull,schematically, etc) because
the Folk-Intelligence is too low
and this since the Beginning of Time and until End of Time IF NOT certain
intelligent People start to make Proposals of planfull Lang-editing which
are discussed and published through Associations like the Académie française
What i propose here is not a Auxlang, it is a Philosophy how to procede in
Elevation of the common Language
with the Methods known in Auxlanging, with the Tools of Auxlanging,
and i give the Neologisms for the Keywords in Neosemantics:
Mod,Modlang,Modlanging,Modlanger (in Similarity to the known
Words: --,Auxlang,Auxlanging,Auxlanger).
Some create certain Mods, many discuss the Mods, even more apply the Mods,
I opine Language shall not be formed by a dominating Source like a King, or
the Government,
moreover it shall not be formed - it would be even worse - by the
Thoughtlessness and Stupidity of the common Folk,
it shall be formed by intellectuals, discussing the Changes with their
Knowledge in Polyglotterie.
NO Panlingua monarchiana, NO Panlingua democratica, BUT: Panlingua

Greet from the Klaus

Theodore Kloba

2003/07/10 15:18:512003/07/10
"Klaus Scholl" <> wrote in message news:<be7thc$a8s$05$>...

> I hoped to get silly Arguments as 'it is like in 1984' everwhere, but not in
> a Newsgroup of Auxlangers.

Of course this isn't really a newsgroup of auxlangers. It is a
newsgroup that includes some auxlangers. Many of us are more
interested in artlangs than auxlangs.

> Anyway, People are ABSOLUTELY NOT able to develop their Language
> conscioussly (and that means reasonable,planfull,schematically, etc) because
> the Folk-Intelligence is too low

I think it works the other way around: Although often unconscious,
the "folk-intelligence" is one of tremendous associative power.
"Folks" are in a constant development and modification process with
their own languages, implementing features and functions that we have
only begun to analyze.

> and this since the Beginning of Time and until End of Time IF NOT certain
> intelligent People start to make Proposals of planfull Lang-editing which
> are discussed and published through Associations like the Académie française
> is.

And how can a cloistered group understand the linguistic needs and
constraints of billions of people in all their walks of life?

> What i propose here is not a Auxlang, it is a Philosophy how to procede in
> Elevation of the common Language
> with the Methods known in Auxlanging, with the Tools of Auxlanging,
> and i give the Neologisms for the Keywords in Neosemantics:
> Mod,Modlang,Modlanging,Modlanger (in Similarity to the known
> Words: --,Auxlang,Auxlanging,Auxlanger).
> Some create certain Mods, many discuss the Mods, even more apply the Mods,
> I opine Language shall not be formed by a dominating Source like a King, or
> the Government,
> moreover it shall not be formed - it would be even worse - by the
> Thoughtlessness and Stupidity of the common Folk,
> it shall be formed by intellectuals, discussing the Changes with their
> Knowledge in Polyglotterie.
> NO Panlingua monarchiana, NO Panlingua democratica, BUT: Panlingua
> sophocratica

That sounds dandy, but how boring to only speak with sophocrats.

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