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Two Arkansas Gay Men Rape & Murder 13 Year Old Boy

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The Compassionate Conservative

20.10.1999, 07:00:0020.10.99
Tuesday October 19, 1999

Northwest Arkansas Online

The Morning News

by Thomas Sissom

DA Butler to seek death penalty in rape/murder case

Hearing set today on motion to seal parts of affidavit

The two men arrested Sunday in connection with the murder of a 13-year-old Prairie
Grove boy in Rogers were ordered held without bond Monday, and Prosecuting Attorney
Brad Butler said he will seek the death penalty in the capital-murder case.

"This is a very brutal and horrific crime, and we will be seeking the death penalty,"
Butler said after a hearing in Benton County Circuit Court. "We’re ready to go, ready
to file charges. Our hearts go out to the victim’s family. No one deserves to lose a
child in this manner."

Joshua Macave Brown, 22, and Davis Don Carpenter, 38, were in court Monday for a
probable-cause hearing in connection with the murder of Jesse Dirkhising.

Dirkhising was found near death at the home of the two men at 1207 W. Sunset St. in
Rogers, police said. Dirkhising was taken by ambulance to St. Mary’s Hospital in
Rogers, where he was pronounced dead at 5:32 a.m.

Brown stood staring at the floor for most of his court appearance. Carpenter, who was
seated in the jury box, had been in the courtroom for some time reading the affidavit
detailing the charges against him. As he read, Carpenter repeatedly shook his head
and muttered, "No." Members of Dirkhising’s family sat weeping, and one woman,
identified as the boy’s mother, clutched a teddy bear and a framed photograph.

At Monday’s hearing in Bentonville, Circuit Judge David Clinger agreed to consider a
request to seal parts of the affidavit of probable cause, detailing the accusations
against the men. Charles Duell, the public defender representing Brown, said
publication of the information could prevent the defendants from receiving a fair
trial. A hearing on that motion was set for 1:30 p.m. today.

Clinger allowed an edited version to be released, and Butler, along with Rogers
Police Chief Tim Keck and Sgt. Terry Woodside, discussed the information that
investigators have gathered about the events leading to the boy’s death.

According to Butler, Dirkhising had known Brown and Carpenter for several months and
had been spending weekends at their residence in Rogers. According to the affidavit,
the family believed the boy had been working at a hair-styling shop where Carpenter

Police received a 911 emergency call placed from the residence at 4:53 a.m. Sunday.
When police officers and a Rogers Fire Department ambulance arrived, a man later
identified as Carpenter met them. Carpenter, described as very upset, repeatedly told
the officers, "He’s not breathing." Dirkhising was found on the floor of a bedroom
with duct tape around one wrist. When asked about the tape, Brown reportedly told
officers they were "just playing a game." While being questioned at the scene, Brown
allegedly assaulted Cpl. Rick Simmons and was arrested.

Butler said Monday that the boy had been raped repeatedly over a period of hours,
including with foreign objects. While the rapes were occurring, Butler said, the boy
was bound with duct tape at his ankles, knees and wrists and also was gagged and
blindfolded. Butler also said there is some evidence the boy was drugged, and a
quantity of a sedative known as amitryptiline was found at the residence.

Police found quantities of other drugs, including suspected methamphetamine, along
with items commonly used in sexual bondage. Notes making reference to various sex
acts and the use of pills and duct tape also were found at the residence.

Butler said the two men raped Dirkhising at least six times. Each was charged with
six counts of rape in addition to capital murder. Butler said the boy was left bound
and gagged after the last rape while the two men went to get a sandwich to eat. When
the men returned, Butler said, they found the boy, apparently dead, and made the 911
emergency call.


22.10.1999, 07:00:0022.10.99
What can possibly be the point of this post?
to prove that there are criminal gays?
Of course there are, just as there are criminal heterosexual people.
You're just trying to discredit an entire group of people based
on the acts of two of its members.
That is in every way possible more immoral and foul than
being of an alternative sexual persuasion, regardless of how your holy
book can be interpreted in setting rules for sexual behavior.
If i had been gay this post would have pissed me off beyond belief.

The Compassionate Conservative wrote:
<snip story about gays raping a kid>

Rainbow Christian

22.10.1999, 07:00:0022.10.99
In article <>, Xerxes
<> wrote:

- What can possibly be the point of this post?
- to prove that there are criminal gays?
- Of course there are, just as there are criminal heterosexual people.
- You're just trying to discredit an entire group of people based
- on the acts of two of its members.
- That is in every way possible more immoral and foul than
- being of an alternative sexual persuasion, regardless of how your holy
- book can be interpreted in setting rules for sexual behavior.
- If i had been gay this post would have pissed me off beyond belief.
- The Compassionate Conservative wrote:
- <snip story about gays raping a kid>


How often do you see a post reading "Heterosexuals kinap adnd muder
little girl"?

I mean the odds are fairly high that whoever murdered that poor Ramsey
girl was not only hetersosexual, but was someone known to her and her

Is thae Compassionate Consevative now ready to say that all hetersoexual
male "friends of the family" now be suspected of being child molestors?

Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian
The Lord is my Shepherd and He knows I'm Gay
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true. whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Philippiams 4:8
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches

To send e-mail, remove nohate from address

Thomas Andrews

22.10.1999, 07:00:0022.10.99
In article <>,

Rainbow Christian <> wrote:
>How often do you see a post reading "Heterosexuals kinap adnd muder
>little girl"?

In fact, a while back, I saw a parody of 'The Drudge Report', he
had a link called 'The Heterosexual Menace.' When you clicked on it, it
would simply do a news search for the word 'girlfriend' and all
the news turned up was violent crime.

Hear, try this out:

[ Okay, in one of the cases, on the first page, the 'girlfriend'
is not a heterosexual. In that story, though, her father kidnapped
and beat his adult daughter for shacking up with another woman. ]
Thomas Andrews


23.10.1999, 07:00:0023.10.99
Then that is payback for Matt Shepherd. What is right for the goose
is right for the gander. Get used to used to... you will not be
pushing gays around anymore and get away with it!

The name is Benjo

23.10.1999, 07:00:0023.10.99
It's always sad to lose a loved one, but why is it that
there's so fuss about his killing compared to the murder
of Matthew? And still in the hate groups they attack
Matthew... I don't agree with you totally but yes, I share you
point of view that bigots have to get used to pay back time

Wow! <> wrote in message

23.10.1999, 07:00:0023.10.99

The name is Benjo wrote:

> It's always sad to lose a loved one, but why is it that
> there's so fuss about his killing compared to the murder
> of Matthew? And still in the hate groups they attack
> Matthew...

> I don't agree with you totally but yes, I share you
> point of view that bigots have to get used to pay back time

++++ So payback time is raping and killing 13 year old boys....... Try that
shit on an adult.

The name is Benjo

23.10.1999, 07:00:0023.10.99
Did I say that? I don't think so! I said that bigots
have to get used to pay back time. Even if I kid
is raised by a bigot and share those filthy
views, I only have to laugh.

Of course this changes if they team up to
beat some one, but that's not the case here, so...

Next to that, the murder of Matthew has a hate crime,
this is (how terrible the case is) "just another murder",
and in the USA that's nothing out of the ordinary, is it?

<> wrote in message

Peter Skaliks

23.10.1999, 07:00:0023.10.99

On 1999-10-23 said:

>and in the USA that's nothing out of the ordinary, is it?

You can say _that_ again! The U.S. is a jurisdiction with more than
25,000 murders per year, more than the combined total of all the rest
of the countries in the developed world. The United States is a social
disaster with a capital "D". Hardly a day goes by without a female in
the age-range of Jesse Dirkhising being murdered by heterosexuals, so
that is no longer news. Once in a decade or so, there is a murder of a
young male by a homosexual pair, making it big news.

According to Butler, Dirkhising had known Brown and Carpenter
for several months and had been spending weekends at their
residence in Rogers.

This sounds like an S/M trio with incompetent technique, rather
than the usual abduction/rape/murder scenario that the
prosecution is painting. Most people of the
abduction/rape/murder persuasion do not call 911 when their
victim goes into physical distress, since the death of the
victim would be the intent, whereas this does not seem to have
been the case here.

According to the affidavit, the family believed the boy had
been working at a hair-styling shop where Carpenter worked.

The family BELIEVED! In other words, they didn't KNOW where
their son was for several months. This sounds like the usual
throw-away kid syndrome, where the family now puts on a big
phoney production of grief for the news cameras, whereas they
didn't give a pinch of rat-shit about the kid while he was

Police received a 911 emergency call placed from the
residence at 4:53 a.m. Sunday.

Obviously, the boy's death was not deliberate. This is not to
say in any fashion that the actions of the Brown/Carpenter pair
are acceptable, but it doesn't look quite the way that the local
authorities would like to have people believe.

Peter Skaliks
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


23.10.1999, 07:00:0023.10.99
Does this story give you wood, pussy boy?

Peter Shitliks wrote:
<homo fantasies snipped>

Moira de Swardt

24.10.1999, 07:00:0024.10.99

Wow! wrote in message <>...

>Then that is payback for Matt Shepherd. What is right for the goose
>is right for the gander. Get used to used to... you will not be
>pushing gays around anymore and get away with it!
All crime is unacceptable. Violent crime is particularly unacceptable. It
doesn't matter what the gender, age or sexual orientation of the victim
and/or perpetrators. Crime is unacceptable.

Moira de Swardt
Straight, but not narrow.

Moira de Swardt

24.10.1999, 07:00:0024.10.99

The name is Benjo wrote in message <3811208a$0$>...

>It's always sad to lose a loved one, but why is it that
>there's so fuss about his killing compared to the murder
>of Matthew? And still in the hate groups they attack
>Matthew... I don't agree with you totally but yes, I share you
>point of view that bigots have to get used to pay back time

No, Benjo. There is NO justification for violent crime. This crime wasn't
even a "payback" crime. It was simply violence. Crime is not acceptable.
Violence is not acceptable.

The name is Benjo

24.10.1999, 07:00:0024.10.99
I didn't defend this killing, everyone who does is an idiot,
but I understand something like paying back.

As I'm informed well, there's a lot of crime in the USA,
to me raping a young kid is as bad as raping an adult
women or man, murdering a kid is as bad as killing an adult.
All these crimes (including the dead penalty) should make
headlines because there's no justification .

But because in this case two so called homosexuals
are involved (to me homosexuals are men preferring men, not
kids, the same goes for heterosexuals), some groups are trying
a make it a special case. It's just another killing like so many happen,
how horrible and sad it is.

Killing people because of what they are, jews, blacks, gays etc. etc
is another thing. It's a bit hard to explain, because these are feelings
and difficult to translate from my own language into English.

However, I hope you do understand what I'm trying to say.

Moira de Swardt <> wrote in message

Peter Skaliks

24.10.1999, 07:00:0024.10.99

On 1999-10-23 said:
>Newsgroups: alt.homosexual,alt.homosexuality,alt.politics.clinton,

>Does this story give you wood, pussy boy?

Not me, but since you brought it up Cunt-boy, it does seem to affect
you in this fashion.

Crawl back under your rock.

Lord Haw-Haw

26.10.1999, 07:00:0026.10.99

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of October 16, 1999

Well, I don't know that anything I've said today will change the
attitude of the rootless individualists. They're lacking something in
their upbringing that I can't give them in half an hour. They really
do think they're being smart by not accepting any responsibility. They
believe that they can survive and prosper as individuals, with no
community or racial connections.

Listen: the world doesn't work that way. The rootless individualist
doesn't realize it, but he really is all alone out there. The other
people that he is competing with--the Jews, the non-Whites, the
feminists, the homosexuals--think of themselves as members of groups.
They think collectively. They collaborate. Their aim is to disarm and
destroy us--collectively. And they're doing it.

I'll give you a very recent and very shocking example of how this
works. Do you remember the case of Matthew Shepard, the homosexual who
went into a bar in Laramie, Wyoming, last year and tried to get a
date? Two of the men in the bar gave him a good beating and then left
him tied to a fence, where he died of exposure. Of course, there's no
way you could forget that case. It has been a cause celebre in the
national media ever since it happened. It has been on every television
screen in America again this week in connection with the trial of
Aaron McKinney, one of the men accused of killing Shepard. Janet Reno
and Bill Clinton have given solemn commentary on the case and cited it
as a reason why we need to have an expanded "hate crime" law to
protect homosexuals from heterosexual White males. Half the Christian
preachers and rabbis in America have publicly deplored the "hate" they
say was responsible for Shepard's death.

Now I'll tell you about another case involving murder and homosexuals
that I'm certain you haven't heard about, unless you happen to live in
northwestern Arkansas and you read the newspapers there carefully.
Less than three weeks ago, on September 26, two adult homosexuals in
the town of Rogers, Arkansas, grabbed a 13-year-old boy off the
street, took him to their apartment, drugged him, and tied him up and
gagged him so that no one could hear his screams, and then they raped
him to death. His body was found in a pool of blood on the apartment

The 13-year-old boy was Jesse Dirkhising. That's D-i-r-k-h-i-s-i-n-g.
The two adult homosexuals are Davis Don Carpenter and Joshua Macave
Brown, each charged with capital murder and six counts of forcible
rape. I mention these names to help you search for information about
this horrible crime on the Internet, so that you can verify for
yourself what I'm telling you. Try the Internet site of The Morning
News of Northwestern Arkansas, the local newspaper there, which has
been virtually the only newspaper to carry news of the murder.

As I said, this vicious rape and murder of an innocent child by two
adult homosexuals occurred less than three weeks ago, and it's been
totally blacked out of the national news, while the beating death of
homosexual Matthew Shepard, who made the mistake of looking for a date
in the wrong bar, is still receiving national news coverage every day
more than a year after it happened.

Why? I'll tell you. It's because other groups in this country want it
this way. No individual in America has the power to black out the news
of the homosexual rape and murder of 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising. And
no individual has the power to give the enormous, non-stop national
coverage to the beating of Matthew Shepard that we are seeing. This is
the result of a collective decision--a racial decision--by the Jews
who control the news media in America. The message the Jews want to
send to White Americans is that homosexuals are innocent victims and
heterosexual White males are aggressors who prey on them. And so they
give us the news which fits that message, and they black out the news
which doesn't.

I mean, really, think about it. Which is the more newsworthy crime:
the beating to death of Matthew Shepard by two men he approached for a
date; or the kidnaping and raping to death of 13-year-old Jesse
Dirkhising by two adult homosexuals? The Jews do this manipulation and
distortion of the news for a reason: a collective reason, a racial
reason. And it's working. Idiot White women and idiot White Christians
are joining the homosexuals around the country in even more
candlelight vigils in memory of Matthew Shepard. But there will never
be a candlelight vigil for Jesse Dirkhising. No one will ever hear
about Jesse Dirkhising--except those of you listening to me now.

That is the way this world in which we are living works. The suckers
are not people like me who feel a sense of racial identity and racial
rootedness and racial responsibility. The suckers are the rootless
individualists who follow the poisonous teachings of Ayn Rand and
Harry Browne.
The text above is based on a broadcast of the American Dissident
Voices radio program sponsored by National Vanguard Books.
It is distributed by e-mail each Saturday to subscribes of ADVlist.

To subscribe to ADVlist, send an e-mail message with the word
"subscribe" as the subject of the message to:

Alric J. Knebel

26.10.1999, 07:00:0026.10.99

Lord Haw-Haw wrote:

[ Material cut from before and after this paragraph. ]

> Now I'll tell you about another case involving murder and homosexuals
> that I'm certain you haven't heard about, unless you happen to live in
> northwestern Arkansas and you read the newspapers there carefully.
> Less than three weeks ago, on September 26, two adult homosexuals in
> the town of Rogers, Arkansas, grabbed a 13-year-old boy off the
> street, took him to their apartment, drugged him, and tied him up and
> gagged him so that no one could hear his screams, and then they raped

> him to death. His body was found in a pool of blood on the apartment.

Lord Haw-Haw:

You've joined the debate a little late. More accurate details of the case
have already come out here, and they're not at all like this horrific
description you're providing. And this was a very active thread, so almost
everyone in the newsgroup knows you're full of bull. Even people on your
side know better. You have no credibility here.

On the other hand, your propaganda was very well written. It had the sound
of real authority and thoughtfulness. If we hadn't known the truth
beforehand, the piece would have been a real hit.

Alric Knebel


26.10.1999, 07:00:0026.10.99

Xerxes <> wrote in message

> What can possibly be the point of this post?
> to prove that there are criminal gays?

I don't think that was the point.

> Of course there are, just as there are criminal heterosexual people.

> You're just trying to discredit an entire group of people based

> on the acts of two of its members.

I do not believe the purpose of the post was that.

> That is in every way possible more immoral and foul than

> being of an alternative sexual persuasion, regardless of how your holy

> book can be interpreted in setting rules for sexual behavior.

> If i had been gay this post would have pissed me off beyond belief.

It has apparently pissed you off as it is.

The point of the post is this:
This crime was ignored completely by major media. Ignored may not be the
proper word, perhaps buried is better. It illustrates the way that major
news media paints a picture that fits their liberal agenda, rather than
presenting a true full view of the news. You'll notice that the source was
a local news outlet, not a major news outlet. It is the poster's belief,
and mine, and most non-liberals', that if the perps were straight and the
victim a girl, better yet, a girl or woman of a "protected class", we would
be being bombarded by coverage, coverage that would be attempting to make
the same points about these men as you are accusing the poster of the
article of trying to make.


26.10.1999, 07:00:0026.10.99

Peter Skaliks <> wrote in message

> You can say _that_ again! The U.S. is a jurisdiction with more than
> 25,000 murders per year, more than the combined total of all the rest
> of the countries in the developed world. The United States is a social
> disaster with a capital "D". Hardly a day goes by without a female in
> the age-range of Jesse Dirkhising being murdered by heterosexuals, so
> that is no longer news. Once in a decade or so, there is a murder of a
> young male by a homosexual pair, making it big news.

The problem is, though it is big news, it is not reported.

> According to Butler, Dirkhising had known Brown and Carpenter
> for several months and had been spending weekends at their
> residence in Rogers.

That's as good a reason as any to kill him I guess...

> This sounds like an S/M trio with incompetent technique, rather
> than the usual abduction/rape/murder scenario that the
> prosecution is painting.

The boy was not a willing member of the trio, no matter what the
circumstances. It is more than an S&M trio with incompetent technique.

> Most people of the
> abduction/rape/murder persuasion do not call 911 when their
> victim goes into physical distress, since the death of the
> victim would be the intent, whereas this does not seem to have
> been the case here.

Most people of that persuasion, or any other, for that matter, fuck kids up
the ass until they are dead.

> According to the affidavit, the family believed the boy had
> been working at a hair-styling shop where Carpenter worked.

> The family BELIEVED! In other words, they didn't KNOW where
> their son was for several months. This sounds like the usual
> throw-away kid syndrome,

A product of government social engineering. Happens in Canada too.

> where the family now puts on a big
> phoney production of grief for the news cameras, whereas they
> didn't give a pinch of rat-shit about the kid while he was
> alive.

If only the news cameras would show up to report it.

> Police received a 911 emergency call placed from the
> residence at 4:53 a.m. Sunday.

> Obviously, the boy's death was not deliberate. This is not to
> say in any fashion that the actions of the Brown/Carpenter pair
> are acceptable, but it doesn't look quite the way that the local
> authorities would like to have people believe.

The important fact in this situation is that the newsmedia has buried it.

> Peter Skaliks
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The fact that Canada is the home of Rush is the only thing that keeps me
from advocating that the US sends a couple Cub Scout dens up there to take
your whole country over.


27.10.1999, 07:00:0027.10.99

SnowDog wrote:

Hmm interesting, so the media passed on a chance to yell about family
values and decay of society, and thus a few more braindead people watched
Jerry Springer instead of watching their shows? Not very likely. Do you know
how many rapes are annually commited in the USA? and how many of those
make the 6 o' clock news?
What is a protected class? Does that mean WASP? Or African American?
And if the point was to show that media just report what fits their agenda,
then why lengthily discuss what exactly they did and how long, and why this
title instead of : Media ignores crimes commited by certain minorities.
No mister, he was attempting to insinuate gays being dangerous to
children, one doesn't want those sinful beasts around the family do you?
Well i hope the fundies stay away from mine, they are a lot scarier.
You are however right that i overreacted a little, and without knowing
all the facts

sincerely, Xerxes

Peter Skaliks

27.10.1999, 07:00:0027.10.99

On 1999-10-26 said:

[a variety of things]

Nobody can, or should, try to justify the actions of Brown/Carpenter, but
first degree murder requires _intent_, an ingredient that seems to be
missing in the reports I have read. If the charge stands as printed, a
reasonably proficient lawyer could get it dismissed because the crime
doesn't fit the definition of the charge.

>The fact that Canada is the home of Rush is the only thing that
>keeps me from advocating that the US sends a couple Cub Scout dens
>up there to take your whole country over.

You wouldn't be the first American to try to "liberate" us. The
previous ones are buried under various battlefields in southern
Ontario. I find it rather distastefull to even talk about such a
possibility. Here I was hoping that Americans had gotten the
"manifest destiny" crap, about a single North American state
stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the north pole, out of
their system. The reality is that Canadians like operating their
own sovereign state, and have no wish to be part of the U.S.
system. I doubt that Mexico would be all that enthusiastic about
joining the U.S. either, especially considering that a
significant percentage of the U.S. territory was stolen from
Mexico by means of various American wars of aggression.

There is hardly a single country in either North or South
America which hasn't been at the receiving end of American
aggression at one time or another. The United States, with its
manifest destiny mania, occupies the same niche in the Americas
that NAZI Germany occupied in Europe.


27.10.1999, 07:00:0027.10.99

Xerxes <> wrote in message

> Hmm interesting, so the media passed on a chance to yell about family
> values and decay of society, and thus a few more braindead people watched
> Jerry Springer instead of watching their shows? Not very likely.

The media doesn't yell about that stuff as a matter of course, since it is
contrary to their agenda, which is to have everyone depend on the
So, I would not expect them to report on stories that make the decline of
family values in the US.

> Do you know
> how many rapes are annually commited in the USA?

I would say that no one does, due to the number of unreported rapes, but as
for reported ones, about 96,000 per year.
Of course, the rape is defined by the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program,
is "carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will", so this
would not be a rape, at least in a way that you could lump it in with the
96,000 that the media apparently doesn't care too much about.

> and how many of those
> make the 6 o' clock news?

No. But the unusual nature of the incident, a boy being fucked up the ass
until dead, makes it newsworthy, no matter what the sexual orientation of
the offenders.

> What is a protected class?

Any class of individuals named in a hate crime statute, or affirmative
action program, or in the ADA laws. That's a start.

> Does that mean WASP?

There are plenty of wasps included in the list.

> Or African American?

There are no African Americans that do not belong to a protected class..

> And if the point was to show that media just report what fits their
> then why lengthily discuss what exactly they did and how long,

It is a sound refutation to points made that it is not newsworthy.

> and why this
> title instead of : Media ignores crimes commited by certain minorities.

The post was a news article, a local one. That's one reason. Another is
that the poster probably chose the subject header that he felt would cause
the most people to read it. It seems to have worked.

> No mister, he was attempting to insinuate gays being dangerous to
> children,

If you believe the subject header was the insinuation, you are entitled to
your opinion, but those are the only words that the poster actually used.
But I wonder, if the crime involved both different perps and a different
victim, would you feel that the subject header "Two Arkansas White Men Rape
& Murder 13 Year Old Black Girl" was meant to insinuate that all white men
are dangerous to black girls? I wouldn't.

> one doesn't want those sinful beasts around the family do you?

I have them in my circle of friends, and one in my family, well, future

> Well i hope the fundies stay away from mine, they are a lot scarier.

They are not protected, you don't have much to worry about at this point in


27.10.1999, 07:00:0027.10.99

Peter Skaliks <> wrote in message

> Nobody can, or should, try to justify the actions of Brown/Carpenter, but
> first degree murder requires _intent_, an ingredient that seems to be
> missing in the reports I have read. If the charge stands as printed, a
> reasonably proficient lawyer could get it dismissed because the crime
> doesn't fit the definition of the charge.

A strong conclusion, since you don't know half of the evidence. You can
only know what is reported, and I'm sure there is plenty of detail that
hasn't been put out.

> You wouldn't be the first American to try to "liberate" us.

My sole intent would be to watch a bunch of pre-teens kick your sorry asses.
I can't think of an actual use for Canada, except maybe a place for cheap
cold storage.

> The
> previous ones are buried under various battlefields in southern
> Ontario. I find it rather distastefull to even talk about such a
> possibility.

It is in jest, in case you hadn't figured it out yet.

> Here I was hoping that Americans had gotten the
> "manifest destiny" crap, about a single North American state
> stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the north pole, out of
> their system. The reality is that Canadians like operating their
> own sovereign state, and have no wish to be part of the U.S.
> system.

Not a problem, there really is no use for the lot of you.

"Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea"
- N. Peart

> I doubt that Mexico would be all that enthusiastic about
> joining the U.S. either, especially considering that a
> significant percentage of the U.S. territory was stolen from
> Mexico by means of various American wars of aggression.

Apparently you aren't familiar with the huge rate of immigrants from Mexico
to the US, both legal and illegal. They risk being shot to get here.

> There is hardly a single country in either North or South
> America which hasn't been at the receiving end of American
> aggression at one time or another. The United States, with its
> manifest destiny mania, occupies the same niche in the Americas
> that NAZI Germany occupied in Europe.

You would be hard pressed to convince me to actually advocate aggression
against another country unless it was in self-defense.


28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99

SnowDog wrote:

> Xerxes <> wrote in message
> > Hmm interesting, so the media passed on a chance to yell about family
> > values and decay of society, and thus a few more braindead people watched
> > Jerry Springer instead of watching their shows? Not very likely.
> The media doesn't yell about that stuff as a matter of course, since it is
> contrary to their agenda, which is to have everyone depend on the
> government.

Hmm media wanting to have the whole nation depend on the government......?
Media wants to have high viewing figures, and the crime described is almost
too perfect to be true for that job.

> So, I would not expect them to report on stories that make the decline of
> family values in the US.

People get into congress, senate, and the white house with it, and it's daily
on tv how bad our morals and values are, so i think in reality it's somewhat

> No. But the unusual nature of the incident, a boy being fucked up the ass
> until dead, makes it newsworthy, no matter what the sexual orientation of
> the offenders.

Of course it is, it's a horrible crime they deserve death for (aftersome time
in prison, boy they'll have fun there) but does it need to be posted all over
the usenet? Imagine the title had said Christian instead of gay, and the story
was of some
sexually twisted vicar and well you can imagine the rest. I think posting that
alt.religion.christian with cross posts all over the place would show a great
of respect and style on the poster's part, and so does the post this thread
with Imho.

> > And if the point was to show that media just report what fits their
> agenda,
> > then why lengthily discuss what exactly they did and how long,
> It is a sound refutation to points made that it is not newsworthy.

Of course it's newsworthy, as much as 'any' other brutal rape and murder, not
many of those make it to alt.homosexuality or alt.religion.christian do they?

> If you believe the subject header was the insinuation, you are entitled to
> your opinion, but those are the only words that the poster actually used.
> But I wonder, if the crime involved both different perps and a different
> victim, would you feel that the subject header "Two Arkansas White Men Rape
> & Murder 13 Year Old Black Girl" was meant to insinuate that all white men
> are dangerous to black girls? I wouldn't.

If it was posted to newsgroups alt.heterosexual.male.white and to (well comparing christians' dislike for gays with racial issues
silly but there's no major organization who widely advocates the dislike
of white hetero males) i would probably indeed seek that suggestion behind it.

> > one doesn't want those sinful beasts around the family do you?
> I have them in my circle of friends, and one in my family, well, future
> family.

That was directed at the original poster, not at you. But glad to hear
you can deal with it normally :)

Anyway this is taking up way too much bandwidth, i'll quit posting.


John De Salvio

28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99
In article <e77asZMI$GA.222@cpmsnbbsa03>, "SnowDog"
<> wrote:

> Xerxes <> wrote in message
> > Hmm interesting, so the media passed on a chance to yell about family
> > values and decay of society, and thus a few more braindead people watched
> > Jerry Springer instead of watching their shows? Not very likely.
> The media doesn't yell about that stuff as a matter of course, since it is
> contrary to their agenda, which is to have everyone depend on the
> government.

> So, I would not expect them to report on stories that make the decline of
> family values in the US.

> > Do you know
> > how many rapes are annually commited in the USA?
> I would say that no one does, due to the number of unreported rapes, but as
> for reported ones, about 96,000 per year.
> Of course, the rape is defined by the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program,
> is "carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will",

You're a little behind the times. Rape is not restricted to being
a crime against a woman.

so this
> would not be a rape, at least in a way that you could lump it in with the
> 96,000 that the media apparently doesn't care too much about.
> > and how many of those
> > make the 6 o' clock news?

> No. But the unusual nature of the incident, a boy being fucked up the ass
> until dead, makes it newsworthy, no matter what the sexual orientation of
> the offenders.

> > What is a protected class?
> Any class of individuals named in a hate crime statute, or affirmative
> action program, or in the ADA laws. That's a start.
> > Does that mean WASP?
> There are plenty of wasps included in the list.
> > Or African American?
> There are no African Americans that do not belong to a protected class..

> > And if the point was to show that media just report what fits their
> agenda,
> > then why lengthily discuss what exactly they did and how long,
> It is a sound refutation to points made that it is not newsworthy.

> > and why this
> > title instead of : Media ignores crimes commited by certain minorities.
> The post was a news article, a local one.

There seems to be some doubt about that.
There is no physical evidence that the event actually happened,
beyond what is posted on the internet. And if you believe all you
see on the internet....

I have a box of mean-tempered, soiled gerbils to sell you...


NOTE: "From" address is deliberately wrong.
My correct e-mail address is:

desalvio["AT" SYMBOL]

John De Salvio

28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99
In article <eCWfByAI$GA.309@cpmsnbbsa05>, "SnowDog"
<> wrote:

> Xerxes <> wrote in message

> > What can possibly be the point of this post?
> > to prove that there are criminal gays?
> I don't think that was the point.
> > Of course there are, just as there are criminal heterosexual people.
> > You're just trying to discredit an entire group of people based
> > on the acts of two of its members.
> I do not believe the purpose of the post was that.
> > That is in every way possible more immoral and foul than
> > being of an alternative sexual persuasion, regardless of how your holy
> > book can be interpreted in setting rules for sexual behavior.
> > If i had been gay this post would have pissed me off beyond belief.
> It has apparently pissed you off as it is.
> The point of the post is this:
> This crime was ignored completely by major media.


Because it never happened?

Where does it actually occur IN PRINT?


Rainbow Christian

28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99
In article <>, (John De Salvio) wrote:

- In article <e77asZMI$GA.222@cpmsnbbsa03>, "SnowDog"
- <> wrote:
- > Xerxes <> wrote in message
- >
- >
- > > Hmm interesting, so the media passed on a chance to yell about family
- > > values and decay of society, and thus a few more braindead people watched
- > > Jerry Springer instead of watching their shows? Not very likely.
- >
- > The media doesn't yell about that stuff as a matter of course, since it is
- > contrary to their agenda, which is to have everyone depend on the
- > government.
- > So, I would not expect them to report on stories that make the decline of
- > family values in the US.
- >
- > > Do you know
- > > how many rapes are annually commited in the USA?
- >
- > I would say that no one does, due to the number of unreported rapes, but as
- > for reported ones, about 96,000 per year.
- > Of course, the rape is defined by the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program,
- > is "carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will",
- You're a little behind the times. Rape is not restricted to being
- a crime against a woman.
- so this
- > would not be a rape, at least in a way that you could lump it in with the
- > 96,000 that the media apparently doesn't care too much about.
- >
- > > and how many of those
- > > make the 6 o' clock news?
- >
- > No. But the unusual nature of the incident, a boy being fucked up the ass
- > until dead, makes it newsworthy, no matter what the sexual orientation of
- > the offenders.
- >
- > > What is a protected class?
- >
- > Any class of individuals named in a hate crime statute, or affirmative
- > action program, or in the ADA laws. That's a start.
- >
- > > Does that mean WASP?
- >
- > There are plenty of wasps included in the list.
- >
- > > Or African American?
- >
- > There are no African Americans that do not belong to a protected class..
- >
- > > And if the point was to show that media just report what fits their
- > agenda,
- > > then why lengthily discuss what exactly they did and how long,
- >
- > It is a sound refutation to points made that it is not newsworthy.
- >
- > > and why this
- > > title instead of : Media ignores crimes commited by certain minorities.
- >
- > The post was a news article, a local one.
- There seems to be some doubt about that.
- There is no physical evidence that the event actually happened,
- beyond what is posted on the internet. And if you believe all you
- see on the internet....
- I have a box of mean-tempered, soiled gerbils to sell you...
- --
- John

The story, thanfuky does indeed appear to be a sick farce.

The Washington Post has no record of the article quoted, not to mention
that 3 of the top papers in
Arkansas, and 2 of the top TV stations there have no record of this event.
In addition, the regional AP Wire covering Arkansas, also has no record of
this either.

What this proves to is that people who are afraid ofgay people must use
lies, in a vain attempt to make their irrational thinking towards gay
people to be perceived as normal.

In the end, all it really proves is that bigots must lie to prove their
point, and that without their lies, they have nothing left but their own
unresolved issues about their own sexuality., or any ratiolnal reason to
treat gay people with the same respect as they demand for themselves.


28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99
What are you talking about? This story is documented in a number of
news items, including AP. They even give the names of the murderers and
victim. If this happens to be a farce then there just happens to be
another case out there or two men from ark. who raped and murdered a 13
year old boy. Gee, what a coincidence, huh?

<snip the rest>

Jeffrey Scott Linder

28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99
an (Rainbow Christian) wrote:

> The Washington Post has no record of the article quoted, not to mention
>that 3 of the top papers in
>Arkansas, and 2 of the top TV stations there have no record of this event.
>In addition, the regional AP Wire covering Arkansas, also has no record of
>this either.

That's too bad. I wonder who it was I say on TV being carted away in
cuffs for the very crimes described?

>What this proves to is that people who are afraid ofgay people must use
>lies, in a vain attempt to make their irrational thinking towards gay
>people to be perceived as normal.
> In the end, all it really proves is that bigots must lie to prove their
>point, and that without their lies, they have nothing left but their own
>unresolved issues about their own sexuality., or any ratiolnal reason to
>treat gay people with the same respect as they demand for themselves.

Since no one appears to be lying about this story how does this affect
your conclusions?
Text: BENTONVILLE -- Benton County Circuit Judge David Clinger on
Monday refused a defense attorney's request to impose a gag order in
the case against Davis Don Carpenter and Joshua Macave Brown, both
accused of killing a teen-age boy. Carpenter, 38, and his r
Boy died during rape, officials say
Photo by Aaron Skinner, The Morning News

Davis Don Carpenter Jr., 38, the second man arrested in the death of a
13-year-old boy, is led into the Rogers Police Department on Sunday

Police hold two in connection with death

Aaron Skinner, The Morning News

The body of a 13-year-old boy was found in a Rogers apartment early
Sunday, and two men were in custody in connection with his death late
Sunday at the Rogers Police Department.

Benton County Prosecuting Attorney Brad Butler said the evidence
suggested that the youth died while being raped.

Both men have been arrested on capital-murder charges, and authorities
expect probable cause/bond hearings in the case either today or

Joshua Brown, 22, of Rogers has also been charged with rape in
connection with the incident. Davis Don Carpenter Jr., 38, was
arrested Sunday night in Springdale on the capital-murder charge.

Officials would not reveal the identity of the victim Sunday.

Butler announced his intention to seek the capital-murder charge as
detectives arrived to execute a search warrant Sunday afternoon at an
apartment at 1207 W. Sunset Drive. The address is adjacent to
Northwest Park.

Although the exact cause of death will be determined by an autopsy at
the state Medical Examiner’s Office, Butler said there was evidence to
suggest the boy died during the commission of the rape, hence the
capital-murder charges.

Capital murder can be charged when a death happens during the
commission of another crime, such as rape. The maximum penalty for
capital murder is death by lethal injection.

Police and fire officials were called to the Sunset Drive address at
4:53 a.m. after a 911 call about a dead person at that address.

The boy was found not breathing at the apartment and was pronounced
dead at St. Mary’s Hospital.

Brown and Carpenter were both interviewed as the investigation
developed. Brown was arrested Sunday morning in connection with the
rape, while Carpenter was released because investigators did not have
enough evidence to tie him to the rape at that time, Lt. Frankie Hart

Further investigation led police to level charges against Carpenter,
who was found in Springdale and picked up, Hart said.

Officers dressed in white plastic protective suits spent about six
hours Sunday afternoon and evening going through the apartment
collecting evidence. The suits were used as a precaution against
crime-scene contamination, Hart said.

Jeffrey Scott Linder

28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99
an (John De Salvio) wrote:

>In article <eCWfByAI$GA.309@cpmsnbbsa05>, "SnowDog"
><> wrote:

>> Xerxes <> wrote in message

>> > What can possibly be the point of this post?
>> > to prove that there are criminal gays?
>> I don't think that was the point.
>> > Of course there are, just as there are criminal heterosexual people.
>> > You're just trying to discredit an entire group of people based
>> > on the acts of two of its members.
>> I do not believe the purpose of the post was that.
>> > That is in every way possible more immoral and foul than
>> > being of an alternative sexual persuasion, regardless of how your holy
>> > book can be interpreted in setting rules for sexual behavior.
>> > If i had been gay this post would have pissed me off beyond belief.
>> It has apparently pissed you off as it is.
>> The point of the post is this:
>> This crime was ignored completely by major media.
>Because it never happened?
>Where does it actually occur IN PRINT?


The two men arrested Sunday in connection with the murder of a
13-year-old Prairie Grove boy in Rogers were ordered held without bond

Monday, and Prosecuting Attorney Brad Butler said he will seek the

According to Butler, Dirkhising had known Brown and Carpenter for

several months and had been spending weekends at their residence in

Rogers. According to the affidavit, the family believed the boy had

been working at a hair-styling shop where Carpenter worked.

Police received a 911 emergency call placed from the residence at 4:53
a.m. Sunday. When police officers and a Rogers Fire Department

ambulance arrived, a man later identified as Carpenter met them.
Carpenter, described as very upset, repeatedly told the officers,

“He’s not breathing.” Dirkhising was found on the floor of a bedroom

with duct tape around one wrist. When asked about the tape, Brown
reportedly told officers they were “just playing a game.” While being
questioned at the scene, Brown allegedly assaulted Cpl. Rick Simmons
and was arrested.

Butler said Monday that the boy had been raped repeatedly over a
period of hours, including with foreign objects. While the rapes were
occurring, Butler said, the boy was bound with duct tape at his
ankles, knees and wrists and also was gagged and blindfolded. Butler
also said there is some evidence the boy was drugged, and a quantity
of a sedative known as amitryptiline was found at the residence.

Police found quantities of other drugs, including suspected
methamphetamine, along with items commonly used in sexual bondage.
Notes making reference to various sex acts and the use of pills and
duct tape also were found at the residence.

Butler said the two men raped Dirkhising at least six times. Each was
charged with six counts of rape in addition to capital murder. Butler
said the boy was left bound and gagged after the last rape while the
two men went to get a sandwich to eat. When the men returned, Butler
said, they found the boy, apparently dead, and made the 911 emergency


I wonder what the reaction would have been if the Mathew Shepard case
was dismissed as "never happening"?



28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99

Xerxes <> wrote in message

> Hmm media wanting to have the whole nation depend on the government......?

That is a facet of the Liberal agenda.

> Media wants to have high viewing figures, and the crime described is
> too perfect to be true for that job.

Doesn't that tell you something about the obvious importance of burying the
story? The ultimate goal of the network brass is high viewing figures, yet
they do not run the story. The actual journalists, while still placing a
high importance on ratings, have other agenda, such as protecting their
political agenda, that they place even higher. The brass never find out
about the story if the jounalists don't get it to them.

> People get into congress, senate, and the white house with it, and it's
> on tv how bad our morals and values are, so i think in reality it's
> different.

I think people get into office more on other issues, such as "social
inequity" and other nonsense, or by carrying fame with them from other walks
of life, like being ex-actors or wrestlers or sports figures. Debating
actual issues based on their real merits, rather than emotional appeals and
other bunk, if not dead, is on life-support.

> Of course it is, it's a horrible crime they deserve death for (aftersome
> in prison, boy they'll have fun there) but does it need to be posted all
> the usenet?

The reason for it being posted all over the usenet is that it is the only
way people outside of that town would ever hear about it.

> Imagine the title had said Christian instead of gay, and the story
> was of some
> sexually twisted vicar and well you can imagine the rest. I think posting
> on
> alt.religion.christian with cross posts all over the place would show a
> lack
> of respect and style on the poster's part, and so does the post this
> started
> with Imho.

Christians are attacked by all sorts of groups, sometimes rightfully so.
The difference is, there is no uproar when the attacks take place.

> Of course it's newsworthy, as much as 'any' other brutal rape and murder,
> many of those make it to alt.homosexuality or alt.religion.christian do

I wouldn't say "as much", I think it is more newsworthy. Rapes are,
unfortunately, common. Boys being ass-fucked to death is not.

> If it was posted to newsgroups alt.heterosexual.male.white and to
> (well comparing christians' dislike for gays with racial
> is
> silly but there's no major organization who widely advocates the dislike
> of white hetero males) i would probably indeed seek that suggestion behind

There are plenty. NOW and Nation of Islam are a couple.

> That was directed at the original poster, not at you. But glad to hear
> you can deal with it normally :)

There's nothing for me to deal with. I tend to not take too much interest
in the lives or actions of others that have no effect on me.


28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99

John De Salvio <> wrote in message

> You're a little behind the times. Rape is not restricted to being

> a crime against a woman.

No I'm not. I gave the source of the definition of Rape which was used to
define the crime that the FBI keeps track of.
In my opinion, rape can be done to males, but the way the FBI counts them
for its UCR does not include violations of men.

> There seems to be some doubt about that.

You are the only person so far to express any doubt.

> There is no physical evidence that the event actually happened,

Call the newspaper and ask for a copy. Or will that not be enough for you?

> beyond what is posted on the internet.

There is a dead kid with an asshole torn open wide enough for a truck to
drive through.

>And if you believe all you

> see on the internet....

Well I certainly didn't believe there was someone stupid enough to try
denying that the incident took place, but I guess you proved me wrong


28.10.1999, 07:00:0028.10.99

John De Salvio <> wrote in message

> Because it never happened?

Are you one of those wackos that think the Holocaust never happened?

> Where does it actually occur IN PRINT?

Most likely in Rogers, Arkansas.


Most likely in Rogers, Arkansas.

Rainbow Christian

29.10.1999, 07:00:0029.10.99
In article <>, (Jeffrey Scott Linder) wrote:

- I wonder what the reaction would have been if the Mathew Shepard case
- was dismissed as "never happening"?

There seems to be only 1 source for this story, which is why there are
those who truly HOPE this did not happen.

Not for polikitcal reasons, as you and your "kind" seem to want to believe.

The idea that anyone, expecially a child would die in such a manner is
sickening, and abhorent.

Anyone who does this, should be given 100 years in a cell with no human
contact, without possinilty of parole. (Deah would almost be too humane a

I can't imagine why anyone would WANT this story to be true, other than
their desire to have a "political football".

By the way, there is at least one rape committed against a
woman/teen-agegirl/little girl every six minutes by a heterosexual man
and or men/.

I don't see the Press covering that very often.

I guess sex crimes by heterosexuals is morral and acceptable.



29.10.1999, 07:00:0029.10.99
Rainbow Christian wrote:
> In article <>,
> (Jeffrey Scott Linder) wrote:
> -
> -
> - I wonder what the reaction would have been if the Mathew Shepard case
> - was dismissed as "never happening"?
> -
> - JSL
> There seems to be only 1 source for this story, which is why there are
> those who truly HOPE this did not happen.
Rainbow C., there is not only one source for the story. It's appeared
in a number of sources. You can go on denying that this crime happened,
but it won't change the fact that it did indeed take place.


31.10.1999, 07:00:0031.10.99
Assault on child may be one of series

The Cincinnati Enquirer

On Monday, the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office warned people
to lock their doors after a man entered a Colerain Township house
through an unlocked door, forced a 10-year-old girl outside and raped

Police are not sure if the attack is related to a string of
assaults in northeast Greater Cincinnati.

The child was asleep on the living room couch. Her mother and
two other adults were asleep upstairs at the home in the 2900 block of
John Gray Road. Police said at 5:15 a.m. Monday, the man woke up the
child and forced her to the backyard.

The girl told police the man had a light mustache, was 6 feet
tall and weighed about 200 pounds. He wore a pair of black or bleached
jeans, a dark shirt, black boots, and a dark mask and gloves, she told

The sheriff's office is comparing notes with other police
agencies investigating a string of rapes and attempted assaults in
Blue Ash, Mason, Montgomery, Sharonville and Springdale. In most of
the attacks, the assailant came in through an unlocked door or window.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Michael Allen, who heads the
multicounty task force investigating the five rapes in Mason,
Montgomery and Blue Ash since April 1998, refused to discuss Monday's
rape or the work of the task force.

Steve Barnett, spokesman for the sheriff's office, said, “I
think it's important for people to make sure their doors and windows
are locked. And that their curtains are pulled and blinds are closed
to obstruct the views so people can't just easily look in windows to
see what property or people are inside the house.”

In the Colerain Township assault, the man threatened the girl
to keep her quiet, Mr. Barnett said. He said the man did not have a

After the man ran off, the girl woke her mother. The mother's
friend and cousin searched the area and found nothing.

Police said there have been at least a dozen burglaries or
attempted rapes over the last three months in that area of Colerain
Township. In two cases, burglars were scared away by children.

“There's something going on in the northern part of Colerain
Township that the citizens have to be aware of,” Mr. Barnett said.

Police said they have no reason to think the rapist knew the
victim or her family or targeted the house. Anyone with information
about Monday's rape/burglary is asked to call the Hamilton County
Sheriff's Office at 825-1500.

"I'd put you in prison just because you're poor."
Bill Kasper - Millionaire and Philosopher

Jeffrey Scott Linder

01.11.1999, 08:00:0001.11.99
an (Rainbow Christian) wrote:

>In article <>,
> (Jeffrey Scott Linder) wrote:
>- I wonder what the reaction would have been if the Mathew Shepard case
>- was dismissed as "never happening"?
>- JSL
> There seems to be only 1 source for this story, which is why there are
>those who truly HOPE this did not happen.

>Not for polikitcal reasons, as you and your "kind" seem to want to believe.

My "kind"? And exactly what "kind" of person am I?


>The idea that anyone, expecially a child would die in such a manner is
>sickening, and abhorent.
>Anyone who does this, should be given 100 years in a cell with no human
>contact, without possinilty of parole. (Deah would almost be too humane a
>I can't imagine why anyone would WANT this story to be true, other than
>their desire to have a "political football".
>By the way, there is at least one rape committed against a
>woman/teen-agegirl/little girl every six minutes by a heterosexual man
>and or men/.

And bunches of people are killed brutally everyday and they don't make
national headlines.

>I don't see the Press covering that very often.


>I guess sex crimes by heterosexuals is morral and acceptable.

Was Mathew Shepard raped? Then why did he make national news?


02.11.1999, 08:00:0002.11.99
In article <3823462b...@>, (The Compassionate Conservative) wrote:
> Tuesday October 19, 1999
This was a bloodgeoning hate-crime by two Arkansas
gay..... NO!, faggot constituents of Klinton's,
coming from the most dumbed-down school system in
this country. Klinton is a predatory animal and
has become this nations model of behavior, widely
viewed and accepted by LIBERAL WACKOS as the norm.
Never forget the "Liberal Elitist's" motto:

> Northwest Arkansas Online
> The Morning News
> by Thomas Sissom
> DA Butler to seek death penalty in rape/murder case
> Hearing set today on motion to seal parts of affidavit

Sent via
Before you buy.

Alric J. Knebel

03.11.1999, 08:00:0003.11.99
an wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------
> This was a bloodgeoning hate-crime by two Arkansas
> gay..... NO!, faggot constituents of Klinton's,
> coming from the most dumbed-down school system in
> this country. Klinton is a predatory animal and
> has become this nations model of behavior, widely
> viewed and accepted by LIBERAL WACKOS as the norm.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Never forget the "Liberal Elitist's" motto:
> -------------------------------------------------

Only a right-wing Looneytoon would say something this whacked out!

Alric Knebel

Polish Prince

04.11.1999, 08:00:0004.11.99
Boys will be boys, did I say that correctly? <> wrote in message

>In article <3823462b...@>,
> (The Compassionate Conservative) wrote:
>> Tuesday October 19, 1999
>This was a bloodgeoning hate-crime by two Arkansas
>gay..... NO!, faggot constituents of Klinton's,
>coming from the most dumbed-down school system in
>this country. Klinton is a predatory animal and
>has become this nations model of behavior, widely
>viewed and accepted by LIBERAL WACKOS as the norm.
>Never forget the "Liberal Elitist's" motto:

Polish Prince

04.11.1999, 08:00:0004.11.99
Gays should "come out of the closet" and condemn this one. If they dont,
they may very well be ZERO.
Alric J. Knebel wrote in message <>...

> wrote:
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> This was a bloodgeoning hate-crime by two Arkansas
>> gay..... NO!, faggot constituents of Klinton's,
>> coming from the most dumbed-down school system in
>> this country. Klinton is a predatory animal and
>> has become this nations model of behavior, widely
>> viewed and accepted by LIBERAL WACKOS as the norm.
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Never forget the "Liberal Elitist's" motto:
>> -------------------------------------------------
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