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Norm McDonald craps on The View

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Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
Norm McDonald just sat down with ladies of The View and crapped all over
President Clinton.. calling him a "murderer". Barbara chastised him and told
him his talk was inappropriate. This did nothing to faze McDonald who went on
to talk about how he loves BUSH and how he'd always heard that Hollywood was
full of left wing liberals but didn't know it was true. He went on and
proceeded to answer not one of their questions and successfully (because I
believe that was his mission) lodged himself as a thorn in their sides. They
are trashing him now even as I type this post. They tried to laugh him off ..
but they were LIVID!

Diana Harper Simone

Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
You know, I've enjoyed Norm and his odd sense of humor... have really missed
his "Weekend Update" segments for one. I know part of his "deal" is to act
dumb, or be nonsensical, but I was just amazed at this today. First of all,
what the hell was he talking about?!! The only thing I could think of was
Vince Foster, only because there still seems to be mystery around all that.
But if his mission was to piss them off, why even go on the show? Just for
the kick of it? It's one thing to be annoying I guess, but he was just
rude and disrespectful (and not in a funny way).

My two cents,

Ladylevite <> wrote in message


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
Actually Diana.. I'm pretty much a Norm fan too.. but I really think he was
being an ***hole. But then again (now that I think of it) I'm not sure if his
mission really was to piss them off because I have heard other stories about
Norm antics. He was booed by a college crowd or something like that a few
years back.. how hard is that to do - college students can pretty much take
anything you dish out to them. He (so I have heard) has done some pretty odd
things in the name of comedy.. but no one else found them funny. I do think
he's rather strange. He seems to successfully alienate himself from a lot of
people that he'll eventually need to keep him warm and cozy in the business.
I'm wondering how things are going on the set of Norm with him and the network
and the production team. Anway (my rambling - sheesh) I am changing my mind to
a degree.. I don't know if it was his mission to annoy the View chicks.. as
much as he merely thought he was being funny.


>Subject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View
>From: "Diana Harper Simone"
>Date: 11/16/2000 12:39 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <9ZUQ5.13971$>

Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
In article <9ZUQ5.13971$>,

Good. Those holier-than-thou women need to get a rude awakening.

I wish I had seen it.

Joe Mondragon: You beat Luis Armigo by two votes.
Sheriff Bernabe Montoya: That's because Domingo and Gunther were out of
Joe Mondragon: So, you would have won by four.
Sheriff Bernabe Montoya: Hell no man, those guys vote six, seven times

from: Milagro Beanfield War, The (1988)

Sent via
Before you buy.

Annie RUtahkn2Me

Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
>From: "Diana Harper Simone"


>You know, I've enjoyed Norm and his odd sense of humor... have really missed
>his "Weekend Update" segments for one. I know part of his "deal" is to act
>dumb, or be nonsensical, but I was just amazed at this today. First of all,
>what the hell was he talking about?!! The only thing I could think of was
>Vince Foster, only because there still seems to be mystery around all that.
>But if his mission was to piss them off, why even go on the show? Just for
>the kick of it? It's one thing to be annoying I guess, but he was just
>rude and disrespectful (and not in a funny way).
>My two cents,

Norm was talking about the rumors that link Clinton to the mysterious deaths of
a large number of people, not just Vince Foster. I think the number is close
to 100 people over the years.

I have a neighbor whose husband worked for a Washington federal prosecutor (not
Ken Starr). This woman really believes that Clinton is guilty of having many
people killed to cover up his illegal doings.

I just can't believe it. It's too outrageous.

Annie RU


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00

Annie RUtahkn2Me wrote:
> >
> Norm was talking about the rumors that link Clinton to the mysterious deaths of
> a large number of people, not just Vince Foster. I think the number is close
> to 100 people over the years.
> I have a neighbor whose husband worked for a Washington federal prosecutor (not
> Ken Starr). This woman really believes that Clinton is guilty of having many
> people killed to cover up his illegal doings.
> I just can't believe it. It's too outrageous.
> Annie RU

Does anyone honestly believe that a President who cannot keep a blowjob
secret can keep 100 murders (or even one, for that matter) quiet?

This has nothing to do with party affiliations or whether or not you
like Clinton--this is just plain old common sense. Do you realize how
many people would have to keep quiet? Do you really believe this many
secret service men, FBI, whitehouse workers (including all the Linda
Tripps), etc would have to not mind being an accessory to murder? Oh
yeah, then there's the entire US news media.

Annie RUtahkn2Me

Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
>From: lola

I totally agree with you!

I wish you could talk to my neighbor. I thought only internet crazies believed
those Clinton murder rumors.

But apparently, a lot of the Washington federal prosecutors, their employees,
and families all believe Clinton is responsible for having many people killed
over many years. Some while President, some while Governor of Arkansas.

Just the other day, my neighbor compared Clinton to Hitler. (I'm not kidding!)

It just amazes me because she's an extremely intelligent woman. But, she's a
conservative Republican who believes Clinton is totally evil.

Annie RU

Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
In article <>,
Don't talk to her anymore. She's nuts.


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
In article <>, says...

> Norm McDonald just sat down with ladies of The View and crapped all over
> President Clinton.. calling him a "murderer". Barbara chastised him and told
> him his talk was inappropriate. This did nothing to faze McDonald who went on
> to talk about how he loves BUSH and how he'd always heard that Hollywood was
> full of left wing liberals but didn't know it was true. He went on and
> proceeded to answer not one of their questions and successfully (because I
> believe that was his mission) lodged himself as a thorn in their sides. They
> are trashing him now even as I type this post. They tried to laugh him off ..
> but they were LIVID!
Listen , I'm not a Bush supporter but I don't like the way these
hags censor views contrary to theirs. They should have left him go on
and air his crackpot views ( held my many a mountaineer in the
Ozarks).You wonder what these right wing zealots will do now that
Clinton is a goner.Do you think they'll now watch Macdonald's show,
"Norm" religiously and look for secret messages when they play back
tapes of the show backwards? I think he accomplished what he set out
to do.


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
Well... what were they expecting? This is typical Norm.
You guys are acting as if you've never seen any of
Norms interviews. Frankly, the View has to be just
plain stupid not to know that something like this would
happen. I mean, wasn't he kicked off SNL for the jokes
he make about Clinton? Inviting Norm to do an interview
is marginally less sane then inviting Andy Dick to do an
interview. You never know what either one of these
guys will say, but its probably not going to be good.
You just have to hold your breath and hope for the best.
Why was he even on? Promoting his show?


Ladylevite <> wrote in message

Leila A.

Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00

blueyes wrote:
> Well... what were they expecting? This is typical Norm.
> You guys are acting as if you've never seen any of
> Norms interviews. Frankly, the View has to be just
> plain stupid not to know that something like this would
> happen. I mean, wasn't he kicked off SNL for the jokes
> he make about Clinton? Inviting Norm to do an interview
> is marginally less sane then inviting Andy Dick to do an
> interview.

You know, this is a good point. I notice that the first questioner was
reading a note card as she stood to applaud his entrance, and went right
into the election question. (I don't watch this show much so I'm unclear
on the names). Then when he got ridiculous about Clinton and Barbara
tried to change the subject, they immediately asked him what he did to
annoy Bill Cosby. So they were looking for controversy. Guess they got
more than they expected.

I am quite tired of this kind of mouthing off from the right wing. You'd
hear similar stuff from left wingers if you listened to local radio in
Berkeley, but nobody leftist is allowed to air wild charges on national
TV. (and yes, I get tired of left wing mouthing off, too)

Norm MacDonald reminds me of a guy I had a crush on in college, except
the guy I liked was Phi Beta Kappa, and Norm is a moron. But the sullen
smirking good time preppy boy attitude is the same. There's a certain
amount of childish rebelliousness - anti-female "I'm not going to let
you witches push me around" sentiment underneath it all.

Luckily my taste in men has improved


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
>Frankly, the View has to be just
>plain stupid not to know that something like this would
>happen. I mean, wasn't he kicked off SNL for the jokes
>he make about Clinton?

actually, i thought it was because of the jokes he made about o.j.
but yeah, inviting norm on the show and expecting him to be not-norm is pretty
damn stupid.


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
Actually Crystal I HAVE never seen a Norm interview (i've heard him on Howard
Stern.. but nothing bizarre) that I can recall. And I DID tell say to someone
that it appeared to be typical of his behavior. I also never knew the reason
why he was axed at SNL - I heard him and Stern talking about it and he claimed
that he didn't know why.. they just wanted him out because they thought he was
not funny. Never heard anything at all about CLINTON. I presume he was on to
promote his show or his appearance (along with JOY BEHAR) on Millionaire.
Perhaps the View should have known better.. but not me my friend, I never knew
he was that bad! (^_^)


ladylevite>Subject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View

>From: "blueyes"
>Date: 11/16/2000 3:55 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <ZQXQ5.430065$>

>Well... what were they expecting? This is typical Norm.
>You guys are acting as if you've never seen any of

>Norms interviews. Frankly, the View has to be just

>plain stupid not to know that something like this would
>happen. I mean, wasn't he kicked off SNL for the jokes

>he make about Clinton? Inviting Norm to do an interview
>is marginally less sane then inviting Andy Dick to do an

>interview. You never know what either one of these


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
Hey he sounds like a smart guy


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
rutah...@aol.complete (Annie RUtahkn2Me) wrote:

>Just the other day, my neighbor compared Clinton to Hitler. (I'm not kidding!)
>It just amazes me because she's an extremely intelligent woman. But, she's a
>conservative Republican who believes Clinton is totally evil.

What really gets me about these nuts is that Clinton has been pres for
EIGHT YEARS. Name ONE "evil" leader who has been in power that long
without killing or otherwise terrorizing citizens openly in large

These jerks need to go back to Rumania in the early 80's and see what
life was like under Ceaucescu -- now *that's* evil. And Slobodan
Milosevic, anyone? I mean, Christ on a cracker, these
conspiracy-theorists need some fricking perspective.

My brother also believes a lot of that conspiarcy crap. I routinely
try to remind him that it's a laughable notion that our government
could be that organized. We can't even get national health care!


Annie RUtahkn2Me

Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
Norm has been on The View several times before this.

During the previous appearances, Norm was very funny and the Ladies were
delighted with him.

Today's antics really took the Ladies by surprise. Barbara and Star,
especially, were not amused.

Annie RU


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
And why shouldn't he? Star Jones uses The View everyday to brown nose Bill
and Hillary and OJ.

Michael "Icebreaker" Kersey
Where all other websites end...this one begins!
Now Cyber Space belongs to 007Forever!

Success is not the best revenge.
Revenge is the best revenge.
David Elliot's bad day at the office begins at

"I recently learned something about self-respect....I don't have
any." ---Jerri Blank.

Ladylevite <> wrote in message


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
thanks for that info Annie. I think it was Star or Barbara who made a remark
that "you won't be back on this show."


>Subject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View

>From: rutah...@aol.complete (Annie RUtahkn2Me)
>Date: 11/16/2000 5:45 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>


Nov 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/16/00
MakeupGrrl wrote:

> We can't even get national health care!

Thank god.

Nov 16, 2000, 7:20:13 PM11/16/00
Yeah, Barbara was a real bit** to him. She is just way too stiff and
uptight to laugh anything off. Joy did a great job, though. I ended
up turning it off because he wasn't that funny, but Barbara was more of
the thorn, threatening to never have him back and all this other
rederic. I am suprised she didn't escort him off the set by his ear,
waving her pointer finger in his face. I am so glad she isn't my Mom.
Could you imagine if you were 10 min. late?


Nov 16, 2000, 10:42:40 PM11/16/00
Well Sweetie... you must have missed the day Norm
was on Howard talking about how he had gone into
the bathroom to take a dump, and had done the deed
only to become aroused. Starting jerking off. Finished
up on both fronts and left the bathroom while forgetting
to wipe his ass. This is typical Norm.


Ladylevite <> wrote in message

> Actually Crystal I HAVE never seen a Norm interview (i've heard him on
> Stern.. but nothing bizarre) that I can recall. And I DID tell say to
> that it appeared to be typical of his behavior. I also never knew the
> why he was axed at SNL - I heard him and Stern talking about it and he
> that he didn't know why.. they just wanted him out because they thought he
> not funny. Never heard anything at all about CLINTON. I presume he was on
> promote his show or his appearance (along with JOY BEHAR) on Millionaire.
> Perhaps the View should have known better.. but not me my friend, I never
> he was that bad! (^_^)
> ladylevite

> ladylevite>Subject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View

> >From: "blueyes"
> >Date: 11/16/2000 3:55 PM Eastern Standard Time
> >Message-id: <ZQXQ5.430065$>
> >
> >Well... what were they expecting? This is typical Norm.
> >You guys are acting as if you've never seen any of
> >Norms interviews. Frankly, the View has to be just
> >plain stupid not to know that something like this would
> >happen. I mean, wasn't he kicked off SNL for the jokes
> >he make about Clinton? Inviting Norm to do an interview
> >is marginally less sane then inviting Andy Dick to do an
> >interview. You never know what either one of these
> >guys will say, but its probably not going to be good.
> >You just have to hold your breath and hope for the best.
> >Why was he even on? Promoting his show?
> >
> >Crystal
> >


Nov 16, 2000, 11:18:46 PM11/16/00
uh_ yeah... i think i missed that one.


>Subject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View
>From: "blueyes"

>Date: 11/16/2000 10:42 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <QO1R5.431234$>

Nov 17, 2000, 1:36:12 AM11/17/00
I really don't see the what the big deal is with Norm McDonald.
I find Norm McDonald to be a good role model along with David

PostScript: I would realy like to boink the hell out of that asian girl
on the view. But then it's really easy for ANY white guy to pick up a
asian girl.


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
>I mean, wasn't he kicked off SNL for the jokes
>he make about Clinton?

No. He was kicked off for being unprofessional. Unprofessional and unfunny.

Showing up late, never bothering to learn his lines, insisting of ad libbing
(which in the context of SNL is something only the most talented can get away
with, guest hosts who try this are rarely asked back as it is EXTREMELY hard to
be funny off the cuff and stay within network guidelines.). His Weekend update
segment, which he wrote, usually ran to 15 minutes with barely a laugh during
the dry run, which meant serious padding in the live show to fill the time
after most of his stuff had been cut.

And then there was the erratic behaviour. There were rumors of chemicals being

The only time(s) he was any good, was if the guest host was someone he wanted
to impress.

He really can't afford, professionally, to give the appearance that his old bad
habits have returned.


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
Ladylevite wrote:

> Actually Crystal I HAVE never seen a Norm interview (i've heard him on Howard
> Stern.. but nothing bizarre) that I can recall. And I DID tell say to someone
> that it appeared to be typical of his behavior. I also never knew the reason
> why he was axed at SNL - I heard him and Stern talking about it and he claimed
> that he didn't know why.. they just wanted him out because they thought he was
> not funny. Never heard anything at all about CLINTON. I presume he was on to
> promote his show or his appearance (along with JOY BEHAR) on Millionaire.
> Perhaps the View should have known better.. but not me my friend, I never knew
> he was that bad! (^_^)
> ladylevite

The talk at the time was that Don Ohlmeyer, an NBC executive and good
friend of OJ Simpson, was increasingly disgruntled at Norm's relentless
jokes about OJ. Norm continued with the OJ jokes and eventually was
fired with the reason given that he wasn't funny, in Ohlmeyer's opinion.



Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
>I have a neighbor whose husband worked for a Washington federal prosecutor
>Ken Starr). This woman really believes that Clinton is guilty of having many
>people killed to cover up his illegal doings.
>I just can't believe it. It's too outrageous.
>Annie RU

An old Urban legend that's been floating around since 1998.

Go to this URL, print it up for your neighbor and leave it in her mailbox LOL!


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
thanks for the info

>Subject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View

>From: Kathy
>Date: 11/17/2000 9:09 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

Font of All Important Info

Nov 17, 2000, 7:03:52 PM11/17/00
On 17 Nov 2000 09:24:43 GMT, (RoperII) felt compelled
by mysterious forces to say:

he's been on Dennis Miller Live a couple of times and seemed like he
was chemically enhanced. he also has a predilection for talking about
cocks, which invariably he turns into some sort of gay slur.


...a pistol-hot cup of Dez...

"Chef of chicanery, your buns are mine!"
--the Tick


Nov 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/18/00
In article <>, (Ladylevite) wrote:

>He (so I have heard) has done some pretty odd
> things in the name of comedy.. but no one else found them funny. I do think
> he's rather strange. He seems to successfully alienate himself from a lot of
> people that he'll eventually need to keep him warm and cozy in the business.
> I'm wondering how things are going on the set of Norm with him and the
> and the production team. Anway (my rambling - sheesh) I am changing my
mind to
> a degree.. I don't know if it was his mission to annoy the View chicks.. as
> much as he merely thought he was being funny.
> ladylevite

Andy Kaufman, you could say all the same of him. Maybe if Norm dies young
he'll be called a genius of comedy...

Reality's bitch

Nov 19, 2000, 1:01:06 AM11/19/00
> blueyes <> wrote: Frankly, the View has to be just plain
> stupid not to know that something like this would happen. I mean, wasn't he
> kicked off SNL for the jokes he make about Clinton? Inviting Norm to do an

> interview is marginally less sane then inviting Andy Dick to do an
> interview. You never know what either one of these guys will say, but its
> probably not going to be good. You just have to hold your breath and hope
> for the best.

Remember the woman who posted for a while to either agc or asg about norm and
his penchant for REALLY sleazy phone sex? We exchanged a few emails and she
TOTALLY ruined him for me, even though he can make me laugh sometimes. Those
posts are probably in deja or reference if anyone's interested...


Click Here

Come to Florida where the votin' is fine!
Get you some TRICKERY DICK!

Leila A.

Nov 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/19/00

And when Andy Kaufman was around, I failed to find him funny, too.
Chacun a son gout...



Nov 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/19/00
>They tried to laugh him off ..
>but they were LIVID!

I think that the women of America should be more intelligent than to look up
to Oprah and The View ladies as role models. Please, there are better people to
admire in the world than these pompous asses.

If Norm MacDonald got on their nerves, good. I'm glad he made a mockery out of
that self righteous drivel that they call "wisdom". The View sucks!

Brandy  Alexandre®

Nov 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/19/00
to (Leila A.) wrote in <>:

>> Andy Kaufman, you could say all the same of him. Maybe if Norm
>> dies young he'll be called a genius of comedy...
>And when Andy Kaufman was around, I failed to find him funny, too.
>Chacun a son gout...

Same here.

Brandy  Alexandre®

Updated Sponsor Page!


Nov 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/19/00
who's talking about "role models".. I'm just watching four/five broads talking
about current events. You DO have to be a moron if you're an adult looking to
tv for a role model.


>Subject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View

>From: (BrentM2323)
>Date: 11/19/2000 4:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

H. Caulfield

Nov 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/21/00
`> I think that the women of America should be more intelligent than to
look up to Oprah and The View ladies as role models. Please, there are
better people to admire in the world than these pompous asses.

I do not watch her show, but Oprah is a great role model for today's
younger generation.

I'm usually very accepting of different things, but what McDonald did on
"The View" was in-appropriate. You could tell Barbara Walters was upset.

Nov 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/21/00
In article <>,
The more I read stuff like that, the more I wish I had seen this ep.
Norm is hilarious.

Joe Mondragon: You beat Luis Armigo by two votes.
Sheriff Bernabe Montoya: That's because Domingo and Gunther were out of
Joe Mondragon: So, you would have won by four.
Sheriff Bernabe Montoya: Hell no man, those guys vote six, seven times

from: Milagro Beanfield War, The (1988)


Nov 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/21/00
>From: "H. Caulfield" na...@host.domain
>> I think that the women of America should be more intelligent than to
>> look up to Oprah and The View ladies as role models. Please, there are
>> better people to admire in the world than these pompous asses.

>I do not watch her show, but Oprah is a great role model for today's
>younger generation.

I enjoy Oprah. She and Joy Behar strike me as being fairly down-to-earth, and
Behar cracks me up. Star Jones is pretentious.

>I'm usually very accepting of different things, but what McDonald did on
>"The View" was in-appropriate. You could tell Barbara Walters was upset.

I've heard he was out of line, but, gad...what were they thinking? That he'd
behave because it was "them"? The guy is a documented goof -- whether it's
staged or not -- so his reputation must have preceded him. Their shock at his
disrespect seems tantamount to expressing astonishment that Andrew Dice Clay
acts like a chauvinistic dickhead.




Nov 21, 2000, 7:08:20 PM11/21/00
It's been posted that Norm has been on the show before with no such antics.
Perhaps they *didn't* know. I'm late being hip to this too. Everytime I've
seen him he's been pleasantly funny. But apparently his behavior is not new to
many others.

ladylevite (who doesn't watch tv to look for "role models"... sheesh)

>ubject: Re: Norm McDonald craps on The View

>From: (Tekkwryter)
>Date: 11/21/2000 4:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>


Nov 21, 2000, 7:33:58 PM11/21/00
In article <>, (Ladylevite) wrote:

> It's been posted that Norm has been on the show
> before with no such antics. Perhaps they *didn't*
> know.

That is entirely possible. So many posts about him confirmed that he's
been outrageous much more often than not, however, that I figured word
must have gotten around. But then too, it wouldn't surprise me if
Barbara Walters just has an ingrained expectation that people will
behave themselves in her presence. :-)

> I'm late being hip to this too. Everytime
> I've seen him he's been pleasantly funny. But
> apparently his behavior is not new to many others.

Yes, this isn't the first time I've read about his antics, although
I'll admit that the clip of him on Millionaire was the first I've SEEN
of him (and he really did give me the creeps).




Nov 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/22/00

"Tekkwryter" <> wrote in message
> >From: "H. Caulfield" na...@host.domain
> snip >

> >I'm usually very accepting of different things, but what McDonald did on
> >"The View" was in-appropriate. You could tell Barbara Walters was upset.
> I've heard he was out of line, but, gad...what were they thinking? That
> behave because it was "them"? The guy is a documented goof -- whether
> staged or not -- so his reputation must have preceded him. Their shock at
> disrespect seems tantamount to expressing astonishment that Andrew Dice
> acts like a chauvinistic dickhead.
> Cheers,
> Linda

Speaking of a dickhead, does anyone remember the name of the university that
was so displeased with Andy Dick's behavior at a show they sponsored on
campus? That was another big laugh - I mean, invite Andy Dick to perform
and be angry when he goes too far and is vulgar???

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