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Newbie seeks other Newbies for Kali play.

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Andrew Kidd

Aug 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/15/96

> > Yea central is good, just dont step on any smurfs :)
> What are you talking about?? I am a newbie her (not a warcraft (1)
> though!!!)
> jason
heheh, when a really good player is depressed or is looking for fun
whipping the living hell out of a newbie, he adopts a fake name and then
joins game and ACTS like a newbie, then he thouroughly destroys everyone
in the game. this bizzare act is called smurfing, when he said "don't
step on any smurfs" he meant don't get so caught up u find a smurf, and
then get the living hell beat out of you :)

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Andrew Kidd

Aug 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/16/96

Maestro wrote:

> Andrew Kidd <> wrote:
> >heheh, when a really good player is depressed or is looking for fun
> >whipping the living hell out of a newbie, he adopts a fake name and then
> >joins game and ACTS like a newbie, then he thouroughly destroys everyone
> >in the game. this bizzare act is called smurfing, when he said "don't
> >step on any smurfs" he meant don't get so caught up u find a smurf, and
> >then get the living hell beat out of you :)
> >--
> >Octavo
> >
> >
> Anyone who does that needs to try growing a penis. It amazes me how
> ignorant people can be.
> --M
If this was meant as a flame; i did not sponsor smurfing. I was just
informing him as to what it was. as for ignorant, what is ignorant about
this ? I see nothing in the explanation or the reply to suggest
ignorance of any kind, except for the ignorance of the person who got
smurfed (and he can't expect to know that he was being smurfed until it
is way too late). as for you childish quip about the male sex organ,
people are people, they can be depressed and mad, and sometimes it is
very thereputic (sp?) to whip the living hell out of someone


Aug 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/19/96

I was just looking over a Warcraft 2 strategy guide text file my
friend e-mailed me and I realized I have NO CHANCE against you guys on

I don't have any maps memorized, and the only multi-player game I've
played was a null-modem game against my friend, another newbie. It
was alot of fun playing a close game.

If anyone else is a newbie like me, please e-mail me and we can set up
a time for a Kali game. I'm using registered WC2 and registered Kali.


Paul Dziekonski

Aug 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/19/96

Newbies hang out at Kali Central. No matter how bad you are, you will
easily find somebody who is even worse on that server. No good players
ever go there, so don't worry.


Danny De Bie

Aug 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/20/96
to (Paul Dziekonski) wrote:

>Newbies hang out at Kali Central. No matter how bad you are, you will
>easily find somebody who is even worse on that server. No good players
>ever go there, so don't worry.

Oh yes, there are good players at Central (like: The_Kit :-))))). But
I'm moving to Starlink or Castlenet. I used Central because it gave me
good ping times, and there are a few good players playing on central

Danny (alias: The_Kit)

Homepage BKG:
Fidonet: 2:292/904.9
Member of the Belgian Kali Group

Paul Dziekonski

Aug 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/21/96

>Yea central is good, just dont step on any smurfs :)

I wonder why the smurfies prey on unsuspecting, helpless newbies.
Newbies don't know who's good and who's not anyway, so what's the
point? Maybe they play 1 vs 4 or something... Now that is fun!



Aug 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/21/96

Good ping times from central? You're kidding, right?

Mike (

"Oh boy, virtual memory! Now I'm gonna make myself a REALLY BIG ram disk!"

PGP Public Key available at:

Danny De Bie <> wrote in article <4vbt6g$>...


Aug 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/21/96
to Maestro

Maestro wrote:
> I was just looking over a Warcraft 2 strategy guide text file my
> friend e-mailed me and I realized I have NO CHANCE against you guys on
> Kali!
> If anyone else is a newbie like me, please e-mail me and we can set up
> a time for a Kali game. I'm using registered WC2 and registered Kali.
> Mitch

While playing with other Newbies can be fun and all that, you're really
not going to get much better unless you get spanked a couple times
by good players....

IMHO, of course.

- Ed

Jason Russell

Aug 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/21/96

Luis Gomez wrote:

> Paul Dziekonski wrote:
> >
> > Newbies hang out at Kali Central. No matter how bad you are, you will
> > easily find somebody who is even worse on that server. No good players
> > ever go there, so don't worry.
> >
> > Paul

> >
> > (Maestro) wrote:
> >
> > >I was just looking over a Warcraft 2 strategy guide text file my
> > >friend e-mailed me and I realized I have NO CHANCE against you guys on
> > >Kali!
> >
> > >I don't have any maps memorized, and the only multi-player game I've
> > >played was a null-modem game against my friend, another newbie. It
> > >was alot of fun playing a close game.
> >
> > >If anyone else is a newbie like me, please e-mail me and we can set up
> > >a time for a Kali game. I'm using registered WC2 and registered Kali.
> >
> > >Mitch
> Yea central is good, just dont step on any smurfs :)

Luis Gomez

Aug 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/21/96

Dan Zerkle

Aug 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/21/96

Danny De Bie ( wrote:

: Oh yes, there are good players at Central (like: The_Kit :-))))).

Mostly, though, they're bad. Last knight, I got on Central
for a little bit of fun. I joined a game of friends.pud. I
told my ally to just build towers. I then proceeded to run
out and trounce the other two players all by myself. One of
them had gone barracks first. As soon as he ran low on cash,
he was helpless.

: But

: I'm moving to Starlink or Castlenet. I used Central because it gave me
: good ping times, and there are a few good players playing on central

The server doesn't matter! Once you start playing the game,
you will be completely disconnected from the server. More than
once, I've been in the middle of a game or in the chatroom when
the server (Starlink) *crashed*!! I didn't find out until
the game was over.

What does matter is your ping times to the other players. That's

Dan Zerkle
GCS d(---)(!) p- c++ !l u++ e++(+++) m s++/-- !n h+(--) f g+++(-) w+ t+ r(-) y+
You call some place "Paradise" -- Kiss it goodbye.


Aug 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/22/96

Paul Dziekonski

Aug 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/22/96

>Anyone who does that [smurfing] needs to try growing a penis. It amazes me how
>ignorant people can be.


Good point, you fool. Women play Warcraft too.


Mike Bagby

Aug 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/23/96
to (Maestro) wrote:

} I was just looking over a Warcraft 2 strategy guide text file my
} friend e-mailed me and I realized I have NO CHANCE against you guys
} on Kali!

} I don't have any maps memorized, and the only multi-player game I've
} played was a null-modem game against my friend, another newbie. It
} was alot of fun playing a close game.

How do you expect to ever get any better ? When I first got on Kali I
got slaughtered every time. After be on the recieving end of several
butt kickings, I have began to see some strategy to this game. I
actually won my first 4 player Kali game the other night! Go ahead
and laugh, but I'm sure there are people on this newsgroup who can't
boast that...yet.

Anyway, it is pretty much a crap shoot on the level of player you will
be playing against when you click on the multi-player game button.

You should be looking for the best players you can find to play
against, not the worst.

~mike b.

Eric Kuhlmann

Aug 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/23/96

Maestro wrote:
> Andrew Kidd <> wrote:
> >heheh, when a really good player is depressed or is looking for fun
> >whipping the living hell out of a newbie, he adopts a fake name and then
> >joins game and ACTS like a newbie, then he thouroughly destroys everyone
> >in the game. this bizzare act is called smurfing, when he said "don't
> >step on any smurfs" he meant don't get so caught up u find a smurf, and
> >then get the living hell beat out of you :)
> >--
> >Octavo
> >
> >
> Anyone who does that needs to try growing a penis. It amazes me how
> ignorant people can be.
> --MIf youre gonna flame, at least make some sense. Youre telling me that you
never just get pissed off and just want to beat the crap out of
someone/something without having to think too much?? Whats the harm in
playing a game just to mess around and get out some aggression? Smurfing
is a blast. Especially when you smurf other smurfs :)

Lets examine your statement:

>Anyone who does that should try growing a penis.

My fiance plays war2, shes good. She smurfs. Should she try growing a
penis? Nah, would make sex more interesting but i dont think shes
interested. Besides, what muscle does one flex to grow a penis?

>Its amazing how ignorant people can be.

WHO is ignorant? The smurfer or the smurfed? The smurfed will have no
smurfing idea he is being smurfed unless he has been smurfed previously.
So by getting smurfed he is not ignorant, he just has never experienced a
smurf. The smurfer knows what is going on exactly, since he is doing the
smurfing. So the smurfer is not ignorant.

So the ignorant one must be you. Get a smurfing clue.

Astral Dragon

Aug 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/25/96

>> --MIf youre gonna flame, at least make some sense. Youre telling me that you
>never just get pissed off and just want to beat the crap out of
>someone/something without having to think too much?? Whats the harm in
>playing a game just to mess around and get out some aggression? Smurfing
>is a blast. Especially when you smurf other smurfs :)

The whole idea of smurfing seems kind of silly to me. I guess the whole
point is to change your name so you can surprise a newbie and beat him up.
That isn't the problem. The problem is, what newbie is going to know, just
by the name, if he's playing someone good or not? So, why change your
screen name? :)
And easily defeating a bad opponent in War2 is just fine. I just hope
you're nice when you win. Losing is bad enough.


Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96

> Anyone who does that needs to try growing a penis. It amazes me how
> ignorant people can be.

This person has obviously been smurfed a few too many times. :)
I, personally find smurfing a great deal of fun. We play with the newbies. Surround the town with
towers. Use only archers/destroyers/grunts... No upgrading past level 1. It's FUN! People just
don't understand it! Besides, smurfing is something best done with a partner. It's cool to have a
friend come along. I also use totally obvious names.



Aug 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/26/96

The best way to find people to play on Kali is to join a ladder.
Then you can tell if they are at the bottom or top and challenge
someone in your ability range. There is a new ladder at that looks VERY cool!!!!


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