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"The Slip," a shapeshifting experience.

已查看 11 次

1998年9月14日 03:00:001998/9/14

Well, I experienced something weird last night... :|

Last night, a buddy of mine and I were on our way back to base after
visiting Chicago. We took Metra, one of the local passenger trains.
While we were riding the train, my friend fell asleep and I continued to
read my book, The Wild by Whitley Strieber.
At one point, I set the book down and closed my eyes. I was tired
too, but I needed to stay awake so one of us when know when it was our
stop. So, I decided to stay awake.
I went back to my book and read another chapter, then I set the book
down again and closed my eyes. This time I allowed my mind to wonder.
Like a default, at least here recently and no doubt because of the
book I was reading, my thoughts fell upon my lycanthropy. I relaxed and
imagined my body slowly shifting. I imagined it taking almost no effort,
just flowing as smoothly as water. I don't know why I decided to m-shift
this way. I guess, being tired, I just wanted to shift in a relaxing
I didn't even worry about the people around me on the train. Besides,
I'm sure they probably thought that I was just resting my eyes. So, I
continued mental shifting, completely forgetting about all the people
around me.
With my eyes closed, I focused my mind on feeling my entire body. I
could feel things like the sensation of people walking by, the weight of
my cloths, the stuffy air, etc. I focused on feeling, anything and
everything I could. Then, I focused inward and tried to feel only
From there I began to focus my mind on changing what I felt to what I
wanted to feel. I imagined the change being just as fluid as water, just
like I said, and it came easily. I could feel my body becoming animated
as I began to alter the feeling of my human body to that of a wolf-
Suddenly, I felt strange. I thought, up until this point, what I was
doing had been all in my head, a typical m-shift, but something
*physically* happened!
What happened only lasted a few seconds, enough time for me to
realize that it was happening then, just as quickly, it stopped. It felt
really strange. Here's how it felt. Something actually felt like it
flowed just underneath my skin. It surged throughout my entire body and
then faded away.
I opened my eyes slowly, saw that nothing had happened and in my mind
all I could say was... "Whoa!" The feeling lingered just long enough for
me to quickly find a way to describe it, then it was gone, completely.
The only way I could describe it would be that for a moment, I felt like
I was beginning to slip from within my own body, that my shape had
become fluid and I was slipping away from my very humanity.
I looked around. No one was looking at me, so apparently I didn't do
anything to grab anyone's attention. At least, if I had p-shifted in
some way, it was so subtle that I hadn't. My friend was still asleep and
however tired I once felt a few minutes ago, I was now fully awake.
The rest of the ride went without any further experiences. Then
again, I didn't dare try. The way I "slipped", I almost felt like I was
losing control of my body. It really scared me, even though I knew my
own fear stopped whatever was going to happen almost instinctively.
Still, I didn't try again 'til later that night while I was lying in
Nothing happened, but I did have a rather unusual shifting dream
which I'll tell you about with my next post.
What do you think? What type of shift WAS this?!? It began as a
mental shift, yes, but what happened then? Was I actually going to
p-shift? Has anybody else experienced something close or somehow related
to this?
I've decided that I will try this again, but I'm going to be more
careful about where I do it. the last thing I want to do is wolf out on
a public transit system! ;]
Until next post, take care.

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"There's something about the very essense of night, the way it burns
with such vitality," ~by Lance Foxx

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-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum


1998年9月14日 03:00:001998/9/14
I have also had a weird experience, I was laying, stretched out on my recliner,
listening to Bjork, (had the volume down fairly low) and just closed my eyes,
in my mind, the music slowly faded away, I tried to imagine what it would be
like to p-shift, my mind focused to my eyes, I imagined my eyes becoming yellow
and large, then almost immediately I felt a kind of gental shock in my eyes,
almost soothing, I instintively ran to the bathroom mirror, and I almost choked
when I looked at my eyes, they seemed a white/blue and the pupils were larger,
almost dialated, then, just as I felt really terrified, I blinked and felt that
tingle in my face again , I opened my eyes and they were normal, green,
un-dialated , normal, after that I realized that I had messed whatever had
happened up, I've never been able to do that again, but now at least I know
that there is something of thruth to my friends' stories (I've heard a few,
about hair, teeth, etc.) I'm glad I now have someone in the newsgroup to relate

\|/ Tailwags to all,
Razortooth Silvermyst


1998年9月14日 03:00:001998/9/14
收件人 wrote in message <6tk0kt$qp1$>...

> Well, I experienced something weird last night... :|


Actually, that sounds more like an astral projection. In this case, it was
brought on by the "waking dream", in other words, your senses were lulled to
sleep and you were half asleep. Add to that your lycanthropic thoughts, and
you've got a very weird experience indeed.

With practice, you can attain this state again. Then you can try to ride it
into the astral plane. I've been there a few times, and I think you'll like
it. There are plenty of sources out there on astral projection. I know a
bit about it as well, e-mail me if you're interested.

1998年9月15日 03:00:001998/9/15
It almost sounds like astral projection, but it wasn't. Did you happen
to notice your body temperature rise too? I hit that point and I heat
up. It's not so much temperature as it is a burning inside. Then there's
that weird liquid sensation and the muscles start crawling. I don't
imagine the change so much as I just try to do it.

Cui Ci Sono Dei Mostri...
....and there is no place here that does not see you.


1998年9月15日 03:00:001998/9/15
收件人 wrote in message

It almost sounds like astral projection, but it wasn't. Did you happen
to notice your body temperature rise too? I hit that point and I heat
up. It's not so much temperature as it is a burning inside. Then there's
that weird liquid sensation and the muscles start crawling. I don't
imagine the change so much as I just try to do it.

Well, it's not quite astral projection at that point, more like a
self-induced state of hypnosis. You can get all sorts of bizzare feedback
from your body in that state. The feeling of heat inside the stomach is one
of the most common sensations, I get it all the time. Feelings of heaviness
or weightlessness in the limbs is also very common. Astral projection is
the next step up from that point.


1998年9月15日 03:00:001998/9/15
>Actually, that sounds more like an astral projection. In this case, it
>brought on by the "waking dream", in other words, your senses were lulled
>sleep and you were half asleep. Add to that your lycanthropic thoughts,
>you've got a very weird experience indeed.

It does sound like a near-AP. The muscle-crawling thing might have been a
close brush with what's usually called "the vibrations" which is a feeling of
being pulled from your physical body, and the last step to a real projection.

When you astrally project, you also begin to understand and control your
physical body in ways that most people don't know exist. That kind of control
and understanding might be helpful and essential to reaching a P-shift... :)

|\ /|
>O\./o< |
\/ /_|
,,,| |,,, _|_/


1998年9月15日 03:00:001998/9/15
in message <6tk0kt$qp1$> wrote

> Well> What do you think? What type of shift WAS this?!? It began as a

>mental shift, yes, but what happened then? Was I actually going to
>p-shift? Has anybody else experienced something close or somehow related
>to this?

First off You were very tired. It's common to perceive half dreams in
those states. I'm sorry I have to bring that bad news. I actually was
awakened from my bed once, and walked out after a wolf all the while looking
at where I was walking without seeing me. I was in 2 universes at that
point, no other description possible.

And second, I don't believe being awake or asleep makes shifting have
anything less of an impact. Obviously you have to do it asleep first,
because your body is less attached to reality in those times.

> I've decided that I will try this again, but I'm going to be more
>careful about where I do it. the last thing I want to do is wolf out on
>a public transit system! ;]

No place to go :)


1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16

In article <>, (ForestWoIf) wrote:

> I have also had a weird experience, I was laying, stretched out on my
> recliner, listening to Bjork, (had the volume down fairly low) and just closed
> my eyes, in my mind, the music slowly faded away,

Which song was it, BTW? It wasn't "Human Behavior" was it? ;] I love that
song. It does sorta have a wereish theme... kinda sorta...

> I tried to imagine what it would be like to p-shift, my mind focused to my
> eyes,

Again, just curious, why your eyes and not something else? The reason I ask
is that the structure of my face is usually the first thing I change. You
know, the face pushing out into a snout thing?...

> I imagined my eyes becoming yellow and large, then almost immediately I felt a
> kind of gental shock in my eyes, almost soothing, I instintively ran to the
> bathroom mirror, and I almost choked when I looked at my eyes, they seemed a
> white/blue and the pupils were larger, almost dialated,

"White/blue," not yellow? Why do you think this happened?

> then, just as I felt really terrified, I blinked and felt that tingle in my
> face again , I opened my eyes and they were normal, green, un-dialated ,
> normal, after that I realized that I had messed whatever had happened up, I've
> never been able to do that again,

But you're still trying right? I mean, that's what I'd do. That's what I'm
doing! Especially after my experience... :]

> but now at least I know that there is something of thruth to my friends'
> stories (I've heard a few, about hair, teeth, etc.)

Wow! Sounds like you actually have witnesses. Could you share those
experiences with the group as well? If anything, E-mail them to me and I'm
sure to respond.

> I'm glad I now have someone in the newsgroup to relate to.

Thanks! :] same here. If it wasn't for this newsgroup
I'd be all alone with my lycanthropy...

> \|/ Tailwags to all,
> Razortooth Silvermyst

P.S. Sorry about all the aggressive questions. My experience has left me
filled with questions and I'm hungry for answers. Can anyone blame me? }:]


-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----

1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16

In article <6tkb6l$s08$1...@bigboote.WPI.EDU>,
"kane" <> wrote:

> wrote in message <6tk0kt$qp1$>...
> >Howlo,

> > Well, I experienced something weird last night... :|
> >

> <snip>

> Actually, that sounds more like an astral projection.

I thought about that too, but I'm not sure. I've read up on astral projection
and the out-of-body experience. I've never read anything about the physical
sensations that may be associated with it. If anything, all I remember
reading about is feeling your body fall asleep while you keep your mind
awake, focused on some meditative task. Typically, there is a buzzing sound
associated with astral projection and the sudden rush of being pulled from
your body, but this is comes after the body is thoroughly relaxed. I don't
know. It still may have been an astral projection. I just don't think it was,
mainly because I had only closed my eyes for maybe a few moments and because
the sensation I felt wasn't of being pulled from my body, but of moving
around within it. Now, if it wasn't the beginning of a p-shift like I'm
hoping, then, yes, I'd have to say that it may have been the beginning of an
astral shift. I just find it strange that it happened so quickly, without
having to meditate into it. And I really didn't expect to experience the
sensation I felt. I believe it may have been the beginning of a p-shift, but
to all of those out there that do astral project, is my experience common?
I've never read of any case like mine if it is indeed astral projection and
not a p-shift.

> In this case, it was brought on by the "waking dream", in other words, your
> senses were lulled to sleep and you were half asleep.

I'll agree there. I probably was half asleep, but the sensation was real. The
sensation caused me to come out of this "half sleep" state.

> Add to that your lycanthropic thoughts, and you've got a very weird experience
> indeed.

> With practice, you can attain this state again. Then you can try to ride it

> into the astral plane. I've been there a few times, and I think you'll like
> it. There are plenty of sources out there on astral projection. I know a
> bit about it as well, e-mail me if you're interested.

Okay, I will! :] Thanks. Whether my experience was that of astral projection
or not, I'm still interesting in astral shifting! I'll send you an E-mail
possibly tomorrow, time's running out tonight.

1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16

In article <>, wrote:

> It almost sounds like astral projection, but it wasn't. Did you happen
> to notice your body temperature rise too?

Ummm, no. Not really, but I'm make note of that the next time it happens. I
know what you might be impling. If I was going to change, it would take a lot
of energy to do so and I would feel it in the form of heat, building in my
body. It would make sense that I would fell it and I might have had I let it
continue, but it only lasted a second or two. Maybe it would have happened,
after all, I was feeling everything around me. Maybe I was also drawing in
this "energy" by doing so...

> I hit that point and I heat up. It's not so much temperature as it is a
> burning inside. Then there's that weird liquid sensation and the muscles start
> crawling.

Wow! So you've felt "that weird liquid sensation" too! Although it didn't
last long enough for my muscles to start crawling, that may have happened
next for me too. Wow, givin' my this chills just thinking about it. ;]

> I don't imagine the change so much as I just try to do it.

Hmmm, that just how I've always willed the change. I haven't had much success
any other way. How do you will the change if you don't imagine it happening?

> Cui Ci Sono Dei Mostri...
> ....and there is no place here that does not see you.
> Grimwolf


1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16

In article <6tlq8f$jer$1...@bigboote.WPI.EDU>,
"kane" <> wrote:

> Well, it's not quite astral projection at that point, more like a
> self-induced state of hypnosis.


> You can get all sorts of bizzare feedback from your body in that state.

Oh, yeah. I know about that! It's a fact that our senses become heightened
while we sleep. Kind of a innate self-defense thing or something.

> The feeling of heat inside the stomach is one of the most common sensations, I
> get it all the time.

Never had that.

> Feelings of heaviness or weightlessness in the limbs is also very common.

For me it would be weightlessness, but I realize that it's just my limbs going
to sleep on me.

> Astral projection is the next step up from that point.

And that's the step I keep tripping over. I always wind up falling completely
asleep at this point or rolling over and having to start all over again. :(
In terms of astral projection, how do I get past this huge step?

1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16

In article <>, (Flairgold) wrote:

> It does sound like a near-AP. The muscle-crawling thing might have been a
> close brush with what's usually called "the vibrations" which is a feeling of
> being pulled from your physical body, and the last step to a real projection.

I thought I'd have to be in some sort of deep meditation to do it, though. I
couldn't been more then half asleep and it happened so quickly.

> When you astrally project, you also begin to understand and control your
> physical body in ways that most people don't know exist.

??? :| ??? Uh, like what, exactly. I couldn't even venture a guess...

> That kind of control and understanding might be helpful and essential to
reaching a P-shift... :)

I certainly hope so. I'm gonna work with this and see what I can learn.

> Saskia
> |\ /|
> >O\./o< |
> \/ /_|
> ,,,| |,,, _|_/

Cool art, BTW. :]

Kioma Winterwolf

1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16
> Which song was it, BTW? It wasn't "Human Behavior" was it? ;] I love that
> song. It does sorta have a wereish theme... kinda sorta...

*sigh* I don't get to listen to much Bjork - my housemate hates her. I'll
have to keep a lokout for that song though... :)

> Again, just curious, why your eyes and not something else? The reason I
> is that the structure of my face is usually the first thing I change. You
> know, the face pushing out into a snout thing?...

"Eyes are the gateway to the soul", sort of fing. One of the first things
to indicate an alteration in someone is their eyes - though mine don't
change. Ever. Oh, they change hues and stuff, but they remain the rather
boring steel-grey color they always are.

> "White/blue," not yellow? Why do you think this happened?

Possibly a bleaching effect, readying the eyes for the full change..? Just
a theory.

> > normal, after that I realized that I had messed whatever had happened
up, I've
> > never been able to do that again,

NO WAY. Not a mess-up, just a distracted attempt. Next time you'll know
what's happening, so it won't be so much of a shock.

> > I'm glad I now have someone in the newsgroup to relate to.
> Thanks! :] same here. If it wasn't for this newsgroup
> I'd be all alone with my lycanthropy...

Nonsense. You'd SEEM all alone, but every so often you'd see someone
walking down the street with a preoccupied, almost hungry look in their
eyes and you'd think, "Nope. Not alone." At least that's what I do.
Maybe it's just my imagination... :)



1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16

>Okay, I will! :] Thanks. Whether my experience was that of astral
>or not, I'm still interesting in astral shifting! I'll send you an E-mail
>possibly tomorrow, time's running out tonight.

Cool. Just remember to re-enter your body after you're done. That sounds
like a pretty silly rule, but take my word for it, it's VERY important.


1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16

>> It does sound like a near-AP. The muscle-crawling thing might have been
>> close brush with what's usually called "the vibrations" which is a feeling
>> being pulled from your physical body, and the last step to a real
>I thought I'd have to be in some sort of deep meditation to do it, though.
>couldn't been more then half asleep and it happened so quickly.
I think it takes a bit of practice in deep meditation to be able to AP
willingly, but it's not unusual to just slip out when you're half asleep.
Half-sleep is a delicate stage where there are no distractions from the outside
world and your thoughts have steadied to a barely noticeable stream... perfect
for "forgetting" your physical body :)

>> When you astrally project, you also begin to understand and control your
>> physical body in ways that most people don't know exist.
>??? :| ??? Uh, like what, exactly. I couldn't even venture a guess...

Sorry, I was being vague here. Well, most humans are totally convinced that
their physical body and shape is the limit to everything. It can only be
changed by plastic surgery, etc... heck, most people will tell you the soul
itself is located in the brain. I think it was Yoda who said that you must
unlearn everything you've learned up till now.

I think I just confused you more ;)

>> That kind of control and understanding might be helpful and essential
>reaching a P-shift... :)
>I certainly hope so. I'm gonna work with this and see what I can learn.
>> Saskia
>> |\ /|
>> >O\./o< |
>> \/ /_|
>> ,,,| |,,, _|_/
>Cool art, BTW. :]

Thankie much!



1998年9月16日 03:00:001998/9/16
>> I tried to imagine what it would be like to p-shift, my mind focused to
>> eyes,
>Again, just curious, why your eyes and not something else? The reason I ask
>is that the structure of my face is usually the first thing I change. You
>know, the face pushing out into a snout thing?...
Now, I know you didn't ask me this question, but I wanna answer it anyway ;)
When I focus, I always focus on the tail first. I dunno, but I've allways
had tail-envy, I think everything looks better wiht a tail, that sort of
thing, so I suppose that's why I start with the tail. But when I just lay
their and sort of drift into thoughts of shifting without really focusing my
hands and/or feet seem to be first. I'm not sure why, thou.

Katie "Wakko!" Bubenik

If insanity is a full time job, how come I'm not getting paid?

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but
they've always worked for me."
-- Hunter S. Thompson

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