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Would you sleep in a house with a gun?

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May 6, 2012, 4:04:15 PM5/6/12
Would you sleep in a house with a gun? I wont.
Any house that contains a gun is *NOT* a safe place to sleep.

Guns Kill


May 6, 2012, 5:16:49 PM5/6/12
wrote in message

>Would you sleep in a house with a gun? I wont.
>Any house that contains a gun is *NOT* a safe place to sleep.

Of course, I'd sleep in a house with a gun. In fact, a house with MANY

I also have a fire extinguisher. Guess you don't.


May 6, 2012, 6:39:03 PM5/6/12
Yes, but I don't keep it loaded.
Everybody knows the gun is more likely to shoot you when you are asleep.


May 6, 2012, 6:46:02 PM5/6/12
In news:jo6po2$vua$ "Wayne" <>

> Of course

No troll attempt so obvious that you won't bite?

-- St. Paul, MN


May 6, 2012, 7:06:31 PM5/6/12

"Bert" wrote in message

In news:jo6po2$vua$ "Wayne" <>

>> Of course

>No troll attempt so obvious that you won't bite?

Looks that way :)


May 7, 2012, 1:44:55 AM5/7/12

"Wayne" <> wrote in message
I've been sleeping much more peacefully since I have multiple guns in my
Particularly so, since my kids are grown some, and can now be trusted around

Now I have to think on what to give my daughter for her sweet sixteen...
She wants something with iron sights, that can reach past 400 yards with
A Garand or M-14 is just a bit too heavy for her present stature.
Hope she grows some more in the next 2 years.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Padraigh ProAmerica

May 7, 2012, 2:17:43 PM5/7/12
They do?

They get out of storage and go after people on theor own?

Are you rally that stupid?

Whoops. You're a hopolophobe. Yep, you're that stupid.

"A good march should make a man with a wooden leg want to step out."--

John Phillip Sousa


May 7, 2012, 2:48:44 PM5/7/12

"Padraigh ProAmerica" <> wrote in message
> They do?
> They get out of storage and go after people on theor own?
> Are you rally that stupid?
> Whoops. You're a hopolophobe. Yep, you're that stupid.

You really should leave the identity and posted material of those you
respond to
Otherwise there is no sense to your post.

May 8, 2012, 2:05:22 PM5/8/12
That's exactly my point.
Guns wait until everyone goes to sleep. Then they do their killing.

That gun on your wall may look harmless right now, but as soon as you go
to sleep, it's ready to kill you. Of course if you lock up all your
ammunition, the guns cant load themselves. Always keep the ammunition
locked or at the neighbor's house. Without ammo, those guns can shoot
you as many times as they want while you sleep, and you wont even know
it unless you hear the click of the trigger.

Guns Kill


May 8, 2012, 9:11:03 PM5/8/12

<> wrote in message
> Would you sleep in a house with a gun? I wont.
> Any house that contains a gun is *NOT* a safe place to sleep.
> Guns Kill

Only one gun?

Not as safe as a home with a lot of guns.


May 10, 2012, 1:05:39 AM5/10/12
In article <>, wrote:

> Would you sleep in a house with a gun?

Nope. 'Cause I sleep in a house with two. (That I know about - no idea
how many the landlord has upstairs)

And at least one of the two I know about is loaded at all times, while
the other can be loaded in a matter of seconds if I feel the need - it's
even got multiple High Capacity Magazines! Putting 70+ rounds at my

> I wont.

Good for you. Does that mean you have two, also?

> Any house that contains a gun is *NOT* a safe place to sleep.

Idunno - I feel a lot safer knowing my gun is near at hand as I sleep.

> Guns Kill

If someone picks them up, loads them, points them, and pulls the
trigger, sure. But that's not the gun's doing. That's the person who
picked it up, loaded it, pointed it, and pulled the trigger.

Aug 2, 2012, 7:18:25 PM8/2/12
Yes they do but in my city I have kept a gun in my house for
over 30 years and have never had to use it but I will to protect
myself and mine.
I have seen many people in my city I know in most cases the
people that cause these killings are cowards that only kill if
they think they think they can and get away with it.


Aug 2, 2012, 8:10:04 PM8/2/12

wrote in message

On Sun, 06 May 2012 15:04:15 -0500, wrote:

>Would you sleep in a house with a gun? I wont.
>Any house that contains a gun is *NOT* a safe place to sleep.
>Guns Kill
# Yes they do but in my city I have kept a gun in my house for
#over 30 years and have never had to use it but I will to protect
#myself and mine.
# I have seen many people in my city I know in most cases the
#people that cause these killings are cowards that only kill if
#they think they think they can and get away with it.

A better question is "would you sleep in a house without a gun"? If so, I
hope you live in a very safe neighborhood, next door to a police station.


Aug 2, 2012, 8:19:42 PM8/2/12

> On Sun, 06 May 2012 15:04:15 -0500, wrote:
>Would you sleep in a house with a gun? I wont.
>Any house that contains a gun is *NOT* a safe place to sleep.
>Guns Kill

Maybe yours do (in your wet dreams)
But real guns don't kill
It's the people who use them that do the killing.


Aug 2, 2012, 8:21:05 PM8/2/12

"Wayne" <> wrote in message
I always suggest to people who don't want guns in their houses to put up a
"Gun-Free Zone" sign in front of their houses
Surprisingly NONE do.
And when I make that suggestion, they look at me like I was crazy.


Aug 2, 2012, 11:27:53 PM8/2/12
In article <jvf512$91n$>,
Would I sleep in a house with a gun?

Erm... Let's see... <Looks on shelf above computer> There's a S&W .38
special revolver, loaded and ready to either grab or strap on, and a
couple of full speedloaders laying right there next to it.

<peeks behind bedroom door> Oh, yeah, that's right - a short-as-legal
knockoff of an 870 12 gauge pump. And wouldja look at that - It's loaded
with double-ought buck.

<looks in closet> Oops, there's a .22 rifle in the corner - and it looks
loaded. Oh, and look at those mags for it up on the shelf above it.
Looks to be about 60 rounds worth in 'em. Hmm... some other ammo stacked
up there, too... Looks like a stash of about 500 or so shotgun shells of
various types, several kinds of .38 special ammo - Whew... Looks like
there must be at least a thousand rounds of that. And <GASP!> 4 full
bricks of .22LR ammo, and several loose boxes, besides! And we won't
even talk about the dozen or so boxes of .30-06 ammo, or the rifle that
eats it in the other corner from the .22...

Nope, guess I wouldn't sleep in a house with *A* gun. I'm stuck with
sleeping in a house with *FOUR* of them, all loaded and ready for
near-instant use, with lots of reloads close at hand.

I feel SO endangered...


Y'know what's TRULY bizarre? Not one of them has shot anyone since I've
owned them. Despite having had many opportunities to do me while my back
was turned, or I was outright asleep and helpless.

Guess I've missed all the excitement, huh?


Aug 3, 2012, 10:12:36 AM8/3/12
In news:jvf512$91n$ "Wayne" <>

> A better question is "would you sleep in a house without a gun"?

An even better question is "Why can't some people resist responding to
even the most obvious trolling attempts?"

Tom Biasi

Aug 3, 2012, 10:39:34 AM8/3/12
On 8/3/2012 10:12 AM, Bert wrote:
> In news:jvf512$91n$ "Wayne" <>
> wrote:
>> A better question is "would you sleep in a house without a gun"?
> An even better question is "Why can't some people resist responding to
> even the most obvious trolling attempts?"
Sometimes boredom, sometimes for the benefit of other people, and
sometimes they actually think it's a legitimate post.

Aug 3, 2012, 4:59:16 PM8/3/12
Youve only got to get assaulted IN your home ONCE, then youll change your tune . You are a sitting duck if you dont have a gun to protect yourself and your loved ones and your property ; stop thinking you live in a safe area....theres people who could care less about your life and they have wheels. Come back after you get a darn good assault or your loved one gets kidnapped right in front of your eyes because you were helpless to do anything. I wouldnt sleep in a house withOUT a gun ..not in these modern times.


Aug 4, 2012, 12:41:50 PM8/4/12
On Aug 3, 1:59 pm, wrote:
> On Sunday, May 6, 2012 3:04:15 PM UTC-5, (unknown) wrote:
> > Would you sleep in a house with a gun?  I wont.
> > Any house that contains a gun is *NOT* a safe place to sleep.
> > Guns Kill

> Youve only got to get assaulted IN your home ONCE

So, Davie Boi, have you ever been or are you just paranoid?
More questions 4U..
Does having 5 or 10 guns make you feel any safer?
Ever had professional training like being in the military or do you
just watch Clint Eastwood movies?


Aug 4, 2012, 3:46:02 PM8/4/12
ken <> wrote:

> Does having 5 or 10 guns make you feel any safer?

Does having none make you feel safer?


Aug 4, 2012, 7:57:58 PM8/4/12
On Aug 4, 12:46 pm, Bert <> wrote:
> ken <> wrote:
> > Does having 5 or 10 guns make you feel any safer?
> Does having none make you feel safer?
> --
>     St. Paul, MN

I only have one
How many do you need to feel "safe"?

Scott Johnson

Aug 5, 2012, 12:01:11 PM8/5/12
I suppose it would be like any situation that would keep your life intact.

All amusement parks have backup and redundant safety features.
Vehicles have multiple safety features.
This way if one fails (jams) or you can't get to it, you have a backup.

Law Enforcement carry multiple forms of deadly force. (pistols,
shotguns, Assault Rifles).

At home I would like to know I can meet any threat with an increased
threat. If I have multiple weapons in home, it gives me options.

At sleep I can have a pistol within reach.

If time I can grab the hall-sweeper.

If I have to defend against an approaching threat, a rifle.

Options more cases then not allow you to react with calmer minds. It is
the lack of options that cause you to panic and not always react in a
practical manner.

Padraigh ProAmerica

Aug 5, 2012, 1:52:21 PM8/5/12
You never lived in a rural area, right?

Most family homes out in the country that have been owned by the same
family for a couple of generations have guns- people out here like to

"The enemies of our country! May they have cobweb breeches, a porcupine
saddle, a hard-trotting horse and an eternal journey!"--

From "How to Toast Like a Founding Father"

Rockinghorse Winner

Aug 5, 2012, 4:47:51 PM8/5/12
* It may have been the liquor talking, but
I do live in such a place. Not 'next door' to a police station, but very
strictly policed. When I first moved here, I was stopped every night I took
my truck out, until they got to know me.

But that's not a failsafe. A gun is a failsafe; it's when every other
preventative has failed, that one has recourse to the gun: the situation has
become desperate, and desperate measures are required if it is to be
resolved successfully.

One thing is certain: it takes more courage by far to use a gun in your own
defense than otherwise.

"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls |/
drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own |/ Gentoo Linux
despair, against our will, comes wisdom through |/
the awful grace of God." -Aeschylus |/


Aug 6, 2012, 12:15:40 PM8/6/12

"ken" <> wrote in message
One does the job, but that is NOT an excuse of justification not to have
But then it's not really a question of "need", except in the minds of
dishonest gun-controllers who are desperate to justify their stupid and
ignorant position

How many knives, forks, spoons, glasses pots, pans, kitchen knives do you
After all, you would only need one of each for yourself
How many do you "need' of the above to survive ??

So, only an idiot would claim that "need" is applicable
In the same way guns have different uses
Handguns easy to carry and conceal
Shotguns reach out further, with more power but are a handful
Rifles reach even further out with both power and accuracy

Your "need "depends on circumstance, and only a fool will depend on only
one tool to do a job.

Tom Biasi

Aug 6, 2012, 1:51:37 PM8/6/12
To Hell with need.
My standard answer to anyone who asks me how many guns I have is:"I have
more than I need but not as many as I want."


RM V2.0

Aug 6, 2012, 2:22:54 PM8/6/12

"ken" <> wrote in message
Big difference between paranoid and aware. The world is dangerous and if you
think otherwise then you are delusional. Do you have a fire extinguisher?
Ever been in a house fire? You only need 1 reliable gun to be safe if you
know how to use it. I collect them and have dozens but all but 2 are kept in
a safe. I am an Iraq vet so yeah i have had training and would not cower
like a liberal in the face of an attacker. Given the chance I feel I could
have easily stopped the theater shooter as well since I dont sit in the area
he was shooting from. You have a seriously deep seated issue if you are in
fear of inanimate objects.


Aug 6, 2012, 5:20:58 PM8/6/12
On Aug 6, 11:22 am, "RM V2.0" <> wrote:
> "ken" <> wrote in message
Just have one (a .223) and it's all I need
What kind?
Was also in the military so figure it out fur yurself...,.
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